Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 Mar 1961, p. 6

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Fhe Oshawa Times Pubtisnesd by Canadian Wewspopers Limited, B6 King $ E Voge ¢ SE soy, Merch 75 Cshawe, Ont G44 Demonstrations Not Yet General Enough To Join There has been po word from Holy Loch for seversl days now, 89 we must assume that the Placsrdcpryng pads diers have become tied of getting dumped into the chilly Scottish waters and have retired ponder other methods of protesting the basing of # mother dhip for puclesr submarines in Brite The mcident funny MH were not pitiful fearful sernesiness, even some logic 1o sll these demonstrations agemet miclesr weapons in their various forms, Wo one likes 19 ena no tn Wang he There is # live in an atmosphere of terror one looks forward to being fried intercontinental One cannot consider this to be g sene world ss long as west and hostile have M within their power to destroy half the world, with its millions end people, in the spuce of & few hours, end Wn 0 doing condemn millions more gll over the world of disesse, distortion and desth, The simple answer, the bomb"; get rid an herbecuse nations to generations of course, is "ban of nuclesr weapons of sll sorts Simple answers, unfortunately, are ones. We would be ro better off the netions which people pie permnied 10 with "ben the boll signs followed the ade vice of the demonstretons and pacifists, We would simply be in & position 19 be fried without heving the rather wry conshation of knowing thet our stacks we would be inviting our enemies 9 bate becuse we, And is the lingering sispicion thet some of the most vociers cleat raeely gs wtf m priris ers were glso being fried. Indeed there Oli CENT AAS Gypinst weapons ere less concerned shout the horrors of nuclear wer then they sre shout reducing our ebility to metch the Soviet Union in the waging of puciesr wer sre something less then honorable We shell demonstrators, therefore, until demons. trators in Moscow end Omsk, Prague and Budapest, Warsaw end start marching shout with placesrds de- thelr motives, in other wWoras, refrain from joining the manding thet their BV ETHIE abane don nuclear weapons end asin gl their Venus and other missiles at the moon sundry spots in space Taxes Are Costs, Too Not sll Canadian menufacturers are enchanted by the repeated wrgings of cabinet ministers to "compete and sell" Here is the reaction of A. C, Ras president and genergl manager of North American division of Atlas Bleecls Id "It and others tell us we VILE the #8 given in & recent speech M he Hees more is interesting to histen to mist markets and to costs, Those bankrupt competitive in Overseas do so must reduce of us who not already from being unable to reduce costs to our are compete with cheap imports here ale ready know that, But actualy, does a reduction in cost to sell in ex- port markets mean? "One of Atlas Steels items is 8 product we have to sell at cost plus overhead in order to be com. petitive overseas, Our costs for this product break down as follows: Raw materials, 42 per cent of costs; labor ond salaries, 22 per cent; supplies, 12 per cent; utilities, four per cent; ad- ministration, sales expense, shipping costs, administration ete, 20 per cent, As nearly as we can estimate, taxes of what main export ell kinds mre nesrly 20 per cent of the value of these goods and services which ve from suppliers "Now ncentive we purchase of OVErseas let us ass the ne to give mamtain margin neeaq ow customers to an adequate As 10 not volume of business is 10 per cent we are already this selling at cost of this reduces cent must come out cost To get of raw materials alone would per non-existent profit tion require & 25 per cent reduction in raw To of labor would 50 per out material cost get it out end salaries cent reduction of cost in labor salaries, , , Reductions of this magnitude in any one area are impractical, But to make Canadian industry competitive, relative reductions are essential in sll phases of cost , ,. On Feb. 7 in Toronto Mr, Hees said it was necessary for industry to reduce its be competitive overseas, Two weeks later ported to have said increased taxes were inevitable in 1961, I find it impossible statements to are Tequire a costs to he was re. to justify these two or believe he does not consider taxes a cost item." New Uses For Uranium The wranium troubles that upset many Canadians & few months ago may tum to the birth of a new life for this metal out be pangs This Is the suggestion of an article in a recent issue of the Oval, the house organ of Canadian Industries Limited, It points out that while the decision of the United States to suspend purchases of uranium in this country a year ago hecause of changing defence needs has worked a hardship on such mining een» tres as Elliot Lake, there are exciting new possibilities in the peaceful use of uranium whieh may make these hard. ships only temporary, The net result of the changed the immediate future outlook for the uranium industry in Canada was the establishment of the Canadian Uranium Research Foundation the latter part of last year, with Prof, Frank the University of British jolt which Forward, of Columbia as its head @he Oshawa Times Lo WILSON, Publisher and Sensral Manage € GWYN KINSEY Edit nes and daily fhe Oshawa | Gagetle 1883 y published days excepted) he (as Chanel b Sunday & r Me y Newspa Associate ange Frama A Cree ¢ ana Proving slate the Co Proms a on 0 he we pligation of ai in hs p Prose o herein en ac air Put Wan Dailies Axe valy entitled a deanatihed ihe Associated eal news published fsnateher are als wis ot Cs Ottice Bulla Yoranto ' 440 Cathean SUBSCRIPTION RATES BAT Oshawa. Whithy Bawmanvi no lor Perry, Pines Frenchman's Bay bavi Ennis en, Street sal PO Dativaina by Alan, Piekering Albert ple Gio Liveraael . Taunts Hon Cal Mang Pa wees Ah] yoo Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 1961 17223 Even before this, research work inte the begun non-nuclear uses of had hy at the request of the Eldorado Mining uranium in Ottawa the government and Refining Company. An excerpt from the Oval the prospects "The Ottawa with alloying uranium with steels, There points to bright future program is concerned 18 hope that practical tests will prove that the new alloy will reduce pitting, for more which seriously affects steel used marine purposes, It may prove resistant in fatigue and to the stress plagues hails ers, tubing and wire cable, Other pros perties of the new alloy may find a place "in railroad drilling and hoisting equipment, steam piping, and ancillary equipment for steam turbines and chemical plants operating at high corrosion which normally axles, temperatures , The Oval representing as it does the chemical industry, points out that this industry, hitherto an important supplier to uranium producers, may become their of economical customer if the Foundation's There will be a place for the metal in the develops ment of paint may lead and sporting ammunition some ideas prove pigments, and it harden used in shot loads The non-nuclear great industry the use of urdnium will to next be dian of importance the Canar the Is expected in few vears n excess supply during that period. Failure since metal to be to find new outlets for it will cause the to shrink still that industry further, It is good to learn there is a spirit of initiative and that determination evident Prol unfounded Bible Thought Greater love hath ne man than this, that a for his would indicate Forward's optimism is not man lay down his John 15:13 Friendship is best life friends understood when demonstrated, Being friendly is showing by word and action that we really are Peking OTTAWA REPORT Budget May Show Job-Boost Plans Bs PATRICK WICH VIEW AE -- L ceRstiong yw biting pkey may be reveled Ww the 555 bogs as budget of the Dhefepbaier @99 ernment. Awe 15 he waves Ww Parkament afar the Fastty te ess What may he tik 16H. REE wiive mag RTy ROSES SEER for very many YEE re Heng FIER WB VRE REIRETAREY CW FIARES, BEEHEE TRE ZIRE. SRCTREY with which the bilge is @ways in brief thet WERE WHER RT part A the wages Mf RAGEIRET WK: IF BER WE sein ied wn ya 4 Laan va, Rregs of Canasta The Dhelepbhaker gHvermment bes taken many far - reaciing megsnres 10 help the nations eConainy 16 vl (oryerg vr perity once more. M these mess WIRS RIE BOL VIOIGIBE TESS ACE y ERORNER, IIs MOTE #K treme measure of Birect subeisy by ws REPORT FROM UK. A "- BIEGE Ma A spi qd be ROAR WhESK THE KORE] the Ahdrvins. Suh LFpiamivy Be fhe wis IBGE ER for the cB 4 BRA REGIELGRE NG amy (Rr 1eacIng PiNiens wast be subet believe HR imag native tie yams (ering of Gr REOBAMY od he ieunchel. The canst io re ponies 15 Reve Bees SRGTWE this, prams l Lor same WEEKS RBA DIRSEIRANNY AER SCR ny 5 DEORE RPPRES This Aepartinepis and of EY ETTIREIE. (ER TTRA RISE OF REVALIATION it is not Bkely that the gov Ernest would send B cheqge to each wporoved business each WEEK, 18 LVEF the SHPDDIEIReEnt gry weges WH. A prelerabie form for the subsidy mig be some ahatement of corporation lanes payable tn the (edergl wey hed aad Rimi jy A WAR wan RORBLIRE New Power Plant For Atomic Ships By M. McINTYRE HOOB Special Vondon (Eng.) Correspondent For The Oshawa LONDON Eritgin's stom scientists are be given tne go-ahead signal, and the money to develop an entirely new type of slom power plant for driving merchant ships, hners snd gir craft carrier But before thet development: reaches the prac y that Brit mer on Times 7 fica tage. i is Bke _Lom-pow chant ship will he gins frst ered unAer struction I understand on good suthor My hal the government, within the next two, will place gr the hullding vessel will he and the 16 he n montn or order for of this shi The one of 55.000 tons tract fo £ 18 the neighborhood of $33,000,000 oon Ike DRAWN BY COMMITTEE The proposals ain's first alow powered mer chant ship, have heen present ed to Ernest Marples, minister of transport in a report drawn un hy a technical commitiee The commitiee was made up of experts from the Atomic Energy Authority, the shipbuilding and shipowning industries and rep resentatives from Lloyd's, the MAring Insurance group This committee, I am informs ed, urges an immediate start on # nuclear merchant ship or pas senger vessel. It believes that one could be built and commis sioned by the end of 1064. The INSIDE YOU for this, Brit committee is believed to have recommended 15 Mr. Marples thet the power plant should be of the boiling walter type, sich #5 Is used in the Amencan ni clear submarines AMTERNATIVE This would be 8 blow 19 Brit ish designers and engineers, who have heen Boing for n all-British vessel. The Alomis Energy Commission, however plans to go shesd with is effort to develop an entirely new and british type of atom power plant for this purpose. It will require, i reports, gt least three years on land-based experi ments, to he carned at Dounresy. in the North of Sent land, hefore the engine he placed in & vessel Another proposal is that # specially constructed ice breaker of about 35.000 tons should be built for this new power plant, to be operated in the Arctic in eo-nperation with Canada Tenders for unit were submitied some months ago hy a number of leading British firms, including AFI Hawker - Siddeley and Mitchell engineering. A major hattle to build the vessel is ex pected helween Britain's leads ing shipbuilding firms. The ports of London, Southampton, Merseyside and Glasgow are heing examined as possible hases 'for nuclear merchant ships, Special safety rules have heen drawn up for their use mL can Bn glomie power Doctor Answers Readers' Queries By BURTON H, FERN, MD Dear Doctor: What can he done for too much electricity in the hody? Mrs, A, B Dear Mrs. B: Does your comb crackle when you run it through your hair? Or do vou feel a shock when you walk across # thick carpet and touch some one? The comb or carpet gen erates the charge not yoy Don't fall for quack electrical remedies! Any time you feel "overcharged, touch a water faucet and the electricity will drain down the pipes. into the ground DIZZY SPELLS Dear Doctor: When 1 turn my head, my face becomes deathly white and I hecome dizzy. Why? Mr, J, BE Dear Mr, ¥ Tiny pressure thermostats in the main arteries of the neck may be squeezed hy muscles or a tight collar, Mis taking this squeezing for high blood pressure, the thermostats relax your blood vessels and slow your heart . As blood pressure falls, your face pales, you feel woozy and hreak into a cold sweat Let vour doctor decide how to treat it! DAILY DOSES Dear Doctor: Ts it harmful to take one teaspoon of cod liver oll daily? 1 am 67 years ald Mrs. J, A some brands of cod liver all contain more vita mins than others Hut the amount in ane teaspoonful won't havm you unless vou're hother ed by calelum » containing kid ney stones A teaspoonful of cod supplies 45% calorie if battling excess weight this cod liver ail can four pounds every Ask your doctor MINS you need GREEDY DOCTOR Dear Doctor: My doetor mane call Dear Mrs, A fiver all yOu re Hopping Save you year what vila von't { pay extra for ving way out of town Isn't he being NOuse unless greedy Ms. J, § Dear Mrs. 8: Recently a man rushed into a dootar's affice quick, Dw he My wife's dying! with you to show Lome nanded nde way When the car faally pulled wp de I" the Wit in front of his house, the man paid the doctor "My wife's not really dying," he explained. "But no taxl would bring me out here for less than $15. You did, for your usual $7 fee!" DOCTOR WON'Y TELL Dear Doctor: I don't see how I could possibly have VD. Still, I'm afraid to consult a local does tor because gossip spreads fast in our small community Miss M, U Dear Miss U.: Fear not! Cure the trouble before complications set in, Trichomonas and other germs produce the same symp» tom No understanding doctor spreads gossip and no gossiping doctor understands the law. He Is legally bound to safeguard all patients' secrets BY-GONE DAYS 10 YEARS AGO William Boddy was re-elected chairman of the Oshawa branch of the Vietarian Order of Nurses, at its annual meeting Oshawa skaters gave a spark ling performance at the 11th an nual Tee Carnival held at the Oshawa Arena. Among the pers farmers were Evelyn Rabson, Canadian gold medalist. Elaine Richards, Gail Authors, Carol Southwell, Donald Jackson, Alan Anderson and Glen Skuce A building fund was launched to raise $5000 for a club house in Connaught Park Pr, 8 G. We president of the of the Canadian olely TY was elected Oshawa branch Red Cross So Thomas Gill, newly elected president of the 8th Oshawa Sea Scout Group, presided at the annual father and son hanquet During the presentation of awards, Patrol Leader Robert Wonnacott was presented with his King's Scout Badge, Scout Ng's highest award, hy his father, Gordan Wonnacott A sum of 150.000 was in cluded in the 1981.52 estimates for a new post affice here which Was not considered sufficient for the actual building Geet tn (EcrEgee fhe money SHAY HTT BE REA. RE ETAE ey ernmect gat Be #8 mas cTdty wy the Kefinit font ria # Whatever Wir. STEWS SEEMED Tat mA Bape LS (47 WA bave tn § hs IM r sides y bod #1 froma Flow anic ks HG AE LA TRGEHR ETH WR Spay IEA : vies HE gods woh he ei. ie oe we we £ eat The than FSR Ed ME ~~ whaka wk HH ELE olf. wowid vy Bae te font f Wi Eanes mgner tanks? wail Thr Bergin WHeTIRASE getivity wm wien he bess RE JA 2 pres VERA RTE] TE taut OE CF RELHREE a CAI 2} wa 5 nihety " PER th ThE gereias mals ty {arma ft wih help tn Aisa the £1 ng £ilents we wary fanalian iki d nies of the fiah wages anh iow wads y pesmeigtes with {arabian WH. TR EIREIREE (hh RITE od EE ROGERS thet pfficials of the Bank of Canada. HH he fe yay A Boarer, trade wold justice, ms well as Forogn Wn later Bowark formes sah |aboy i hewwning «ris pias ¥ this sey is phovied. Fi gases Wiper Firming will #f Fpl. KRPVEENYY Ty Ret Rar ime Was mers (his gap Weiwern re and EX ERMRrE Cleaning Comments J WHEN TOW FRESE BABMENTS of # reed ps he IAS woh, aE Federal grvemmment, the Bank of Canada would seein he re > FOR RENT MODERN OFFICE SPACE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE ® AMPLE FEEE PARKING . JRAMTS MEAREY ® BEST SHOPPING FACILITIES IN PHONE RA 8-623) RESTA TOWN poioaiie TRE TRIE GIRS WR. be spat ily wraed Ww cele hare. sah Aik. away fw re consideration He flee Aase A 0K WEES SVE CRY sain hee ta # evel HH oH a Weanwigie. the wile WH eg Wation wx wetive ms | report, Yanginy Wike Wary wae @ be CURES INRIA. OF TBE Hert GIA Ty Rr. (Eiinhat B TE TRG sires Morwesone sad 18 he ES Hf the aGeITRaS REAR SRE BEERe 1h EROREY WRIST Tle Whaat Rey, 8 18 iad Bring the family together # Easter with 2 prepaid rail ticker ; ; . either » single or rewmirn fare, firs dass or couch. Meals can be paid in advance, 100! All details will be bandied by your Canadian Pacific agent af mo e374 cor. And remem ber --travel by train is safe, dependable, economical; Gat 1A information and remryvofions liom amy Connon Peafic gen. tat tpt > eo How much money must you have to need a Family Security Check-Up? Whether he earns less than $100 a week or more than $1000, a man with a wife and family has to plan for their future security, In faet, the more a dollar means to you, the more carefully you must plan to be sure your family gets the best protection for your money, You have to know, for example, how much your pension will provide. Whether your insurance dovetails with your mortgage. How much your family would need to live the wily you want them to live, Now Metrapalitan, the company you look to for authoritas tive information on health, offers every father a way to answer such questions--The Family Security Check-Up, You'll see, at the right, all the steps you go through to satisfy yourself that the provisions you have made for vour family - will do what you intend, Your local Metropolitan representative has been trained in Metropolitan's own schools and is qualified by solid ex» perience to bring you this service, He is equipped with scientifically designed charts and tables that show you, in black and white, exactly where you stand Call your Metropolitan man for your Family Security Check-Up, There's no obligation---except to those you love, WHATIS A FAMILY SECURITY CHECK-UP? With the help of your Metropolitan man== 1, You check the facts: your pension plan, your iome, your Life insurance, your savings and other assets, You may be surprised to learn how mineh you're worth, 2, You weigh your responsibilities; mortgage or rent pays ments, education, retirement, accident and sickness emergencies; how much it would cost your family to live without you, 3, You learn where you stand, You determine your weak and strong points , . . whether the provisions you have made for your family will do what you intend, You get the facts in front of you, 4, You plan for the future, Based on these facts, you decide what action, if any, may be needed to give you a family security plan, tailor-made to your own needs and ambitions --0ne which makes good sense for you, WPTRISHT CANARE, SW TROROLITAR LPG INSURANCE COWMARY Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (A MUTUAL COMPANY) Canadian Head Office, 180 Wellington Street, Ottawa 4, Ontario OSHAWA DISTRICT John D. Graham, Mgr. 8 Simcoe St. Sout! Oshawa, Ontario . Telephone: RA 8.6224

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