OSHAWA members of Osh Club sre already for the presenta third NE (Arcus The the awa Shrine laying plans tion of their Shrine Cire Clyde Bros annual featuring al the | Bhriners SHRINE CLUB Stadium 0.000 | America sort 17 to the annual Memorial May 26 and 27, The in North Temples own hospitals of $22,000 506 Kinsmen with 156 of their exlent $lif LAYS PLANS FOR ANNUAL ly, Two of the hospitals in | ties Canada treat all erippled ehil: | fo drer 56 of race, eolor left or creed, The 20 Shrine Clubs y in Ontario raise approximate ly 970,000 for their local enan 5 Been the going over plan f from Wrens, sealed Chari Taylor egardle ; FREA Sleeman John K } Glover, Standing, from left are Douglas and OBITUARIES THOMAS HERBERT STAINTON Thomas Herbert died Monday at the manville He the former er thres est Car Mrs, Cl of Bowman al Ho er Memoir vile | Creep Mrs, Brn Toronto after of of n | rence £) f na (Be ff of Toronto of Bow n Enniskillen sa Sent and five Eric ville; Leonard, of James, of Everett, Washington UB.A.: Henry I and Robert, of Bowmanville The deceased Enniskillen, the James and Barah married at Hayden, Oct, 14 1907. He farmed for 36 years at Hampton after previously farm ing in Enniskillen. He a member of the Hampton United Church { of Tone ir late Wak on of the Stainton, He norn was {funeral Toronto Har { Dickson Dickson larence Melvin IFYIVINE Are two BISLE w Bi d two brothers in Ne ir wick The remair Will Td al he Armstrong Funeral il io 4 pn and NEB res Home today Fhe intermen am will he al GERALD W. HARBRON Following Hines death occurred at the Osh Hospital Monday March Elsie Jean M thew beloved wile of Gerald W. Harhron, of Whithy, She wa n her 52nd year A daughter of the late Albert and Katherine Matthews, the de ceased was horn at Brougham and was married in Brougham United Church in 1934, She had lived in Whithy for three months A of the Toronto MRS a prolonged Ihe va General wn, of graduate from ) CAPSULE NEWS CITY COUNCIL NEWS IN BRIEF ht refused 1961 adecy of the medical | H to 4 sion endment JET In Planes yv10) actic office ences in R f AR Aer Mon BOvern (CP lea £) W api ORL § i fic { ofhcial gia pend H aa fa £ large afl I in rather to the aire Hu Littlewood airline's equip told the flight roman I CONFERENCE 0 Hotel, that the Moon president of the ment re ( HOUSING Ihe Hamilton thi ni ] Connaugn Ontario hy 4 4 of the Ho J Une VE Ninth An Confer hana y CERNE al earch divi manned on Ontario Dats nual SINE anadian Club being hindered notion ence are J Wi hy futuristic rocket flight NEW MANUAL of Chamber of Com requested that city bringing 1k vintage city manual up Loj The chamber says (hel original request' came from the McLaughlin Public Library, WANT Oshawa merce ha con ships making ENROLMENT AT PEAK OTTAWA (CP) Enrolment { universities el record In year, the SPACE council Ider 1957 date al and he Do dnadian colleges has current acaaemic minion Bureau of Statistics re CIRCUS Douglas Warren son and Ceri Ives president Charles Lloyd Cor special events chairman Eli Oshawa Times Photo are Ott, LECASUFer More Simple Asked of Overseas Miss He said letter recently a Canadian g the Congo horaery have taken place concern ad received a on fa A Week ago missionarie in A nla where rink AVRO GAINS CONTROL TORONTO (CP) craft announced Monday zained management control Richardson Boal of Tonawanda, N.Y it ha Cn with AVID nciated when hecame last as year cruisers built hulls for Richardson Mon from several hundred miles from! £4 nO (female) Avro Air A | physiotherapy t Richardson Aven Bond Trader Jaycee Speaker A Torontn bond trader spoke RE the meeting of the Oshawg Jumior Chamber of Commeres in Botel Gennsha, Monday might ""Ehugh the marketing of se cwrities, Canada's wmanstry has deveinped tremendously, wand wnder compelent legdersiig will continue 16 Ao 59, despite MBps and minor recessions', he ssid The schedule for the Jayeee SPFIBE CIMIEEERER WRSE RIROWAL: | ed at the meeting. It will bel held at Hotel Genosha, Mar. 24 and 25. The Hon. Michael Starr will speak at a dinner, Saturday #78 pm Acting Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck will speak at 5 2.15 p.m luncheon, also on Saturday. The | remainder of the weekend in| | cluded business sessions and al tour of the National Stud Farm. At & Monday might draw, from! i tickets sold at the recent Jaycee | RRSOT RIN, the winner \ Norman Malley, of 922 Simene! istreet north. He won a telephone with free installation and some peid wp service CITY AND DISTRICT SPECIAL, SPEAKER Pierre Souvarian of the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toroms, | will be the speaker at the meet ing of the Oshawa Branch of the Ontario Begistered Musi Teachers' Association in he held tomorrow evening gl home of Mrs. J, A. Marshall Athol street east COMPLETES COURSE Ernest 7. Seeney, of 440 Cen tre street, Oshawa, has just re turned from a two-week auc tioneering course in Mason City lowa. Mr. Seeney, who has heen iwith General Motors for 11 \vears, said he does auctioneer ing as a sideline. He said the course taught clear speech, live istock judging and evaluation of articles | : | HOSPITAL REPORT Following is the report of the Oshawa General Hospital for the week ending Mar, 18: Ad 5 missions, 262; births (male), 25 14; discharges, 258 newhorn discharges (male), 24 i (female), 18; major surgery 64; minor surgery, #1; eye, ear <i nose and throat, 58; treatments (land examinations, 101; casts, 20 reatments, 434 VISITORS AT ROTARY Visitors at the Monday lunch startedieon of the Rotary Club of Osh. 108 production of aluminum-planked| awa included W B, Cane and Dr. C, C. Stewart of Oshawa the 188 RR RGB Dis was THE WEATHER OFFICE says skies pre expected 19 become cloudy today in south: | WEATHER FORECAST THE OSHAWA TIES, Tassiey, Merch 31, WH § ern Ontario and southern Que: hee. Rain is expected in sou thern Ontario regions ioday More Sunny Skies Some Rain Later TORONTO (CP) ~ Forecasts ed at 5 a.m Synopsis: Skies are clear over much of Ontario except in areas near Lake Erie and southern Lake Huron, These regions clouded over during the night in advance of a8 weather disturb ance tracking northward up the Mississippi Valley, Rain is fore cast to reach the Windsor ares noon and spread most of Southern On Farther north the is likely to hegin today { about out over tario tonight precipitation a8 snow Lake Erie, southern Lake Hu ron regions, Windsor, London Phickening cloud this morning with rain heginning about noon Rain or drizzle tonight with ex tensive fog developing after mid- night, Wednesday mostly cloudy with little change in tempera ture, Winds east 20-30 today light Wednesday Northern Lake Huron, western Lake Ontario, Niagara regions, Toronto, Hamilton lelouding over developing late tonight cloudy with temperature Wednesday change In Winds Sunny, this afternoon. | Rain beginning by evening and| continuing overnight, Extensive) little | UNITED NATIONS (CP) wo Ambassador Manual Bishe, # Cuban delegate 19 the Sned Nations, & nd a heart attack Monday before he was 19 pitend ing of the General A Bishe was talking to Foreign Minister Baul Rog in 8 UN corridor when he slumped to the floor, He was given med- ical attention and # Priest pd ministered the last rites hut he died before he could he moved to the UN clinic, TALLY-HO ROOM A good Place To Meet and Relax HOTEL LANCASTER Forecast temperatures Low tonight, high Wednesday; Windsor BL. Thomas risers KMehener 1oriereer London Wingham sss000000 Toroms ,,,, Peterborough ,.::, Trenton St, Catharines ,s,:+ Hamilon soorvvvser B Muskoka Killaloe ;,500» ERriton sssseevsrer Sudbury sreveveeer North Bay Kapuskasing | SHEET METAL WORKERS All Non-Orgenized Sheet Metal Workers Are Invited To Attend A MASS MEETING TO BE HELD AT U.A.W. HALL (44 Bond St, E) rrerRrrRSY Kd FRRRERRIIES pera gern RRRr [STRESS INEIRSS inland Rotarians Clare Garton, of easterly 20-80 today, light Wed- | Tonawanda and the an- Bowmanville and Bert Watters, | nesday f seminar on civic design|iH000 students enrolled at Dec |nouncement said the same pro-|of Ajax A Eastern Lake Ontario, Geor- held at Stratford, Ont, |" @n increase of more than 1loaq,pe will continu |gian Bay, Haliburton, Kirkland from July 23 to|P€! 102,000 8tu| pow management EASTER BF L CAMPAIGN Laké regions, North Bay, Sud Idents reported at the same time | Rotarian Stanley ¥, Lovelllpury: Sunny today, Cloudy with la year earlier, Ontario's gain KILLED BY BUS {told members of the Roary vain tonight, possibly beginning {was 0.2 per cent TORONTO (( Ph Mm. Mx Club o Oshawa Monday, that! as snow, Wednesday eloudy with | toinette Altilia, 65, was killed $5464 has heen receive 0: 0 SIZE STANDARDS Iaronday when struck by a bus at iki] the club's Easter Seal TAIN ending in the forenoon, Lit WA (CP) Enactmentis cuhway terminal, She was the| campaign te change in temperature, Mayors and Municipalities willlof regulations governing. stand-|aoih traffic vietim in Metropol : Winds light, becoming easterly he Jou ih Halifax, N.8, May lard Canadian clothing sizes Was jtan Toronto this year compared CILUR DONATED $1 io Ba afternoon light Wed June §, ' announced Monday hy Trade) gin 24 the same time last) At their meeting last week "E05 Minister Hees, A "Canadalyear . |members of the Roary Club of n Timmins-Kapuskasing, a ke {standard size' label has been Oshawa contribute oward River regions: Bunny and very London, Ont,, will host the an (designed to identify garments| WILL, GET TOUGHER the henefit fund for 'Thomas|mild today. Clouding over and nual convention of the Associa [manufactured to the required! NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP)|Chasczewski who was severely not quite so mild Wednesday Fines for thefts from newspaper|injured. in 8 hockey game allwith a few showers or snowflur: |Whithy recently (ries in the afternoon Winds tion of Ontario Mayors and|coecifications The size designa am southerly 15-26 LETTER OF APPRECIATION *?Uhery Reeves next June 25 to 28 Inclu-{iion of children's clothing, based|street vending hoxes will he At a recent meeting the mem: | T 0 b Normal School, Mrs. Harbron Superstructures are taught at 88 1, Pickering Town ship, prior to her marriage, She| was a member of Burns Preshy- will be terian Church, Ashburn, where pexi she lived before moving Whithy Besides Funeral will be from the Mor ris Funeral Chapel, Wednesday Mar, 22, at 2 pom. Rev. VF. J Reed, of Hampton United Church, will conduct the service Interment will he in the Bow- manville Cemetery MRS, LOTTIE P, DODGE | Harbron The death occurred at the| 72! fers, Memorial Hospital, Bowman-|| cme) ville, of Lottie Pearl Horn widow of Norman Doidge, Sun-| day, after a lengthy illness. She was in her 70th year ported Monday, There were worth DESIGN BEMINAR A TUES. MARCH 21, 8:00 P.M. Improve Your Wages And Working Conditions, Join The Union Of Your Trade the under cent above Lhe summer 10 the 26th her husband, Mrs CONFERENCE DATES Is survived by (WO fhe 24th annual conference of § Mrs, W Whithey| (he Canadian Federation of OTTA of Ajax and Miss Ina fg Jean Harbron, at home and one grandson The funeral service will he held at the W. C, Town Funeral She Is survived hy two bro. Chapel, Whithy, at 2 p.m. Thurs: thers William and Fdgar and|4ay, Mar, 23, Interment will he three sisters, Minnie, Norah and|!l Frékine Cemetery, Dunbarton Mrs. T. Wray (Mary), Besides Rey W. Perry, pastor of Burns her hushand she was predeceas Presbyterian Church, will con ed by a brother John and a sis.| 9c! the services ter Maude The deceased was horn in Hampton, She lived much of her| married life in Oshawa, but had resided in Hampton for a SHEET METAL WORKERS INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION LOCAL UNION 30-B RA 8-2231 at MEET AT LONDON APPROVE DEBENTURE Council approved a $08,000 de-| henture issue for construction of a four-room addition to Co-|CANADIANS NOT AFFECTED FUNERAL oF PERCY R, HOPKINS The funeral service for Percy R. Hopkins, 128 Rosedale av 8 hive lon age, was considered unsatis-|progressively increased and if [necessary jail terms will be im hers of the Rotary Club of Osh: awa contributed $168.25 to assist| factory, since body measure:| ments among children of the|posed, Magistrate Johnstone Ro herts said Monday. Peter ¥a the Rotary Club of Ancud, Chile, | Age may vary $ hian, 62, and Joseph Bt Pierre, 84, were convicted of same number of years hefore she died She was a member of Hampton United Church Funeral arrangements were hv the Morris Funeral Chapel Bowmanville, The service was held at 2.30 p.m., today, Inter ment was in Hampton Ceme tery CLARENCE DICKSON The death occurred Monday, Mar, 20, at the home of his son, Walter Dixon, town line north, Darlington township, of Clarence Dickson. The deceas ed, who had been in poor health|' was in his 60th | for three years, year A son of Mrs, Laura Dickson and the late Amos Dickson, the deceased was horn Feh, §, 1803 at Goshen, NB. A resident of Oshawa and district for five years, he came to this area from Alma, NB Mr, Dickson is survived hy his wife, the former Daisy Sim onds, of Oshawa; his mother Mrs. Laura Dickson, of Albert County, New Brunswick; four daughters, Mrs, Richard Elliott (Norma). New Tarontn, Mrs John Koides (Dora), Toronto; Miss Barbara Dickson, Oshawa and Mrs, Garfield Brewster (Alice) of Hopewell Hill, NB and four sons, Walter Dixon, Oshawa; Marvin Dickson, Whit. COMING EVENTS RUMMAGE sale at Simeoe Hall, Osh awa Lioneties, Friday, March 24, 1.30 Appliances, dishes, househdld ohildron's clothing, Jewelry, pocket navels, Coffee 03 ocenls RINGO -- Wednesday, 3 pom. Euchre, Wednesday, 8 pm. Eastview Park FERNHILL Bingo tonight at the Ava fon, 7.30 pom. 30 games 8 and $10 Seven $0 Jackpots, doer prises, KINSMEN BINGO TUESDAY, MAR. 21st FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 54 and 52 TEAM | JUBILEE PAVILION NEARLY NEW SHOP PRE-EASTER SALE Thursday and Friday 209%PM enue, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital Thursday Mar, 16, was held at the Me Intosh-Anderson Fune Home at 2 pm. Monday, Mar, 20 The service was largely at tended and the many floral trib utes indicated the high esteem in which the deceased was held {in the community The services were conducted by Rev. R. B. Milroy, minister magistrate's court, Monday, you of Knox Preshyterian Church, could hear the "conk' all the Interment was in Mount Lawn|Way across the road whem her Cemetery husband was hit on the head The active pallbearers were With a heavy oil can, Mar, 4 Bennett, C. Henry, C. Cox William David Mills, 22, of 126 Walters, I. Johnston and Athabasca avenue, was fined P, Gilhert $100 or two months in jail, for | The honorary pallbearers, all assault oceasioning hodily harm, {members of the session of Knox hy Magistrate F, 8, Ehbhs {Church, were C, MelLennen, M Frank Davis, of 22 Elm street, {MeGregor, A, T, Mills, J. Swin:|had to have eight stitches to dells, J, J. Kerr, N. McDonald, close a head wound received R, Miners, V. Harvey, R. C.|from the oil can, "He had blood Scott, A, Griffiths, J, Taylor and streaming down all aver", Mrs A. H, Dancey Davis said OBIT Mrs. Davis said the accused - i had heen out front of her home F {on two previous occasions on the our Peo le night of the incident, She said a window had been broken the Hi it By Cars Mills swore at her and denied breaking the window Four Oshawa people were in-| Mills, and his companion of {fured when hit by cars, in sepa-|that night, James Walker, of 243 liam street west, suffered minor|aceasion previous to the assault gealp and forehead cuts and a They denied it while under oath. bruised right leg when he was| Acting crown attorney Bruce struck by a car on William (affleck asked for a severe pen: oJ Raiser crescent, Oshaws, ted into the matter, and if Park road north, received chest enough evidence was disclosed, | a charge of perjury should be| avenue west and Park Rd, N at 12.18 p.m, The truck was|individuals who put forth a pre driven by Ross Patton, of 336/posterous defence were brought LaSalle avenue to justice", he said, * | nant Public School 'For Assault An Oshawa woman told the A first time and she had asked Mills if he had done it, She said [rate incidents, Monday {Wilson road south, both denied Patrick Starr, § of 18 Wil | being at the Davis home on any ot 30, mm, The alty far Mills, He also asked that H \ ¥ J 'further investigation be eondue- {injuries when she was struck | by a two-ton truck at Adelaide|'aid "It is time all glib-tongued Rheal Leger, 13, of 270 Jar Mr, Mills told the court his vis street, received an injured|wife was upset and his children hip when he was struck hy alterrified when he got home that car after jumping from a bi-/night, because of the two visits eycle an Simeoe street south atihy the accused. He said he was MeGregor street, at & p.m, The|gaing to the Palice station when driver of the ear was Kennethihis wife saw the accused again field TORONTO [Church of Canada missionaries Angola h (CP) United|gtealing a newspaper ave nol been af-|ager, said B50 per cent i oY RUDITOR CHECKS CIRCULATION W, F Metcalfe, auditor audited civeula: he Oshawa Times, being a member, is establishing tion figures (seated), for the Audit Leslie Baker, distriet circulation man: of the papers placed in hoxes are sto | . [in $100 Fine fected hy recent riots, Rev, Roy Webster of the church's Board'len Willsher, of 38 Drew et Earl Conbay, 53, of 28 Ontario street, suffered a bruised upper left leg and abrasions to his| right knee and elbow, when he) was struck by- a car on King| street west, at 7.20 pm. The ST. GERTRUDE'S 490 KING §T, EAST <¢ car was driven hy Irvine Mag | Leod, of 72 Church street, Counsel for the accused was A Bureau of Ciroulations, is shown with Oshawa Times Circulation Manager R. Young going over the records of the department, The ABC, a non: profit organization, represents | newspapers and national ad vertisers for¥ihe purpose of hy the neighbor's hedge, carry. ing a gas can, He then followed the accused across the street He sald Mills pushed him, "so I hit him, He swung the ail can and hit me on the head" MacDonald, visited hy the bureau's audi tar each year and is given a certificate showing the avers age net paid eciveulation of the newspaper For many years the ARC figure I'he Times has shown a steady increase in its rehabilitation program The club has received a letter of thanks from its Chilean hrethren REMANDED ON BAIL Henry Robert Dove, 8h, 686 Phillip Murray avenue, was re manded a week on a $5000 hail when he appeared before Ma gistrate ¥, 8. Ebhbs, Menday on an incest charge STOLE NEWSPAPERS Ronald Robert Stezik, 16, of 262 Bloor street west, was fined $10 or 10 days for stealing newspapers, by Magistrate ¥ 8. Ebbs, Monday. The magis: trate gave him a year suspend ed sentence for the theft of a camera and the theft of soda pop from a machine, The court was told there was damage to the machine and damage to the newspaper box, SENTENCED TO YEAR John Gregory Pritchard, 81, of 25 Athol street west and Don ald John Shortt, 22, of Weeker drive, were each given a year definite and three months indefinite in the Ontario Reform: atory by Magistrate I, §, Kbbs, Monday. The two youths had stolen a car to attend a party in Toronto, JAILED THREE MONTHS Edward Dwaine Browning, 17, of Hl King street east, Bow manville and James Herman Campbell, 16, of 148 Colborne street east, Oshawa, were each jailed for three months by Ma gistrate ¥, 8 Ebbs, Monday They had pleaded guilty to stealing a car, March 2, and driving it 800 miles before being arrested WHEEL STOLEN A tire and wheel, valued at of a car belonging to Elgin Hray, 37 Arthur street, some time between ¥ p.m. Sunday, and 4 p.m, Monday, it was re ported hy the Oshawa Police Department today MIRRORS TAKEN The fender mirrors were stol en off a car belonging ta J Gazdik, of 38 Beatrice street while it was parked in the Hate! Genosha parking lot, Saturday evening 1} 1106 | $12, were stolen from the trunk | They were valued al \ 'Motors Stolen Basement lockers in two separate apartment buildings were hroken into during the last | few days and an outhoard motor was stolen from each one, In each case, the locker padlock had heen cut with a hack-saw, A $285, 7.5 horsepower motor was stolen from a locker he: longing to Erie McIndless, who has an apartment at 816 Sauge: nay avenue, The "extra supply" gas tank was also stolen, Mr, MelIndless said it had heen stolen in the last three or four days, A five horsepower motor was stolen from a locker at 801 Ade. laide avenue west, The locker helonged to Mr, Von Dehn, who lives in apartment nine of that huilding, CARS FOR COFFER LUTON, England (CP) = A consignment of 200 Vauxhall [oars sent to Colombia was paid for with ecffee, It was the first Nritish ear shipment to the South Amencan state in many Years, bieaning Comments Always insist that your retail shep guarantees garments sold to you fa be dry cleanable "YOUR CLEANER IS YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND" 21113,1831¢! I" Yender EAT'N U TRUE -TRIM BEEF 12 King E, -- RA 3.3633 Meat Specials! Wed, & Thurs, THURSDAY ONLY | Shage ay 5 DOZEN 49+ PEEWEE SEE WHAT $1.00 WILL BUY | (2 LBS) SLICED 00 3 dg SIDE PORK BRCON (2 LBS) SHOULDER CHOPS (3 LBS) VEAL ATTIES (ANY OF THE ABOVE ONLY 1,00) ""FREGZER SPICIALI | BEEF! Hindquarters . 58°* (GUT AND WRAPPED FREE) | THE CANADI Le MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN MARCH 20th TO MARCH 25th Memberships available at WILSON & LEE, 87 SIMCOE ST, NORTH THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT VALUE IN CANADA AN CONCERT ASSOCIATION OSHAWA BRANCH 3 CONCERTS $5.00 STUDENTS $2.50 a