La _---- EF TH # RET oe CERT (Rv, PIs 499 i ser gig wien 7 deus He Logige rot® wi seply VT --Mele Help Wonted WAH wi AeA fone PRL [hav 5 Stan Wik Fan Ee ae it ery Wm wey #6 (ded we Deed ca Eine. Bg eaimh BARE 55 - Fo wv dey Wl FAR SRA RF RAGER, TET AR seri dies wl he wees es scorns. RB ri, Zu TILER ResRieavy FF BRIERE SRE Ye AL Ee ER hv gtlind (od RL ial Sh diiiadhg Tiree hane Ae Es 4 # ates AGE ford VAR § FOW SF GIR NEW LIFETIME FIBREGLAS CHAIRS DECORATOR (LHS TRY (AR 0 APPLIANCES RELIABLE FURNITURE RA 3.7928 King § ELS i7 REST 56 Florines Beauty Salon £F 5( 4 Permanents $6.00 . if Ped $E.00 50 Permanents (EXCLUSIVE DEALERSHIP) Easter Cot FLOWERS 7 GTORES TO % E ERACKETS wei. wre Rox 6G, Lignan Tlie WE Lave » BERRRA dtatiba tn is ad EASTER LILIES POTTED PLANTS #7 oy Ww ye ant tw i iN vont wow. Fins inrpiike FAL a ew # Womizew, Fly WARBIER ria fv EIGER HREER #0 F907 Anes ed ih Whose RA T8446 REEDS FLORISTS SERVE 5 ITO i674 KING EA 5-113 i FLYER BLOGR WY $2512 wok. Han Elen EY BEREEW, rl Yih) £8 4 yy v 4 £44 $64 ALR ARIS wert E/E SHEP ld A RUNDLE'S FOR EASTER FLOWERS ES, MUME (RSACES FT 5 : # E JARED HF GF POTTERY £ AW ERE IN FOR FERTILIZER % 20--Room and Board AENTILEWAN £ £45 German lu | wy Park Ross ki NEW BUSIN Unlisted Numbers BERMNIE'S APPLIANCE SERVICE 68 SIMCOE HOR ~~ Your fectory horized vies dept for £0 GE, Westinghouse, # RA 5-1179 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OK FOR SALE whee! s bedsides a RA 8-5677 RELIGIOUS ARTICLES Eo Sot E 4 ill VER FN TH (Res) pore [774 i Jes we Frayer JE 80 STORE {| Every TPARKVIEW VE ah "S--Formers Column Telephone Hespita! beds he nvelig gommaodes, cones, slse roll-gwoy beds k QUANTITY of hot Kt "ale WRIKers 56837, Frank Hoss ErIEnNes or LARGE nd straw GankiLy of baled Wik # hay BA #1464 Teleph TRE ROYAL £4 King Bireel 95 wicks Canada ERS Heke, fle WANTER Io Birks 0 Bion BREWS REREB GIREER WF BROW ann "EF Re Con pes West ren Wnt Rady below 1548 exckd id RET BERS CONBLEY Riss £8 AIMETIERn CRBS WE indian head rents Fair prices paid sver An wa Caps [ # 22--Srore bpoce é Gorognr He AVEILARLE cep un : w ern # cll, serap wo OMmawr idien's Clah, Gk I» » FERAIAN Bistrict. M 0 F blreet Fast WANTED SCRAP RO POL TURNER RA 3 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT € TRY io K§ Fas Fiew JE Bun iE £ £ | Centra 1.2043 o RA 3-3374 [ Phone Ald Rentels RA 65-1644 CASEY'S BARBER SHOP FARMERS NEEDS 13 Best Mastit trectments and ther Animal Heslt Products Iniectables re f ted Syringes MN gmk Osh Ess (21 Grandview Beauty Salon own Line 1323 King Street Expert Service Free parking for BC RA B076) AUTOMATIC COIN LAUNDRY SERVICE Pick-up and delivery. Clothes washed, dried, folded. Com plete service, 95¢ first load Additienal lead B5¢ ¥ Ibs meximum lead RA 5.1083 w= 7 a.m SUPERIOR APPLIANCE 49 BURK ST Yelevisions, washers furniture, We buy, trade RA B-4873 IF YOU ARE East Gera SHORTS PHARMACY [2 BROOKLIN YOUR FAMILY DRUG STORE OL 5-3301 Open Men Wed, Friday evening for your convenience b--Auction cars n lent men for The Bth stockers' Purham farmers Spring sale will be held at the Durham County Sale Arenas, Oreno, on Wednesday, April 19 at 2 pm Please forward your consignments early and aveid the shut out 9pm Tim WE annual wan you used sell or and you Bay WONDERFUL ch FOUR ole ot NEWLY i horthern |dramet, | minute hiss [GR ERY slare | particulars, {8 Foi FOR pale, old sstablished grocery busi ness, creased. Reason lor Write for wants to have living, Here Is what we have lo olfer Tepaly quRTLErS chester. Unlimited earnings depend on Olsen 8st RA 54412. Ristow and Olsen Realtors HEATER store for corners in Whithy, Re offer Business Opportunities . i es THE TIMES ir To OWREE, Harner iA oF in commun awe. Livieg mus y levine. Call Bl 23, Lioyd Realty decorsied snd landscaped e, 2 x WY or deeper MW prelerred BUI DING residential section, Excel Phone 'RAS 3.3474 location for hepuly parlor ar laup heavy wiring to panel. -- Ad OE 23--~Wanted to Rent Living muarters, INE $1700 Tys equip nihly, Fer fl Heallor, HA isekECHIng THOME Bpather lady in » quiet Chris ioned widow. Cen preferred. Replies confi il Nehaws Times ar #80 mi i Wilson Exchange for dian home In dentia a [4 of tral lncation Bos 24--Houses far Rent FIVE Rewly paved ATTRACTIVE Bouthmead area Oshawa. Ideal Can be In filpess Oshawa locality, In good fond volume eolple house I1BrEe Apply Bi8 five mem hun half bieck off Simeone tastefully decaraied and landscaped. A home 0 he Froud of with stove and refrigeraior, 865 per month to suitable tenants. KA 5-877 SIX - room bungalow basement occupied, hroadioomed, svill able 'May 1. Telephone RA §-3302 FIVE s¢ In Courtice, new. iy decorated, § month. Reliable tenants anly BA hk |25--Apts, | & Flats for Rent| oan decorated arivews large selling, interview Box 7 vard 7 KRrage, oe f for » family wha heir awn business apd is to make 8 betler than average Ionkin, service stabion, luneh counter, garage and excellent living Bulldings only 10 years old Joeated on Bisy Hwy. 12 sl Man Carl RA call SVERINES For full particulars oT er Fam hai $75 next lo four Call Record rent, § Phone MO #34 OPENING A NEW BUSINESS YOUR SHARE OF THE PROFITS Phone Qrono SR1B GET Auction Sale |i /accingted bleed tested hols (Fi 14--Employment Wanted WiLL [LADY would manent housekeepin | FUTTW furnished three apart ment, including heat, reason | my awn heme ahie rent AA ar FU Call 3-7808 after Bloor East, KA 5.7418 TWO completely furnished rooms, re wark or per: frigerator, stove. sink and cupboards in Please write to (kitchen, near North General Motors aifice. Abstainers Telephone KA A-0378 am a hyo, mind child in March Ie mother works m like day 560 Oshawa Times LIST YOUR PHONE IN THE Milkers, Springers open and bred heifers, fard tractor, bailed hay straw Property of Marine Rensink, lat 17 6, Darlington stein T==Women's Column SPECIALS eald anents 54.50 se Avenues tractor machinery adi | pp | like ta grain ele $5.80, heat Hairdressing waves Page cen Town nortr af Hamp gssion [shal ¥ One concession Wi | an, Windawn, Mile «4 help "pep up" on past 40 ly ity EX SATURDAY, APRIL Al | sey 5an Is | ment | preferred | bey [ngs particulars see Bells ING experience necessary as we train ilar y a4 dates Pens & | Livestock WHITE German old. Reasonable B13 or apply 630 Las NORWEGIAN Ei PUPRIES, champion gl ling ward and friend. Tall 6 i 80 egistered 1003 Nel awd. RA 51540 ) BEAUTIFUL baby mining, talking ot r | li road, 114 Elgin Si SMALL miniature ¢ ox weeks ald Teleihar tend tr Term reid imper ietion Na |] K cash Auctioneer Shep pf Auction Sale Holstein Cattle, Baler Furniture Tractors, wplements and Property Of TREVIAL ES une WA TATE G 16---~Female Help Wanted |monury three nedroom GIRLS wanted ants [TYPIST required by | preferably | typewriter {salary Supermarket ket, A love 4506 for apartment clase In fireenwaond entian 2s private bath and ¢ to learn shopping cen es' and genlemen's work artanity for the right person sewing. Fay while learning. Apply person. H. Bheriff, Ladies' and near ! Waller, 37 Fringe Street, up ing 7 1-753 accounting office [TWO on eleclrie private work, starting chen good appartun: | 3-3655 for advancement, RA 5162 FURNISHED (hres PERIENCED meat wrapper for seml-privale entrance Apply Bassin's Fond Mar: | 6-2480 or HA 81584 UPPER DUPLEX MARY ST. NORTH Available sewing i THREW roam Apartment shopping Centre, bus stop. Available April 1. RA #106 heated park RA hedy hath heat m Apartmen TV outist upheards in luded kit RA experienced built-in Intersting $198 pr month and lights Ing Apartment Telephone HA ranm requires lea invest Wamen 4.430 af Fam: | period, | personnel department aval ladies for part-time work | working anditiens. Na Ar canvassing. Married Your hots 130 prone or 7.30 - 10.30 gvenings Average SA.50 per work $90 M PHONE RA 8-2418 5 ROOMS large bed lites an asset. Telephone RA appointment OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU metics nality, are 85 years of THIS y wear have in pleasing pers between 30 ta age, can spend three hours daily away from heme, A Casmetics afters you a splen did earning opportunity, Act new LE 6.0627 col lect, immediately fchen with ind self de ith 3} bus Call DOG ad Just East o Maxw Scheal on SAT. APRIL 1ST Sale starts at 12 a'closk noen selling Fumiture followed by Implements and Livestock TERMS CASH NOTE TIME O'CLOCK SHARP Harvey Pascoe Clerk Ted Jackson Auctioneer R ell BOXER nt femal | (814 year ald i - 1a thas had all needies ) TELEPHONE RA 5-7426 "d=--=Market Basket EASTER SPECIALS IN OUR DRUG AND PRY GOODS CLOTHING DEPT GLECOFF | SUPERMARKET [11--Articles for Rent 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH [1% RORGE het ) ] | tor ot OSHAWA Man Ho o 13 convertible for % plok-up ruck BLL SIRLS' EASTER BON! 2.98 Reg Lovely Specie Ass your used power tools. Tele MC I BY CASH fo phone USER girl's higvels regular aise. No dealers pleas phane RA 3378 SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO tment in good condition, Tele: | D SHCLOTHS Large Size for 25¢ BRYLCREEM large 5 each Pic Tubes 4 | TON HOME PERMA? ITs Rea eact ! h a rr m4 son stock picked wp Brad ply Mturday a jmven clip Tit pA 5.231) 89 BLOOR E, | $9 » W § can vieck 8 = 15 for sale ay ant Phone (TL: ve all day Produsts Years Dept (17--Male Help Wanted WHO IS INTERESTENT Making 810 to a day selling quality line of of a yeligble firm, aver in business. Write Rawleigh C1008, 4008 Richelied, Mont : $85.00 A CAREER WITH A PURPOSE unique travel and TERRACE two-bedroom artment ADELAIDE Varied well paid work \adern oppartunities fe adventure. 30 days paid hol day ¢ year, clathing allowance, free medical care the chance to ses Canada and visit fascinating overseas countries IN CANADA'S oF all tena h Adelaide ne RA 5.892 AQDERN SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT ARMY {7 and ally tit If you are bétween 43, single and § ¢ PER MO TELEPHONE 5-5433 RA 5.2 Call ar ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE (ARMY) : Avenue East 11s RA 267 or ONE MONTH FREE RENT OSHAWA ARMOURIES Each Tussday Between 10am and 3 pm, RA 8.8676 2d i PEPLER ~-- lage fing mo Fo Aree "IMONTEITH, MONTEITH HERE Cn. Ensrtered A inisnis, BA kitehen, | Dew 8). | #low, | three bedrooms, | 25---~hApts. & Fiots for Rent 25--mpts, & Fiots for Rent 25-- Apts, & Fiots for Rent 25--Apts & Flats for Rom BieAptt, & Fiots for Rent ARE FR THREm , FF He Bowes ike Ed SHRETR BRRFIRETL OF ied fon [OEE RO IGWEN Bh josh, [Raval wo AAEERE oR Alida Hil BE PE, REE. (REF SELF CRETIER remy Reimisied, POE Bev Tra me Ah LRA (GES - Faprs BRETIRERs , Bak. Is PUE 1557 Hk WR Vr FHREE, [Hh Aas HE He Eng Wes. Tnagione RE 41778 orl f Wi Risen Rod Bor THOR RARER BRE ott of Farr TRIER ARERR TG REBT BR ' las dl arid aed bog fide dssind Bad iA pe rd EERE Ww Lid ad FIA Bile, WEE HE BRIERE, FeWly Mess io Rowpiown. Be A digide at W aad ls. ft aot sty Baie. WA SB [did FATA, PRE RARER Fagmavah. Was Ling 45 ad py rt WILHER a os is (OB W ois. et, a5 data al ui dog ously BiB he fr FIT prose | pra Aad is Ho, RETIE HIRE, FURIE BEE CONOR EERE) RA Lua if of Rit, TREEE. IGG E W IRAFIGETRN FR TE Specie RE 104 sstind, HL RRTLER -- 58 Logatomns ioe Id Bets, Ph ARTI le aida ' ys we man Bane, WW BOWE 5; Ld oss Wl BERT BIE ~m RERE BS 4 BAT A Cl ad FaRg Rl dias adic frit [RES lad A eH IES oe Flanigan wh 577 pda I FEAL fel - Me GRE Fie, Fly ied Winker, hire A, PERE Wit, WIR SLATE EMIFRAE, WM We Hap, ww i Fey Aves war ima ateitivg RE 3 FIVE BE RERELIBERL FRA ee Here bain, Rest, WIRES pA water Re Aah. Lair ing nesta Bi eg 9 J Paine for pehieting. Avy A . Fiearais, WH Age Bipel Fast w BA SWE Res RA 5986 YEW prse [HARE-FIOWT WRIT eRe with wore. Wes End WLTHE BRIT RARE, BRT vie, Penis of Bowed eA aa aad d kik. Wessmhatic- BA R47 DEWLY Aeswipieh Goes inem Met a itd ata PETE BER, FP FRITIRET RL. BE MoE WM Rew, C36 whisome. TEeMmone FANE Aivstizeris i Wiki, Tay y FRE ART Wh: add Firm Rows He # Fuinirheh thine rd ataiad # w" enter en. i ¢ KA LA60 pls WAR It he SETAE, IB RET BRET Bind, Aieimine IREER/ RET RER, SIAATER Tdi Wik, BRVE, WHEE, RTURi, oe Mam see 18 Pawirsiaie PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS i, gem Fl poet 1000). Bh Retin ones, Th FARE Loring Baeheior FREI ERE, fer pene els, ER wnare. Biiigine fm Basis whe Sn BIG WEAEAR. Priming, 1inmemisis races on. Kh BUA] FIORE RE RILIRRRE, rR ER HAR IAG $58 Hi, REY da 4 Araieiie AE 18. Ae 165 Raids oh AiEiie FRUR roome. seidsomigned, bv ped SHE Wei. WH Rewief, erie Eiken EBIRBERIES, Cine 16 FWEaWE, CHIHEH Shim, Hark (Ipfea band! WOWERN parent 16 SHER ust AH Ed rs BRE i hf #* gl Ah A Sib " 7 ai Si ARF i 5 f Fh aH + TY pubiel | Ae one BA 5154 § ad dat ad fret iw looming for » MAY AVES ME AMD TWO BEDRGOM APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT Phone RA 5-3B15 or RA L 6485 neoe of I BEDROOM 72 BEDROOM RA 5 BUSINESS SERVIC $70 $100 302 | : Fit EE "ir Uiiiis we ges Biss MA Ki nIRe ro " ps HE Derr Apply We Wien Rawk ETI RA TRAR WRRIME SRR AE wade sud ed bide ws sida Lo Lod Fe Th ERIE BRT ¥ F * ol Furniture Repair FERNITURE iniwnpn, Fre | rcsountanie Building Trades ro lds ih Py Hari? Qwners # #8 "wn i fing, wal vif thy FERRIES HH 7 shiv We #4 WRIEERGIRE a Week eis Gardening and Supplies Is NRE FER | oF RIENRLY Ad Wiles pnd Ana 5 Ihe property you J I"Resl Estate Wanted" eo H 8490 Loasy FEN-BWEL garden serviee BEA cared Iori, isasanabie sih4 Wil, IRBARCRIIRE HA BA S99 i fn d HE. NEWAR ind ( A conpiants| CEREAMIC the and Ana ibs # Gler Bids, 12 On M0 FOMMmErE io Sleeet, (Tshan a, ORterie. RA B4221, | WAFER fa; BE BROWSE, wij flashing new whik Estimales wi ON ad Ime dined rns CA BA F331 CLANCY'S Dpterin A i IT Complete Bogkkesping Ber #4 Bond Street West. BA Bid "BA 37508 014 od ahd Company, Ceri 8) " a nts Ts BOOKING Opterin RAIchimacyrs man # lawns rales FVFPES buliding repsles, roofing, Fd Eaveslinughs chimneys fireplaces ¥ Hoops. BA EMeé. Gordon Eon Berries ' DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Loam, Send end Fill, Bigl RA 5-5279 OSHAWA f Bes 5 f ¥, (REVEN LIRUENIRE) snd repaired. Work ipranieed. Experienced, Osh ww RA Bund COMMERCIAL and indusinigl buliding New homes hint te awe Hess Construction siding Bill ie East oi Yl YALE Hy VOFEEFS FRIENIANDER, BUNTER and Aseountants 14 censed Trustee King Brest East, fishawp CAL F Friedlander, B BC Architects MAYER apd Brigiowler he Times Bu i, fshaws, Ne inlisted hanes BA | Articles for Rent | TELEVISION SETS HUMIDIFIER DE-HUMIDIFIERS RECORD PLAYERS | RADIOS & SUNLAMPS | MEAGHERS | 8 KING STREET WEST RA 33-3428 [Aute Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE teed aulomotive paris apd Bee a +1 145 King Street West, Oshaw RA B1607-8-0. "Five bays to psive 418 '" (Barristers BOWMAN, DAVID | flor, 3% Bimeoe South Residence, HA B44 MeGIBBON and BASTERO, Barristers, | Solicitors, Clients' funds avalighle for - first mortgages, 30 Bimeoe Street North PUMPING RA 5-3366. Charles ©. MeGibbon, QC) Edgar F, Bastedo, Qf EPTIC TANKS REMPAREYS ROYOHEN and LL | AN #rristers, Boheilars; | - ~ « Humphreys, QC; @. 8. Bovehwn, BA | BERT TOMPKINS A. Hillman, LLB; 3615 King Sirest East, Phones; Office, BA 5.1177; Res, | } TONVIL RA 5.4804 or Whith MO 52161; HA 5.6202. Money 1a loan | IOAN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Salle! tor and Notary Pubile, 1834 King Street | East, RA 3.2268. NHA and private morigages arranged GREER and Kelly, Barristers, | tars, el is Blmeoe Strest South {Dial RA 83378 Residence phones I LOT Mpsialt) er equ Jirementy WA §H037 FORK FREE solim Le 14 ar FRE we Eh HEY { 1] HA 85 Interior, exter! % fireplace stairs ai Arch LA Li " hes fil #2881 me repairs mn hi} -- Fone, Free yo! ud ALL ey of > Tecieation Huarantesd Fruning of fruit tress an arnam g als, tres surgery an remo Expert work gue legend RA B-6366 Van Belle Gardens 587 BOWMANYIL les East on Ne. 2) FERTILIZER BO Ibs. enly 4.50 PEAT MOSSE, SEEDS, ETC POTTED PLANTS, GU ARAN TEED NURSERY STO ) TE LANDSCAP Waorkmansm mates. RA S-44138 ¥n lace! chimney cleaner. Chim: | evs bullt snd repaired, ges Linings In | stalled, furnaces Vacudme Free oobi | | males, BA §-2007 ALL plumbing spd Phone RA 5-3581, Herold RB rk 14d, plumbing, hesting and engines; | Ing, #08 Blmeoe Street South | CERAMIC tile laid, reasonable fales ork yaraniesd. Free esti: | mates A B-O880 J & R SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Septic tanks pumped 24 hr, Service RA B-3294 RA 8-2087 | 0 beating supplies 0 Bis A { NM wall 3:87 LAWN aan Soll ER 11] Barrister RA PRUNINI | Hairdressing CUSTOM permanents |entting and styling. BA Halrsty sling Stadia, 11 Bond West E [instruction LILIAN MAE MARSH, 4 lancing schanl, halle, tap, halon {rabati pre-scheal, characier, Fr Saturday, Masonic Temple, KA 3 (HARVEY NANCE ACADEMY Tap, Royal Academy, Ballet, High [Rest alge 424 King West, RAS PRIVATE teacher, student 16 years' eaperience, by laterview | Ast naw. RA 51054 G BU LE ee edie a8 arke 2 SPRING gcorating? aluminum sid ing? 3tene veneer Over § THINKING OF Painting Baked ename i how Sollel oF i" sip yo want in the nis rn hw jal OME LANDSCAPING & d a f LE E FERTILIZING digtinetive hair 59018. Huyek's| aor, iday, | Vass | Baton, | land h148 aunsellar only i ki M. Greer, BA, Be, ify 5.3368; Ter {ence V. Kelly, FA, BCL, RA 88833 |RALER JONES, BA, and THOMAS ® [GREER Associate Barristers and Soil: leltars, 130 Wing Street East, RA 86546 [Mortgage loans avaliable THOMAS M, RUNRLE, barrister, soll-| Wor and notary public, 264 King | Street East, Phone RA 81768 LIAMES A MacDONALD: BA, ELA, | Barrister and Bolieltar and Notary Pub lie. The Commercial Rullding, 6 King | West, Oshawa, Ontarig. Client parking {available [RUSSELE {Barrister Kast, Oshawa CREIGHTON, MURDOCH tary Publis ) Simeoe Street Narth Creighton, QC; N. | [Drynan, G6. L, Murdegh gages arranged daha Barrister partion of the front wallf SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Inquiry Cost Nothing AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD 110 King Street East, Oshawa RA B-5103 TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean deepening COMPRE WORK RA 8-3864 | [Insurance ATISTATE Auto Insurance [tn 20 per eenl, six manths fo. pay {personal servies at heme [RA 7413 AUTO INSURANCE your If are a careful save $10 may $15 $25 Deter ca 20%. Preferre the lowest through this Halt-year payment us today compar ample free parking SCHOFIELI INSURANCE ASSOCIATES LTT 160 King 51. West RA an yeu than £14 enjoy Ontario LJ MURPHY, BA, LIB and Saligitor, 6 King Strest Ontario, KA 83671 FRASER, DRYNAN ly Rarrigters, Solicitors, No Rank of Commerce Nig, RA S306 1. K fraser, 90; 6G. K NHA mort: | or rat n ce Lall and auts and S50R 1-44 Save up Fai pall driver or insurance of 1] L] [RONALD RLARE 5 King Street {and Ballgite A [1elehane. RTH RA 32301 ence, HA [MANNING . SWARTE Harvister, Soligitar, Notary. Maney to loan. Asse plate, Bruges V. Mapkey, BA. Hedry Black, 3 King Street East, RA |3-4887. Residence, Dial KA 34038 [1nsErn PF. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Salicitar. Maney lo loan. Oifice 144% King Street East, Oahaws. RA S432 Residense, RA 5 3408 ROWMAN DAVIN §., Barrister, Salleh tor, 34% Rimeae Jouth RA 5-0583. Real: dene, RA § LL... 7 SAUER BA, barpister, sallel [tar elo, 1944 Simeon Sree) North Ofties RA §A741; Residences KA $5582 {Bookkeeping IL. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKEERING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET RA 5.9953 Building Trades WATER proofing, plastering, voofing. | painting. paper MAK. ahd house {hold repairs, RA [NEPTIO tanks cleaned the WHRIATY wav, new tanks installed Waller (and. 4 Chestanl West. Phone MO $3563 ROOFING repairs of all Kinds, new! WWHRE Applied al IMPROVEMENT SERVICE home remodelled improvements done fa Beaver. From ng and estimating the finished job, vou deal anly' with' Beaver. Budget terms arranged. Call Beaver Lumber, MO 8.5818 Cartage In AJ Mav ng and Storage, akawa, Whilh Reasdnable rates i SHMIRNed and insured. Phone me #3861 SCOTIAN Cartage, for fast depend able service. KA 83014. No fol We big or to small | Dressmaking ALTERATIONS of all Kinde Wor women and children. Formal yA th Reversinie skirts laity. RA 5.3488 ~ MONEY TO ALTERATIONS of all kinds ff mw | LOAN women and children. Formal dressed. | Reversible skitte--a specially. RA 5.3488 DRESSMARING adies' and enil | dren's wear Alterations of all Kinds | | | HOME Have expert a heautiful model outfit for spring mine specialising 'an bridal { Moderately priced, RA 5.7905 [Maney ta Loan | FIFTY 1a five thousand dollars [worthwhile Purpose. lowest rales service, Seaboard Finange ene Street South. RA 86383 WE HAVE ollents' wanies [CARTES] nat fa Male Yous J materia : plan and alse purchase of akteementh of sale i King Street East all types af gages; far first ang all types at ant tgage 10 HIST and secon and' agreemant Apt norlgages en estate shan builders mortgages for sale purchased M. Swartz, East, Oshawa 1-469 7 Telephone RA S48 FURRIER and DRESSMAKER New, te WW Altgrations Low P Remode'ing ices STREET Telephone R Wark guaranieed designer iA Plumbing and Heating | Rats Any fast Wi Sim BEA T T Y Avaliable for loans on first and second wmorlgages | mortgages and | Louis 8 Hi man Oshawa, RA | ore wd eal ands a d 2 \) 26132 King Street A 2. Lt gitimales. RA " ans RING ROWE A 8.¢ Telbpw Rr sas MOcigase and agves brim tied, Agha bulb, Roy rT Weed Frag ey PhiThased Rol wore 4 ar oA CERI DOR fel a @ "| a wh, Frases aah and Martaages CITENTS 1] FIRE | hd ------ a " saly | ar Ew aig oh Bae hE AFTER ALTIVE Et FREE, | Aig Phi y b a re Retry rth FC di Ah g FIRE. RE, BEF : ferietias TEE AWE, RA G00 " A YEW ws hh frie, Filing ol, a 4 rs "ol Vora, /. FE had fi lig 4 eo» nl A BRIGHT. stiraation, thas TAER IF RAR, EWG AER aR BERIT Roky Wiviad. TT penis, a le FRAG. Haina iavE AEs . TAN ine fh GWE ol sbotind ri WO BREE fw i faphiitins, Pom mikiies FIRE pil laut ail FRI IRR #7, Boh Bey Y hike dad ERY Five 700M Bh Fray, Have 1 ig shod w FHA Firm sind [oie PY AHA TE WHE Rid) Sines West. #5 TEE BR 4 Rew. mane n we iE igs id sd Li/d 5 fas HIRE FGI eR wid phone RA 54574 WORERN (ine «= rooms 7 of hiv BRE nn Find Wipet kam FERRIER Ln [Ey =" deadind iis ddatetd fs GME Bots iar ook 167 Es. Triepiane RA # FWA lirics ropme, , Liaser apd Weis vax ney uA Pres Elrnel Wen AVR WE BRIER ¥i Fi aid JHEEF aan A Abadi tss inch Woth, WERT honine, oak ie ay Jarvis Beigel TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Er ation. Hew ide or wither lessee, LLOYD REALTY | £li&r Adis, 4 EHEETERFIELRS row Upholstery Service FE nylon. Fics patimpies, Bei lt Said ad rial fo Aoki 4 seavering. Dalian 1 Charles Biaeet, RA 37318 CHROME CHAIRS RECOVERED FROM 3.75 UP Expert 'Workmanshi OSHAWA AUTO TRIM 62 BOND ET. WEST RA 58047 SEGERS AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS ofessionel Cleaning of Lower Prices, RA 5-7488 [RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS wl CLEANED wriniment,| ~~ PrOJsiGnG) Cnaring | Members af the Matiens! Instituet of Rug Cleaning NUWAY RA B-468) Surveyers (0 HORTON tarie Land Survey gineering Je ow Whithy MO boon] "hive Ld PONEVAN ANR FILE) teria Land Burveyer, eo printing, 18 Bloor Stree b-8632 |W. FlM AN {Land Burveyars, | East, Phone KA 5-688! "TV - Radio Repairs [Ty BARDIA car radle FER akes hampeon oi AL iiott Avenue. BA A768 (Fred) E WHEN YOU WANT DAY OR NIGHT! I.V. and RADIO | CALL RA B8-5286 All Wark Guaranteed OSHAWA ELECTRONICS DO IT NOW | Is heavy AX Sheiding Tower in 3:ft. by 4:11, con: crete hase, with Crewn rater and Tace antenns, plus channel 9 trap ON TIME (F YOU PREFER, XPERT TELEVISION SERVICE, Len and Lou's City T.V, FREE SURVEY RA 5.7844 GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use a CHANNELMAST ANTENNA attached to STARLIGHT TOWER an vou'll have the best GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW! Use a naw aluminized plet tube installed by ex : SY technicians, and yeu'l had the finest, Modest pricessn call us for service: T.RI1.O TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST RA 8.678) rr ------------ SAMSON T.V, TOWERS RA 8.8180 FIRST | Wh Fins anle Bex Bing i BOL AHOOD Keglto " gage te As J Brokers | RUG p---- | Nursing Services INDIVRU AL Bunnyhiras care fo f Oshaws ied ERCh REEBOR IB BN supervised able rales. RA Optom otrishs [F. RICHARD BLACK fplametry the examination itd (3 136 Blmsue aihorne Fk ERIN ny Wh a4 BH. TUE |RBY Bernunis {Bank ar 74 |ainingd »t ROME: Fraetar of # BA, aplametrisl. piss # downlgwn Daminien Burk Street, Invalides s% Dist RA § 1487 Painting o ond Decorating | UPTON! B satisfied! PRIRLINE and decorating males vall BA 3.2677 High suslity for free ell Reasonable Wark guess [EXPERT printing ky Pon tes, depending Toom pike [sh eed. Digl RA 5-278 IPROFESSIONAL painter and paper (hanger, guaranteed work and malerials Free estimates. Al Conroy. BA B-0088, | PEOPLE reading Clas this ready 33468 loda DODD & SOU ER FAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS } sper services » w who need your 4 low cost ad SERVIC Ing Personal Service | PETER PAN Day Nursery. all oe ha [Aay, 8.30 to 5.50. 581 Simeos Nerth 16-2804 Hk | TRY QUI stall BAR-B-QUED CHICKE! halt ehicker fish d 1) plate french i hambuy ¥ dogs with chips milk shakes MODERN GRILL PELIVEE RA § SHIRT LAUNDERERS £IPR ERS REPLACED ar nathan garments utis ana ckets renewed mplel k of huttans Git ARDS 1 ERY ICE Wi inn en 5 ' LEA LTD nealing pipes, AL | and used, chang to sewer a Ipe-| al reasonable and estimates free plumbing, Digl KA PLUMBING {ngs and H nation of afar any type 54341, 4. Fale APPLIANCES pumps Ba | all by : farced alr turmnmaceas fixtures, parts PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING 82 x ay Night ang bathieom §efvice wales | and I ORONO i or [Rug--Upholstery Service (STOP dreaming of A husiness your awn and start ohecking "Husiness Op partunities™ 1 Classitied,. Soon yous dream will be a reality CHESTERFIELRS and old ohales ve cavered like new. Gel the best for wl OSHAWA 1.V. BEAN RAEI Re weal 36) GIBBONS ST. Well Drilling W. WARD WELL DIGGING BY MACHINE pecializing in 30" Ty WHITBY ONTARIS MO 83363 -- MO ra 04 CHESTNUT South [male {¥ PROLSTERY ai {ts best for less. We |shecialise 18 chesterfiells, e-cavered, |ve-mosieleld, repaired. Figs sstimates. |#A8Y terms RA 5-36 |RRAWSE throush an aid fashioned vay tet stare Wn You WR living ream { ihe anusua § unde Sale ified LHENTEREIEL IS \ seaverad AY Ale ve ahie Satlafag HOR iatanieed Aattresses ehuill. Oshawa Upholstery fa Bond Blast Wash al |