Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Mar 1961, p. 2

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FE OAT A FIED, I 00Iany, WER ki, row y 4 GOOD EVENING By JACK CEARIN LOOKING AT OSHAWA IN 1351 Ks of 365 Le Selle pyanue, i » an fais CIEERE WY ME Te Fits of Big~ aw iy Crewe Mr. Bonomi, execitive curator of Henry Howse Uiiskiirg forwarded we » book, "Canada: Fast, Present and Future" by W, B. Smith, published in 1861, iat Aeysies seversl peregriphs to Oshaws ("an Indien (ying # CRITYIng Place") Here sre sme QUONES TRETEW Oshawn hae the advantage of # small, it good st wills, two distilleries, manufactory Lams FAI BES fikAe Rrln WG Kalin pe sd. ami ad nRIRE EE Ee £F ' Hike * &7y LK ' slew is 7 brewery, foundry, sxe fRetory, es, ches (Episcopal, Wesieyen Meth wotic), » newspaper (The Oshawe wh Fhe ERATE wik fee £ and Boman €C Beformer) Oshawa is # Place of considerable business. 16 hos ong had the advantage 6f PONEIRNE R SHINER BRE Chr erprising set of inhabitants, sways resdy and willing clping hand to any project likely to prove benefit aes od nN ENE RB YER A £ i from Oshawa ships of Whithy and Resch, A comp med to wonstruet # plank and gravel to Seugog Lake This will be length, Estimated cost is 4 "A I0R4 hemmed or Sheet Tne ie fs 7s s # small settlement there Where Ging tween 1100 snd 1200 inhaw SEEING EUROPE THE HARD WAY ~ J, Macl ¥ tor in our town Wednesday § COMINE the f the RCAF A fell gute Lan, Canada's minister Vis af to address Oshawa PETE sOCiation Second World & story of g the RCAF's No, 406 at Pocklington, Yorkshire, England), ew of seven, when he took off in H For Harry") June 8, 1042, for @ raid Was rR gni-Leyienant wite his ming Detroit fireman | clings to fifth floor | Ing looking tor fire that wept unfinished addition of Detroit Ae bakery. The unidentified fire man was hrought aown Two electricians glso ¢ on (hase of &.0 ® er ( 7 cation assistance mn S567) What NEoTE xi woulag nappenead months several Iwo fill te nim } the Nhe W est si he returned to Pocklington raising safely H fn Es Negi FHHIne Har well and finally forced down at night by an ME- Zuider Zee where Maclean ordered his t" starting at 1200 feet was the man out, When he landed The other who had jumped from were soon prisoners, but, by good luck MacLean was still free started his thrilling escape, travells @l Was raked by anti-girerafs capped OVE} €n 116 the to "hail ou Maclean last He Was Bloons Six VAFIous altitudes or good management That's when he | ered urreptitiously (thanks to the Allied underground) hough Belgium, Holland, France and Bpain before he finally reached an Allied sanetuary in Gibraltar, from which port he returned to England via a troop ship There were with death and enough s¢ moments to fill the life of a trapeze star ~~ such #s the time he was unable to tell an underground inter= rogator what an RAF leave pass looked like because he hadn't been on leave since he was in England, but he talked his way out, He hung around Paris for two weeks and crossed the Pyranees in the dark of night (with two other Allied fugitives), narrowly skirting German patrols, thanks to directions by the underground MacLean will likely sidestep any reference to this thrilling ehapter Wednesday, but it makes for fascinating reading and it is well recorded in an article in the No= vember, 1060, issue of The Roundel ("published on aus thority of the Chief of the Air Staff, RCAF") under the heading, "Seeing Europe The Hard Way," close brushes £n HOCKEY LIVE GLAMOROUS, BUT-- The life of an OHA Junior "A" hockey player who performs in Maple Leaf Gardens (in full view of mil» lions of television viewers) can be a glamorous one It ean also be fraught with danger, Take the case of Jackie Cole of Oshawa, a 20-year» old winger with Bt, Mike's Majors, who came up through the ranks of the Oshawa Minor Hockey Association, He was charged into the hoards with such feroeity Mareh 12, the elub doctor feared for his life for a time, Cole had convulsions on the ice (from where he was removed via streteher) when he was later ad» mitted to 8t, Joseph's Hospital, he was suffering from pulled neck tendons and concussion, He could remems her nothing of past events for several hours, The 160-pound winger suffered an ankle fracture in January, Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Cole of 277 Division treet, his parents, attend all the Major's games at the Ciarden: it ean be a harrowing ordeal when Jackie (a first Arts student at 8t, Michael's College) gets racked up" as he did recently VERT Jackie is on the mend now, back to school, and bes ginning to feel like himself again, so much so that he turned up for a practice session of the Majors late last week like an old pro, he is anxious to get back into the line-up, but nobody seems to know when that will he, if this season SHRINE CIRCUS IS BET FOR MAY Lloyd Carson is busy about town beating the drums an hehalf of the third annual Shrine Club Circus ta Be held May 26-27 at Kinsmen's Stadium, the proceeds of which go ta Shrine charities, such as the erippled kid» dies hospital in Montreal Hon, H, L, Rowntree, minister of transport for Ontario, said here Saturday night (at the award banquet of the Oshawa Safety League) that Ontario reached an all-time record for vehicle in 1060 Just aver the 2 mark, At the same time, 2.8 million drivers' lloences were issued, In 1061, total vehicle registrations are expected to reach 214 million with a propertinate inerease in drivers' licences motor registrations million council to improve the quality of Canadian industrial produc: | Hon in all lines, without inereas: {Ing costs | Trade Minister Hees, to whose department the council will re Fi part, sald the new hody estab rst eet lished by Parliament this ses a sion "got off to a good start." OTTAWA (OM) The Na:| Named to a hh dud Sadle tional Productivity Council, 24/committee were Claude Jodain men and one woman given thejof Ottawa, president of the Ca task of helping to revitalize Ca-|nadian Labor Congress: H. H nadian industry, met for its first| Hannam of Ottawa, president of regular session Manday {the Canadian Federation of Ag Prime Minister Diefenhaker|riculture; Anna Speers, a Win welcomed the delegates at their/nipeg businesswoman, and Dr initial meeting behind the closed(A. H, Zimmerman, chairman of doors of a Commons commit-|the Defence Research Board. 100 room The steering committee is The one-day meeting was de expected to hold a meeting here voled primarily ta setting up! within the next few weeks working procedures Council ohairman is Gearge Mr, Diefenbaker was reparted De Young, of Welland, president to have emphasized the need far/of Atlas Steels Limietd He measuips to be sparked by thelheads the steging committee Productivity Council Holds (CP) I ANONLRET TORONTO I he ih ost hattie Mon to amend government leg islation mimed preventing conflicts of interest among elected municipal officials Vernon Singer (1, Taronto York Centre), who moved the amendments in the legislature said they would provide penal ties for persons contravening the Ontario Municiapl Act and more clearly define a confliet of | interest The three amendments each defeated 45 to 21, the Lib erals and CCF voting together The government bill, amend:| ing the Municipal Act, provides] for an elected municipal offi cial to declare his business in terest in any matter before his council or hoard DEFEATED AGAIN Another amendment hy Mi Ringer would require a counell or local hoard to pass a reso lution hefore closing meetings| te the public, He said in this way the public could decide] whether the eouneil or loeal hoard was meeting too fre quently In camera The government hill provide that all council meetings, ex cept committee of the whole and all meetings of local hoards, except the school hoard and public commission, he open to the public Karlie, Mr. Frrost said he never will permit the attorney general to hecome invalved in legal actions involving ratepay ers and their elected represent atives Liberal Leader sald the Municiap! ently didn't preclude General Roberts from action against elected when there was evidence wrongdoing [RATE PAYERS PAY? The government has (aken {the position that in su h cases [the ratepayers, not the attor ney - general, must initiate evil action against their elected re presentatives, If the case is lost the rvatepayvers must fool the legal oosls Mr. Frost said it would be ridiculous to burden the attor: ney + general with the multitude of legal actions that would arise it groups in the provinee's| nearly 1000 munieipalities came to him for action He sald the ratepayers oan recoup losses from such eourt| cases through a private hill {presented to the legislature | Mr. Roberts told the legisla ture he will take action against municipal couneils only where [there is evidence of a criminal! act 'Small Riot erals day at | Were Wintermeyer Act appar Attorney taking officials of In Algeria | ORAN, Algeria (Reuters) [Police clashed with some 3,000 [Moslem demonstrators in {nearby m 0 s t a ganem Monday {and the army accupled the west Algerian town with tanks and armed cars A small Moslem girl was killed in the clash and officials| |sald_ three Maslems were in jured. Palice detained about 100 persons for identity cheeks. 1 | FOR AIR in the Ware fle fer WH fr ped 0 mire curved WEE qr in stilation cloud Smoth fn WOTKErS stalling Atheti ir gna A of smoke thet 81 i ie Wire math) CF Leader i Mr. Hobe With eriming) not 1ake @etion where certain alleged facDonald said concerned why did he Fhessalon erimmal pets Zainst former Wis acs al WETE HE i Canada Prepared Pearson Sees Change, 'For Atom Attack By ALEX WORN Canavan Press Mall Weiter ARNVRION (CF) Canada Ra CRRgians (AR AWE # ANCIERT WRT PAA (Re sooner Ae | festists realize fhe the Reliay | peered the cowntry wil be 16 FREE] Gossitie wilack Thi OPIWIOn Wee CEpIESIed \ Monday Wy Depaty Diescior J IF. Wallear of the Chott Defence |Coniage here He oid VT monicipel officials sarting = fowrdey cowrse fhe AIRE 15 FIRER CET RAL Wg Emotions) (endencies of jes ple who think they'd he Retier off decd (han gong TRIER # PEI Rr Wer Although the continent cova £86 #6 Wile as 15 PiRwies Warn WE of witack, even the most fikely Canadian (Frgets wowld foe SREAEEY 16 HIRI&EIC Wik tives in the United Slates, Mr Waliaer swid FALLOUT A THREAT The main threst 0 this try i% radiosctive fallow Castro Plans To Overthrow Trujillo BNEW YORK (AV)~The York Daily News reported Mon Ary might thet the Cuban regime of Premier Fidel Castro is plan RINE '6 RITANREER (he OVER ow of dictator Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic by May | in a dispatch from Washing ton, Jerry Greene, quoting "se eret Mell gence reports * the Cubans will intervene with their own grmed men i neces sary to topple Trujillo, The re t was to begin with strikes riots and general disorders Greene said the Cubans were promised support from Commu nist Ching snd Russia and thet there are already at least 0 foreign Communist officers in Cunha Wil he LEW LEU yi Liberals Lose Out In Law Change Fight Exchange, Mr Roberts replied that there are Jewish partners or firectors al present operating in connection with eight ex change members wa, and the fist doty of Cana dian officials, sspecially #0 he RATER [EVEL 18 1 ARC EEE genie io have fallont shelters Mihex Hy The federal government' s role wae fo plan, ay - HBnete ad or @ CETTE mown of finan 4 "as We Mr. Wallaar seid Mat ww ok Aetenar matters Canada Ras Rol kept my with Rassia. Is wae onby| with the establishment in 1097 of the Emergency Mepswiss Oy ERROR, RB AEGRITIRENE Mira thy wader the office of the prime iisler, That MOTE SEFiows (howght Bias Been GUeR 16 ThE comic Prospects if COMMONS IOET RIN spesch flogging the govern Finsie Wegan oi Gelenct ment's (ax INCERITE DYOEIRM ERI Ing Immediptely sitar IRE for new indasiries wn wrens of Second Word Wer and had chronic wnemplorment some A0000.000 (rained person. He wondered how the govern: pel hay ment wold fake credit for ew The college here has (rained ing & recession i wouldn't ad some 4.000 persons mit existed, but added "they pre Pretty agile at that kind of Wegieahity," CAT CAME BACK -- 180 MILES In the Liberal oppositions third grievance motion of fhe current session, he aitacked the government's dole - deprecia { PENTIOTON, BL. (CF) cation plan for industry ms "in Toby came home Monday, |Hiective," and called for & vole on Sara's Hirthdey of nen-confidence in the admin The it. 1. Rogers family which Bars, now 8 gave their ert wp as lost Mpreh when she stration jimped from the family ear BEGIN SUPPLY DEBATE the motion must come (0 @ vole vy 18 p.m. tonight, with the near Chithwaek powerful government majority Flach Persian, and 1% s old, Toby somehow ed the 180 miles here By ROBERT RICK Canadian Press Saft Weiter GTTAWA (CF) ~ Fibers Lander Fearson held owt hope [ative may Brighten by fom EWEN Ae credit due fo fhe EOVETIIRERT He told the Commons thers is #® chance the recession may be Aver By the end of the yepr--n| recession, Re said, that never existed so far as the Pisgressive Conservative administration is concerned He peered ot Canadas ean 4 un a dd 1] 4 Vin io is cause certain to swamp the opposition yoiee, The motion was intro duced ns the House went into Zh snow, Tin And freenng coi While taking into account the Ne W Approach son sald: "The hard core of un employment hetween recessions hetween pauses, or whalever TORONTO (CP)=The search CTERRINE and each recession and with leukemia in mice, the lag islature was told Monday The annual report of the On the House, indicates it now At A Gl ~n-ulance Was - . mice By THE CANADIAN PRESS similar to one another Monday, March 20, 1961 Since leukemia viruses of gil have very mueh the moving a motion of non - confi # two-day supply debate passivity that "by the end of this year we will he out of this particular recession," Mr, Pear: To e emia want call them in for virus particles mn human Sash Davise od Worke an the w £ WWEEEL ieukemia being intensified" Heh preceded with discoveries in connection P li t arin Cancer Institule, tabled in seems rohable more than one can leukemia in They are found to he clos ely Opposition Leader Pearson appearance," the report dence, said the government at "there is some reason to|titude toward areas of chronic that if leukemia in man|Unemployment has heen to deny mice ame SAYS helieve YESsEA RIERE policy | oy dey for Matresaed He pot forward & $x - Powe & 'No Thanks To Tories whad Mr. Badanat (0 take We ogre fo desl with the prow seat cm of areas of chromic nen: lay ent i, ent, tax voH A wrens, special Labor Minister Sarr chided it called for a fed the Liberals for rushing forward Monday that Canada's economic ORL ares refiahilitation agency with criticism of (he dowhiede te wovk with the provinces and, preciadon plan without produce sant guthonities in an over - alll ing any alternative, He said that plan of coomomic sid (6 de since he amownesd the plan March 7 the government Was i wlen wrged & flexible fiscal had inqwivies welnding crpital grants) Windsor, Drumbieiles, Alta, and from Cornwall, "few other areas" We said the relatively few ine public and winter works pel auiries received were an indie eats, easier credit facilities, spe-| cation that "not ton MARY Areas ai@l voegtional tratning and spe regard themselves as depressed Wiighted press Mr. Pearson attacked the gov- ernment for pitting the onus on individual sress to declare themselves as labor surplus sec tions in order to quality for the depreciation Incentive, He de scribed the formula ss wnesy- tain, confused and restrictive GOES STEP FURTHER New Party member Walter Pitman of Peterborough tried to broaden the 1ihersl motion A CCF Mew Party sub-amend ment wrged the government to implement additions] measures frmmediately to "stimulate em " @ @ " I | ai@l wrivan renewnl messwres fov| sress," Bongo Beating Behan Bows In TORONTO (CP) ~ Brendan Behan banged experimentally at West African drum, sang sng or two and occasionally cted as master of ceremonies # he made Ws official debt # an entertainer Monday might The Irish playwright drew top billing wns conferencier of mpuise!, a musical revue fea ployment. and the further growth Mong singer Nina Simone of our economy," But the move Pend EE {og Maynard Ve r gw 6 on, African Arummer Olatunji and interpre. wis riled une eeept able by Speaker Roland Michener, whe termed i "quite irrelevant" tol leader and trumpeter ative dancer Carmen de Laval the Liberal motion setting the '# theme of debate Mr, Pitman said the govern ment's formula for pinpointing SHrpis Manpower Areas does not cover municipalities, which face a new crisis, By insisting on & history of unemployment going hack to 1953, the govern ment had ignored such immedi ate causes of unemployment asl a shift in trade policies or tech nological innovations Hubert Badanal (L~Fort Wi liam), seconder of the non-con fidence motion, chose the debate as the occasion to commend the attractiveness of Fort William as an industrial centre Between calls to order by Speaker Michener, Mr. Badanai berated Mr, Diefenbaker for ex pressing doubt whether the Ca- nadign Car Company was in a!' competitive position to produce the armored personnel earrier| {Boheat at its Fort William) plant, Mr. Michener finally f h join the United States in a trade world, Stuart mie adviser of the Steel Come nadian manufacturing could provide the jobs, the | pre m Behan produced a relatively mild joke shout the Balvation Army, an Irish song to African drum and flute aecompaniment, i song from his own play, The fostage, and » quote from Shakespeare, "another famous playwright," The show is due to move (0 Broadway after a week's run , Canada Forced 'Into Trade Bloc? TORONTO (CP) Canada may be forced will - nilly to of the econ. the rest Armour, loc against any of Canada, said Monday, He told the Young Men's Ca- Club of Toronto only » roduction and the AXES AA to support the sent high standard of living Canada, yet manufacturing it will APpERT Virus same hy & the caused have much ance,' we know what to look for are intensifying our search for virus particles of this sort in human leumekia," Now f We vores wave stxresnss INERPRETING THE NFWS Mr, MacDonald said the vinelal police have ments alleging that George Powers, now helieved to walter B, a Baull . Bie hotel, had operated a ging establishment and tempted to seduce 1] old girl. He raised the in the House twice last "AL no time to me hy m charges should he Roberts replied hotly have a police state if a govern ment of your ecoloy in power My pro fale fee he a Marie haontleg al YEAT matter week sworn Wis law officers that laid," Was MacDonald also asked the attorney general whether It was true Jews may not ob tain seats on the Toronto Block Indian Beat Daughter With Hose HRANTFORD (CP) Mugis trate John Bhillin glon gave Ntanley Jonathan of the Bix Na tions Indian pended sentence reserve a Monday BUS for | assaulting his 14-year-old daugh ter, saying children today. need more discipline but a heating with a rubber hose is too much Jonathan said he punished his daughter Heverly for neglecting household chores, He used a piece of hose hecause he couldn't find the strap he norm: ally used, The girl had seven or eight welts on her back and legs Magistrate Shillington said was ridiculous for a child to lay fd charge against a parent after diseiplining, He sald it was his experience that lack of parental juvenile courts heing filled with delinquents advice given Mr, |decide to leave "We'd wealth? Reasons South Africa Seceded By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer Why, finally, did Routh Africa the Common The question seems worth ask ing, if only for the record, Ro far, accounts differ on how the fateful decision came lo be made British reports of the closed conference sessions suggest that South Africa could have re mained in the Commonwealth if she had heen willing to offer one [millimetre of concession,' Premier Hendrik Verwoerd re torts that he was in effect frozen out hy the vindictiveness of some countries, namely Canada and the Afro-Asian nations He says that he was all set to sign a Commonwealth statement outlining the condemnation hy [the other countries of racial dis [erimination | What, then, went {What is the true story? [ACCOUNTS VARIED Allowing for the fact (hat private meetings hetween the leaders of 11 eountries, on a sub ject that arouses strong par tisan feelings, are bound to lead to varying accounts of proceed ings, it seems reasonable to give this outline of the events that forced out South Africa: All the eountries present were willing to keep South Afriea in the Commonwealth and sought sincerely for a formula that would make it possible Verwoerd valued the Cam monwealth association highly and he, toa, tried hard for a solution Last wrong? Wednesday, [oussion, rare in the history of Commonwealth conferences, it don't run - EXTENSION PHONES save wear and tear ~ come in 9 cal Ours, 3 models, Call the BELL Business Office =or ask the Nan In aur green truck &\ REN "oa ~ after 204 [discipline is a major cause of days of dignified but tense dis ' seemed certain that the "elu" would remain intact, Negotia tors had come up with a "plece of paper" containing a confer: ence communique apparently acceptable to all Then by some odd chemistry of the conference, some interae: [ton of personality, the pleture |ehanged, Perhaps the decisive | factor was that it became clear that Verwoerd did not intend to (allow non white diplomatic missions in Bouth Africa, | TOOK HARDER LINE Bince consultation is the life: blood of the Commonwealth, this | as regarded as a cardinal point, The attitude of the Afro {Aslang suddenly stiffened, There (were indications by some mem- hers that they would continue to ralge, at future conferences, the question of Routh Africa's race policies Some hinted they might have {to leave the Commonwealth if [South Africa remained | It became clear to Verwoerd that the issue was fundamental, that there was no point remain: Ing In an association many of whose members had so clearly indicated: that South Africa's presence was an embarrass ment, To other members, it became {clear that no compromise, no form of words, would do any lasting good In broad terms, that may be a [reasonably accurate version of {how the Commonwealth took the (hard way out in relinquishing [one of its founder members, It was, as the magazine the Keon: amist says, a "ouriously stirs ving" episode, one greatly in {contrast with the Common: {wealth's usual method of solv. ing problems hy simply taking no decision at all a + cleaned by w-Way Rug Cleaners, Why don't you? Nu-Way Rug Cleaners Smoking Cuts that they exist | was always the last segment of the economy to get public con sideration He cited high wages and high taxes for the plight of Canadian manufacturers An attempt hy member Walter Pitman of Peterborough te broaden the Liberal motion was ruled out of order on grounds of irrelevaney, | New Party Life Short TORONTO (CP) = The man p p 4 h- Prime Minister Diefenbaker who smokes A Pack & day pro sald the first volume of the| fh. out eight Jane oh Ms MacPherson royal commission! He an A ie two. Cy han Pl, report on transportation will he| ?%€8 i {00 F. ig Tor. submitted to the government |'"8 10 00 University of tor early in April J onto students Monday night, A CCF motion asking the Pr. Pauling, 1064 Nobel Prize names of officials who would Winner in chemistry, 1s chair. he moved out of Ottawa quickly| man of the division of chem: |in event of nuclear war .|15try and chemical engineerin, | feated 154 to 6 "was de at the California fits of | Tuesday, March 21 Technology, An authority en The Commons meels at 2:50 proteins and other "giant mole: pm, to debate an opposition| cules" of the human body, he non-confidence motion; the Sen sald "there Is no doubt" the ate meets at § p.m, average smoker reduces his life span by triple the amount of | » time he spends smoking cigar: 'Windsor Blast |; Not Caused By Gas Line? He also sald radioactive fall: out will reduce the average life span by three days but has far: [reaching results in the sacrifice of 16,000 children for every 20. |megaton atomic explosion, | WINDROR (CP)==One of two men charged with breach of duty in connection with the Met. ropolitan Store explosion Oct, 25 testified Monday as a crown witness that the gas he was (ieaning Comments me working with did not cause the should he examined blast which killed 10 persons, | Howard Schram, 58, testified| at the preliminary hearing of Charles Ingram, §6, who was Installing a gas conversion unit with him in the store's basement when an explosion wrecked the| premises and rocked downtown! Windsor Schram told of events prior| to the day of the explosion, He said he didn't consider 'bleed ing" the pilet line of air as a dangerous procedure, He told the court the explo: gion may have been caused by gas but not by gas from pipes with which he and Ingram, owner of Charles Jessup's heat ing and Plumbing Company, were working, EGGS- | PENSIVE | TIME OF THE YEAR! Did You Know... In the main Dining Room eof the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have a Full-course Dinner for ONLY 95¢, OSHAWA SHOPPING Dress halts carefully when you buy a garment, Many dare hacked with paper and cannet be dry cleaned "YOUR CLEANER 15 YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND" AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORES Step inte Spring with SMART NEW BALLERINAS, All the latest eels ours, 2 {1} 1] Specially Priced from Litz Delicatessen Canned Mussels Reg, 49% | SPECIAL ,.vvvvvrire 20 Harleigh Supplies PREPASTED WALLPAPER = 8 shades to choose from, B59' SPECIAL, single voll | FABRIC TOWN 45" & 40" Printed & Plain FORTH SAN DRAPERY FABRICS in all] colours and patterns, - Reg, ¢ up te 2.49 yd. SPECIAL 98 | YOLLES FURNITURE ONE-TIME BUY! RATTAN BASKET CHAIRS, Reg, 5.99, Special Purchase 3.99 SWAN HARDWARE KITCHEN TOOL SET, chrome finish, Bakelite handles, Potata Masher, Pancake Tumer, Basting Spoon, Deep Ladle, Narrow Spatula, comes will Wall 2 19 . Rack, Reg, 4.95, ALL FOR yy LS THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL AT OSHAWA STORE ONLY KING ST, WEST JUST E, OF BREWERS' NS O1lny ® 34 Alcoa ~~ CD IF OVER-PRODUCTION IS YOUR PROBLEM, SEE SEAROARD CASH LOANS $50 to $5,000 SERB ORR 2914 SIMCOE ST, §, OSHAWA J¥O1S IiVIDOSSY-- Sparkling LOOK FOR THE wy ' RA 8.4681 i AWNERS SO "ON TUES WED AM L RA 8.6283 v A ----------

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