EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 257 Specially Priced VIKING with automatic washing aids ! ® Automatic roll-stop wringer, touch safety release bar, Instantly pressure and rollers stop ® Automatic pump te empty machine quickly ® Automatic timer with selection for various fabrics up to 15 minutes washing time ® Agitator with exclusive design for extra thorough clean washing ® Five casters for even balance ® Large size tub, approx. 9-1bs, capacity EATON Special Price, 104.99 Model 523PT, each PHONE RA 5.7373 Timely Specials on Camping Seip} Standard 9 x 9' Tourist Tent Easy to assemble, compact for carrying! Tent of water-repellent lightweight blue cotton drill material (10.2 oz.), complete with pegs, steel poles and sewn:in floor of cotton duck. Features zipper closing Marquisétte door with extension flap for shade, Drop the flap to ward off rain and cold, Back window, approx, 14" square roll-down cotton drill caver EATON Special Price, 42.95 "Celafil" Sleeping Bags oo of resilient 'Celafil' (acetate-and Durable green nylon shell, tilled with 24 cotton fibre), @ non-allergenic insulation, 90" double tab ¢ opening ond zipper; sotf napped 8.95 PHONE RA 5.737) cotton lining. Overall size 29 x 68 EATON Special Price, each RA BATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 241 Store CIE 9.30 a.m. of Marquisette with King Street West at Stevenson's VIKING Deluxe 1961 Electric Range Fully automatic for easy cooking, specially low priced for savings ! EASILY REMOVABLE OVEN DOOR ® Four ""Super-Speed" 7-heat tubular elements ® Thermostatic oven control, range timer, and timed appliance outlet, ® Large 20" oven with tubular elements, win» dow and light, "'Fiberglas" door seal ® Handy storage drawer EATON Special Price Model 125%, each ' t 74.99 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 256 Men's Well. Made Much below usual price ! Good quality shirts in heavy duty cettan; styled with long sleeves, one packet; neat sport collar has Perma stays' for trim fit, Assorted handsome EATON Special Price, each | a9 | 2 FOR 3,50 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 920 PHONE RA 5.7373 Road Greatly reduced to clear ! FEATURE FOR FEATURE AN OUTSTANDING "STEREO" BUY ! Marconi Stereo fN-\M Radio-Phonograph EATON Special Price, Model No, 4154 in Walnut, Mahogany or Scandinavien finishes, each Wood veneer cabinets in 8 rich une jurtarad siile, Size Ig opprox, 4114" long, 174" deep, 28'4" 21 * 00 Your present radio or TY will be accepted os o trade-in EATON'S Budget-Charge Terms moy be arranged if desired with NO DOWN PAYMENT EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 260 PHONE RA 5.7373 ® Four acoustically mounted PM speakers , , , two 8 woofers and two A" tweeters #® Renowned BSR changer, plays oll sizes ond types of records, Duel stylus-diemend for LF, sapphire for 78 records Separate level and contour controls, separote bess end treble controls Dual chennel stereo amplifier with powerful 11 -tubs chassis PHONE RA §:7373 Outstanding savings for you in this clearance ! Quebec Circulating Heaters Reg. 76.50 ~ End-of-line For cosy warm th in the hunting lodge; excellent, too, for chilly nights at the Summer cottage, Burns coal or Wood disposes of rubbish, too ! 11" firepot with heavy clay brick lining Roller grates for easy shaking down of ashes Quter casing of sheet steel, finished in attractive two-tone brown and mottled beige ename| Overall size approx, 40" high smoke-pipe collar EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 556 EATON Special Price, each 67.90 PHONE RA 5.7373 '" Aide, 20" deep, with 6" patterns in predominating blues, greys, wines and greens. Sizes small, medium and large in the Boys' Cotton Corduroy Slacks Good quality eordurey slacks; V4 hoxer style with belt loops, Twe top side pockets, ene hip pocket, Colours of Leden green, charcoal, antelope or navy; sizes 6 te 12 in the group, EATON Special Price, each 3.49 2 for 6.75 PHONE RA 5.7373 Boys' Wind- breakers Wind-and weather-resistant nylon windbreakers, styled with zipper front, twe slash pockets, In shades ef antelope, grey er navy; sizes 8 to 12 in the greup, Pleass state second color choles, EATON Special Price, each ,,., 1.99 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, REPT, 232 Manufacturer' s Special Offer ! 28% OFF USUAL PRICES , , , LARGE SIZES OF "DU BARRY" COSMETICS ! NOTE: With every 5.00 purchase of Du Bary cosmetics, you reeeive a long-play 33}4 rpm, Beauty Course Record gLIANIING CREAMS DU BARRY SKIN FRESHENER PU BARRY FACE POWDER For Dry Skin Ordinarily 4.30 Ordinarily 2.25 , . , Save #0 = w BARRY ROYAL rdinarily ( Ordinarily 2.78 , , | Save Use following RARER. ly i Iv soft powder for almest J8, SPECIAL, Bees, av 2.00 pon-drying lation ta rinse the skin. oS Jahay ud Pavlos With special softeners and brilliant 'stay-on' colours, Colourful metal Ordinarily 4.00 ' SPECIAL, a ' oo SPECIAL, Vien far 10:05, battle 08 SPECIAL, 334rer. how Japan solaum., Col SPECIAL, each ¥ Ki ¢ Grinany KR te 9.00 DU BARRY SPECIAL CLOUDSILK PEARLED by Bh vig ASTRINGINT FACE POWDER ROYAL LIPSTICK REFILLS Ordinarily 1.25, , , Save "J CREME SUPERBE Ordinarily, 4.78 + , | dave 3 = Ordinarily 3.78 Save I = SPECIAL, each Encourages a younger-leaking ap fn garanee to complexion, About PCIAL, box . \ PHONE RA 5.7373 must" for oily skins, Has a Ordinarily 3.75 y Save 73 om tightening effect on laige pares and helps ta tiem skin, Refreshing to any tired complexion, H SPECIAL, 10-03, bottle v EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 Adds moisture and encourages" a youthful look ta your skin. Dis- courages tell-tale age lines 2 SPECIAL, 1%oen: lor to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9