16 TVR SWAWA TIES, Teewdey, Maren Ei, 196) TELEVISION LOG WERAY Chowne L~Rnllale WRENFY Chawnel b~Rnflgle CRORAY Channel HiFomilon CRAY Chowne b=Tovomts | WKBWAY Chawnel T--Rillnie WROCAY Chownel Rochester | CWIOAEY Chanel SForomie CEVRAY Channel SRarvis | m-- TUESDAY EVE, WEDNESDAY aad #08 AW yr # 12, dein 6, Dingies 4 otal wlll tn Aste. Cari Ad i Vs JB o fp / , a by > : H Vrvgre | 1g 7/1 | ! . FORGOTTEN ; Vipers 4 ' 5 : : | 4 ; Fi 609; Relies 70,5 #0 § A Le Kia a Ta : " ! : pre "718; ote ii, Co. ae wn a ; { #98; Finchars 467; PIR i] wood | "wil 4 yp / / f 4 Lr apis on ' - | pind | : hele 6 Fe hort pir with TW (27% of to bor | 2.25 ml WEDRESIAY EVE, | Sn AM, PM amd # Jo gy LY wowan [indie Time " ih rh 19:00 AM, - VE FEY Ey vor lh A apa ntin ¥ x LAL yor, Westhor ' : | ! | AL , ! fo , bd ; 4 i 4 ii AM, ers | / 4 4 \ g | Wowld the bowlers who have 1 wsived their awards for B50 gm Ld (7) Wer plesk let me know by wie Tra , ov That Is, Nehters, or w . aka 7 { £5 , Ki #16 #.M, | hm Thenive Hil aul by] ng A ' i 3 ig vA Regan = (yy ta MOTOR CITY WYORE LEAGUE ro Nichols 405 (208, "ey ae sd] y -- A ----e . - e i ww Vopr p-Rews: Westher ig Au 4 : pr . 1A " en Weathers CROSSWORD : ' Srey (4 missed, id last week, Ann $B PM EEF PREVA 5 Merkley $18 (344, 174 i144 Hews 4 d iE . 2 | Burrows 250, Yiskers "C onseniences b=Hhantiey Rrinviey ACROSS DOWN 20. Middle El i ] : . ' [id nary 40, Yodte Wa | Wt tiews; Wenthers Report 1, Untrained 1, Crops grown 22, Kxist A872 HOA ohdin iy 4.08 Up, 419, Nu W SPrnere ud Foie a Al M, ' Or Yrdip for anita 2, Organ of 100 ' (18, Gold Metal | Wh, Crom wells ! 12:06 PM, H- d BE -haped hearing [71 a rans or Cy 0d | gg pool oy | 6 serine DEemk | 9, Agron Bog 96, Whether (yd Well, W130, Koch's 00, nt | brew | b= he 10, Lender's Exchange 27, King iE CTT rr -------- n 5 i | Gon FRbultions 16 ar new exeeutives for | Fresident, Merle Foch; vies. a o the Hews; Werther sweetheart, Wild sheep Arthur's FHLE 17% jr vesident Cy. MeFeeiers; secretary i120 PM $ iA Real Melon 11, Propiesi Tet mags fi. 2 vi PONT Worry | » ALMUT "( 3 i Varion Hitchin; trensurer, Dorothy Flav hinies "Wap (anadinn vine Thieves Finn 1 | tit RETURN CAKE " , { 17S A | [Fletchers Press reporter Colin Wigs T=Rumher Fass rd fod | 12, Discuss sang (pons.) CEE ABIAE li | i TN Sari Cond We von | 1 of 14, Bick Stir up RE TT Sry 4 d=fenceh lor Fomarrow 7:80 PM, 16, Muse Citrus 269, Beer Yesterday's Answer (p11 io {HtMakiny Haneh nie frites mgs #4, Bieves wfidy Qatisihe Show | 17, Roel 8, Large #0, Like 35, Partly ERIFF'S TAILORING LEAGUE & Gloworms held their lesd last a even though the Diroopers heat them 8 ta 1, Dillies wnd Aces shared two sae and Jokers took § and left one in the Jets, Jt is now the Glownrms 81, deta 11, Deoopers 13, Dillies 18, Jokers 12 and Aces § Top howler thin week wis Jon Zam honelli, hack to normal, with #17 ( i PM, . HePews I Hab oom Figs ting ww > Proves Allnien ! COVETInG warm #1, Novrished pen isis +I 1] f / i Wason Train 18, Mother fed-yellow 32, "Faust" 40, Card Fofi oh Wee H-Marie Mulines ~Milini Run Advent: | 16 White colors 4, Be noisily game & Tom Es mama-- AAneh Party well ho It Faces . Weehetor Falher ania Toward festive 42, ftitehird a / . - 218), tatlowed hy Tanhele Johnsen ik ' " it Tidh PM, --c / Hi 06, with & lovely 96 Gf only i VM, - Meet i { #1, African \ ( Stem 48 a -- hadn't Wewn in the 1ast frame!) Jean Het he Miliary =Coumier Jie necret ' (] == =x v 4 Belleck rolled 01 with & nies 244, hr Bib PM, : Pops in the singles were Mary (Hikes rr [ihn hoclety [4 4 , " ats AN [08, Ton Wail 246, Mildred Bawke 56, I MM, 7 Snel Sirip | 28, River isle A5 u a rt - Wrats 7 Anne Proskin 322, Doreen Eyre 810, 9 Yours Truly #50 PM, 24, Witness - by | 1) 7 I Helen Macko 206 and Norms Hooper Tthir Miss Brooke HAS=My Thies Sone | 25, Conch : LA : =the World Turns |" 000g and Harvie: | 20: Conclude ee hed five lemon drops 4 200 FM, bh=First Person 26, Mischievous Darts Cragin oh, To Cora Tames §=Theatrs §4-The Price Is Right TRON a Carlyn Fertile #9, Doreen Sheshey 7 v In Court C= Wanied Dead oF Alive | og n " nd Linde Barnier b3 Lf Quon =a elon 9:00 28, Droop ne HER VERE'S executive oa ows. Weather Fray Whew 11.444 Per' Came #0, Bonthwest Au week president fon ll, Vice YD ¢ Face the Frets |" a=avi wind 44 as - ety ewiti REmarY de REE IRUN ~Wamen's Show Tet he AIR Fre irr --y o-- n ¥ ik he Fedsured iy Knapp » EIS FP, M, i=trart Mune Hal #1, Btronghold GRANDMA, AS § WAS IN BED WITH ™| 1 FIGURE | MISSED ABOUT 28 IF YA DON'T MIND, V'LL, RRL ADIHar MARL Dalat ow night 18 Nursery Behosl ~My Sister Eileen ih, Japanese YOU KNW oy EASLES FOR ver COOKIRS WHILE SICK coiteer "EM NOW, April 28 Bt 6.45 pam 86 Allert Time i PM, MEARITS wr-- - WHOLE WEEKS / A ------ United Chureh then on to the Jub) m #140 BM PM. b=A've Got A Beret 3, Fencing \ wi 4 h you ¥ hushand oF your oy Friend, al \ / W ane, nol hoth head To Wentey (ah i nil #word 1 : i 4 yl. a i Lorrie Young The Valiant Years | BT, Yen, in 2) avy! WEDNESDAY NITE Theatre BaFeier Loves Mary | Madrid . Valk ; ' LADIES LEAGUE w Hause Forty T=Naked City A ' nN ¢ #00 Thples and aver 8. Fowers 08 ewpoinl B00 PM, | sen Hou "Halt wn : VPP hiracey ook (300. 400; h. Gk Btariight Theatre Hod National School _- 10 Hin » Mverage ft , iN ay 4 d (dod, 8307, and O. Misstak 601 (868) f . or owe eniher; | Batan y's ny 200 games and over M, Wi oe T=Qusen For A Day | g A 28 fa ow 44 ficior Malone ad" KA piorations 41, Pacifie " . EB Sawen d N. Rotery Fk Millionaire b Miami | Undercover inlands Collison id 814, ¥, Therrien 810, J, P wilt of Cochise Sid PM, | BeBest of the Fost 45, Nevada city : wi 908, § Hobinson 308, A, 14s PM, th fille 8 Service Guide | 11:00 'M 44, Conjunetion J #0. Langley Hi B. Daniel 206, B. Peares S-Deugien rol Faihanke | od me po dan Teint | 144, ea 45, Ton og, &, Wana and 0 Martin to, "0 PM, You ' / 1 | Hy v 4 ay 89, [x (Fit aer 0 a "0 Knariasn owe: Wepthers | | Yeon Thess Reoly 15 PM, { 46 Knights t a 12 my i Fars ron 81, N, Judge #5 nd i soa PM, |tegomere With Capt, = | id tls 1 Rime Fine 8 Towers 1 "Mite etters 0; King Ping §, Jokers 11 Miss ay ~Starlight Trnenire fis 1: ; ond #i Satellites 3 and AMON Team tan King Pine 18, ishhones (A a ites 8, Beatniks 6 iow Wellers 8, Jokers 4, Misfits 3 ond Please... This Year Fn Don't Forget Them... if i [= IRISH ALLATARS PLAY CRIPPLED { : WHY fled i - DUBLIN (Reuters)="The Irish T i EAL - i] HELP TH EM WALK 11 | es League (Northern Ireland) beat Ng p hy the League of Ireland 4:2 in an alls Alar soccer game Friday, 'a THIS SPACE DONAT ' MOTORS LIMITED * STAMPS BIGN TACKLE y EALGARY {CF wTackit 3 VOL) BATS YOU RED SN WE'LL BE "THiS 18 OUR) a YOU ohngon of Lethbridge, who has HOT H-WE ICE COLD WE. ) cool iH m-- " » 4 MEM MINGVERL BON, YOL, CAN, played at three United tates CAN WARM OUREFLFE _/PORCOI AR! (f I A LR VAS) LIKE ARGLING, WE THOUGHT colleges, has signed with Cals HASEQCIAT ING ' ' 7 ---- y OL BEA MITE YOUNGER pay gary Stampeders of the Western s 7 Football Conference, The sixs PY WITH : v . % {YOU pe 1 HX / Ly foot, fout-inch, 286-pound Cana: / » i / | , PS an is 4 SALLY'S SALLIES [ -- C THOUGHT, BY, GUM} WHAT'S THE MATTER, Ty hl "(SHE LIKE Sr Th "Where's the Lost Bureau?! I'm looking for my husband, Cleaning Comments se The next hest thing te new clothe ing 1s freshiy-cleaned ¢lothing, Renew your wardrobe hy diy cleaning, "YOUR CLEANER |§ YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND" VD ou TELL MASTER FEEDS OSHAWA YOUR ONE STOP CENTRE FOR WILD BIRD SEED WILD BIRD FEEDERS ICE SALY WATER SOFTENER SALY SNOW SHOVELS RABBIT PELLETS MASTER DOG FOODS BULK CEREALS 54 CHURCH ST, DIAL RA 3-2229 Free Customer Parking (om SPRING IM WORRIED ABO DAES E'0| [VOUD BETTER GET WIM HOME, hm TCWG | nose SemaNING ! PARRY WE DIDNT BEY TER| [LADY THE WOODPECKERS [ "ALONG NOEL | CANT TAKE | COME WOME pm (AX ORT TARE STARTING] A ay -- BF WHAT A FINE NICE OF YOu TO FOR ALL THE im FROM _. he Mp TO BILL A NEST J) " ow, PATIENT, 80 CONE TO SEE ME. WRONG THINGS wo ) Po CERRY ~ [3 CONSIDERATE his 1] ave pone. AND WILLING ¢ d TM SO ASHAMED.