Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Mar 1961, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tasedey, Merch 31, W961 § 'OUST PORT HOPE WHITBY WHITBY and DISTRICT [Henry st. Wins | roms roucuscams Tel. MO, 4-703 COSS A Tourney mee noth vy he Wnty Dunnies Vs Hillcrests Mord ghis of Columbus Council Kai A005 in Bt, John the Evangelist [4 4 7s = re ve In Benefit Game Tonight (ARRON (fhe losers wae Harvey with WV], As they entered the sham-| By ROWS The CORBA Remar and Jumar| points also (rock decorated hall, the 140 : boys' Waskethall finals were heid| 4 7 pm. the Tomior final fnests were grested hy Brother By CLIFF GORDON he had bis charges owt for » wt Henry Street Wigh Shoot ol wag played between Port Hope Thad McCarthy, chairman of Tomght will see another han work owt with the Jrs Merch 18 with from) and Ajax, This game gave Alaxithie swccesslul event, and Wis her crowd make (heir way (0 He jatorme ws that he will Henry, Aux, Port Hope, Micholl the Junior Championship. vieleommitiee, Modern and ethe Whithy arena. The event i8\have Long Jom Ontario hehoot for the Deaf 10's 1327 win y poi Kewittlancing 14 the music of Swing|the Wig game between (he Whit Ross Hawe to Nendarson, atl Vv Madoc represented (was Alex's high scorer with U|\Masters was enjoyed hy ail, | Duniops and the Whithy Hill ing Henry won (he Resion | oonts Port Hope's best was| Door prizes were won by: Mrs, crests with game time 8.99 Other i was awarded the! Theysmeyer with 27 points Mael Cormier, and Mr, Vince This is a benefit game 107 Pete /4 dumior Championship Spwrked on by two Juniors. ARON, youthful Tom Chaserewskt who Wn the first Junior semi-final turned Senior -- Tavenetr a8 My and Mrs, Greg Carter, I 88 €7€ earlier here In the hrother of fame, Jax heat the School for\ing -- Henry flew off with thels nguiew dr} y e entertained Aayolts against the Belleville|r Conny, ~ Madoc 828, Kon-| Brooks, Tushingham, Ing, Tav- BEd. Powe players on the Whithy team, Alfor the Hilleresis (0 4 points for Madoc] ener Menzel, Dave Gibson and KA, Powe Wig rotmst defenceman, he did} On the other bench will v pe netter for Fort Gross Jimmy, son of Mr. and Mrs, not know the meaning of thei tvan Davie, the manager of wae Fitzsimmons with 10. Henry's Seniors fought hard Wiliam Ward, is celebrating word "quit", He gave it his hest|Hillcrests, He says he is A all senssr ond such # nl fin- {Wis 12th birthday (eday, Hin at #il limes, and the accident| going to sit with his "In. the first Senior semi-final, ish was well deserved 5 islCompanions of Hillerest school| was truly a tremendous Yow (0) line Ww has hronght Keith Keine's Henry Wighithe first time Henry has won # ond friends wish him many him and all his friends and couple of ex-Hillerests to Campi ods entry | haskethall tourney in some time |appy returns of the day f Ber. G " he aha To ae seore of 0 Enry's --_-- E------ s Gagnon who was the|leam. He i ry $ BE a St. Patrick D oy Rowett Bentley. hi Pest conch of the Witlcvests wi be Campbell whe wi hare the } ' [with 17 points 4 da 4 the playing conch of the Dun. goal tending chores w po t. Patric ANCE home after # slay ot the Oh nies for the game tonight. Bus hrother Lorne, Also goming wp ran ? Campheilford g ' . i, seorer for Camphellfo awa General Hospital, His played for a number of years (or the game vill he Pal The 41 Wilh siven svie. Draws Local Irish fr lends wish him # complete oie ne Dunntes and was one I Landmark, Mel Brown and DUNDAS ST. P UP declared Port Hope the vielors! whe Kathleen Rowe auditor rECOVEry of the most enlorful left wing- Stan Westfall, So pe, , has over Nicholson by the shim seorels, "oF tastefully decorated MY. #04 Mrs, James Barter, €7% €Ver (0 wear Whithy colors, Promises of & tough line up, Several of the many pupils | nual Tee Carnival on Friday | are; David Tho sites (B), | Lee (13), Karen Yates (13) of Dundas street east, are hav. We chatted with Gagnon last! So fans, you can see hy the p G ' of 46-44, Top netter for Porlly - 4 from Dundas Street Public = afternoon are shown: ahove Debra Ball 8) and Gets and Colin Brown (12) Ya BA ith 1418s Friday night to welcome ing ws their guests, Mr, Robert MERE ot the Whithy arena as line ups provided by these twe the second annual 86, Patrick's hoot who enjoyed their an- | From left (a right (front row) | WARS ~Oshawe Times Photo points and the high scorer for, . if' Barter and Mrs, Eddy Bujold {men that they are leaving no Beha Wo ERIoY ! Bud frey Cartwright (13), Donna Shavh Times THO points ARG the | Dance The walls were de father and sister of Mr, Barter, {stone unturned in getting the eorated in shamrocks, TA cay) of Gasne. Quehoe WHITBY [best that ean be had for this | wwe ' Dundas Schoo pipes and the traditional top - ' First Robin St, 1 hats, The 'shies were covered, Mrs, Joan Hill, Mrs. N Berg: | | ate: J 2, IJ igi w Tom OWNS 1 an mar ' in white paper cloths with sham- man, Mr. and Mrs. C. Garratt BOWLING NEWS was a young fellow just fn his . 'Has Ice Camival rocks and Mrs. ¥. Beer attended &! {prime of life at. 19. This most Si hted In \ Dundas Street East Carnival MT 1. Sheedy acted as master|01y 8t Hart House, Toronts, on FRIDAY NITERS {unfortunate accident may mean g i. das Friday at the Whit. Of ceremonies for the evening Monday evening, Mrs, Will wasi Team Standing ~ Alley Oopsithe end of is hockey career # nm gy whe TI with Mr, Swerdfeger, the prin. PYEsented with an award for thelg (67,450); Dows 7 (46.898); Dieland some of his other activities, LJ hy arenas under the auspices of | . {presentation of "Therese Mrs. Hards 5 (66,675); High B i A Destroyed By Fire | Whitby the Home and choo! Associa | "P41, doing the calling of the| ped rE president of Whithy | (#7519); Spry oy al iid LL I a wont "Fa in the Jr. B East-|Gen Samatenkn A by # score of 5448. Senior Championship when they A ele! ¢ k ert rt Tots Tenens mary oid of BJs ooh Bel rr os Ei (he ter Remon, with nts. Top\Henry's lop marksman was i / 4 A ne Br " marksmen for the for hel Allan Giveon with his 19 points | (Vers. To PUERts, Were: MY. ial ever since and is ging 19 hel and "Chartie Burns, I wae Little with 15 points. |Cameron netted the most 08 yo "Ba" Finan Myr and Mrs | TE7C for 8 few days vet we wie he is hack (rom Boston in time, Fort Hope with 13 points ig Bh bss Aeritand Alomg with 6; this wes the second we J dames MeCarroll, Mr, and Mrs a In the Junior @vi| Other Henry scorers were Joe Corrigan and Mr. and Mrs TOM Was one of the hest Wked add Wp As A y Longh nT Can wa ren a, gin, ems Sf am Male ot, he hk em id i ark on the Winthy spring, since there is no well st One neighbor said that the V3 'n Hong " a a . EE EE TT (Wizards § (68,106); Spark Plugs some insurance, but no team ex- AL Ra h Township the Burgess home house was moved hy hand On Monday afternoon (he sun Canada. Mrs, Bruce ine h wel-| The Aan yf" Prizes were Won TITLE FIGHT SEY (2 (64,567) pects ta have anything like this boundary burned to the ground The Brooklin Fire Brigade power and was to have heen Crossed the equator to usher he yiryone Jepkon ATTN ig oot dances - Mr.| PITTEBURGH (AP) Hara Men's High Triple Ron happen, on Monday, temporarily making was summoned to the scene andl located on & lot in @ field on firing In omelany. Appropriate oT ney Tey nd Mrs, % Sugion and Mr. Johnaom, National Boxing Amor Brags, Wh i, ib). Roni. THe expenses are terrific (0 058, se, Arrive e Upper Storey h W ' Y dog Fad Wan; ciation light-heavywel cham: Men's Hi ingle ~ on) two men homeless, The house, arrived to find the upper storey the south side, or Whithy Town signals the end of winter. too, man, Casey Skipper, Wayne dances - Mrs, A. Bell and So i Na hes fu HA against Brags, 328 EB 14 " Whe loasil con \o bil e nearly one and half centuries in flames, Using water from al ship side, of the road, However Ht ! o y / Reads. | ae | 1e first robin was reported in{Planchard, Douglas Reads jack Wilson; while Mr, andl Von Clay in a 16-round hout at| (og? pu » , Whithy Helen Corbett, Charles Brown, Mrs, G, Thhitson won wnani| Philadelphia April #4, | Ledics B.. ih Friple ~ BubY| eof him re-established in his old, acquired is fame because! tank truck, the brigade soon had he sald, a dispute Arve #hout | it had heen within two feet of the fire almost under control the ownership of the proposed i Rattle L . : the edge of the road for 125 when the water supply againisite, and the house was set on Mrs, D, C, Bremner, 121 Bell Betty Molynenusx. Lm, ¥ atte mously the step-dancing and Mr,| Paul Sullivan, chairman of Ladies' High Single -- Ruby sehonl work Ao fans iy Again @ oul at the crucial moment the south side of the road, he. Prive, reported seeing the robin| so. BEBEFT BUNDROR, WRUFER ang Mrs, H, Attwood were|the NBA's world championships we say, please come out for this yours y and the house whs lost 10 the|tween the Tail fence and the early Monday moming, severaj|bichards, Arie en' Harrison, oho M'F the hest square committee, said Monday night) ¢ 06. game, remember i could he fhe five too. twa; Storey and the hovse was Joni to the ed oon TS d Ate wn ud hours ahead of schedule hut Resp Bowyer, Wayne Ridges, dancing rouple 4 [Johnson has agreed to the hat-| #00 Triples -- Boh Brown. 664 some of your loved ones whe house was the home of Hares finmes : Hae Trt ho otherwise & frie indication of| Bobby Richards, Jane Heer (tle, Johnson and Clay are from|(304); Dink Bye 645 (248, 241); are in the same position, Let's SUTRASy, 4. 20d Via son Alert Raliving igi oo ah ry hors / sayud d th finer days ahead. schop, Sharon Mehring, Susan) During intermission, the lucky Philadelphia 4 Hoss Spencer B44 (202, 268); Bill hope it never happens, but it 41. On Monday forenoon, the aged to salvage some of the fur asement was dug and the 2 Ni viz " . d , t 4 elder Mr, Burgess was sitting! niture from the ground floor but| road eventually gave way to the! Some weeks go, nother Hioléan, poe gan, four a Not rn ley oil ingan won the eran in an Rhancer ML ST #1); Everelt aud! 20. with fie wotlls ua heside the kitchen stove in his\nothing was saved from the up-|north side of the house, with an Whithy resident, I OWman, | | 4 'K ' b ' y favorite chair when he heard a|stairs, Saved from the fire was|imperceptible jog in the road Dundas Bt, E., reported sighting lar § : The executive provided a lovely| Bowdry of Bt, Louis Feh, 7 after] Lemon Teague ~ Dave Mor: house for this, the most impos noise on the roof of the house, Mr, Burgess' violin, a Petro|at this point seven robins near the Oshawa| The children were treated with "0" F0 nip of| he NBA withdrew its recogni-|ten #6. Il Kirk 0, Carol Rad-|(ant hockey game In Whithy He went out to investigate Vetini, and a small amount of Although the home was on| Creek in Oshawa, Mr, Bowman|chocolate bars and the kinder Mor % Pane canvenorship of | ion of Archie Moore as king be: clyfe 77, Betty Grant 02, Diane|year so far #8 we are con and found that the driver of athe trapping gear he had used public property, the Burgess| stated at'that time that the birds 1h 5 Vasco, | cause of Inactivity, Smith 68, 86 cerned, Hampton Creamery (ruck lin younger years family still had to pay taxes, In|probably had spent the winter| -- Perey Westlake, was on the roof! Lost in the blaze, besides 1931, when they moved there, |in Oshawa and were not migrat- with & pall of water trying to|most of the furniture and their|the annual taxes payable to|ing north, =) quell a small blaze in the wood: clothing, was & ton of coal in al Whithy Township on a house en shingles, The driver, it turn: woodshed at the side of the!that missed being in Reach | » . / | . {Township by less than 10 feet, | D Ch ed out later, had observed the house |were $3, In 1060, the taxes had! 18SMI1ss arge fire, hell tarted | y y amber igi nl and MOVED Fou REACH increased lo 313 " i ' ' t tion. elghhors along the townline | ert Burgess, who est F iT Y Id he eh npn fechlled that thelr parents had mated the ows at $4800 4 u 1d all 10 lle Lo m that at ene time the(that he was planning on pur 1 . Wile efforts to stop the five, (house was In Heach Township, | chasing a lot in the field be A en BRP Guest oi however, were hampered when|about one - quarter mile north!the house to move it again yield the right of way against the supply of water failed, It|of the roadway. It is believed! Mr Burgess will now make Dennis Kory of 187 Waverly was nearly a quarter - mile to|that it was moved (o the wide of (his home with one of his other ova nue, Oshawa, in Whithy the nearest water supply, a'the road 125 YORTS REO, sons or daughters, Magistrate's Court, Monday a am ¢ | afternoon bg The charge arose from a car ; necidgnt resulting In $560 dam. age At Dundas and Byron streets on February 26 C, Doiron of 108 Agnes street, Oshawa, who was the driver of the other car, stated that he was going east on Dun das street and didn't see the defendant's car until It was right in front of him Bargeant C, Partington of the Whithy Police Department sald the Kory car was struck on the left rear fender when apparent: ly making a left hand turn onto undas street Terence Kelly, lawyer, said that no evidence had heen intro duced to establish that his client had been making an improper turn or that he had failed to yield the right of way Magistrate C, W. Guest dis WP gi wor, LA missed the charge against Den: A ei. 8 | nis Kory, Passing On Hill a assing On Hi i TH WP ALN Bk 3 Costs $25, Costs ONLY ASHES REMAIN OF TOWNSHIP LANDMARK Larne Martin of 518 Fairleigh " - | . ------ "7 |avenue, Oshawa, was Monday Fi d F {Mason of the Whithy Roliee De: Aved, In a on when he partment noticed a pipe drag: | H P { t pleaded guilty to charge of pass: ine or [pant along the ground behind das er ec Ing on a hill in Whithy Traffie the vehicle, When he pulled him Court, Monday, aver he tested the handbrake : Whitby Palice Const ! Faulty and found the vehicle would not | Crib Hand Raker "a agin pn | stop from rolling down a slight od to pass a bus on Dundas | incline Mrs, Belle Grylls of RR No. street and nearly caused an an I'd es | #ubrisky blamed the many: & Whithy, had her first perfect accident when an oncoming ve: facturer for installing ineffee: cribbage hand during a game hele appenred over the crest of a Defective handbrakes o os t/Hve brakes and sald he had Sunday night Julian Zubrisky of Lot 37, Con. been driving for 83 years with: She and her husband were! Martin stated that the bus cession 6, Whithy, $10 and costs Out an accident : playing at the home of Mr. and had kept flicking its lights for a ; WASHINGTON S DAYS in Whithy Traffic Court, Mon:| Magistrate C. W. Guest, in M5 Isao Puckrin of RR 3, [vight hand tur but never did LE judgment, said the defendant's| Whithy, when the rarity cour: se day } 4 § Mr, Bubrisky was travelling brakes had not heen in working|"®1. She received three fives Magistrate C. W, Gues g : WwW S0uth on Hrack street north res(order when the officer checked | An the jack of spades in her Mare have hon "le NE ORLEANS . 16 DAYS cently when Constable Jack them and and the five of spades/iou" accident When he had to eee | WAR tUPROA up, This gave her a : ! {total of 30 points, J oy o Av4 ano BOSTON LL I S DAYS P 2 | Mr, and Mrs, Grylls defeated" ming 8 BROCK vening Shows at 7 and 8:25 far and Mrs, Puckrin In the! Charges Again Mary HW, ware Lost Complete Show Av @i2y lime "Anan ot 1 Review drive VIRGINIA . ... 8 DAYS SHEDS NEW LIGHT {Church street, Plokering and LEGIONS OF WW Molin ON Lh 8 0 Wale So remanded © To VO ~ CALIFORNIA . . 16 DAYS pitcher obtained from Cinein:| A charge of failing to make nati, says he, not My Martin, a full stop against William THE NILE may have landed the blow that/Kdward Agnew of Toronto and : fractured the cheekbone of Chis| charge of speeding against i tage Cubs' pitcher Jim Brewer Kenneth Cortney Mason of Little i _ ast season Britain were withdrawn, Five OSTA MAR WARE & The Cubs later sued Martin other charges were re-issued Ciao RA i ed and the Cincinnati club for $1, -------- KH § } : i ) | y § i 000,000, The suit is still pend SECURITY SNAG N . WRT ys » RT Imes a) RE patna Y . ait Rare DIY SNAG, ARRY DONALD, AGENT OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 4 \ Pe EN ane of the first Players to reach Security ofhoers at & Berkshire _ 300 DUNDAS §T, EAST, PHONE MO 8.3675 18 PRINCE STREET PHONE RA 3224) wo ' » the mound after Hrewer had/Misslle factory are having BRAT INES nr, Que, tue wit dane rn ind after Brewer rouble disposing of their seere AJAX (NORTH) Dh, SHOR, PH: WH 3.03% SSe plate with a piteh. "T grabbed Papers, They used to burn them, J - PLU cond Feature Attraction Rrewer in a headlock with my/but housewives complained the ; i iN = NELL IS A city ENTERTAINMENT left arm and hit him a couple smoke ruined their washing ; ' : With, == Stanley Boker, John Crawlord A jof mood ones with my right/Now officers are looking for a HL" he said {security-consclous pulp mill BY rm ni --

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