Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 Mar 1961, p. 11

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4 ABOVE ARE some | UAW, From left to right, they or and members gt | sve. Malcolm Smith president the 2th birthday party of 1a- | of Local 232, UAW, Cather: ent 77 Fadi Auxiliary ine Gelles, internationgl repre: Emil Mazey Charges No National Planning criticizing the Canadian EVER ment MODEL AUXILIARY Gelles nlso spoke, Bhe what she galled auxiliary, She said she was very proud when she heard a member of the ladie auxiliary had heen elected Mayor of Oshawa UAW tional UAW Emil Mazey, wiema SRETEAATY ~ LFERBNIEY, Gemrge Burt, Canadian and otal employ armament ment It is time something eoncrele done', he said Unemployment | 8 and unnecessary, the speaker said. "From personal exper ence, I can tell you Mis the mast tragic of human exper ence NO NATIONAL PLANNING He said there is no nations planning in the economy. Until men's auxiliary We have a co ordination of ef UAW and was born in|foTis we will have recurring : was speaking @ unemployment, The needs of 4 Sow narty of Local] the people should be examined the 24th birthday par { i H Then inventory should he taken he "Bor i Streel hall, Al-|t0 5e¢ what resources are avail ond 5 ahle to meet those need mast 200 peaple including mem also could do with » little in hers and hu hands attends telligent planning for seasonal the banque! employment, he said BURT I5 GUEN Mr. Mazey said he thought Other guests included George Canada didn't have the right Burt, Canadian Director of the| government, The government UAW and former national dis| here is more interested in hn vector of the auxiliaries, Cath-|Iness than in people, he said erine Gelles of Detroit, inter-| He advised that Prime Min national representative of| ister Diefenbaker would find women's auxiliaries, Malcolm [that the best way to slop Smith, president of Local 222 leriticism of the unemployment UAW, and Mayor Christing|problem would be to start pass: Thomas, who is also @ member|ing legislation the Canadian of this women's auxiliary Labor Congress calls for and In his talk, Mr. Mazey sires: end unemployment sed two basic aims; total dis "We need a voice in planning wnt on - and in the government. Who All F understands our problems het: Y WORLD PEACE | "He said the problem of main: - d {taining world peace was Aas great as the problem of unem: Mazey ployment, The art of killing has Reports have been trickling been developed to a degree the i fa the Ontario Department Lu human mind can hardly under ealth that concern 18 Tell bY stand, he said Nith present | a number of people about the missile warfare, no eity In the ossibility of danger from radia- world is safe, "Someone is apt Hon in the present Mass Chest|io make a miscalculation and urvey we'll be off to the races, And The Hon. M. B. Dymond, MD, [there will he no winners', he in 8 recent department release remarked FAL thal" because of COOP Ho puggested 1 was up to al 1 Re pes y of us to reduce world tension Visors for Shel most recent bland work towards total disarm mn an ie Safely ah fp % p equipment used ament, He next wa mas and Arthur Virgin to bring the 4 leave a world no one Will Want soneratulations and best wishes The report of the seven man|ta live in" dvisory team to the Tuberey : of the various departments of i BY bof the Department The speaker also complained | the Company in Oshawa, Frank od A na p ahout companies closing down Ellwand, general agent, thank of ealth rea plants and changing locations, led the ladies' auxiliary for the One ig aay, hl Where " he YT think it is morally indecent! lovely dinner ane oF hes y at a oO : #¥ dene eA any dace (and socially unjust that a cam:| Nelson Whinfield, former x v " ( a a hy San pany- should have the POWeF 10 chief clerk, presented Miss of to th s unhomn Infant 11d this and leave workers with Edythe Gillen with a gold wrist ALL i hs no job", he said waleh and a pearl ring on he I'he ' mobile miniature film : ; ! ay equipment operated hy He sald one of the demands half of the members present al the Division of Tubereulosis Pres '? he made at the bargaining the gathering vention "in connection with mass table this year would he for Also present at the dinner surveys, is of the most modern labor to have a voice in these were other members of Miss type and constitutes no hazard matters Gillen's family: Mrs, Richard insofar as the individual is con:| Mr, Magzey said it was obvi: | Lundey, sister of the guest of {ous from the ladies' auxiliary (honor and Richard Lundy, Mrs cerned IQ Dr. Dymond hopes that this(report the members knew how | Rusan Neilson, niece of Miss : Gillen; and George Neilson, forthright statement of the ex:[to do a good jeh in helping perts will allay any fears that/labor and the community He| Mrs. Florence Lave entertain may exist in the minds of those | sald the four kinds of pie at the ed at luncheon on Monday, Map contemplating a chest x-ray, It/birthday banquet was one way 20, at her hame at §0 Adelaide cannot he emphasized tonto measure the progress made, [street east, Present were Miss strongly that this is the opin] Mr, Mazey was introdu od hy Yule, Mrs, Lillian Maynard jon of ihe best skilled people in{Mr, Burt who spoke briefly Miss Gillen was presented with the field congratulating the ladies and 'a cup and saucer, Marey, iniernationgl srer of the UAW said the 20 per this ELON Emil secretary Saturday Cent 16 in Canada is sic He sald FER night prndict hind ow the eny Fave 0 wasteful there have heen 26 FRLESEI NE Canada and the U.S. in the last 102 years. "Each asted two years. Bo we total of 81 years people Were said who is alse # di in Mayor Thomas said she had n't realized how tragie the pre sent unemployment was until a little girl telephon ed her in her office one day and asked, "can you get my daddy job She sald the little girl's father had heen out of work for five months, "I couldn't get him a job", she said, '"hecause there are §0 many in Oshawa that need jobs The only way we can do any thing", she continued, "is to change the government in Can ada." CN Clerk Honored On Retirement On Baturday evening 65 eo workers and former employees of the Canadian National Rall ways gathered to pay honor to Migs Edythe Gillen who is re situation JAW [ter than we do", 'Mr the freight office of the Cana dian National Hallways A dinner was held at the Glenholine School, Bimeoe street south, At the head table were Miss Edythe Gillen, Mrs, Mary | Reed, Mr, and Mrs, Tom Dris coll, Mr, and Mrs, Nelson Whin field, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Ellwood freight agent, was the master of ceremonies and called on Oliver Gay, B., Claus, Robert Tole 0 DRIVERS HONORED |B camera, fram left, are x ol } Awards their accide ¢ were presented ta more than 0 commercial drivers at the annual Safe Drivers' Banquet ponsored hy "the Oshawa Safety League Saturday night | at-Hotel Genosha, Caught by ailion William Murray, president of the League: Her Worship Mayor Christine Thomas, records 5 sentative, ladies' auxilianes, | | fiving after 88 years service in| r | i i director, UAW and Mrs, Alice Reprdon, president, Local 27, Ladies' Auxiliary, UAW, Al most 10 attended the birthday banquet, Mr, Mazey was guest speaker, Another prominent guest was Mayor Christine Thomas ~Oshawn Times Photo Freight Pact Is Cancelled It was announced today that the contract signed at Montreal 6, 1014, hetween the Cana dian Pacifie Railway and the Oshawa Railway Company ha heen cancelled Effective on 0 OY Wednesday of this week the Canadian Pacific) its Hallway is discontinuing freight handling operations al the Oshawa Railway Co. shed All ear-load f(ratfie will he switched hy the Oshawa Rail way on a standard inter-switch ing aereement hut all less-than carload traffie now handled in Oshawa hy the Osh awa Railway will he through the Bmith Transport warehouse on Centre street All accounting and freight charge collections, formerly handled hy the Oshawa Rail way freight office, will he per formed at the CPR freight office in the CPR depot 75 Confirmed At St. George's The Right Rev, F, H, Wilkin son, MA, PD, LLD, Lord Bishop of Toronto, officiated at the | Apostolic Rite of Confirmation Sunday morning at Bt, George's Anglican Church, Bagot and Centre streets, The candidates were presented hy the rector of ft, George's, the Rey, Clinton D, Cross This is the largest class on {the registers of the parish to he presented at Bf, George's and included not only the senior scholars of the Church School hut a large number of adults {and married couples { Confirmation is taking a stand for Christ in the renewal of hap Tam Driscoll, recently retived|tismal promises and vows, with prayers by the hishop and con gregation for the eandidales with the gifts of the Holy Spirit to keep the promises and vows Bishop Wilkinson spoke of the duties of the Chris: tian LIST OF CANDIDATES The following were firmed Janet Kirkbride, Norma Gra ham, Mary Marrow, Beverley Hebb, Jeanne Russell, Paulette Gulenchyn, Sandra Murray, Marilyn Morrow, Lesley Shep herd, Sandra Havrvaon, Jill Stevens, Hrian Gower, Gerald [Murray, John Wilking, Law: [rence Anderson, Richard Lack, [Earl Wotton, Robert Hutehinson, | Ton Armstrong, Heather Davis, Barbara Sawyer, Gayle Pineh, Karen Brisebois, Wendy Wilson, [Christine Branton, Andrew Hruska, Magee, Paul Rose, Barbara Margaret Hryant, Jo anne Rundle, Joan Watts, Pam. lela James, Susanne Skinner, oon o] i FOR SAFE DRIVING Mrs. HL Rowntree and Hon. H. LL. Rowntree, Ontaria Minister of Highways Oshawa Timea Photo heing handled! Laughlin boulevard that they may he strengthened addressed the eonfirmation eandidates and Mormons Officially Open Chapel CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratiations and best wishes (ny the (Howing resi dents of Oshawn nd Ss trict who ere celchrating their Wrthdays (aday Linda Sheridan, WI Wi son road south; Dennis Smysnink, 19 Ene; El eanor Brongh, ¥ sunton reed, BR 2, Oshawa: A. Jetlery, WW] Bewgng sreet; Brenda Jean Handscombe, 728 Green street, Whithy; (Gina Gan gemi, 9 Simese street south; Linda Eliott, 1294 south; Linda Eliott, 129 King street east; Ricky Bain, 12904 King street east Carol Bint, VIZ Mitchell ay: enue; Douglas Armitage, 199 Montrave avenue, Bonnie Bishop, BR 3, Bowmanville, Lenore Dunford, 46 Central Boulevard south; Donna Desk, 71 Westmount street and Deborah Beaton, 141 Simene street south The first five persons to inform The Oshawa Times of their Wirthdays each dey will receive double tickets 19 The Regent Theatre, good for a four-week period, The current atiraction is "Where The Hot Wind Blows" and "¥dge of The City" Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of # am. and 19 am, Phone RA 353474 $385 Damage In 2 Accidents An estimated $485 sulted from two ported by the Oshawa Department during the wee end. No one was reported in | Jured Three ears were involved in g collision on Park road south, al 11206 pm, Saturday, Damage was estimated at $206, One car was driven hy Adrien Carriere of 819 Hillsdale avenue, An-|gs throughout the world | other ear was driven hy Robert Thomas Dalgleish, the former | Reddock, of Strathroy, Ontario, president of the Oshawa branch The driver of the third ear was @nd now presently a High Coun {Herbert Wilkinson, of 114 Me-lcilman in the Toronto Blake was the second speaker, giving An estimated $180 damagela history of the church here in resulted from 8 collision oni|Oshawas (Simeone street south, Baturday,| Bishop R at 5.45 p.m, One car was Ariven next hy Richard Thierfelder, #18\ojpies of the gospel that make Fernhill boulevard, The driver the Latter-day Saint religion of the other car was Murray | disterent from others, At this IHarold Whitehead time the congregation joined to gether in singing the hymn "Onward Christian Soldiers," GROWTH TRACED President Thomas 8, Monson then spoke on the growth of the church in the world generally and then more particularly this area, He quoted the figures, John Gregory Fox, Willlam Bel. [that the church had 50,000 con lingham, Helen Rhuska [vert baptisms in the year 1060 Sonia Lukawesky, Mary Luka|#nd they #pect 100,000 convert | wesky, William Sweet, Richard|Paptisms for the current year, | Butler, Frederick Anderson,| Fresident William Davies was Shirley Fielding, Iris Stones, (the concluding speaker, direct. Anthony Btones, William D.|Ing his initial remarks, especial Stones, Gail Maddock, Monally to the children in attend ance, on 'Reverence in the new Sager, Hilda Hiltz, Esther Clark, Barbara Clark, Olive|chapel, He then spoke on how Clark, Frances Owens, Malaine|the gospel was restored through the prophet Joseph Smith and Rovee, Douglas Boyee, Dorothy Aldridge, Daphne Ackles, Mar:|the organization of the ehureh in jorie Galka, David Knowlton, |1850, [ Jean Hoar, Donna Ross, Harvey Shewan, Joan Shepherd, Vera O'Neill, Albert O'Neill, Shirley Shewehuk, George Williamson, Ann Bernard, Susan Usher, Alan Heath, Ronald Shepherd, Marko Tomina, Maud Oke, Donald Raitt and Denis George La rocque J RECEPTION HELD Following the confirmation service the candidates, rela tives and friends gathered in the parish hall for a short reception with the Bishop Arthur Hebh, people's war den, addressed a few appropri ate words to the newly confirm: ed, and 1, R, 8, McLaughlin, rector's warden, assisted the Bishop in the distribution of confirmation certificates, Sexton For | 50 Years Is Honored "Teddy" Drage as he has heen affectionately known to WI peopie were In allendance (61 the opening of the new chapel of The Chwrch of Jess Choist oA LatierAay Saints Sunday eve: ming. The (emporery chapel ares, in this phase, was bli » accommodate 150 peagie. This preg wes filled (0 capacity and the overflow took seats in the Junior Sunday Bchonl and foyer sections of the hwilding, where they listened 19 the service on the puihic address system Those in attendance wt this initial service were welcomed by Bishop B. Early Severs of the Oshawa Ward, He acknowl edged the heantiful florel pr rangemess donated by Lewing ton's Florists snd AM Harvel and Son, for this special occa sion, The Bishop at this time (outlined the remainder of the (service, and recognized the pre |siding muthority, President Wil- (am Davies of the Siake (Diocese) and Thomas § Monson dian Mission of the Church, The congregation sang the appropriate hymn, "This House We Dedicaie Lo Thee," with the invocation given by Bruce ( Clark, first counselor in the Osh awn Ward Bishopric, A special number 'Bless This House was vendered hy Mrs. Mervin Morrison, accompanied by Mrs Irene Lemon Aamage Ye | BUILDER SPEAKS ® Police Walter Kuntz, building con k struction supervisor, from Flor ida, UBA., was the initial speaker, He thanked the people for the fine co-operation he and his family have received since coming to Oshawa, Mr. Kuntz is one of many employed hy the chureh ts construct such huild Earl Bayers spoke expounding on the prin | | All the speakers commented on the large attendance at this meeting, It was quite evident to all present that the need for the second phase, or permanent chapel area, had arisen, and would be required in the very near future, The closing hymn "God Be with You Till We Meet Again," was sung by the congregation, with the benediction being offer ed by Fred Etcher, second coun sellor in the Oshawa Ward Bis hoprie, Among those present at this official opening were members of the church, their friends and relatives fram the Oshawa area, guests from Toronto, Peterbor ough, Florida, Salt Lake City, and even as far as the Trans vaal in South Africa, Thieves Take Store Stock The Oshawa Police Depart ment reported two break-ins during the weekend, The rear basement door at the A and P Store, Simeoe street An overflow congregation of § | The Oshawa Times "SECOND SECTION i) Torontn ge. President of the Cana A LARGE CONGREGATION | was In eitendance Sunday evening when the new chapel of the Church of Jesus of Latter-Day Saint cially opened pt the southwest "MONDAY, MARCH 20, 196) corner of Rossiand and Thorn: ton's roads Cangm by the camera, during the service are Frederick K Vicher, second | counsellor, and Bishop B. Earl Bayers, whe conducted the | PAGE ELEVEM service, President William Davies of the Toronto Stake of the church officially opened the new chapel, ~Oshawa Times Phots, 200 Accident-Free Drivers Are Honored Over 200 accident free mercial drivers and their em ployers attended a safe drivers hanguet at Hotel Genosha, Bat urday evening, The event wa Ontario roads Hon, Rowntree future year 3 com 1950 about 2500 miles of paved roads have heen added to the ald tha { sponsored hy the Oshawa Safety going to he faced with an ever league free commercial drive Is reeeyy ed sale driver buttons indicating the length of their safe period Special guest speaker for the evening was Hon, H. I, Rown tree, minister of highways for Ontario, Mayor Christine Thom as expressed greetings to the commercial drivers from the leity GREAT CHALLENGE Hon, H, I, Rowntree told the professional drivers, they have a great challenge to provide leadership in making Ontario highways safe for people, He [comm nded them for sefting the high example for other drivers The minister said that iL was apparent that the drivers recely ing awards not only trained themselves to their highest skill hut had learned the golden rule for safe driving, He sald that Ontario's commercial drivers show extreme courtesy to other drivers on the yoad The minister of highways for Ontario noted that safe driving will heeome even more impoj tant in the future when there is more traffic on the roads, Mr, Rowntree noted that there are two million vehicles and 2.8 million drivers register ed in Ontario at present, In 1061 it is expected that two and one quarter million vehicles will be registered in the province, He sald that an additional six mil lion American vehicles enter the provinee each year FORESEE MORE VEHICLES In 1070 it is expected thal three and one hall million ve hicles will be registered, in creasing to four million hy 1060 In 1060 about 10 billion miles were travelled by Ontario dri vers, hy 1080 an estimated 40 hillion miles will he driven on Ontario highways Ta keep up with the inereas ing traffic an estimated . 6000 miles of dual lane highways will be in service by 1070, Since Sunday morning, Some stock was reported stolen, Nothing was taken when some one hroke into Kingdom Hall, HG Simeoe street. north, Sun day night or this morning, The break-n was reported at 810 am, today, Entry was gained More than 200 accident-\growing traffic | He Rathe, expressed his to the Oshawa Safety driver! for their sponsorship of the han Lei safety problem appreciation due quet to honor safe drivers and alse expressed [tion to the | lub, who sponser safely patrol Following is a drivers who rec awards, GENERAL MOTORS Reid; 28 years, I, J. Barron and ( 16 years, ¥, Brent Bryant, ¥, A Manning well; 12 years, RH 1 years, G, Denni A. Carey, D and G, Northey Dn Neil; 4 years, A Glover, H Wilson Three years, J L, Johann and G, Grant, M nD Grieve, G, Middleton; 7 yea kinson; 4 years, | | And M, Fice 18 years, D Hall; 12 years, 1 Knapp; 4 years, 1 echynski; 8 years, 1 year, G, Roheris, M, Karas and D, OSHAWA PUBLIC COMMISKION Five years: @ orenoe, H nawskl, Graham, J N, Turmer, R 3 years: gan; 2 years Elliott and D Walters, One years J LG A B, C, H, Clark, generations of 8t, George's pen: ple was honored at last Sun day's service, with a gift eheque from the memhérs of the parish, Many peaple in the parish have expressed their appreciation for Mr, Drage's 50 years as sexton of 8t, George's, The Right Reverend ¥, H, Wil. north, was found forced open, i [kinson, Lord Bishop of Tarente, made the presentation an hehalf of the congregation, The rector expressed ta Mr, Drage the warm wishes, that in his retive. ment Mp, and Mys, Drage would have some years of happiness, [W ithout responsibility | Wiliam Muckler was warden of the ehureh when Mr, Drage [was hired as sexton, He recalls {that from the first, he served his office with great devetion and lavalty, Through all the [Years My, Drage has given won [derful service, and is highly ves {garded by all peaple, He has a {most remarkable memory and can recall incidents and events {of bygone days with elarity, {Often people, who have returns led to visit St. George's alter an ahsence of many vears, have {been surprised to find that Ted {stil remembers them g Such faithfulness and devotion 1a the chureh might well. he a record for the term of a sexton in the church. The large con gregation on Sunday were de. lighted to join with the Rishon of Taranto and the rector of St (learge's in honoring Teddy Drage FOLLOWING THE SUNDAY William Kirkbride has heen|- morning serviee in §, appointed ta succeed Mr, Drage] George's Anglican Church the {as sexton of the Church, members of the pavish paid hy breaking a window in the| south side of the building. tribute ta Teddy was reliving as sexton after MM vears' service. At vight is 'he RL, Rev, F, H, Wilkinson, Drage whe MW his Oshawa Kinsmen| ers; 17 years, D. W, Melntosh; school| 10 syste | Glover 14 years, Russell, ( 0, appre the m Jist eived 1h year ane F. ( of LH ditch, A, Mepstead, and G rs, , Bird; Ford, Pickle, G, Spencer and K N, Rui 1, Koy Gilroy, wa the 17 vears,| MacPherson; 5 A i 1, 'ald March; 10 years, Duncan, PT, King Nine years, 8, BE, Webber; 8 years, 'T. M, Cochrane; 6 years, Thomson; hb years, C lott, J, Copeland and J, Mar Coulter, D, KE, Goulding, R, 8, Hil Bart D C, Bonnefant Richard; vears, 1, Blair, M, Crosmag, J Blingevliand and W, Varty; 1 year, R, Piper, J Griffin and J, Gow ROBERT SIMPSON CO, 10 years, H, Hohbs; 8 years Hodg MeQualg I] THE RORT, DIXON C0, LTH, Burden and 8 years, J, Dobbins; 10 years, 0 Ww Kor Wn Acs, UTILITIES Angie, R Ww, Alling! H, Godfrey, Tey Under: wood and P, Walters; 4 years: MeHachern; H, Bickle and D, Lo K, Duro, H Hutton, H, Thompson and B ny, Barassin, F, T, Barnoski, R, I, Bertrand, €, H, Cathmaoir, Parshee, Fullerton, K, €, Gari | iniLaughiin, A, E we in Ontario arel Nicholson, J. P, Penderge ston, C, IL. Jones, E. Ladwi PV. N, Barrett, W, Lang, P, M, Lyon, A. MacDonald, G, J, Mer Newell, A. A, st, D, W, Pierson, J, A. Poirier, Vv, P, Smith, D, Windover, K, Wright, L. Fisher, 1, Trick, M, Nel son, W, Bennett and J. Lemon, BELL TELEPHONE C0, Twenty-Awo years, H, A, My» years, J, Graham; 14 years, W. McMann; 12 years, R, A, of thelioiman and W, J, McLean; 1} (years, W, BR, Hayden, R, H, Prescott, J, L, Fallis, BR. B, {Lang and T, Terry, Ten years: N. A, Berber, F, G, P, Flynn and J, W, Dewse bury; 9 years; J, A. Brayhrook, RE, Good, 1, M, Standish, W. J. Anderson, BR, H. Elston and 8, 'T, Bmegal; B year ; W. A, Catton and W, J, C, Cols ley; 7 years; C, 8, Coffey, 0, Magee, R, J, MeKendry, G, D, Campbell, J, R, Peltis, J, G, Gregg, C, C, Hall, W, G, Pals ton, G, B, Shields, A, J, Bhortt and R, H, Williams, Bix years: ¥, K, Gibb, R, G, Petch, BE, M, Phillips, C, M, Thomas, M, W, Mosser and J, M, Tremble; § years: 1B, IL, Lutg, C, J, Rich, P, H, Gilles ple, D, €, Roberts, D, Cullen, GG, Li, Peel and G, L, R, Ritter; 4 years: D, H, Lake, I. M, Fine lay, J, Crew, C, L, Bickle, B, 1, Cowling, W. R, Gouldburn, J. W, N, Hull, R, 7, Johnson, J, J, Marklé, D, L, Murdoch and R, J, Robins; § years; C, V, Hase, IL, G, Hughes, 1, P, Pate terson, 7, ¥, M, Reinders, I, T, Smith, E, 8 Campbell, J, W, Richaud, A, H, Reading, 8, G, Rice, H, Hubbard; R, Lenover PF, H, Canning, B, ©, Connell and D, .M Fleming, Two years: K. N. Buttery, B. Pearce, hy Richards, G, I, Blewart, R J, G, Reid, W, ( WwW, W, Bailie, RB, Bushell, J, 0, Fleming, R, Gabriel, R, W, Greer, M, Hamilton and J, ©, Hinton; 1 year: J, Alpin, R. B, Montgomery, J, R, Mop: vison and R, W, Watson, OSHAWA WORKS DEPT, N, Anderson, €. Bowman, M, Brock, D, Carey, T, Corneal, J, Crosmas, G, Kurhan, H. Nap ton, B, Nugent, ¥, O'Neill, B, Pearse, CO, Pearn, N, Bkochke and P, Vybrany, SARE ON BROADWAY Saskatchewan born actor Arthur Hill, now appearing on Rroadway in All the Way Home, made his Hroadway debut in son, J, F, Gates, I, H, John: (the comedy The Matchmaker, Lord Bishop of Toronto cans gratulating the veteran church official as Rev Clinton Dn Cross left, rveclor of the church, looks on =Oshawa Times Photo v

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