Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Mar 1961, p. 13

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Hind Tries Keeping Ahead Of Seasons WINNIPEG (CF)~The stant EE of pr i framing and the windwy of the Allan Cup hockey playifts Hien overiap, and this has heen # perenmial proviem for Winm- pegs Terry Bind, » genersl Manager in Woh spors The Wyesroid bachelor not only is administrative head of wi Maroons, a honeiess it. Aravelied hockey cb, but is general manager of Win- DO es of the Cass€ League, a hasehall crew wise Involving teams n Minnesota and North Dakota While the Maroons continue in the hunt senior hockey honors after a creditable tower of Crechosiovakin earlier in the winter, the Goldeyes mie cm- verging on Homestead, Fla, for the SpringAraining camp oper pied by the parent St Lows Cardinals of the National Hind has signed 28 players for the Northern |engue's 120-game schedule opening in early May His 29 Maroons are also keep ng him occupied despite ear lier ferrs they couldn't afford to enter the Allan Cup picture after a season devoted only 10 exhibition games The big problem with the Maroons is their genuine ama tewr status, Members of the team sll work at full-time jobs ad most took the Crechos BURY SPORTS EXECUTIVE lovakian trip as their vacation time, leaving Allan Cup travel # costly leave-of-absence { FINDS JOBS OVERLAP The Goldeyes have aise been on the eve of Father's Day last successful at the gate under year Hind's direction and his reward Another help to the Goldeyes was @ TVpercent share in the club and & viece-presidency LL proposition Hind has a special feeling for the hockey players--"the Ma roons stick together with a com mon objective, love of the HIRED BY CARDINALS game"--hut he is far from dis| 1, oqdition he caught the eye interested in the baseball side! uo cardinals and now is top of his life ranking promotional man in the His father Jack is reputed 10 eight-cluh Bt. Lowis farm sys have heen one of the best tem In 1958 he was appointed amateur pitchers in Western! Western and Northern League Canada and al one time father| adviser to the National Assoc end son hoth pitched for theliation of Professional Baseball same team in Winnipeg Terry|l cagues in a drive to combat the once pitched very game of &|dwindiing attendance nine-game playoff series, in . i Yo dr on three Hind is no gimmick man consecutive Sundays You can't have a giveaway He took over as Goldeyes stunt without & valid purpose or manager in 1954 and since then|the fans will start thinking the the team has never finished|club is trying to make a quick lower than third in the eight-|kill and isn't worthy of sup-|boxing, Terry, though six feet team league. Three times, in- port." Bit he did go to the ex-/tall, is of slender build and cluding ast year, they won the|tend of presenting every father|credits his success fo "long pennant, with a cigar at a Goldeye gameiarms," along with a hig shopping cen the pro foothall Blue Bombers, Hind's Maroons got the arena one of is biggest crowds of the winter when they played to U8, National team just Hind has another sports in- terest--hoxing, He won every ing his service career with the ment that favored compulsory OLD COUNTRY SOCCER England's Selectors WANT MORE FANS Canadian Soccer Bosses ' Revise Playoff System VANCOUVER (CF) ~ The Canadian Sociey Football ation, mapying srRtegy compete. with other major) sports for fan wppesl and the enteriginment dollar, bas em Parked on # program of pefor- mation, Delegates 16 the association s annual mesting here during fhe | weekend apgrvved 4 radical de | pertire in the staging of the an wal national soccer final They wise ordered their 1961] owneil to revamp policy nl sagng tons by Verses chiibs| in an attempt to bong only the best teams to Canada Financial worries underscored) both moves The Canadian fingl has had & long Wistory of deficits, Officials said cluttered preliminary play offs results in may of the best cubs in Eastern Canada fore gong the championships and dooming them ASSO SE " Aountries is sstowndingly Wh, | he says, ! i Canada were 16 get any- where in international compet) \tiom, ping-pong first must fee \"penepiad as ® sport, Bol @ | reayeation." View Ping-Pong Too Casually | "Then it will be necessary for the government oF some private MONTREAL (CP)~'The 110% geacatzation, or the ple, to We with ping-pong in Canada 16 donate some money 16 the Labhie can promote, This is Wig busi that no me lakes it serionsh, ennis federations 16 Promote 2' says Nick Gadanyl, Uyesr-oi6 the sport, in short, to educate) CRITICIIES MOVE Hungarian immigrant ranked #8 the public Dighy erticized 'the decision "AEAas top player "Alex that, when some good to withdrew Canada from the, TH" 16 60 much OMT glayers are developed, It wold $967 World Cup competitions, "POT% Retinity nyailahie Bere be pice to form @ team saving i made Canada ite Ht table termi is, for he of international competition," Sanghing stock of soccer, EIR majority of Canadiens, Gadanyi has heen playing "if there was any Gowbt thet PY B pastime ping pong we cond (ollow theoweh with Gadanyi and Ws wile Lowise, met bis wile, the former |owise or commitments, why Gd we Tenked as Canadas No. 2 Parent of Montreal, during # enter & team? 16 was the worst WOMan player, practise siren friendly match, They were mar blow 16 Canadian soccer pres "OWN «very day ried 1; years ago tige in many yewrs" Gadanyi, who came to Canade Pingpomg, he insists, "is the A suggestion the CSFA ap alter the Hunganan uprising of fastest sport in the world" proach the federal government 1956, admitted thet in his own "A good player Fits the ball for financial help in fielding cowntry he was Bittle more than #t 190 miles an howr. 1 calls teams to represent Canada nia better - thanaverage player for very quick reflexes international play was rejected whereas in Canada he is & star. Ec i --- Terry Kelby, Oshawa, said Jopen and Hungary have IMMENSE ICEBERG thet as the World Cup grows @& ted Inter i ping The largest leeherg on record, | "gutes of our homes games will pong for years and the quality | sighted in the Antarctic in 1925 look after expenses." of "average" players in these | Ignoring protests of Manitoba |delegates that they were ""heing thrown out the window," the ps sociation decided on an expen mental basis to limit 196) com petition to top British Columbia {teams and the champions of the National and sional leagues The CBFA granted the EPSI, permission 10 operate with clubs from Ontario and Quebec clubs, The respective league champions will meet to decide the eastern finalist BC. will organize Hs own Dighy of Belleville and Les Eastern Profes-| : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Yaoedey, Merch 31, WHY 3 Name J. Carson OB.A. President KITCHENER (CF) ~~ Jack pr Association al the associations annual meeting Saturday, Other officers incinde; Vice seeond view mer OBA classification, must draw players from [their former howndaries, possibilities of Abviding the provinee into fowr zones and | president, Jim Waldie, Milton, FEPOV! its finding (0 newt year's dent, wile © Vv for eight years and Johnston, West Lome; secre tary - treasurer, Tom Rowdon, $i. Catharines Flected tn the executive were Pave Bell, §t. Catharines, Jim Ingles, Atwond, and Amold Wade, Newtonville The convention discussed 29 amendments tn the constitution _ and bylaws, Eight were passed. One major bylaw change per- mits teams from towns end vil lages annexed by nearby cities was 10.000 square miles in area to remain playing in their for savage punching pow 'REMEMBER WHEN? ,, By THE CANADIAN PRESS fended his boxing | JERI [Abe Simon |" | Stadium in Detrott, The nat wi Tred under NEWS: now all Goodyear auto tires are GUARANTEED against damage is their new park, located in the playoffs and declare a repre-| Winnipeg Enterprises complex sentative for the ( anadian final | fro m a | | roa d h aza rd 4 tre, Winnipeg Stadium, home of Bert Lipsham of Toronto look) the lead in calling for reorgan-| and an K000-seat arenas for ization of the CBFA's policy on) hockey and other indoor events. Canadian tours hy United States! clubs, Dighy suggested an ear lier start in negotiations "I'm not reflecting on the eal 7,000 in an exhibition game withlibre of Birmingham City,| {(which tours Canada next sum after his club's European our. mer) but 1 think we could as-| | sure ourselves of a top - calibre team if we got to work on the one of five unofficial houts dur: next tour immediately we finish | the current one Lord Strathcona Horse, 8 regi-| We need a team that is al {household word, one that we Masters Tourney Has 121 Entrants AUGUSTA, Ga, (AP) = The prospective field for the 25th Masters golf tournament April 64 grew to 121 with the an nouncement during the weekend that 21 foreign golfers have ae- cepted bids Among the non-UK, challeng- ers for the crown won last year hy Arnold Palmer are fiary| Player of Johannesburg, South Pick Strong Squad By M, McINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Correspondent to The Times, LONDON The English Teague selectors are apparently determined to take no chances in thelr league international mateh with the Seottish League The side they have chosen might well be.a full internation gl team, It contains eight players who are members of the current England team which has set up an unbeaten record this season Only three newcomers are| given places. They are John Fantham of Sheffield Wednes day, who replaces Johnny Haynes of Fulham; Gerry Hit chens, of Aston Villa, leading first division goal - scorer, in [brook (Chelsea), Greaves (Chel- other records which seem to he {sea), Hitchens (Aston Villa), well within the reach of Totten Fantham (Sheffield Wednesday) ham Hotspurs, The record for and Charlton (Manchester Uni-[the least players used in a ted) league season is 18, shared RA . jointly hy West Bromwich Al- THE BCOTTIRH TEAM hion and Arsenal, So far this The Scottish League, confined season, with 10 games to go, to home players and with Anglo-|gpurs have used only 17 ficots barred, have produced a) The highest championship somewhat experimental side, iia of points is 66, sel up by possibly with an eye on the Apgenal in the 1030,1081 season team for Wembley, Surprise se:\gpurs now have 53 points with lection 1s that of 21-year old|i1) games still to play, MeNeill, of Celtie, for the key| 1 the same season, Arsenal position at centre half, The|pad 28 wins, 38 away points and others have all played in inter: four defeats, Spurs record for national matches of one kind or| (he present season to date shows another, hut some would not be|a§ wins, 28 away points and four considered for the full Beollish| defeats, The expectation is that team with an abundance of top: |§purs will top most of these class Beots playing for English| records before the season ends, teams place of Spurs Bobby Smith and, Here is the Scottish League TRANKFER MOVES Peter Brahrook of Chelsea, an|line-upi- Leslie (Airdrieonians);| Tony Knapp, 34-year old Lei experienced international, who|Shearer and Caldow (Rangers); cester halt-back, and Yingland comes in for Bryan Douglas of|Crerand (Celtic), McNeill (Cel [player has heen transferred to Blackburn, Doubtless the idea|tic), McCann (Motherwell) Me.(Chelsea, He was crowded out behind this selection is to give|leod (Hibs); Quinn (Mother ot Lelcester's first team by the the English side a good work: well), St, John (Motherwell), [brilliance of new hoy lan King, out against the Scottish League Brand (Rangers) and Wilson|and wanted to move to a team prior to the full international] (Rangers) Where he could enhance hia against Seotland at Wembley on| 1t will be something of a chances of nore international April 18, surprise if this Keottish team honor A The fee was over The Fnglish team is as fol:|can 'inish even on level terms HH 000, Portsmouth, struggling lows:- Springett (Sheffield Wed:|with the star-studded English #8ainst a drop to the third di nesday); Armfield (Blackpool) |side vision, have signed Allan and MeNeil (Middleshrough); |» Brown, of Luton, former Heol: Robson (West Bromwich), Swan RECORDS FOR SPURS tish international, for $11,200, (RheffieldWednesday) In addition to the League and POOLS FIASCO and Flowers (Wolves); Hra:-'Cup double, there are several With 91 draws on the result | sheet, hundreds of thousands of {pools punters came up on eight John Woods R t di on their coupons this a e {week, Instead of winning thou. sands of pounds, they had to ' {he content with between three WwW t and five dollars as their re. es S oCcC er ce ward, It was the poorest return {for eight draws in pools history, VANCOUVER (CP)=A player] Woods also toured the Soviet| But there were only four who signed with Scotland's top| Union and Britain with the Ca./@WAY Wins in English League professional club at the tender [nadian team last summer and|300cer, and this produced a win age of 14 is proving himself one played in every game of the | almost $00,000 for a humble of the most exciting and color: schedule shilling i ---- ful competitors in the Pacific] Last October Woods joined Coat hvvor League perennial Canadian champion John Woods has the instine: | Westminster Rovals for the Do N Y R g tive touch of soccer artistry |minion Cup final against Tor he an ers. Kiwi te world over as "Scot: lonta Golden Mile, He scored two tish style." goals and led the Royals to M N t K Grudging acknowledgment of [4-0 win " ay 0 eep his gid was paid when man-| The jaunty redhead began his . agers and coaches of the five|soccer career as an inside-ri ih | C h Al{P k Pacific Coast League teams seal the age of 13. He has fo oac 1 e lected their all-star team the position ever since NEW YORK (AP) = General Woods was the only name 10) The dream of every Scottish {manager Muzz Patrick of New appear on every ballot schoolboy is to wear the Rayal|York Rangers says the National It was in 1037 that Woods de: [blue shirt of the storied Glas: |Hockey League team. will de: cided he had had enough of pro-[gow Rangers. Woods was signed(cide at a board of directors fessional soccer and came toll a Glasgow form when he was meeting later this week whether Canada. He lived in Winnipeg|14 and a vear later played with(te retain coach Alf Pike for almost a year before com:|ihe Rangers! reserve side in a/ Pike completed the second ing ure iy an game against Airdrie vear of a two year contract Me a end pa oh, 16,2501 got i Ut gam MNS WAM, New' York fn . : ] } and was on his way ished in fifth place in the six B.C. All-Stars against the tour team race ing Admira Wien side of Aus:| When he was 168 Woods B01 Among those rumored to be in tria. The game marked the first{s first chanee to play Withijine tor Pike's job if the Rang: of a regular string of appear 'he Rangers' first team in Alors decide 10 make a change ances with the all-stars exhibition game. He scored two are Phil Watson. coach of Prov In 1959 he played against Eng. 50als in that game idence Reds of the American land's West Bromwich Albion The Rangers' subsequently League, and Emile (The Cat) and Municipal of Lima, Peru loaned Woods to Hamilton Ac: Francis. coach of Guelph Ray Last summer he played against|ademicals and he played withlals, a New York farm team in Scotland's Hearts and jhe So that team for a year before the Ontario Hockey Association viet Union's Leningrad fenit. (coming to Canada Junior A series, Africa, leading money-winner on |the 1061 pro golf tour with earn ings of $10,004, and Kian Leon- {ard of Vancouver, who finished 1200 total | Other Canadians are Keith Alexander of Calgary, Al Bald: ling of Toronto, Phil Brownlee of {Toronto and Bill Kerr of Mont: real | SPORT BRIEFS WIN WATER POLO CROWN | MONTREAL (CP) = Toronto Water Pola Club, featuring sev: eral members of the Hungarian national team who fled their homeland after the 1066 revolt, Saturday night won the Cana |dian senior water polo cham- (plonship, downing Montreal's East-End Boys Club 76, Tor. onto took the two-game, total point set 10-8 ELORDE RETAINS TITLE MANILA (AP) = Gabriel El orde of the Philippines success fully defended his world junior lightweight championship Sun day night by chopping out a clear » cut decision over Joey Lopes of Sacramento, Calif, in a 16-round bout, Both weighed 130 pounds, [ninth in the 1960 Masters with a| t520008 TTY I 1. ROAD HAZARD GUARANTEE of months specified, 2. LIFETIME GUARANTEE Th be L Double protection, From today all new Goodyear auto tires carry this dual guarantee for your protection, How Is this possible? Improved materials, fine work. manship, rigid standards of quality-control and inspection yesult in a superior product, So superior that Goodyear auto tires are now guaranteed against blowouts, fabric breaks, cuts, chunking, bead chafing, cracking and ruptures! Guarantee, Example; the Goodyear Custom Super Cushion is guar. anteed for two full years, Even with the economy-priced Goodyear Marathon you are protected for twelve months, Think about these facts before choosing new tires, () | i * THE NEW GOODYEAR GUARANTEE All new Goodyear automobile tires are guaranteed by written certificate against all Road Hazards--blowouts, fabric breaks, cuts--except re- pairable punctures, Guarantee limited to original owners for number All Goodyear tires are guaranteed against any defects in workmanship and material without limit as to time or mileage, Any Goodyear dealer will repair without charge, or make allowance toward purchase of new tires, based on original tread depth remaining and the current "Goodyear List Price," GRARRRMAA LEICA ; NC AR P= N | a {] . J N : A PN | YY y 0 oN The chances are you will agree with the majority of Canadian motorists, And most car manufacturers, too, Goodyear tires give better value than any other kind, There is a difference In tires, Visit your Goodyear dealer this week, Take advantage of the new Goodyear THINK «and you'll buy O'Keefe Draught, that isl O'Keefe Ale comes In draught as well as bottles, And it's de livered by the kegfull to hotels and taverns, As many a man will tell you, there's very little in the world better able to refresh and relax you than a cool glassful of O'Keefe draught, After a tough day's works after an evening out=pull up a chair In your favourite hotel or tavern and say OK for an O'Keefe draught, Enjoy the draught that's modern in mood «perfectly brewed,

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