» Ya Amicies Tor Bole i FREESE NONE sovings Swing Pw i tS Pai yeh S5 Hen! KIS Tov Die (WBNant Enotes For Bele ky Ancor ian, STEER ARALK AF ool Retote sods Sole AB--FKesl Esiots For Bele w yo wat eb per kent Pg (hoa oad Bee $45 Sewn + yapuiA oar J H BRN TRE EAS IE SW y £4 Some? Weed money? For A pig a2 fost serves, Bebop ® Rash tr ond Gener Piaenecs Bs Bumase Brest Bods, or. Mewcostie Phone wane Rh bY ¥ BEALE, leant rds ¥ i 4 poi Grisham gaew, TREY Fens 19 Sones wrest, Aa ones roe Schinh and pork. Low priced shh VEEY| PEW, BIIGK TRGE, THRE go " ~~ oA AF --hwromebite Bagpaine oe WETESR win Ee Fs wis, fgns, Bpiny, (ERK se ml gr, Sete. Browse swe. For more fama ig, Bh 7% THE OSHAWA TIES, Tassdey, Merch 31, WHY 15 SPORTS IN BRIEF ey ae 3 TRIES FOR GAWES WAKY, WESTERN FINAL RERREING mickines Ios to by the FT. CATHARINES (€ Agri ow ETHERIDOF. (EF) ~ Lath J aa a RE. SRE ER REY ll stress an ltd fEHasR, Gath Aid, LW ROE Fey mait FIVE scree 16 605. ne ik #9 7 5 wile WONTRIY (ems Wh Pra a ARDY MAGYS EO0Y SHOP ay ik EE REE WE 149% MASTATE hits frowiges Boos wp 1 Thisahs RGeh. EB idoim Wick Wings Wp £. BE mnie in $0. Foy p: gp" oy. baie WE, BE i BRIERE BEIVIAE WW Far hve cK BA . A 4 & FREER - ation Wok ines, fain» AH Wiest © rT hrt 2h IREIRMLE SAR, TAREE, OY 99 WHA TRADE 18 BOBGE VY # when Frome and whawis s/mignsr FRESE Fl 1 MERI BIR PIRES siages (00 hed wEEd A#7 ide aeed Gy Whiaww's Pps By pA Va Nd Vole oh ied on Gronts STEERS RAY EST QUAY | FURMACE FUEL OIL STOVE OL Expert Service fect ity ad a best boy WW pike wed GRIGGR fh hay, THe BA R149) WA FREE fF oH robes F AUE WRIDEIE, Vs BR RAS $5 14 BK, Bimini erhi FREIHRA £8 MA Bs Fuddy's Marne on, £8 #5 aking or 8 #4 home, In 68 hice fireplace In eh MNeturol Ham 150m moder mom 10 x Priced of $15 stantig) dawn Flesse call to ir $73 nw Lorge ot kw, seen spect [yy Mermigrs Reol 's washers, i, fh by, We list Phots ntiey, y wh We hove the been f this w : J low niles e finence. BA E0311 B-466) OWNES bungalow Kitchen pr $800 dowr manthly POYMENts raoms. Family size modern kitchen, dining and living reer WATE BY RREER 15 the shin s, [wnRacaies. Rh §HIS wl sek Ws. Than SIT Fast Fiery STE/EMNGORVE RD. § 5 gow owh hove. Viisary Ihagare Vemnenia Fr og? fires Fon Yi Bh on Wines, meng Hi mane M4 PRIVATE wie $0 , modern Bu 56 WONMREN sehen rutin Filo, bh BALE ove pars, wi gral 3 ein for the! a SEMOT THEW § gar od id ing ghd, Spt on 18 FIVE / 3 apn anid ! WH / eR RATERS, SAH faiyridin Ay Wnins, Wik : | 2 reap, Arner fa A Tah lyn Com 7 VR Srtictes Vor Sele rut iii ear at aon, CTepony, chbeman othe $10 io on The bert ok: thee semi é A dw 4 wd . A 4 44s fyi a 4, PEACOCK Pip gd the [fyi Agng preiipst. hoy Wem whem, PR BE EON a ROWING, ERI , VE, sie BIETEIER, S06 tenis bla, As Vivid o Ping 7 J Westne wheres and Ins net Cham 13, with $3, don Kit 3, 66 inisk Biiset; WA B58 LIINERE, REY $08 RR. rma LUCAS po WARY sient Donth, sven ismm WEE Gon, Tuapmns Rh STI. IF TBHE ph: f 70 ard committee, snd Won fina F164 18 the final mies REALTOR Drew street, b roomed brick Bowe, Inn wpeitte epwimens Wen A aed k sre Woke fh, plot. ov 4 or, Re he sent & lester The frst hall when we player aad fh Rens Bospts ak Wh 86 : ha p TR vr " A css hy HA emiences, Lipstons remied Io McQuay 2 Kidd * i With Terme om us SE sath WOTROR, Was W005 Fork, iit BF GOORIN Bras -- Wag, baton ool Hse tn a7 {14 on Farmer, present of the Soseries oth henches ome A 4 4 yd bh SW ae May, J ' - 5] Bhai BEAT vial Thelly Rudgst Wisk & Ghd, a $70, monthly. Seif -com sings py, vine Wh BTL IW rE TERE ALBERT 6T sing 811.408 with $1,500 REALTORS REFER messspieoly ik, Tory WRITE Wiahen copnih ln we, W Laskin thet We pres be consid A al edd P er Lol Fo%, m SIRE RA asim fos 8 : by Flere, 313 Breer of portation. Red seem Mie ad PRONE Hallow Rime hor, a . TOOK FIRST 6 ot 6 wel meinteinesd one, Hiri : K 0 LA H 0 0 D Re bah i) yA rg we | Won thaies Fistarey wis ; NEWHAN ASTOUNDED WHITRY (CF) Co Igrge rooms a Ali y. roam 8 roomed home wen Spe he ¢ 4 £6 LT 14 Bivin ig he Tr REDROOW site kin k, TRIE TORONED (CF) = Bernard) wmeis Monday foi Be 4 the / . 3 oy A oy : # , wie, Ei off large modern kitchen, and etn, 1arge A, v4s7 Fir i Whity WE ded dod BE calor, Bove, heavy PRE. ME eb Lo dest of oening fone of a Voom resents y eased g 83,500 with $50 down ! EM 39603 (Asay iPr 7; 40 i il TH RA SIH wlier § Bi yy OR » oi Wer he pete ol Ie ie for Windsor Wali Oman key Association Wn Wey Wor y Wa a Bp Wh Prmes Bisel, Apesiment pid Hondey, fe wae! termediate A final, f Hy 4 Mary Blissl or RA S86 herve, | ~~ f family home, To Inspect home, Gi madern conyenien 167 SIMCOE § # een s fo v3 i Tele Bh td stn Malo 55 In overtime plesie £9 irene Brown, ces, Wpstairs rented Pecren trade. BO Py GIRL 8 wring gon ae HE He pew . (o17 de pd : J 4 5 ' 4 £ 5 CHEVROLET, (187, 1035 Aon pedon 2 Ge i I gas doaigdiads TREE WW (tansy # erie (7 53867 tion room In basement, Price MHA RE ALE H EWEVED) Ad A a A i po GENERAL, Piece WW OR. He soi he Dens 16 faestion i i hander. ries is in Napanee bedroom brick and store ley Toe hone KA BR BE 7 Ld the legislature GRETA ST / 60ers WETROK foviden WaIE I Br ek fimis, Hos A BERTH 00% living is offered in 0% roomed trick Fie OA Koa ¢/ i AMHERST, NS (CF) ~Am i 2s storey br 4 Bonmenvilie, of meeern €or 18¢, room, herd $ file Fins oll 1 fl AM AL MONTREAL, (CF) ~Windeor hers Ramblers 4 Bn "Wie ors. rs veniences. CAPHGIy ToEaIee, floors, kitchen with Ainetis, dn. FOR THE [AKO held off» desperate last Ioitiown Penguins 149 Mondey t will Aetiaht you if you Gk # quarter rally by urd Set- might to win & berth in the ay IN trom apartments, Asking $16,500 Rkly priced londscons Owner move | Lusomatic Wns n WH Es Kon beds od $6,000 66 a6 G 7 c oR, : Verms ng to Yoh om sacri (on Phone BA 545% ie of # Worgame, (LRP series semi-final agonal Granby Vie Vics living Approved building ets ox 4 asking ore Bid./00, CAR FOR CASH, Vid DIXON'S [for the Eastern Canada mor of dining room Taunton Rosd. Price $800 OW WE $ Aly asin i hone BA Bib RA 3-4663 I haskethail iy ohahlp I= bbe he Ms Ts " : b 6 YEG / 9G 18268 Simson Boss aia A bill, #4 ' Vies play here Saturday kitchen. Master bed per ot 6 ated on Wilson dd new, best oiler, £ _-- ea a. -- ST. _, 5 ; fur ' Rd. 5 Coll now tg Inspect, vie wheels ad DYerdnve 800 with 8 518 2 109M a House Ww th © ny § fs Q V wh i . 2 4 : Wik h A ol oe. FILTER Go Bales snd Berry Free ph dni ace, mall barn on 10 geres Jock APPIchy, RA rook Or I ortee lil s" Wworte. hh A dis ipesl virion dt 49 APPLIANCE MERRY MENAGERIE Kared mies from tJ id d yy ny I ---- « F i er yh 3 ' GOOD YALE A 1 i ' dip 49 BURK STREET v fo yh shows k Distrist | dows f } 4 WEREVED 5 pi WE BE A Fade oh 4 re-conditioned furniture, W git Wesey Fro Estote Bog Frank Hunter BA 52974 / { [ A Dongld Me MA 3-395 dehidiibd d p § driy R ond # DFFICE WP APR po h w sell wr rode ' a ¢ 5% FORD re Baw, weed, wy, sel oer EJ Shop Ha 16 pm Deity ort dod ' ir SP oar od PE BER + oh BE IHPEIR Closed Wednesdays 3 MACKO hovely single / # sone assis £8 y sos, Jing Wetk Wokshs, orvooke Room ols of vesslhe sed piEpenes| For Gn jing A neg bh 6-45 Hp Eire WRI RERE, B 4 oi » ond 130" des; / 3 yadin, besier, "53 Ford, $45, or border free 5 07 Realtor / $3 950 u NOTICE! i} METROR br (Ek Talim aM "Ciisr's Voimk nd W RA 873 alto G § RA VOILESWAGEN Micin bus Asluse USER Hires 187 KING EASY lB Bg" ol RICHARDS BA 5-183 FARGAINE payment, estate sale, $9500 full price with eesy highest b / ' eauipped, DEW PERE seven room brick heme with three large hed gh f J ke e8sior i Gre invited {y 180 Warren Av J 4 auslity, tradi s0od | mn Al f ' inspect AMUSTIN HEALEY sliver A only $59 86: « oe kitchen tional and modem age fur we hiture. Comp id 16m Groups [; 7 Signs Fad fl grr SHA IHR TEU RAE, JIA TORIES lh WR, BEIT, BATTER TEA meee cee fi TIE BY) King Wiens Olympic Games, Jom fiat Womdmy wiry howis BA once box, eras ten, Me, V Foe Fr BA S144 pier b pA 4 Grid ant ph ber A Commerce towne AeyeM Ay Th some fostored te BE #4 Woe Wire, 4 Ronk $iseet Woot fii BART fon swe go lets, wih a home with of modern on A RA 5-4330 RA BSN CoA. RABE. Py HAIG 14a , EE rnp FEISS HONE. 14% oni Boi eA A pro i lied, 7 « We Abr hms 4h JOHM A anh dy, BIR Ties, FERRE ign Bol ERR Tene Bh KATH HOR ang, fvimtre, mast 69! WHA ered y aw. / with forced wir hesting. # Misr, Pickering Besch Fos y: a 4 oy mL re LE Meiwide Arenas Fast, BA By fie whe #0 REFRIGERATOR, Frgdsse, madi Newman, |iversl member Eastern £ Ad 4 This 16 an sxceptiongily god £ > REALTOR--INGURANCE Wi OF. FF. Wallery reinsert 4 ¥ !¥ Row Street, b roomed brick Ww AEST poet i eel oley wr IB pak PSE, ie 16 PR thgned ractnt ni The second game of the best-of iB PRIRE BIER, BRSERERS ER on. RA EXECUTIVE HOME Gnd 181M BITRNGES [ 6 yoin A XR 3 ve onion. Teemone BA i Wb ¢ bungalon, 2 years G44 In per : : heauiiten Biieh green fen Tie oy [ With hemes; Hines Wh Aw AKO TAKES OVENER brick : Aefenied Char- § cof nice Quiet street. 1469 fer / ExbIks, PEG 4 y a J Jk 3 her niecely 5 oh WU FOWTIAL Halion waiwm, lwsivke tement (rc to win the first| Eastern Canada sepior hockey iosation. 1 Covers BUY YOUR CAR FOR CASH, Fo ' y -- Becond ame 1 any, 4, Eroadloomed, | | trees Fenn of p Yi Wf : 3 Bruin Benet wiles § 9 « v -- beset hat § | SUPERIOR Price $6,500 $1500 FEECTRONOWE L 5 ' / vid I 7 ae hoe a te len pis A ; : " y Hoves, #18 Wend Fria Fe new Hire EY la adaas Me evaluates telephone racks or mest box. BA B18 aller §.194 King Wes BARGAIN HUNTERS fin Ho se) hi A ie lar FINE FURNITURE size enclosed glass verandeh or sunroom. Home Is in excellent | Le ' d Ted 4 d black. red tenor / 95 vy YIMEos ow the home of Wh, Bend mater Chik siras, BON ini, Excelent py condition with oak and tile fleers, oil hested, garage. 180 Mill 1 / 65-6544 or 5-2358 or Phone HA 84710 4 hag eh ; hh availatile &t., College district, Close to hus and school, now vacant, This Eqs i " 166 4 ; ' Eo ith Bradley's rer io is your last chance on this real buy HA 8.3171 SUITES--APARTMENTS (2, VEAL" "aly Westar, $150 gre HA LBA BIH] 4 $l host & Found Ness 10 Hew 6 fridges own A Lake LOKY Gold Wis waleh (Eaglish WISE BUYERS ONLY | Ein excelent' vom | moves women ond ber, ese" Voane 1h: $404." vr-Right) between 4 and 8 Fridsy, HA 6-460 $8,800 full price brick 114 storey ot 201 ¢ bamboo 10 LOW BY 4 LULL } boy Aveune, corner Cubert Street, Comforighle, spe sly clean home fi All f $14,000 ap for cash 8 arch 17 vicinity of ShopPIng with three bedrooms, compeet modern kitchen, dining and nice Yetrict RR ta 4 ' aawr i Ie an efigr, Lal Abie Centre. i Reward size living ream. Hot water oll heated, Aluminum SCIBENE Anthony night at glen Fropt YACWY M Eleanes [Ake and awnings, beautifully landscaped lot with lew down payment RA B-6544 or 54362 As 4 ha Ponies | hosts, matry ine, Mit alls TREE, SUPPIY Act naw--1This is a genuine buy Berviee BA BOWL apviiime | Since 100% ahout 252,000,000 deciduous trees have heen dis AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL tributed fur planting in Can 5 a ud J] Aan RA B-4661 J, SHERIFF, RA 33775 ada's prairie provinces hy the 4 f 800 miles. Ab 317 District Real Estate Bogrd iA pone ¥ 4 cents # Bal, Lyn federal department of agricul Real E Rie 1 Y pacuiate, Full power equip £8 0 CO | D | A] | 7 i " 4 # . avaliable Private RA Clious Slore, Bing biel ture ' ' ' ' the Oshawa ond TV TOWERS, #0 1 srugiurs, h p i / k ' FORD sedan, two-tone finish, #x-1080 Kbivah ied | | instalied with 3 1817 | ite Board celient Fh ck hanically, $498 Ben. Rel BRIERE, BUSranieed One yea) 43 Park Rd, South, Oshawa | $ 0 Real oy Malai Whithy MO 88331 price 866 Trin Televison, RA 86781 | 13.00 saltor NING WRT 4 ! CUSTOM (in the Aash) transistor car | AW NORTH EAST DISTRICT ' with § @ OSHAWA SHOPP INC padios, from $3085. Try Dominion fee ama ed . 5 room brick and stene home just a few years ald, ultra medern Situated 4 2 4 ire Blores, 48 Bond Street Wepl [Cleve Fok He kitchen with tile walls, 4 piece tiled bath, hardwood and file fv oF om Koss CENTRE 55 FORD sedan, This 1a sn excellent WINE and elder harsels : | tree! | $4 caway © Motors, Whithy. |#izes. Oshaws Hardware flocrs, 4 rooms on main flegr, | spacious ream ebout 35 fr, | HY SIRS, RA 55-6588 \$90 8 833i v ' tie, ® Church, HA 37684 long on second Heer suitable for income, nicely decorated and mer 19 " |OFFIOR desks, $10 up, Cash FeEIsters landscaped, storms and screens, TY antenna, petio, paved ving in a drive, flagstone walk. Asking $2,800 dewn Call Keith Peters, this 8 WwW | | | | 5 hunge or } & of 8 two wdders, type bil " New equip i amilton RA 5-878] or RA 54162 evenings ear f ick room " feature " $1,000 DOWN decorated NORTH-EAST MOTORS fully m wth 4 $1,000 down $70 month TAUNTON RD. E |WE pay hlahest (tar waed furniture | idee Blare, HA PRESEN furnib Central Park Blvd. North, 6 reem | 1% storey home, newly dec REFRY ENT well known furniture orated, large medern kitchen, living reom, dining reem and large bedrooms, living reem ly on This { ) bedroom on main fleer, 2 bedrooms and bath up, full size base | that is 21" by 14 fee! f priced fa Your ALS) IN ment partial recreation ream, 61 heats een districd | tar fireplace, large mer make Dec ler close to school and bus. Call Sid Martyn KA 3-9 ern kitchen wth a dinette, 2 : ] o RA 5-033] We have a goed assertment Used Cars ation anthly Pay standard four SELLING furniure Lwodang, IHIEETRIGNE J 8-644 soves rele For wy tact 19 Prince Street $x ream EGE HA Fhe iA E new plates ght fen Best cash » Apart vei its Vacuum VBEN Lejevisions terms ' F Goodrich B5-4548, 88 King Blrest Wes Whitk Member of Oshews an i ember 01 shave ond FIRST quailty pylons s10rms, Repairs, ll We Speak Slay Member of Languages ooRE $99.97 up, Budget on buck In RA Blores b 4 beawpy Ma hee quarter lent cond § MACKO MO # Bl Bruges pale 8s West seam ents Coupe "Of eourse It'll make you hesutitut + 0 o look what i aia 1 for me!' service rentals North Canvey, Frompt Chair, tehle Bimene wn solid pak, sll and Ele Warranty on Open 2.00 a.m Ashburn to 9.00 p.m [uaed prices In the eily Fretly's Used Fur $8871, 444 Blmeoe § Most People Buy the Oshawa Times? . . The Answer! ... For the Ads 60% I News 40% MOST Women Prefer to Know In Advance Where and What They Are Shopping For PEOPLE Believe What They Read in the Ads Because the Ads are True TRADE beautifull 16rn hame ane mortgage brick Is Inspect and with a broom sell offer ALMOST NEW $11,600 is full price for this 3-year-old brick bhunge of low. Three large bedreoms, aluminum farms and NAGY MO | OR CAL ES MERCEDES - BENZ » DKW An attractive heme rerms $463 Sales and service, Shawreem apen until 9 p.m. at carries Interest 408 KING ST. WEST RA 3.7132 hedrooms an and a Ape full basement tien roem, and 8 il heating fully landscaped driveway hack ane far ear al of $75.00 prices, peeept Lipde Ins Cash ww terms. Appointments day or evening BA 5:3618 evenings, HA B-8836 Ohily Munro. the main floor, $05 WO RIDA warlh of free gifts with HIGHLAND AVE, tiled bathroom, 5 room brick bungalow in spotless condition, newly decorated With 8 FeEreq throughout, open fire place, ail heating, private drive and gar age. Asking $11,800 with egsy terms, Call Keith Peters, RA 5-876] of RA B-4162 evenings, and | 1 pave the purchase of a chesterfield, hed mom sulle ar dining Feem sulle aver $160, Don't miss this 'tremendous, ance 8 year sale! Barons' Home Fur _|pishings, 484 Bimeas Bauth OSSLAND RD, WEST | wr will fake by | Va storey 6 rem hrick home In excellent con LU Jge tar the halanee dition, 4 reom and bath en main fleer, 2 ems up, full size ten 4 fitter basement, ail heating, plan te see this bre soon, shewn by ap mentnly | paintment only, Call Sid Martyn RA 3-9810 TYPING paper on sale, letier sles white newsprint, buy in hulk lots apd save, 446 1h. pkg, 81.00, 0 1h, pkg, 84.00 Cleeulation Department, Oshawa Times AWNINGS, canvas. Frompt HAMPTON 6 room brick heme about B years old, madern kitchen, 4 piece bath, forced air with oil heating, full basement, 5 acres of good high and dry workable land, Asking $12,300 with $1,700 Call Keith Peters 8761 or one-piece bathroem storms GrERN SCIREN Excellent manthly enly 6% BUILDING LOTS 88 x 181 on Sylvia Street #oned R.3 geod far 1) plex BS x Wilsan Call taday ulars service $1,500 dawn, FERLAlE free estimates, Chair, able Cleve Fox, 418 Blmene North VACUUM cleaner paris, attachments [ied pebllt machines Reptals, Vapuum Cleaner lee, HA B-0801 anytime {WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator for anls {in goad eansitian, 860, Apply 808 Ade Iaide Avenues Weal, Apartment 4 GOON, clean, clothing spring clothes. Alse shade sult, alge 18 WILSON & LEE LTD, MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TRADE-IN SPECIALS Harmony Arch built + in complete ment vepalrs, all makes brushes, Suarsh Estimates fre Hepaly Berv Hartop Just a few daar ¢ land read in district, Priced with a reason ment, Far this ititully alow, fea a vei ice at $12,900 able GOT A BEE IN YOUR 'EASTER BONNET' FOR A GOOD USED CAR DON'T GET STUNG where you ean depend you get 169 on Rd, § for Athal 81, and wn pa appealing Ber RA 85-4162 decorated ing 3 beds \§, §paci fireplace mm be full dawn payment evenings partie Hirl's glee §, missies wine Telephone HA tur Us iy Ing ream Ww a modem titted with CALL After KA 5.4588 Hours Charlie Rankine Wes Elliot Pick Young Lieyd Carson TODAY! Please Call RA B-3682 RA 8-088] RA 3.7183 RA 3:-2537 BUILDING LOTS section 50 x 165 fi, $2,000 Rd. N. 85 x 184 fr, $2500 central location 88 x 200 ft large kitehen buy North on what Wilsan Hampton from Ritson Rd. South, Call Sid Martyn RA linette, large glassed:-in ted hath ail heat SCrEens, sun porch, 3:p $1,250 four te eneese Foam ing paved sturdy 1956 luxe PONTIAC Sedan, 4-DR, DE. In twa-teng blue isement and vith a large Four a0 ft 3.9810 WHITBY Street, close ta King $1.000 down, 8 peom brick bungalow about 2 years ald, holly $10 500 asking price wood kitchen, 4 piece bath, aluminum storms and screens, TV with # } for this antenna, Call Keith Peters, RA 5-876) ar RA 5:4162 evenings ery well | and nicely dee qrated h-roor iy How, with oll heating, Owner will take WHITBY CLASSIFIED | © Centrally loca war King STUDENTS! A super value, approsl BOOM and board X get I Stree! mately 830 sheets of letter sige typing | man. Call MO 83040 yirae ) § HAP - 3 \ ¢ 1 Vo Mb ALAN be LB FOR RENT -- Three reamed self oon | tained, wafurnished, heated apartment. | Aoki 111 Dundas Street West Heavy wiring. Central. Reasanaie rant, p 3 ( payment lar at SALE ar weal. Owner adulia preferved. MO 8.3737 ated hame \ hice hedraam bunk, oobi 4% wom WENY ~ Twy pewly Gia RIVERSIDE DRIVE N. down, Mortgage § per cent. MO 5.3333 [Iwo -hedioam apartments are avallabia fe ¥ eR f:i00m stone and hriek ! immediately, ane April 1 Telephone we South ranch bungalow. 3:-bedroom CASH your March baby bonus cheque | MO 82786 2 kiteher and | at the Mereantile ktehen ane ving ms, Lew down payment Contest winner will] 2 8 c f Y BYE # receive 33500 In merchandise. Mer POR RENT a Thies rhamed phat om | lows and 2 storey roe cantile TTY are, hi | 8 Piles i alane ) cantile Hepariment Bore, 10a Rraek convenient location, parking space at a am all fully Halanes N.HA, mort gage. Call Bill Homer at RA we Nafth;_ Whithy Call MO 88188 afer 1 pow odd with ail J (ISHED | nveniences, " m $7 8 J \ | 12 RARAIMAER, Eh oS TO OM WENT © Shwe spit Mosing iced rom $7,300 | B8133 'or RA 83336 a Dart ok) \ CELL ay i \ 00 w down anytime the Partisiary Palace Street, Whithy, or Nhe hans WHITHY, central, twostorey hullding, | RA 43308 Oshawa ampie parking Suitable far profession . A Fmmerelal wien, Rea PLANNING TO BUILD A HOME balance. Call Irwin Cruikshanks RA SA305. Lim d Really Tad, Oshawa ¢ DRESEMARING salts, coats and Bring Your plans or sketch ta ¢ £& Now { Erle C, Brantan, Builder of ramium custom homes In this area for | cation at Sime Sir dresses, allerations and slip cavers. A 15 years, Get a written esti lots $43.00 per ft and ivary 1955 CHEVY, 4.DR LLOYD REALTY | ohvniorr ™ortone LIST WITH LLOYD 1953 PONTIAC THEN CALL YOUR MOVER luxe Sedan DELUXE Burk mareon Street 4-DR clean DE Very na 1] BUNGALOW ON bs $1,500 DOWN Home decorated thre buyer chen T.\ with session HUMBER $1,500 heen ef Top electris with $19.95 used Guitar pick-up cord 1955 BUICK top, dynaflaw radio, back whitewall tires SEE THESE GUARANTEED USER CARS at IROY W. NICHOLS COURTICE CAR LOT 4:DR, HARD transmission, seat speaker, has mpletely for the large kit and screens ughaut i-hedreom all storms antenna Is Easy when the Buyers are Invited Guests in Your Store , . . WITH Stratatons Confidence in The Store Who Puts Their wanted far gentle Amplitier, $29.95 used Harmeny AAA 2 intakes Phone for RA H.5123 diate pos Bill Mil used Magnatone Amplifier transfered 2 intakes $39.95 Amplifier $29.95 used Stewart utomobiles Wanted 2 intakes LARERHORE Aula \Wikchers want used Les Paul J \u ERIN ¥ he \ i, EWN JRL ing, Highest prices paid, Solid Bag with ad five dining Electyie ease $89.95 on At wha Reed your reading Classified right now, Dan' miss [this ready-made business. Dial RA 145400 today 1a start your law east ad SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cals Ws down, Lien DODD MOTOR 4 #EIVIORN are used Harmony Electyle ups, 6 and cord pay 500 Guitar, 2 pick with ease $99.50 INCOME Pays for itself apartments HOME Three S.room Twa bedrogms Separate entrances immaculate condition last year Close 1a GM d terms to suit implete Prices in Black and White To Be Read STORES Which Advertise Save You Many Hours of Shopping, and Money, tee WHO ADVERTISE IN THE Harmony trig used Elec complete Stratatone Guitar, | plek-wy tment in gach have ta | In select la | heating cos) at Narth only $213.00 hed Nath Plant. Full price $19 500.00. Call Henry Spyker man at RA 8:5123 for more infarmation Trade up Cl afl \ SALES bint PARK RD. § RA 3-942) $ALL CASHS For glean cams we deal up of with LUE oi \ $89.50 pect fil guaranteed. Mes. Toms 10 §-2a7a NEWLY decorated apartment far rent all conveniences, $65. Apply 1013 Ring Street, Whithy SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanitary way ROW lanka installed Waller Ward, 3M Chestnut West. Phone MO 8.3363 HOMEOWNERS Hooting, eavestrauehing insulation, painting Winter prices. Phil Harper, MO § 4558 t Hnau wied Kay. Mandolin De luxe Model Venetian eut way and case $49.98 mate without abligation, Call L estige nel his anytime MO 8.2640 na features _- --- and fully EASTER PERMANENTS | gesorated wiles each wile | ¢ ! ¥ inden tiled Kit FROM $7 UP en and | hed Soft curl or Him curl tiled down, Liens paid aft style or high style Very SR. . NI < k ; ) . bo : ! COLS MOTQR § S RE sera for wat hanna eer ame it. Wa con do 1 the [47 --Automobiles For Sale ALES § service for amal hus Wee apartment 312 BROCK ST. N.. WHITBY hg me Lo Hea MO COIFFURES " KEN tement . (RUVING 8 car? Need woney? Fog MO 8 8001 REE 3 \ MO 8.512 Miter and FOUR roam apartment, twa hedroams -- fnwest rate fast servigs, Seabward 1} by Finanee. is Simone Streel South, or hm X PRORE HA § B88 LARA DL Uving team, Kitchen, balcony, Kewly deenrated land fagilitien,| FOR SALE D free parking, clase 0 sehonls residen molars, boat CAR Ly ated. chilien's playground All far. ances #8 monihly ARply 300 High Street BAD le ¢ FOR RENT = Box, boat and Every Whitny FOR RENT Modera, self contalned | cabin trailers, chain saws as at Bx shill saws, sanders, ete Pontiacs, and '41 Corvairns Whee roam apartment, refrigerator and | very contral. | WILDE RENTAL Buy ¢ ¥ - slave, Wailt in cupbeards N Available naw. Call MO 45 SERVICE. & SALES i Wii Bal, avai (1413 Dundas EMO 8.3338 | sat souresy RA 8.31 used J. 50 Gibsor Guitar and cose v Flat top Lloyd Realty Lid, Realtors $114.95 RA 85133. RA 8.512 RA 8.512% Sime at N. siting, | Gibson Southem and ease $139.95 used Iumba basic yoa 101 You ath aac he Guitar then HOUSTON'S SERVICE | BRAKE SPEC am PLETE GARAGE STATION IALISTS, COM BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE . Up GENERAL REPAIRS af KING 51 RA 3.7822 USE THE healed boats, and Used trailers vaed Retinished 1-50 AUCTION ow) 10:30 1 selection Lhevee and Guitar (ike new 25.00 Saturday $135.00 ULE AND used Flat to and ease terms arentell $v Other Used Gul g Amps to choose from WANTED Used boats, mate ein we will sell TERMS AVAILABLE § Ong trail AN EASTER PERMANENT equip from BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR BUYING OR ING SEE YOMT ment an consignmer price. For Rem Nels, COlaman antes WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 1413 Dundes EMO 8-3324 | Wat your STYLIST. Leaves nothing to Smelt be desired in foundation swrl.. Your ultra hair shap and your latest tend he style == MO 83081 or 88722, RA TED £ AMP IN MOTORS 407 KING SY UUs Fast of AWA RA 3.4494 OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS WILSON & LEE LTD MUSIC STORY RA 23-4708 OSHAWA TIMES