Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Mar 1961, p. 23

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CANNIBALISM P tt time members anh 15 pert way is fhe porchase of ney K-given crefit (on (he CoRERcE: THE GSHAWS TIMES, Wednestey, March 39, 1960 23 'Hospital Has iia 1 ELLE AY ee m-- a -- Ld 3 4 / or Re EO save Tost he ants of oe some hail of the Metical Siaft, BALAK (CW) enain Feo je] Annual Meet tins toe eae ant wove the pushes of MEW The chamen Ganked thei The loflowng sppsiwiments Vu VUick Quin, prominent 4 Vile Tuctises ovsiante #4 the Col om he momcpiits ovyion wentiory fox thes hey, were made 9 the Woogtel hours Cousdian yobvics lov 15 yeors 4 | ORT PERRY ~ The samsaticont boys per Puie was We, Harry Proeniz, cistomen ¥% FY, % 6.8 ¢ 15 Ag the post Jove oud watch from he veriows manicipat. #1 be buried hers Fridey, A i , e pple isin nl Cariwright is rages, hat i was partly dae to the of Gey. Port Ferry, Eh aries member of the BpPer howe Cmasting of the Commmmity We mm of $L.3 per ont of the finance CRW E, FE: ry Hoshi Vors Very, weet ee » pied tov he Vrerty Comm fhe peiswiogs piond o ie fhot. 16 Ressoy; Townchip of Sowgrs snes 1995, he Mek # Wis home oi y # the Ros. : , PORERE ot (he 93 640K hasah ) , AWA (CF) ~ Kehots dicridems thet gor wise com. com, horeh B 4 A A eT ry AAC in we, a Go, ris R r ams make EA Airing " , WRERen R he 4 yA pd Fespnree ~ -- is og iB ot the paphiel ¥ past esr, meine the meal, We Were plensed (9 POR, cic i Airy was of Corvwright, Merri Vor q, sags, walt Warnement Wolk jem. , . / kane of ThE MESH, J horsiory nt of ar amerainey fehions some of the Auniiory mentors present wad spoke § few welt Com, County of Ontario, J. 4 we ; | The view todey fe thet Mis "Sl Clot statement wo is comprised of 15 sysiem, 'The GErcs mw wast: present, The Ruiiery 1s 1 he chosen works [Gon puriament Em eS ER LC Lo ton by tor od. docments gathered SE he a a Oe or. mo. aris a 10 te a ea oe ow tre Wteier Wek 4 msndene ivy, hey de Dorin. the your here weve) ENIOY MORE EATING SHOP AP FOR EVERYTHING FROM TRIMMINGS 10 ter Pinchwie (04 # Front scribe the Tearing of the sor 50 admissions, with # t# of sented gr ference. Seven were site or location of (eed ITE patie Reve, (B05) mdwits Sround (umbied stone CNRS, caches, A Fecorh of the pers WI Rewhorn patient 4879), 3 ry { ih by fhe (ruitiens poarch Io Inedet, ie on wrersge of 18 por siskd &3 grasa islands for Sir Jobp -- ram lin s Msastrons pliemot 18 4 | 4 \ Ch . ie 741 A\INY774 LH HH e then 129 men end two wl Wavy vessels, Terror end Erebus, The vessels Became Aid locked in lee pnd g Aesth merch © by the survivors soperently © ed antes, aa morn wm | I vet & B He nAY GRADE "A" OVENREADY, BROILER TYPE, § tc 86 AVR. First concrete word op their © HOURS: fate oarme In 1954 from She Jom | 57 A son's Bay Company © wks men whe wes hie through + B @8 OPEN TONIGHT Kimo reports and other evid-| Bi TILL 9 P.M, fb ¢ ence 19 make the fine! conchy | I NEW a ' | oan om DRIVEN 70 CANNTBALISW © LOW-COST ECONOMY SERVICE Mtoe 9 PM, Seid Sir John st one point of / bo 2h . { ¥" ¢ 14 on TCM's Porth American roles ~ available every Mo revort; "Fram the muiioied Bf C0, oy' cor oid bi CLOSED MARCH 2 COOKE D READY TO SE RVE NEW ECONOMY EXCURSION FARES UP 70 25% LOWER THAN ECONOMY FARES on TCA routes Inside Canada! Good from Octo: ber 1st to May Bist. Tickets valid 23 days for weekend, 24 days for weekday travel, Your fare includes full-course meals --~e1cellent ervIce ~ new speed end comfort on TCAs gest aircraft including DCA Giant Jets, powered by Rolls-Royce! First Class Service iso, of covrse! 4 | COAST TO COAST IN CANADA 1 To the U.§,~FLORIDA j the contents of the kettle, # Js | 3 SAT, 8:30 to 6 PM, SMOKED HAMS 5 su, 47mm, 57: 4 WHOLE HAMS 585, premre-- -- Brent With Poultry ~ Grand With Hem Osean Bpray, Whels er Jellisd CRANBERRY SAUCE worn Gy 6 r------------ BUTT HALF SHANK HALF 59: [+33 NO CENTRE SLICES REMOVED CENTRE CUTS OR 6TEAKS +69: TORONTO (CP) Liberal 8 Leader Wintermeyer and CCF 08 Leader MacDonald tangled in| 58 the legislature Tuesday over charges thet the federal Pro- "8 gressive Conservative and Tb (8 NASSAU-BAHAMAS-WEST INDIES Jane Parker Quality More Super-Right ™® atv the small uranium eom-| GREAT BRITAIN and EUROPE Bakery Specials "ing #1 MEAT FEATURES Mr, Wintermeyer arose before | 19 When YOU travels 1 Baked In ABF's Own Bakery f 0 2d A ders of the day to defend fhe! I) PRIN, Guill iy oor Tm ' a ' 7 GENUINE NEW I i 49. (i COMPARE THE FARE~ YOU'LL GO BY AIR: jibers! party against Mr, Mae-| [4 onald's a 11 eg ations Monday) | that certain Liberals knew all| Vi Fruit & Vegetable Features SPRING LAMB shout # tentative agreement 3 ; made between the former St. For details, ask your Travel Agent = or contact TCA ot ] 3 Cuban Red Spanish, Large Bize 12's Ne, 1 Grade Aaurent government and the Fo 130 Bloor $8. W., Toronto, Ont, Stock Up Your Freszer At This Low Price A 3} ited Kingdom for the sale of | 13 TRANS DA AIR LINES "--P---- ------ AV 10 wi PINEAPPLES Legs Fronts wranium, 47% RAN CANA ane Parker Orange og Bo o A) \ he CF Lender had claimed 1} (40 > 1) Sharia 1b Clwwie MW ¢ that the Tories and : 4 CHIFFON 49 | y each [4 fr i ety ww CAKE of intent had heen signed In 1087 ne. Parker for the sale of 24,000,000 pound of uranium oxide, 60 Wheat CHOPS ws ov 1 BDe comme om 1s 9s Lamb In Basket In aA8/ tt 29: Golden Ripe, No, 1 Grade BANANAS Reg. loaf B1e--BAVE Te Book Through , . . 2:29: Mr, Wintermeyer tried to say there was no evidence that Les: | v B. Pearson, present federal] DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Sandwich BREAD fe Atmesphere Contralled Storage, Crisp, Tasty, Fancy Grade APPLES MANTOSH 31t colo bag 49 ROAST - CHOPS - STEW CUTS » 53s CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY REP BRANR saree fe wh ed of 300 DUNDAS E~WHITBY~~MO 68-3304 2 iid 3 5 [4 Washingten, Best for Salads & Eating, Ne. 1 Grade, 180% 4 Porterhouse or Birlein Police of hs remarks " the Jans Parker Hemettyle Or ANJOU PEARS 6 for 39: v STEAKS 89: pi, we nalh uid tho. FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Vain er Crary phy 88c--BAVE Be rs SW EET P OTAT OFS "a "as ; : [| "eonspiraey" had ereated 8 mo: / Ibs 2 ' Cooked, Ready to Serve, Plenie Style, Smoked "% PORK SHOULDERS +43 fonely at the uranium town of lint Lake, [ "Phe net result of thelr aotion| had heen to aceelerate the pro-| Demestic and Werld Wide Travel Arrangements 57 KING ST EAST OSHAWA RA 6:6201 oy of the little e0mpanios he- | ng gohbled up hy the hig ones," | sald Mr, MacDonald, "with the Jom that in Elliot Lake, the io Tinto mine will stand to benefit." Rio Tinto's president 18 Ho ert Winters, public works min: ster in the former Liberal gov: ) SEF YOUR LOCAL AGENT MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE Themes Meadows Co, Canada bed, 22 SIMCOE ST, §, OSHAWA RA 3.9440 ernment, | "Smimoff {all but : invented the OANA ITE BIE WC VR ER SER It took Smirnoff to give a new meaning to "serewdriver," To understand why, ponuTs "Ae i Jane Parker, Brown 'n Serve DINNER ROLLS dane Parker Reg, pkg 19:--8AVE Bs 2 pkgs 29¢ BREAD for STUFFING 24.07 loaf 196 CpRGUL ESTER oni | (0 30: OFF BACH PACKAGE OF § PAIRS OF Meorrimood. NYLONS i AVAILABLE AT MOST A&P STORES HELP YOUR CHILD IN SCHOOL WITH A NEW GOLDEN BOOK Illustrated Dictionary Resigned Bpesifically Far Young People In Grade Scheel 1 only C each § VOLUMES = BUY A ROOK A WEEK Casini a TIDE Califarnia, Leng, Green, Tender, No, 1 Grade ASPARAGUS #29: California, Bnew White, Ne. 1 Grade, Celle Wrapped CAULIFLOWER eh 3 Be Green Paseal, No. 1 Grade Jumbe beh 1 \'S CELERY HEARTS B:Ib cello bag 79: Califarning Navel, Fansy Grade ORANGES FLOWERS for EASTER EASTER LILLIES «voor 5901.99 | HYDRANGEAS 4 Blooms é' 2,99 Cl PY: BIG 99: Gooos SALE ¢ FOODS A&P Fancy Quality Reg: tin B0e--B8AVE 179 TOMATO JUICE ~~ «tori 99c Choice Red Pitted Reg: tin BRe--BAVE 160 A&P CHERRIES 3 erin 9 Pe AAP Fancy Quality Reg: tin Ae--8AVE 120 ASPARAGUS TIPS 3 nexins 99¢ Mitchell's Chales Quality Reg: tin Me--BAVE 8g APPLE JUICE 3 oi 99s Featuring "LEMON CHIP" (Mild Lamon les Gream with Lemon Ohips) wwe 2 §e | wr snson § Qe . Allgesd, 8meked, Bliced, Rindiess SIDE BACON hake 39e Cooked and Breaded HADDOCK PORTIONS 45¢ Cooked and Breaded WHITE BASS FILLETS »33¢ Boa Benld, Haddock FISH & CHIP DINNER '6esko 4 3¢ Tasty Chip borg 27 ¢ BEEF BURGERS We alse have a fine selection of , + + Tender, Plump, Grade "A", Oven Ready Hen Turkeys, Reasting Bh ickens Buffet Style Fruited Butts and Baneless, Smoked, Cooked Hams + + +» All attractively priced, I. EXTRA SPECIALS! @ -- Lo Reg, tin He--8AVE To 2 d8-0 tins 5 5¢ og: pg 80eBAVE 100 shoot 90 7 De SPECIAL tari 29¢ AAP Sweatened GRAPEFRUIT JUICE : A«P TEA BAGS Mebaren's Manzanilla, Lacse Pask STUFFED OLIVES Kellogg's Frozen Food Features CORN FLAKES wwerpky 3 J AAP Fancy Sliced Reg: sash 30e---8AVE 17a Mebaren's Gelden Roast Reg Jar 80e--BAVE do STRAWBERRIES 3 5:01.00 | PEANUT BUTTER weriw 3 3¢ Faney Reg. ? pkgs 300---8BAVE So French's Reg: pkg Me--BAVE AsP PEAS @uans69 | POTATOES INSTANT raise 31 Solid Faney White Meat Reg: tin Ble=BAVE Be ua |CE CREAM | TUNA FISH cusa 27m 89: Woz phy 39 Reg php Sle--8AVE Be vhoty 39¢ RICE Kraft Plain Deluxe CHEESE SLICES TOOK UP FOR THE LONG WEEK-END " just mix chilled orange juice and Smirnoff in a highball glass in 5:1 proportions, GIANT 3i2¢ HoT CROSS BUNS pkg of 6 33¢ Jane Parken, Daily Dated 2 16-08 loaves 2 Smirnoff is the only vodka filtered nine times for incomparable smoothness and purity, Bela Rubuiae v BREAD white suc sai 19¢ MAR hs CANADA C | MARcARN 2 1b pkgs $3 me snes ann HCE Sex. $02 pkg The AP Super | CLUE wwe ene yo bribe vimoflC QANT STI TON | SAVE 6 | Seriihe wong B50, ud VODKA ' PORK & BEANS . 20:02 tins 33¢ | AN Prioes In Thin Ad Quarantosd Through Sab, April 1, 1908 ek

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