Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Mar 1961, p. 16

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16 THE SWAWA TIES, Tierdey, Moreh 39, 1999 pets Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchange WRT = We pk Wop Womiey Fo he We) BRE H PRRERER (WE BOW MW (hwy pw Regt Mile. sn Wes vy, Wass BW. 0 Were (rR OW Regia. £ winery tov Row 'wor fons sd Bopwg wn Bewey bd We TOR EY ARE for. BH eA str ie A I 4 iid J ge he (W Y linia sey for aad # # GOT sews Rory Wirk gov Rites 8 mv of gee oA Iw The Swnpwp FT amay. c.opnds oH (58 AEE #8 prpiamie for Bors Bowe. Feng Tivo PEE REWR TIG [FORAY EOVPOIE IB (RE (ARR) PRE 6 PAE § ITE PRRPIREEIERE AY She Genome Dimes (ipsohiah howe Ed Fowekay | Wes | jon Foghat anal win ssid iid Wome, (hams. WAR WamOrW Ive he shape on Fides, Meiek . £ pw. Iiasmens Limon (amerery BRALKREIIOE, fori Jormmrie Home wi Boop s v, Maren ®, 19. fo tdanl Auign a Bais BRainiion WEIR [I Re Barimew Fnerwi Wawa. 8 Ine Gon Beret, Row WIRINE. Berrien w Be Reid Thars y, Maich 39 9 108 pw. INET ER WRI Hl (ARE) WARNE Enters win 12 owe, (minnie, wh Wekgesiny 0, 108, Emme Lover (48 wile oh the (wie Chrasias Wasa mother of FiRel pad Forint PAA prer of Wem Carn vile, Ww Rey Wind yeni Rew Armpteang Fiunervi Wome willy meimaniel Sotrsey Apri Omens VUmom Comer) Power " Wer ed ol Filey poh Ma bn A ! hE» add the haps mies man EYERNAL branes memories Mees Gon invied or spring. Hand inished Grueramiand Quality Ini Instpiation. Irs 4d » fawn Comeinry of A FIL. Excivmive 1epresehis ' fr 1 COMPIRY. domes TORSOEN 5 AW. PISCRe By The Comaliow Prove Fovamio Wary Paoniange Wars ® adr d ARRIL OPE Wren Cid a Fa Moderns, wv Fe Fl al ae CE INDUSTRIALS Boies Wgh bow sw ¢ wy ddd Ld » ad a py eal AS wy iy Pap Aiiafpe Ay he » Ain Frid halaadl 4 Te sd Fa igi Aig BE pr Alas ews Alig 714 eR al atta Y ad 7 yd " 74 ound ' Bit mane po * LOCKE'S FLORIST Fd py ' for Frere! sriangeme flere! requ ements CELA OSHAWA SHOPPING { ADVERTISING CLASSIFIED Continued from Page 15) CENTRE $4 HOUR PHOME SERVI RA B.655% II £ OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY Ack SPECIALIZING Monuments, Markers Memorials, Cornersionss, Statutory of all types RR 4, KING 57, F Ph, RA B:311) or RA B-BB74 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all RA B-6226 390 KING STREET IN MEMORIAM | CLARK In leaving memory of » dear (ather, snd grandipther, Charlies Dark, who passed sway March 31, 1964 Not only today, hut every day In silence we remember John, Bernice and girls WEST In Mark, loving nay family POMAGALA = In loving memary of doar hushand and father, Anthony MARIA, Whe passed away March ¥0,| ay found sweet rest F remembered hy wile daughier Marjorie NEWSON In lovnig memory of » dear mother, Julie Hev son, whe pam of away Mareh 30, 1681 ™ al lam Slella and ad bul sweet remem memary fond and bie There 1a a token of aligction, mother, And 8 heaviache sul far you Ever remembered hy daughier LUEYR In loving dear hushand and father, John Lue who passed away Maren 51, 1954 The hiaw was great, (he shock severe, We little thaught the end was neal And only those wha have lost ean tell The pain ol parting without farewel Mare each day we miss y fathe: Friends may (think the wound healed But they little know the That les within our hearts concealed Badly missed and lovingly rememhe) ot hy wife Mary, and family and #randehildien Lily memary of » » IW MeDONOUGH =n ever loving mem fry of Chris (anny) Mehonough, whe passed away Mareh 30, 1044 Ton dearly loved (a he fargolien i Remembered by Dad, Mum and fam ¥ NILHOLS # fear husband Nichols, wha 1937 He sn gone but And, as dawns another In aur lonely hours of thinking AEs al Rin are always of sadness wilh pame en think the healed Bul the That lie Fiver InVing memory of and father, James passed Mareh 3) In away nat fargotien yea nea o'er u wound Is Ih Pay ki May Hite within naw the he Wile remembered and family PENDER In loving memory of fear healer Jess, who passed Maveh 30, 1981: also a mothes Whn passed away March | Fhetr memary is as dear Ay in Ihe Baur the Evep remembered Leona, Maiy awa dear 1 Laila ¥ and Viale ANELGROVE in of a dear wile apd mater Agnes INormayie) wha passed Gnd Frway, Maveh 30, 1840 Gane fram us hal leaving Death can never take Memories that will always While upon (his earth w Ever remembered Wy hushand ARuBhiers, sons and srandohildien WEEKS In memory wf unele, William Weeks, who passed away three years age, March 30, 185 Sadly missed By nephew Len, Maven and Susie Wem Helan awa memories linger a dea WEEKS In memary heniher, William Weeks, wh Bam us Lise Years Aa aay MW, 1888 Ever remembered and heather Horace Damages Sui In Uranium Deal TORONTO (CP) Amalga mated Rare Earth Mines Lid | has issued a writ. against Kd dorado Mining and Refining id, claiming breach of con tract and asking for $8,500,000 in damages Amalgamated » holds uranium eastern Ontarin's Rancralt a and _Ridovade in the Crown wy ARIS PUIChasing agency, of my des Laken Maieh an sadly missed By Rare | prapent AVIAN os a | KA § RIL Monk Stivel plier 6 p.m CAR AUCTION Every Saturday 10,30 am rr BEYING Awe Finance phone KA NONGE caRdition vi Mt Liensomabile Pickering 14s £m {hauled RA BAS LL] sod tires, V4 motor, low mileage. Tel evhone BA B44 100 ion ( Pontiacs Buy ] RA B.5179 é RA TAUNTON ROAD ( dri $10 | surance { ample free park Buy It Wy 1 0) 29~~Automobiles for Sale "wv rns Hike FONTIM Por ie sedan BeRilgrs, #4 " Blue sedan He wh » Ld " grees 29---Automobiles for Sele A UBLLYS BUCK RARLE mt oo (LL west wlie 64 wind FICK wie Owner tor WW 0 Yoke 1000 m mone For le ce, Seahoprn Sireet Bout een "" Wa Bimeee Lal oh relies, fast Custom Rove 8 Cheviolel sedan and 54 halitaone panel goed condition. | WH 26627, 41 Guild Rosa, 7 we brig FARA 7] excellent ' over id FONTIM conan private two Lone mater res Can he financed FONTIAC sedan, In Al condition exten good cond) adie, Apply PONTIAC conch mow Lites, custom oh mola 86048 [1] Ch tan bl Good Grenfell evrolels Carvairs terms £t 3000 seiectior and " Bade or " K vailghle LL] ir iG SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS £7 OSHAWA Wilsen Road) of RA UYING OR SE| vept wale oni LR ALE] 07 KING W Just East 1 4494 WILLIS MOTORS Fes £5574 CURTOM radia Tire 10hk tone heate EAST Your AUSTIN DEALER RA 5-03 10 Appl mM i P rain felephone ALLSTATE ner of ed Car CAR INSURANCE areful drivers ers and en) $15 OF 1H) HILLTOP MOTORS SPRING SPECIALS are a sa $25 their preferred ng of or or better han ar Halt Iaday a d arking SCHOFIELD urance A | KING ST. Wi RA 3.2265 r payme all u mpare | 360 0) ate Good change od for You 4 ay ! ¢ people i Resp ART'S urself f Y a Used Ce "s G Bu ra If Q ® IY] ' Pi 1 eller a 5 A who k tw it's wld [] CHEVROLET private wo wakon hime WM EADILILAC serring condition 105 PONTIM ent condition further MERCURY PONTIM IT nonGE slandard rubber MONARCH mileage trade iM MERCURY A Chevinlet erujser FORD transmission Harlow RHA A008 WAR PONTIAC vashers AWneJ METEOR equipped FOURDOOR autnmalie 1961 1941 OLDS Hardtop 19640 1958 1956 195% 947 A HILLT Blores bad # Boive gh bow om LW gw ht ass Row AV € Raw Bem td i, Corp wo Hpi daaiteid PaianE wy teen Ayia tied nioerwh RB RE RATA on Fao n Frigane Fw Av Fav tems Wave com Vive dd #e ad * " Aan " Wenon § py Wes A wi Wank A farw bagin VHA ry £0 tog Fai Er ignh We Fag id " OILS oh Ww my oe 4 oe Ee 29-~Automobiles for Sele " oper Rardiog clean RA S425 i OLE ORILE pangs aGHIIEA Call before 4 pm VIERLIAR sedipn, B ¢ aad (Eien RA CHA Hh CORAILIAn TF elephone Ww FONTIM henier good LL radin SIMA wer herdiop We BWRES BREE Fhone Crone 1704 Fadit » 9 CARILILAL four dase sedan, powered, MA one owner miles. Fre PUREE S & AR TRRHEN BE Rew BA #608 hardtop, peiies god cond HRW AGEN Rew Minar e FRGIS RRA wRahers Special this week, S06 $28 King Blreet Wes twodomr hardiop, (we lone Eaeetient conmition. (an | hone BA 86176 Will trade ai. RE Ll Ws BUICK four Aor condition, Ws. MO 5116 firive # CHEVROLET, good running srder privaie, 850, Telephone RA 555556 ' J Telep " (HEVROLEY REE, ARE WH ne BOWmany ane tom abi good condinion e a WA 191s co 30---=Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auta Wiechers Must he sold by cars for wiscking. Highest prices paid #820 BA S118 wre East Ie wan new, WU HEVROLETY Barlow Mators Fur Sao Vb King Specinl SPOT CASH PAID FOR od clean cars Trade or down, Liens paid off POPD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, § RA 3-942) $ALL CASHS For clean cars we deal up of down, Liens paid off NICOLS MOTOR SALES $12 BROCK ST, N., WHITBY MO 8-800] HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE Up GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING 57 RA 3:7822 one pwhei WRANEFS, excelien Call MO B00) nd 7) FOE $1700 G up Aonv £xeaplinnel HA Kilns (Chevrolet station buy #950 62 series Clean ti pm eonveriihie, $a6h, excel Apply 76 Rowe Blreel tor PArtieuinrs sedan brakes, radia HA 52228 wiler power won rusk, reli Telephone KA dump RERELY Rew Lire excellent radin, two-tone able for quick anise BA 405 four-door (FARE IS810R Apply 35 Town end ther LA] sedan aitamalie re Avenue six evlinder two-tone, new Line North Inw an sedan Ww 4 cash four doar excellent condition MO BABE alter Will take (rade in or ake aver payments Annr 00% | pm Anwn WH 20084 yadin, $468 Terme. RA AND four w four-door Vi looks and yuns like new Motors, 428 King Siveet Wes 31--~Automobile Repairs ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP Complete service Radiater repairs and re caring Whee! alignment Frame and w § straighten ing § (in the dash) transistar eal fram 836.65 Try Daminion 8 Bond Street West PONTIAC (wn door sedan, twa standard transmission, snow fires L000 miles, excellent condition collision sedan, two tone, radia whitewalls, ele, Low mileage Felephane RA B-8708 STEVENSON'S RD RA 8.4451 32---Articles for Sale mileage NFFivE tne $2500. New, used Hamiltan fully mata four dony new paint Joh 130 Warren Avenue Rel Aly transmission fourieen athey HA HRIRS Autn Insurance. Save up ia SEY cent. Kix months ta pay. Far hals Nal services al your home call RA flubs sedan ¥ood law two nptions buteher, restaurant buy, sell, service Ashburn, Brooklin Slingeriand, with gym Matghed set Spaulding golf and cart, BI00. RA ARATE SOAP FREE mplete supply of soap free three full wears Bars powder, flakes, for your whale family aur softener, No down payment 215.00 tyll price home, For RA 8.36498 WATER a) Purified, fater for drinking use. $5.@0 per 1000 gallons Soft water for laundry use $5.00 per 1000 gal. Deliver RA R472) enuip Bill of drums LIL] hag fe " Simply order one of elticient METEOR 500, new most waler new MERCLIRY Hardt loaded MERCLIRY matic WILLYS BUICK op PLYMOUTH I Installed ddoor in your demon aul stration EER A doar cheap hard like new ( 10 chaose fram re OP MOTORS RA R-6891 ed anywhere ase TH 5 WE Hiv his #26 Dovednle (0167 ™ OFFICE desks vy Sw Wgh Low a.m CW go We Sn PH W oe ary Roywive Signe ' did Fry w (Fy " | Gand w ads SR Ww Prarite Advgr pie Aw ARE #6 Cop Aon Ror died didedtia ald Barisan Bowiavhe Srs¥rands % Savuw € Fong £ fnew fan BW Te a iad Cav Cant FP IR utd Rin Coen Wi © acm Com WB ¢ Hog f Waray £ rand frmgme frieghs dl Td IRE dd ie VES. oad aad ns aid 7 ne td Hettinger Hal Fav 32-~Articles for Sele We'll bay WRERErS, PAROS cash offer ron Phone BA B13) won ire t Re SELLING Filey V's furmit . 5 hont and rainy 0 inches, with Teiepnaone RA 82067 Pi ih ELECTROBOME RCA Victor, Admiral The finest in FV, Hi-Fi and service Higneot trade in allowances at Farkwa Telsvision, OI% Simcoe Street Nori FV on display FlLYWOON f feet ft solid nak, wi nd Elec der narrels Hardware BA 47644 $B up. Cash registers fers. New WRIIERLY OF Bil Hamilton, Ashburn pay highest prices in the city sed furniture, Fretty's Used Fur HA 3327), 444 Simcoe § TYPING paper on able white newsprint, buy in bulk pave. 44 Ih pkg. $1.00, 8 Ih. pkg. 82.00 Circulation Depariment, Oshawa Times FPAILLARD Bolex BE 8 mm camern. Sell for less than half Complete with Switar 1:18 F 46 ein lens, Guaranteed, MO $332 VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes paris, atachments, Brushes, EURrsn teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free Rentals, Vacuum Cleaner Repaly ce. KA B0491 anvtime sTove spartment wie electyie, four hummer, in gond 855. Telephone KA 5:3844 MAPLE syrup, 25 miles north of New castle, Highway 35, Concession 11, Man vers. Andrew Heaslip ONE kitchen suite, bronze finish, table and wx chairs, Good condition, Keason whine, BA 57088 NUTROARD mater HE, Balamnatic and $100, KA 50655 BICYCLE girl's 86" wheel glider, excellent condition. Assortment of girl's clothing, 1214, dresses, suits, skirls, reasonable price. KA B31R8 FENDER, amplifier and guitar, like new, complele with case Telephone RA 81466 VIBES, full three netaves, $385 phone RA 8.187% aller & p.m PLYWOOD 1441, minabeut, with wind shield, steering wheel, one year ald Phane RA 8.2087 or 199 King Street West AUTOMATH main plek-up and delivery he 106% Wies ne eh adders, typew wed equip WE piture Store Ietinr wire Price "Danhy eandition Seni Atwater, 74 Crulse-a-Day tank, laundry I'elephnne wiviee RA RICHARDS FINE FURNITURE home of quality, tradi and modern age fur Complete room greups 205 Simcoe St Mradley's former lo RA B-3171 The tianal niture available Sautr cation BEST QUALITY FURNACE FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Expert Service DIXON'S RA 3 4663 FOOD & FREEZER PLAN You may have tried the rest, Now try the hest, Eat better for less 80% groceries sup: plied, all well-known pros ducts, highest quality meats Life-time warranty freezer, the anly ene guaranteed by Good Housekeeping Ne down payment, Call now for Demonstration == ne ehligae: ten RA 5.3709 CAR MARKET f the Finest toed Lied or Gua EASTER SPECIALS NRA QLHAWA Al ( FEW THE AINS CAF ( Lheviole qtr Parl Wagon wer steer 1000 + ARS MAY ANY Bi AE «2 GRENFELL RA 8.5179 NOTICE! ~ PLACING OF EASTER FLOWERS MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL GARDENS Should you be unable to attend personally in time, please phone your own florist and h them in our care. We will place co needed loan a basket or container, | name of your loved one, If you have a problem call the supt. at home RA 8. The kindest Faster wishes ave him send rrectly and if clude the full 2459. Office RA 3.2603 sincerely MOUNT LAWN STAFF Serr Frwe ud Camp CW Hering paint WOR shri lots. and A) movie AWNINGS MM Cleve Serve ¢ " Wore Woden We ine Venel frien Cop adnate 4 Reavy Add I ad Fann Aw Am Fh p £ f ow . i os We We We ¢ ! ! ! L$] 3 Ser se dsy = ¥ £3 D : - Al Bi taild RE 5 NET EYEE FTF $id: 3 3 FIRS ES Dal TLR EN | Hill JF 3 | Hin S..usd ® g ESF PU TEE 1 - > EE i $33 $33 N EU. la in R EEN sisi Banas WE Dov Meme ar aRaE Boy mearal Rida DAEIRE ida froidart vari (aR Cphimiane Vag mast Fick Crow Wiaeer Virston Fras Mr Po Gt Iam inant Fadie Rayraew Rematie fiw Algom Fine Fv whew i ids acne itadsadal A atarraet saey RK dgitoen Verh HW Prom | tpg Can ERETER Waite Am Young WG § s¥ss PEE BES EVOL FREES BOONE LEG PY EE » = in sey Iasdand = 3 tS 8 SN 33 2338 JIN x $53 338 N § ES Td How Ses J Teal H" in 1d Ld hia Raid iy Nd 5 in om Laid 7446 Ld w wine wn LL 7% 10h Rs ~ ° FE Bacsdiaedaag oF th "2=22s % SFY SEES FEES $9 3 wy in ld iAH im w5 29 "204 Vite 0 Fr peri wh * Salen bo 1 ami ¥ 32--Articles for Sale CLIFFER wR dee #R AI BICYCLE hov'e 8 Sunshine teen oviehavied, good condition, sviging! B, F whitewalls Wirkstand MO " $13 Frederick, Whithy Hi ag I LSER eye ww (erme Gondricn Bor P4541. M8 King Street West refrigerpioe, Aswhie mirror televisions £ry Kood condition. Res Telephone MO BA405 unt USED fires, most ali mies, Gasdrieh Mores, RA $4 pean h ievele, #ation videwalk v's CCM B n & fad Wie, se W once, Telephone BA iri RR w HP conaditien se new VAIN men's. Be i worn ior mere I BOAT trailer son electing. In j hone RA 33504 GIRLS ow, party dress sie 6% on B i RA 32188 DINING room suite RICE, 96.98 1 and trailers, new ents, bonis nd weed. Iohn Tele: 5.6511 Land Pre] navy; pink nylon simmer Aress § RRVY Ines dress rant "ve REE of verde of discontinued golem Armstrong, Banden, forecast, Ressleum and leyms. Far # piece, ank. Very per lant. Beautiful wall to wall priced, Telephone RA 58149. loom 0 i ' proet am #liergy free wiri's sie 8, prev blue DE ARC Bore, We m size 10, grey and Blue (+ tweed, ke new. RA 5-284) PUFERRSe, Buge savings, yard, Ende of hroadioom sealie CONDITION, & Dominion Revel while they ast, 81, Wilson Fu Master low profile tives, mize 820-18 for 8 Church Street shige, Call BA S-0965 after & p.m reasonabl BERING conta and pink fleck USED parte and repairs for sll Prompt servies, of siringer type washers, Ls hp tole Jentals #5 to 88, guaranteed ain Canvas Chalr Simro estimates Fos, 41% LOWEST ree ers and stoves, Paddy's prices in town! Chrome 'O%: CO S204) wile hargaing. Threepiece apartment iL YER Queen Sales and Services, Free! Telephone RA 84011, chrome mille extension arbors demonstration wit bh malehing chairs, slashed $08 five-piece chrome suites, arbors APPLES Eating snd cooking tops, double Iegs, heavy duty match: te reasonable prices, Your Ing chairs, while they Task 887; seven: taken and deliveries made, KA piece giant size 36x72 table, six maich ing chairs. store sample, $78; Bronce PAINT, interior, exterior, $8.08 dinelte suite, beautiful beige and Oshawa Hardware and hrawn eambination, one only, clearout, Church Breet KA 57624 $50, Many more hargaing, Wilsen Fur, nitive, 20 Church Bireet HOUSEHOLD furniture, must § chen, dining, living and Parts rebuiits, Hoses, Brushes eslimaies free, Vacuum Berviee RA 80881 ROOM lots of regular and A wallpaper, as low as 10 single rolls for %* 82.00, regular border fren on all voom (hen lols AL Fdgar's Paint snd Wallpaper, Ye* 4 King West well AWNINGHE, * canvas. Frampi free estimates, Chair, table Cleve Fax, 412 Kimeos Narth Guaranteed | 4 only Wallace 55571 anytime, Adelaide Avenues En if you need refri chesterfisld, dini bedroom furniture, we have antique COlax 32304 servic ventale, werass tap freezer, excellent eo hd elephans RA #4 arions STOVE, electric, MeClary, thies hur: nr phone ner, heavy duly, In oe RA 58508 GIRL'S other ¢lathing, Ht phane KA 5-580 TWO reposses and vasuum « Melmae at whole and | Bed, aprin | Buitahle foi ele. |AAIA0, spring cont and fae to 10 y y 8 hai on own in tw furl own deliys get dnachinet chesterfield, bedroom call sewing Alan e prices silte, 13088 (ahle, (able lamps, hassock, ste yo | Anteed st value!" Barons' |W RORORE Jor "ls, wih two lee Furnishings, 434 Simoes § mre we 810. In goed condition, Tels: - {3 phone RA B.1842 J ai § 3 ROTOTILLER in first glass working [vision Thrifty Budget Plan, RA order, new mater, alse sump pump, 1" PLYWOOD eahin om ~ Call RA #7003 trols, very cheap, Call OL USED upright food freeger u 14 eu, ft, Perfect condition, alse sev eral exceptionally good used Frigidaire) od condition, Apply 308 Buena refrigerator, idea) for use. (RIGYOLE COM girl's large al Hame Appliances (Oshawa) J see, In excellent Simeone Street South. RA 5.8452 Hilleaurt Drive, mH The addresses on each letter and parcel should show the full nama of the parson who Is to get R, BW the correct apartment number, street ads dress, rural route number or post office box number, BW City, town or village, and postal zone num ber, where necessary, BW - your nama and complete return address in the upper left-hand corner, See tha yellow pages of most telephone "directories for complete postal information A correct postal address | speeds accurate delivery CANADA POST OFFICE 32--~Articles for Sole and ww 849 os dition, $12. 85 Churehill Avenue J Fire Bove, 48 Bond Street West. RA FLOOR covering hargaing, thousands (Erne, FOR inlaid quick anle from 25 cents Bile scilpture, heavy pile moth, | rubberized conditioned wa Market, H Elsctrie, # f 4 bedroom fur: VACUUM Cleaner Repairs, all makes fe plus lawn chairs, Pictures ote, vacuum furniture as '81 MeCLARY & cubie ft, refrigerator, ¥ fire, (warpleee suite, maltress, spring, coffes an outh,__ Kelvinator refrigerators ' all eon APRIOK | WWATTY siecirie stove, 40" automatie condition, Apply Whithy, Ser Suies Wigh bow om CF ge Ld id CITY OF OSHAWA TENDERS FOR SUPPLYING FIREMEN'S UNIFORM CLOTHING Tenders for the x of Fireman's Uniform will be accapred up wil 506 o'clock ad FRIDAY APRIL 7, 196) Tender forms ond specific. fion 6% 16 quentities, wyle arid materials, mey be secur- ed from the Office of the Fire Chief, 113 Simcoe Street North, AWA Tenders must be submitted in seqied envelopes, merked "Venders for Umiform Clothe ond addressed 16. Please Disregard Tenders Notice for S.t Christopher's School which eppesred in this col. wm en Merch 29th, 196) Fevised notice will eppesr in the near future Geo. CM. Tonks, Architect $7 Bioor Toronto NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Cradrers Gnd others heving claims sgenst. the estgre of JAMESIE BERYL DUESEBURY, lote of the City of Oshews ore required to send full perticulars of such claims to the undersigned, solicitor for the Executriz, on or before the 17th dey of April, 1961, sfter which dete the Estate's assets will be distributed hav ing regerd only to cleims thet hove been receiv ERNEST MARKS - Ld West | g', Alderman A. Welker, Chairmen, City Property & Fire Protection Commitiee c/o City Clerk, Civic Administration Bldg, 50 Centre Street, Oshowa Ontario Doted or. OSHAWA, Oniarie Merch 20, 1961 Of v H. R. Hobbs Fire Chief elicitor 17 King 5. Eest, Oshawa, Ontario (Continued on Page 3) "PRE-SEASON SALE" BOAT TRAILERS 4 1960 MODELS--REDUCED PRICES ! WHILE THEY LAST / Medel 60LB ARMSOMN==Takes 119.99 ge wagon, on melers AmInion boots up to 14° long. Reg, SALE 159.95 Medel 60AS ARMION AM OUs "A" FRAM it Model, Takes up to 16' boats SALE Reg, 229.95 60A12 ARMSON FAMOUS "A" FRAME, wheels Tilt Model boats up to 17°, Reg. Viayi fine road 189.95 we 199.95 ween unre ¥ mals, miture, Medel -- 12 ---- Takes makes 240,00 meters DOMINION TIRE STORES BUDGET TERMS We Do Our Own Financing 48 BOND WEST (Corner of Church! RA 5-6511 virile, order, 58168, | 0! Kit: RA "1 stor, gr hit | Iton, Altres RA kitchen id slop "usr. Home #464) Vista, dewalk EL] WHO'S MY NEIGHBOR? This little Oshawa boy has been helped by his neighbors whe have bought and used Easter Seals in the past, At Easter Time we ask ourselves the great questions of life and living as a good neigh- bor should. Here is a good way to be a good neighbor te crippled children at Easter Time. The dollar or two, or five, or more you send in is not nearly so important as the comfort, the help, and the hope it gives to these, your neighbor's children, 6¢ POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY; MR. JAMES McCANSH, Treasurer, Easter Seal Campaign, Bank of Montreal, 20 Simcoe St, N,, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Seltaddrassed pink envelope sent to you earlier thin month, SEND IT BACK NOW IN THE SPIRIT OF EASTER,

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