Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 30 Mar 1961, p. 9

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THE CARS IN THE picture in the background provide the clue 15 the identities of the three men showed here. Viom the left, Boy Hausler, national sutomotive safety engineer (or Auto Safety Measures Cited To "A recent study hy # sity automotive crashiniury re serch growp in the USA based on over 09 actual Wgh wey recidents, showed (hat BECHPRNIE WEARING escaped 35 per cept serious, critiesl and f(atal In Juries suffered by those no wearing belts," said & leading American automotive safety engineer Wednesday night Roy Hausler tive safety engineer of Che Corp., was the speaker at 7 din ner meeting of the Ontaris County Branch of the Garages Operators' Association of Oy tario at Club 401 LONG CHANCE "Statistically, as an individual there is one chance in 5004 years that I will be killed in ar sent hell f ¥ national wilome Work Of Medical Staff Reviewed Dr. A. P. Fulton, chief of staff, of Oshaws General Hos pital, Tuesday night told the 0th annus! meeting of the hos pital that during the past year several new doctors have moved to Oshawa Although there are many new doctors in this area, the num ber of doctors practising medi cine in this area and on the OGH staff has not increased greatly, Dr, Fulton sald An interesting fact, the chief of staff said, is that most of the new doctors coming fo this area have certification or are otherwise qualified in & spe cially MEET REGULARLY General meetings of the doc tors of the OGH staff are held at least quarterly and at (hese quarterly meetings, attendance is compulsory, Dr. Fulton said The meetings are under (the chairmanship of the president of the medical staff and all mal ters of general policy which affect all the doctors in the area or the hospital as a whole are discussed and. decided al quarterly meetings hy a major ity vole Decisions made al these meetings merely represent the opinion of the doctors and do not become regulations ing the hospital until the doc Play Depicts Meaning Of Missions A very entertaining, and yet thought-provoking, one-act dra ma, entitled "Where The Warld Regins", was presented hy mem hers of the Chi Hho Mission Cir cle and other talent on Kunday evening during an after-church fellowship hour in the Sunday School auditorium of First Bap tist Church The play depicted in a reali tie manner the true meaning of missions, showing in what ways some of the prevalent ideas of the meaning of the ward "Mis sions" are wrong. Several amus ing situations were well acted and the cast and their director Mrs. F. McLellan, are to he commended for this fine produc lion During the evening the presi dent pf the Chi Rho Mission Cir tle, Miss Jackie Winter, wel tamed the audience and Miss Normd Rowen favored with sto. Mrs. McLellan extended thanks to several who had as sisted. meluding Mr, Fred Rry ant of the Oshawa Little Thea tre Al the glose of the play a car Sage and gift were presented to Mrs. Malellan as a token of Appreciation from the cast and the Misgpn Cirele for her untir: ng offogls. Following this Rev Swaskhammer pronounced the benediction and lunch was ferved ty the Chi Rho group Membyps of the cast were Ethel Dyyland, Carol Britton June Mgrray, Ruth Britton Fred Game, Paul Gillesp Paul \wlley, and as promple ibnda "pes, | \ Car the ysler involv:! a/through life insurance is mare | She Oshawa Times | SECOND SECTION THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 196} PAGE NINE 37 Oshawa Times Carriers 'To Visit Nation's Capital Thirty seven Oshawa Times cae- riers wil say a the Bruce Mac the hotel for lunch, then hoerd- riers and ten guests will leave Donald Motor Hotel, one of the ing the bus for the homeward The Oshawe Times butiding at newest hotels in Oawa joweney. The perty will depart 12.98 pm. newt Wednesday fox, The first day of the threeday (Wawa #0 sppronimately 7.99 2 theeeday ai ' paid vacation with he spent travelling p.m to Ottawa whoard Delius bus In addition to spending three YOURE Rewspaper sales. ses. 1 ia expected the winners wonderful vacation: days in the men won the threeday Easter will be at their motel for Gin nation's capital, the contest win: vacation in & Times cirewiation ner at 7:0 pm, Wednesday ners will share $145 in commis: contest, In order to quality, Between § and 19 a.m. Thurs sions for getting more then the carriers had to obtain #t least day, the carriers will be laken required ox subscriptions 19 SE pew sheer pons on # lowe of the House of Com. quality for the trip, ager, Ontario Safety League Mr. Hausler was fhe speak er @t & Minner meeting of the GOA held at Club 1 Wednes- Azy might shawn Times Photo Chrysler Corporation; Art Holdsworth, first viee-pres dent, Ontario County Branch of the Garage Operators' As sociation of Ontario and John Ricketts, public relations man #6 It is equally unlike ly that my house will be burned the ground -- bt | haven't cancelled my fire insurance The premium | have paid (0 in niry in An Blo ied in the safe a Li 10 HEE against mine nel ma eal {5 {LY EngIneEr said In #n address which Wmghhight ed safety belts as the most $ig ficamt breakthrough in safety mani Mr safety pitomative ERS ther measures ny facturers in recent brakes Hausler Aids examines y Concussion is incurred in 75 wr cent of gil major crashes Five times more people are crit ically or fatally injured hy heing thrown out of cars i AMPLE CUSHIONING "The hig three automotive to i hy CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and dis trict who are celebrating their birthdays today and Gond Friday Those who celebrate today are: James Curran, 120 Conant 8t.; Mary Ross, 75 Stevenson road north; Wil: liam Sheridan, 247 Wilson road south; Robert David: son, 1030 Hortop Ave.; Ann Murdock, 166 Garrard road; Mrs. D. Murdock, 156 Gar rard road; Dennis Chernick, 0 Chadburn; Mrs, J. P Hogan, 81 McMillan Drive John Berlie, Courtice; Har old Bradburn, 521 LaSalle Ave; Mrs, Ruby Knapp, 902 Centre street south, Whithy; Tommy Pilkey, 1068 Somer: ville; Ernest Whiteside, 686 Emerson Ave; Ronnie Oliver, 342 Adelaide avenue west and Nina King, 81 Eastlawn Those who celebrate on Good Friday are; Chris Maher, 72 Church 8t,; Marie and Harold Willoughby, twins, 203 Valencia road; Patricia Williamson, 847 Buena Vista; Mrs. Albert Harris, 518 Annapolis Ave Brian and Barrie Hughes, twins, 627 Lansdown drive; Margaret Carleton, 288 Col: lege; Walter BSoetens, 42 Burcher road, Ajax; Wendy Weiderick, 600 Emerson; Robert J, Walker, id Chad: burn St; Hazel Read, #6 Rosehill Blvd, and Michael Drumm, 110 Mary St The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their hirthdays each day will receive double tickets (0 The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The current attraction is "Where The Boys Are", Reports on birthdays will he received only hgtween the hours of 8 am, and 10 am, Phone RA 3:3474, f | | | wy Carriers in Oshawa and the mons, the Peace Tower, Paria: A Whithy carner boy, David district were invited (0 partici mentary Library and the Senate. Westlake, in addition 19 winmng pate in the contest which open A 10:15 am. they will be bis trp to Ottawa, was swerded ed Feb, 18 and closed at mid- taken on # lowe of the mint and 5 complete set of fishing tackle might, Mar, 25. Five city car leaving the mint a 11:15, the for turning in the highest pum riers and five district carriers party will proceed in the War her of new subscriptions between otained sulficient new suhserip- Museum for an howe and 15 min- Mar. # and 29 tions to enable them to take a We visi E LIST OF CARRIERS guest slong with them 19 Ottawa " JIT MUSEUM frien from ol hawa bin pu pa pany wi ave the War wi gong to Ottawa ne _While in the capital, the eRe: coum and return 19 their Lowis Richard, (with guest), hotel, via Sussex street, for Eric Palokoski, (with guest); ' funch David Clowes, (with guest), arage pera ors During the afternoon, the par- Robert Malcolmson, (with guest) ty will visit the Expenmentsl Garry Oke, Brenda Usher, (with Farm for an hour and a half guest), Ronald Laughlin, Sta IAHR BEERS RTE BRAMIMONS I Ari ] then will return 16 Aowntown J Saby Charles a a rECORMZING more ample interior va Ottawa for an hourlong free Richard Holmes, Stanley Gren cusimoning of car interiors, wn shopping period Richard Chryk, Bill Suddard combination. with interlocking ' To complete the afternoon's Donald Halikowski, Godirey Ga- safety doors as preventive prin activity and work up an appetite lea, James Watson, Roger Grif measures," the speaker said for supper, the party will spend fiths, Roger Wood, David Grif Improved signal lights and a _ an hour swimming in the lux- fiths, Bill Henderson, Grant Os visual aids, such as rear win al Dogram at the Jonty uriows Chateau Laurier pool borpe, David Middleton and dow defrosters and well-placed oo Chih Monday Wht was Eturning 10 their hotel #t 6 Douglas Warren mirrors are not new, bit the orecented hy the club's three ?™ the party will have sup- District carriers whe will be speaker asked, are safely 88s workshops, The workshops are 77 before taking in & movie going on the trip include Michael iit in to he used, Power as under the guidance of Mrs, K, * the Regent Cinema to round Leddy, Bowmanville, (with sisted components such as Bands and are individually con out the day's activity guest); Mary Laverty, Maple steering and facilitate ducted hy George Scott, Omi On the third day of their mip, Grove, (with guest); David driver control thology; E. ( Tozer, Botany fhe fares 8 Will ww the Lp Wentiage, Whithy ih puestl. 4 4 La H 1 es McRae 7 Neal Area ior rnin Y Ken Garainer, LOCUS Hi, (wh Rid Haustes went on to a" a Mrs, James McRae, 700) -- guest); Bob Strickland, Ajax p in » Ie garage OWREES AR The theme of the meeting was (with guest); Patrick Watlers leases, how they ving Co Arrival of Spring Color Male Quartet Whithy, Roms Joner Whithy iris {wards Wehway salety slides of early spring flowers Ralph De Jonge, Orono; Alvin vy RENIN 10 reduce Mechameali oon ss wild Ginger, Skunk Cab Short, Port Perry; Mike Volker failure hage, Blue Cohosh, and Spring a y eature Whithy; Louis Hill, Whithy CAN ADVISE Beauty were studied, Excellent ) Muriel Bates, Whithy, Richard You people are in a position, Pictures of the flowers of trees The Ocha do Xoulh for Christ Wiggans, Courtice; Bill Johnson advise the car owner Just seh A She various mais a United Y Chsreh This Saturday what needs Lo be done Lo Mis Ve-| gone cormations and heauty of The speaker will be Rev, Ed hicle, From the sales point of these small "tree blooms' Prosser, who is a former pastor view alone It would be advan of the United Missionary Church Lageous to point out just how im: COLOR TRANSPARENCIES Port Hope and is now stationed {portant it is that his vehicle be! George Scott presented coloriz the United Missionary Col {absolutely fit for the road transparencies of his excellent! [ooo Kitchener Head table guests were J,|Water-color sketches of birds pe college is known as the Ricketts, public relations man seen toe " dung am ng mh Emmanual Bible ( ollege It was ws' recommendations have ager, Ontario Safely League; A ify painted that (he 0 moved (0 Kitchener in 194 from been sent to the hospital board, Holdsworth, first vice-president, ; Stouffville and Gormley and 100k who decide whether this policy Ons County. bh GOA: |argement of the projector iis present name in 1948, Mr fide Whether tiie nario County Branch, G JA; | shows only more heauty and Prosser for 8 number of years in A best interests of the Clarke, provincial director,inot a single flaw has been engaged in public re spite Nz n A 4 a Con miatowd.. tha GOA, and E. Nation, field FEPYE:| The goology workshop con: ations and promotion on the function of the Medical Advi . whi 4 Unyed thelr Spring tidy college staff sory Commitiee and the Ad of "life In a Matsh pointing Accombanying Mr Prosser A A fi out the Individual characteris:| will he the college male quartet, mitting and Discharge Commit-| » ties of lepard, wond and pickerel which will he supplying the tal tee, which he said is the most! ac ine 0 frogs, The small brown Bpring ent for the evening, To add a important commitiee of the Peeper, with the mark of a pit of flavor to the program medical staff Cross on a back Showed where there will he a quiz competition : its name, Hyla Crueifer, Was hotween two high school YF( TRAINING oI ni NTH i Speed Work derived, The study of # (reel clube including O'Neill Col ahoratory work in OGH is in frog, taken by Mr, W, Laird, a legiate and Vocational vs, An creasing all the time as the club member, brought apprecia:| 4ovson Street High School, Whit number of certified men in tive applause. This 'study won!p. crease in Oshawa, Dr, Fulton| Oar third prize at the recent annual!" jive auizzes will he held for said, He pointed out it is inter meeting of the Federation of On-| 0 "patance of the season, in i MRA fiat the \abora Oshawa and _ District Reni 2000, Noturataly ot Fort Hop whi h the winners wil wih 4 Ip | Estate Board's Photo Co-op ser: to Glen Rocks Camp, Lake Ros td iy Te ct ining vies will be getting a hoost Mon-| PANEL DISCUSSION sean, for nine days in August, technician IR Five|t a Morwng p hed the Jagat Tha conclusion of the misting leganiclan sxamin ve ih e n 100-8 encil machine willlwas in the form of a panel dis. : § » passed their|be pressed into service cussion of three animals, wood: onservation Feglatration exams in the past The machine, purchased this chuck, porcupine and skunk (id (1) week, after 18 months' Study|the delight of the members the According to the chief of staff, and testing by Carl Olsen, bor 4 skunk "Julliette" was Li Address Theme it would not be difficult to con. man of the hoard's Standard much alive, a little nervous at| = "rr " tinue pointing out small areas Forms committee, will enable|her first public appearance, but| The Oshawa Hortic ultural So- throughout the hospital where the 85 members of the ODRER| conducted herself commendably |elety will hold its monthly meet: advances have heen made, hut/to obtain photo listings much| The next meeting of the Osh-|ing on Monday evening, April 8 [such minor details are not the! More quickly, and at. a reduced awa Naturalists' Club will be(in the E, A, Lovell School, Cen [purpose of his report cost to the board held Monday, April 24, in theitre streel when W A. Mclean : ; The scanning type machine; Children's Reading Room of the will speak on "How Fo Enjey| STAFF INCREASING which produced duplicating sten:| McLaughlin Library at 8 pm, Our Conservation Areas The thing to point out, he|eils electronically, will super:| The topic of the evening will hel Mr, Mclean, who comes from | (sald, is that Oshawa General cede the existing method of hav "Conservation Woodbridge, Is closely connect: {Is in the process of hecoming|ing the photo listings produced) A combined meeting of theied with the Conservation Auth:| a relatively large hospital of (by a printer, An ordinary office| three workshops will meet atlority of Metropolitan Toronto| ii beds, the size of which willltype duplicating machine. "runs|the home of Mrs, James Me: and Region, and is using a re compare favorably with that of Of" the required listings = thus, | Hae, 405 Oshawa houlevard cent movie to supplement his) the University teaching hospi. the Whole operation is internal north, April 11, at 8 pm, Allladdress, With so many conser:| tals, The staff is increasing! It is planned hy the hoard to attending must supply Interest: vation areas heing developed proportionately 50 that now classify residential, industrial ing information on A Nature su > throughout Ontario, Mi Me nearly all of the major i wecial. And private listings hy repro. Jet or bring specimens for 1 oan's address should he one ties and. Beveral. OF aia ducing them on various colored #14Y ; of mutual interest { hut more highly trained special. PAPe! [PLAN FIELD HIKE The monthly meetings of the| lies are also represented ODRER President Lloyd Met:| The next field hike will he| horticultural snclety 374 Au . 10 It is no longer necessary for "81f¢, in explaining the benefit| Sunday, April #, under the lead: he y a ane Siew i patients of Oshawa to leave ®f the new. facility, said today, ership of Bill Neal, This hike home Eruihdy an Am neniers Oshawa for anything but the there are 130 salesmen repre: will leave the McLaughlin Ae ih i I, Tie 20. arta most. unusual or complicated senting i members of the OD:1brary at 3 p.m. 10 study Oshawa with nh J gations f trpe of medieal ant Donte REHB, Within a few hours of re: marshes : | Plans are heing finalized for| treatment." Dr. Fulton H ceiving a property listing, we| The weekly spring Wednesday(a trip fo Ottawa hy chartered | en r. Fulton said. | will have a picture with full de (morning outings, conducted hy hus during Tulip Time, the lat:| tails on its way out to this sales) the workshops, commence Apriliter part of May, Non-members force, 1 think it is a wonderful|(§, The group will leave from 46 can also participate In the Gadgets Or innovation," | Buckingham avenue at § a.m, leveni, | Security At the monthly dinner meet {ing of the Oshawa Life Under: writers Association Friday, Don. ald T. Loucks, CLU, agency| superintendent of Excelsior Life! Insurance Company, gave an in| {formative talk on "The Life {Underwriter of Today" | Mr, Loucks spoke of the un.| employment and world affaivs| [and their effect on insurance] buying today. The faet remains, | though money, he scarce, the {need of protecting ones family| {important than ever During the fifties It was very important to keep up with the Joneses, own a better car or TV sel, but how much comfort does Andrew's Courtice and Bob Huitema, Whit-? That the power tools pre- | when lawn chairs and { home; sented tn Hillsdale Manor are | hoards were displayed. From ag being put tn good use by the | left looking over the expert men living at the home was | workmanship are Douglas evidenced Wednesday night | Johns, superintendent of the Ted Walt, Hobert Brows ~Oshawa Times Phot, Conference Will Study Ethnic Group Integration The first step in a program to help immigrants and Cane- dian born citizens to integrate more fully in our social commu: nity was made at a special meeting at city hall, Wednes day, Approximately 3 Oshawa people representing themselves 5 individugls, ethnic groups and various service organiza tions met at the request of Mayor Christine Thomas to ex- plore the possibilities of hold. ing a conference tn help in the integration of various ethnic groups into other organizations within the community The group discussed the prob: lems which immigrants face in trying to integrate with the Ca nadian born and English speak: ing persons in the city of One of the problems which|Jan Drygala noted that, "to us newcomers have is the lack of everybody whe speaks English information ss to what orgen-is a Canadian." one else izations are in town and how to noted that immigrants feel that contact them since hey have received their PURPOSE OF MEETING citizenship they are Canadians, Mayor Christine Thomas, in and wonder why ey shnid be her opening remarks, said the co BBY other way purpose of the Wednesday meet-! George 1. Roberts noted that ing was to try, through the/™r country is still in the pro. group, to find some way io "2% of becoming, He said it is bring the many nationalities to- ential that we facilitate eon. gether in the community facts "ma personal basis. Ha She sid; "We know you (the|lor A Fe 1.8 £HA ethnic groups) have y Pi r own type of Immigrant who will not organizations and are happy £0 bi e basic English classes with them, But we #5 8 com: ov He suggested that we munity would like to share go Pehl inte, he home fo teach your interest and culture, and in ast Hin yin Ling sald hat, he return have you share ours. We ish He : ite es A i Yop must find some plan to bring Mitiee starie Oshawa us all together." My | Wario Wella 4 . BRA Yor Woven. mole ot e Ontario Welfare , FO eek to and wi ot Th fr im (ht oh on ovemnetl" ney which day conference before the end 2 eonfetelite had been held One munity problems of the ethnie of May to decide upon a def-| 2a 4 € IMMIGFA-| groups, . nite plan of action Bpd to ap-| on partment last year, hut point action committees to little was accomplished, carry on projects to help with Wendell Brewster noted that integration, The main reasons|the conference last year had for holding a one-day confer-|been of some value, but if any-| : ence at a later date were to/thing is to he accomplished the citizenship branch of the give a committe an apportu-(with this conference, it should | department of citizenship and Inity to plan & definite agendalcreate ® continuing body to/lmmigration, and D, R, to 'work from, and to have a|carry on something practical, |C0lomho, a citizenship represen or reprasentat ' the 3 tative with the citizenship divi (fuller representation {rom the wy yy 1g CANADIAN sion of the department of the A six-member committee tol. The question of who and what provincial secretary and citizens plan for the one-day convention|/s # Canadian was discussed,|ship, {was appointed, They are: Mrs Walter R. Branch, president of the St. Gertrude's Women's {Catholic League; Jan Drygala Polish war veteran; Wendell| Brewster, director of recreation for the city of Oshawa (CRA); Charles World, chairman of the ested by Council, 8 Donald Bellamy represented the Welfare Council during the discussions, Also present were Paul Kellner, liaison oificer with | reer---- 7th Scout Group aie lost To Fathers the Oshawa Chamber of Com:| The Seventh Oshawa Cubs,| W, Dixon extended a hearty (merce; Rudi Maeder from the Scouts and Rovers held their vote of thanks to the ladies for German community; Em s1ieannual Father and Bon Ban: (the delicious dinner. This was Dick, Oshawa Times; Miss Lil-lquet in Bt. George's Parish Hall received with a warm round of lian Beamish, representing the recently, The chairman for the|applause, Mrs A. Lloyd Pilot Club of Oshawa (a wom:|evening was Troop Leader made the reply, en's group) |Wayne Rogers Don Ellison presented hasie Mayor Thomas asked Miss A turkey dinner was served|(training course awards to Club Beamish to act as secretary 10 hy the 7th Ladies' Auxiliary. As-| Leaders June Murray and Scots the committee, and Mr, Dick to|sistant Scoutmaster Jim Hutch-|ty Etmanski act as chairman for the initialiinson led the boys and their! Jim Allen presented a cheque meeting, The committee willldads in a sing-song, to Bt. George's Church, fhe meet Tuesday at Adelaide| Chairman Rogers introduced sponsoring body for the 7th House, at 6. p.m the head table guests who in: group, fo furnish lighting for the |ENGLISH CLASSES cluded: J, Rogers, Wayne's stained glass window in the Practical suggestions we re|dad; Rey, cD, Cross, froop|west seetion of the parish hall [made that an attempt should|chaplain; H, Gilchrist, group| Rev, C, D, Cross hrought he made to teach basic Englishjcommittee seevretary; Mrs {greetings to the hoys and theip to immigrants in the Frontier|R. A. Lloyd, president, 7th Osh:|dads from the church, Scouts College manner, In a neighbor-|awa Ladies' Aux.; W, Dixon, master "Chuck Collard thank: hond atmosphere. This sugges:| treasurer; Sid Sharples; H ed all those who turned up for tion had heen made earlier to|Davis, chairman, group com: the evening, the Oshawa Chamber of Com: mittee and his son, Howard; E.| My, Gilchrist mentioned that merce, and to the Oshawa Civi:|Alker, District Council Commis:|the annual report in printed tan Club by Mr, Dick, sioner; ADC Don Ellison, N, form which covered the activi It was suggested that some: Hinds, Institutional representa-|ties for the past year of the thing like a citizenship councilitive; J. Allen, viee » chairman Cub Packs, Scout . Troop, and should he set up to act as aland his five sons; P, Kennedy, the D. M., Rose Rover Crew focal point and liaison agency first aid instructor, and W. would be available at the door, between the various ethnie|Kivkbride, sexton of 8t, George's) Comedian Ernie Bruce kept group organizations and other|Church the group in stitches with his organizations within the com:| H, Davis introduced the 7th|anties which included a Scout munity, It was also suggested leaders and commented on the Band with John Armstrong as hy one of the ladies present wonderful job they are all do-/bandmaster, John's brother that home, visiting between fam-|ing with the younger genera. Mike and Mr, Bruce entertains ilies on the home and church tion, ed with some selections on the level might he a means od Lia === hagpipes including some popus wards community integration. o gos lar rack and roll songs, It was felt that one of the pur Liberals Plan The evening closed with the Durham Meet poses of a conference would be showing of the film 'Raval fo give people an opportunity River" which covered the opens to meet each other and discuss ling of the St, Lawrence Seas Gordon Trick, president of -- the Millhrook Liberal Associa: tion, announced today that Lib. services available through the Way. erals of Millbrook and Cavan Announce Sale various organizations To Purchase Crests Towns! vill play host t si-| For Hockey Team i yo So ol Cobourg Firm COBOURG (OP)--The sale of The members of the Bathe/ham County on April 11, in the W. Cooney Machine and Arms Park Neighborhood Association [thivd of a series of public meef:| at their March meeting, decided |IN8s arranged hy Durham gy to purchase crests for the pee Liberals Company, Ltd., Cobourg, to Olin wee hockey team Guest speaker at the meeting Mathison Lid. for Ld i Andy Hueul, park president, will be Mayor Wilfrid Car-closed amount' was announced a car or TV set provide for a widow, how many meals or rent payments will they pro. vide? Mr, Louck reminded the underwriters of the responsibil ity to their community to stress the question "gadgets ar secur iy?" Life insurance cash | values keep going up each year, {80 provide a sound investment Hf your family and the security| of your fam impartant t {your dle Ir your means, to provide security, | GGS symyshyn, Irene Kuz, Luba | Maksymyshyn, teacher, Third | Lytwynchuk and Maria Tyk- | row, Helen Charyss, Olga allo, Second row, Olga Kall: | Chamalowsky, Mary Jackiw, caynski Carolyn Rodgers, | Olga Hnjsaniuk, Mary Olek: Ann Wa Mary Jakym, | siuk, Irene Shlapak and Emi Marie Jfiaziuk, Patsy Drens | ly Pusczynska Plsie Kuz and Mrs, Anna -Oshawa Times Photo ! GROUP LEARNS TO PAINT EASTER E One of the traditions associa: ted with the celebration o | Easter by Ukrainians the | world over is the beautiful painting of Easter Eggs which | painting method. Front row form an integral part of the | fram left, are Elsie Czaus, family celebrations, Seen here | Janet Wehkow, Sylvia Mak. | nak, is a group of young girls who gathered at the: Ukrainian Hall, Edith street, Wednesday night, to learn the intricate ¥ i ance | [which reports covering the vars|theme of the conducted the meeting during ruthers, of Bowmanville, The Wednesday by the company meeting will be| It was alsa announced that a ious park activities were pre:|Agriculture and Mv, Carruthers separate company, Winchester sented is well qualified to speak on Western Lid, will he estabe Keith Moffitt and Mus, Delithis subject, He has been a|lished at Cobourg for the diss Olmstead were appointed as co. successful farmer in the Bows tribution of firearms non chairmen of the entertainment/manville. area for many YEars| competitive with the Cooey committee, It was also decided and he belongs to many farmimadels. to audit all park books and the|organizations, | Both operations will be asso. building fund hooks twice a] The meeting will also featuve|clated with Olin Mathieson's year {a panel discussion, Panelists| Winchester Western division Keith Moffitt and George Lint:|will be agriculturists from Dur! H. M. Tavier of Cabourg lop were appointed as co-chair: ham County, each of whom spe: | vice-president and general mans man of the canvass committee cialise in a particular aspect of ager of Cooey, has been cled for the building fund, agriculture, (president of both companies.

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