Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Mar 1961, p. 8

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$ Te SHAWNA TIES, Tassdey, Merch 21, 196) UNIT 42, CANADIAN CORPS EXTENDS HOSPITALITY ON 14th ANNIVERSARY (KEEP TN TEIM Spring Brings A Quickening Of Will To Lose Weight By IDA JEAN EAN weight yom want 19 "You wre my lest hope" ent (hres mets # fay wiies a Becomes dielte raps sim ever mites. HBR RRETING Gift Riles 5 # way 1s 49 have ended tn Momal favere this, Your shmAdown All those imerested ih 7 new he- he priierned om hice mesls Song 06 # FRSWEREREE Of Rel uid ¢ Tipe, Surety i ever there were (em, yom @ perfect time for he \tiom of ch alresh, 16 is pow when #l) earth is, Thiowgh scientifie 1 i Fenewes. i hae been proved thet thy | With repented failures, oR moderate meals & Moy, with # | other go-rownd at Mating 16 apt protein food at each mest, pro © 16 he ust more of the same. vide the best Energy Carry ver, You need 19 try # different plan. Smatier mesls are peeled Ltn that SPATES YOWE ETE, | I6556R YONT 1008 Capacity 60 Yo on the thesry thet i helps 10 will feel content on fewer eal {do something dramatic, perhaps, ories. Wow the fortifier; To bol {even drastic, at the beginning of ser. the saying power 4 Vi a reducing program, the Gistl- and your megls--wse | tian puis Agri you adventure rem, popular forma dist gs # lim a fortified diet, Bolster the supplement. The ongnel diet I , and the dister , , , ot formula. plan, Introduced the weak spots yeRIS Ag, was designed tn he Heed with a dictene supmement § fr : | Your herrt"s desire is not ony to shim down, bit to look and eel #8 good 0 years Yownger i's spring . . , you want Lo take measures 19 make We young ! be! REAR, On the reducing score, sides the satisfaction of losing two pounds a week, you want The suppmiement furnishes re plenisiing mirients, Try i , » you'll lose, WABKY CHANGING m AN for Lent Breaklast--100 calories Fruit wee, Y% cup i MARRIED AT 4 HOLY CROSS : (of lessons on how to household tH Ang ROMVErsary, FIANT CARE MONTREAL, (CP) = ; 3» 23 i 853 fered hy tiewture foreman for 2 a § 38 Pictured after their wedding | Marin Sahadin of Oshawa and (real parks department, recently in Hoty Cross Boman | the late Mr, Sahadin, and the | Francois Grignon, supervisor of Catholic Chireh are Mr bridegroom is the som of My, ithe city's hotontept Kardon, ( 19 appease hunger, lessen Your Pouched egg on fond capacity, and feel vigorous Thin shee toast the while. Carry this further Collee, Wack Canadian Corps Presents Charter «wi 'i oir: Ces Vit" qr x Formula diet: 4 level thep To Auxiliary at Annual Banquet| 4063 dry powder, plus walter or Ye cup (4 02.) Dawid for mula A surprise presentation added Mrs. Sinclair; deputy zone com to the general mir of festivity mander D7, Wilfred Lack and prevailing at the annual banquet Mrs, Lock, Mr. and Mrs, Wal { GILES N, Ho--A8 teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce teaspoons grated onion LADIES! Mrs, Anthony Beni, The hide, | . Classes j 4 and Mrs, Antonio Beni of Hay, (Classes In English din, is the daughier of Mrs. | | A ----r PREFER MALE MINISTERS 4 1 PETERBOROUGH, Ont, ( Tuneheon--¥0 cilories Minced Meat Tarts Members " the Witerboroueh 2 veshytery of the Pres y / i Cottage chasse, V6 cup, i by . ; and dance of the Canadian ler Homes, Canadian Corps, Ni Pench hall New Way To Berve / Cup Lomaty Juice or WK | ghould be admitted (0 the mine , : | 2 eups fluify mashed potatoes! i. A 7 pieces of maths toast | An Old Favorite : istry, The question came wp in the club rooms, Richmond Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Jan Or shee of American hele Grease 10 to 12 tart pans of when, following a women's a street west, on Saturday night. |PDrygala, Mr, and Mrs, William ! J plication to | ministry, The unit was celebrating its Walls, Mr, and Mrs, dan Der: | miata having & pastry shell and g ven 10 400 deg. ¥, (hot) 14th anniversary and the ladies' kacz, Mr. and Mrs, George Hee Choien 0, Banans, pple, oF 2 sweet filling, but this recipe) Turn minced beef and sausage preshyteries to vole on 4 Sogo ging " halvas anne ' fruit Losses convention 10 the winds, tent, or sausages pressed from | Fue, element was the presentation on an | VETSH) 1 oR, With lemon 1 re ely casings, into a ha a A oh SS rendent er Mr. and Ms, Fred Fernley ail and the result Is a hearty main gs, into a howl and nest Bell to Mrs, William Walls, | FEPresenting velerans organiza Formula diet: 4 level thep, [of 4 with bread erumbs | : / p | pley sausage meat and WHh bread erumbs and toss to} president of the Ladies' Auxil-|tions der go Ay iy 4 for. Minced heef forms the shells of combine. Beat egg slightly and| ; ; ow VY ewp ) i these unusual tarts, Bread SUF in salt, pepper, Worcester:! Master of Ceremonies Frank and short addresses made hy mile ! i isn, Bae | aaa Bi BiB he Road table Major Hankin ed o Warniea crumbs are added for the de-|shire- Bauce, grated onion and guests and brought greetings the Honoranie BICHael BLATT {Hot Bowilion z | meat : | A vi w us| Mr. Ray Hobhs, and provincial 0 " od lei shire Bauce, onion and tomate meat mixture and combine well. | from Mayor Christine Thomas ' did holes oy Hed ay ot: juice are the main flavor in- Pivide mixture among the pre:| gredients, The filling is made! pared tart pans or custard cups; | the former Miss Yolanda Baba: began in February ~Photo by Mary's Studio | {holes of Church don't think women Corps Association, Unit 42, held! agara Falls; Mr, and Mrs, Dan 8 thin liens bread with Tarts are usually pictured as PFoRd custard cups, Preheat] general assembly asked all auxiliary its 10th. The surprise saker, Mr. and Mrs, Allen Adam Mid-allernonn course dish, A savory mixture/Preak up with a fork; sprinkle lary Congratulations were expresse Minner--H8 calories sired texture, while Worcester: [tomato juice or milk, Pour over] who was unable to he present, | president, Bruce Sinclair. Com PRESIDENT of the ladies' suxiliary, Mrs, William Watts, accepts charter from the presi: dent of Unit 42 Ernest Bell, In the upper picture the Ontario president Bruce Sinclair of To: ronto is seen chatting with CHILD GUIDANCE By Example Parents Can Set High Moral St By G, CLEVELAND MYERS Suppose your child adds up a bill you paid at the grocery store and discovered the sum was too small, What would you do? If the sum had heen too large, we know very well what you would have done, Why should there he any doubt about the undercharge? If the sum had heen too large, your calling on the store for its correction would help teach your child to lodk after his rights, Seeking correction if the sum were too small would help teach him a moral principle. | One is selfish in purpose, the other unselfish What effect da you suppose it would have on your child to see you pay the stare when the er- ror was in your favor? What effect on him if he had seen you do nothing about it? And wouldn't it make a dif president Bell; Master of Cere- mony, Frank Davis and It. Colonel J, BR, Warnica, 'com: manding officer of the Ontario Regiment, ~Oshawa Times Photo, andards Abe Lincoln, as a youth, kept a country store, After closing the store one night, he walked six miles to return to a cus: tomer a few cents she had over. paid him. He must have enjoyed a glow of satisfaction then; also after he had voluntarily pulled ears of corn for many hours to pay a neighbor for a borrowed hook damaged hy rain while he had it at his home, How many children, we won: der, have heen inspired toward trying to be honest from hear. ing haw Abe Lincoln got the name of "Honest Ahe"? Such integrity of Lincoln helps explain why he is so remem: bered to this day, Now suppose you are on the bus with your child too old to ride without fare, and you dramatize a lie hy letting him Jase the fare hox without pay- ng. Suppose you even argue with the conductor, insisting the due to a previous engagement, |Pimenting the ladies' auxiliary and paid a tribute to Mrs, Maud| who had catered for the houn Foskett, "mother of the corps', teous repast, Mrs, Jo Aldwine who could not attend kle, of The Oshawa Times edi Mr. Ernest Bell presided and lorial staff, brought hest wishes at the head table were the Hop-|for continued success orable Michael Starr and Mrs Btarr; Major Marsland Rankin, padre of the unit, and Mrs. Ran- kin; Tt, Colonel J. B, Warniea, Commanding officer - Ontario Regiment; and Mrs, Warnica; Fire Chief Ray Hobhs and Mrs, the Queen Hohhs; RMB William Milne and, Following dinner Mrs, Milne; president provineial| gathering spent the command, Bruce Sinclair and dancing, thanked the unit, and the presi dent expressed. thanks to Wing 420, RCAF Association for the gift of a portrait of Her Majesty the large EeVening THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW The hours before noon will he this day's hest--from all angles, Look for good results in husi. ness and financial endeavors; also In family matters, In the late afternoon some adverse influences prevail and you may run inte disappoint: ments and delays, But take them In stride, Thursday will be A much better day. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your hirthday, your horoscope indicates that your affairs a he in pretty stable condition right now, Be: ginning with April 1st, however, don't expect too much finan cially or job-wise, Make long: range plans, however, and set new goals of achievement for yourself; also plan how you're going to work toward them, Except for October, late No- vember, early December 'and next March, every month prom: 1ses opportunities to make those plans, Personal matters will be gov: erned by fine aspects = es: pecially during the eurrent month, late May and June, with romance highlighted now and during July and August, social activities in late December and early January and travel in mid-1861, Avoid nervous tension in September, however; extrav. agance mn November and De. ecember, the child know he is not, What effect would this have on the moral character of your ehild? COULD IT MEND DAMAGE? If you and that child had heen on the way to Sunday school or church, do you sup: pose what he might learn there could mend the moral damage done? What about taking your child to the movies and huying a child's ticket for him when you knew he was six months past the age limit? No doubt vou could easily get hy with this, hut what about the moral scar left on the child's heart and yours? MORAL WAY Parents who really care ahout such matters and consider them morally important impress on the child--in a Jowerully dra- matic way-the fact that he has just reached or passed the birth day classing him as an adult concerning fares and admis. slons. Are these tog high moral standards for us parents to set by precept and example before our children? PARENTS' QUESTIONS Q. Our children are two and four years old, Y Ave they ton young to he exposed to records of music from the great composers? A. No indeed. It's wonderful If they often go to sleep at night listening to such musie played softly, Such exposure will do much to cultivate good musical taste Fi in them.as they grow up, Look for some interesting Mrs, William Walls, in aceept:| | ing the charter for the auxiliary,| & TO SIZE 48 By ANNE ADAMS The two-piece dress ~-- ideal under a coat now or as & suit when spring arrives, Longer col: lar 1s 80 smart and slimming ahove curved - peplum jacket, Chonse faille, eolton, weal, Printed Pattern 4068: Wom: en's Sizes B86, 88, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, Bizes 86 takes 44 yards 8b: inch, fend FIFTY CENTS ®0 cents) In coins (stamps eannot he accepted) for this pattern, Please print plainly BIZ EK NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Sned order ta ANNE ADAMS, on The Oshawa Times, Pat: tern Dept, Oshawa, Ontario, ANNOUNCING the = biggest fashion show of Spring-Summer, 1061 == pages, pages, pages of patterns In our new Color Cata- log = just out! Hurry, send 8 cents now! news of a personal nature in early December, A child born on this day will he endowed with the qualities that make a highly successful novelist, writer or artist, Cleaning Comments se Pon't ever use a handkerchief ta rub a stain ar spillage en your clathing, Send the clothing te your dry cleaner, "YOUR CLEANER 18 YOUR CLOTHES REST FRIENDY Baked potato, Y% eut oblong Asparagus, §% strips, with mento Celery stalks Hot heverage--Use non-nutritive sweetener, If desired Total formula diet per day----2425, Use formula to fortify the diet at the times of day or evening when most needed Total calories for day--1,020, mi calories MANY FLOWERS There are more than 2000} species of flowering plants na tive to Britain from fluffy mashed potatoes Before serving the tarts are topped with sprigs of parsley and placed on a platter sur: rounded hy a few colorful vege: tables, MEATLOAF TARTS Yield = § or 6 servings pound minced lean heef V4 pound sausage meat or sausages 1% cups coarse soft white bread erumbsg [711] 1% teaspoons salt Vs teaspoon pepper 1 | (pat out to form shells in the dishes, Bake in preheated oven 20 to 25 minutes, Spoon out any juice in the shells, then pile the mashed potatoes into the shells, Return 10 the oven and hake until the potatoes are heated through and lightly browned = about 16 minutes, Lift each tart out of pan for serving and top with a sprig of parsley, FROZEN FISH Do not thaw fish before eook: ing except when necessary for FOR RENT Vibratory Belts Bar Rollers, ete. OSHAWA'S REDUCING CENTRE 204 KING 87, EK, RA 5-2363 ease In handling, to save for each RA 3-41 see how 40 person travelling with you See how discount train fares cut travel costs! 22 CANADIA WITH NEW DISCOUNT TRAIN FARES! FOR TWO OR MORE=ROUND TRIP « ANY DAY OF THE WEEK +» ANYWHERE IN GANADA First class, Tourist ar Geach, where individual regular round teip fare 1s $7.50 or mere If your return fare is § 10,00, every additional person pays only § 6,00 each If your return fare is § 50,00, every additional person pays only $30,00 each If your return fare is $100,00, every additional person pays enly $60.00 each IN CERTAIN AREAS MANY DISCOUNT FARES ARE ALL:INCLUSIVE==AND PROVIDE BED, MEALS=EVEN TIPS Call your local ticket office for the DISCOUNT FARE that applies for your next trip *On Sale until May 31 CANADIAN NATIONAL N PACIFIC RA 3-2224

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