Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 Mar 1961, p. 5

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1477877 CHAMPIONS OF DUPLATE HOCKEY L LEAGUE Ww i} Meriaw 4 nw i a ni & WHITRY Lammy Krengs Hm wm Sunday morning and Lamh ¥ B lef Hed M) Barthes Aline J A Hager Perr i ra ihn Ww Eri Keller felt | Burnie ! Ho ack row Fight To Draw | WHITBY And DISTRICT In Pee Wee Game = " with mand Hill fremendni fast and gol the equalizer st Ihe iy. 26 second mark much (a the amazement of the Richmond Hill crew I nf goalie Whithy rage CIIFF GORY Hes We Pee We LU] Aa a4 up i gna Hu lagen a halle f Mite ni RB hallle First Brown in the would he pe Phere with shots then the locals would hift the play tn the sther end af the rink. Neither team man aged to score in the halance of the second period ar the third I'he stage was then sel for the hig overtime period. Both teams showing signs of tring but nevertheless they put up 8 tremendous hid (no overtake the! ; ather club and get that ane hig! § goal. Bul fale was not with either team and as 8 result the) game finished in a hlaze of glary and goes inin the honk as a one-all tie AUMMARY Ist Period Richmond Hill: Dyson, Wilson, Broderick ,, Penalties None Ind Period Rowland P. Brown Broderick fed Period None None Overtime « None + None | Benevolent Lodge Meets The regular meeting of Bene valent Rebekah Lodge No. 182 Whithy, was held in the 100F Hall, Noble Grand Bister Greta In the second period the Camphell presided assisted hy Whithy team apened up very | Viee Grand Btella MeLean who repavied for the sick committee . . During a shart reces Mrs, Pickering Entertains Hoag addressed the priod uth ly on the TH Survey which will commence in Whithy around April 4. Bister Martha Ward wa Whithy Baptist Church Wom en's Mission Civele held its reg ular monthly meeting at the home of My Huth Pickering, | yveleomed into Hebekah Lodge a of Byron street south. The meel INE Wa apenégd with ale member Blater Ada Wickell, unable tol he greeted hb hymn and prayer hy the presi dent, Mrs. H, Crawforth, The attend the meeting, sent thanks | hangs of then minutes, correspondence and Nere alternnon and am here wi fini the he As game the Whith Improved game the lncal of the serie mand Hill We have heen informed thal there will he same exIr@ Cars going In the game and will he leaving the arena about 5.80, so oH vou would like tn gn, We there and you can gel a ride The local team is well worth your support. This is the first time that the Pee Wees have advanced into the semi-finals Mark Bowland seared the Inne goal for the Whithy leam while Dyson gol the lone (ally for the visitors, Charlie Brown In goal for the local team was sensational especially in the dy ing seconds of the avertime when the visitors gol a clear cut break away. Pal Brown and Mike Keenan were 70-minute men as were a couple of the Richmond Hill fellows The fourth game is hack here Whithy Saturday afternoon 2.1% The visitars scored the lone goal of the first period as Dyson completed a three-way passing play with Wilson and| Broderick at the 8.56 mark. The locals fought hack gamely hut were unable ta gel a rally nrganized IE SCORE in hi pleasure nf Hh of fans, Hl an othe eam alti nueh ta gandly num tremend ann play a aver Hh Richmond Hill lost. The third tonight in TTR 4 AW antly first whieh RAME Rich i 0 fs 4 5 game in A I ¥ " | 2. Whithy Bryani Penalties Bearing Pendlties Bearing 4 : in Penalties | | On Anni Mi Benevolent] Parry an associ ind My | hound | Kitchener Hatel ner were pleasan A corsage al presented to My My. Brear, a whi will Mom \ Eyeryang and In dove i in Lhe Ware od with the A Crawtarth Mis. Pickering oy group far apenin I'he haste served! D8 Lodge nel | in rantist | WH Raphi the April Lanelig thei awn April 4. ta cin Wis an and \ wines Whithy 1a \ will Hall me IN ARUNDANCE Between 130,000 and antelapes raam the & 000. mile area of Krugey Park in South Africa fuane | trtheay (There were aver #0 Mrs. Fertile gave th y District meeting will he held aceompani the plana fo Aceampanied Hal degree staff will practise Mv and My her hams pt ME closed (nthe usual man: Yayne, Susanne group pastponed will ranto [far the cards she received from!anniversar cards 1 Rebekah Lodge After the dinner hold 11s bazaar March take \ $ all eall wen aken hy the 100K Hall. Brook hin meent Healt family | | wi inal 1h Mo Hk " in Oshawa 100F Hall, Apvil 7. at Buring hi I Millan Whi Rad GHBIRR 4 Sister Isabelle Saunders, | Meta rae rhe Youd Orisi ! has heen recommended! @ lastefully deen ! | 1 for district deputy president of O41 and serves hymn singing Wednesday, March 24, at 7.40 Mr. and Ah hole Reeling A Stuart Debbie : 1 {isd Hirthday greetings were Anderson: Hohe ANE G4 Nisley Greta Camphell, 149 and Sharon o fres | A n gh social hour was enjoyed Richard, alsa Hi id is vefreshments served hy dvd Heed 0 \ \ March cammities family sath ving rel an Wed fhe Unity Chih pt Mis. Ranald Rye meeting af Tuesday enable the members tn atlend the WOCTU meeting when the guest speakey he formes WHITBY [he Pomany friends on her KHth ecretary, Mrs, 6, Glenn 15 nvited home Warld Today Miss Cameron Oshawa West District Na Mending fram hehalf of the Wicket and Jean Rape Mi Ai the Missin (0) March 22 w 100F tor, Wendy, of \ cantraller, Jean Newman af Ta i Salvation Any Hame League weekly meeting ovening al the Meeting was in Bergstram's grou devatianal period Roberts closed period with pray The business ¥ od and member attend the Hamg 10 he held Appi boarangh. Any we 1a attend please Captain Rabhert Hon AL the meeting Javed served hy the ae A § Evening Shows at 7 and 8:25 Last Complete Shaw At 8:25 ( Ww Ciimrie ReoPi OLOM uy DB LUE and Irish va the week ew Ww wend my ATE PLUS---Second Feature Attraction "NELL IS A CITY" ABUAY INTERTAIMMENT With Stanley Bake Craw y of a Ca This mos of Mis Jahn Brear Family Fetes Parents tak Absent 180.000 Home Le ague National Honors Irish held ils charge ne and refreshes su Pw A Care and her group A MR, AND MRE, EDWARD HREAR AND VAMILY 'Policemen Arrested | For Assault wn Metro Faranto marality were arrested haluy day and charged with a + dl-yvearald apartment manage Frederiok Nash id Donlan, 84, |; leased an hail Henvy Ells told police he kicked in the hoady and on the head hy twa men wha ered the abavtment hullding ultered severe bruises and| calp wound required seven Hehe Mi ni am nd 'Name Delegates | For St. John's WA | Bt. Jahn Anglican Churehy WA held its business meeting following the Women Jevation I'he president, My Vallant Vas In charge of * meeting During the Mi Olive Goldring mation wrding the annual held in Taronto on Ma versary | Edward Brea an arrival al ay a quiet din Hy surprised ial the family 0th husine meetin FOHRONTO (CP) poditan constable read infor! the prog ram) meeting tn he 1. Dels Vere follow Fimma Goldring, Mi | M. Gouldhurn were made far Ha the hale March Lime Tuning reg {Hag mn weddin i appointed a Mi Fhorndy ke Plan PReking dh al Auxiliary f A and Ron Ie red rose ] Brear and te houtionniere Mr. and Mrs veldaomed 1h ends at theh i Vi WE al an Ihe ea which will Faiaing rv project agrena that yy, al Haney Tania group would cates pre-arrangoemont 1a this effect Vi invitabion was read asking attond the held al April He the Wa the am ening fami whieh Wi wed On ated rated cake wer I with Whithy (farald Panald Anita and made that while in partment he heard a noise | the second-floor haloany wont autside to investigate SAW two men on the fire es and told them ta get down hey came dawn fast and think ing they were running he went back inside the he door was pushed open is said vale wen Hear Hom Mi HE members pr deanery in he Chest Char t Hyear, Dong: 14 Local f Pavey Sound, attend. Th Vineent Lote member Lynn fd with arold and How HH Wat meeting I, Oshawa, an meinhel Pan Wn UL meeting closed with away house and lunch Lad host prayey Mia an ast A 0dowa "rye and Ai fram this pus Mr. and nd dang! eh Werle hth flony A 5 { 334); J Rowden coe (2 LE my Wamen regulal Phurselay adel iv af My Nn wha taak Hh Mrs, Captain § the devatian on neeting planned Leagug 3 whe ant an fl 1 a) L} Wi Koy fi § an About gin 8 MY, A) AA) I Mathersill 644 Grant wa (2 fl) ) Whale hafore he could close 1 and, he Si ie, he was struck on the head WHITBY ~ ea 1) 4 BOWLING NEWS Gaels Would W me MIXE n LEAGLUY High Triple Riley 18 A | 6% ih ! Limo Confederation A | Kirk A (0 MONTREAL (OM) La Walker (20% HH { the Allitude of A936 (253): 1. Munn peaking Canadians 1a fahansen 616 (233 vooent af 11,408 veal F] Quehed ined Kicked mn the haek and grom 0 wl Cecede From (26%) MoCarrall 683 (202, BB) Epp VRROTLIRG A Anestion I Johansen G70 ( peaking Canadians anfedera a he Wha fava wn replied allow 0] away n 1020 1] | ( Fie y North Wishing pat M Feb, | neh Amer Ques ina 5 of whieh CITOW x M.A poy from Rally{a) fi) Poley { iL fardan fas om \ 0 100. 000 1] were Al th d 10 hring Al came Singh AEN \. Meat W. Anthony Jan Deny al § eg Wi rau Hing d avare \ \ \ \ IMarshall 286 B. Hans elt ol A camivalized state rm. GANA TIS, Monkey, March 19, WY § wills the remaining wre ad CERE ERIE (IW IERISE [5 i {a Viesse fife A pay rept f 7 Pry apt firms Paihia Tet pas REE GF rain RT WER wi Fi W. Vin sy Anda Fh Abii # tH resem (1h po wh AHL mealermic yaR Bin, 6 BAN made eg Hof enh 1d 1457 wi ay | Ihe Go we Wy Jamie Fieri Flic move fim RICREFY # Wie. VRE GIA WIRLA iE Bo # perfen sua | alt of house Wis | struck | Somiog { Comments hi pote fe 2 Howes Arnel dry % TYRUE CLEANER 15 YOUR CLOTHES BEST IRIN (0000 & SouTES | PAINT and WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYROM 87. 6., wHITRY MO 8.5231 C.I.L Paint Dealer Fainting & Decorating YOUk Contraction Gypisx, Paperhanging Full Wall Murel,r "Gg Te £0 Springy comfort plus non-slip safety! Vi go boty with C's Pw, this why mor 6 and more they ie becoming Canide's mined gopan heels for #4 Ihe Tamily's shins, Wave them attached 16 yor shoes and yw ses the big Atlerence that makes Cal's Paw 0 astanding By the makers of famows GATS PAW TIPS, CAT'S PAW SOLES and GAT TEX SOLES. Attention Housewives! | ~HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO ~ PICK UP EXTRA PIN MONEY and Participate In {4 WEEKLY CONTESTS DURING THE OSHAWA TIME'S BIG "Housewives Rummage Sale" WANT AD CONTEST! PICK UP EXTRA PIN MONEY when you are Spring Cleaning! Gather up your "Don't Needs and sell them with an Oshawa Times Classified Ad, "HOUSEWIVES RUMMAGE SALE" is the title of the Want Ad column un | der which your "Don't Need items for : Sale" will appear ! | EE 4 WEEKLY CONTESTS 3 & LE \ ¥ : ; each week for the next four weeks! Want Ads Ws 1 appearing in this Rummage Sale column are eligible to participate in weekly contests, CASH PRIZE AWARD WEEKLY of 5.00 to advertiser with the MOST PECULIAR ITEM FOR SALE and another 5,00 te thot adver tiser who has the LARGEST NUMBER OF ITEMS LISTED IN HER WANT AD! Contest Dates April rd to April 29th (Decision of judges will be final) Weekly Winner will be notified by mail and his or her name will appear in the following week's "Housewives Rummage Sale' column, Sees ond Contest dates, Tues, April 26th through Sun May 1st, | Bring or Phone Your "Housewives Rummage Sale" Classified Advt. To The Oshawa Times Remember -- There's a Cash Award Each and Every Week for 4 Weeks ! YOU COULD BE A WINNER! i

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