THOUCHT FOR TODAY Some drivers think that caution means looking oth ways when going through » red light, VOL. 90--NO. 67 The Oshawa Times Clear sunmy dées may be thal owed late today by & rainstorm ich fe og wp the Mesh tg gad Price Mot Grey 8 Cents Per Copy OSHAWA, ONTARIO, Ts ' JESOAY, MARCH BY, 156) eed Gagnrimert, Ligue iba Haws EIGHTEEN PAGES a United Nations delegates | Cuban diplomat and scholar, of stand in the General Assembly | @ heart attack outside the chambers in a minute of si- | chambers, Standing #t lence following the death of | rostrum, from left, are Ambassador Manuel Bishe, 5, | Assembly President, Patrick AD DELEGATE Boland of Ireland and Andrew Cordier secretary general assistant AP Wirephots '1 Did All Possible' Verwoerd Tells Govt. CAPE TOWN--Prime Minis-(rican National Congress, (he Q ter Hendrik Verwoerd told Par. country's two main Negro politi liament in & message today he cal organizations had "done everything possible, Verwoerd may call for a gen to keep South Africa in theleral election, Reuters reported Commonwealth, byt Shatiers The prime minister, cham- reached a point" beyond Which nian of apartheid, was wel he could not continue, comed by emotional crowds at Verwoerd sent & message 10| yopanneshurg and Cape Town Parliament that he Sod fo Monday on his return from the address it in person this a London Commonwealth prime noon as expected, but would 40) pinisiers conference where he so Thursday _ |withdrew South Africa's appli- He said he understood thatioaeion for continued member British Fetus Minister Macmil-| pip in the Commonwealth, fan would make a statement in| on the House of Common Wednes- We shall try to bring to fhe "in these circum: do not think 1 shewid| Ad make my statement until Mr, | Macmillan has made his," FORCED OUT Nevertheless Verwoerd made his points in a message to Par- liament that he was forced to| withdraw South Africa from the| Commonwealth--a point which| his political opposition skep Kins 180th vont a coisnaed oe," "" Suspect Admits Spy Gear His tically challenged Gordon A LONDON (AP) ~ this country Verwoerd said "Whatever storms may break perhaps in Parliament tomor- row (today), they will pass; but what will not pass are our ef- forts to achieve unity among ourselves," | The Associated Press reported that some opponents claim Ver- {woerd "'planned it that way" land was not really forced out lof the Commonwealth by eriti |cism of his racial segregation) | policies The Johanneshurg crowd was estimated by the South African| Press Association at 40,000, Al | of | taking the witness stand and US. Offers Atom-Test Inspection GENEVA (Bewters) ~ The United States today proposed to let Soviet scientists inspect all puciesr devices 19 be wsed in American seismic research PrOgI Rms GENEVA (Bewters) -- Upited States delegate Arthur Dean planned tn offer new proposals to Soviet Upion delegate Sem yon Tsarapkin at today's re sumption of the three-power mi clear test han conference Dean and British Aelegate David Ormsby Lore will hold # press conference after the con clusion of the session, expected to last about three howrs, The US worked owt the new pro posals in consultation with Brit ain, the other participant in the conference The two Western Aelegates met twice Monday 19 put the finishing touches on the Amen can proposition before the 274th session of the conference, he- gun Oct, 31, 195 Ormshy-Gore said there was 2 "very real chance" of agree ment on 2 treaty in 2 matier of weeks Tsarapkin, chairman of 19 day's session, declared himself "optimistic" when he arrived here, "I am an incorrigible op timist," he said (The Associated Press re ported informants as saying the West would offer some modifi cations of previous positions without backing down on what it considers basic principles.) The conference, recessed in| December to give the Kennedy) administration a chance to ap praise the situation, has gone about two-thirds of the way to-| wards a treaty, agreeing on a preamble, 17 articles and two annexes, Observers said many contro-| versial points remained fo be) provided for, including: Safe-| guards demanded by the Soviet Union that any nuclear explo BOMBS BRING PEACE, QUIET VITRY - CHATILLON, Prange (AP) A young French paratrooper found a new way to get some pri vacy with his girl friend in a busy park on a sunny Sun- day afternoon. He tossed some hand grenades, Jacques Ducanda, 21, in uniform, was strolling with his girl alongside the lake in | the local park. Annoyed hy | { 1 sims in the PmMencan research programs will not be weed for military advantage, length of the moraioriim on small woder- ground explosions, qua of an nal inspeetions oR SHREDIEIONS underground events", and staff ing of control posts and Inspec tion teams The Russians have been CITY TAX RATE UPPED 3 MILLS | Bus Deficit, adamant in refusing to open the borders of the Soviet Upion 19 foreign inspectors more than three times a year. The West wanied 2 minimwm of 2 wn SPR INE Father Dead Wite Injured Man Charged HAMILTON (CP) -- Charles Edwards, 38-year-old father of three children, was beaten 19 desth early today and his wile severely injured by the same assailant. Police arrested 2 man and charged him with murder Mrs. Joan Edwards was taken to hospital in serious condition The couple's six-year-old davgh- ter, Vera, was also beaten pf their home across the street from the Colonial Hotel where the slaying occurred. She was taken in hospital with head in-| juries Two other children, aged one month and two years, were un- touched. A babysitter at the home had left late Monday night Waiter J. Dumas, a resident | at the hotel, was charged with| murder | David Rawlins found the cou- ple in his room at the hotel, | Mr. Edwards was an unem-| ployed caretaker, Romanian Government Reshuffled VIENNA (Reuters)--A major reshuffle in Communist Ro- mania was announced today hy occasional passershy, he [Bucharest Radio, with Gheorghe Indications earlier were that|Lonsdale, mystery man of the without being sworn, a proce: Verwoerd might make a dra-|British naval secrets trial, dra- dure that prevented his being matic announcement in Parlia- matically acknowledged in|cross-examined ment today, possibly the calling| court today that spy equipment| (The Krogers have heen iden of a general election Reuters| found in a suburban hungalow [tified hy the FBI in Washington reported, Verwoerd's message came as memorial services were held to mark the first anniversary of Sharpeville--a name which has hecome known around the world, It was at Sharpeville that 69 Negroes were killed and 150 wounded by police gunfire in an incident that provoked a five-| month-long emergency through out South Africa, The Negroes were protesting laws that re quired them to carry identifica tion passes belonged to him, The key figure of the spy trial, variously represented as an American, Russian and Ca nadian, took full blame for a radio transmitter which could he beamed to Moscow, a cigaret| lighter with secret compart ments, photographic equipment with microdots used in espion age and some fake passports The house where Seotland Yard found the assorted para-| phernalia was owned by Peter Kroger, 50, and his wife, Helen, 47 {as Morris Cohen and his wife [Lola American citizens and for mer residents of New York.) Lonsdale spoke for seven min {utes when court convened, He {made no mention of the remain: ing two defendants, British naval elerk Henry ¥, Houghton, 55, and Houghton's girl friend, Ethel E, Gee, 46, a fellow em- ployee Houghton and Gee admitted they gave Lonsdale papers re: {lating to Britain's undersea war: fare and films of drawings of the Maurer succeeding Chivu Stoica (as premier | Stoica succeeds Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej as first secretary {of the Communist party wrenched a couple of gren ades from his belt and tossed them at the nearest walkers, slightly wounding one and. frightening away the others m , ha i | The government changes were| Arrested a short time |,oonimougly' approved at to:| later, the aggressive swan |qav7c socsion of the Romanian declared to the police I Grand National Assembly. The Just wanted fo } followed a national election IMarch § DISARMAMENT PLAN 'Any Control alone Lonsdale said they were inno cent of any connection with the suspect items, He also claimed that $2600 in American money found in the house helonged to ! him # himself as an American assist: Lonsdale made his statement ant naval attache, Scotland from the defendants' table in/Yard maintained Lonsdale has Bailey courtroom without! Russian background, Police and defence forces were on the alert toprevent Any commemorative demonstra tions today. But large attend ances at the memorial services were considered unlikely be cause the government has de elared illegal both the Pan) American Congress and the Af- Old Reds Rap Congo Plan Back Lumumba Group NATIONS (CP)= tGromyko reopens the explosive, Most Afro-Asian nations also The Soviet Union today de- Congo question before the UN [were known to be apposed to nounced the proposed Congo General Assembly today after(the debate, feeling that the sit: confederation and pledged 8o- an overnight delay because of|uation is too confused to per viet assistance to the regime of the death of a Cuban delegate. mit useful discussion Antoine Gizenga Manuel Bishe, collapsed out:| yn Leopoldville, Kasavubu Soviet Foreign Minister An side the assembly hall Monday |tald six visiting American news drei Gromyko alse renewed 80: land died of a heart attack Justipaper editors and publishers the viet demands for dismissal ot hefore the Congo debate was 10/UN military operation in The UN Secretary - General Dafionen The assembly adjourned! Congo has heen a failure. Hammarskjold as an alleged 4pior ahserving a minute of sil: go Ini ' tool of the West and his replace:| 0 " Hine e the |! Wied Nations ment hy a threesman executive coon ke was expected to at Tame, conditions, ae Sw hoard ac 0 " Ong Gromyko spoke before the 98 tack the decision of $ NEO oalled to bring peace; it in fact ' . " i President Joseph Kasavubu and}, =~ . country General Assembly as 4 : Vio brought disorder hat hody opened a new round other anti-Communist Congolese We t ask the { : ih lehate on the Congo crisis. leaders to abolish the federal) ee ask the United Na Y He catled again for complete Eovernment in favor of a con wg! and Its arms to get oul thd wal of the UN Congo/federation of semi-independent and let us solve our problems in withdrawa ! our own way--we must say to them, 'You have heen our force within a month States |Buests; now it is time for you [to leave,'" | Secretary General Dag Ham marskjold sent the Security Council word that his Congo ad visory committee had recom- mended setting up a commis top-secret atomic submarine Dreadnought, They sald they knew Lonsdale as "Alex John. son" and he had represented UNITED : a . Delegates feared a bitter de UNITED NATIONS (CP) hate, rehashing all the old Soviet Foreign Minister Andrelioharges and counter charges, would set the tone for a' long CITY EMERGENCY and stormy assembly session PHONE NUMBERS The United States and othe Western nations had felt it would be better to delay dis. POLICE RA 5,113 FIRE DEPT, RA 5.6574 . HOSPITAL RA 2.2211 cussing the question until the [Congolese had a chance to work(Sion of jurists to make an on: {out their own political future, /the-spot investigation inte the but Russia insisted on discus-(slaying of Patrice Lumumba, sion now ! 3 deposed Congo premier On Red Terms LONDON (Reuters) -- Nikita Khrushchev today said the Bo. viet Union will agree to "any" control over its sweeping three: stage disarmament plan In a three-hour speech from {the central Asian republic of Kazakhstan broadeast through: out Russia hy Moscow Radio, [the Soviet premier said: "We {are not threatening anyone, On {the contrary, we do not want Firm Stand He sald Russia will "acecept| any conditions of control on dis US. Plan armament if our proposals on| disarmament are accepted," WASHINGTON (AP) A ser eret, top « bracket meeting at Khrushchev last September proposed a three-stage disarma:/the White House Monday foe: used on Kennedy administration ment plan. before the United Nations General Assembly in/intentions to display a firm face {to Russia on the crisis in Laos, New York, The stages were nuclear! he administration, one "The main thing is that we are not intimidating anyone, There is nothing awful about it, but on the contrary, pleasant,' 1. Elimination of weapons, their means of deliv: |ighiyv placed authority said. is ery and manufacture ) aking an increasingly grave 2. Prohibition of all means of view of conditions in the tiny mass destruction, ineluding/but strategic Southeast Asian chemical and biological war kingdom, where the United fare, destruction of stockpiles|States backs one faction and and further reduction of armed|Russia the other -- the latter forces and armaments to levels|with arms for pro - Commun to he agreed ist forces 3. Completion of the abolition| President Kennedy gave his of armed forces, leaving only|attention to the explosive possi: limited militia for internal or.|bility Monday in a conference der, destruction of all types of | whic h brought together such ofs conventional arms and ammuni-/ficials as Defence Secretary tion and destruction of military| Robert § McNamara, Under- equipment or its conversion to/secretary of State Chester peaceful uses, Bowles, Admiral Arleigh Burke Khrushchev made his refer-|chief of naval operations, and ence to disarmament during alt. Graham Parsons, assistant speech to agricultural leadersisecretary of state for Far East. in Alma-Ata ern affairs. Also sitting in were He said it is Communists' Kennedy's senior advisers on "deep conviction" that com- national security matters, Me- {munism will prevail in the George Budy and his deputy, | {world > (Walt W, Rostow ¥ wi Debts Costly (will levy for about Oshawa's 1961 mill rate jmp ed 19 #55 mills, 2 45 mill In crease over last year's Bi mills Industrial and commercial rates are wp four and onehal mills (0 85.5. The residential rate is wp three mills to 795 mills Farm lands rate is wp 3.5 mills to 72.5 mills The three mill increase in the residential rate is made wp of 2 £99 increase in the school rate @nd a 2.197 mill increase in the general rate Total estimated expenditures {for 1961 are $9.811,775. The city) $5,625 M9 with senior government grants! Imaking wp the difference | fi ELSIE MARGARET McCAUSLAND Car Sought In Murder Police said today they have the description of a car thought to be involved in the murder of Elsie Margaret McCausland, 24 Toronto model found stran Sunday, Search for the car and other clues, is centering in Toronto following a report that she was geen in a Toronto hotel Saturday night, Description of the car and the role it played in the murder has not heen disclosed, Mrs, McCausland was found wearing three sweaters hut shoeless on a country road near victed at nearby Newnarket a month ago of siealing linen from a motel and given a year's Jrobation. She testified she ped the man in whose name the room was registered would he sus crime, Police questioned implicated in her death. Mrs. MeClausland was born in Timmins but has been living in Toronto. Her body was found by two Toronto men early Sunday morning, Earlier, police said they he- lieved her hody was dumped Whithy, shout 30 miles east of downtown Toronto | from a car after she was mur: dered somewhere else, possibly Police said she had heen con-lin Toronto, Charges Follow Tower Disaster WASHINGTON (AP)=The air force has charged three officers|to "during the eritical period prior the loss of the tower," with neglect of duty in connec: charged with dereliction of duty, tion with the deaths of 28 men| Jan, 15 when a Texas tower ra dar station tumbled into the At. lantic during a bowling gale The air defence command, in an announcement released Mon: day, said the charges were made as a result of a prelim: inary investigation The accused officers Col, William M, Banks, who was acting commander of the Boston air defence sector at Stewart Air Force Base, New: burgh, N.Y., charged with eul- pahle negligence and dereliction of duty, Maj, William A. Sheppard, commander of a support squad: ron at Otis Air Force Base, Mass, charged with dereliction of duty The air force said the charges were based on the way the men "performed their duties imme diately prior to the disaster' off the New Jersey coast, It did not specify what acts or omissions hy the officers were involved, The squadron had direct re- sponsibility for the tower, which was part of the coastal radar screen system fo detect hostile alreraft, The tower, nicknamed Old Shaky hy its occupants, disap: peared from the radar screens at 7:88 pom, EST Jan, 15. That is accepted as the approximate time of the collapse. There were no survivors, The radar structures are called Texas towers because of Maj. Reginald I, Stark, acting commander of the squadron Bimbo Jr, Vg-year-old ele phant rides water skis on San Yegn Bay in city's outdoor | thelr resemblances to oil drill: ing rigs, JUMBO COOLS living show Sunday. His own. er, Ted DeWayne of Holly- yood, says Bimbo is a tele the man Monday and said he was not Actual expenditures for 1968 were $8854 457 Finance vice-chairman Cecil) Bint seid the mill rate in crease was partly caused by tems such as the following {which could not be eliminated and which were additions com- pared to previous years: | Increases in debt |8160.000; Deficit in bus opera tion: $21,000; Oshawa General Hospital grant: $100.000; De- creased surplus carried over from 1060, $45,000. These items alone represent an increase of over three mills "No member of council wants fo increase taxes," said Ald Bint, "but if we were to avoid an increase we would he curtail: ing essential services, He added: "All departments of the city were required to eliminate development projects and expansion which we felt were necessary. I feel all city departments and the Boar ation have keep the tax increase to an ab: solute minimum, % Other increases cited by Ald, int; Relief costs: $142,000, which the eity shares $42,000, Home for the Aged costs: $120,000 for the city shares $86, nn Traffic survey: $11,000, Mayor Christine Thomas thanked council for a "concert: ed effort to eliminate unneces- sary spending', "I regret the increase but it was unavoidable," she said, Biggest cuts were in the capi fal expenditures program, Ar proximately $310,000 was hack: estimates ed away, Fire department were chopped by $142,600, In. cluded in the euts were the pro: posed new East end fire station (874,860); an aerial ladder truck (840,000); and an ambulance ($15,760), Other cuts included Board of Works capital expenditures ($686,000) and general mainten- ance ($28,600), A traffic signals and pedes- trian crossings program took an $11,200 reduction, Air pollution control mea: sures: a $7000 program deleted, Here is a hreakdown of the hudget figures, showing the 1060 figures in brackets: Debt charges: $2,061,108; ($1,834,564), Capital expenditures: $670,061; ($617,187), Legislative and adminis trative: $345,440; ($410,870), General government and other expenses! $263,001; ($240,361), of] charges: | | Protection 19 sons and property #1489, ($1,548 - ) Public works. $973.06; (5648 » 47) Sanitation and B445.500; (5540 599) Public health: $121,778; ($1382 195) $344,785; Social ($293,218) Hospitalization: $1100; ($10, wh Social $260 964; ($161,214), Recreation and services: $316.909; ($313.848), Reserve funds: 175 009; ho est; 48,80 ($67 042) nlerest: 4 i Union Cemetery Board: $7008; ($7099). waste removal: welare: BETYINRE. House Fire Burns Baby In Oshawa An eight-month-old baby is in hospital today after Fecaving superficial bums in a $1000 hed- room Paze on Dieppe avenus early this morning. Oshawa firefighters were calls ed to the home of Mrs, A, Maryniuk, 487 Die avenue, at 4.45 a.m, Mrs, Maryniuk, her sons Nick and Waller, as wi wife ' were al home y Ricky, wag room with his pa . The other children were Walter, 4, and Debbie, 2, Nick said he threw blankets on the blaze as soon as he saw it. "It may have quelled it , some," he said, His eyebrows and hair were singed in an ef- fort to fight the fire, He said the flames could he seen from outside the house when the firefighters arrived, Fire Chief Ray Hobbs said the men were at the home more than an hour fighting the blaze and cleaning up. No cause for the fire has heen established, Damage f(o the huilding was estimated at more than $200, Damage to the cop: tents was estimaled at $800, A sister to Nick and Walter, Rose Gourlie, who alse lives at the home, was away when the fire occurred, Nick said there was damage to all three hed- rooms, but one is still usable, Laos Leaning To Red Scheme VIENTIANE (AP) = A mem her of Princg Boun Oum's Lao: tian cabinet indicated today that the pro-Western regime is swinging toward acceptance of the ld-power conference urged hy the Communists to work for peace in the war-torn Indoehis nese kingdom, "We don't care which confers ence sits," said Heonomics Min- ister Ngon Sananikone, "but it Sundry grants: $18,668; ($19, ig), OFF ON SKIS vision star and learned the skilng act a year ago, San Diego Unian Ahotagrapher | must end hostilities and guar antee Laotian neutrality," Roger Wren caught him at ®t this time, (AP Wireghota) '