Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Mar 1961, p. 14

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14 THE OWAWA TIMES, Yasey, Merk 11, 1961 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Coll The Dirsst Classified Mumber 3-3492 I CLASSIFIED 20 RATES of' Above 16188 GEply Grvy 16 & sb for cansesiive Busy " SAGA IR ITIN later date consti AR & row eriginel oN A dA i fine Ssinets pir Ry Rog >» iy sigan om ddd ake Ieten, x ho only 68 6 args | $e additional we're ready for DINE OUT FOR EASTER Toke the fomily 16 the BO-PEEP RESTAURANT Mi mint " ny 5 pm. he oy be fore Erion except Hemerame Lars of Thank 08s on will be gece dads Gesdiine for oy Fai Concaliotionn B30 am Howry: Dey 6:5, Setwdey $13, REGULATORS The Osnows Times will net be responsible for srers in advertise ments samitied etnerwise hen in wrting, nor for mere then one incorrect inserhion of any Gave: fisement, ner Beyond he price charged for & single insertion of the advertisement 1 WYER Sree accins. And alse reserve the Nght to classify cdvertiong mesording 19 We own classifications in he coe of deploy adveriise ments The Times wil not be held reponsibie for mers space INGA mat ath the actual errer pesipias, The isrers endeayay to reproduce ol. advertising metter correctly but assumes ne Nebility WH ony Inccciracies in any form of advertisement ore cenigingd mere n a 4 othe 1 FASHIONABLE SHOES For The Family NEW SPRING COLORS BURNS SHOES Downtown Oshaws, RA 5-461) Oshawa Shopping Centre "In Time for Easter" SPECIAL MEN'S SUITS 2 PAIR OF TROUSERS Fewest Styles ond Colom, Sizes 36 to 4 9 9% SPECIAL $26.75 AL'S BI-RITE STORE 35 Simcoe Street Morth RA 5-7951 Hy 18 person snytime try Restaurant. 16 Bond Bt 36--Female Help Wonted salesiady EXPERIEN En in person hetwesn § Vyas dng, Wednesday or and Lee, Wi Bimene WOMAN to care for widerly gentleman, good home, salary 4 IH osm Frursdsy Barth om mensurale with ability, BA 5-163 NEW BUSINESS Unlisted Numbers ACCOUNTANT Copable of taking charge of | BERNIES APPLIANCE SERVICE 68 SIMCOE MORTH (Rear) Your factory authorized serr vice depot for Philea, Moffat, G.E., Westinghouse, ete RA 5-1179 ANN'S FABRIC SHOP 113 BYRON ST, § NHITBY = MO 8:8152 Knitting woels, Spring print, 39¢ per vd smell office in retail jewelry Please reply ] Gge and previous Experience BOX 633 OSHAWA TIMES INVOICE TYPIST | WH 2-2120 store givin fo EXFPERIENCER waltress wanted. Ap Six Town and Coun: Fhe, East. 62 Ritson Hosa vequired Hy yo Ay for work In losel music sore. APY EGUR roams snd sinenom, priveie en wil This apartment TWH, HOR aise has Invalid 2F (37 --Male Help Wanted {TRREE men to work, § hours per day, | {800 per week, Write Box 736, Oshawa 17--~Women's Column SPECIALS cold waves 8580, "hes rmanents $8.50, Page Halrdressing 06 Fine Avenue RA 5-6363 TEA Cup Reading, authorized oper ators, 3 to 4 afternoons, 7 to § even ings, Monday to Friday at 198 Bimeoe Btreet South 19-~Personal VREE rent, for slderly ® couple, to vel in snd care for two school-age hil dren. | Write Box 618 Oshaw Tim ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be In Oshawa, April 4th and Sth, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment, CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION Attractive, sturdy youngsters that's what Maureen and ANNETTE are, But these sisters of three and four have \ had difficulty finding a per manent home because of their racial origin, They are part-Indian, Their mixed par- entage Is reflected in their physical apearance, Both have fine, regular features, dark eyes and hair (Ann ette's is curly), and medium complexions. Maureen and Annette arg In perfect health and there is every indication that they are developing nicely in every way. They bask In attention and affec tion from adults like most children do, Would you be interested in having them on a permanent basis? If vou are Roman Catholic and would like to inquire further with a view to the adoption of these youngsters, write THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WELFARE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO 25--Pets and Livestock BEAU TIFUL baby budgies veady "for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 114 Elgin Street East, 26--Farmer's Column DEAD farm stook pleked up prom ly Phone collect, amplon, COlfax 3.8731, Margwill Fur Lie, 114, FARMERS NEEDS Best in Mastitis treatments and other Animal Health Products Injectables res frigerated. Syringes, Now available at SHORT'S PHARMACY BROOKLIN YOUR FAMILY DRUG STORE 0 301 arm, Tyrone Open Mon, Wed, Friday evening for your convenience ~ Trailers UNFINISHED 16 foot house Baral Telephone MO » 45673, 2--Articles Wanted ¥u RNITURE, appliances, pewTiters, sewing machines, sold an commission. Free plok-up. Superior Appliance Serv. fon, 48 Burk Street, RA an WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER RA 3.2043 RA 3.3374 {callegt) SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wants cars for wrecking, Parts for sale, also scrap (ron and metals, ete. bought, Open Saturday all day, Phong! RA 52311 8% BLOOR E, traller btied, Future Times | ERTARI ISHED Watkin's able, full or part time, stud unlimited, Eam hour or more, Telephone RA 52383 [OPENING for full time salesmen, wil ling to work hard for shove Bversg income, with local company Phone MO 84630 between § and Required by large Retail Qutlet Co, A sales-minded hard-working young man, We offer unlim- ited advancement with a solid future, complete employee benefits, Apply in person to the Manager Firestone Stores, Oshawa route aval: per! | WANTED ENERGETIC MAN To represent Construction Co during large promotion, Ex. cellent income may be earned on a commission basis, Pers sonal supervision, all leads supplied, custemers unlimit ed, Car helpful but not es sential Call Mr, MeMULLAN RA 5-1186 41--Room & Board ONE or fro gentlemen or beds, wil i share, ire, ain clean home three mi $14 per oh A central RA 5-801 hospital, Apply 340 Division R00M and hoard, five single bed, share room, par in South GM, eentral with home, separate heds, good cooking, TV| hus phane RA 56404 GENTLEMAN, nice clean German home, first class food, Parking. Apply | #1 Park Road South laundry, accommodation lunches packed, eles, parking phone MO 6-8608, Tele: dents scoept Fy ald # and bus | 35--Employment Wanted |84--Houses For Rent North GM plant Barth choos 7) SE ~~ three bedrooms, wisn three Tao sparimon Bathiowm, private &h Bear sehaol, hospitel, Furnished shed; on bus Bne, BA ground Hany basement with street en tianes, roned ( commercial, Could aed for | business or office Beeond Naor FROM, privile en Eanes, In 8s location, rornes of Bond and Mary. Reasonable rent to re sponsible tenant. Apply 74 Bond Birest | East trnnes PUFPLEX four |#ll conveniences, 0 school, store and church sles ta Dshaws. CO 3-453) SIX « room brick bungalow with three bedrooms, and full basement, equipped with oil hest, hot water, electric range VEY antenna, combinstion storm snd screen windows and doors, paved drive way, clase to school » park, on Cloverdale Street. Telephone RA 13-3366 |r RA 56232 NEW bungalow, three bedrooms, Wi son and Richmond Streets. References, please, Reasonable rent. Write Box B34, Oshawn Times FIVE shared hath, |265 Mary Street [after L {75 MONTHLY four rooms, three plece bath, nesr Shopping Centre, hus and (schools, electric stove, aerigl with ro ter, venetian blinds, fpor coverings, space heater and two oll drums, Tele phone RA 60628 {FIVE - room immaculate brick bungs {Jaws oll hey sd, Iarge lot, $95 amonth all RA 3977 INCOME house, @ Flenas Street rooms, self-contained large garden, close in min roams With separaie entrance heated by stove. Apply nine rooms, for rent, Avaliable now, close Telephone HA modern, with fully monthly house, $60 ps Annapolis option to buy Bowmanville ATTRACTIVE five room Avenue, oom home to be proud of with steve and | refrigerator, tenants, RA 5-877 A4A--Apts, & Flats For R Rent PARTLY furnished three (large) room| apartment, with bath u ules walk to Bouth Bult couple or two # phone RA 65-8430. THREE - room modern kitehen, lor, newly decorated, sult girls or couple, Ample parking, B-8666 Tele: TWO furnished rooms, privale en: trance and bath, sult nurses or eou, ple, five minutes from four corners Avallahle now Telephone RA 85-2423 three-room apartment, eorated throughout. Central. RA 8-645 TWO . room apartment, trance, main floor, , 3H Celina Street, | Telephone RA 8-525 BACHELOR 1s in new apart: ment bullding, electrically equipped, in. i 1 ROOM and hoard or room only, newiy| Phone HA 5.6674 decorated, good hame cooking, central, NEW modern two seven minutes' walk to four corners or [ment In new apartment bullding, lounge HA 5.7607 or apply 81 Colborne, | cluding automatic washer and dryer free. Apply 318 Montrave Avenue, Apt, or |apartment, TV outlet, laundry room, storage lease, Heasonahble, 1615 ew, woe, Telephone facilities supplied, pavid parking, stove, |frigerator, paved parking, day week, |Plock to school or Shopping 72 West, TV, mount Avenue, RA 50483, (vwWo ROOM and hoard, young men, friendly [Separate entrance, HA B86 apartment, furnished, services supplied, ample parking, available April 1st, | |369 Drew Street or telephone RA 65-8133, INEW modern one two bedroom aps roam Adelaide Street; tastefully decorated, frigerator, stove, washer, dryer, |p aking: Must see to appreciate. 5263 | THREE pave room apartment, private en. | ROOM ta share, gentleman, with board, | trance, heated heavy duty wiring, Aad home privil: | ARtRRE, furnished or unf RA da PAL eentral, nished Reasenabie rent. RA 8-253 42--Store Space and Garages [AVATLARLE (n offios suite, modern {downtown bullding for suitable tenant, Ia private office and adequate space In |§eneral office area for stenographer Call RA #6081 OFFICE OR STORE SPACE FOR RENT Approximately 12' by 334 or larger if preferred, APPLY 23 CELINA ST, OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service, New building, Centrally lon gated in downtown area, Moderate rent, Leases now available THE TIMES BUILDING Contact 1, L. WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 [43--Wanted To Rent WANTED to real, three, or fourbed {roam house, North Oshawa or Whithy, Near separate school, Phone REImont 14831, Torente, [NANTER 0 PeRl -- SouRlTY property ia {he Oshawa - Whithy ares. About Hive 10 10 acres, four - bedroom, good qual Wy heme. Grazing AM bay barn for Hires horess, Will pay up 0 $350 par month on twa to dvraar Tonge ae Call Lucas eferences Peacock, RA IF your business depends on a Jeliable truck -- cheek "Trucks for Sale" In Whe Classified Section wight away. ONE MONTH FREE RENT Modern one = and two » bed: room apartments, $85 and up, Best location, Phone RA 8-8676 TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS Excellent location, New builds ing, with or without leases, LLOYD REALTY RA 8.5123 PARKWOOD One and Two Bedroom APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT PHONE RA 5.3815 _or RA 8.6415 DUPLEX $105 Two + bedroom Apartment, Wilson Rd, north of King. 18:41, living room, fwo spa- cious bedrooms, large family kitchen | with' balcony over looking private garden. Tiled bathroom, lots of cupboards, stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, TV. antenna, parking Apsil Ist possession, Call CLE 1a tows fies, THERE 1 (EFECIAL bachir ii mom house for rent with gs FURNISHED Apity heated 9, 8 Telephone RA 51945 bungalow, | FOUR Bouthmead ares, half block off Bimeos, and tastefully decorated and landscaped Al April 1. Telephone KA 3-273 , 10 min: | THREE Matars. ment north, central 183. fe - $50 MONTHLY in apartment hullding, south of four unfurnished, | newly decorated, 865. Phone RA §1 private bath and entrance, newly de: | SMART modern. private en: [tral location, | THR three plece {ON BUSKINE ~~ fhree-room unfurnished heavy wiring, heavy wiring, (limits, 860 monthly, RA" § Adults, pwn RA | Apartment, "modern two-bedroom apart: | well Avenue , day, TV and laundry, nents refrigerator, stave and washing opLasE to South end es Tous Tamm pf Tele: |apartment, hedroom apart HE Included, Apply 53 Whiting Ave - and board for one business girl, | Ments, in new apartment bullding, Park | yyw in private hame, North section, close ta] Road, Broadlonm, |frigerate colored hath, | to bus. Apply 143 Huron Street RA MODERN apartment, living roam, din [uri b] & Flots LEAs oy Ganest hy Thomas 4! Lg ' from al dia * rg A ed wiles for 1:4 adie, BA es ment | stave, pr roid | parking. RA we i SOE, FEE 8 wd , BE purses OF mls |Blrmet Wet Avaiiatie new |PneE FIR BRIER, x Cs 8 Soin sow, parking. BA 3 [5% or RA 004 J INEWLY decorted, (hive - rom ert: | iE a LIERt, ROR End, PRIVEE ERITRRER, | hers Auty wising, BYaiabie an Y serial, paren. Telephone Wi hh) HREE roam Basen ent BpeTIIMERt, [eomptetaly MOREER, BERRI E ' trance, Wath, refrigerator, Move, Ion. Ary room. Lan he seen shytime, Im: mediate possession. RA 33218 BELF - CONTAINER, newly Accorpied mater three - room apartment, eiliin cupmnrds, heavy duly wiring, privele entrance, heat, lights included, Resson able rent. S07 Grierson Bireet hasement aphriment, Aroom with clesets, modern hath, $15 weekly (neludes parking. RA 54574 WORERN four - ron roam, ail faeiii sath Gensel Mots RA 34368 and three «+ room partments, furmished nr wnfurptohed, parking, bus, shopping at dour, Telephone RBA B29, REIRTROGR BF EYEBIRES PRIVATE main floor apartment, fom ome, stove, refrigerator, best, hath Laundromat, Free parking. 8 Wayne Strest, Apt. 6. BA 5-305 THREE . room apartment, privale en trance, TV serial, $5 month, 468 Park Road Bowth. BA 56773 THREF convenient, central, Apply 6 Gladstone Avenue lor mare intarmation THRFEF with two-piece hath euphonrds and sink tral, AI8 Jarvis Blresl wo bedroom, self-contained med: | ern apartment, kitchen, living room Wentworth st Ravine. Available April L Apply BRA S741 0 am. to 6 pm APARTMENTS one four-room slsn one five-room on ground fleoer, Tsundry cilities, all conveniences. RA 35066 (or 188 Verdun Road wo mem apartment, heated, new ly remodelled. Private hath, semi \private entrance Am Wie RaFkng Mid dle-aged couple pre eh ephone | RA 58352 TWO or three unfurnished rooms, sink and guphoards in kitchen. Child wel come, Apply 71 Warren Avenue room AAs avallable UNFURNISHED (three ment, with private entrance, Immediately, Apply 24 Fairbanks Birest TWO . bedroom apartment on Bimeos Bireet North, fully equipped, Tele phone RA B5:8344 heiween § a.m bpm FOUR erator, ! Ll kitchen hydro WArLIments (twe Five mintes 14 , #vallahie now heavy duty wiring, in kitchen, cen and? retrig: ol "ronm apartment, hath, slave, dryer, TV outlet, Telephone MA 3-5588, hoards sink, heated, central, $75 mont RA 3-066] room apartment for rent, stave refrigerator parsing Avallshie ond floor, $60 monthly, clase to Nort General Motors, Apply 218 Mitchell Av. FOUR . room apariment, centrally lo cated, haby welcome, TV outlet, heavy wiring, private hath, RA 34048, 113 | Adelal Avenue West om self-contained apart Telephone RA $66 per month to suitable [TWO unfurnished rooms, on the ant: L} room spariment with pri vale entrance and hath, medern kit chen, refrigeratol erie stove, in elee cluding telephone and TV outlet, Apply § A [683 Olive Avenue MODERN 2 bedroom Api. reirigerator, stove, washer, dryer, television autlet, parking no LR monthly, Rossland Road room apartment, two hlocks ast boo corners, self ganaind, room cen: heat, new, four apartment and hath, unfurnished, ground floor, $80, RA B-6434 Apartment In new apartment hullding, Completely mod ern throughout. Avallable April 1. Close fo schools and bus, Call KA 57938 THREE - room unfurnished apartment, bath, separate entrance, Harage Ly east elty hat water Ineluded Ep roam modern basement equipped, close Jee y 208 Crom, | bedroom electrically [ta shopping centre, Apt rooms, unfurnished, bulltin eaphoards, heat, large private hath THREE room upstairs apartment, pri {vate entrance, decorated, kitchen, sink, {euphoards, available April 1, parking oentrally located, reasonable. RA 58858 THREE furnished vooms, sult husiness couple, or two girls or gentlemen, near|® high school and hos hit), avallable now Telephone RA 52400 room apartment, furnished, re or and range, very central, close eite, kitchen, one - hedroom, laundry {oom facilities. Ideal for business eouple. Available April 1, in the Burns Bullding, Apply Burns Shoe Store, RA TWO BRIGHT MODERN ONE AND TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS Furnished, and unfurnished, balconies, laundry room facilis ties, excellent lofation, from $85.00 ~ phone MO 8.8386 BEAUTIFUL APARTMENT Two-bedroom, large livin room, modem kitchen an bath, convenient location, reasonable rent, Call Henry Stinson RA 5.0243 Schofield Real Estate ADELAIDE TERRACE New modem two-bedroom soundproof apartment, all conveniences It tenant wishes to have garage, | in- tend to build one. Apply: 329 Adelaide Ave, Apt, 2, Telephone RA 5-8923, et gp MODERN SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT VERY CENTRAL 368 PER MONTH TELEPHONE RA 5-5433 or RA 5-2267 READ THE CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY He Who Huaaitates Will Lose Out On The Many Really [448 --Rooms For Rent _JCVEMN Lormiched ll ne "am ained Infurniied 'hiss artment with bath, 9% sot | ARGE Faisvhats RA #4053 in apeit {PARTI (oars | ane | room furnished apartment, | room unfurnshed svaineit| Accountants 0 RIGHTON, FRASER, Lh Salleltor, = IKing" Street East, Dehewa, (A4B--Rooms For Rent BAM 1eB5PM. SToRonr W808 (45--~Reol Estate For Sole (#5--heel Boots For sot (45--Root sets bo Soke FR loented, aentieman Mord ish Lemay 7 FIRE | Lad FURNIRER bedmom In PLL Ly wr somive tusnighed '4 home, somarient poring oN Ld aru fast: 44 ¢ us af Cons po Kis wrnad, # | eontens, since, RA ant eis IB Sutithed rooms, privileges, ut Sy nd LA Ld for wae srven pense. PAYER E dnd d holon wn Fame, Ful hs (ote 4 FO JME EALIRDER, PE "nd Wiah- wd oe or ba, very ¥ furnished bedroom ander Fetriorsion wad stove, ow) | AFFly 6 Centre bir Po A ' ie one Wh Cris, iat lawn # one Acie five ks Vind Aww, RA BIR evenings ed Co Tom, furnished, entieman, Folate " wlown (shaw (oh Brigg one minis Lo cepts. Men only, WH Ferih | i Bh RA 57055 i {FURNISHED bedroom, hot walter srund, cential, EBentleman, abet, $5 weekly, RA 39015 or 73% Filadsions AVEBIE BINGLE furnished bedroom, slose 1h North General Motors. Apwty #5. Figin Biseet East or BA 56146 FARGE housekeeping room, private ERLERnee, man floor, 38 Celine Brest Telephone RA $525) | ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS | | home Call Availghis In priv B2 Park Resd Morth between 5 end 7 p.m RA B-B67] ale clos BeA-HIRE room the Hernitsrs, In cess nome, Wacko Resin haw sates. wilt AB --R eo) Estate For Bote | ges. "paring ones adorn WA i i CHURN Firel, orn sey, 4 os f ot, oh on Jo # vir a Hop Mary TE or es ns To a8, Rotel i § bgt i Fya-r00m aim 73% oe A I Rass, 187] il with fr smal oF 2873 1a use, iit por sent readies, AR DOUGLAS L, GOWER REALTOR RA 8-465) 4 - NEW HOUSE EIGHT ROOMS, 50LID BRICK Hot water heating with ol, Two Washrooms PRABI1720 FOR REAL ESTATE DON SMITH Mgr Reg! Estate RA B-6278 RA B-4897 /ickery Business Res Mr. Hendy you celled ond solled, now let us show 19 you the best of i 6 rooms centrally lecsted, olf CoWEniences, Just the 7 amount of work left to de, $6600---48700 down and lets 99 16 work, Coll Pot Potter: "on, Let those rent rekeipts ond enjoy peace of mind ond collect your awn rent, Smell duplex but roomy, Ides! for old or young, Close to any part of the city, One apt, now vacant, $10,500 end the down payment and monthly peyment to suit, Call Pot Patterson RA B-4651 | | | | 4 Relieve you of all the worries, hay weblion hp TI £4 4 TELE AE oe ity sed wi sell thie hetive B Foran makerm ae Boing gins A bag 1 Mi madern conveniences, if corner tress, Well situcted, Phone YUkon 5-2336 |, PORT PERRY PO YOU PLAN TO BUILD A HOME ? ® on experienced builder put 6 home on your own lot wey, of your choice, coll the builder of better homes, See the JUDAR HOMES in the Cedar Yelley oreq. Don't deley, call ony: time, A, JUDAF 283 SENECA 57, RA 5-8404 vores EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE [74 Eo A CE i om J is lh pd with et a ay fd ATETE bedsoime, ne Ni 2 Ly and HE, i Ridaw We off Hg wd 10 RENT APPROXIMATELY 50 ACRES OF WORKABLE LAND With use of bem or complete term with house. For fur- ther information telephone RA 85-9970 or RA 59929 or write BOX 637, OSHAWA TIMES, INESS SERVICE DIRECTORY BUS IW. BE. DEWAR and Cn, Accountants and Auditors, Cedar Glen ig 12 o8| | |Haria Blreet, Oshawa, Ontario, RA #02, | [wi SON snd BURROWS, Chartered | | AtEauntants Ma Bimeoe Btreet Bouth, | Oshawa, Ronald F. 1. Wilsen, CA, |G. Edmond Burrows, CA. BA §3571 | CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting] Servige. Complete Bookkeeping Bery [ree 184 Bond Street West. BA 50507, | Resi, BA 370% | |8, 7, BOPKING and Company, Certl |fied Public Accountants, 172 Kin Blreel East, Ontarie nfl 3409 | YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and 0, Ahesountents and Auditors, Li (Es Trustee in Bankrupley, 64 |King Breet East, Oshawa; H Yale, |€ Ai F Friediander, B. Comm, CFA [MONTEITH MONTEITH, RIENIL nd Co, Charlered Accountants, KA $i, 135 Simeone North (Alex WH 2.0800 Architects IMAYER and Brzozowies, - Arch. Eng, The Times Building, Oshawa, Ont New unlisted telephone RA $2481, Articles for Rent TELEVISION SETS HUMIDIFIERS RE-HUMIDIFIERS RECORD PLAYERS BOB Oshawa, Street Boots DON'T PASS UP THAT BARGAIN BUY YOUR BOAT NOW WITH A LOWALOST, LIFEINSURED Fe ii BE ETH me i LOAN } | [HE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA KE KER XEXK KEXE £ ¥ 2 xx Euuk xx KKx __|Building Trades | (WATER proofing, , Jlstering, rool rooting, sinting, paper h 447) repalss. RA A [Cartage {JOBN'S Moving and Blorsge, amen, |Whithy, Ressonsble rales, F i | ipa and insured, Phone BA § soil, [soviaN 4d | for A fepend- able service. RA (lg oF wo small Dressmoking 3 ALTERATIONS of sil Kinde for men, women and children, Formal Arssses, Reversible skirts & specialty. RA 5-348 PRESSMAKING aad alterations children's and ladies' wens, ressonsh price, RA B-8666 i ALTERATIONS of ll Kinds for men, women and children. Formal dresses, Reversible skirts--a specialty. RA B-3486 NRESSMAKING -- ladies' and chil: dren's wear, allerations of all kinds Telephone BA 5-866 Fuel and Waopd DRY hardwood ends, suitanle for fur naces, stoves, fiveplaces, ele, 86 1aige losd delivered, Phone RA 83014, Furniture Repair FURNITURE repaired and re-uphel- stered. Bee our materials for ve-cover ing, Bruce H. Dalton, 75 Charles Street, HA 49212 RADIOS & SUNLAMPS MEAGHERS 5 KING STREET WEST RA 3-3425 sr ---------- SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, walkers, bedsides, commades, crutches and canes, alse roll-away beds Phone Ald Rentals RA 5.1644 Want-Ads Don't Cost-They Pay Auto Parts KENT'S WESTERN TIRE guaran toed automatic parts and accessories, 145 King Street West, Oshaws, RA Invalid {Building Materials : PICK UP AND SAVE New Low Cash Prices on 4' x 8' Plywood 1B!" G1 9 , $5.84 34 GIS, $8.24 14" 4 x 6, $2 60 3, Rough, $3,00 ' Rough, $5.09 v G, Mahogany $2 99 214" Nalls, $6.25 = 50 bs, Mahogany Boars, $3.95 and up Porfland Cement, 1,10 Vinyl Tile, | | x 4 Spruce, 1,000 bf lots, MeCULLOUGH BLDG, SUPPLY 1270 Simcoe St. N er bag ¢ each $63 Floar #160789, "Five hays to serve you" Barristers MeGiIBRON snd BASTEDO, Barristers, Solieltors, Clients' funds avallable for first mortgages, 30 Bimepe Street North, RA 5:3566, Charles ©. MoeGibbon, QC Hastedo, BOYOHYN and Ae solleitors; H § RE , BA; Ate King Street RA 6.1177; Res, MO 82761 RA # Edgar or HUMPHREYS, MAN, Barristers, Humphaye, Qc Hillman, G4 LLB; Bast Phones: Office, HA B-4604 ar Whithy §:5203, Money to loan JOHN A, CAMERON, Barrister, Salle! tor and Notary Publi, 184 King Street East, RA 3.2200. NHA and private] mortgages arranged | AREER and Kelly, Barristers, Sallel: 4 Simeoe Street South. Realonre al nes ie. RA #1 Ter: ene V, Kelly, PA, 'WCL, iH 85033 ALPH JONES, RA, and THOMAS REER, Associate Rarristera and Soll: cltors, 130 King Street East, RA 8.6346 Mortgage loans available, THOMAS M, RUNDLE, barrister, soll: eitar and notary publie, -- 3) haiias East, Phone RA [3] AMES A MasDONALD, - 'b 0 Barter and Solleitor and Nota uw The Commercial Building, West, Oshawa, Ontarla, Client AR available RUSKELL 1. J. MURPHY, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solleltor, § Kin Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, KA § MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, tary Publie, Bank of Commerce Ridg, 3 Simeon Street North, RA $346 Q K Crelghton, QC; , Fraser, QC; G6. K Dynan, G i. Murdoch NHA mart: gages arranged DONALD BLAKE DORN, Barcisier and Solicitor, 3613 King Street Telephone: Husiness RA 3.2301, dence, RA 80-8373, 2 MANNING F, SWART DS oh rriten, Solicitor, Notary. Money lan, Asso clate, Biwea V. Mackey, HBA, Henry Rloek, WW King Street East, RA 14687. Residence, Plal RA 34038, JOSEPH P, MANGAN, Q0, Barris Money ta loan. Office Th RA saa sl: Residence, RA 5-340 BOWMAN, BAVID :. Barris tor, 313 Simeone South, RA & dence, 40264. ie *T. a MERS, BA, barrister, soliol 134 Simeos Street North Ofiics AA $371, Resdencs RA 2480 kkeeping Soltek Rest: L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOKEEPING SERVICE, INCOME TAX RETURNS 686 OSLER STREET RA: 5.9953 Building Trades SEPTIC tanks cleaned the sanilary Mrs, Lohae, 549 Lansdowne Drive, RA 8-0667. ' Good Buys ! way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward 3 Chestoul Wesh, Phone MO #3563 RAT tied Lynes of sleraiiony No Job toa sma Telephone RA 4-718 ALL TYPES of repair and Fe: modeling, Workmanship mates, CERAMIC (lle , (bathroom, plete $100, | YOUR . "chimney slebner. neys bullt and repaired stalled, farmaces Vasu: ng mates, HA 3-309 ALL plumbing eating Li! HA 5.35% rates Re Building Trades PLASTERING free estimates, a Teluphone BA COMMERCIAL epalrs And Staged, 1. work guaranteed. of RA and Industrial buliding New homes bullt ta own: Hess Construction specialty 's requirements RA 5.6047 HOME eavestroughing, Phil Harper, Whithy, MO 8.4538, ALL buildin arpen Roofing, insulation, awners siding, types of carpentry work done ' or iit ET) 4 experience er, Call. OL it Rriating, |Halird Gardening and Supplies LEN-DEL garden service, lawns eut and cared for, ressonable rates, ew sb vison, rR E018, # psciaity or RA | OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING Pruning ef frult trees and ornamentals, tree surgery and removal, Expert werk guar: anteed, RA 8-6366 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Loam, Sand and Fill, Digl == RA 5.5279 EXPERT PRUNING SERVICE Shaping, Thinning ef Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Van Belle Gardens MA 3.5757 . BOWMANVILLE (3 miles East on Ne, 2) OURTOM manele, outting and styling Hairstyling Studie, disinety a hale il {Bond Wont, "halt, Wh \ récreation rooms, roofing 2 ld Free esti RA A and | white) com Think {doar pave y Co 3am HE . 6, Heal, Ko 4 in: ig pr Fries 1, Han , Bia mbing, Wok . BM RA Simeoe Street South, he len i B repairs of all kinds, roofing applied, Al york pr Free estimates, RA 3.8815 GERAMIC rr wall tlle Wi, Instruction SE Mortgages o FIRST pd peeond martgeps gor ii Ex Ld rg Bisset East, BA ¥ MORTGAGES -- Plumbing Heating and heating od | 44rd a new iis 9 dl 4 8 from Sep Fates, inlarmation od wm Piadr's, Vite" po i bing Pisl Arranged, Bought, Sold Company and Private Monies RA 44 len A. J. BOLAHOOD Limited Realtor Member Ontario Mertgage Brokers Association Ind and 3rd Mortgages ~TO PAY ALL YOUR BILLS --TO PAY OFF A MORTGAGE -T0O BUY A HOME --FOR ANY PURPOSE Low Menthly Payments 'No Bonus Neo Extra Charges Rebates fer Prepayment Loans Life Insured SUPERIOR Discount Limited THE FASTEST GROWING ALL CANADIAN LOAN €O, 17 SIMCOE ST, N, RA 5-454) Open Wednesday 'Til 8 P.M, Saturday 'Til 12 Neen Offices Threugheut Ontarle Nursing Services INDIVIDUALIZED thew hity i Hiatt for HL Perso Bynayhrae RN sd upery ood, Thaw ries invid Optometrists RICHA bri BLACK, Doctor of |p fo alos es on Li HH wm br tose 8 Rug--Upholstery Servies UPROIATERY at its best for lems, wpecislize In chesterieds, re oA LE ' hh wired, Free estim, hr #0 01d Fashioned var ath pL Your own Gfaet he t the ig flei 4 ke pes oh DE rebuilt, reeavered 8 Rew. a lon wy er i, eh we 0 Mond Street West, 5081 CHEST Covered. hr a Modern, LE and old eh ew. Gel the hast in Dibsisienng LLL CHROME CHAIRS RECOVERED FROM 375 UP osHAWA MTS Rim 62 BOND ST, WEST RA 5.8042 SEGERS RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Professional Cleaning et Lower Prices, RA 5.7488 RUGS & CHESTERFIELDS CLEANED Professional Cleaning, Home or Plant Members of the Natienal Instituet of Rug Cleaning NU-WAY---RA 8-468) Surveyors G, 7. HORTON and Asacly tes, One taria Land Burveyers Preftes Ai AE, 406 Dundas 0 8001 Alax wr DONEVAN AND FLEJ tarie Land Surveyor, eomme Fide 15 Blogr Stren I MAND TROLLOPE, Oniarie AE, nrveyors, ne Adelaide Avenus ast, Phone RA 8-6881, TV - Radio Repairs MH Bans ten "RA 0108 (Fred), Bhenings iA §4 im ---- Fi er yi a8 0 Ae othe Pigs ate Sh BY 0. W, TUOK, RO, dio bo hi Hi LILIAN MAE WARRH, dance danging school, ballet, tap, Satoh, ae vahatle, pre-sehoal, character, i Rh or TA Burs ree WW o amined at home, Dial ® Saturday, Masople Temple, KA RIVAVE teacher, student stunsatier, 6 years' ex uty hy interview only Ast now, R RARVEY DANCE ACA EMT-B Tap, Royal Academy, Ballet, High i Register now, 434 King West, RA LEARN 1a dance, expert (nsiruetion In ballream danas For appointment, tele: Vhons RAW Insurance ALLETATE Aula "TRsurance. | ta 20 per cent, six months to p jorschal, | service ab your home, wi work guaranteed, Free esth: RA 80880. TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean outs and deepening, COMPRESSOR WORK, RA 8.3864 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICE Have your home remodelled and improvements done for you by Beaver, From the planning and estimating to the finished job, vou deal only with Beaver, Budget terms arranged. Call Beaver Lumber, MO 8.5818 A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? A BOATHOUSE A NICE GARDEN WALL REPAIRS OR REMODELLING LARGE OR SMALL CALL AJAX THAT'S ALL RA 8-5103- 110 KING STREET EAST OSHAWA AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD Money to Loan Painting and Ercorstor PROFESSIONAL hd an de hanger, BURrantes Free estimates, A DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Ralnting fonsrhanging, fetes, Full We Murals, aint a 10 bith jd 1, Sip HITeY NIGHTS RA 5.7426 FIFTY to five thousand (ilate. ARY worthwhile purpase, lowest eh Su service, Seaboard VR By Vaan con Street South, RA 86 WE HAVE clients' for loans en first a second mortgages and Wlse purchase artgages and agrenments of sale " lyman, QU, 37 King Street Bash, Oshawa, RA MONEY TO LOAN Monies for all types of most. gages; for first pnd second martgages on all types of real estate including vacant lands; shart term mortgage for builders; first and second mortgages and reements for sale purchased Aply M. Swartz, 26) King Street East Sihawa Telephone RA Mortgages [FIRST and seeond lod W Sehateman, thy Professional LR 1 AW maney to loan on fest mon. {age Morigage and agreement of sale iparehased. NHA wmoftgage arranged, | [Sean Fraser, Doynan and ne Ey A Yo | we | ersonal Service BR PAN Day Nursery, Tor "RA i 10 5.30, 31 Simeon TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half chicken with french fries, fish a ships, » hamburgs, hot Poty N GRILL milk shakes, MODER WE DELIVER == RA 5.3887 SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Shorten ar lengthen garments, Cutis and pockets renewed, Complete stock of buttons, GILLARDS CLEANIT SERVICE LTD, RA 5.3588 Plumbing and Heating BEATTY APPLIANCES Bam, equipment, pumps, SSO oll bumers, hot water and forced alr tumnaces, bathroom fixtures, parts and service, PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Dov or Night SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT = DAY OR NIGHT! TV, and CALL RA 8-5286 All Work Guaranteed, OSHAWA ELECTRONICS DO IT NOW nstall heavy AX Spalding ower in EN by 4-ft, con- crete base, it Crawn. rater and Taco antenna, plus channel # trap, ON TIME IF YOU PREFER, EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE, Len and Lou's City TV, FREE SURVEY RA 5.7844 GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use a CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to a STARLIGHT TOWER and you'll have the best, GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW! Use a new aluminized picture tube installed by expert TV technicians, and you'll have the finest, Modest prices call us for service: T.R.1.0. TELEVISION 17] BOND STREET EAST RA 8.6781 SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8.8180 OSHAWA T.V, 361 GIBBONS ST,

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