Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 21 Mar 1961, p. 9

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basteia. now Aewiitariuet, las M8 jn connie Reniel ance aad prenioed $5.08 008 in military SALONS (5 ccoReme #4 TE GOMAWA TIMED, Tussdey, Merch 31, 1987 § een given 91.790 .900 908 fn arn ars thi S54 hes rial. moeh. wih PEs gk III, " ---- po py in military #6, Formosa teesived $5.909008, Roh ' sion of arms Wid to Pakistan Indoching The Mictators of the Weslsrh. cuba was given W55.908598 i 068 in x : aid and 91.909 P05 Rave received subetentiel Loess) a an the war fo and Ab world Weve not faved badsy | commie aesiatancn, SE1.009, 095 999,999 is arma wand money | France has received $599, And 5 it gous. The United pig 1a fas reessvel 1 $4 i in economic #4 . UI, cates money (5 and S485 999 fox her military, minicin Republic go omy ores 4 ; has even given Pi has rensivel $55.50, $1709 in economic #4, the Sandi Arabia was gravted lane' enemy, lorael, while men ust abot what France spent Commies. nations EE ---------------------- | Huge Sums Of US. Funds Spent On Foreign Aid WASHINGTON (AF) Simanifevesiad Ty comics against the wre for #h practiced pw poss the ond of the Seannd World Ineign Ha programm we hese. the French wars in Indocking War, the Umited Sates has 5 The United Slates gave ech and Algens spent the fantastic som of $95, Romie wd tary ma to Me Undoniatly there sis some B90 850 580 15 wid aifies, (riends (iors who Then weed ls #6 oriths in #0 these charges, It #BA (rmer foes sHprass hebt own pesgie in the they Ao not affect the United OF the (AGL, $08 400 990 S56 RRIRE Of ARGL-COMIBINISIR Males basic moty ation | hes for saonomic @4, $25, 1 The UB. wa was weed Wy. The United States has been) WOM for military resist Nes wid former foes (9 reid inrish In Hs wa to former) pay nh OR IIiIE REST INAasinias enemies and 15 Balators : This money has heen weed to COMPeres Wn wich # wey hit. Germany bas recived over) build dams feed the hwngry, They re Row the chief competit [54000 999.509 in economic wid PRIchase Plows and ssl, 1a 07% 16 The C5, and this compe and $95 90 008 for the creation] build factories, construct roads, HOR is imwnons 19 Gomestic of an srmed force, Haby Was whler deserts, shore wp bank Iehor and industry heen gramied $5400 999 998 in rp governments, and arm 5 Cormmh officials weed U5 Leaconomic wid and $1.09 599 5% # ; THE COMMUNITY PAGE FRIENDLY NEIGHBORLY SERVICE A GUIDE TO VALUES IN OSHAWA & DISTRICT | to * =n 75 Simese 51. RA 51611 The merchants listed on this page ore co-operating in the belief thot the ides of TRADING AT HOME is o worthwhile ides, Why? Because the merchants of Oshawa end district will give you better service RUGS than you con obtain elsewhere, of prices comparable to those offered by mail order houses ond big city stores, The businessmen of Oshawa ond district ore heavy taxpayers, they have large payrolls, end 47.95 ACH they contribute in many ways fo the welfare of the community through sponsored progroms, sports prizes FREE UNDERPAD cn They ore a group thot does meh owards oF making the community @ mere liveable place, Money spent out of town does not come back in the form PLAINS . TWEEDS AND TEXTURED Reguler Velue $120.00 HAMBLY TIRE LTD. nerd SAFETY THROUGH QUALITY funds 10 ennich themselves and in miliary assistance But no well is inexhaustivie, thelr comes, leaving Witle for. Japan Was received 91.500 M9 HAYDEN D, KEMP Imperiel ESSO Service Ws good cor ~ keeping time ® MINOR REPAIRS » WHEEL BALANCING ® LUBRICATION ® ACCESSORIES Complete tire ond botiery wvike HER REFER The ld of cost and cosh donations for many worthwhile pro jects Free Pick-up ond dehivery Phone RA 5.3680 268 BLOOR ST, WEST MOTOR CITY BOWLING 40 MODERN "BRUNSWICK" LANES OPEN LANES--AUTOMATIC SETTERS FREE INSTRUCTIONOPEN SUMMERS OFEN 9 AM, DAILY AMR-CONDITIONED (Summer Leagues start Mey 19 ~ phone for Openings) Moke It A Family Might PHONE RA 3:3212 78 RICHMOND 57, W of wages, payments of municipal taxes and services, or for community activities, PATRONIZE THE LOCAL AND DISTRICT MERCHANTS ON THIS PAGE, IT IS IN YOUR INTEREST TO DO 50, TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS GET RESULTS! NORTH OSHAWA Plumbing and Heating Allen Robinson, Prop, + SPEEDY SERVICE, REPAIRS, IM. STALLATIONS, ALTERATIONS, ALL COPPER PLUMBING JOBS, PHONE RA 5-3715 52 WAYNE AVE, o WHEEL ALIGNMENT PHONE RA 8-6221 L] 3 MRS, A, E. BATHE, 83 Themes $1, Oshow rmm---- REAL STONE Mantels -- FLOWER BOXES ond FIREPLACES CUSTOM BUILT For Free Estimates Call RA 8-1022 Now FOR NATURAL ALL COLOR STONE FACING INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR OSHAWA NATURAL STONE PRODUCTS KING §7, (01d Henderson Block Factory) OSHAWA a ---- HARVEY Now Rte ACA " fa The BEFORE mites Ti + yoors oh ond wp me IRENE HARVEY, Ye Xin oun 4 ® TY Aerials ® Rotors artment ystems We Fasture ® SAMSON TV TOWERS SUDDARD'S C.CM, and RALEIGH BICYCLES Seles--Service--Parts Keys Made PHONE RA 5-3979 497 SIMCOE 57, SOUTH ANDY NAGY'S SHANK'S APPLIANCE SERVICE BODY SHOP Efficient and Prompt Repeir Service 24 Wowr Towing Service ; Ui to Al Makes of HOUSENOLD 4 4 shad ond YACUUM CLEAN. FREE PICKAIP AND DELIVERY [= PHONE RA 5-8451 126 ORCHARD VIEW Redistors Repaired and \ : Re-sored la " | PHONE RA 8.4451 STEVENSON'S ROAD SOUTH RICKSHA DINING ROOM BRING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS FOR THE BEST IN CHINESE FOODS Open From 11.30 AM, FOR TAKE-OUT ORDERS Phone RA 8-1676 42 KING 57, WEST GUARANTEED USED CARS ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Your Friendly dealer serving the public for 38 years, ® CHEVROLET . ® CORVAIR ® OLDSMOBILE HOWIE'S Sales and Service Always a good selection Lubrication--~Washing Tune-up--Towing of used cars on display, Phones Bowmanville Open 7 am, to 11 pm, Alse Weekends MA 3-3922 or MA 3-3353 PHONE RA 5-5337 SIMCOE 57, NORTH Mr, A, Cormier, 40 Glover's Rd, ove 77 FREE « Merchandise or Service FREE SEE IF YOUR NAME IS IN ONE OF THESE ADVERTISEMENTS This puge is o weekly feature of the Oshawa Times for u 26-week period and there will appear in the advertisements each week the names and addresses of people living in | k UK| * MOVING STORAGE Oshawa and District, Read the Advertisements in which you found your name and present New and Used Radiators it within one week along with a sales slip to the Oshawa Times Office, showing that goods Phone RA 5-1633 We ar w tf 2 MOTORWAY y or services have been purchased from any of the advertisers on this page and you will 12 Sonn 37. iy TRANSHORT receive absolutely free a $3.00 order to be spent for merchandise or services with one of MOSIER HILL THE MOVER the advertisers on this page, Winner must advise which advertiser they wish to spend SHEET METAL ALL LOADS $3.00 order with," E550 end GAR WOOD Fully insured and handled ef- ficiently by union men, Storage and Packing HEATING UNITS Salew--Service~--Parts PHONE RA 5-2734 Phones: OFFICE---RA 8.4 292 KING ST, WEST -- a. 619 RESIDENCE-~RA 8.3371 -- ---- 153 CONANT STREEY CLAYTON ORPWOOD TEXACO SERVICE Features: ® MOTOR TUNE.URS SPECIAL THURS, TO SAT, BROOKSIDE Reg, 195 BREAD 2 LOAFS FOR 33¢ FRI, AND SAT, HAMBURG 3 Ibs, 1,00 N. & G. Fruit Market 199 KING oY, W, RA 32600 Better Upholstering ro AM He Extre Cont +00 AH Types of Furniture 424 KING W, RA 5.6122 G9A, FIORINI CONTRACTOR ® Industriel * Commercial ® Residential FREE There mre indications that the the people 199 in economic wd md 9767, United States con no longer. 4 The United Slates under 009.099 in military assistance bens the burden of assistance 16 g ; the free nations of the word . lome--and Boesw' intend 15 In his state of the union ad 21- Y Trovi dress, President Kennedy said I intend to ask Congress fo authority in establish # ney . ond more effective program fom 00 a eria assisting the economic, educs hh 4 Local. Brome | WONTRIA, CF) pews (to was wader Phat program must stimuiate PEO weeount of the case was ire. Beporting # p ob AB bid confined to a single line. of November Wurglares, #4 take more effectively Wo (Christopher 1amtier, for steal Herald commented ian the comubutions of OW ing a cow, 1 be hanged on Fri While we see such daring of allies aay, the 10h day of May next" | rocities perpetrated with im ' The Mem was one of Many impunity in this city, one 1s #f # RENN ii go TE that caught the eve of aihor loss to determine where the the Ereation of a central fund Lawrence M. Wilson in com: blame should attach, It seems 1 an ceo ping Wis most recent book THis not within the power of indi is ability 18 pay. por "1816 and 1817 effects, We have magistrates po y ia poy i The 20-page book is & cob hut they exist only in name, We Fhe winds of change Were jection of items culled verve have also Police magistrates-- sweeping across the world even tim from the editorial, news yet no law clothes them with hefore Kennedy assumed office. and advertising columns of the such title or authority--who are Former president Eisenhower Montreal Hergld, a four-page paid for thelr trouble; hut we warned last Oct, 17 that the weekly first published in 1510, ask those gentlemen what they United States should not he ex No attempt is made in the book have done sines robberies have pected to share the burden of 10 link the items together into been so frequent for 18 months #id indefinitely an historical secount, Wach past? Have they done more At the moment the Upited|item--most are only & Pars: then other magistrates are States is losing money ai thelEraph or two in length--#tands bound 10 do from the nature rate of $3,500,000 000 a year; |" itself of thelr oaths, without recom that is, the United States is| The hook has heen published pense, If they have done more spending thet much more ahroad|PYAtely by the Chateau aeiand can prove thet more vob than it earns from foreign Hamezny, 4 former GOVEINOT's heres would have heen com SOURCES, 3 Joma ih Honsront ald tov 4 mitten had i not heen for their Th g oR & ak) A w vigilance, they ought to do so. of ou JON ny Yue ie limited fo 1000 copies, Theiand if they cannot make this value of the dollar. If the gold] "0K sells for #3 X appear, then have their salaries drain continues unchecked the "AME OLD PROBLEMS heen thrown away, The mag ) ould under the U8 | An interasting period of his istrates at such an alarming ss could undermine the UB |e jo covered hy the hook. erisis ought to eall the citizens sconomy and its position in the Newspapers from Paris and|together, and devise some vorld London brought Montrealers, means for the protection of the Since most of the loss is at-|word of the capture of Napo: property in the community," tributable to the U8, foreign aid| leon hy the British and his exile] Heporters of the day sought program and maintenance of|to Bt, Helena, The trip from ito he colorful in their writing wilitary commitments overseas, |London (6 Montreal ook 84 Obituaries were real tear-jer:| Ame readjustment is obviously days kers, But occasionally touches in order, The final skirmishes were of humor slipped into reports Whatever the future holds the Deng fought in the war of 1812] of tragedy, This item appeared | fact remains that for the past|Peiween Canada and the United in The Herald of Aug, #0, 1516; | 14 years the United States has Plates Ami American feu WE! It is a lamentable truth that given of its treasure to more" gh There was y+ Oa Canadian was found hanging than 70 nations, Whether thi Aion. between upper and lower this morning on 4 tree on the oney, equal | 0 | eaumont Hoa e hope tha shout. Ma aot --. Kivi "v H But some of the items showed jc u i not become common 10 y nving that this gay, and at times oases (0 hear such fruit," citizen, has heen spent wisely is wicked, city hasn't changed ™ He a # matter of debate much, Reports of erime in the The newspaper, of course, But the United States has/then city of 16,000 hore a strik jsven \n Hos arly Jays Son recognized that hungry netions|ing resemblance fo present-day I8inee & Jeers ft ue wi Are plek nations, prone to heed lepers In the city of more than of & (rip to (hel Fmt 'Sroinises, however ne aiy's administrators, un [moon --_--y pole Jo foto! fui iamat pale and an der public pressure to halt a) Author Wilson, # native of Pl orirae wave, recently imported| suburban Longeuil, is a former AFTER MAT GIMPEL) Custom Upheolstering RA 8.5342 PHONE RA 8-8180 OSHAWA T.V, 361 Gibbons St, p-- VAL METTE PLUMBING AND HEATING Repaire--instaliations FREE ESTIMATES 23 CELINA STREET RA 5-3279 i a ib free, Prospet | experts from Beotland Yard and| foreign correspondent, war vet al ¥ nations are na the Paris poliee fo study theleran, adventurer, prospector, ural allies situation oyster farmer, owner of an Among the In 1816, the city's administra: English pub, and a prolific short story writer (leaning Comments There is ne reasen why yeu sheuld nat look well-dressed all the time "YOUR CLEANER 15 YOUR CLOTHES BEST FRIEND" ESTIMATES 74 BEATRICE RA 5-4647 broad charges Traffic Poses Growing Problem Urban traffic congestion 1s(B000 people are employed by one of the most challenging|the Canadian subsidiaries and| problems of the présent century, (by British ear dealers who have says C, W, Gllehrist, managing] invested $30,000,000 in their local director of the Canadian Good businesses Roads Association . ¢ ---- Announcing that three techni-| PLAN PLANTICS RHOW Forres apie 7 cal committees of the associa.| The Plastics Show of Canada, IX gmt tion have started studies of the| Which will present exhibits from -- ---------g problem, Mr, Gilchrist stated \ anada's §100,000,000 plastics in " Kits " "Development of an adequate| dustry, will be held in Toronto] w EEE system of transportation in eit.|0ct. 17-10, Some 10,000 people| w ies requires stupendous amounts re expected to attend, A nine:| mw of eapital, Most loeal govern.|Man committee, drawn from| = | ments find expenditures of this| VArious companies, has been ap.| ™ 0 magnitude entirely beyond their| Pointed to have over-all respon: = EES financial resources, Therefore, |f1bility for the show, which isl ™ DY sufficient emphasis has not heen |heing sponsored by Progressive ™ g off given to formulation of broad, Plasties, a trade magasine | al long-range programs,' : m-- | =K I er Unless solutions are found, Hales through vending ma Mr, Gilehrist added, the country Chines in Canada, whieh have "= ESE will pay a progressively heavier doubled since 1058, are expected = toll in economic waste, and the|l0 inerease (his year by §8,000,.( == cost of urban congestion will far) 000 to a total of $50,000,000, Says | exceed the cost of providing Robert M, Murray, institutional] = adequate facilities sales manager of General Foods == 0 POR ' ROL Lid, He adds | NY "wo 4 ---- wn 19 FURTRAY ROLE Wook Canadians will soon be able, RT will he held this year April 10: to buy a complete meal, cooked! 3, The Canadian Chamber's/to order in 35 seconds, from current News Letter says that/vending machines, Experimen:| following its successful inaug: tal models are scheduled to go FRESH-BREWED FLAVOUR uration three years ago, hel into operat ion this spring| week "has heon set aside 10\whorehy choice steaks can he Mone. Cups tothe INA 87, HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE Specialists in Automobile Brake Work RA 3.7822 #7 KING STREET -- LEE BISHOP RARIATOR REPAIRS Cleaning & Recoring GALT CARTAGE (te fo Ie {oth Patronize The Business Firms On This Page PROFESSIONAL BROADLOOM CLEANING BY STEPHENSONS' , GARAGE TED'S WHITE ROSE AND MARINE FREE standing and appreciation, a To The Customers bring about a greater a od for with a #5 bill, with the| the local level, of the role of the Chamber movement in develop: | ing the sense of eitizenship ve sponsibilities and in halla RRR ae Canadian eammunities for the national good." Mare than 800 local Chambers | and Roards of Trade across the country will take part in the ob: servation The British Motor Industry in Canada, reacting to oritielsma of imparts, says 1980 ear im: ports brought Canada' leading seaports $10.000.000 in harbor Mies and longshoremen's wages The organization, whose mem hershin is made up of Canadian subsidiaries of Rritish automo hile and component manufae turers, adds that the wioter in dustry is Heitain's largest user of Reitish Columbia fir plywood: | in a large importer of Canadian aluminum; and makes possible other purchases of Canadian {products © Canadian subsidiaries, the ap ganization oontinues, have in vested $12.000.000 in sales and service facilities and factory EXTENSION PHONES save wear and tear =oome 09 coloum, 3 models, Call the BELL Business Qe = or ask Ihe man in aur green truek &) warts depots: and ft states na machine returning the PL I -- change." SPECIALISTS IN frame straigh ening, wheel alignment, gens al repain ad headlight ser vies, PHONE RA 5.0522 15 CHURCH §T, PARKER ELECTRIC An Efficient Electrical Wiring Service * RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL + INDUSTRIAL ELECTRIC HEATING 232 GOLF ST. RA 0.041) Of The Week This Could Be You 1 ORDER INVOICE WILL BE DRAWN ON SATURDAYS GET THE HIGHEST QUALITY DRY CLEANING NOW MAPLE OLEANERS PHONE RA 5.0643 504 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH SPECIAL 12' CARTOP BOAT $185 Regular $235.00 EL SCOTT OUTBOARD MOTORS and SERVICE STAR CRAFT BOATS ALUMINUM ALSO CARTOP BOATS RR NO, 4 OSHAWA, KING ST, PHONE RA 8.5924 NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS RA 8.4601 174 MARY ST. N, vane oF NAT, INSY, OF RUG CLEANERS ILONRA'S DRESSMAKING SALON DESIGNER w= DRESSMAKER w= WEDDING ~ FORMAL = ocx. TAIL, alte MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS and NOUSECOATS -- ALTERATIONS RA 8.5TN 44)4 SIMCOE ST, NORTH HOTEL LIMITER AL) oe 51, South SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES ON OUR MODERN ROOM PHONE RA 5.3743 ® BRAKE SERVICE ® MECHANICAL REPAIRS PHONE RA 8.6011 461 PARK ROAD SPECIAL THE NEW Extra Protein Wave Phone RA 5.2521 GENOSHA BEAUTY SALON 64 KING ST, EAST LE MOULIN ROUGE CATERERS FOR WEDDING and BOWLING BANQUETS PRIVATE PARTIES SMALL OR LARGE REASONABLE RATES PHONE RA 3.404) HARRY A DICKISON Custom Built Memes. » gs mR ion Rooms, Including Remodelling PHONE RA 5.8213 FOR REASONABLE RATES NHA, LOANS ARRANGED % tabind FAST 24.HR, SERVICE NO, 1 FUEL OIL DNIPRO OIL CO, LTD, 190 BLOOR ST, EAST PHONES RA 8.0762 RA 3.7709 GEO, M. REID For Quality * AWNINGS * VENETIAN BLINDS * CANOPIES * CANVASS 44 BOND §T, RA 5.0603 © Ms, Paviett 77 Rowena Sb, Oshawa REESOR FUEL AND LUMBER Everything In Builders Supplies, Lumber, Coal We Specialize In Summer Cottage "Needs Free delivery in Lake st Distriet Port Party YU 5.79) BEST IN QUALITY AND DESIGN ' Interior and Exteri Welding and Steel Fabricating, Pesigning =~ Estimates Free OSHAWA ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS 37 PEARSON SV, OSHAWA RA 3.416)

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