Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 20 Mar 1961, p. 10

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BT" > ( THE OWAWA TIS, Monday, March 18, 196} rs, Wow Widows snk [aeny Bakes # Fine Frogey was (60 Rawieg wil THE a, BT, 5, Weer 008 Worry Fovle 7 (B96, 5% W0. fev Wermy WL (I, BE) y Pavia 66 (B46. 10, Favs Lane Ki4 Bik, Fimeny fins Hi3 (18, BA sages warn lenge Worries wianm Uh, [rene Watery #6, Helen Wiggne 55 8, Bev Eremingh 98, Sriey Wencome Wa Fan Mopriens BV, Jack Laverty 9 FASTWAY 1 ANF WIREN TENFINE fieve Fane wae Wan men bowler of te sveming with 4. 6. Red and & Mating had 57 (307) ah (IVE) wack i. Womiding wi. K Wilke 58, 4. Fesman WH 6 Torres 48, B- Logeimen J me Wk IW b. Union Iman #8, ¥. Hotkeroi, P Enie 408, |. Bain 400 Dew # mr BE. Jukge #5 finde Gunn was igh howier for he fadies wih 505, § Snelerutt "4/5, ® Raster 05, 4. Coins $02, 0. Masop M. Cobe 409. 4 Frei 638, B. Revpen 40 Faolar #60. 4. Witkand ey #9, BW. Wells #9 Fram - © andiing Tr AME 54010 MeMustey Ine. 1 A4I8, Manes Avis 1 W100, John Fresiow's Men's Wear atid BoFeap Rastagwrant §49-504 Fastway Lanes T0600, Vanghow's 245 6, Howie's Bh 84491, Woman Rew Feaers 20 # at Bowl Em ones $2 FARIES WAIGR "A ¢ ih, Faohion i, fiarie deweliels ' 12, Yong Mod Acadian Cleaners 8, Haghen Maskemains & and Cock CHa mids Wondion ame » il of the might, Acadiane heing. the vie time. TRE IRMEBWIRE Rome cafe ih 2 12 split between Harwich and Young Mnderns lad tie with 75 i wi Mares is ? y 1] f Fy Janet Feel 77 lets Tatton 784 (85 y Backett 589 (29 yo 61, Vers Markus siriey Bavckiey 2 wae Once M6 Julie Kacier BH (368) Branton #37 (216, 211, 811) cron #25 (081, 2 Marion Tringman A 256), ive Frise KI8 (226, 216) Mary Mothers #15 (290 wi Ey Campbell $11 (222), Bea Ross 818 (250 Berenice Saramak 605 (205), and Jog Jackson #6 (212 0 singles were rolled by Hadys Button 237 # Pel Siblock 228 Maurie Shorten 225 hilt 224, 223, Al HN 222, Helen Finch 218, Nora Perron 218, Irene Bevers 216 Helen Teynolds 215, 201, Alice Northey 215 'Marg MeGrath 213, Bark Harding 211, 20%, Millie Bilidas 208, Edna Hudson we, Dud Mills 20%, 201, Dot Clements 6, Lorraine Murphy 6, Madeline Beeson W5, Rose Ouelietie 205, Jovee Porier 904 and Lois Filmore 2 UK. NO, 25, VAW No Aoublies this week Singles: WH. Farrow 238. HW Bake 221, E. Burrows 217, J. Sister 218, J Gray 206 and J. Clapp 04 Happy Gang took 3 points from Ja elies; Oo-Gellers took § points from Union Maids; Blow Outs taak 1 points from Moonheams; Luckies look 2 points fram Busy Bees Teams standing: fGo-getters 28, Tuckies 86. Blow Ouls 2, Union Malds 22, Happy Gang | Moonbeams 12, Busy Hees 14 and Jo elies IH Team standings = Mighty Miles 62706, Body Bullders 62458, The in inuchables 62238, Drivers 61921, The Shalimars #0534 and Breakers S800 Ladies High Single Cathy Laid ler 238. Ladies High Triples, Jackie Winter 804 (102, 109, 208), Men's High Single: Gord Boddy 252. Men's High 44 ud Gord Boddy 680 (225, 252 mn fGiames aver 0 Harold Whithread 2I8, Bea Colvin 208, Al Dodds 215, Fenny Bligdon 217, Jack Stone - 216 fouls Ference 208, 206; Frank Grant 25, Al Gibh 216, Marion Blane 211 Horace Hartshorn 205 and Lily Bull m Lemon League Games Janet Gibh #7, Vera Brown 85, 89; Lloyd Brown 73, Linda Sym 96 and Gerry Greig 85 NEWS IN BRIEF | PEN PALS WELLAND, Ont. (CP)==Afier exchanging letters for almost 12 vears, two pen pals have finally met, Marlene Klancher, a Lon don, Ont nurse, and Mrs dames Arthur, formerly Ann Krysa, of nearby Thorold town ship began their correspondence when hath were in Grade VI LIVING STANDARD LILLE, France (CP) The French standard of living should equal that of the UK. hy 1075, says Pierre Masse, He is com:| missioner-general of the gov: | ernment's modernization and equipment plan GOLD NTRIKE PRINCE ALBERT, Sask (CP)=A new gold strike in the Lae La Ronge area of northern Saskatchewan has heen made| by diamond drilling, Some 75, 000 tons of gold with a value of | $1,200,000 have been blocked out COURT REPORTS REGINA (CP) = A complete set of rare and valuable su preme court reports were pre:| sented to the library of the law school of the University of Saskatchewan The gift came from retiving Chief Justice W. M. Martin DRILLING RIG EDMONTON (CP) An Kd monton firm has introduced a new type of drilling rig to Can ada. The 600.000 diesel-electrie unit uses $05,000 warth of elec trical equipment to replace the mechanical drilling facilities, WATKINSON ARRIVES OTTAWA (CP)==Rritish De fonce Minister Harold Watkin son arrived here hy air fram London Friday for talks with Canadian officials on defence topics RRONZE SWORD ALBI, France (CP)=A work man drodging the bed of the Tarn River sword believed ta he about 2.000 vears old An archaeologist savs the sword, turned aver te the Albi museum, apparently dates fram the end of the brone| ane. 2 4 found a bhronse| ULLETIN: Shell scientists reveal how they "discipline" today's Super Shell to give your car top performance at all speeds One of the nine ingredients in today's Super Shell acts as a disciplinarian--makes sure Super Shell gives you top performance when the going is tough, even under the strain of sudden acceleration and high speeds, This ingredient is called heavy alkanes, Read how heavy alkanes work to give you plenty of knock-free power at all speeds; how they also increase mileage; and why Shell scientists prize them for their "insensitivity," QE HEN TIS H bJ can be too sensitive Fhat's their unflattering term for gasoline that gives when you're dri ing slow! But causes Knock and loss of power at higher speeds Insensitive disciplinarian Today's Super Shell is" disciplined" to beh iselt at all speeds A potent dose of hea alkanes does the job, These are among the heavier of gaseline's hydrocarbons, And also among the most insensitive, A good charac teristic for any disciplinarian, Result Super Shell give you top perforinanice whether you're in slow traffic, or accelerating, or erulsing on a super-highiay, As Super Shell's formula changes from season to season, Shell scientists kee pa walk hiul eve on its sensitivity, They frequently put Supe Shell through a series of three anti=knock tests First, Super Shell is used to rin a special lows=speed laboratory engine, A sensitive meter attached to the engine measures precisely the formula's knack for preventing knock, Fhe second test is in a laboratory engine hat runs at high speeds (see large photograph), Workout at full throttle For the third test, Shell's test drivers take aver, They fuel latesmodel cars with Super Shell, drive out to a test track, and really give the gasoline a workout, In the toughest test, they do what you do when vou ask vour engine for every hit of POWEr It can give youl I'hey accelerate as fast as the can, toot down to-the floor, throttle wide open, They doit again and again, watch= Hig tor power loss and straining their ears for the slightest hint of "trace knock," Super Shell must deliver top performance in all three tests, Heavy alkanes help Shell sCientinty mm ihe sure that it does, Heavyweight punch Heavy alkanes also help to increase your mileage, Like human heavyweights, they pac extra punch, Your engine can vse them up slowly and still Hive you all the power You need, Now here are some facts about the athe eight ingredients in today's Super Shell=qand the remarkable things that each of them @ ou good enough performance "if oF Top perlor ine, Ingredient #2 is "'eat-cracked" gasoline for power with a purr cracked tnder 00g degree heat and catalytic action Fis petrol wm that has actual Its heavier molecules have beer shattered into H lier lighter ones; Ihe result is a high octane ingredient that makes your engine purrs ith power the vour oat down, moment you pt ares "Cat cracking" refers to the use of a catalyst ability to alter ng itself, a substance that has the mysterious mol cules vithout chang Ingredient #3 Is anti-knoek mix for extra resistance to knocks You might suppose that the two ingredients hove would he enough fo give you knock free performance, But Shell's scientists have ears fik e MUSICIans, | il ann Foe k mix. A mix, so effective, one teaspoon per gal= lon can boast anti=kunock rating by seven points, l he y sist on addi gasp [his mix has the tricky job of regulating come bustion so that Super Shell gives each piston a firm, even push=rather than a sharp blow V hie h would CaLse a kno | : Ingredient #4 Is TCP for power, mileage and longer plug-life Super Shell now contains an even better vers sion of this famous additive, It was originally deve lope d for use in aviation gasoline, FCP* additive can give your car up to 15 per ont more porter; 17 extra miles per tankful; and make your phigs last tipiee as long, ICP does this by nentralizing the harmful effects of engine de Foday's aviation=grade posits, It stops them from glowing when hot=a major catise of power loss, It also stops them from diverting yous a irl A aor cause of "missing Ingredient HS is butane for quick starts on icy mornings Hy deself, butane is so volatile that it would actually boil in your refrigerator, In Super Shell, it helps your engine fire in seconds, Shell test driver checks top performance in a specially instrimented car, The results help Shell 10 plan ahead of engine deve lope nis FSHELL'S TRADEMARK FOR THIS UNIQUE GASOLINE ADDETIVE DEVELOPED BY SHELL RESEARCH, PATENTED 1954 and lead to constantly improving prodags, LULUTS TTY Shell technician puts Super Shell fo the test in a special high-speed libaratary engine, Every batch of Super Shell must deliver top performance at high speeds or Shell scientists vovise hie formula, The singleeylinder test mortar costs Think what this means in cold weather, Your battery is relieved of strain patience, and SO 18 Your NOTES Super Shell is primed with butane all year round, In winter, Shell scientists simply merease the quick=start dose, Ingredient H6 is mixed pentanes for fast warm-ups on cold days Pentanes.are made by tearing gasoline apart, much as you split logs into kindling to start a log five, In this cae, the lags" are troleum's heavier hydrocarbons, A special process transforms their molecules from slow brung quick=firing "kindling," ags™ to NET RESULTS Fast warmup and top performs ance in a huey, Ingredient #7 is an "'antisicer" to stop stalling due to carburetor icing Super Shell's formula is adjusted up to eight times a year tor your area to beat the weather, Whenever the temperature is likely to be less than 45 degrees, an anti=ice ingredient isadded, Why add anti=icer at forty-five degrees? Heo AUSE oven then, frost Can 1arm m yvour carburetor JUSE as it does in your retngerator, It can choke your engine dead Ingredient #8 is Platformate for extra energy, more mileage It takes ane million dollars" worth of platinum catalyst for Shell ta produce its Platformate, But fortumately for you and for us, this pres Cols stuft can he used over and over Again, The whole platinum process, which gives Plats formate im odd name, re=forms petroleum nto Siper=energy COMPONENS = $11 h as hens zene, toluene and xylene, These three alone lease 7 POE CCE IQEC Hig fil energy per gallon than the best 100=0¢tane artdtion gasoline, But make no mistake, This is not untamed energy, Far from it, The super-energy of Plattormate is harnessed by the eight ather ingredients in Super Shell, where it behaves son well vou scarcely know it's there, That is until you note youu extra mileage, Alter that, there is no doubt, Ingredient #9 is gum preventive to Keep the fuel system clean Even the purest gasoline can form gum when stored, This ean clog carburetors, fuel lines, and pumps, But, with Super Shell you needn't worry, A special gum preventive does the tricks 3 $12,000, It is equipped with an ingenious eylinder-sleeve that can be raised ar lowered while the engine is running to change the eampression ratin, This helps Shell technicians measure performance precisely, ft acts like a policeman controlling a mob, Keepsaneye on unstable elements--stops them from clotting and forming gum, Makes gummed-up engines a thing ofthe past, Test Super Shell for yourself Fry Super Shell next time you fill up, You'll soon feel and hear a difference in the way your engine runs, [hat difference is top performance, A BULLETIN FROM SHELL RESEARCH

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