Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Mar 1961, p. 10

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oy 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tossdey, Moreh Bi, 198 Hw) ad SPRING MUST REALLY BE SPRUNG Visitors to the Nisgara | Parks commission Ereen houses in WNiagara Falls, Ont, get & preview of spring. The | wide assortment of fowers hiooming under Blass will soon WMS Auxiliary Holds Meeting BROOKLIN -- The Fvening Aixilisry of WMS of Brooklin United Church held its March meeting on Monday evening in the Christian Education Hall with & good attendance, in spite| Mrs. Mabel Higgs, Kinsale and Mrs, Vietor Parkin spent Tuesday afternoon as guests of Mrs. Annie Hadley at Almonds | Sorry to report Mr. imnde | Beaton admitted to re When The [ands pie somes | definite: boundaries of fhe Fes Aential, commercial and indus Iriel areas wowid be defined nd he e FRlAPRYErs aid We doen 14 protest any 1h Associated Press [Big Plans wth Shape a 2ocosd Ot Eh inSiseetvile Gnring the year STREETSVILLE (CF) ~The Farm Machine prope tions armel and Adi fA ad bse sii sib fm Fs wand including 4 som i services ne Une eleriiom networks he added. firms of 999 acres « ws Price Probed Members of Osha Kiwanis. Such ni Ay gp od gp dims y Ad ph aulis. & JakEs. Uesioiet SERA. Sit COMIY OPIANA CF) ~h seeing Jecame (harsh _4¢:lyarher, ps of The Associated Press serviee iq est of TV ny ¥ snvestigation A on factors borg ise Bu and AEH: Sariet, in Wis soush Teportivoncs wit he cotraener oie Most. deameth piece Of Fiat. contribs to the cont ofimodetions provided for rods es of fhe Pla y [huiiding ever attempted on # orm machinery and ud imple awi's sepior cHIzEns, When io members aludd many CHmtries 48 digeoted directed basis, Metre TOI, emis wes romscd onde pilin Bi indryrnbent. erative, said AP has scored imc the increase of the United Na Planning C Marray ioe ¢. pnb sing Rid li fyi lS. erin tnd ot ' Aged Home "Facilities Explained AWE TR RIMET portant. news MsTiwiion ERs tions 16 99 members posed rok erview in Germany, France and ATgen-lems of EOoverage in new areas, ones shid In on oo mities gry ne To. 190, which, more an lore lo vesch he gre Commitiee members -- @ DS eng. Wore Whats 34 \(armers --~ agreed, (0 study theled 4 \orge group of Wioamons bons AiSnAIng & Dill mest {fll range of conts from the timelon & (ovr (hiowgh Hillsdale ve cele by Tor Ts Shp ove ts imined wait the finished | Wonor Aiscrns proposes PIR. machine oF implement is The momher of users of AP {through # maze of difpenies changes for the Sevelopment, ered to the farmer. 8 sh In Wis Wot the least of these" Be. ue developers envisage inte commitiee was instructed 1 #1-1c M5 ciderty {sid "was the fact that some of groteq nities grange for (arm organizations 16 | veroame, 7 in the "normal the countries do not have edu ph A commercial and in he heard first \eare" wing, including faction] cated newspapermen trained In gusrial zones, When completed. Arnold Peters (CCF -- Timis-\for seven marned fompes, the tradition of & free press" (hey are expected 19 have & pop- keming) said he would be sur more persons in the "hed ny He seid devel ws had wh of more than 190.08. prised i the investigation shows| section and 5 in the "speriall 2 caused staff strength 16 be in. The ratepayers generally fav. that lower costs sre 190 high |care" section, The cost of the| creased during the year in west- ored. the proposal, but said the Very often the farmer honght|bwilding was shared equally by en Arica; The Congm; South arezs ZORIRE Were not new equipment he couldn't ofthe Oy " Oshawa and the | Aries; Bangkok, Thailand, Sei- clearly ford "merely to keep wp with! Provincial government gon, Viet Nam; and Lima, Pern, Rey 1" Speck said that the Joneses" | The speaker stressed KINGSTON (CF) -- Baymond A. Murphy, 84, who was 16 re {ti tire from hs railroad oh Thurs y because "it was too much" 4 bis nerves, was killed Mon day when his stalled jigger was struck from the resr by a ¥-car westhound freight train An pssistant road master for the CNR, he was eligible to re-| tire before the mandatory #5 age himit because of previous ii health An investigation inlo the ace dent is being conducted by CNR officials in Belleville Murphy's duties were a daily | patrol of the tracks from Mary! Ville to Gananoque remarks, Mr. Johns WE aimed wit that Hidde Manor RELRIBIRAAI FE that be out in the gardens. Here four-year-old Kathy Counsell bends low to sample the frag rance as well as the sight of spring flowers (AP proven ways to economize during MARCH SAVING DAYS Wirephoin) How do | of inclement weather, The presi-| |General Hospital on March 14 dent, Mrs. Raymond Hodson, following stroke at his al occupied the chair, Mrs. A. speedy recovery is wished for! Reynolds, assisted by Mrs, Van Cards welcomed Roessell, presented a fine Len! Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Hunter | fen devotions) based on Revela- left on Tuesday, March 14, for al tions 3; 13-23 verses Business arising from minutes read by secretary, Mrs, Neill" Pebby, was dealt with and treas- urer's report presented by Mrs A. G, Stocks, Plans were final- ized, and committees formed for the annus! Spring Tea and Bake Bale to be held in the Christian Education Hall, Several members who attend- ed the annual meeting of Osh. awa Preshyterial WMS brought interesting reports, With reference to the new organization to be formed in 1962, by merging of Woman's Association and Women's Mis- sionary Bocieties into one group across Canada, Miss Millicent Juke, Oshawa, voiced the hope that "the missionary minded women would be the backbone of the new organization to be known as "United Women" and would continue with its work to- wards missions at home and | abroad." Mrs, Mervyn Bird read an article taken from United Church Observer, of work and efforts of Padre Arthur Pack- man of Toronto, known as "the padre of the pubs," who visits about 40 hars and beverage rooms in the area running eight blocks east and west of Yonge street and 30 blocks north from Front street Since coming from Britain in 1040, he has served churches at 'Thornloe, Kearney, and Jarvis, Ont,, and resigned his pastor: ate at Sterling, Ont,, to take up his pioneer ministry in Toronto taverns Mrs, Mathew Agar entertain: ed the group by showing color: ed slides entitled, "Alcohol and You" with commentary. Meet: ing closed with Benediction. | Committee served refreshments| ~-- #nd cup of tea at conclusion of| evening' § service PERSONALS Shirley and Karen larmer ave returned to Holina after spending a week at the home of their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs, D, KE, Hamer, Brooklin Mr, and Mrs, Alee Esch scholtz, were visitors last week | at the home of the former's cou sing, Mr, and Mrs, Neufer, To- ronto Anthropologist Defends Teeners LONDON (AP) = A leading British anthropologist made a survey of teen - age morals and announced Monday his most surprising discovery was that so many hoys and girls vefrain from sexual intimacy, Geoffrey Gorer, author of sev- eral hooks on life in primitive as well as modern societies, re: ported there is no firm evidence that today's adolescents have looser morals than teen - agers of past generations, Gorer summarized his find ngs in a report to the Associa tion of Municipal Education Committees He scoffed at the pornographic idea that| books and popu: | lar records are leading Jonge people astray sexually, He said the modern adult society does | not regard teen-agers as being| grown up even though they are) physically mature, and parents still demand that they 'pre. serve the chastity which earlier generations of older people guarded so watchfully," "This is unrealistic, Gores declared | trip to Florida and the sunny south Auto Hits Cruiser PICKERING TOWNSHIP (Btaff)~Two separate accidents in the same location early Sun. day morning involved a Picker. ing Township police cruiser and two other cars west of Ajax on Highway 2, Damage to cars, hydro equip. ment and a guide rail was esti- mated at $2200, In the first accident, an east bound car driven by Barry Milne, of Glynn road, Ajas, veered off the highway on Ar: nold"s Hill, crashed through a guide rail and knocked over a hydro pole which brought down lines causing a 30-minute black-| "% out in the north end of Ajax Damage to this car was esti mated at $1500, equipment $300 and to the guide rail $40, This accident was investigated hy Constable Peter Nichols, of the Pickering Township police department, who parked his cruiser on the south side of the| highway facing west--to warn oncoming traffic that the Milne car was being towed out of the ditch The second accident took place when another easthound car, driven by Dick Doodeman, MeCullough drive, Whithy, struck the rear of the cruiser, causing $100 damage to his car and $150 to the cruiser Police said the cruiser park: |Ing lights and roof signal lights were flashing, as well as the tow truck lights, Milne was charged with care: less driving, Doodeman will face a charge of drunk driving, No one was injured, Education 'For Transients TORONTO (CP)=~A re-educa- tion plan for transients to help the government in its unem- ployment program was an {nounced Monday night by Com: {missioner W, Wycliffe Booth at the Salvation Army's social service report meeting, An anti-suicide bureau, which the Army hopes would-be sui- cides will approach, will be formed, Commissioner Booth said British Columbia has as high a suicide rate as any coun {try in the world at 11.4 suicides for each 100,000 persons and that twice as many persons commit suicide as die from! tuberculosis, Commissioner Hooth said the Army has long lists of people waiting to enter its 21 old age homes, In Toronto there are 465 persons on the list He reported that during the ast year shelter had been given | to 9101 unmairied mothers, | {most of whom were "still chil! ' Two thousand were under 16 years Cleaning Comments---- Pleats are attractive but r arely is there a permanent pleat The term in relative permanent "YOUR CLEANER 15 YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND" to the hydro|§ que? When it comes to saving here's a trick worth knowing, Avoid writing cheques against your Savings Account, Impossible? Not at alll Open a Personal Chequing Account at the "Royal", Use this account for paying bills. Keep your Savings Account strictly for saving, The bank calls this the 2-Account Plan -- a sure-fire way to save. It makes sense, Give it a try, THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA The bank with 1,000 front doors Buy Jor less Drive for less! Now you ean save hoth ways=and pocket the difference. Comet and the Meteor "6" = proven economy leaders in the popular price fields--offer exclusive values io buyers with a budget, Add up the savings! Walch for the White Car Specials on display now at your Meteor Comet Dealerduring Moreh Saving Days! LOW PURCHASE PRICE Comet, the better compact car and Meteor for '61 are competitively priced with other cars in the popular price class, Take Comet; it's priced about $600 below some of the other compacts, Meteor too, model for model, is priced right in line with the lowest: priced big cars! You can't help but save with these economy leaders hoth builtin Canada, 6-CYLINDER ECONOMY ON REGULAR GAS sn saving with a "6' in Meteor and Comet, Gas: saving economy's backed by dependable per: formance in both the Meteor 135 Hp Econ: O:Fuel 8ix or Comet's BS Hp Thrift:-Power Six, And both deliver top mileage on regular gas! 30,000 MILE CHASSIS LUBRICATION* A milestone in maintenance that appeals to every driver, Meteor's chassis lubricates itself for 30,000 miles, The secret lies in Meteor's sealed nylon bearings and newly:.developed lubri: cants, No other manufacturer offers this ex: elusive! Lube jobs now become obsolete, And Just think of your savings in time, This feature is easily renewed for 30,000 miles at a cost of $4.00 to $6.00. *Meteor feature only 4,000 MILE OIL CHANGE Another savings extra is yours with 4,000 mile oil changes, This cuts your usual num: ber of oil changes in half! This is made pos: sible by the new Full-Flow Oil Filter~standard in both Meteor and Comet, All engine oil is filtered constantly to stay cleaner - longer, NEW SELF-ADJUSTING BRAKES" A real engineering break: through that adds more to Meteor's overall economy story, Meteor's brakes adjust them: selves automatically when applied while backing-up! This makes mechanical adjust: ments obsolete for the life of the linings, Even more important is the assured safety this feature makes possible, *Meleor feature only, NO 'WAX FINISH Comet and Meteor styling stand out everywhere you drive ~Wwith good reason, With an all-new Diamend: Lustre, baked enamel finish, it's so easy to keep Comet and Meteor looking showreom: new, Simply wash=waxing's no longer re. quired so you can count on more savings here, TRIPLE-LIFE MUFFLER The new muffler on Meteor and Comet is double:wrapped and aluminized to give you three times longer service than ordi nary types. This feature alone will save you the cost of replacement three times! 1961 Meteor Rideau 2 Doar Sedan, 1961 Comet 2:Doar Sedan--1wa of Foard of Canada's fine ears=bylt in Canada. CASH-IN ON ECONOMY DURING MARCH SAVING DAYS AT YOUR METEOR-COMET DEALER! NEW RUST-RESISTANT UNDERBODY All vital underbody parts of Meteor and Comet are zinc-conted or galvanized to resist corrosion caused by mud, water and road salt, An important fea: ture during Canadian winter driving that saves you maintenance costs all year "round, 12,000 MILE WARRANTY Quality proof is yours in the new, extended Warranty pioneered by Ford of Canada, Meteor and Comet are warranted for 12,000 miles or one year= whichever comes first, There you have it! Nine saving reasons why the Meteor "6" and Comet are your best buys in driving economy, When you add up your maintenance savings in time and money, low initial price plus the standard noscost exiras, you'll find that the Meteor "6" and the new Comet are Canada's economy leaders, Now's the best time to visit your Meleor-Comet Dealer and prove it to yourself, It makes good sense , , . saving sense! Cheek the White-Cor Specials on display during March Saving Days Jor savings you ean count on--in advance! METEOR $1008 Oshawa Branch: 5, F Donnelly, Manager 1271 SIMCOE BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES Your Mercury-Meteor-Comet and Ford Dealer in Oshawa RA 3.4673

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