Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 29 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY What often passes (ov \oleranes fe the counterfeit oom of em Basarpisi/m / - p Price Met 6 Oh, 90-030, 74 i Lats Por he Os OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 196) howa Sines High pressure on way from west, #6 Thursday 19 be sunny, cooler, a Hes" covanen™ fd Ma THIRTY PAGES Reds Get |. S. E. Asia | Warning BANGKOK, Thailand Sowihesst Asia Treaty (gsm alin conference ended WR & unanimous cil for "Rp PERI 16 get Sans # Per Ihe Coumiry Contin 4 he BEATO couperi alse MH PRIMER RERINE. RBRY (RKEHYEY MLempt In Bath Ys Aeciared w wonid RENE IB WAR EOuRtEe HWIEERT BRG RE aM Fone VER Tim &F NEE) Eoumnies is th ta The for a cessetive and peaceful RELIGIONS 16 IWaEIn RB Wied inday and ndependent [aos free si THiay & aly anEERmEnt in ways of GIR EROGIRE ARE RA Shr #E 16 BY RELION BF Brimp of WW wer Lam F611 fH REE A ABER hinse effort CHIMES REMAN G a6 Wh hiv ££ fa he gelive on wo if Nam and and hee (a tn wnder tik of AY) ETN # gain WiEInnET IREER WIEN in kerp AYE wo EF Feview oF rd en A Fresh Wwiing King priate this realy fake he eigh Ld Te WHEE alLim heYy dd n the ciresm nen the only ESHIION using thé wm BEATO SEATO conned Hm or SK. A ( {4 new ¢ ' ' ) mica un hia the mignt Fl BECTE Husk me fastiom 5" fiabs bride (WeeTV ED the pars Alerenee Fanging the gin Fis BN Wis one in the mem than Erm Feiner Fhe CARE 1a the 16 French | Mawrice Conve de hae fie ini/n ow ith made ii clea) Gly SOME wid necned SEATO power five military FAKES FIRM STAND Thai Foreign Minister Khoman would have Tre vated FOVE wit he memners act APY Dean nag ar pe of BEATO Memners few ary dct inn conference ners referred he He aiition comamen Jes gency than was exhibited President Kennedy's pre ference on 1.ans last week Fisk avoided que ow whether further consultation vould he needed helore PATO aetion in Lan aia prompt sieh inter Ken whether a sng countries have Utilities ~~ Unisl AERIS f he aenien Thana CONEY fu nn ne re iW warned | ¢ " Ba part in J "on partition of Laos and Thailand would 4 om any of the {.an any Mi TH hey hme ; nigh walked 0 ¢ y Monda / each in n Maintain yA ifter he en now fiom inetising ammunist | her son n fon in he | amian The VETS or wha Charles 9. righ FEELIN Winston-Balem nospitagl fh) Hi undertaken Laos if Com on continges, he COUNCIL 18 BR ASSO ation of governments and all ernments retain full respon Take-Over i i er decisions I @ separate press confer ence Cou + B. C Threat Fran # of An Murville spid is that new onsultations would have (n take place before the eight BEATO powers took any eollective mil ation Lans Cold Air Over Flooded Area Eo k sgislatire MA niall Upson ome ame ARYL wir & CCF motion calling for s dy spread inte the flood study of public ownership of stricken region of northeastern B.C. Electric, West Kootenay [ows where several thousand Power and Light Company and persons were made temporarily East Kootenay Light Company. homeless by the surging Cedar The vole reinforced earlier River statements hy Premier W. A. ( The river threatened further Bennett that unless B.C. gets overflows in Waterloo, the re hetter treatment in corporation Eon's industrial centre with taxes it will take over the com. population of nearly 80.000, as panies : it reached an all « time flood The CCV far years has urged sage ' that B.C, Electric, which serves Flood waters Tuesday night the greater Vancouver and gushed through an emergency Fraser Valley avea of the lower dike four blocks long in Evans mainland, come under govern: dale, a suburh of Waterloo, in ment control, Bocial Crediters undating a third of the com always opposed the suggestion munity of 8561 population, Wa until Opposition Leader Robert ter poured into some 500 homes persuaded Btrachan raised il a this from which residents had heen posi week evacuated "Mr extension of offjee 10 the/ detris Canadians Hope || For U. S. Orders | | WARHINGTON (C1) of dian officials here say hopeful of carrying neaposed inereased fefenos pending tn factories I'hely tential an. R ATO to for TORONTO (CF) Premier Frost today announced the res 1gnation of Jame Duncan ms chairman of the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission Mr. Duncan will he succeeded W. Ross Strike, the. commis sion's first viee-president Mr. Frost said he aceepted Mr. Duncan's resignation "with he d 4 he premier said that Mr, Duncan in accepting the chair: manship in 1056 did so "at very considerable personal sacrifice to himself" Mr. Dunean, now #7, was director of & large number Canadian corporations at time and on his appointment as Hydro chairman relinquished those positions, Mr, Frost said On assuming the chairman ship Nov. 1, 1666, Mr, Duncan agreed to do so for (three years, sald Mr, Frost YAL the expiration of this pe: riod In desire tn yelire him VICTORIA (CP)=1t has he eame clear that the British Co Iumhia's Credit govern ment, demanding a greater share of corporation (axes which Power companies pay the fed eral government, would take over private utilities to get that money Social Har in L} of and frankly 1 fo retain his am #8 Lana they are ame of the American Canadian in a recent issue Affairs Quarterly Tavior fought a long and los ing battle against the Kisen hower doctrine of more-hang for a huek." Meanwhile, the air! force steadily grew more power ful and the army and navy)! dwindled to a point bordering | an ineffectiveness in limited that 18, In non-nuelear---war Until now, the air force has! claimed the vole as the strategie detervent arm of the UK, Now it seems 11 will have ta share its iiratogie vale with the navy, and the army is to be upgraded to # role approaching equality, OUT LIKE A LION Roar TORONTO (CP)=With prore gation less than a day away, the Ontario legislature Tuesday night showed signs of hawing out like the Mareh lion A He-hour night sitting was devoted entirely to second read Foreign interest In po production or ders for Canada centres on a new 1-ton military vehicle President Kennedy wants to in crease LURK. eanahility of fighting hrushfive wars he vehicle would he roughly equivalent to a fully-tracked truck with a traller behind 1 Infarmants here sald a proposed design of such a vehicle 1s al ready on Canadian drawing hoards and Canadians will al tempt 1a compete against Amey oan producers far this contract The main defenceshaving ne gotiation hetween Canada and the UK. is still being aimed al an agreement for a fighter plane swap, The Canadian side is confident that a deal will merge WASHINGTON (A) Pre dent Kennedy Tuesday offioially disoarded "massive retaliation as the US albpurpose war de terrent higges! defence JAMES DUNCAN between Hydra and the gavern ment, municipalities and the peaple » Liberal Leader Wintermeyer sald the hill would only legal ize the actions Mr, Macaulay "has nightly taken aver the past ings of private members' bills, few years" in supplying the I'hree hills produced an une House with detatled reports on precedented three recorded pod vob 0 y 50 ONCININES piaROTRD WY vols plus © heated the Kennedy Brydon that repeatedly hroanght al hs feet Peston Je Woodbine) sald he wouldn't The fist. proposed by Ros ve far the BL which he sald Whicher (Le-Rruee) would have Velved the "totally false prin oiple that the legislature should stand aver the shoulder of Hy brought the Ontarie Hydra-Rle trie Power Commission under dro and wateh {1s avery mave Mr. Wintermeyer asked = the the authority of the minister of energy resources, My. Whichey il the bill. which alse would overnment ta consider holding another sess the standing ORS Kennedy pre seribed in hs special defence budget message to Congress the application of military men the ""halanced foree cance H mean United Nate should he ne paved for any war In Us place what oall the 1) Hitle Cher (OCF Tar {1 h or (£1 1) in-between I he but nearly evervihing the dent recommended Tuesday was outlined hy Gen, Maxwell Tay lar, farmer army ehief of staff CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5.1104 FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6374 HOSPITAL RA 32211 may andy cameidenes presi removed the cabinet rey on vind dy LH Pre tative an th IN \ THI own ner red {1 Hydra policies Hyd responsi THE 3H ther di Frost agreed IW legislature \ Hut Edergy Resources Mins ter Macaulay said the hill would 10 he mies he premier sald nh was AFTER TEN-HOUR WALK that § 1950 he intimated his {Hon to certain matters of inter Duncan agreed 1o---Hs national concern in which {had a deep interest," 2 7 fa ¥ @ -y n ine fins pi Over vi home and anv 1 FTI Charies A NEE me of nine ehildrer ¥1 miles from and with no Iransportsa fie taried picked eve tregtment " third grader Mr he her Ihe tayed ent fn me he in IR Where might. The Bowman Bowman's haspial hospital home ind ner son mn atlahie ambulance she was fion # an AP Wirephoto WRIKINE ip Ross Strike Succeeds Duncan As Hydro Boss lake effect "a business will permit miei i Mr. Duncan has the tion of heing one of the most widely « travelled executives in Canada, He was horn in Paris and has visited Britain, Ger many, Bouth America North Af ries and Mussa He first visited the Soviet Un ion in 1066 and returned, iagge Inst year as head of a Wy el) ( SOON AS current the pre repita Canadian delegation on a mile tour He hecame hydro ehgirmyd shortly after reliving as pre dent and chairman of Masse, Harris-Verguson, the world wig Canadian farm implement fir He rose from a 80-a-week fi tory hand to head the Massey Harris Company and later ils successor, Massey Harris-Fer guson, now Massey-Ferguson : Intensely interested in promot Ing two-way trade with Britain ROKK STRIKE Mr, Duncan helped form the dol {lar-sterling trade hoard in 1040 ment of plans which he made in and hecame its first chairman which he would evate his atten:|The hoard later became the dol lar sterling trade council he The premier thanked Puncan for his service as chair man "in line with the work of his lifetime which has heen de voted tn the development of ou country "Jamse Duncan, 1 think, will he assessed as one of the great unselfish Canadians who have served our country well The h-year-old new chairman was appointed a Hydro eommis sioner in 1044, al which time he was president of the Ontario Municipal Kleetrie Association He hecame first vice-chairman in 1056 "Mr, Strike 1s a man of great experience, fine personality and good judgment," My, Frost sald Mand 1 am sure, as chalrman of the commission, will carry on the traditions of service and de velopment which commenced with the frst ehalrman, Bh Adam Reck Mr, Duncan's resignation will HONG KONG (AP) (50,000,000 people aren't multi plying fast enough for the Com munists, They're working on test tube habies "Many theoretical and techni eal problems remain solved," a Chinese selentist re ported in the official Peking People's Dally The government organ de voted 3,500 words to the subject indicating the impartance the Peking regime attaches to th In Legislature iy overwhelmed the combined apposition 64 to 1 he third bill, sponsored hy Reg Gishorn (COF=Wentwrath ast), would have required dis closure of receipts and expendi tures of central party organisa Hans during election campaigns He sald such financial state ments would undoubtedly show canterthutions ta the Liberal and Canservative that Hw Wel in the relationship between Hy dra and the government, The legislature, he said, "already has substantial control aver Hy dra's capital expenditures The bill was rejected 61 to 17 supported only hy the Liberals he second bill, proposed hy Vernon Singer (1 York Cen tre), would have vequived MPPs wid MPs resign hefore ac COPLHRE nominations TLE IW ME Singer sald the bl, an amendment tn the Mu Mepis! Act, would prevent a confliol of interest develaping hecause a person held office in twa levels of government x MINISTER ORIRCTS Municipal Affairs Warrendey objected Dany py on both side the House held both ni and legisiative without any apparent conflict of interest {0 WIHes n | Wa realiee people Wile Mm return manded My, Frost ce vm fo wl retarted that he didn't know of one single caw ibution hy & hig corporation 10 the party ta whioh 1 belong Mr. Wintermeyver sald he sup parted the hill mn principle hu AEAMS HS enactment on i present form In Hw Atarnev-General Robert Journ debate, the majority evercame Mini LEN that wa on had mu Vile On 3 mation hy altho in ad government the CCl pal [destroy the happy relationship 'strongly opposed to any change; The government major Liberal apposition, A MAJOR SOVIET China's, he, PLAY AWAITED Tanganyika Independent On Dec. 29 PAR es SALAAM (AF)~Fril ain has agreed to grant full in dependence to Tanganyika next Dee. 18, Colonial Secretary Iain Macleond announced here 100aY Date of independence for the territory's 9.000 000 people Was aereed an in talks here OuUrng threes Aayes eA ween political lead the 8 faclend and vi £1 comunigue sad Tangan ika would apply for member: fn in the Commonwealth upon ndependence The communique said full in dependence wold he pres ceded h full international self -go ernment' heginning May 1. Brit ain will introduce & resolution in the United Nations, which inher ied trusteeship of the terniory the league of Nations the end of the trus fromm OPOSIng feeshin Bryden Enjoys Gift Of 'Car' TORONTO (CP Kenneth Bryden (CCF Taranto Wood bine) had the last laugh today although he suffered temporary emharvassment when a Progres sive Conservative member pre: sented him with 8 compact ear in the legislature, William Davis sent the car, & toy model, to Mr. Bruden hy page hoy, re marking that the CCF member wb Peal) "had said repeatedly he could not find a suitable Canadian-made compact car Mr. Bryden drives a pean car hecause "L won't cept the tyranny of Detroit Mr. Davis, who previously had invited the CCF member in a tour of a new automobile plant in his riding, sald the gift was made in Peel" and should nol he contrary to his principles Mr. Bryden accepted the gift reluctantly, then found (hal a stamp on the hottam of the toy sald It was made in Detroit, He returned the ear "with thanks," Fro [1 vi TEST TUBE BABIES | People Cheaper Than Machines possibility of test-tube hahies In Ching Is part of Peking's paradoxi eal but heavy propaganda em phasis on Communist China's need for manpower Despite its teeming popula ton, China is short of machin ery==an the farm and in the fac LOry==and It must use manpower to fll fm slack, In Ching, man power is cheaper than machin ory I'he scientist, Chang Tso-kan, mn his report said "lor. human beings, nine manths of preg nancy are detrimental tn health "If ohildren can he had with out heing conceived, the work and. labor of mothers need not he affected hy ehild birth, This 5 happy news for women." Chang reported on experi ments being conducted in aly, the Soviet Upton and the United States on the "extracorporeal fertiliention of the human ova and the culture of human em hivos 1! Gromyko Delays GUY FOREST Montreal Fugitive Wounded MONTREAL (CF) Two po lieemen checking # stolen car Tuesday night flushed and shot Guy Forest, 24, Montreal's most wanted man since & young eon stable was gunned down in Jan Wary Forest was In eritical eondi tion with three bullet wounds in the site and legs The policemen who captured him==constables Jean Granger and diihent Laihietk--had no It Wis LR es ven Lb he grown & moustache The policemen said Forest went for & gun when he saw them approaching. They ducked for cover and started shonting Forest was struck as he ran fram the ear A man with Forest fled an foot hut was captured a block HWRY It was only a few hlocks from where Constable Andre Cam peau was wounded in the ches dan. #1, launching the hunt for Forest, The RCMP joined the search March § Seek Cause Of Fatal Rir Crash NUKRNBERG (AP) rived here today to sift through the wreckage of a Czech airliner that ervashed and killed B28 per no survivars The plane was carrving So viet, Czech and Bulgarian tech nieians to Africa, assistant Cgeoh Transport Minister Karl Stekl reported on arrival. No Western passengers were ahoard, he added The hig four-engined turbo prop Hyushin 18 plunged into an open field near the village of Huesselbach, 30 miles north of Nuernberg. Local police hinted at the possibility of sabotage, saying they could not entively exclude the likelihood of foul play The airliner, hound for Ram ako, capital of the West African Mall Republic, earvied 44 pas | sengers and a orew of aight, It had taken off from Prague with the first stop scheduled in #w ioh As dawn hroke, veseue work ors were still trying to recover hadies, Police said several ohil dren appeared to he among the first 93 recovered Court Decision Stuns Verwoerd PRY Id ge In Hing FORIA (A) rihunal. today persons charged with plot the violent averthrow of the: Sauth Afvican government 10 establish a Communist ve gine The unanimous verdiet eon eluded the longest and costliest ial in the countey's history. It | four years and thowsands of pounds ning defeat for Minister Hendeik Ver While supremacy gov A thes acquitted wled nearly Cast many Wa Prime woerd's ernment A former synagogue dicted oon! fay the their verted mia a the ial was three judges decision I'he widely heralded "treason trial" resulted from the arrest of 168 persons of all races in country-wide dawn raids th De. comber 1956 A world-wide cam patgn vased defence funds NInOLY we persons were in bt the government drapped the charges against #4 soon after the ial began, It was helieved the government, As a result of the verdiet, would special court jammed as announced not ry to reindict the other 84. iit som, who originally insisted that action, Germany, Cech investigators ar- [Perhaps one-tenth of the 26,000 | sons Tuesday night. There were| dents for publie drinking or dis His Departure UNITED NATIONS (CF)--~80 viet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyka's delay in leaving for the Warsaw pact meeting has roused speciation thet some. Some sources also sggested important Russian move is that Russian uneasiness over whut to he made al the United growing nendliness hetween Nations or in Washington the United States and the new Gromykn had heen scheduled AMrican nations might have ta leave Sunday for the Com- romped the Kremiin to keep miunist Woe parley that opened Gromyko on the scene Fuesday in Moscow, but Soviet Stevenson met with African sources indicated today he will delegation chiefs Tuesday and remain here at least until Fri- assured them of substantial U8, day support and technical help for Many diplomats believed Gro # Wroad aid plan, provided the mykn was saying on to relay Mrican nations take the inti: Russia's expected answer (n AVE In mapping out the pro- President Kennedy on Western Bram : proposals (0 halt the fighting in. AMrican issues continued 19 1aos, Gromykn conferred with blanket the General Assembly Kennedy Monday on the Laotian The assembly itself continued erin dehate on the Congo erisis. The There was also speculation main political commities went that Gromyko's staying on on with its discussion of the US, meant agreement was imminent aid-for-Africa proposal. The spe- on a formula for reopening East- cial political committee hashed West disarmament talks over racial segregation in South Communist diplomats said Mrica hoth chief US, delegate Adlai The budgetary commities hag: Blevenson and CGromyke had gled over payment for the | given ground on the question of Congo operation, on which how many members should he nearly $32,000,000 is still owed added to the 10-country disarm: for 1960 and $120,000,000 is Ament committee that hroke up needed for 1061, Inst June Informed sources said the Gromyko, after first holding Vrench government has refused out for five more members, was! io contribute (0 the cost of the reported (ao have offered ta set: UN Congo force, the first major tle for three--~texien, India and Western power to Join the Rus the United Arah blic, alll sians in that position, There was classified ns neutrals, Bleven- no explansiton for the French the I0-power commities cone tinue, now has expressed will: ingness to add Mexico and In fin Spring Feverish Students Quieter Vacationing collegians quieted| Police kept everyone moving down at Vort Lauderdale, ¥la, lon the hotel and night club after two days of riotous turmoil [studded heach strip and and students were forced hy po: screened every one travelling lee to veturn to their dormitor: there from town fo wNowing Green State Mayor Edward Johns said he In Another ooliege incident, didn't think property nwners police at Jackson, Miss., used Were pleased with the police lear gan and a police dog to blockade, "They claimed their hreak up a group of college business was shut off hy the Miudonts i A om Javading police blockade," Johns said (through the business district A small army of Ohio high. AL A a sigh i Piuesday night to Bowling Green RUNARY AN onaay State University's troubled after authorities closed their] oampus, favorite heach because of ear Mor lier disturbances fore than BB patrolmen A fiveniock outdoor moved across the campus, fore organized with eity help ing students 10 return to their dormitories, This came afler university president Ralph Me Donald proclaimed a state of emergency, Dr, MeDonald took the action orderly conduct after many students had hoy Two judges today gave 46 un. cotled classes Tuesday and kempt and scantily clad stu: About 400 had gathered in front dents a choice of three days in of the student union building, jail or a B08 fine, More were The students sald the demon: lined up waiting court appear: strations were in protest against ances university regulations, dance kept eolleglans oecupled Tuesday night But arvesied 150 police sly BO GLAMOUR QUEEN Madame VL. Pandit at a Party in the Indian high coms missioner's hame in London last night, The queen was the | guest of honor at the party | =APR Wirephote hat's no movie queen=--it's A real-life sovereign. Queen Elizabeth 1, in a figuve-hug SINE sequin evening sown and white stole, made this show Slopping entrance as she was greeted by the san « elad

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