Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Mar 1961, p. 8

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tenhanes being The memhers of Cotardaia United Chaveh how io which dhe bridetobe = # |S ounraza Tea, Showers Honor Doreen Barassin Bride-Elect - Wiss Donne Wiencherd and ' Wiss Dovesn Yvonne Barasein, were Wes. 5.1. Brewer, Wis. second' Martel emteriained o * whose marriage 10 Robert C, des, Mise J Brewster : ehawer THIIness iy Francis Brewster will (ake Fy Fred Hoywarh, | Ra0vNen na pantry bid was held on Monday EvERIng, ow ofl iw Presid . s Horch 1 wt the home of Wry Cenardate United Chueh, has CRUE ROWE Was John Badows, Cowent stress, Aldwindle, Car : ended " " A A and | een feted ot several premoptial Women's Editor Dial RA 33474 (eente | Last Seturdey wf ) 8, J. Baraevin entertained for Rarasein, # wietey er #1. @ trowsseny (es, Alect, and in the 1 % IherPe 4 insta coktee ] OW § ' i regular of the teriginment with Rowmenite Brewster, Chose DATICER Wine Wie a Protas Aailary members as ges's. | sill organs over oh crepe asointed (sional Women's Clu on Monday Mr, and Mrs. W, 1D, Mel aero with # » Jacke Somaid Cimon, , look tom, hemersey gmverons of the! wie Wide Was WeRrng #71500 Wh Serv Jets, sper DORON Drama Festival, were : Ah AA Ad A 4 | Iv 7 [= u { Miss 44 Barsesin, 8 cousin which the futore bride fs sn moer, Mrs Fumes Brewster, |of the bride, and Miss Heather lercher ; Blanchard, were in eherge of. Mrs, Roy Zilion, of Oshaws, HOUSEROLD WINY SEOnATy om (riongh from Mics [the gest book, wis hostess ot & fl To help soothe & Wlemiohen gs guest speakers ot the candice: shower, Yrs, Zillon wes Resist Weck, Weer & clean white Biowse The meeting was hr to ® Whithy Theatre Guild in the , entered with ¢4 by the Misses Beverley and under swenters, because wool g close by the showing of sides Hl ererdwinning production of PWK and white bridal flowers, Linda Zillion ean he uncomioriabie and Wahy on Indie where the Reverend Sho Criherese", and Mrs, Allred Will, were Mrs. Walter Appleyard wd Mrs, Frank Stacey in direct contact with troubled and Mrs. Harold Holder served or president of the Whithy Guild, #8 Mrs, Roy Zillon, Serving srranged & party, Those in ot skin lms. is A ne Hs, im, be FrRngsd 8 ' be held In. The March mesting of the . Westmount grovp of the WA of 8, Gewnge's Memorial Church wis held recently with Mrs, W, HIIRE COMMENt 1 4, Dunn presiding in the ab rh . psi Ahi sence of the president, Mrs, F their tour of Great Britain and VW: Weldon. Mis, Peter Byperek the Seandinavien countries wal rerd the minutes, Plans were \the meeting of the Opera Sindy discussed for R TWIBMAEE sale LYNN, LARRY AND GREGORY pigs the Lyceum Cb on on May 5 and alse for the lio of the nest mesting in the form # poAduck supper 16 he held in Calvary Baptist Church on April 5 wt # mm, with Mrs Hose Alloway whe i8 prepanng ia lege shortly 19 serve as & missionary tn Mics, and Miss Audrey Horthert whe is 8 mis i | i ii il 2 a Chapman i ERP -- Children of Mr. and Mrs, | grandchildren of My. and Mrs, |G ednecday evening, The group CINsimas sale of work Cor Gordon Pearson, Grierson | Howerd Pearson, Oshawa, | met at the home of Mr, and Mrs, POTRIE COMMA will he held street, are Lynn Mane, aged | Logue nd Wes, Frank Hert: 13, F, Skinner, Winona drive, | April 16. Refreshments were 19 years; Larry Gordon, ight, le I" Miss Flossie Cove and Mrs, Served by Mrs, ¥. A. Mothersill and Gregory Mark, four, Lynn, | ford, BR 3, Bowmanvik Lryril Weyrich assisted the host. 0 Mrs. E. O, Stauffer, A Larry and Gregory sre the ~Fhete by Ireland | oss {= | Tens, birthday parties, wed. 4H t (ding anniversaries, coming and ! uxi lary fo resen {goings of guests and your own : i holiday plans sre glways of in ) | * terest in this column, Write, 1 To ( shawa (General telephone or visit the social de- partment with your | items of 3 the March meeting of the ment of the auxiliary's pleige news [oF which there is no ! ohn General Hospiet Wo- A letter from Mr, William Hol- charge. Telephone RA 3-374, | men's Auxiliary, the president,!land was read inviting #ll mem-| The Ladies' Auxiliary, Roya! Mrs, RB, W. Bassett, congratu-\hers of the auxiliary and their canadian Legion Branch, 43, -- -- lated Mrs. J. D, Dancey and|families to attend (his meeting held a successful night of eards -- her committee on the successfull and expressing the hope that a5 on Tuesday, March 21, with) i - ... manner in which they had or-|many as possible would come (0 Mrs, Herbert Bathe as eonven-| ganized the St, Patrick's bridge [hear the latest report on the er, Prize-winners for euchre| Mrs, Dancey in turn thanked|progress of the new wing. Mr. were Mrs, James Mason, Mrs.| Buy for less=Drive for less! Now you econ save her helpers snd mentioned in|Holland's letter also suggested Clarence Henning, Mrs, Milton her report that the hospital had) that the been kind enough to donate might serve refreshments after Mrs sugar and nap | the meeting An invitation has been extend to the Oshawa Auxiliary coffee, cream / kins this year, thus keeping ex-| penses to & minimum, ed The next fund-raising project| (Region §) to attend the semi- Mrs, James Smith, Mrs, Alex: h annual regional meeting at Bow: ander Cameron, Mr, and Mis [today of Miss nusl Maytime Dance, Mrs, KE. manville on March 23 at which| Alex Gagne, Mrs, Howard Pig: Barron and Mr P, Telford of Owen den, Mrs, Everett Hughes, Mr.|Greene, The bridedo-he Is the of the auxiliary will be the an-| A, Btone has agreed to pet as | Women's Auxiliary Oster, Mr Griffiths, | Edward Bouckley, Mrs Daniel Griffiths, Mrs, John | Westlake, Mrs, George V, Iee Cribbage prizes were awarded to Daniel BRIDE-TO-B Mrs, W The engagement Is announced Patricia Mary Lyndon F, general convener and the datelSound, president of the Provin- Robert Williams, Special prize-|daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James 8 been set for May 10, April Is the month in which| cial Association, will speak __|winners were Mrs, Albert Har-|A, Barron of Oshawa and her In her progress report of CAL | ris and Mrs, Fred Taylor the Women's Auxiliary tradi-|Shop setivities, Mrs, J. G, Car: next night of cards will be held Mrs The! fiance is the son of Mr. and Gifford Greene of Yar: tionally entertains the student|ter snnounced that Mrs, Nor-\on April 11, The Auxiliary will mouth, Nova Scotia, The wed. purses of the training sehool Mrs, Clare Elliott gave the date for this theatre party as April 20, remarking that this year there are 39 students, the larg: est class to date, Mrs, Harry O, Perry offered the use of her home for refreshments after the girls return from the cinema snd Mrs, Bassett ealled for of fers of cars and volunteers to make cookies and sandwiches, Mrs, C. M, Elliott gave the treasurer's report and Mrs, Al: fred Austin, treasurer of the Gift Shop, announced that $4000 was heing transferred to the suxiliary"s bank account, In view of this, Mrs, J, L, Beaton moved that a cheque for $5000 be presented to the hospital board at its annual meeling, member with spare time contact her, It is only through velun tery help from auxiliary mem: bers that the gilt shop ean operate, Membership now stands at 207 and Mrs. 8. R, Bpringstein sald that ten cards were sent in from the Bt. Patrick's bridge asking for information regarding mem- ehrship In the auxiliary, Mrs A. W. Armstrong Introduced Mrs. Frank Burrows as a new member and there was one visit: or, Mrs, W, 8, Marshall, Both Mrs. Derek Bowerman and Mrs H. Richmond have transferred to the Evening Chapter, After the meeting lea was March 28, as a further instal: Education In Other Countries Discussed By Panel At Hand § The February meeting of the Sunset Heights Home and School Association took the form of a panel discussion on what we ean learn through the Home and School Association about the lives of people In other eoun- tries to help children be better citizens of the world, poured hy Mrs, T, K, Creighton Religious education Is given by the Anglicans, Roman Catholics and Pentecostals, The Eskime [parents have great affection for | their children, They "live for to- {day" and are happy as long as (they have food and shelter It was announced that Mr, ¥ |J, Francis will conduct a band Mrs, Lloyd Akin introduced of 30 hoys at the April meeting, | the members of the panel a8 Phe Junior room prize was | follows: Dr, Lewis Walmsley, a United Church missionary in China for 27 years and now asso elate professor of the University of Toronto in the department of East Asiatic Studies, Mr, Jan Drygala, a native of Poland and presently employed in the In. spection Department of Gene eral Motors. Mr, Zavier Pas teger, from Belgium, and now a French Interpreter for Gen eral Motors, Miss Lea Mather, from Holland, who has heen teaching for two years at Ak: lavik, Each member of the panel compared different aspects of the educational system and fam. ily life in his country to those in this land, In China education is free and available to all students eager to learn, Manual labor is inte. grieq in the curriculum, There & no religious education but citizenship is stressed, The amily is a strong, closely-knit unit where the children have great respect for their elders, In Poland education is also free with short vacations, Dis. eipline is strict with great em: {won hy the pupils in Mrs Glenna Bailey's room, the Sen: © ior rize by the pupils in Mrs The ma Rowland's room, | Mrs, Joseph Schwarz thanked the members of the panel Refreshments were served hy {the mothers of the pupils in Mrs, {Glenna Bailey's and Mrs, Mary Wright's rooms SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs, James A, Bar: ron of Oshawa wish to announce the engagement of their daugh {ter, Patricia Mary, to Mr, Lyn Idon Forest Greene, son of Mr and Mrs, Gifford Greene of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, The wedding will take place on Sat: urday, April 23, at § o'clock in Calvary Baptist Church, Osh: awa, A ---- In a Hurry ? Asis on physical training re is no religious training The family forms a striet unit where each child has a special! task Belgium has three social classes, lower, middle and up per. Education is avallable tol} all children but only those in the upper class may attend pri: vate school and they begin at the age of eight, The children of Belgium are rarely in a family group, always holidaying in chil: s camps while the parents are elsewhere, The Eskimo ohildren attend school for six months if their parents send them, There are a disciplinary problems as these are very Fi CALL MERCURY TAXI RA 5-411 Oshawa's Lo and Finest Taxi ice 45 KING E, OSHAWA. i FOR BABY WATSON'S TAILORED INFANTS UNDERWEAR Choice of four styles, Exclusive diaper tabs, Canadian combed wiper-absorbemte dries quickly, men Hines will he responsible hold a short business meeting ding will take place In Calvary for staffing the shop during next Tuesday, March 28, follow:| Baptist April ,and suggested that any|ed by a pot-uck supper and en-| April 22, Church on Saturday, TAILORED UNDERWEAR FOR THE . WHOLE A FAMILY WATSON'S "306" FRENCH-STYLE SHORTS with dauble front fy and fine quality T-Shi, Lang-wearing, Launders well, FOR MOTHER NATSON'S TAILORED "HI STEPPERS" ' 100% stretohy nylon, Brief with Hh ralght: ante rs fia tabs, fief without garter tabs, both ways--and pocket the difference, Comet and the Meteor "6" w= proven economy leaders in the popular price feldswoffer exclusive values to buyers with a budget, Add up the savings! Watch Jor the White Car 8 pecials on display now at your M eteor-Comet Dealer during March Saving Days! LOW PURCHASE PRICE Comet, the better compact car and Meteor for '61 ere competitively priced with other cars In the popular price class, Take Comet; W's priced about $600 below some of the other compacts, Meteor 100; medel for model, is priced right In line with the lowest: priced big cars! You can't help but save with these economy leaders=both builtin Canada, 6-CYLINDER ECONOMY ON REGULAR GAS sun saving with 8 "6" in Meteor and Comet, Gas. saving economy's backed by dependable per. formance In both the Meteor 136 Hp Econ O:Fuel Six or Comet's 85 Hp Thrift-Power Six, And both deliver top mileage on regular gas! 30,000 MILE CHASSIS LUBRICATION* A milestone in maintenance that appeals to every driver, Meteor's chassis lubricates itself for 30,000 miles, The secret lies In Meteor's sealed nylon bearings and newly-developed lubris cants, No other manufacturer offers this ex. clusive! Lube jobs now become obsolete, And Just think of your savings In time, This feature Is easily renewed for 30,000 miles at a cost of $4.00 to $6,00, *Meteor feature only 4,000 MILE OIL CHANGE Another savings extra Is yours with 4,000 mile oll changes; This cuts your usual num. ber of olf changes In halfl This is made pos sible by the new Full-Flow Oil Filter~standard in both Meteor and Comet. All engine ofl is filtered constantly to stey cleaner - longer, NEW SELF-ADJUSTING BRAKES* A real engineering break through that adds more to Meteor's overall economy story, Meteor's brakes adjust them. selves automatically when applied while backing-up! This makes mechanical adjust. ments obsolete for the life of the linings, Even more important is the assured safety this feature makes possible, * Meteor feature only, NO-WAX FINISH comet ans Meteor styling stand out everywhere you drive «with good reason, With an all-new Diamond. Lustre, baked enamel finish, It's so easy to keep Comet and Meteor looking showroom. new, Simply wash=waxing's no longer re quired so you can count on more savings here, TRIPLE-LIFE MUFFLER The new muffler on Meteor and Comet Is double-wrapped and aluminized to give you three times longer service than ordi nary types, This feature alone will save you the cost of replacement three times! 1961 Meteor Widens 1-Dooe Sadun, 1961 Comvel 3-Door Sedan --twa of Fard of Canede's Be cars built in Canale, CASH-IN ON ECONOMY DURING MARCH SAVING DAYS AT YOUR METEOR-COMET DEALER! NEW RUST-RESISTANT UNDERBODY 1 viet undervosy parts of Meteor and Comet are zinc-costed or galvanized to resist corrosion caused by mud, water and road salt. An important fese ture during Canadian winter driving that saves you maintenance costs all year 'round, 12,000 MILE WARRANTY Quality proof Is yours In the new, extended Warranty pioneered by Ford of Canada, Meteor and Comet are warranted for 12,000 miles or one year= whichever comes first, There you have §t! Nine saving reasons why the Meteor "6" and Comet are your best buys in driving economy, When you add up your maintenance savings in time and money, low initial price plus the standard no-cost exiras, you'll find that the Meteor 0" end the new Comet are Canada's economy leaders, Now's the best time lo visit your Meteor-Comet Dealer and prove 41 to yourself, It makes good senae , , , saving sense! Check the White-Car Specials on display during March Saving Daye Jor savings you eon count en~=in adoance/ METEOR 1271 SIMCOE N, BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES Your Mercury-Meteor-Comet and Ford Dealer in Oshawe RA 3.4673

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