Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Mar 1961, p. 5

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MASS PROGRAM iis Sop CETTE To BIE WHITBY and DISTRICT 'Tp Survey oom met Whithy Bursan Office; 111 Puwndas $6, West seterswtin, There Wilk be @ shght ar rt | mem Hore Soon | = Zi MPort Perry | you have heen affected wh The Ontario Famior Farmery Erie riiioss hekr wil sage # An wit Tiberewionis survey 16 receive the (ast snd the se 4 few faye alier you restive CRldren's Denes show wt fhe will be conducted in Whithy in ond one for analysis of the test, yor test i wit be interpreted. Port Perry Wigh Shoot fod o few weeks, A & recent Osh I the (ast pres positive 16 58 TTwy machine will be on 'diam, Saturday, Ark 77, | Bm 44 ie -- , | BWR SOrVEy ver #5 per went of Anes Fol RECESSRITNY WERR B PEF hom ud. I a 3 vaceuts of the show wh Te poop & SOUTER the popwiation responses 16 Te son has TH, 1 means the DETER oc with be Kanyeh regarliess or J PAINT ond B Key tests. reds further tiberclin tests, 1 of the test hewmen conditions O7Er thirty peogle will parti STORE {Bn Whithoy it will be Ame 08 B gisy means yon Wilk need 10 EW other than tibercione mey he ODE in the show emeeed rll WALLPAPER gaily At eremt basis Gon pened chest Kye exam. seen Qeveioning in yor chest Tek Campbell, Betty Weir off 107 BYRON SY, 5, WHITPY wd 0 Krug, pope Will trations 16 cheek (or Revelomng that vow wid yor doctor shoud Tomek Farly will he the guest he pen # herein sent ich tisdkrardneis leherw whet oy - ; Chote. started fol MO 8.5231 i sale Hen 165 Ma HU wt amy time In your We you. 1 you G6 Rot TeRet 19 the fest er hay, iBerting f small quantity of clear _ Ag Biyads Bip h p per: ", Tere wader 18 yom wil e190 has between 9 wd CAL. Paint Deoler fia hesneen the IR7ers of 6B cou wie hed aetive terenions, advised (6 Weve the taberawiin MEmhers from Ontario Coumby Tous om the (oreerm yo Coni have lahaled Game test again In B JERr's fme wader the Mrection of Mrs Ee Decorating The test is to sce i the body uierciiosis germs, But yowr, In this swrvey each man, Kiser Dotwon. They mest every iss Suv foes developed sensitivity We: ody has defences. In practicnl- woman and. cE in Winthy has Monday evening at Port P, FEHIONS BETIS. iy ail erses these germs will he the opportunity 1s find owt pes. or Uxbridge ; Owton, § The Wiithy test will mean two encased in & thick walled node ithvely where he stands against. The show will feature Full Well Marvels \yisits to the climic; the first one in your lung. 1 is called "Heal | tabercwionis hor me well as various quer ' APTENDING THE 'Recog- |B. E. Guthrie, Robert L. | ton, guest speaker. The serv: | Many yeRrs, the service was nition Service' for the new Roxburgh, minister of fhe | lee was held at the Whithy | attended by SPDFoRImately Brooklin Baptist church were = Brooklin church; Rev, B, E. | Township bali mn Thursdey | 20 people Ministers @ wi (eft to right): Rev. C. Hall, Guthrie, moderator of the | eVemng Described gas the o" fom 3, Baptist Churches { ¢ . atherin p v roughout Southern Ontario clerk of the council, Rey, | council, and Rev, Eric Crich- | largest gathering seen for | th a Times Photo | NE -------- Rinks And Scores Of Baptists Invitation Bonspiel [Receive Ly = wosoms vu wn | ROCOgNtion | in Following o/s the plete rinks ond scores of the Yhtiny Mice ' Je ' BR. Meluoy ' ye M i /| 4 1 / Coring Rink, Wednesda, TT 4, Wolh | for "48, hay Swestma Velen Harsh Official recognition was given i % i 0 OELOCK DRAW Warns 8 6 / BiH Brady, Mahe 5 to the newly formed Brooklin| SE ; First Gems oe, 13 T Bradey : OSHAWA Baptist Chureh during & cere: | 8 ' wHITHY i J on Book Edith Henry mony at the Township Hall! BH R Third Gomes ii Bro srry Helleron, "Thursday night | dl bid ' J 4 T. M ; f : 7 Sadler A 4 i, Kemp, 3 € Rich, ack Doughty Ted Sone, Under the leadership of Rob RB. Meugy, i 3, & towien, 13 d bert L. Roxburgh, minister, the whitey Vo witt b Rev 1 Red Besond Gome church received recognition) RK. Davidson, he, i, Bradley, 48 Minnis, E, Henry 14 EB Legiow, é from a council representing) N, Shartiesd, yi 11 OCLOCK PRAW {Baer L L de 3 many Ontario churches of the Joke Bryon, 0. Kemp, First Gomes H, Butler LL ¢ wHITRY OSHAWA i. Javier, K, Tipney 4 tists, v A pip ' b . C, Elsey, ; 8, Bradbury, Kil wHITRY May Legros, Lorathy Risney, v y Growth has been steady since ] 0 i185 6 Ad ' ! i s, Holinraks, Anne Dawson, john Well A Hefferon, Third Game y : the church opened in Brooklin ] ' J. boughty, 2. Fellowship of Evangelical Bap: Buick Eleotra 225 igrald Holinrgks, Charles Dowson Gladys Chamer, Fhil_Torahgm, 6. Legros 8 MM Tayler b of i ig Waller, A Marrien Bill Legron, Ed Disney, Eh SE aa! 318 months sgo. Mr, Roxburgh Tun, Merrisen, skip 8 skip h Hane, AY 3 ; i i OSHAWA WYTON [" Marsal, Isey was appointed minister in May & Braghury, bilof 1060 and has since held this sk i I ' | May Ridgsiey, Kay Snacks, 7, Stone, i 6 Adil] 4 Hos" |g Kiggdler)' Eni Snocks, I¥ indy, 18 1 dor, ¥|position in w student capacity, Rev f fn Ktlwood, Hugh Sims Erie Hemvy, George Ardilly Following ere total points for Indi The church was organized in| | Tren Bi) Skip Hep # vidual rinks In the 9:00 clock drew: November with & membership | OSHAWA URBRIDGE Rev. J, €, Ferayma, 47; J, Bryant, 48;| of a6 whl skip whitey OHAWA Lind: Beity Darlington Mrs, R. Fatte, isan Jakes, T, Morrison, 34 worge Lindow 1 be J ay uy R, Patte " hold Can 10, 8 Minnis, 29 6 Lowen 28; R.| Immediate plans, says Mr » gy Reh, an ii irs, Bb, Aesop, 4 WecQuay, 21: 0, Kemp, 217 0. Miler goxhurgh, include the purchase] Your ride-all-day comfort begins close to the road in Buick's lair Rich, William Miller Hel Butler ray Tayler 20, E, Waller, 10 and' 8, Bradley "igh doth hah Ne A eh h whi is skig 3 skip 4 skip with 10 points a Erecting ) enuren in ne aail. i i £ " tf viifoy WHITBY GUELPH ' Following are the total points for Meadowerest subdivision | coil spring suspension, It is enhanced by the quiet smoothness if oiy Hoon Bol AB Haart d Rest, pdividual rinks In the 1100 eleleck| "rp nie way we hope to] Of Buick's Turbine Drive transmission , , , made complete by the wen Carmichael, Eileen Betts, | M, Elsey, org Disney, 35; €, Flsey, 35 8 Legros, meet the needs of these In| incomparable luxury of Buick"s Comfort Zone interiors 4 a, 6 Fn dR 1} Cor Bl Viney, 20, Hone 20) Dassonty, | BYOOKIin's present subdivision I y : - | 20; B. Bradbury, 19 and 6, Ardill with @nd also in the proposed new B paints |one,"" he added Fellowship among the Young - : . { hasczews 1 ADDITIONAY, WHITBY NEWS People's group has increased i ON PAGE 4 approximately 50 per cent, Mr, ' £. Rich, 33; MH, Sims Roxburgh stated that the eve F d 529 6 Colborne H-§ Naced id average of B0 wor \ ' Jj) 5 un $1 . 4 | hipi ag - aia ww PPT -------- \ Convenience takes on new meaning in Bulek , , , from glare. oF Supls contise to How In Foflsring 1a» let of the latest 'Hear Talk On | How Often LL bpd sa free vision of the Mirromagic instrument panel to Buick's nd bringing the total to! Mrs Catherine Davie, | I unobstructed visibility, light-as-a-feather braking, generous ah 44 Yoituio ao Mass TB Sur Vey | Should You Buy qu " luggage space, easy-to-keep-clean Magic-Mirror finish , , , Chasceewskl, a 10-year-old Len Hornby, Oshawa 1.00 high sehool student, lost his eye| Anonymous, Whithy 2000 Colborne Street Home and during a hockey game several Carm Thompson, Oshawa 1.00 fohonl Association held its A Now Car? and many other features, weeks ago. The trust fund has! Boh Wilson monthly meeting on Tuesday Every veer? Every 4 " q vy tw i Been set up to help pay for the| Chicago Black Hawks 8.00 evening at the school with the | ree vaars? Or inet wh o hd * medical and hospital expenses. OHA, executive members 16.00 president, Mrs. G. A. Seott open: || old ey fo is asl w en your i Two henefit games in Oshawa Edgar A. Hewson 2.00 ing the meeting with the sing I'm convinead the Ian's have heen scheduled, reports Oshawa Minor Hockey 3 ing of the "Queen | red-bloaded driver he 0.00 y an Davie, member of the Assoc } . . h a, rust Fund £onMnitiee An All Mat Leyden, Oshawa h.00 ul, gheas Shale Sn. Jue Sow have " opinion n this tar baskethall tilt between the Bobby Attersley, Whithy 5.00 rine tha . i . ' . Hot in Oshawa's high schools Harry inden, Kingston 5.00 in Xhiby during he Roth i 1A A x Every Buick feature, every Buick component is tested exhausts and menipers of the YMCA willl Alf Troon, Kingston 5.00 hrs, W. Bentley and Mrs, G,|[| fo @ eroup of ively before, during, and after assembly, In this way, Buick is played tonight in the Donevan| Wren Blair, Kingston 5.00 Yeates. Mrs. Seott thanked the ll ow industry . : by Collegiate Gym, Proceeds to go Benefit Game Draw 90.35 harents for contributing tol] Mevistelens able to constantly improve its own high standards of complete the fund | Ukrainian Businessmen's fCarry On" at Colborne. Mrs, || Who've meds o i liabili {A hockey game hetween 8t,| Assoc, Oshawa 15.00 Reid moved that the proceeds study of iv, reliability, Michael's Juveniles and Oshawa Bathe Park Ladies Aux, 10.00 6 cod tn further children's acl After @ cost Juveniles has heen scheduled for Oshawa Woodview Parks tivities, Mrs. T. Rodman see:|l accounting of sometime next week in the Chil:| Committee 100.00 anded the mation (| depreciation & MW. DONALD dren's Arena, Oshawa. All pro Donations may he sent to the Mr. L. Fairfield' wear in today's market. they seeds from this game will also Tom Chasczewski Trust Fund at, Mf airfields roam wonl pave concluded that the best the room count, Patsy Price, a #0 to the trust fund the Bank of Montreal, Whithy, |G fot SHER . time of all is every three years dha {race student, played a de. They base this conclusion en 1g} LRAR : | y lightful piano solo, Mr, C, Sarles| LADIER' CANDY LEAGUE (277, 207; I. Heard 2879, 1 i 4 a |} the declining rate of deprecia | Paints for the day: Allsorts Kehoe 371,243 G Wiles 970, [fatradused She Suest. soaker; ten as @ cor ages, weighed 3 Gumdraps 3, Humbugs 1,220; 1. Mothersill 260, M4; B.|oe"Aw for the elementary school | agains ™ moun so of Tellybeans 1, Lifesavers 1, Lolli: Moase 331, 980; L. Riley 340 lin Oshawa, who is the author of [| or 1s the a ops 8, Maplebuds 2 and Pep: J. Gates 244, 207, 20; Hike hook titled "What Shall Wel tant in the first three years Welmints § Moase 231, 236; L. Riley 30, dg in Apt?" Depreciation is highest start 3 ; ' . Triples aver 630; J. Gates|J. Gatex 244, 307, 30, H.| wne art pros : ing with the fit year though 3 : al P op les iy hn Moase Moore 3 A Alderson 130. M hae ar 10 help farther the abit Ah Jampantated h tame "w ¥ Every line the eye can see , , , every luxury the hand can touch , , , « I, Mothers 3, E. Wa uncan 398, ikicel 230, 200; 8 A h Said Ral % nt by service costs ng of or 454 D. Kohoo WF, A, Miki. T, Shaw 236, 300 8. Diling oat Hien of hildren through self ex 1 poll 'wy "Fhe sesond year des Rib tells you that Buick is a car of rare distinction, Drive Buick, Discover Fh rf nn ron Bi, ld be i, EG | ha from every viewpoint (spcily fom be drivers sa) Bick . \ h p crafts, Miss Hart showed sev. : i8ingles over 200; E. Walker|K, Loyst 203, feral drawings done hy school doirvaiation, sintinuss to dee is the car for you p-- ------ rr er {Children in the different grades, | jump sharply, to which addi: {Mrs J. Hare thanked Miss Hart} tional cost of new tires and for her most interesting and in: |] bam ' lly he added, BROCK Evening Shows At 6:55 and 8:35 | ive talk Sivie Changer and he ai #» ¢ o WHITBY Saturday Matinee At 1:30 { Tt was announced that King fetlun of a the ey al u " a. | Street school will hold "Games | 49° became habs = Cesena Better automobiles are bein (Mrs. Walker's room will host] Yelwe wed cor, ithe Grade 7 party to be held one human paint might be | Friday, March 34, An invitation Santianed, = = ahd thet I the a * ® * » lis extended to all Grade 7 stu. PEaaie pride nn 1 owning a NEW car every year | dents in town to attend then there is much to be lI LLU Lunch was served hy Mrs. G sald for the economics of trad Town and the mothers of Mrs, |} ing vearly, It is a well known A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE (Whitewali tres aptional ot sxe sort) Walker's room. The next meet: |} fact that in today's competi ing will be held April 18 at the] tive market that dealer aver ph Cinemas BO -- or va iene tebe: RY n ii | first year's depreciation i THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LIMITED | Noi ii SH [[ oon commons | "ia... [226 KiNG STREET WsT PAWA PLUS -- Second Feature Attraction In Color Ha Your gamers sieanee ie HARRY DONALD LTD. WHITBY MO TORS LIMITED "FRECKLES" with Martin West J00 DUNDAS ST. EAST LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:23 RM, : ELOTHIY BRT PReNpt WHITRY WHITBY, ONTARIO ®

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