EN tt ! i | Twenty-eight HOSPITAL WING TAKING FORM The general contract for the held by H M imited, of Oshawa | going on apace. As can he seen here the framework for five of the six floors has al ready heen completed ar work on the sixin Is under way rigors of win pouring .of Despite the fer wenther ihe ect Is Broo} 5 I framework of at the Oshawa concrete for the the new win Hospital has (Oshawa Times Fhoto) General heen Many Families Aided By Cheer Committee One hundred and sixty-seven James MeCansh commit Mr, McCansh pointed out as hampers, including 11 roasts, tee treasurer, reported cheques sistance came from too many were provided for the needy of were sent ta 89 single persons, sources to mention, hit worthy Oshawa during the Christmas| 42 old age assistance cases, 49 of note were the 128 families season hy the Oshawa Christ- persons on disabled allowance carved for hy the Canadian Le mas Cheer Committee, In addi- and 66 old age security recip gion, the 47 families looked af- tion 248 cheques were sent out! ients ter hy the women of St, Greg: to make the festive season more| Cakes were provided for theory's Church, the 26 families | pleasant for persons In straight: members of the Golden Agel cared for hy the women of ened circumstances Club and 850 was donated to Holy Cross Church and the 24 The committee, which is an Hillsdale Manor. This latter families looked after hy the agency associated with the Amount was used to purchase Seventh-day Adventist Church Greater Oshawa Community| clothing for residents of the) Toys for distribution to ehil| Chest, plans to hold its fall home who have no relatives dren were donated hy the pu- meeting early in October #0|gp CF CLUBS HELP pils of Central Collegiate Insti that plans can he made to meet hv CE CLL } ELP that | tute, a class at Adelaide Me- the situation If employment Ini9g boxes of White Gifts from Laughlin Public Behool, and the community is not improved {various churches were deliver the 2 id Boy fieout Troop led through the kindness of the|Wenty hoxes of candy were | uo ATE {FF wr A \ \ ss 12 301 FORESEE GREATER NEED [Lions and Kinsmen Clubs of provided hy the 12th Boy Beout| The sum of $2066.16, froop As it is anticipated that the Oshawa need for assistance will he! from an anonymous donor, was greater next Christmas, the|spent on toys for distribution | 4 committee decided to ask the, No less than 268 additional) a e i1sta rea chest executive for $3500 from families were eared for hy vari its 1061 campaign. The commit-{ous organizations, alt co-ordinat tee last year asked for $3000 ed through the city welfare de:| fe 8 em ers and was granted $2500 partment and Simcoe Hall | - Members of the Lake Vista Neighborhood Association, at their March meeting, heard an Chamber Would [ui iii Stress Education It was reported 25 men from the area took part in the drive The Education Committee of and to give Oshawa husiness the Oshawa Chamber of Com:|men an opportunity to find out will see the [to sell membership tickets, It 115 the hope of the association merce will recommend to the what is going on in the schools, [Hnued support to ensure the chamber that a Business Edu:| yf was suggested that Jiueccess of the association's The purpose of the day will{wealth Technical Training Weel Praval to the first aid Kit pro. he to give a number of second:|May 20 to June 4. It was alsollect, The ways and means com: with local industry and business [20 to 60 and these would be discussed to speed up activities mainly academic teachers in the association, Several com: {mote from business and indus: euchre party will be held at Expanding try, Technical and commeorcial/the home of Mrs. Logan on ¢ keep abreast with new trends (hockey team The meeting of the Oshawa However, the commiitee was arena with Mrs, Earle Sandiord| It was felt that hath, teachers In charge, assisted hy her co:land Chamber of Commerce group of a competition which|an industry and a commercial will be held in October for a/business in the late afternoon, member consider this their pro. at a dinner meeting later in the ject for the summer holidays, |evening cultural Society, which thanked|0f @ series of meetings hetween the members of the Garden Club| the teachers in the city and the head table at a recent banquet ing, the commitiee Sug ested of the society the establishment of an argan ; D shawa would be held an-Mar. 2 school in Os . Simeoe Hall at 1:30 pd gh The chairman of the Educa instructed the ihe George ) wineipal of group in the art of making min.! iearge Roberts, | ih Oevi Ins inhes of the door Prize) Wes, Langmaid, Morley Wyman was Irene Rooyen, At the meet! Bimer Dixon. E. F. Rasteda, 1 James Devine : ham Coulter, Dr. D. E, Sturgis, awa Lions Club. at their meet Considerable interest is being Stewart Alger, Ernest Marks ing Tuesday night in Hotel that more residents of the area urgency of econ: cation Day be organized by the [Rusiness Education Day should activities Oshawa Chamber of Commerce. ho hold during the Common] The meeting gave its ap: ary school teachers the oppor-(recommended that the number| mittee will carry out this pro: tunity to become acquaintediof teachers should he hetween/lect. A number of projects were | The committee was told that Mmittees were named to consider arden lu {all teachers need to get out of future activities {the classroom as they are re It was announced that a teachers are closer to business April 8 to raise funds to-honor {and industry and do manage 10/the members of the boys' Junior Garden Club was held injtold that academic teachers are! the banquet hall of the children's not touched by business chairman, Mrs. R. Hayward, |[members, would gain a great Mrs. Sandford informed the deal if the teachers could visit Bird House and a Feeder Sta. and then join Chamber mem tion and she asked that each bers in a round table discussion A letter was read from the! 'The general concensus was secretary of the Oshawa Horti./that this would be the beginning for the attractive NOSegays local businessmen which they made to decorate the, At the same luncheon meet Mrs, Sandford informed the/'#0HOR 10 foster the founding of L } a Vers members that a runyiege sale a University and a Ryerson type y ) ne y Oshaw of the Junior Garden Club san Commitee of ihe Osha bi Mrs, Sandford thamber 0 \ Satire hora} arrangements dur committee members inelude R the svehing Gardon Riehl, Jack Lowry, Dy ing of he Breviou EToup the(K. Creighton, I, M. Sauch, Dr winner of the door prize wasiC, Vipond, 8. T. Hopkins, Gra The members of the Osh shown in the drive for new mem: Tod Rasselt, Alan Banfield, Rob:| Genosha. paid tribute to their L lert Stroud and William Hart, | past presidents, Seen here are ithe Wggrst diaw Wn the Hi-year The Oshawa Times SECOMD SECTION "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 196) PAGE THIRTEEN Five District Folk Draw Sweep Tickets FAI (or the second Hospital pwespstake tickets on Merryman HH, » strong favorite! Five Oshawa and Sstnet horse residents have dawn Hakels WW horse and §I8.000 for third Heiders of the History of the Irish sweepstakes. tickets will ricer SLIM wheth- plechase For this drawing prize money £F 0 ples Tae OF ROR-AFIEES Canadians Grawing tickets will total 90.72 million Begidual prizes will he worth " Hn : The draw 16 based on the run $996, Holders of 1960 tickets 8 VERE won't be nofified by ning of the Grand National will get $260 and this ver there CAWIe 35 in past years, Bwesp Steeplechase, next Saturday, atl will be 2100 recsivers of $112 Sakes officials in Dublin gave Aimtree, England. The sweep consolation prizes no reason for the change "They stakes pre Based on 74 horses . . ! the first acceptance for the TERETE ON FAVORITE {insh Bepublie will be notified Grand National | Eight Canadians hold Trish' by telegram, TICKET WILDERS The horse, ticket number and nom Ae plume of tickets drawn Minister Is Condemned wo, ws remaimng 1606 to win the Grand National Slee (said only ticket holders in the! RECEIVES HIS 13TH BADGE » ns Y imi Fresident of Vocal 222, UAW Malcolm Smith, today con demned Labor Minister Michael Starr for refusing to face the unemployed of his own constit ueney, Oshawa Mr. Bmiile said he wrote to the labor minister Feb, 23 ask ng him to address a meeting by residents of the Oshawa ares "Our Four" Alex Tulworth Cove, REM "Fan" Oshawa incinde Guetie Affaire, ROR Clover Bud, REN "Mely fishawa "Persevere'"', Whithy Fiernal, REM 50458 Uncle Teaae Heh Nellie' KR 50469 fishawa tickets will he drawn on each horse and there will be prizes of S140.000 for holders of tickets on the winning To Buy Crests For Hockey Team | The members of the Fernhill Neighborhood Association, at their Mareh méeting, decided that those wishing to use the park building must come to a park meeting to secure the ap proval of the members It was decided that crests for the hockey team, which is in the semi finals against North Oshawa, will he purchased Plans for a banquet to honor the team were discussed B. Clark accepted the position of eochalrman of the sports committee, He suggested the park purchase sweaters for the atom hall team It was announced that it is planned to resume the teenage Friday night dances next month. A euchre is planned for April 1 and the park opening has been set for May 22 The executive is laying plans for a membership drive, Following the meeting re freshments were served by the ladies, CELEBRATING "Eng of the unemployed of Oshawa {and district, "I think he should {first be eriticized for the time he took tn answer my letter, Mr. Smith said { The letter finally received hy DINNER SPEAKER the Vocal 222 president was Hon. J, Angus Maclean, [dated March 16. In the period minister of fisheries of Can- |Petween Feb, 23 and March 16 whe will be the speaker |MI- Smith said he had sent an s dinner of (Other letter to Mr. Starr. This Roval | letter, dated March 8, repeated aia the request for a meeting, he said, and complained that the first letter had not been acknowledged, Mr. Starr's March 16 jetter made no men tion of this "I thoroughly condemn him for refusing to speak to the un (employed people in the Oshawa | district," Mr, Smith said {seems to me every time 1 pick {un & newspaper, the minister of ahor is speaking at hanquets {from one end of Canada to the aaa at the the 420 Canadian Air tion tonight which will he attended hy a number of ecivie dignitaries is being held at the Oshawa Airport 59 Members Received At King Street AANUAL Mes Wing of the Force As The dinner speak to the unemployed work ers, They are the ones with the problems," he continued. Mr, other "I gan't see why he won't added to the voll of King Street) Commerce Spring } de p RE To: 8 dinner in Hotel Genosha this Sat United Church, at a reception) cioy night service on Sunday, Mar, 18, | In his letter, the labor min Those received hy profession lotey sald; BIRTHDAYS of faith were as follows: Youth Group: Yvonne Ander: Congratulations and hest |son, Lynda Bartleit, Joanne wishes to the following resi: |Bone, Lois Cuthbert, Lynn Cuth dents of Oshawa and dis. |bert, Carolyn Faint, Linda Og trict who are celehrating |den, Ruth Pascoe, Lenore Souch, their hirthdays today Joan Tisdall, Constance Wilson, Connie Walker, Courtice; (Maxine Wray, Richard Bartlett Mrs, Earl Adams, 468 Mont: | Hobert Greg Bury, Robert Fith haleve rave Ave Mrs, Joe Bt, |ler, Claire Glendinning, Frie| Wheel late t Thomas, 1857 Ritson road |Gomme, Peter Graper, David| I stimulate 10 north; Terry and Frank (Hare, Brian Hodgson, Tohn | 1*4 Smith said members al Angl, 766 Phillip Murray |Holmes, Terrence Keys, Warren weent GM unit membership Ave; Phyllis Arhourne, 742 |Magill, Paul Martin, Grant Os-|® Jot ent d pxecutive mee Kimeoe street north; Chris: |borne, John Otvas, Gordon pag pnd lg condemned Fond; Hin Tal, #0 Rang |r? nd Martin Singleton. Iiabor Minister Starr for velus Ave. Garry Thompson 178 Adults: Mrs. Bert Beckell, Ing tn SpRak tn his unemployed Sussex street; Miss Donna Mrs, Harold Bradburn, Miss|eonstituents, ia, 00 Yorn ro A, Conon, Mn a Mr ricia Holodryzuk, 800 Mur: TURTLE TEMPER TIPS TRUCK iel Ave; Mrs, T. Bowers, (iullford Hughes, Mr, and Mrs Townline road north; Danny Sam Jackson, Jv, Ross McMas Hill, 110 Switzer drive: fer John PMichant Men. Noert i sy P | 7illis lerson, Jack Bmith rant sone tin, lr WeNIAM Arps, Walior Sprati, Mrs, Ame: FORT PIERCE, Fla 0 Finucane: Heather Jean (98 Thompson, Donald Tilk,| (AF) A snapping turtle VanDeWalker, 187 Colborne |MP8. Donald Townsend, Mrs.| plac ed in a truck as a joke street east; Anna O'Neill, 70 |Teonard Woods, and Robert| nipped the seat of the driv. ; : er's trousers and caused a $1000 accident The turtle hit Otis Nathan with sueh determination Nassau streeb--Jd ohnny [Stewart Tuesday that when highway Taras, 1206 Meadowvale; The following were John Hroneieh, 840 Elm. [by certificate of transfer patrolman Don Sutherland pulled Nathan from the grove Ave. Jeffery Chese Marlene Barton, Mrs, Robert hrough, 788 Hortop and |Bland, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Fred Montpetit, 825 Ritson |[Kells, Mr, and Mps, Russell rand south Manes, Mrs John Michael, Mrs wrecked truck the reptile The first five persons to [Arthur Pierson, Mys, Donald bhi i { inform The Oshawa Times of |Tilk, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Yon all firmly attached, Sutherland estimated the damage and said no charges would be filed with which we are mutually in terested and concerned he furthered hy a meeting such AS You suggest "I am sure you will under: stand I am devoting all my avallahle time outside of parlia action 1 ean initiate create new received Migs their birthdays each day |Thompson will receive double tickets to Those joining on profession of The Regent Theatre, good [faith were confirmed by Rev for a four-week period. The [Mervin A, Bury, assisted current attraction is "Gor. |Widers RB. H.. Brown, H go" and "Terror On A Brown, and Stanley Gomme, Train" who represented the chureh| NOTTINGHAM, England (CP) Reports on birthdays will |school, A 1007 Renault has passed the he jigivea oi band 10 Next Sunday, Mar, 26, at the ministry of transports safety , y : Palm Sunday Communion Serv-|test. The kerosene headlights am, Phone RA 3.8474 ice, the new members will re- (were perfectly trimmed and fo: ceive their first communion, |eussed, ANTIQUES TRIUMPH i yay . ET NPEAVEY OSHAWA LIONS HONOR PAST PRESIDENTS son, 1939-60, Absent when pie: ture was taken: § Turner, the past presidents who were | president; G. Wilson, 1950-51 honored, Seated, left to right, | Seated, left ta right, G. Hood, are W, Miller, 1849-50; J. Bor 1951-32; 8 Payne, 1955-56; Ted rowdale, 48-48; R. Lambert, | Watt, 1956-87; C. Naish, od 1954-55, Brown, present | 58; J, Kent, 1958-39; J, Ander Oshawa Times Photo { badge in Wolf Cubs Tuesday {Btarr Is scheduled to speak at| Fifty-nine new members were an Oshawa Junior Chamber of Conference "I do not think the problems would ment and departmental duties to 1953-59 and J. Motley, 1933-8 {Rash Dsed the hall, Mrs, Ross Godfrey, Ak- | Mrs. Fred Smith who sre ela of the pack is shown pin: | both assistant cub leaders of night at the meeting of the A TPE the badge on Terry dur: | the pack. He is a Grade L 14h Oshawa Cub Pack at | WE The presentation ceremony. pupil at Ritson Public School, Holy Trinity Anglican Church ferry is the son of Mr, and (Oshawa Times Phots) 249 Men Employed On 'Winter Works Project Terry Smith sented with his HH, was pre. thirteenth Answering criticism from Lo- noting that some 249 placements awa, Port Perry, Reach Towne eal 222, UAW, that Oshawa have heen or will be made in ship, Beugog Township, Whithy lacked an adequate winter the ara that comes wonder the and Whithy Township. Estimate works program, Labor Minister Oshawa office of the commis: ed total cost of the projects was Michael Blarr recently forward: sion $368,964 ed an unemployment Commis Ho pr ver yr port vu The following is a he akdown sion breakdown of the program shows that in the City of Osh showing each municipality, with in the Oshawa area awa sell, there has heen no ot ™ Coc" of projects done A letter from Malcolm Smith, 70e working under the PEOETAM or ta be done there, and the president of Local 222, UAW, (from Dec. § to March 16 number of placements there; Pp APPEOVi 85,000 proj winted out to the labor minis. Approval for a $165 p 2 Diaceme x 4 oP a brief war prevent ect was given on March 16, hut Ajax, 86462, five placements; I 4 ph oy 4 . chawa he report said work had pot Bowmanville, $52,000, eight} A he councils of Oshawa, | vor Cited Prior to Dec. §. Clarke Township, $35,165; eleye Vhithy an Bowmanville, the : a f en; Darlington Townshi 13 mayors of Oshawa and Bow. |\%0 projects had made. use of 00, Porington M ib, 91%: manville had stated not a sin Township, $4500, seventeen; gle worker was employed on a ESTIMATED COST $368,084 {Neweastle, $144,450, thirteen; {winter works program The 249 placements Mr. Starr Oshawa, $261,900, sixty-threej | Ah Aaa {was referring to included proj- two; Reach Township, $4000, | #40 PLAC EMENTS ects in Alax, Bowmanville, eleven; Scugog Township, $1000, | Mr, Blarr, in an answering Clarke Township, Darlington six; Whithy, $86,607, thirtys letter, enclosed the wnemploy: Township, Manvers Township, three; Whithy Township, $10,400, {ment commission breakdown, the Village of Newcastle, Osh: twenty-one, | hs workers 10 Drivers |Hospital Reports Pay $265 | x dmission Drop In Court The members of the hoard of deaths, The daily average of pas |the Oshawa General Hospital, at|tients in residence during the A total of 8266 in fines was their meeting Tuesday night, [months was 874.5, levid hy Magistrate A, 8, Mil: learned that 1121 adults and| There were 1668 outpatients, chell in the Oshawa traffic| children were admitted to the|Of these B68 received x-rays; H68 court, Tuesday. Fourteen peo-ihospital during February, There|were treated in the emergency ple faced charges. Pour of the wore 212 hirths in the hospital operating voom and 198 were eaten were dismisied. charges MINE the month, given laboratory fests, There were dismissed. One of these, Of the patients admitted B12 Neve 47 opqielions in the bid was against Gaston Maurice were from Oshawa, One hun: ations and treatments pen one patients came Dupont, 80, of 85 Hall street, dred and ip CARD By |The other was against Gwen/from Whitby; 16 from East fiven in the emergency operat (Manuel, of RR 4, Oshawa [Whithy Township, 60 from Whit:| i Myron Allan Lyle Chamber-\by Township; 18 from Ajax and at The Mount Showed 10.081 ay lain, 3 of RR J Oshawa and|2d from Pickering Township, tent days. in February coms ap Ba RLU Twenty patients were admit: (pared with 11,435 in January, fined $50 for racing, (ted from other Ontario County There were 1888 admissions Thomas J. Buchanan, 72, of Municipalities, Of these 16 came compared with 1804 in January, 1808 King siveet east and wil.|from Keach Township, one from |The daily average in residence liam Edward Seott, of Ux. Brock Township and three from was §74.6 compared with 866.8 in bridge, were each fined $20 for| Uxbridge Township, January, failing to come to a full stop at | : : x x an intersection, William James 77 FROM DURHAM BED OUCURANCY i Faskett, 42, of 604 Dundas street! Fighty-eight patients were ad: 16 hoard learned the Ave east, Whithy, was fined 825 nied from other Ontario een: Age bed occupaney of medical for hot coming to Li ston A tres, OF these 77 were residents ni hi fous hon ] | hoy ini { ree. hy her of Durham County and 66 aff 0 E8 FUArY, 'the Ture hd Th iio 007 BTEC those were from Darlington vical ods, 17.9: edintii Ne 4 ra George Travell, i, of 21 Fownship, 02 and Dassinetion 840, bi Centre street, was fined $18 fop| Sixteen of the admissions weve The average number of days' failing to yield the vight-of-way,|placed in private wards, 825 in stay for medical and surgical TS ------ Joseph A, Gallant, 83, of Hamp: semi-private wards and 780 in patients was 0.7, The figures for ton, was fined $20 on the same |public wards, lather categories were; obstets shan Tharles Rare Tarner | . " hohdadd charge. Charles Barrett Turner | Discharges during February vical, 5.8; paediatric, 7.6 and for failing to yield the right-of: | . h ol A way, He was also fined §10 for failing to change the address on St d is H | . i Mano udents Help | Lions Honor | ] ] Uxhridge, was fined #§23 orl R C making an improper left turn, | jax ampaign : A charge of disobeying a tral! AJAX (Staff) = Ajax Public resi en S fie signal against Lawrence Wil '§ohaol Board on Monday gave ed, Carl R, Rogg, 25, of Port ic sohaol pupils to partake in| Ret in ehaiving the Oshawa Perry, was fined §20 for speed: (hq pull Rea' aig J Night dinner meeting at Hotel ing {pian. Genosha Tuesday night paid management | tone SUE EW § OCC Choir Wins| er sale Hat a flat Bist ri tive on INS funds raised by the Junior Red, Ten of the 12 past presidents definite purpese and that ne able ar Mr, Lambert! administrative cost would be lable to heat Mn Lambert's The Oshawa Central Callegi- |i) \ eampai sont Al {8 whils campaign contribu: § i i i ate Institute choir won high oe idol. (that, with the aid of his effi. cient committee chairmen and sang a the closing concert Of dents" he said "may go to such Yhoing president these days is the Peterborough Kiwanisicharitable Red Cross SOUVIOes | comparatively easy", ; ning the chair was presented | abrador coastline, Congo 1e:[members of the Oshawa R'Nai with the Kiwanis Club Trophy lief, or Red Cross services in B'Rith Lodge and a handful of chair elass : Student pavticipation in the/the meeting, at which anly the Commenting on the chair's| Junior Red Cross Campaign is! annual charity auction was diss presentation at the concert. Thelthe only charitable service that! cussed mented: "The singing of 'Ride! Department of Education, al: aluk and his B'Nai B'Rith couns the Chariot! by the Oshawa though individual school boards terpart, Amos Reuben, reports Central Collegiate Institute have the pawer to grant permis: ed that it was a little ton early spot of the evening, It was ajother benefits sve, but that it Would he haid moving and evocative perform PAR "NS REA 1h June My 9 IX 1 RONSPIEL WINNERS Past presidents present were: ance that brought thunderous! pinks made wp of Oshawald 8 : finished ler, 1940-80: G. Hood, 1981-33; During the conceit Judith fourth, fifth and sixth® in the |G, Wilsan, 1950-51; R Lambert, Ann Kashul, of Oshawa, Was|schoolbay bonspiel at Lindsay!1954-55: § Payne, 1955.56: T, avship for her performance in/QCCL rink finished in fourth J. Kent, 195859: J. Anderson the solo violin class Miss place with Ken Bates' OCV1 1939-60. Those unable to atten violin she pink fifth and 'John Piper's were: 8 Turner, 1950s3 and J. i7, of Goodwood, was fined 810 (oiatied 1302, There were 24[nursery patients, 7, Larry V, Kendall, 26, of RR 4,| liams, of Islington, was dismiss: it's consent for the Ajax pub, Past President Rufus Lame Chaiman of particular tribute to those early Bh Eh I ia Hi h P aise Cross members went toward Alof the club were at the head q subtracted from the proceeds off Tian President R. Brown sald acclaim last Saturday when it) Wpunds raised by the ste! Sit Lions who work with them, Musie Festival, During the eve:las a Dental Ship serving the! My. Lambert welcomed 10 for placing first in the mixed! Nigeria or the Gold Coast." {out of town' Lions as guests te Peterborough Examiner com-/is sanctioned by the Ontavial Auction chairman Alee Smyks Choir proved ta be the high/sion far student participation infte formulate plans far this Borrowdale, 194848; W. Mik applause." schoolboy eurlers presented with the Hunt Schab jase Saturday. Mike MacKay's Watt, 1956-87: C. Naish 1957-58; won at the festival a year ago. 'OCCI rink sixth, (Motley, 1933:54,