Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Mar 1961, p. 6

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Publisnes by Canadion Newspapers Limited, 86 King St E., Oshows, Ont Poge 6 Plight Of Unemployed Wednesdey, Merch 29 Must Not Be Forgotten Anyone sngagng wn the rough snd tumble art of politics must expest 19 ran nto tough situations --- and Labor Minister Starr did, wt the Genosha Hotel inst Beturday eveping But he is an #2 pevienced carmprigner, snd handled him- seb quite well -- rather bettes, perhaps, then some of bis heckifes It was inevitable tot Ms, Starr, the agamized unemployed and labor union leaders in the city would come together sooner or leter, and thet the meeting would produce sharp words, The union leaders wanted Ms. Starr to attend a meting of the unemployed here, and Mr, Starr decided against it. There has been an exchenge of letters and state- ments, and these were reported fully in the news columns of this newspaper last week. One big question is, sre New Party spporters trying to maneouvre the lsbor minister, who is slso the MP for this riding. into an indefensible position? Mr, Starr clearly thinks so, On Batu day night, he said he would talk to the genuinely unemployed, but pointed out ed. There is no doubt thet the men who heve been demanding thet he speck to the jobless in bis constituency sre genuinely concerned hou the prob: lem of unemployment if they were not, they would not deserve to be labor leaders, AL the seme time, there is litle doult thet they would like to win this riding for the New Party in the next election. And thet, too, is # legitimate political sim The hesst of the matter, however, is the plight of the men and women whe want to work but deo not have jobs, One of the picketers Setwrday night put it this way: "We want jobs, not tal" It would be tragic anything were allowed to obscure thet wgent need This newspaper hes been critical of many aspects of federal government policy, or lack of policy. The critical nature of the unemployment problem, however demands a constructive rather then » destructive epprosch. It is » problem thet cannot be solved by gov- ernment glone; it requires the thought an OUT ON A LIMB £. Wigton (a he pesistant sername aaer of (ener Matas was ARON CER it 75 YEARS MH Samer FF we» Lom o CINE BE SRI wh CRrrn FREER VRE Ese scr TRtary Heri a Wem wm re Rueinst wowing for relief yams #15 and the Willers Eosed threatened to close the Wellare office iis Honor Judge Jomes K Thompaon, Cowmty Fidar of On tania Emwity. died at Whithy Mack Soames. a (ormer seo mamier gf the First Scot Gray in Oshawa, tak & proiinent pard iB the BBIRYETSRTY REET tics tn Bimene Street Upited Church Iames D. Bank, #5 witsignd tng personal nw (hana In Hany 7s AR THRE ciated with the Ai of the oy, a first tof the Hostal RWRY Wm Wis Bind yeer & meeting of the 8. Pay Welsh Bois Wis Reid wi the following offic VFR Rif ed for the dent. Col Ba Hughes SECTRIATY A Aepitation Maver John RB. Alger A mine gt Ls rt of # res geomet! asking that the pow BY-CONE DAYS DANISH CRRONIELE Vwi FIER G AW Sha atiemin Gn We wow. te thelr Aepartwie for Bethany tion for "Hamiet" frowe din Corrmmmmations. Fhowiel CORTE: The aypointment of Bustel ler of the middie BPR, 0 gud Ll TR O-Cedar complements fashions in wool Wear your prettiest ERSIAIF RYER WRER yon wet-ipep your Roors, A new VEISion of slim jims, topped win 2 lose ket and 7 new RIS BF the sponge mop the remarkable CHAM sponge mop A.B. Meleese t ; of hoard of. eaneation We thet many of his hecklers were employ- and self- examination of ell of us CBC Faces Criticism The Canadian Broadcasting Corpora- it can spend more money each yess tion has been having & rougher time then without being. questioned, The CBC has RS' EWS folk by allowing them to ride So. READE Vv to the pext traffic hght-comral: "7 led intersection wind then lake Home Nu Keep hands dry! pe transfer Io car or Bus BORE inaugurated hers une f 4 Pp Ki 1 Os a where they may want 10 2 tion of the Women's Wella 'ow! No more wet hands! A once-over lightly with 1 1( ] Y ha W I also failed to mention the He CHAN sponge mop will keep your floors shining I found many very kind peop ell was ap , . lean----and keep your hands dry, toe, And the bonus on Toronto street car sinted 4 4 4 » y People Praise Bae Sa wy» sing ie Ch ence on some routes, Tha Wotors of | the most thoughtful and cor brosdcasting committee, It never has an major factor in the creation and growth pear Sis made my heart warm hecavyse it graie extended to me as a Sure 5 in the unigue wringer on the CHAN mode] ~~ usual at the hearings of the Commons tried to build an image of itself as a wings from back to front so the dirt can't collect in t k were, | found, our Mr. and » } i ridge as it will with other mops easy time; if it did, there would be of Canadien unity, that it is therefore I wish to express my véry Wa "4 Canadians, proudly though mod deep gratitude to the wonderful Witness that those needing Kind: egtjy sefting ihe example. Bol ceed the record TTR P.5. Remember CHAN refills will extend the life af people of this eity who seein to DEES In Hs will obtain %. in Oshawa, kindliness seems 10 and | CBC and the committee, But this year, performance, however, falls far short of enjoy being kind to me on my May God bless all of them.) be everybody's business, - and committee members have been more its boast, It is still a luxury rather than hobbling, enforced trips down You may pardon my adding saying that out of a full heart town to shop. visit my bank or, that | am not exactly ap Osh- may excuse this lengihy letier as rarely as I can make it, take awa newcomer. § was here first Oshawa CC. M. FREEMAN wr | n : " z 3 £ ususl. And thet is understandable, too tomorrow, Canadien knity would be 5 business trip to Toronte from in 1927 to help a little in getting which I moved here in October, out special edition of The Osh 1960, to get away from is traf- awa Reformer which marked The committee members, however, Its claim to be & bulwark of Cans. "08 "i seemed to me. the the Diamond Jubilee of Can- Paign chairman to express the Joyed by our volunteer commit i p p i 5 F ati (ees el S{ y } have been hacking sway its individual dian culture is just as shaky, It has done callously unthinking sect of ada's Confederation, | was back gratitude of this Foundation (e¢ " their respective con : the aged and erippled by the again in 1940, a year of many (Rehabilitation Foundation for munities fine memories such as hearing Poliomyelitis and the Ortho Thank ou for our help W paedically Disabled) for your thi ial community service something radically wrong with both the an essential part of Canadian life, Its am ha ke ait the Al fst f | smpaign cost has been reduced your CHAN sponge mop indefinitely, to seven and one-half per cent vindictive and more querulous than # necessity and were it to cease to exist Growth in contributions and economy in costs are hoth at Dear Sir tributable in no small measure «this is & tougher year for politicians. little affected It is my privilege as cam: 10 the supporting publicity en trees when they should have been much for music, drama and writing Tororts Trancprtatior Commi Jang ansparia "i LL taking 8 good look at the whole CBC that cannot be denied. But its hucksters gop the late George Hart lead For Light-hearted Housekeeping forest. What the CBC doesn't need is program censorship; what it does need is a financial housecleaning If the CBC does its job, it cannot help but offend some people. If it examines the .face of Canads, ss it should, not all the watchers and listen. ers will like the reflection. If it tries and new announcers lessen this achieve ment by their steady erosion of the English language, They consistently use "presently" when they mean "now", "disinterested" when they mean "un. interested"; they glory in the sloppy suffix "wise" (weather-wise, sports-wise, egad!) and rejoice in making verbs of to be imaginative and searching, 1 goin and adjectives by adding "ize" bound to have dismal flops es well brilliant successes, What cannot be excused is the CBC's arrogant assumption thet the taxpayers owe it as rich a living as it wants, that inalize, departmentalize, The CBC can be criticized on many counts, but the broadcasting committee can't seem to separate the sense from the nonsense, Stimulus For Economy This year's capital expenditure is now officially forecast at $8336 million, or $136 million more than in 1960, and mn view of the slowdown in business which began last year the level can be considered "a source of some encourage- ment," according to the latest business review issued hy the Bank of Montreal, Even if no "dynamic expansion" is in- dicated, the expenditure can be expected to provide at least a mild stimulus te the nation's economy, "In a year in which uncertainty re. garding the business outlook has per- sisted throughout the first three months, publication of the official survey of capital expenditure plans for the year as a whole is of more than usual interest, for it brings into the picture an indica- tion of praspective demands on a large and important sector of the economy," the review states The Oshawa Times ToL WILION. Publisher and General Manager € GWYN KINSEY Rditer wa (imes combining The Oshawa Times 1871) and the hithy Gazette and established 1843) in published dally Sundays statutory holidays excepted) Members of Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Amociation. The Canadian Fress Audit Bureau of weulation ana the Ontaria Provincial Dailigs Asser ation The Canadian Press nu exclusively entitled # the use tor republication of all wws despatched mn the pope credited ta it or ta The Associated Prem of Reuters, and alsa the local news published wargin. All rights of special despatches are al served Offices: Thomaen Buliding, 428 University Avenue forenta Ontarie; #40 Cathcart Street, Montreal, PO SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by carriers in Oshawa Whithy Ajax : ring Bowmanville Srookling ort Perry Fringe t Maple Grove, Hampton Frenchman's Bay POG | ton, lyron Dunbarton Enniskillen ena . } Brough Burketon Claremont slumbus Greenwood Kisale Raglan Blackstock vancheste: Pontypool and Newsastle, not aver 4% wt week. By mall (in province of Ontarie) outside arriers delivery arson 13.00; elsewhere 15.00 pet aa Circulation for the issue of Feb. 28, 196) 17,223 The forecast represents the total planmed expenditures of some 18,000 business concerns as well as institutions and government bodies, The principal emphasis in this year's program will not be on the provision of machinery and equipment but on new construction where expenditures, because of the in- creases expected in construction of new homes, institutions and government pro- jects, will probably rise by nearly four per cent and account for the whole of the gain in fotal outlays, The forecast was made at the begin- ning of the year when the prevailing mood was one of caution, the review notes, Thus, if signs of a turning peint become evident, expenditures . can be expected to increase, "Moreover, there are a large number of projects in the planning stages which may become more definite in the months ahead, It is perhaps not altogether unlikely, 'there- fore, that by the end of 1961 capital investment will be running at a higher rate and exerting a stronger upward push on the economy than the forecast at present indicates," the review cau- tiously concludes, Other Editor's Views DON'T BLAME TRAINS (Lethbridge Herald) The national interests require faster and faster trains, If they have the right of way, their speed should be governed only by the interests of the safety of the trains themselves, It is not much better to be hit by a train going 30 mph than 50. As long as the motorist has a hance to see an oncoming train and then moves into its path, nothing else can be blamed for the accident. I am hadly erippled due 10 sping injury in 1954 while on duty for the Ontario Depart ment of Highways. I glso am in my seventieth year. Bo I really can appreciate the practically universal consideration, shown by Oshawa people although much of it is not really needed Like some spine injury cases, I imagine that | appear in worse case than | actually am as re gards opening post office doors and things of that sort. (What really brought me to write this overdue letter of thanks was having an elderly and fine appearing gentleman get out of his ear, or turn hack from gel ting into it today, so that he could open the south door of the post office building for me didn't "need such help, but it OTTAWA REPORT Victory Bond-drive street crowd co-operation in the 1961 March A. (3. FISHER in singing "There'll plways he an England and aecompany ing Col. "Bob Bmith on On- tario County recruiting trips for The Ontario Regiment While I have expressed my opinion of the TTC, I did not say at once, as I should, how much I appreciate the hus serve ice here and the consideraie kindness of drivers. Bince it hurts me to stand long waiting for a hus, I have lately heen allowed to take an out-hound Apple Hill bus and return with it to the Four Corners' area, and my offer of double fare has heen refused as, of course, it should he if a matter of Publie Utilities Commission policy, which it probably is. If so, Tors onto could save lives of elderly Standard Sizes To Help Mothers By PATRICK NICHOLSON OTTAWA -- Frustrated moth ers will be delighted hy the announcement hy Trade Minis ter George Hees that he has enacted regulations establishing standard garment sizes for ehil- dren's clothes Ever since the white man's dress replaced the Indian's buf falo robe in Canada, mothers have faced the frustrations of buying elothes which do not fit "Junior, Our clothing manu: facturers have signally and dis- mally failed to help the cus: tomer and to further their own sales hy the simple step of agreeing on standard sizes Those manufacturers have even failed to achieve the de gree of co-operation which has long been commonplace among the makers of such items as cameras and films, or automo: bile wheels and tires, or ele: trie lamps and bulbs, or even nuts and bolts Nuts and holts is the apt phrase; many a mother trying to fit her child with Canadian clothes in a Canadian store goes nuts--and bolts Every Canadian mother knows the frustration of seeing her child grow out of a gar: ment, of replacing it by a gar: ment one size larger, and of then discovering that it was - smaller than the replaced gar- ment--simply because the two articles were made hy different manufacturers who use differ ent measurements for their size scale CONFORM--OR ELSE! Retailers have long resented the cost of handling purchases returned as unsatisfactory; cus. tomers have long resented the frustration of having to make returns, But now the boot is on the other foot, By the end of this year, 'says Trade Minister Hees, children's elothing in a range of 18 ar ticles on sate In ou ares should he carrying the official Canada Standard Size Label. If consumers refuse to buy gar ments without this label, all manufacturers will he forced to conform to these agreed sizes, Further, the introduction of this Canada Standard Rize Las bel is a clever move by Trade Minister George Hees to pros mote the sale of Canadian goods, Canadian mothers will enjoy the convenience of the guarantee of size carried by this label, and will tend to buy Cas nadian for this reason, Although foreign clothing may qualify for this label, it is improbable that foreign sizes will normally con: form exactly to the Canadian standards and hence earn this label SOME KIZED NOW As a start, the government has drawn up standard sizes for 18 items of clothing for children and teen-pgers These are: First, for "Little girls and girls", sleeveless knit. ted vests, brief panties, knitted ankle-length drawers, woven pyjamas, knitted bloomers, knitted short-sleeve vests, and flat-knit polo pyjamas, Second, for "Little hays and hoys", knitted undershirts (ath. letie style), knitted undershirts (erew neck), knitted briefs, knitted ankle - length drawers, knitted combinations, woven uns dershirts, flat-knit T - shirts, waven dress shirts, and woven sparts shirts : And for "Children and boys," waven pyjamas and knitted polo pyjamas Subsequently, standards will he compiled for other items of children's clothing: then far the more widely used articles of women's wear; and lastly, for a limited range of men's utility clothing such as work covers alls The intention of this standard sizing 1s largely ta help the customer who buys hy tele phone or from a mail order talogue. The purchaser seek. WE siyvlish elothing, which is selected largely hy eve-appeal, almost invariably checks for fitting in the store of Dimes campaign Campaign Chalrman Voronte You can see the pastel shades you want through the dainty cellophane wrapper. And you'll discover the new Ballet Tissue combines the twa most wanted features in a toilet tissue--softness and firmness. For hexury quality without a hixury price tag- thoose Ballet! ? INTERLAKE Wy gi Ltd A G0. LIMITER Aa

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