LOCAL 222 PRESENTS GIFTS T0 HILLSDALE MANOR LChnstinge Mr Maym Ald. John Dyer Miss Beverley Gib a recording LereLary UAW; Pal MeCloskey geant-al-grms UAW and Gordon Wilson, trustee, UAW the new organ with other offi In the lower picture, Malcolm They are, left to right Smith, lacal's president | James H representing the | ond from left, tries his hand Genera Her | st billiards, while other UAW Worship Thome MeNeil FTE, VALUED AT $5000 were presented to Hillsdale Manor Home for the Aged | Thursday night by member of Local 222, UAW, officials | end members of city | were on hand for the tations. A billiard table, com plete with sll accessories | valued at $1700 and a new or gan for the Manor's chapel | valued pt $1300, were apprecipted hy the who now number shout 200 persons. In the upper picture Ru McNeil ecretary treasurer of the local, 1s hown centre as he admires greatly residents ell ser city council presen 501 cials retirees ouble Shift System \t OCVI In September decision 1a put the O'Neill reasonable to push the school| The school board agreed to fate and Vocational Instl- boundaries to the approximate keep a seniority list for the cus on wu double shift system |losation of the boundaries when|iodians and for the maintenance September was day hy the Oshawa Board fucation school hoard gd at 10.80 pm. following nonies next door at the alde- McLaughlin school to k the official opening of the four-room wing SER OF TWO EVILS he move to put OCVI on a « Shift was made at the sug: tion of Principal George 1, jeris. He told the hoard that split shift would he the lesser two evils. The other allerna & was to build an additional ) ar three portable class ms rincipal Roberts had to get hoard's definite decision ursday as the split shift will ake a difference in the teach (staff. With the twa shift sys nin effect, he said, It will he meeting driver Training Need Stressed prediction that §,500,000 will he registered 170 and that this he tar vehicles Intario by ire will increase 1H80-almast double the num now using the highways i made hy Col, Walter B. 6G nolds, commissioner of high safely, Ontario Department Highways, at the Thursday ting of the Kinsmen Club of AWA il. Re yinolds praised the loeal club far the work it is on the Elmer Safety Ele nt program and the School ty Patrol System KILLED uoting provincial statistios | taking the number of I weed vehicles (2.060.600 hy the Wl of 1860) and adding the wmber af autamabiles that en er Ontario from other pravinees and USA (4,000,000 last year) Jol, Reynolds said: "It must he Apparent that this province is ane af the mast highly motor god areas on the continent "In 1060, 1666 of our fellow itigens lost their lives. More Wan 34,000 others were tempor oily or permanently disabled and more than $40,000,000 was asted In property damage, in total of K7.000 motor vehihle Seidents Cal. Reynolds add To meet this situation, the epartment of transport has em arked on a program of acel ant prevention measures built round three basic elements ore tharough training of diy 3 before they apply for a WRee, mare stringent examin lon of applicants applying for Heence for the first time: and rioter driver contral and im ovement through the demerit ant system RIVER INSTRUCTOR "With regard to one aspect of o first category, aver 8 see dary schools are atfering driv: made the new school opens, The shift to 4,000,000 The list will be revis year and filed workers ing of school boundaries will ve- ed twice each lieve the overcrowding at the with the union other two secondary schools! They agreed to give school CUT FROM BUDGET workmen four-week holidays at Portable classrooms for OCVI the end of 20 years Instead of were in the hoard of education|?® years budget for 1961, hut were struck! They agreed with the union out of the hudget when the that custodians and mainten hoard was culling the budget! ance men should wear uniforms prior to its presentation to eity The hoard will supply the uni leouncil, However, it was de. forms and the cost will he shar (gided if portable classrooms ed equally hetween the hoard were needed the money could he and the workmen found 9 RE : The $200 INCREASE in the $200 Increase over a two custodians (janitors) and with Fel rid was granted In the ar ( > IROFERSR the school hoard maintenance YOAr CONLTAL ly Ineveasd workers. Negotiations have heen will apply tn all employees ex carried out during the cept those on a probationary weeks between the union and fis | IF riod. The starting salary for Rane commilles members the nrohationary period will he S4700 headed hy Trustee Hoherlt Stroud I'he hoard agreed that the re tirement gratuity for custodians (and for maintenance workers {should he on the same hasis as school teachers hoard approved changes contract with the sehonl nant [GRANTS TO SCHOOLS Fhe hoard approved the pay ment of 8500 each tn the Cere hral Palsy School Board and the School for Retarded Chil dren. The amounts will he paid al a monthly rate of $50 per EF INSLPUCHANn Courses as an ex tra-eurrieular activity Col Reynolds said, The department's new driver BAA contres| MOM for 10 months are now operating in 41 cites, Pro CM. Elliott, superinten and towns in the province. An(9ent for publie schools, express additional 75 municipalities are ®d 8 great deal of concern con served by travelling examination 28 NINg lack of maney at the re units tarded school. He said. they Full time trained and uniform. [980't keep teachers at the sal ed personnel administer a new ATY they nav, A teacher has to driver examination in four De really dedicated to stay there parts: vision, sign, written and| The school hoard approved a road tests. During the fiest 10{request fram the Civitan Club months of 1960, almost 100.000(t0 hold their annual Bievele peaple were examined, and 3% Roaden in conjunction with Safes per cent were rejected as un (LY month sullable, far one reason or an other, on the first attempt. Most . of thase wha failed had not dong w Id Class thelr hamewark hy studying the e Ing {nian Driver's Handbook, hut » . the majority passed a later ex P G [amination rizes ven 5714 LOST LICENCE The O'Neill Collegiate and Va During the first 81 months of cational Institute Evening Weld: the operation of the demurit|!"® Class held its Commence point system more than 29.000 Ment Thursday evening, March matarists reached the six-paint/!® When prizes were given to lovel, and received warning lot the students who maintained the [ters. Almost 7000 were notified highest standing during the [to attend interviews with exam. | "OU se ining officers at the ninopaint| The prize winners were: first level. More than 18,000 had their Prize far Ave Welding, one self [licences suspended for accumul: | Winding wrist wateh, awarded {ating 12 ar more points. An ad: [10 Douglas Barefoot, First prize [ditional 8%4 drivers lost theiy [for Acetylene Welding, ane self licences for failing to attend the | MINING Wrist watch, awarded to interview, or as a result of the! Frank Stuart, Thsee prizes were Interview donated hy Canadian Welding Col. Reynolds thought it signi. | 1830s Lid {foant that only 17 per cent ofl Second prize far Are Welding, | those who reached the warming |® Buxtan canvertible wallet, {letter stage, went an ta the in; [donated hy E, J, Weir, terview level. Only 13 per cent| Welding Instructor of these who accumulated nine! ®d to Arnold Small Ponts and were interviewed Second prize for Acetylene reached 13 points and had their Welding, a Buxton convertible [licences suspended . {wallet, donated by K. Tarrant "This clearly demonstrates | Assistant Welding Instructor the fact that the paint system is! was awarded ta Vietor Lipski Aehieving its sired ahjective Will of Which 1s rather thas Weld Ga presented 10 punish the small minority prizes and Kitchener Tarrant {Ornine And unsafe motorists," presented the Credit Cards to {Col, Reynolds said, the & deserving students, am Cane Canadian In improvy he 0 Chief] was award { officials and members of ely council look on, They are left io right: Ald. John Brady, Mi Smith, Jim Lownie UAW aihciagl; Ald. ¢ B w. D Johns, superintendent at Hill Aale Manny Ald Down, Ja Meagher president and ¥4 Cline A lriustes local i ech m Norman ch jes UAW for the Oshawa Time Park Group Aids Chasczewski Fund The Park Com mummy hecoming quite in viee work in Oshawa and di t, Through the efforts of its members wha| Photos Wood ew Centre active I sel sirie wark hard raising money, many| ter, K. Daly and €. Hardsand, | mentioned that local organizations are assisted During the past few months the members of the association have made sizeable donations! to the Oshawa General Hospital Fund, the Easter Beal campaign and the March of Dimes Ihe latest donation wis made last Monday night at the regu lar weekly hingo at the Red Barn, This was a contribution| of $100 to "Bus" Gagnon of the Whithy Hillerests junior hockey team for the Tom Chas crewskl Fund, The fund was set up ta assist one of the Hill crest players who lost an eye in a recent gamit Patrons of Park bhingos are the Waondview to he congratu wn Drew Aid From UIC Four Fined Four pepe, charged with de fraviding the 1 rempivyment HIRI E (ANRIRSEIA, WEIR fish # total of $98 by Magstrsie ¥ 8. Five, Tiwrshay. AE plesdes gwity to the charge thet hey bed issued false Saiements (8 a Avert Swain, oH WW Fairport road south, Fairport Beach, was fined 925 ond costs, or 19 days iu jet, om each of theese charges | He had nid the commission he ah Bo ih when witnally he Mid have one, the cour wes (94 Clarence Wichell, inspector, for the commission, wid Swan bad corned VIN0A8. wile eo) ecting $113 from the UIC, 1» which he wasn't entitled. He s#id the overpayment bad been returned Earl G. Nosh, of 9 Hillcroft sireet, Oshawa, was fined 25 or 19 Rays in 1a, on each of 9% oficnces. Wichell said the pe cused had earned VG YT while eatiecting $125 from the UIC, He said the averpayment bad heen retiprned Borden Brannigan, of 748 BM son rod south, was fined V5 or IV days in jal on each of two charges. Mr. Michell said he had received $8 from the Ui when he wasn't entitled 19 M Durning that time he had earned $14.25, he said. The overpay ment was recovered, the coun was 10d Thomas Mathieson, of #1 Wil kinson avenue, was fined $25 or 19 days in jail on each of thres charges, The court was 19d he had received 9% from the Ul while earning $191.75. Mr, Mitch ald the overpayment had heen recovered Kinsmen Win Project Plaque President WW. BR. Bobig old members of the Kinsmen Club of Oshawa, #1 their meeting Thursday night, that the club had heen successiul in winning the Zone C plaque awarded each year to the clih which carries the hest service project in area fl £5) nut The club's project at Hillsdale Manor was judged the hest undertaken hy any of the elubs the area. The presentation was made al 8 recent zone con ference st Minden Members of the club attend ing the conference were W, R tohig, D. Hart, A. Blone, Jr B. Fleming, M. Cranfield, J Nicholls, A. Pollard, J. Bon daruk, J. Risehorough, B, Hun { | 4 Members SECOND SECTION The Osharon Times OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 196) PAGE THIRTEEN J THE BOARD OF directors of the Ontario County Flying Club, ot their pani meshing this reviewed one of Unique Flag Presented WEEK By Civitans | When the Civitan Club of Osh awa President, Elmer Williams along with Club Director Gordon Dowling and Secretary Rovee Whittaker travelled to Flint Mich. recently, to atiend a Ciy itan International conference they took with then secrel WEAR their » of 8 Canadian flag The germ of the idea was horn just two or three weeks previ ously at a meeting at which District Governor David Mills was entertained Plans for representatives of the club to attend the Great Lakes and Ontarin-Quehee Dis tricts council meeting were he ing made, when it was quietly the Americans, in a good natured way, always {ribbed the Canadian representa | tives ahout not having an offi cial national hanner to exchange for their Stars and Stripes | Initiated By Legion | new members Leslie Johnson, Dan {Griffiths and Jan Bernacki were initiated at the meeting of {Branch 48 of the Royal Cana dian Legion this week Four Cooper The second meeting of the Le: Stripes, the Oshawa trio march. members was, in part, respon lated as it is their continuous! gon Minor Ball League will heed hravely from the hack of sible for the acquisition of a (and Gordon Dowling took the hait| with Dave Mills' consent, | designed the flag and had il made in Toronto. This was the start of Oshawa Civilans latest project to promole a Can adian flag. The three-man dele Ross| gation then drove to Flint with) ake the year the biggest in thelr prize possession After a colorful ceremony In which representatives of the two districts exchanged the Union Jack and Stars and unpart that allows the park tof held in the Legion Hall Sunday, (the hall varied activities work on is charitable carry and Chamber Plans New Brochure The Oshawa Chamber of Com merce will have number of hroechure designed and print ed. The hrochures or hooklets are designed to advertise Osh AWA AF A convention city The visitors and convention development eommitiee of the chamber were informed at thelr regular luncheon meeting Fhursday that city council had included an amount of maney up to $1000 in their budget to pay for the brochures I'he commitee felt that two very interesting and useful hook lets eould he designed and print led for this amount a A lat number af members nd na \ the whawa | Kinsmen Club attended Thuvs: | | day night's meeting of the elub at Hotel Gencaha to hear an March 26, at 2 | this- time. The youngsters in this league need more than our fi-| {nancial hacking, they need all {the support they can get. A 16W| plained the flag's symbolism to] seemed reas hours of your time on Sunday {will go a long way in maintain {Ing this worthwhile Legion pro ject It was announced thal the an nual Vimy parade will he held on Saturday, April § Cenotaph, and a good turnout of [the members is anticipated Anvane wishing to go along to the Zone rally in Bowmanville Friday, March 34, Is urged to he at the hall before 7.80. Cars| {will he leaving and there will the room for all | Don't forget the Sportsmen's Banquet, Saturday, April 1, You will he entitled to bring along a friend to this function, and a gand time can he had hy all Cal. Walter RB commissioner address hy Reynolds highway safety partment af Transport President W, R, G af Club Bobi, night at 2 pm,| A wreath will be laid at the] ed it to Hobert C, Tricker, gov ernor of the Great Lakes Dis trict, Gordon Dowling later ex the curious Americans On the solid green ground were 10 while eaves arranged in a elpele {These stand for the unity of Canada's 10 provinces, The strength and endurance of the peaple are signified hy a cent rally placed polar bear, The green background stand for truth and 1s emhlematie of Can ada's. forest lands. The white figure is a veminder of peace and purity Eimer Williams said that Osh awa Civitans realize that this particular design might never he adopted, but they will use if as a symbol that Canada should have some kind of official flag hack manle SAFETY OFFICIAL ADDRESSES KINSMEN the ung welcomed tn the me speaker, prior AL centre 1s the meeting v «Oshawa Times Photo, (6G. EE. Coulter; president; ( president; W. A, Dizon, #i 6G. A Blocombe, secretary. | rector; Cam Warne, direcior manager, and KE. B. (Ted) | and IY Arey Bell, second vies: Lewis, treasurer. landing, | president, Absent when the from left, are H. M. (Monty) | picture was taken was J. M. Cranfield, director; W, B, Me- | Souch, director Cullongh, Immediate past ~hole by Cam Warne the most successiul yezrs in the club's history. Dunng the meeting the members of the bogrd for 196102 were elect ed, The hosrd members, seat ed from left, are E. J, (Ted) Reed, first vice » president; ! | | } Flying Club Foresees Dawn Of New Destiny Members of the executive of of singular importance to both ating an ambitious flost quip: the Ontario County Flying Club, ciuh and municipality ped mireraft at their apnunl meeting this! There is no community of | The establishment of a week, reviewed reports cover: relative size in Canada thet |kraduate program for pilots, to ing the activities of one of the can hoast of helter facilities, |nelude instrument time In the mast successful years in the than those which Oshawa now! Link Trainer, night fing and club's history, W, B. MeCul- offers the air travellers of Can- (float fying; the establishment lowgh 177% president, (old the ada and the United Biates, Con)? # HTORE RAVErtising and proe me ie year had been one! firmation of this is already in- Motion budget and program, 19 marked hy innovations and im: dicated through the application | exploit the new airport and club provements of Quebecair Ine, to provide |F9om facilities were other During the meeting the exec:|urho-prop airline service from |POInts mentioned, utive for 1961-62 was elected. Oshawa to Montreal, Ottawa! An intense membership drive Members are: W, B lough, past president; Gordon EE. Coulter, president; FE | Reed, first vice president; D'Arcy Bell, second vice-presi dent, G. A. Slocomhe, secretary manager; E, N, Lewis, treasury (er M, Cranfield, W, A Dixon, Cam Wame and J. M | Boueh, directors Five new hers--Herman Kassinger, Ron:| ald McKenzie, James Walker, D'Arcy Bell and F, A, Baker » {were Introduced Mr, MeCullough noted that the club. fleet flew a total of 3004 hours in 1960, Unfavorable weather in November and De |eember prevented the addition {of the 180 hours necessary io club history It was the intention of the club to retain the present fleet iat eight aireraft, but the papu {larity of the Tri Champ with fifth Tri Champ KVC, In analys per | leent of the 'total time, or 2472 | hours, were flown in four Tri| Champs, From these figures it| onable (0 assume] (that when the new KFC comes into service, another B00 hours | will. he added to the annual | total | The drop in membership this year could be partly aceounted| [for in the dissolution of the] |hadminton section of 40 mem bers. Another facior was the increase in membership fees Mr, MeCullough did not think this a serious matter, for the completion of the new lounge recreation room and restaurant would see old members return ing, and would attract many new ones, The new facilities will be available early in April Mr, MeCullough urged that the club not he complacent about its Breakfaxt Flight in June, Although this event is recognized as one of the hig gest in Canadian eivil aviation It is important that new ideas he incorporated to make each succeeding fly-in more attrac tive Mr, MeCullough praised the efforts of eity eaunell, in eon Junction with past and present hoards, In implementing the new landing HENS last year This latest innavation Mr, Me Cullough recognized as heing | School Addition Officially Opened The official opening of the ad dition to the Adelaide Melaugh lin Public School was held Thursday at & p.m. The addition was officially apened hy Dp, © M. Elliott, superintendent far Guest speaker A. A. Archi bald, of Whithy, who was fay merly inspector of East. Whithy Township, recalled the growth Nf the Oshawa Public School system, He noted that more men are teaching public school than 18 years ago, The! of women to men teachers is thiee to one whereas a few] yoars ago the ratio was six to one Mayar Christine Thomas eon: | voved greetings fram city coun:| 0 Harold N. Pascoe, principal af the school, introduced the staff The chair of Adelaide MeLaugh 'public schools Ontaria Da: | Jim Henderson wha chaired [lin School entertained the 200/10 campiaint parents, teachers and guests 'wit 8 number of songs, MeCullough said The past president had some suggestions for the incoming board Including » study of the! present fleet to establish wheth- er it is economically sound to maintain the present group of #5 horsepower aiveralt, as many | | do not prefer flying convention al types and to look inte the feasibility of owning and oper OSHAWA CLERGY | | sustaining mem- pilots trained on Tri Champs berships and the provision of MeCul-| Kingston and Windsor," Mr.| Bt the local level In conjunction with the advertising program, was rlso suggested Mr, MeCullough also suggests ed that life memberships he flven to senior SUSLRININE memes hers In appreciation of theip years' of continuous servies, Consideration was also asked of socigl as well as flying meme programming to make full use of the flying and social phases of the new club lounge, Issue Statement On Instruction In the light of the recent st: tacks on religious Instruction in Ontario schools and the desire to remove the word "Christian' pm. The elec:| They hore the large green and|ing the flying hours as applied from the Public School Act of tion of officers will he held Atiwhite flag and gravely present [to the various alreraft=77 | Ontario, the Oshawa Ministerial Association has prepared a statement of position and eon: vietion The statement has been for: warded to the presidents of the home and school associations and to the teachers of the Osh: awa Public Behools to assist them in their thinking toward sound position 4 The statement presents the point of view of the local clergy and is signed by Rev, R. BH Milroy and Rev, W, G. Dickson, president and secretary, res spectively, of the Oshawa Min isterial Association, The ministerial association takes emphatic exception to the resolution to be presented to the Ontario Federation of Home and Hchool Associations asking that the word "Christian be re: maved fram the Public Sehaol Act in the section dealing with "Duties of Teachers, on the grounds that it will abolish or lessen the opportunities now available for the inculeation ol the religious truths whieh it feels essential in the task of charae: ter building, "We are convinced that now is not the time, in face of the alarming moral decline that is sell evident, to slacken any ef forts being made to inculeate sound moval standards. It has heen advanced that meal train ing can and should he given without veference ta veligion. Our experience has heen thal this is neither advisable av pos: sible. It is demonstrable that all the moral standards by whieh we Wy to guide our awn lives and the lives of our children, have came fram Jewish + Chris tan sources, Our Christian evil ization has so interpreted the life of aur time thal everyone living in so-called eivilized lands, 18 a 'beneficiary of the Jewish » Christian cultus, The source and nourishment of all our morality has been religion Moreover, education has been closely associated with re ligion," the statement continues The ministerial association paints out that Oshawa has been partionlarly fortunate, especial: Iv in the religious instruction given hy the ministers of the various denominations, in that has evel heen wade in regard to the character (of the teaching, "We feel" the statement points out, "that te leave out of their training all mention of the fact and character of God and of men who have tried to estab: lish in God's name such things a8 truth, honor and righteous ness in human affairs, would he A calamity of the gravest sort, It would be withhalding from the children the meaning of human history and a necessary standard hy which thelr own lives must be governed, It Is enough to say that these tru can and should be taught in the home ar chureh, By eliminating them from the schools, where the culture of the centuries is supposed to be taught, we im: mediately stamp them as of second-rate importance as coms pared with social studies, arith: metie, literature or square dane: ing, The very fact of their ab: sence from the eurvieulum is 8 judgment of them, "It has been urged that If Christianity is to be taught in the schools, attention should he given also to the other great res ligions of the world, One result of such teaching would he to demonstrate the universality of religious belief and practice, Mankind is not atheistic hy nas ture ar inheritance, Bueh teach: ing could be hath interesting and informative, and demonstrate that all the great religions have excellencies well warth our study. It must he horne in mind, however, that such study must inevitably hecame an exercise in comparison, It is even suggested that the ohild should be made familiap with an outline of the world ves ligions, and he asked to make a choice of one as a permanent guide. Could anyone, familiar with chil psyehalogy, believe that any intelligent choice covld bo wade hefare the late teens at the earliest? Can we take the risk of leaving the ehild rudders less and oveedless during all the years when permanent charaes ter is being formed? "Human beings must make constant use of testing equip: ment. They require a standard for truth, They need a canon of good taste to distinguish the ugly from the bheautiul, They most certainly need a standard of moral conduct, All three standards have to he taught in |schoals, and we know no better source of training in moral can: {duet than the Jewish Christian Soriptures"