Ontario Community Newspapers

Atwood Bee, 29 May 1891, p. 4

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THEABE BEE PUBLISHER. R.8. PELTON,» MAY 29, 1891. FRIDAY, The Queen's Birthday. Queen Victoria _w was 72 years old Monday, and in a few weeks more she will complete the 54th year of her long Telgn. Other English sovereigns have ruled afew years longer, and under others there have been brilliant achieve- mentsin arms, in diplomacy and in letters; but taking length of years and brilliancy of achievement together, the Victorian age can perhaps be fitly com- pared only with the last halt of the six- teenth century. ‘The earlier period, be- cause of the towering supremacy of one or two of its great names, must be regarded as the Augustan age of Eng- lish literature; but no other half cen- tury but that of Elizabeth can surpass that which has given us such poets as ‘vennysou and Browning, and historians as Macauly, Grote aud Froude, Greene and Leckie, such profound thinkers up- on moral and social topics as Mill, Rus- kin and Carlyle, such novelists as ‘Dick- ens, Thackeray and George Eliot. -\frica has been to modern travellers a fascinating field for exploration, and their heroic deeds remind us of the time three hundred years ago when “the dar- ing of the bucaneers broke through the vale which the greed of Spain had drawn Columbus.” ‘There are English divines‘on both sides of the "oy whose names are not un~ science, of scientific speculation an achievement, the las years are so Yar in advance of any other period in history that a ot is impossible. ‘The age hasnot been remarkable for feats of arms or triumphs of foreign peas but in it the progress of the sritish people has been truly marvellous in the arts of peace,in commerce and Inanufactures, and the growth of free- dom in political institutions has been steady and rapid. The franchise has been broadened until it closely approx- imates manhood suffrage; and the re- peal of the Corn Laws was the begin- ning of an emancipation of trade which has resulted in a prodigious growth of British commerce and indus- try, and in a vast improvement in the comfort of the great massof the Eng- lish people. In this part of the Em- re the reign of Queen Victoria has sven almost heli age with our en- joymentot the boon of responsible government; but we have picked up ind fastened upon our trade the shack- les which the Mother Country cast off jears ago, while the freedom of our in- stitutions is lessened by corruption and by practices which inthe older land would not be tolerated for an hour. over the English-speaking world there have been upheavals and workings in the social fabric bok sages seem to show that it is about to take on anew form; the growth of great poe and of great individual ee ae bding — continual strife between la au capital. Thespirit of inquiry, anxiety and unrest have been felt in all the churches; but in all this the most strik- ing as wellas the most hopeful sign has been the steady effort to reyive the simplicity and earnestness of Christian- ity and its fitness to the needs of the time. In the history of the period over which we have glanced, the Queen her- self has not been as conspicuous a fig- ureas some of her predecessors nave been in the history of earlier times; but her petted pt haga duties have been performed with fidelity and with dig- nity. She has established and main tained in her court a tradition of aus- tere purity; and in her private life she has set an example of admirable faith und affection in the domestic relations, of charity to the poor, and of the right bi uy great wealth and high station.— 110 IN MEMORIAM. WRITTEN IN MEMORY OF MRS. JESSE ROWLAND, Who DIED APRIL 18, 1891. So still my send in 1 that sad room, Where death had cast a dismal gloom, A casket neat contained the clay Wrapped in sublime tranquility. ‘The , were clasped across the reast, The countenance nature expressed, Engraved upon a silvery plate ae the name, full age and date Poor Nature's eye can but behold The lifeless form so still and cold, But faith can gaze beyond this scene To where no death can intervene. ba ransomed spirits dwell in light, bask in Heaven’s glory bright, rey sing the worthy praise of Him, Whose precious blood washed them from sin. She’s gone! O yes, and full of days, ee well her words’ and A melee dees so true and kind, Of willing hand and noble mind. She loved the bles8ed Saviour’s name, His changeless love to her proclaim, Yes, Jesus only was her plea, Wi pt¢cious blood and mercy free. The hor of prayer was sweet retreat, So humbly bowed at Jesus feet, To list God's truth a choice employ, And carols of praise a sweetened joy, Delight to hear that favorite song, “Sate in the arms of Jesus” sung “There by his love o’ersliadowed” ae A wait whate’er his will might Deceased attained a good old Though ailment long had mitted the page. Resigned to God’s will. aizats best, Lite’s desert crossed, to peace d Mixed . All| El O yes! rs race of life is o’er, And glory reached on i shore, Beyond the power of ill and rb cert Where yet we hope to m n Thos. E. Paden Elma, May 26, 80 uatest Marizcet Reports. ATWOOD MARKET, Fall Wheat.............025- $ 98 $1 00 Spring Wheat ............ 90 869% BAPICY vcccsevs s0sctervanes 45 48 WEA citwvcusareeseegneens 40 845 POAS . 0... ccc cece eee ee nee 60 = =65 POUR soos cnee sand vesesasaws 5 00 5 50 Hides per Ib.............45 4 hg Sheep rie each.... 2.0658 50 1 2 WOOK. 2 l6.5 6 s:e2 nee veceve 115 1 50 yoioes per bushel ....... 50 6 Butter per lb........ 0006 13 14 Eggs per doz.............- 10 10 TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. Fall Wheat ............... 1 05 81 05 Spring Wheat............. 103 1 05 Barley .........0ceceee eens 50 O UR ine arcs SoS E wee Cs tie die 45 46 — KeLerey STONER Ree eave SI 7b 78 TERY inesic canna oacsiensswess 8 00 8 50 Dressed BLOWS 4 sic wesc comes 5 00 5 50 DUC sis ews sie awe Oe eS 11 12 PROGED «iis cas sais saw eniees 12 14 Potatoes per bag aiaTers Fis-e'e.s 100 110 GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. North Trains leave Atwood Station, and South as follows : GOING GUTH. GOING NORTH. Express 7:21.a.m.| Mixed .. 8:07 a.m. .| Express 12:24 p.m.| Express 2:34 p.m. .10;00 p.m. | Express 9:12 p.m. ATWOOD STAGE ROUTE. Stage leaves Atwood North and South as follows : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Atwood 8:00 a.m. | Mitchell 2:30 p.m. Newry 8:05 a.m. | B’rnho’m 3:30 p.m, Monkton 9;00 a.m. | Mankton 4:45 p.m. Bornho’m10:15 a.m. | Newry 5:55 p.m, Mitchell 11:15 p.m. 1 Atwood 6:00 p.m. For Sale c or rto Rent. The ee will rent his house and lot on Main street, Atwood, at pres- ent occupied by J. Johnson, about July Ist, 1891. The property is ulso for sale on easy terms. For particulars apply ALEX. CAMPBELL, 4in Atwood, Ont. JERSEY BULL. My thorowghbred Ji Jersey Bull is now ready for sarvice on lot 15, eon. 12, ma. Heis of good milking strain and will therefore make a valuable cross for either butter or cheese. TERMS.—$1.50 to insure. Cows must bereturned regularly otherwise they ct ° will be k charged whether insured or n CHRISTOPHER pe N 18-4in. ty b.O The Right PREVAILS. When its easier and cheaper to be in the Right is there any excuse for being wrong ? Do You Know What Right means? It is a big word, look in the dic- tionary. Our Goods and Prices are Right, Not because we say 50, but 335% because they are. What a good thing it is to be in the right, so come along and BUY FROM US And be in the Right. . BONNETT & BOWYER, Main St. Bridge, Listowel. HORSEMEN ! GET YOUR Route : Bil A PRINTED AT The Bee Office ! RATES MODERATE, Note Lost. OST, a note given by Robert Bu- chanan, on the 16th day of April, 1801, for the sum of $225.00, due in twelve months, and payable to the order of Wm. Dunn at the Bank of Hamilton, Listowel. The payment of said note is hereby ssi 2 16-4in WM. DUNN. Court of Revision. TOWNSHIP OF ELMA. The first sitting of | of the Court of Re- Mors ore the Township of Elma will be elda IOERGER’S HOTEL, - —On— Saturday,May 30 1891, at 10 o’clock a.m. Appellants and all concerned will please take notice, he Roll can be inspected at my office, Atwood, during office hours. THOS. FULLAR TON, Cc May 4th, 1991. ‘| Seuscels ATWOOD, erk. Burglars Both Shot. Where are ye bound ELLO Pat! for? “Bedad, sur, I’m jist afther bin bound under me arms, sur, that the toes ov me tate would hardly tich the round at allat all, and divil the pace "ve had wid sich clothes, and I’m jist afther goin’ down to Atwood to git George Currie to make me sich a Suit of Clothes as will tit me all over. And sure, sur, he has got the largest, natest and bist assartmint ov New Twades, Warstids, and the loikes, in the town. And, Mike, as sure as ye) barn and I’m tellin’ ye, he — a nate fit, or divil the sale prices are away down, Mike, to Suit the loikes ov you and me CURRIE & HEUGHAN, ATWOOD, ONT. LUMBER |; ATWOOD Planing Mills. The Atwood Sep | Mill keeps on hand a good gen- era af arse of Lumber, in- cluding Dressed Flooring, SIDING AND Muskoka Shingles ! Wm. Dunn. THE VERY LATEST IN ILLINERY Hats, Trimmed And Untrimmed. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS ETC., ETC., ETC, Pongee Silks & Satins In os rae Newest Shades. Blouse Laces in all colors, A a choice pieces of . DRESS GOODS. Hosiery, Gioves anp Em- BROIDERIES. ‘ [3 Eggs taken the same as Cash. Mrs. Jctinson. W. J. Marshall PAINTER, Atwreed, -« - Onmtarioc, Is prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Graining, Glazing, Kalsomin- ing, Paper Hangibg, Carriage Trim ming, etc., in the Latest Style. Terms Reasonable. Satisraction Assured. To Flax Growers ! The Shareholders of the Ontario Farmers’ Flax Manufacturing Co, may have what SEED FLAX They require at any timeafter Monday, March 28rd, by applying at the mill. WM. LOCHHE: se 8tf cretary. A. A. GRAY, (FORMERLY OF LISTOWEL) OF THE FIRM OF JOHNSON & CO. Royal Art Studio, 513 QUEEN STREET W., TORONTO. Enlargements for the Trade. Solar, Bromide, Platinum, Opal and Oil Prints. PORTRAITS tn Crayon, Ink, Water. Oil and Pastile Colors. te Full line of Artist’s Material kept in stock. Oil and Water Colors, Canvasses, Brushes, Palettes, Crayons, &e. +, &C. SAMPLE OF WORK On Exhibition at The Ber Publishing House, where Full Particulars may be had and Orders Taken, Agents Wanted. FONTHILL NURSERIES—LARG- EsT IN CANADA, E a +-1éjains energetic en to sell our Nursery VV stock: previous aepamenee and not necessary; any man with energy can succeed ; either ralary or commission; outfit free. Our agents have many advantages, such as selling home-grown, hardy Canadian stock. Choice new specialties, which are of value, and which can only be secured from us, such as a complete list of Rus- sian Ape, the Ritson Pear, Saunders J , Hlilborn Raspberry, oore’s Ruby and Black Champion Currants, Moore’s Diamond Grape, etc. We have given particular attention to the propo- Pation of Hardy Varieties suitable to the Northern section of Canada. For terms apply to STONE & WELLINGTON, 12-2m Toronto, Ontario. DR. SINGLAIR M.D.M. A. L.C.P.S.0., M. c.P. 8. M, Specialist, - Toronto, —WILL BE AT— Icserger’s Eictel, Atwood, FRIDAY, WIAY 29,1891 Comsultation F'ree. Jonathan Buschart, Listowel, says-— “After spending all my money and property to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless case of consumption, Dr. sinclair eured me.” Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, Says: —"*When al —s failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of W. McDonald, Lakefield, ae — Dr. Sinclair cured me of eatarrh Geo. Rowed, Blyth, says:—‘Dr. Sin clair cured me of heart disease and drop sy, when all others failed.” Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly eures., FARMERS ! ! MILLMEN !! ATTENTION! ! buying oil for your machinery ask for WwW" McColl’s Lardine Machine Oil and see acer you get it. It is considered by all to be the est machine oil in the world for all sorts of machinery. For sale by all first class dealers throughout Canada. Manufactured solely by McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. For Satz sy J. ROCERS, Arwoop. THE 777 STORE The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for For Dry Goods, Groceries, Chesnune. Dress Goods, &c. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town. JOHN RIGCS. WM. FORREST, Furniture Dealer, ‘Atwood, Has on hand a large assortment of all kinds ot Furniture, lain and fancy Picture Frame Moulding, Cabinet Photo rames, Boy’s Wagons, Baby Carriages: different prices, different kinds. may have gijjods delivere free of cost: Parties urchasing Fi to any part of Elma township 10 and over worth Freighit or Baggage taken to. and fork Station at Reasonable Rates. Dray always on hand. Undertiking attended to at any time. Furniture Rooms opposite P. O. earse in connection. Atwood, April ist, 1890. First-class

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