THE CUHAWA TIMES, dey, Mavch 14, 1981 19 (Collegiate Cagers fr # 177. hee proven ---- twlente of Arn Scheff, Dow self this yen fo he he tog Metivesn snd Johm Filet snd i sian i is 9 "se Mew In Benefit Game «r= = «mas ue viv te ¥s ters Add itn thes ten, the coach fime of K SPORT SOTOO0NS ~ By bac Son Oshawa Majors Tie Series With Napanee Bs GERRY BLAIR and terry Brady seoved withim wards. Yl tian Waimes want on 5 19 seconds of PRR HIRET. RERE fe Renmieh ' ; " : . f ET get Tran i Westfall " A SORE EPrer las mew in pe ad ol he 4 ad 18 ef Tem Pug Pu the fist time that an #8 sar pve the fans an ides of whet pa ng the €omets pets in wy 2 7g ily . Sut rpg ibis Riu Lomats Campgr dackim regstered for SAPASES Fe tab. CORRE (ARI Tas Bern Rosen i sg a yy i. Apis a mt OBA fat , Bapaner amok. (rom he face. defener, Coondlehion pps wl wed (6 pias R gewe (CYT. Rog {astern Ap ida 4 po Max HE to wen the second Genin. 7. (orwaEss, Semen. 13cm. Aganst tog notch competition. CVE este hh, The posh game of WR (he Wajors came Back mm Befivinger, MWeAster, Wotho With ai procesds SOME 10 Pag Goldsiewm, from CVE; fam Por sot ORS OMG IOW whew inter with Werk Tram senn- land, Cimon ah White we Tam (hascrewswi Find, on Stam Benen of Centini Pays a Et ibd fuss ® i the Whithy Commumty WE # etare goml. 16 igre the Calaer, Gritfm, WRIrRCIe, (rreen. extremely age crows 6 5 the suprd spot also and is one o mah ww th py owe) ' e 4 WIR PIE ade Ave ve "m0 arene Hagting wt £08 p.m i peatil Martin erie 16 WHRESE BEAR VE of the toy driers in the gh FL, 17 CORD WIR ERE fA apparently the "mame" plex. conse Westlall, Art Remnick., First Period mig of gh cass Daskethil, sehanie fies - " wb th a a of " Coin. 44 " a the Comets Bnewp (7 Samm Ashton and Gerry Mae Fo DRpanes . "OORT TI s with i the screamer. ne ferry: Trmmhik.. irom. Eat Voi HA 7 fod gos ; bed to impress the Wajors as Ioan completed the fren (Brady) i " ghamor of & ER schoo) mimes Fino woth (orward and! ? p mahi and they held no regard WRrrAge Wack ean's talky came; 7, (Vhana Wact can § 15 PHETE phn # special Rall Time 4 ih 4 vB A is Wor the veteran Semar A" Whe the Maiors were (6 men (Rowman, Wille 0c TU ert ant mmment present ation Friday might #t 730 pm. in The Collegiate Al-Sars line Conteni Collegaie's Gym her wy will feature the best Semor gids the begining of he (op Basketball players in he city igh schonl beekethall Mirae and therefore 3 hort rendown tion of the season. I will we om come of they ahities ol belore 00 fan who ried A Sl, SHOW oA TTR in dale, tow, A modest setup put into ing the "low cavities" count Zia aid a 4 ( tasers, Jack White. Ted Top HOV 3. Napaner CGimowr " 86 fast report i was indicated. Hal Nichohehen of Cen J ! Guid fiom Pet weer, Don eating B53 gong ne (he (White, Brady) reer EH ha be Central Glee Chi 175. 16 B Wufont centre noted ad y iad » G ie v p ¢ . é 4 ' f " ral il we ud id Semiay_and Goodlesion, #il for (Wid pened, Dhane was Hol 4 pps i Pra 11.49. 900d Jens the audience in Or WE OHERGIYE wna delansi mer Kingston performers. Op CONERL 1H FETT AR SHER # Pe » y 146 Tog. RENE the school songs, tht FEVOWRGING ' tin Whe P, row lead, and pumped in tue Penalties ~~ Semor 7 wy ¢ Fu fete Migs of 1 van, A Monday might in Winihy Osh pa th Fd Romanek and parom 14.35. Geodietiow 1878. the CReerieaders from = (hres EITY Firaavine big ' 0 w ix alate ¥ ' ' gd a g § i AUR APRCRIed 10 RAVE Mage p " Ty being the marks 4 Second Period shoots would wwe and 16a guard. 5 0 (all, 1s an RERIEs p ftw P 3 ' re od d - EZ & I' " RP si ng Fo cor mew. Onien Catver put the 5, Napanee. IRckiin the cheering and (hat the Jong Rve (RECKEY, fine piaymaker tarsi up of r inter. Comets back We 1eRsonabie (BEWOREET) crr00rereeer TE lapels from the Simeoe Hall and driver og ® 2 0 § . ia A" oh eit BP tor COREDION BHR ust A tle 8. Oshawa: Tran Biddy Baskethall | eagne would Aan Fichells Ags Prag phi & MoE 4 P of mada 4 iid TONE # WIRE TREMAINE In the (Mal war Barnage) 378 periorm wm 7 short game W ial is roman the ew p 8 0x WIRis hs 1, JWT TE BETTER # Wee YER ontest, Paved nal frame, wt Syd Arnaid i shawn. Westial Watching the 5 & youngiers checker and Sefensive man oh CR om a Ve Bow Flim Sis 25% a £ 4 terruied an Aho Miack WW (Will Armia hay is AR EVERIng Ss treat In i the tram Sapanee, seormg the last goal Oshawa. Ren sai Garney Gunn, of Donesan, B17 hot off encownter. Oshawa M the mgt. nie an open fel (Wills, Westiah) 1 Ne a y galt . Parrish Oshawa. Ashion 3 £ th of the Wik gosliender BSorm Farms Jah ; READY TO SERVE rai 3, he £8 Ih oh rshande Nor Par 9, Gey Aon "Th National = MEMEMBER WHEN? 3 ' @ ' firey y ne ' pag b 72 seconds of, phy in the middle #IAcke 8, Oshawa: Maclean +. V7 ena a By THE. CANADIAN PRESS A frame. However the tide soon MAJOR WIGHIAGHTS i. Mapanee: Brady 8.06 . i Tilden suitered his fst § wa enms timed rs the Majors went wild Ted O'Connor, coach of he (White, Green) ... 4 tenmis defeat on Madison nd scored five - straight times Oshawa Maiors was unable to Penalties. Jackim | 77 (100d 1 ea Ie Square Gardens' canvas coun, is in a ina ht lead. Brady make the tr 9 because of work (ehhow A Fran w rae | losing 16, 36, 64, 06 19 Fred 5% alhed before the end of the commitments, and the players / 5%. Smith 85 [7 f ! Verry U4 vears ago today. The 7 p for Naa ' ¢ all out to win i for Oke' Grithn, Martin (10-minute mi match was witnessed by 14.009 second Sania oy SRpanee 16 went git on y Win far J iT * arrow the margin to one gol Gary Lawson, apparently CONGUE) 17, Mills 16.04 fans whe paid 50.008 (6 see the On Tuesday evening, March tennis league heing formed with "50, Go lo ning ine Major 5 FRCAYETING MOTE GCE from Third Period LONDON (AP) -- The Grand Old Master square off with 24, ot 8 meeting of the exec in (he cb, Ana Seps Bre De ong igor offensive style, iis bout with preumonia than 12. Oshaws. Romani | 'ational Steeplechase will he Britain's black-haired Perry tive. the pulse of the Oshawa ing taken 10 determine M Hw» and outscored Napanee. 3) expected and should return 10 13. Oshawe Mills _ mare than Just # race for seven Tennis Club started IRroWIARg receive any Suppor Few Toppan, top gost scor- the line-up on Saturday mem in (Garrard) rere of the horses running #t Aintree CHANGES JOB ate feverishly Newt Tuesday a MEEng 15 oo gor the Comets in Monday 5 Whithy The fourth gome 14 Napanee: Calver og 4 PRiurday YONKERS, N.Y. (CP) ~Phil wn Bowing €) bas being held at the Royal York p y oceedings early will he back in Napanee on (McAlister. Topp) 15.4 They will he out for revenge Dussault of Montreal says he Fhe Lawn Bowling ¥ game, npened proceedings ear ; 95 Th i he ou % kindly donated is flood lights Hotel hy the Ontane IAD in the open WH minites, hut Monday might 15. Oshawa: Arnold i on the tough course which de. 10st his Job as (op trainer-Anver which they are replacing is Tennis Association, under he (i, Ma p evened je OSHAWA gonl. Cirks. de Fs nalties Romanuk 9.56 feated them last year for one of Canada's biggest her: brought forth the problem of sponsorship of the Telegram. coupt » T Pat Gilmowr fence, Smith, Vdwards, for- and Topparzin 10.44 They were among (he 16 Ness racing stables because he . financing the erection of these. This meeting is to discuss plans horses that came in grief at Couldn't gel long with the own The membership chairman, for the Telegram Junior Ten . ' . Becher's Brook Valentine's Fs Ne whew 52... vd this AGH Dow blends the flavour in -- to bring out the best dep Jom Fis, 1 ted wel represented at ths. meet New port D-D-D Bonspie | Brook And the niher (ough Sussaut 0 ed oe in of in beer! In avery giassful of Dow you'll find the 5 Fie) 4 #l epresenied at his mes A s tha ke the Gra an y M feputy Jom Four, ported or yp ; Nap nt make I" " { rand Montreal to a record year Wn eonl, smooth and friendly fisvour that comes from yal past members w se 1g Nations e grimmes , . } ; ing in pay their fees for the Don Comerford, tournament race in the world Lof=swiniing 4 ioial Jou. » masterful multi-blending of 86 grest individual COMING SEASON chairman, reporied that (his or 4 an ccessful Event The seven trv. = BERN WTEES oo for "x yh "In Wows, That's why Daw i always wallorm , ; « Phe spciat sectetofy, dansiieiVear the tlh will again bay u are Team Spit, Mr. What, gos wow after 36 years in the| siways perfect the sassy drinking best in heer, Zambonelli, reported (hat the host to the Central Ontario " Wyndburgh, Jonin, Cannobie wasirers. he as Become No, 2 two social activities held this Men's Doubles Championship In Winter Fhe annual Oshaws Doctors: Garnet Tubb and Jack Snyder [pe Clover Bud and Irish Cof trainer for another Canadign ear were both a tremendousion July | and also for he Dentists Druggists Bonspiel was supervised fhe day § activities fee. An Irish Hospitals Sweep: owner driver--Clint Hodgins, # success and another was to he Men's gmermedinte singles our CHARLOTTETOWN (CP)-- held at the local curling club on and the presentation of prizes. stake is hased on the event native of Clandeboye, Ont,, hol held in Apni mament, X Beside (he soaring ski lifts" of Wednesday afternoon, with eight FIRST ROUND Against them will be four has heen a hig winner on US The publicity chairman, Ar David itley, the grounds gs Bd bo slim Bling Boll dpe 4 RB bil narves that cleared the 30 oh tracks for # decade thur Hur, has heen in toveh chairman, reparied that the ¢ olf m " of a midget ing two-game draw (hat saw UU Fog A. Hala stacles in 1960 and finished the . L of the t members kitchen and men's locker room 5 Preiy much 6 4 y » = RB Rowsell ( ile. B56 ard course with bi i' pay hen the had been decormsied and (hat And sometimes i doesn't work. Charlie Mcliveen's rink emerge ¥ 4 They m Toy Ly ® Ss imp A och om ng 1 F y ; . AT pds 4 Prince as top winners, with Hee Hall's kip b 4 i aver anloch in 1 word that lots of new membersithe ladies locker room would BO oe Jodre " we fink next i line, followed hy) Ld Merryman 11, Bandanloch, Tes "peg Fiend and Sabaria got Wa sla ors 5 #5 (] ext in p y y Lakai ale required and that instruc he decoraled in the near (iiure Nar is it's fun : Jack Langmaid's rink in third 4 Friend and Sabana through the course safely last ew ) 1 Il / 4 ya. 4 5 /, tion will be given ta all begin! Gwen Roberts, general secre ng the island's first ski place and Gord Hare's rink (ak old NGG The other 20 or more, includ: year hut the experts don't give ners, Alger Press has heen a lary, has been rounding up all ' HAs 1 f ; Sing the Russian horses Grifel them much chance, Tes Fiend tremendous help in the publicity the club trophies and these are y Wa / and Relief, will tackle the race is quoted ai 50 tn 1, Saharia af campaign by donating a large displayed in the Zambonelli Operation of Sirathgariney Fark Mcllveen and his -men won | Beats 0 i 2 for the first time, The classic 66 to 1 number of posters, These will Shoe Repair Store on Bond Near here this past win wid ¢ both their games hy clean-cul [ I. Kel 3 Saris at 0:15 am. EST be distributed throughout the street west. Since some of Was an immediale success nd scores, heating Gord Hare's rink + ; wip : , eily these trophies are over 30 years Ritracted so many enthusiastsiin the first round and winning | 2 NOW A FAVORITY, i Junior Development in the old it was decided (hat re. thet it hroke down under he ayer Pete Willson's foursome in 8on, MaeDenald, The 11 your od Mr. what Clean ng Comments o 4 4 & I's p a F o [A maid od t favories in w bands of Sheila Hurn had this placements would he sought S17ain, though It was Seon re: (he second draw y Langme i one of fhe Juvori Pil 4 COMER STAINS, nd other w » paired ) 2 Si q He p # should be le 0 to report, Represeniatives of | this yenr trathgariney, about hall way 4] Hec Hall [] rink #lso won SECOND ROUND Wrndhureh crashed at Becher sll odd oe Rig BI a various church youth groups, The next meeting is called : (hariotipls hi both games. They whipped Dy a p Longmeid, Nth first Hime around last year, yeurssit had indicated. that they woldifor Monday, March 77 at 100 Bo ton. aireudy RLLr# ets. els rink in their first round I (g LR . Bookies lst him af 26 fo 1 "ELEY re 0raen "aay ul' " p > Mclivner 0, P. Willson 4 " . be interested in an inter churchip.m, theasands of \OHvisls each alm fame and the n won handily y Me ob Valuon, 4 Be favorite at 30 10 1 18 BY ' i's . " p mer, A weekend count during Yer Dr. D, Langmaid's rink in Merryman II, He took every the second round Rival Dairies Ihe Ar Sonn Vished ioked I in dack ] angmalid's nk HOCKEY SCORES ' 5 p pp broke even, losin J Re |erks did mon of them saw Ling Ag Mg Ro beat AND STANDINGS But it took the ski tow fo Put scoring A plus three over » » Vie In Juvenile perk up the wintertime trade Gordie Have in the second round! go WHE CANADIAN PRESS and Wendell Proffitt, mssistant|'0 earn third prizes Ktanley Cup ede Profi, san 0 tan hd ores WAIT TIL YOU HEAR THIS / I'he fourth game of the round: Bob Bishop, Tom Cotie and yr ovincial parks, is looking to came out with the day's special (Best-of-seven semi - final tied i} robin playoff series In the Osh: Jimmie Rowden scored for Bea: o future as a year-round tourist! prizes for "lost souls' 1) It's A Fact Doc! awa Minor Hockey Association! ton's as they came close 10 move qe oiion : ] ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Tuvenile league was played last ing into a tie for first place Ontario Senior A ] Tuesday night. The race for The game was marred with TOBOGGANS TOO DECLARED A DRAW Ntratford 5 Windsor 7 have some of the finest first place was tightened up as penalties, as Tony Glaspell re: Since it went into operation MOSCOW (AP) The fourth (Windsor leads best - of seven 0K USED CARS AVAILABLE! the leader, Oshawa Dairy, was ceived two minors, a major and early this vear. the 1200-foot Match in the world chess cham Western division final 30) heaten, while Beaton's Dairy a misconduct motor « driven rope tow has PIOnship was declared a draw K Northern Dnt femor A 4 earned a tie to pull within one' BEATON'S DAIRY godl, drawn about 200 skiers and Thursday, Mikhail Tal, defend. 'S&puskasing ouyn-Noranaa point of first place Russell; defence, Branton, Bal: iohoggan frolickers each Hin ing enamplon who played the (First game of hest - of-seven Havden : Macdonald started 5am; forwards, Bell, Cotie, gay ' He Bif £es suggested the lub r strong against Oshawa Dairy Rowden alternates Rytnyk PLT isn't trying te compete Mik i" > v a Atepit d hy Kastern League and drove hard to score fivt at! Bishop \ with Quebec's mountain ski Hist Boi k A Jornal dohnstown 4 New Haven 2 1.50 then again at 10.15 of the TONY'S goal, Neault; depuis Outside the Prairies, (he is he had the hie ih (Best-of-seven final tied 1:1) fiest period, and were never fence, Glaspell, Linton; fore coo probably the Flattest] an © and was (hiey id Nova Scotia Junior threatened, as they went on tn! Wards Nowe Konorowski, Dud province in Canada stronger after Wednesdas's 41| Dartmouth 12 Trenton 10 win #4, In the second game ley allernates, ih John Ger Tat relatively few islanders moves No moves were made! (Dartmouth wins two - game Reaton's Dairy and Tony's Re. vard, Johnson, Costello, Fyman are able to travel outside the Thursday. Botvinnik now has total-goal final 19:18) freshments fought to a 3:4 tie PLAYOFF STANDINGS province to find their winter 2% points, Tal 1% in the 25. Ontario Intermediate A OSH. DAIRY VE MACDONALD Buddy Yahn starred with a WLTF APTS ing more was needed at home three-goal effort fo spark his! Osh. Dairy 3701712 4 Mr, Proffitt would like to see team mates to their first win of Beaton's 21 11814 5 ca little more of the $70,000 ap the playoff series, Bob Nemis, Tony's I 2 11512 8 Ipropriated for parks this year Don Cullen and Mike Wredmark Hayden - Mac 1 3 01210 2 spent on promoting Strathgar added singles, Paul Gibbens, LEADING SCORERS ney as a winter playground lan McNamee and Larry Ver G APIS, "Maybe we'll elaborate a non scored for the Milkmen as Yahn, H. Mac 7 411 little in another year," he says they suffered their first defeat Dowe, Tony's A100 perhaps making arrangements of the series, Missing from their Watt, Tony } Bor night skiing, "I think a win (As of March 24) ,,, , outdoor activities and someth:! game marathon BATTLE TO DRAW NOTTINGHAM, England (Reuters)--Sheffield United and | Leicester City battled to a score less overtime draw here Thurs day in their Foothall Associa tion Cup semi-final replay The second replay will take place Monday on Birmingham City's ground, The winners will meet Tottenham Hotspur in the Oshawa # Napanee 6 goal final) Omaha 3 Minneapolis (Western division round - robin (Rest:of-seven eastern final 1:1) OMHA Juvenile A Owen Sound § Chatham # (First game of two-game, (otal: OMHA Midget A Preston § Wallaceburg 4 (Wallaceburg wins (two - game total-goal semi-final 8:6) International League A IN SHOE COMFORT! Try on the new Hartt Flexibles, Lighter, softer, more flexible, yet gives the same solid support A policeman sald he spotted, the game Calgary played in K d- | MIAMI REACH, Fla. (AP) Ferland leaning into the car, A{monfon Wednesday night * 'cost! Joy Hebert shot a six-under-par|door had been forced open and us' $3,500 to $4,000 Thursday for a one - strokelan effort made to hore through! The NHL, plavelf game he lead in the first round of the/the rear seal into the trunk. tween Toronta Maple Leafs and 825,000 Sunshine open golf tourn:| Ferland told the judge he left Detroit Red Wings Wednesday ament {the vehicle for 15 minutes tonight went into avertime, result: Jack Fleck had second place {get a sandwich and found the ing in fans being unahle to see tn himself with his &7 door forced open. when he ve:!the end of the NHI, game and Thirty eight broke and 16 turned also attend the WHI, game equalled par Five, including! The Mantrealer retired from Last night over 500 tickets Arnold Palmer, last year's lead: the ring in 1952. He twice fought ordered hv phone were nat ing money winner were ted the late Johnny Gieea far thelpieked up Paile said with 68s id Canadian welterweight title, lo He contended the NHL was Taronta's George Knudson ing by a sixth « round knockout short + sighted in cutting down shot a 70, as did veteran Sam|in 1940 and a ninth « round|the incoms of minor league Snead. knockout in 1051 {eluba \ ally vesults in a $5,000 gate and | | DOMINION TIRE STORES 48 BOND W (Corner of Church) RA 5.6511 { 7 a lineup through injuries was their McNamee, Osh. Dairy J V6 yep Strathgartney is going to go OSHAWA DAIRY oul, (1edmark, i, Mar. 3 Kemp, Gibbens alternates, Tuesday, March 28: HK: Mi L Peters, Lutton, McNamee, O8hawa Dairy vs Tony's Re nor eagues SAVE $1,000! This 1960 2.door Hardtep listed new at $1,980. It comes complete with new car warranty, Has p Macdonald vs Beaton's Dairy 3 V-8 engine, aversize whitewall tires, powerglide, Wonder Bar Bo Nias, Avena Tiere 1961 Mercury a ra wd Maal nee ducv back: Bl Jasting comfort and quality that is builtin to Wredmark: alternates, Kirk F rmer Boxer T NHL G every pair of Hartt shoes, rea 0 0 ames CORY 1968 OHEVROLET HARDTOP a - " EDMONTON (CP) Rud fat Beautiful Regatta Blue Metallic 4: REATON'S DAIRY VK TONY'S I Ch g d I a M sautiful Regatta Blue Metgih S ar e n Poile, general manager, of J il | door model with spotless matching +4 o5 ties, the penalty shot, was M t 1C Hackey Lea warn fl A ague, said Thursday fwarded to Tony's oy Ruch on rea ase the National Hockey League 4a Made | By it. #8 ne MONTREAL (CP) Gaby should pay the minor leagues a So . 1956 CHEVROLET HARDTOP iad ho mistake, sliding the Ferland, 3, onetime top con: portion of the money obtained A | | puck be ind Hob Russell for tender for the Canadian welter. for televised games really sharp leaking car in gleam their first score, Ruteh went on weight boxing title, was charged| Poile said NHI televised ing Black » complete with radia NOW ONLY Garrard tallied once more asia 000 he had heen hired tol WHI, games the same i T 9 Garr + games the same night and Tony's held Beaton's Dairy to alg avg those fellows up there better ERMS: 10% DOWN This V:§ powered. Red and Beige beauty COME IN AND FEEL THE DIFFERENCE + AT THESE STORES Siegfried Wizeman testified he around." atl throughout. Has custom radia $ d ' f ¢ Jay Herbert Leads gave Ferland 350 to guard the He said a mid + week game Also A Good Selection of USED MOTORS ih J as custom 1 money stowed in the trunk of with Calgary Stampeders usu . . Transistor Car Radios 3095 Collin 3 Shoes «++ You'll be helping crippled youngsters DAVIDSON'S SHOE STORE LIMITED Operated by EA. Southwell 0p sooner Andy Mattes Wredmark I Ma over and Islanders will he proud oun final at London's Wembley playoffs) For A Good Selection Look Here! Braiden; defence Bradley, Gibbens, Osh, Dairy of i Stadium May 6 Toledo § Muskegon 1 Cover, forwards, Armstrong, FUTURE GAMER 1960 CHEVROLET IMPALA Bilin, King, Vernon, Kolesnik. freshments and 8:30 -- Hayden L 4 M Peters: forwards. Cullen, Yahn 08 g oney OUTBOARD up lights, grille guards, ete, etc. Really fully equipped K Cte gmail wear That rarity of hockey penal monton Fivers of the FROM hy pale. interior adie ton to score a second, while Gerry mhgecday with trying to steal games reduce gate receipts at HAR + tie Judge Gerald Almond ve. lake a long, hard look at our si Easy Payment Plan @ No Outside Financing 1956 CHEVROLET BEL AIR served judgment toa April & tuation if they want to keep us In Sunshine Open "; car parked dovniovs OVER 90 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM In:The:Dash, AS LOW AS Don't F To on't Forg vias 119 BROCK ST, 5, -- WHITBY -- MO 8.3476 ® OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 PM, . OSHAWA RA 5.6307 3) SIMCOE ST, NORTH (Oshawa) RA 5.3312 A ¢ . 140 BOND WEST