Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Mar 1961, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckie, Wome Women's Edibox Wiel BA 34474 p---------- THE OSHAWA i TIMES, Tussboy, Meorsh 21, 196) 7 GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL ( New Spray Refurhishes College Student Comments | On Life In College Today Pear Wary Waworth: | om 2 sladent WB # Malm » IE WRG § Cege, WIRE WR 1s songs 15 (he moRer who iw win ried who the moral rigs of wiley We today As Foidently she foesw'| (rust Bet (ng danghicr and has oveny re siricied her, What type oA pro libitions wadd she prescribe for ITH SCRTT MOTHERS AUX, silks gave the treaower's re The 15th Soi. Mathers Awe port, Haery hid Ws March mesting Mrs, Wiaks 1014 of the conler enfiegs students? When a or reaches college she no longer is spoonted Wy withorities, She Is. most #8 Conntics United Church with ence beng held tn Velerhor sizely on her own Wn the wes the president, Mrs, Charles ough, on April 13, Vianming 16 demic routine Chr p Mrs, Carman Thompson ahd the 6F, HERGIE Secaswrer's report Wy Mrs, War ck luncheon at the next mest the word ows The sewing WE 19 be herd in April oid 1a Chapelle convener, Mrs, Rudolph Wek pert, veporied on matenal for Witham Henning and Mrs, Alex gp by Yrs Bobert Weanlk wgrecs (0 make Bean ood the treasurer's report Wy neckerciiels, Mrs 1 9 wre Mrs, Edward Vietler and wines. were ' read by Mrs, Witham Henning i was sgreed 19 have & pA Mrs, Roland Rolson, Mrs Cook reported for the Sonshine Wags and pouches for the City CIB £& Yen wis served by Mrs, Har Yembers were asked 16 he at Vey Kirby the chwrch early for the Vatniek's hncheon, Two new members, Mrs, John Wakers ond Mrs. Witham Alen, wers welcomed te the puhary Patrol leaders were raked meet as soon RE possibile 19 fin ish preparations for the father and son banguet'on April § The Eagle patrol had chars oA the social Mrs, Charles VArcher led in Kim's game with Mrs, Garnet Goyne is the ner Pps Win "THIS 18 BROTHER'S BIRTHDAY" of Mr Aur ward Aheria and Mrs, William Ba Oshawa, and Mrs, Ed Chesehrough, Calgary, Their great-grand Mr, and Mrs ()shawi Photo by Bormshy Celebrating bis first birthday today 1s David Jahes Chese bough wha is seen with hs hres qr » old Henther i. David and Heather ire "hi Mr. and Mr met Chesehrongl and Mrs patrol CHRIST CHURCH EVE WA The evening branch of Chi Memorial Church WA held He monthly meeting at the enuren Mrs, W, J, Howard { opened the meeting (prayer I" Mrs, ¥. A, Meliveen read the I minutes and Mrs, Fdward Rob lasts gave the treasurer's report Mrs, John Houghton announced Merchandise Drive Planned By Group For Nearly New Shop). ion oman mous would address the group Mrs, VP, Ten Westeneind was wel Mi } We en ne work al the April meet Women's League comed hack from her recent trip J wens work at th | Bey Barer fey I the { yh / PRYEMSE RIE Fred Taylor dren of Adelaide presiaey with RYenue east, and grandemisren Ladonng Group of Bi, Ger { ' ride ithalie od fi VeRIly @ drive for to Holland at is The dete of BL, Gertrude's CWI p merchand the mani sho Blille New Shop y meeting, Although stocked with spring ed is dri gle. moreitake place in the pansh hat! clothing is needed [Members were asked to py Children's shoes Ae always inlchase tickels in advance from demand, Announcements! Mrs, John Adams, Cards were will he made from v &riouslto be sent to Mrs, V7, DePratto churches and the members were|#nd Mrs, J, Sabyan who are asked to contact thelr friend {both In hospital neighbors for any merchandise Following the - meeting the they no longer need, Any dong. Members did an howr sewing tions will he picked up hy calling cleaning shoes, ironing and Mis, W, i, Branch in the morn: €eaning the shop in an extra ef ing only fort to keep up with the work, Af Extra staff will he working in lerwards . refreshments were the shop for the spring sales erved Wl Ta ne aves SOCIAL NOTICE 24 at 2 pm, in time for Vaster ENGAGEMENT is well Wednesday, April 1 at 2 pom, Bt the ehureh he Mrs, Charles Dewhurst, parish coal children to and 1] church 18 going purchase more prayer hymn hooks, An auction sale 0 he held on April 20 wt chureh that the Er Ww @n May 11, were discussed, Mrs Robert Mouck will he the gen eral convener, Mrs Davies, candy convener (Mrs, Bruce Jackson, hahy sit ng convener Mrs, David St shopping. All members were urg ed Lo put forth a greater effort il jon contioties he available for the many cus ' Mr nd id Harold Everett yr reshments ware sorved hy tomers of the shop ripp of Oshawa announce the Mrs, Roberts, mH y Ti Wak helped wit {Bernice Christing, to Mr, Ludyik| Jal same hoys were helped Wh) (f ewig) Plodzien of Paris, On: 10TH SCOUT MOTHERS AUX, shoes and blouses | : Myersiof Mor, Ostrava Mar Hory Bcout Mothers' Auxiliary was paid a visit to the meeting, Two\Crechoslovakia, and the late Mr, held recently at Cedardale Unit ningham and Mrs, H, Koenders| place on Saturday, April 22, at|Blake presiding were welcomed hy the Group!h o'clock in the Chapel of 8t, An: The minutes were read hy Mrs that plenty of merehandise would Tha wellare: commities yeport |CEABEM ENE of thelr daughter, Klement and Mrs, Houghton, (arin, son of Mrs, Josef Plodgien! The regular meeting of the 161 The Reverend John B new members, Mrs, €, J, Cun:[Plodzien, The marriage will take|ed Church with Mrs, William leader Mys, W Branch, Also'drew's United Church, Oshawa, (Robert Lewis and Mrs, Alex Wa i SUPERB CANADIAN CRAFTSMANSHIP Designed to meet the re Quirements of fashion and cool pring days, A rose beige sheathed muskrat jacket hy Michel of Hollinger, The SUraight sleeves and pocket are widely cuffed and the Re RAISSAnce collar buttons for added detail, {Doubles Club banquet on May Connie Colpus an ON charge of the devotional he Afternoon WA has invited pirie and Mrs the annual card party was announe the group to attend o sudy took part in the devotional, A to Eroup to he held on March 2% wymn was sung with Mrs, Ed FAITHFUL, GROUP The regular meeting of the Fathi Growp of King $rest United Church WA was held re amby The president, Mrs, John Cole man, opened the meeting with & prRyer, whe thanked Mrs, Wel lingion Trainer for Acting #s presiaent in her ahsence The mines were read and the roll ell showed 14 presen Mrs, Borman Legge thanked the group for kindness shown 19 ind Mrs, Wiliam Medland re poried on the sick lst, The grows Will serve for WA on April 14.1 8eripture It was decided 10 have the April 1) meeting at 7.00 shatp $0 the group could atlend the "meeting at the church at § pm to hear Mrs, Booth from Fh Victor Mission, The group will look after the Men's Club dinner in April and cater for Happy Mrs Kellett had the Leonard theme ""Bpringtime" Mrs, R, B, Reed, Mrs, Gordon William Short ward Goodman at the plano Mrs, Leonard Kellett and council representative, reporied| group served refreshments LENORF, GROUP The guest speaker at (he the monthly meeting of the Lenore Flares Group of Simcoe Btreet United meeting to he Plans for the May hazasr on Church, was Mrs, Lloyd Akin Introduction of the speaker wis made by Mrs, Robert Hol Edward! den and the thanks of the group time late in April will he Mrs and | were expressed by Mrs, H, 11.|Charles Gibbs, Mrs, C, K, Bran Is The meeting was opened with Ve Andrew intra-|the singing of a hymn with Mrs duced Mrs, Betty Morrison who Frank Black, the president, pre gave a 1alk and demonstration) siding Members were reminded of the and May 6 also the Cancer Bo ciety Tea on April 19 st Me Laughlin Hall, The devotional was led hy Mrs Kenneth Wagg and a benevolent fund eollection was made Refreshments were served hy Mrs, Kenneth Wagg's group, AT, ATEPHEN'S MISSION CIRCLE The March meeting of 8t, Ste phen's United Church Mission Cirele was held at the home of Mrs, John Hoskin The meeting was opened hy the president, Miss Bylvia Rundle, with the eall to worship, Mrs David Duchemin led the worship service, The servipture was read hy Mrs, Marilyn Jackson The study hook was read hy Miss Dorothy Vish and Miss Kay Wallace read from the hook "The Bhip Under the Cross" which In forces her 19 grow wp or fall During cotlegr years the stn Aart is heing The secretary's report was gv Martyn Jackson Miss Dorothy Kish The Easter mesting was Mis cussed wand 1 was decided 19 hold this mecting wt the home of Mrs David Duchiemin and 19 invite the mothers to ptiend The Bible Study taken from #4 John Chapter 4 was Giscussed The Bile Study for next month will he taken from St. John 4 { yerses VY, GEORGES AFT, WA fiernoon branch of the Memorial and de a erie The WA oA George's Church held Ws Wuginess @) meeting recently There were 75 members in ir Refreshments were served WY her in the passing of her sister, tendance, The president, Mrs Wer Mrs, Kane, Mrs, Kdwin Michael John Sawyer, opened the meet and prayers read the ing with & hymn Mrs, William Collins nh Minutes of last meeting were read hy the secretary and Mrs i, A, Becley gave the treasurer's report, Mrs, C, H, Tuck read the correspondence and reported on; ecards sent Lo the sick | Mrs, Charles Gibbs read pray | ers for prayer pariners, Miss d Miss Mabel Jones, Mrs, George Puckett) gave Dorcas report and thanked) the members for articles brought in for sale of work | Articles of clothing for mission hale were shown Mrs, H. W. Browne read g letter written ty a group from Hamilton telling of their visit Arica, The heading of letter "Good Will Towards AM in Was rica' Mrs, Thomas Keast reported visits to sick, presidents and see |M asked to attend held at Christ Memorial Church April 4 Members to he on duty in tuck) shop, Hillsdale Manor, some Aare ton, Mrs, C. A, Wells and Mrs C Oke | Next meeting will be on April and date of rummage sale April 20 Refreshments were served hy catering to weddings on Apri) 26/Mrs, Thomas Murrell, Mrs, Har:| cussed marriage, If anyone sug: ry Camphell, Mrs, H, W, Browne| and Mrs, C, D, Cross, HTH SCOUT MOTHERS AUX, The 14th Scout Mothers' Aux: iliary met recently in the lower hall of Holy Trinity Church with the president, Mrs, Fred Taylor presiding Minutes were read hy Mrs John Calder, Reports from var: lous groups were read; also a report from the executive hoard Mrs, William Kashul agreed to take over the sewing econ: venership to replace Mrs, Fred| Bmith, Mrs, Fred Taylor agreed | to open the spring hazaar April H] A rummage sale was [ lanned for Monday, May 8 at the CRA nll The treasurer's: report was| read hy Mrs, Willlam Boynton, | who also won the door prige The meeting closed with the out Mother's Prayer | Ie NINA RICCI FARIS 28 KING ST, EAST KIN'ANIS RADIO A "it's in the ais™ RA 3.4621 UCTION APRIL 12 faeif wed 19 face Wa ake sownd choices, lspirit of reckless adventuring, or masking tape ' A Variety Of Plastics By ELEANOR ROSS | Hust when we think thet the! timate has besn reached iw gadgets ond how products a smper, § RES P another one 1 a thing to lesen Bid . . Fi y you haven't kirsady Bucoverss tor yom There's & new spray fst he ng Wiroduced thal revives | IL p18 8106 utholuery luggage Mops, Ws jow't. I wateriroof and is resistant 19) ny, Greate, aint and mildew wally, Ws » plastic spray TOUCH packed wn an aerosol howh. " Tench ox she witli Since oo many things shout the, TH TE & Vy |e ate plastic, he one Is where pre # LL] if Rules and regidations very in SAME AS PAINY v ditferem schools, bt gidelines For instance, spray it on plas lied with ext 10 encowrage youth 1g fe w tL 4% you would Mrkey, op oui The mal hd say that onell CL, neks: What w he. Co@ nogh 16 give a pew. SANEE, come of society iH A Bs looking fimish MW you wee the ham with Hitle. restricted? same color as the original wp- and add mint jelly 1 ask: What would become of "IHETY, iwich of roast lamb, These sweet yonth if students were strictly 72 WVES an easy way of re touches make & welcome change supervised during their eoflege| [Lorre et est « up plastic from the wowsl mustord and years? On leaving school, they ther, surtace AR pickle reishes thet hewnt most wouldn't now how 10 1ace the, bad shave. 1 hes I6 really meat sandwiches, . problems of Wile, And this shovel ro Spe, IE8 DEHEr (0 wee Ad fol wv (We copts, And two coats are wll, a student must learn TY A oeeorabic if you want 1h hide Bear TY: Very Weebly CL8 the original color completely, m real proviem is that she Was if the change Is to & lghtes overly protected her daughter shade / right to the threshold of The stuf! dries to the touch chlege enrolment, Now the in a matter of minutes, And mother can't find a college iti what we like most about it isl ation that will serve as an ex that you don't have to be an tension of the home environ expert to try your hand at re ment in that respect, Thus she finishing lashes out anxiously at the sys Before such a refinishing Job tem for failing to compel cris started, be sure to wash alll cumspect behavior In college surfaces 10 he treated using| sludents, plenty of suds, hecause the) Perhaps it witl ease her mind spray won't adhere to dirt or # bit to read your clear thinking grease, Then rinse thoroughly ahout college pitfalls from a and allow to dry completely girl's viewpoint, before spraying Your testimony amounts to LIFT OUT CUSHIONS saying: I her daughter wants! Tit out sll seats and cushions the right associations she can if you ean. Otherwise, cover the find them on campus, M she paris of the furniture you don't secks the wrong kind, in # want sprayed, using newspaper w Lg oF Crees learn for hers how to % at least two differ: Women was held at the home of And how can he, ow pampered? takas " more prof than : sludart wants 19 know 1 nd she has to find ont (or hey self what she relly wants, Thomas Lorene, Mrs, Eva Tag . gars and Mrs, Charles Smith, The next meeting will be held at Wimane Hall, April 21, Refreshments served by the incinded a cake Sco comes easier 19 he walk Arasind man WhiAs GRIPES oe 18g hariy clagrad ond gresed, YOUR CLEANER 15 YOUR a YELLOW PAGES HULULLTIN FIRST BANKING ON MODERN LINES WAS ESTABLISHED IN VENICE BETWEEN 1270 AWD 1318 AD. up neither she nor her mother can. I you can catch a nice day, validly blame the college for make use of i and do the job her poor judgment and had be out of doors, if possible havior The spray Is quite inexpensive As you Indicate, it Is the brand of family training ~ the always says he's too old pattern of character formation has heen alone (oo long up to college-nge--~and not the. What should I do, | thousand-and-one influences en- thing? ES countered in college that mold a girl's choices in that period, APPLY THE SPUR H Dear E8.: Your only chance, such as it is, of marrying the SPINSTER IN LOVE man consists, I think, in turning Dear Mary Haworth: 1 am alfrom him to another dating in: spinster, 55, in love with a man terest, my age, We've heen going to! In the present companionable gether for two years, arrangement, he sees no need He is my first love, the only|t0 act with finality, However, man I've wanted to marry, He #hould you seem to he drifting is good fun at a party and def- Bway, and he cares enough, he initely knows how to respect a might = Just might = pop the woman, {question and want to tie the knot, He seems very happy in I company, but iB me an Mary Haworth counsels 4 through her column, not hy mail or personal interview, Write her in care of this newspaper, nd { any | PID YOU KNOW CHEQUES INVENTED IN ENGLAND ABOUT 178), NOW HANDLE 10 TIMES MORE BUSINESS TRANSACTIONS THAN ALL CANADIAN' REAL MONEY COMBINED 7 Rests he should wel married, he Mr. and Mrs. M. Marder of The MODEL SHOE STORE are happy to announce that they will RE-OPEN SOON - at 00 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA In the very near future the NEW MODEL SHOE STORE will res open at 55 King Street East (formerly Bond Clothes Location) with a complete new stock of shoes for the Entire Family, WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT Next Tuesday, March 28th, in the Oshawa Times, : To Our Many Friends and Customers ! We wish at this time, to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to all our many friends and customers in Osh. awa and District for showing such great concern for us dur ing our recent fire, We shall be looking forward to meeting YOu once again in our new home at 53 King Street East, MR, M, MARDER MRS, M, MARDER

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