Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 24 Mar 1961, p. 3

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mee, entitled "Eyes of Fath", | % ead oo fs So 'Governor Visits CAST OF ST, MARK'S EASTER PAGEANT The Akar Guild wand Choir. of 86. Mark's Anglican Church will present an Easter Pa goon on FPelm Sanday, Mar, mT pm The periorm: denis with the Passover Wn | Jervsrlem and the death of Christ. The cast of charse | ters, left to right, sre: Miss Joan Fleming ss Veta; Mis OBITUARIES this morning Cramahe MRS, JOSEPH LANGHMAID Mis. Joseph Langmaid, for merty of Wi Richmond street east, died wt Hillsdele Manor She had not heen wm od heglth for some time former Mabel Frances Sadler, the deceased was Asughter the late Richard and Louise Badier. Born in Fownship, Horthum berland County, she lived at w by Rey. 8. C. H. Atkinson, min ister of Abert Street Upited Church. Interment was in Oh awa Union Cemetery The paltherrers were John Fialka, Jerry Ewiatkowski, | Johnson, 8. Wilson and H. Koh CIMIEK FUNERAL OF THOMAS 5. ROBINSON services for Mrs Mis Funera I. Harding as Ladt Antonie; Mis. W. Blackhali ss Claes phases. Mrs. E. Dobmey as Mary of Barareth, Mrs. W Sleep as Bare; Mrs. K. Kers Bridge Club Team Game Is Enjoyed On Tuesday evening, at Wood view Park club house, a team of four game was intraduced 19 the members for the first time With 15 teams playing from Foreman, Brookiin, Fort Perry eke ps Rhoda and Mrs. W, Neil ps Magdalene, The Mir rector of the play is Mrs. P. Lawrence ~fishawa Times Photo CITY AND DISTRICT $16 OR 19 DAYS George Robinson, of 208 Dear born avenue, wes fined $19 or I8 days in jail, for being Arunk in #8 punlic place ar. 2% when he pleaded guilty to the charges before Magistrate F, § Ebbs, Thursday TWOLAR COLLISION Two cars were involved in # po : Liewtanamt Governor Wilson Kianien iH Selly reqiesies Gemmes paid We oficial view the members of he Westmont to the Westmont Kmamis Cll, ly (6 GE SY 0 EERE CR THE OTHAWA TIVES, Bride, Merch 14, 961 § Gl tion wen 1m ldke Hace iB Thorsdey noon af Adeigide tacts for the Kiwanis Baio Ac Honier The fem enam nd foie wpering poss 14g pia trib we to the members wm her reer Ww Kiwanis service work, and noted that the cb Wad one of the best records in the Metriat ly, Gemmell ponied 19 the a members of the cb, with the Peterborough ch Wn building the newly formes Bow manviile Kinams Chih, snl Rol ed thet the Bowmanyitle ib hed mlready been MARE Ws mark in Ewanis work CLUB BUILDING He piso spoke 19 the mem: bers on the various Retiviies and committees wn Kiwanis work, and pointed owl het membership and ch building WEEE LWA VET WRPOTIAnt Phases of Kiwanis program Kiwanis Chih committees have a very important place Wn Kiwanis, and i is the duty of every member 16 lend a helping hand in Wis commitiee's work, whether #4 be Circle K, Boy's and Girl's or Vocational Guid ance," he spid The liewienant EOVErRor went on 10 spy that, "Our commitiees on conservation and support of our churches pre two very im portant commitiees (0 the com munity, and we should make sure that these commiiers are RELIVE Jn oHF cub." TWO NEW MEMBERS Kiwanian Gemmell inducted at This is & combined effon 3 the imo (shana Kimmie che, apd is one of their most Smporiant projects of the year President Reed wien read # fetter from the chairmen of the Mstnict Kiwams Boye and Girls' Commies, © y We the Boy's wd girl's commit fee of the ci for is fine prey wet Ww the . Fomor and Game Clith winch meets #t Sime woe Hall every month. The Ms trict chairmen said i Whe ORE of the finest petivities report «A thus far and wished the ib CARER SHOLESSE FLOWER SHOW 4 ded President Reed members thet he wold Ike # good twrnowt of men tthe flower show 16 he Reid this Sun day, Mar. 25, at Reed's Florists Bloor street west Went week Biwanian Rev, Dar ren Michael will deliver an Fas ler message 19 the Westmount chil white on Thursday, April 6 the guest speaker will he Harold Medel of Bimene Hall Smash Window Steal Radios Two radios, valued pt $194.55 were stolen from one Oshawie store, and an estimated $1000 damage was done to another, in two break-ins reporied hy the THE WEATHER OFFICE says Southern Omaria will get more Heh Tain, wet snow nd extensive (og (ody while gen erally cloudy siies will pre: | northern vail in Northern ORtRrin, | mixture of show wd WEATHER FORECAST Fog And Rain For Two Days TORONTO (CF) Official forecasts issued gt § a.m, Low tonight, high Saturday Synopsis--Overcast skies With wicicor Spal iby) light rain and wet snow, is Well g Trp on. ok I 1 as extensive og, Will COPUNNE Kicherer ,.\vvvees The rk {A hen, owned by Mrs, Er inest Belyes, Town Line recently 1mid sn egg of size, The egg messured inches around one wey (seven and five-eighth inches the (other way, FALSE ALARM Oshawa firefighters answered a false alarm 10 15% Windsor avenue Thursday afternoon, Another call took them to 48 Harns street where food had heen eft to burn on an sles Forecast temperatures Oshawa Police Department 19- in Southern Ontario today, Cone Ad 4 d Centreion before coming 16 Of pe 00 5s Robinson. 432 Ritson LONAON +rvvereerere trie slove, Ambiance erews a 8 | John Williams he was born on|Adam, 5 awa 41 Mrs ber of AEN avi SLE I I a mem United Was of Churel Ont., and th Bury, United Church LeTVILEL She was first hushana 1933 and b hand | hs! 1942 She | Frank Mrs ehdecensenl By her Jennings, Wn second hus pgngman wm her I ' JF an 2 sister of Baltimore randehildren The funergl service will he held gt the Mcintosh - Anderson Funerel Home at 130 pm Monday, Mar Rev. M. A minister of King Blreel il conduct the be in a { Bearbore 0 WwW. Niehs Inter will Centreton Cemetery at the asked not to esl home hefore Friends are funeral Saturday evening CECIL WENRY WILLIAMS Cecil Henry Williams died uddenly gt the Oshawa General Hospital on Thursday, Mar, 28, 106 mm ¥ Enox Preshyterian @ d The son of Delis and the late | Whithy sr urch, wa, he lived in the Oshaw istrict all his life For several years he operated grocery store at 300 King (dal and M, Rorabeck. road south, whe died at the Oshawa General Hospital, Tues day, Mar. 21, were held from the Mclntosh-Anderson Funeral Home, Thursday, Mar. 23, at 2 pm Hey ister of Church Intermen Union Dr. George Telord, min St. Andrew's United conducted the services followed in Oshawa Cemetery Ron Sid Harry Taylor Palinearers were dle, Fred Biddle James Robinson, Lloyd Halli day and William Bmith FUNERAL OF MRS, CATHERINE SHERIDAN High requiem mass for Mrs Catherine Sheridan, who died al the Oshawa General Hospital Wednesday, Mar, 22, in her THh year, was sung in Bt, Gertrude's Roman Catholic Church st 19 this morning Rev. John Myers sang the mass. Interment was In Bi Gregory's Cemetery, The pallbearers were P, Me William MeAdam, R Sheridan, B, Tierney, A. Wihii- am | MRS, JOSEPH BT, THOMAS The death occured suddenly at the Oshawa General Hospital this morning of Alice Emma street west, and for the past Barry, beloved wife of Joseph five years has heen in the dry 8t, Thomas, 1357 Ritson road e munity and " f } ' ] was prede cea ¥ held from I # I | { Marton ( leaning business He was well known in the com enjoved a large irele of friends He is survived by his wife, the ormer Hazel Maude Osmond Hs mother sister; Miss farie Willams, and four bro hers, Mansell, Harland, Alfred all of Oshawa, He ed hy one hroth: nd Allen r, Perey The memorial service will he the Armstrong Ful eral Home on Monday, Mar. 27 t 2 pm. Interment will follow n Groveside Cemetery, Brook: in. Rev, 8 H. Atkinson will wnduc! the services FUNERAL OF TORN MORTON memorial service for John who died at the Oshawa | ieneral Hospital Tuesday, Mar The north, She was in her 68th year A daughter of the late Garret! and Annie Barry, the deceased| was born in Fenelon Falls and| had heen a resident of Oshawa for 85 years, Bhe was a mem her of the Roman Catholic Church Besides her hushand, Mrs, Bt Thomas is survived hy a daugh ter, Mrs, E, Farley (Doreen), of Rock Island, Quebec and two sons, Earle of Toronto and Max of Oshawa Also surviving are a sister, Mrs, H. Starr (Elsie), and a brother, Garrett, hoth of Pres: ton, Ont The remains are al the Ger row Funeral Home for high re: quiem mass in Bt. Gergory's Roman Cathelie Chureh at 10 a.m. Monday, Mar, 27, Rev, Dr,| Paul Dwyer will sing the mass, | Interment will he in St. Greg 21, In his 64th 'year, was held atlory's Cemetery ! ? he Armstrong Funeral Home at m. Thursday, Mar, 2 he services were conducted Prayers will be held in the funeral chapel at 8 p.m, Bun day | COMING EVENTS Admission 50 Commemoratin | BINGO A UAW.A, HALL FRIDAY, MARCH 25th 730 PM | 20 GAMES $10 A GAME G 5 OF $20, $30 $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 __ SHARE THE WEALTH LL CANADIAN CONCERT ASSOCIATION Membership Campaign at WILSON and LEE'S THIS WEEK ONLY PROGRESSIVE EUCHRE Al CORONATION SCHOOL EAST WHITBY MARCH 24th, 8 PM Lunch, Prizes CENTENNIA | - | | 1861 » EVOHRE nm Eastview Park, Friday, BINGO CORONATION ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY, MARCH 25th 7:45 PM 20 Games $8 SHARE-THE-WEALTH 4---$40 Jackpots Ta Ge 1--$150 Jackpet Te Go ANNUAL SPRING FLOWER SHOW REED'S GREENHOUSES BLOOR ST, WEST "Palm Sunday", March 26th Beautiful Floral Arrangements, Potted Lilies, Tydrangeas, Mums. EASTER PREVIEW REED'S FLORISTS L CONCERT g TARAS SHEVCHENKO 1961 REGENT THEATRE SUNDAY, MAR, : UNDER THE AUSPICES OF 7", THE UKRAINIAN CANADIAN COMMITTEE v 26th=7.00 P.M, | of the at gy 1 as previously announe-: | Whithy and Oshawa, & trophy was presented (0 the club by Dr. 8. Kandel, of Port Perry The winning team was Mrs Wadsworth, Mrs. M. RK larke, Dr. and Mrs Kandel 24 point OIher 1eaing Were MacKellar, E, J, Markiewitz and W. BK. Shaw, 21 points, Mrs Daniel, Mrs. ¥. J. Rundle 0. Mills and Mrs. N. Wash ington, 18 points. Mrs. 8, Sheri dan, Mrs. J. Timmins, RB. White and D. Calhoun, 17 points. Mr and Mrs. ¥. Wells, Mr, and Mrs W. Heron, 16% points. Mrs, A Rundle, Mrs. E. Culp, Mrs, J Kitchen and Mrs. BR. Drew, 16% point The team game will be an an nual affair CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and hest wishes Lo the following resi: dents of Oshawa and dis trict who are celebrating their birthdays today: Billy Kudia, 421 Oshawa bivd., south; Mrs, Laurie Bright, 308 Ridgeway av: enue, Mrs, Jack Smith, 78 Lloyd street; Mrs. N, Tur eskl, 248 Etna avenue; Kevin Glecoff, 785 Tennyson Ave; Boh Gibson, 306 Kent street, Whithy; Kathy Jane Petron, 246 Elizabeth street; William Clark, 158 Elgin street east; Patricia Pierce, 268 Cedar Valley avenue; Mrs. Frane Lupel, 483 Ortona av: enue; Cindy Gay, 160 South lawn; Elaine Trofymowyeh, 260 Chadburn street; Olga Bragnik, B30 Bylvia streel; Mrs, Beryl Garrett, 576 Ade: laide street; Donna Kirtley, 2686 Celina street; Bharon Ormiston, 774 Palace street; Cindy Wodnisky, 48 Wilson road south; Mrs, J, P O'Reilly, 180 Eastmount street; Marcel Belanger, 246 Adelaide west; Larry Han na, 201 Guelph street; Phyl: lis Johnstone, 47 Taunton road east; Maurice John: ston, 785 Ritson road south; Charles K. Eadie, 237 Grooms Ave, and Mrs, W Logeman, 217 Hillside avy enue The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The current att action 1s "Terror on a Train" Reports on birthdays will he received only between the hours of 8 a.m. and 10 a.m, Phone RA 3-474 Music Teachers Hear Address Pierve Souvairin, a member of the faculty of the Royal Con: servatory of Music, Taranto, spoke at the meeting of the Op E { by 6G. Clark 2 ¥ Mrs es Harle Registered Music Teach id Association here this week Geen, Mrs, J, A, Marshall was hostess for the meeting Mr, Souvairin dealt with the upper levels of teaching from approximately Grade X, dealing with the niceties of interpreta tion through sense of line, vital: ity of touch, sensitivity of shift. ing of rhythmic patterns and recognition of definitions, He alsa spoke of methods of dealing with purely technical elements of the eurrieulum, A fluent speaker, Mr, Souvaivin il: lustrated his remarks with piano interpolations Geraldine Lee, Oshawa pianist well known contributed {piano solos. They included In| termeszzo, ap. 117, Na of Rrahms: Golliwog's Cake Walk by Debussy and hy special res quest, Campanella, hy Lisat Mrs, Charles Naylor eonduet- od the meeting. ERROR IN DATR It 1s announced that a rally New Party will he held Whithy, March 26 and net collision rm Simeone street ROFH ooo new members, Doug Gow: at Adelaide street, Thursday oer and Gord Hawker, The new EB pm. Damage was estimated oombers were given their Ki at 8475. No one was Iminred wonic" ning by Tientenant Gov: One car was driven hy Michael conor Gemmell and were intro: Jariga, of WI Simcoe STeet goed hy their sponsors, Kir north, The driver of the other wanian Andy Suwals and Cy car was Beatha Fay Hoithy, of poo oil President Henry Reed RR 3, Bowmanville [presented the sponsors of the GARAGE ROBBED new members with their badges Three men robbed Roy W.|of distinction for Winging th Nichol's Garage, Courtice, early|tW0 New men into the Wes today, They got away with man club about $50 in hills, The men Considerable business WARS claimed to be armed, The rob conducted and President Henry hry accursed at apo 190 need outlined some of the pro The men approached and left BA es Ie Ture the garage on fool, A Mr, Tu tenburg, of Courtice, was on PLAN CANCER BLITZ duty at the garage when the in| president Reed called on Ki cident occurred. Investigation wanian Murray Sparks from the into the matler is being car Downtown Oshawa club, who ried out by Bowmanville De-| outlined the program set up for tachment, Ontario Provineial the Cancer Blitz to take place on Police, April 25. Following this report AIR CADET NEWS day The radios were stolen from the Oshawa Discount House, on Albert Street, A brick was thrown through a plate glass cooler weather Is expected In gi Catharines ,.... window. The radios were (aken from inside the window George Burnett Plumbing, #48 gions, Windsor, London: Over: KiNgIoe cceeerveeer # Adelaide street west, was also cast with some light rain or wet Eariton coeveereeer 2 broken into. Nothing was stolen snow (oday but total damage to merchan- 8 little warmer Saturday. Winds North BBY rrreveee B dise and property in the store! light was estimated at $1000 Binks, toilets and mer, police said, Entry gained through the rear south fay and tonight window RULE REQUIRED NEGATIVE VOTE Frank Meagher, chairman of nol much change in tempera Behnol ture Oshawa Winds light, the Oshawa Beparale Board, informed The Times that he wished to he sure bathroom agar, sels were smashed with some Hamilton heavy object, probably & ham-| Sudbury was sional light rain or wet snow 10 that the public understand his\uskasing regions: Mainly ¢ siderable cloudiness With Lem: Winoham 0100 es B peratures in the low 4s is fore bday Lefora ere cast for southern regions Sater: Peterborough ,,.., day while partly cloudy #08 Fenton ,,,, swered five routine calls pines Thursday morning Cleaning Comments I yeu spill nail polish, don't to remove IW yorself with polish remaver, ket Jor oy cleaner take It out succowiuily, a rereeee Northern Ontane Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Hamion rrrivveeee ¥ Fee Muskoka reeeeeveer Partly cloudy and Sudbury seeeveveerr Kapuskasing ceever White BIVEF 1100000 18 Ontario, Ni Bay regions, North Bay, with occa Western Lake Georgian Toronto Overcast Considerable og this morning and again 1o- Mainly cloudy with little change Saturday Eastern Lake Ontario, Hali- burton regions: Overcast with rain or wel snow ending Batur: | day morning, then eloudy with night temperature Winds light Extensive fog Kirkland Lake, Timmins tonight, | Kap By WINGLESS WILLIE | pleted in Oshawa and cadets got hack into full swing with 45 on parade and a few marked ahsent with leave The exams are over for all |Oshawa Air Cadets hut unfor tunately a group of Ajax cadets have just hegun writing, The hockey game claimed a couple |of vietims Classes were normal Tuesday with the exception of a drill per: ind when the commanding of- ficer, ¥-L, R, EB. Gilbank drilled the juniors. The results were good hut the CO's volce was gone COLOR PARTY Tuesday the CO and WOZ Bo haker went to Toronto and pick: ed up some lanyards for the color party, "This year a group of Toronto squadrons are having a drill competition and we have {heen asked to supply a color {party for the competition, Picking cadets for the party [is no easy task because cadets [of equal size lo make the party look balanced are need: ed, The problem is that some of the hest cadeis are five-fool five while the other best ones are six-fool Four of the more energetic INCO's were busy during th {second period practising rifle drill for the party [RIFLE COMPETITION This coming Thursday the {fea Cadets will pay a visit to {Rotary Hall with the intentions lof winning the rifle competi: {tion trophy which we have held {for three years, Tuesday ¥-0 vifle team to go against the "Hea Weeds" and 1 sure hope they're good The shoot will begin at 19.30 {hours at the hall, ¥ Squadron Asked sition on the question of theiwith & few snowflurries and) ilingual school which was ve: \conler today, clearing tonight, | toed at a special meeting Tues-| Partly cloudy and cool Satur: Many Plans and! For Color Party time. The following 'Pigeons' The exams have heen com. Bre asked to be there; WO2 Bo: (vote to hreak the haker, Bgis, Jubb, Brannigan and MeKae, Cpls, Chileott, Van: dervende and Dittmar and LAC's Jubbenville, Brooks and Marsh, FLYING SCHOLARSHIPS Bummer will soon be here {and with the favorite season |eomes the flying course at the airport, Along with the thrill and excitement of learning how {to fly there is the ugly matter of Wriling exams S0 you may attain your private pilot's lis (cence, What I'm leading up to {18 this, It is better to attend ground school in this type of {weather than have to work {twice as hard in the holt weather (to come, The exams aren't easy {and yet they aren't really diffi: cult, they're just tricky, Ground school is held every {Thursday evening at the airport {in the Ontario County Flying {Club lounge FLOOR HOCKEY GAMES A reply from 63 Bquadron of {Hamilton has come In answer to the challenge we sent them about a floor hockey game, They said they would be pleased 10 aceept the challenge but not on the date we asked for be cause they are planning a church parade that day, Fur ther arrangements will be made later and the floor hockey team will he notified, ; Had news has come out to day, Bruce Carter, a member of the team, broke his nose at school and it looks as if he'll he out of action for a couple of weeks, Fl, Gilbank purchased a rile hook on floor hockey when he [was in Toronto the ether day, 1 le was introduced by R. @.'ouston was busy picking a suggest that some one steals it or gets rid of it in some way, Rules are good but no fun, Because so mueh floor hook: |ey has heen played lately we day, Mr. Meagher stated that he Is definitely in favor of a French School for Oshawa At the special meeting Chair man Meagher cast a negative tie, He said he |8chool hoard aperates In the Manual for Beparate Peterborough Kiwanis Music school trustees under order item 18, it rules of slates: shall refrain from voting excep! in case of a tied vole when he shall cast a negative vote," every question the chairman or puck, The old one has had the course, As there is a rifle shoot this Thursday there will be ne sports parade Thursday eve: ning. Attendance at the sports parades has been so low lately that if it doesn't soon pick up they will be fewer and farther hetween, CLEANUPS F& Beeley is no longer alone in the ranks of the Flight Ser: geants, Tuesday evening Bgt, Wayne Dittmar was promoted to the rank of Flight Sergeant and he was quite worthy of the honor, Best wishes and con gratulations go out to Wayne Flying Officer Housten says he will soon launch his home: made yacht which we eall the Titanie, Hope it floats, Anyway he still has to purchase a motor and it appears that a motor for his boat will cost him around $800, A reminder goes to former Warrant Officer Lawrence Gal: lagher that he is to write a story on summer camp for the squad: ron yearbook, Please! I'm starting to beg, I've done every: thing else, Get the story in, My apologies for no column last week but I was struggling for exams and didn't have much time. Thanks goes to Greg "Arownie'" Hahaker for the fine job he did on writing the eal: 'lease he onidecided to purchase a new umn two weeks ago. | | up © Modernfold Doors © Modernizing Kitchens, Bathrooms, ete. ¢ Ceramic Tiling = Walls and Floors © Store Fixtures © Specialty Lines We are as near as your telephone, An Appointment to Discuss Places You Under Ne Obligation, Harleigh Manufacturing Co. OSHAWA Your Particular Problems RA 3.7509 2 five to fivel combined to finance 8 bus trip was obliged tolio Peterborough for the Central east the vote according fo the! Collegiate choir last Saturday rules under which the separate night, The choir took first place "On winners who returned to take presiding officer of the hoard Part in a concert, | $5010 $5,000 without sendersers or bankable security, Loans, Life lasured = een on | INANCI The Fastest Growing All-Canadion Lean Company 17 SIMCOE ST, N, RA 5-654) 15 Offices Throughout Ontarie day. Winds north 18, i Repayment Scheduhm to Bult Your Budget KIWANIS HELPS CHOIR Members of the Oshawa Get: Together Club and their spon: sors, the two city Kiwanis Clubs, in its division at the recent Festival and were among class Take a glass... take a twist of lemon... take a couple of ice cubes... MARTINI & ROSSI vermouth... just by itself... pour on real on the rocks... take your time... and enjoy! . Bottled In Italy

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