| WHITBY And DISTRICT | AFTER WEDDING CEREMONY wre Mr. and Mrs George Travel. The bride is the former Buby Marie Greer School Board Budget Lower Leaving for the reception following their marriage in $t Paul's United Church recently, Bruce | budget to he presented (0 the Asx town council thet was he low that of last year was that of the Ajax Public Behool Board The 1961 budget amounts 10 30.89 mills or 25 of & mill below the 1060 mark The budget was unveiled to the Ajax Public School Board hy finance -commitiee chairman Tack Reid, who said that i was the only school hoard budget, to his knowledge, that was below that of the-year before anes, audit, legal, postage, Lele phone, compensation employment Insurance debenture repayment The Public $12,570 71.051 Sehool budget 0s Municipal tax levy (Public School Supporter) $319.41; pro vineial grants, $154,260; 1960 surplus and sundry income #70 To date the debenture det for the four public schools is 718 and un- daughter of Mr. and Mis Gordon |, Greer, of Alex. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Irs G. Travel, Oshawn "Tuberculin Test Asked AIAK (Ball) ~ "Get every AJAX (Stall) ~ The only 196) repairs, §56,166, secretarial sal adult and pre-school child in and Ajax, Pickering Beach Baquires Beach to take # Tuber culin Test," = that is the aim of of a veritable battery of civie $470,486 will be obtained as fol-| Minded people who are working with the Ajax and District Com mittee for the TE Mass Survey This committee is working with the Ontario County Tuber eulosis Association to perform a mass TB survey in this dis trict next month Every house in Ajax, Picker The school board's 1061 bud: (60. This is broken down as fol-|ing Beach, and Squires Beach get calls for B70 A468 as comv| lows: Lord Elgin school, $61,000; | Will be visited by one of a team pared with $462,008 for 1060, The munieipal tax levy share of this amount Is 8319410 whereas last year it was $416,213 Parkside school, $215,000, St Andrew's school, $256.800; and Lord Durham school, $188,000 The cost of sending each Ajax of 20 local citizens who will gather a census poll for the sur vey Every home in the community The expenditures for the 1061 public school student to school (will he visited during the week budget are hroken down 8s fol-| is $430 but the net eost per pupil! of April 4 to 11 lows Principals' and teachers' sal aries, $810,482; text hooks and school supplies, $18,070; special services, school equipment, tru ant officer and school guards, | $11,170; caretakers' salaries fuel, light, water, insurance andl Hospital Handles BOWMANVILLE (Btaff )= Magistrate RH, B. Baxter, Port Hope, moderated a panel discussion dealing with hospital problems, at the Regional Hos pial Council District § quarter: y meeting held in the Lions Centre here Thursday night, Questions for the panel were submitted by various hospitals in the region and others were received from the floor during the panel's discussion on the questions as presented Included in the panel were John MacKay, superintendent of Peterborough Civie Hospital, C, 1K, Wright, business man: ager, Oshawa General Hospital; Erie Bhiner, accountant, Peter borough Clvie Hospital and Bis ter M. Benedicta, director of nursing, St, Joseph's Hospital, Peterborough Among the questions were; "If other hospitals in the region have had thelr budgets revised hecause of excessive hours of work, why the stress on hours if over-all cost is not excessive, How ean a full-time employee's hours he calculated on a monthly basis when pay ment 18 made twice a month? How would accumulated hol day pay or sick pay on termin: atlon- of employment be handled? "How do hospitals supplying uniforms te employees control of of relief having to do three short per year after deducling the provincial grant is $224 The latest pupil enrolment for Ajax was 1464 and they are af: ded the services of four prin pals, 50 teachers, two secre: taries, seven caretakers and two! special staff members Panel Queries hospitals avercome the problem change shifts for nursing? What is the feeling about having con: tracts for nursing personnel? "Does the Hospital Commis: slon consider all factors of the individual hospital, sueh as physical layout and the result: ng organization, ete, when ap: proving budgets, and applying yardsticks in general? 1s it not now time, that the Ontario Hos pital Association firmly press the OHBC for information on yardsticks and formulaes used hy OHBC when reviewing bud: gets? "Since the OHBC seems to have the final word in regards to budget, 15 it not feasible that such yardsticks and formu: las should be forwarded to the hospitals prior to preparation of budget, vather than after sub mission of budget, It seems many hospitals were informed of certain yardsticks and for: mulae via telephone from re glonal representatives when budgets were under review, Had this Information been avail: able prior ta budget preparation; budgets then would be prepar ed more realistically." Varied opinions were express ed by panelists and others in |attendance The residents will he asked to take a TH Test = not an X-ray The Tuberculin test is taken to see If the hody has developed sensitivity because of the pres: ence of tuberculosis germs, AM the elinic a doctor or nurse will put & drop of clear fluid he tween the layers of skin on the forearm, A return visit to the elinie within four days will de- termine M the reaction of the test Is negative or positive The test Is virtually painless like » pin prick=--and takes less than & minute The district has been divided into five areas and residents within each area have desig nated times when they ean go to the elinie, in the Alax Com- munity Centre, for the 'test date' and the "reading date," The elinie will be in operation tg serve each individual area 2 pm. + 8 pm and from pm. to 10 p.m, for the "test" date, and from April 24 to April 26 for the "reading date The Ajax and District TH Mass Survey Committee are as follows: Mayor Willlam Parish, distriet ehalrman; William Norris, areas chairman; Elwin Smythe, public relations; Doro thy Stratton, publicity: Bob Thompson, surplus chalrman; Vie Ames, training; Phil Hen wood, census chairman; and Francis Curwood, secretary, FIRE ALF PIKE NEW YORK (AP)=All Pike, who failed to guide the New York Rangers to a Stanley Cup playoff position the last two sea sons, was fired as coach of the National Hockey League team Thursday, A new coach will be named later, Admiral John J, Bergen, pres: ident of the Rangers, said Pike will remain with the organiza iton in "the player development area." Pike, a former Ranger player, succeeded Phil Watson as coach Noy, 19, 1060 The next quarterly meeting will be held at the Peterborough Clvie Hospital, Thursday, May the uniforms? What is the plan for shift rotation and how do #1, At that time, the nominating committee will bring in a slate of officers for the 1061.68 coun: oll year Eight-Mill Increase In Bowmanville Rate BOWMANVILLE (Staff) n 8.04 mill increase Pegged © town's 1061 mill rate at 91.84 as council Brought down this year's budget Thursday night ah ey the hot 2 rate, at 80.8, is up "a 1000's 10.85 mills, spent an hour closet od In a back room trying to re. duce spen: Py cutting $13,000 off new construe tion costs, for a two mill drop, Concerned citisens (three) barely outnumbered reporters {two Bowmanville will levy for $060,508, with $100,044 in Preven: ues and grants making up the ifference in total i of Ws fo unt paration FOAL, The detalled record of actual 1960 sabenditutes was net ime mediately available, Mayor Wiltrid Carruthers sald today he Is "disappointed we couldnt hold the tax mate down", He blamed education costs, [and the $180,000 hospital deben: ure, "things aver which we have no control", | New schools at Millbrook and | Barlnglen helped push up edu Si expenses this year [BUDGET RREAKDOWN Budget breakdown follows; Education, including public ana secondary schools: $349. | Debt charges: $187,508 Capital and Joint expendi tures: $07,807 | Public Works: $08,008 JiSnerty (fire, police, street ighting, dog control officer ete, $84,500, oon Goneral government: $83,043.) | Health and wellare: $46,000, Recreation and community iservices: $19.34 Miscellaneous: $13,400 Reserve: $300 | Fire department: $10,300 | Public property: $9500 I Tolal police budget: $45.10, Hoard of Works: (mainten: ance and subsidized accounts) 1970,088, | Engineering: #5930 | Office expenses: $4840, SEF YOu 2 94 SATURDAY NIGHT .8.30 P.M. ---------- at the GET-TOGETHER OLUB | ® spot ® refres 1 0.C.V.l, AUDITORIUM ~ DRESS CASUAL | ADMISHION == MEMBERS | ------ FOR AGES 13 10 21 INCLUSIVE WCTU Holds | The Women's Christian Tem |perpies Wien mw Canadian Legion 'Has Social Night t Ladies swnitiary of the Marie Brown, Wis, Bey Chmp- Rope Comadion Lesion eid siheth, Wor, Aisin Foster, Won, rvattens | mont. suacessti Social evemng, Carol Wer, Mrs, Witham Wich the i ve" last ards, Mrs. Frank Barton, Mis. og o Nive Matpiter, Yrs, fre BE gop in son, Mrs. Witham € Fl entiof Whithy { Mrs # in the WOT Ams # Cone, the Taking part ET we, was Miss Linda Ferny tery" of rooiin rendered many Ones who (ore he lai) roatiy emioged by #9, 1 18 did OW l | Pua a ' H Te on SHAR INE ways a great plesswre when HAE oe [adies of the sonilory RIN | permitted 19 Hatem 19 {with the Accordion © ® dancing Swing, Mrs, Harken of Oshawa was at the piano, Mrs, Marg Connelby and son Dennis a two pumhers, Miss Beverly Hen iderson of Oshaws with Mrs Harken #f the piano sang two Songs ANd her swert Yee Was greatly appreciated During the comedy part of the program, the girls on the com witiee re-enacted four TY com merciale: Mrs. Waller Norns did "IE what's wp front that M cous", ¥rom another, Mrs, ¥ Avoppardi Mid the "Seven way stretaly prepared music At the clos Aelightinl evening # lovely lunch wes ser ved wn charge of Wis. Ean Ormiston and other members Many friends and members who had been WW or away Were seen among the crowd. Mrs, M Bray if Mrs, ¥, Tavener, Mrs Yern Joynsion, Mrs, L. Dews oe bry, Mrs. C, Byderman, Mrs! Brown, Mis. ¥. Mdeam Mrs. 1. Collins Members pre asked (9 take From the tooth paste notice that there has been # for thelr essey (ast provided & very inter musical program. Those took pert were: Gladys Smith, Margaret Smith, Lynde Hell, Lowise Vogson, Palsy Jewell, Ruth MacMilion, Jim Stuart, ¥ Jon Adams, Gary Crawiord, Glen Crawiord, Jimmy Guan: tril, Michael Detlor Following the musical pro LER, prices were presented 19 # large growp of boys and girls on ""Femper ad, Mrs. W. Richards did "Took change in the "Rally". 16 will ance" Rev, J, Smith and Cap Mum no cavities From the now be held on Monday, Jwne tain Roberts of the Salvation tived Wood ad, Mrs, W. Hay and 12 at 6.00 pm. In Bowmenyile, Army made the presentation Mrs. P. Aoppardi did the "Gen tol demonstration." Community singing and draw ing tickets for lucky Oraws followed and winners were Mrs. James Sturgess, Mm WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, G. B, Whipman of Byron St, N., and their daughter Karol have returned from A six weeks vacation spent in the Barbados Mr. Matthew Bowman, HW Dundas 8, E., is now con valescing at bis home after a stay at the Oshawa General Hospital, His friends wish him a complete recovery Mr. and Mrs, Jack Harrison of Cobourg visited Miss Greta Barker of Brock 6, N., and were luneh guests Jacqueleen, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Linton 1s celebrating her 16th birthday on Saturday. Her friends wish her| many happy returns of the day. | Mr, Earl Ormiston and Mrs W. Laboniteh celebrated their birthday on March 18, A party was held in their honor at Club Bayview with 20 guests at tending the celebration, Out-of- town guests were Mr, and Mrs, Malcolm Verguson of Black: water, Guests were entertained afterwards at the home of Mr and Mis, W. Laboniteh of Whithy Gregory, son of Mr, and Mrs B, J. Bradshaw celebrated his fourth birthday on Wednesday, Guests attending his party were} Diana English, Stephen Green, Ktephen Thwaites, Cathy Rowell and his sister Patricia, Also there were Mrs, I, English, Mrs N. Green, Mrs, ¥ Mrs, W, Rowell, Tasty lunch was served hy Gregory's mother including a nicely decorated birthday cake FIRST OSHAWA SHOWINGS! In TH EASTMANCOLOR Ll 4 Man's Las! Chance lo Survivell I fz. SIEEL Ale LIWIS OHARLES REVRENS + iNGEMAR JOHANSSON MAN vi TIMES TODAY! 'CARTHAGE in FLAMES' 'PASSPORT TO CHINA' FIGHT PICTURES WAV prizes hments 406; NON-MEMBERS 40 The door Mrs, Carol THEATRE GUIDE Bilimore ~~ "Cone of Silence," 100, 406, 715, 120 pm prize was won by Velr "Biktz on Britain, 2.45, 540,118 the 193400 Fear Kolokol, east £50 pm. Fight Pictures, 12.40 846, 650, 10.19 m Complete Show at $45 p.m Brock (Whithy) = "The Cans digns," 6.55 19.00 m "Freckles, 635 pm, Last Complete Show at 8.25 p.m rks ~ ""Pigmie Island," 1250, 400, 0.15 pm. "The Oklahoman," 140, 6.00, 10.40 800, 7.20 p.m. Vast Complete Show at 7.20 pm Regent =~ "Gorge ~~ Shown Dally at 245, 5.18, 7456, 10.25 pm. "Terror on #8 ' Shown Daily at 1.80, 4.00, 6.30, Ragen and|- The meeting closed with pray: er by Rev. Smith, Refresh ments were served hy the social commitiee, A large number of mothers were In atiendance, | whrman; viee - president, Charles Rycroft, secre tory, Karel Shasf; treasurer, Ron Beam, assistant 1resswrer, Bill Mcintyre. and sergeant-nt- wrms, Bob Attersiey, for research In budget, $4,090 000 more then DANCING--9 P.M. UNTIL 12 PA PRIZES @ REFRESHMENTS EVERYBODY WELCOME ADMISSION: $1.00 per person Last! = RUSSIAN BELL The heaviest bell in the world! n 175% mn Moscow #eiepm Plaza = "The Great Imposter, 145, 8.85, 6.00, 700, 9.90 pm. Last Complete Show at 9.20 '| TORNADOS pm, 0.10 pm, Last Complete Show ml f DANCE | 'TONIGHT | Recording Artists THE | Cleaning Comments Moths will net set freshly cleaned clothing, Meyer garments. Have them freshened by fry Elssning "YOUR ELEANER You CLOTHES BESY FRIEND" Train', of away soiled | Admission $1,00 THE "NEW" RED BARN i| ONTARIOS FAVORITE FUN POV Jungle Thrills | "PYGMIE ISLAND" starring IOHNNY WEISSMULLER ANN SAVAGE AE ONL rv, PAYMOND MASSEY so ms ms vss JH MALDEN Fikes: ® 1 35.5:38 §:30.7:30 920 Cherokee & JOE] McCREA Couples. who. Dancs. .. dave more Fun! 2 FUN-FILLED NIGHTS WEEKLY 2 FRIDAYS Canada's top Record Hop Continuous Dancing to the Latest & Greatest on Hi-Fi, SATURDAYS = Canadian Winners of the Internationsl Pence Band Contest, PAT RICCIO Radia, Television snd Re cording Artist with his Orchestre, WILSON & LER LIMITED 'MUSIC STUDIOS . Register Now For Lessons On These Popular Instruments ACCORDION SAXOPHONE VIOLIN SPANISH GUITAR POPULAR PIANO TRUMPET Our &-week beginner's ot $1,50 weekly includes the FRE® use of an accordion during thet home for practice, ® CLARINET ® HAWAIIAN GUITAR ® TROMBONE ® VIOLA e CELLO gourse on the accordion periad which is teken WILSON & LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE 87 SIMCOE ST. NORTH RA 5.4708 A REMINDER... FROM TIMMY Oshawa's ewn EASTER SEAL TIMMY makes this appeal en behalf of eur handicapped children NO GIFT IS T00 SMALL OR 100 BIG TO HELP US... Fun plays a big port on the road to health . " gin od children hava fun at Pienies, Christmas Outings, 9s a real part of their treatment, Osha Rag If you have lest your PINK ENVELOPE, mail your eontribution Wane MR, J, MeCANSH, Treas, Easter Seals Campaign, Bank of Montreal, 20 Simeoe St, N,, OSHAWA, ONT, A gift of any size con be a mal he children, 1 or 2 dollars will buy diate we repair a wheelchair, 3 to § dollars will buy spacial drups and treatment, and often a little lamer sheau' ean buy erutehes, braces, a tip 19 9 COMP, OF Provide spesial Xomys and slink treatment,