3 CAMERA AND CATCHER, CATC field in fourth inning of game | with Los Angeles Dodgers in Lakeland today, Dodger Doug Camilli wails with hall as Rocky Colavite, Detroit Tigers' outfielder, is out as he siiempts 10 score from second on Steve Borgs' single to left oy PRM H COLAVITO umpire Sam Carrigan walcnes the play AF Wirephoin A Pair Of Skates Led To The Stars TORONTO (CPR) Toronte Maple Leafs can he thankful that Frank Mahovlich's father isn't the sort of man who re 'fuses to change his mind If Peter Mahovlich had re mained adamant, It's just pos sible Frank wouldn't have be: come #8 hockey player and the National Hockey League would be minus one of its brightest slars Mrs. Mahovlich told a re porter about it while recall: ing that her hushand hecame Frank's most. ardent fan after the family moved from Tim: mins, Ont, to Schumacher nearby "He was the one who didn't want to buy Frank skates al figst,"! she said with 8 laugh, "He was wivaid Frank would gel hurt, But Frank kept asking and asking and finally his father gave in," Today the Mahovlich family FS lives in Toronto and the father, a former miner, works at the Leaside Arena and has a skate: sharpening business on the side, STILL FEARFUL But fear of injury agether gone. Mrs, till worries when Frank plays si that's one reason she at tends all the games in Toronto "1 used to waleh the games MRS, PETER isn't al:|year so 1 could see what was Mahovlie h! happening On the | plagued that has heen injuries, Frank) has been fortunate in that he has heen ahle lo play every on TV and every time Frank|game for the Leafs this season got knocked down 1 couldn't although he was troubled hy) quite make out whether he was hails for a while hurt or not. So | just had tal Not so fartunate is hi start going to the games this! breather, Peter Jr. a 14:-year-ald| 'ROCKET' CALLS AND eam with | schools, 1s more of # {legl {ithe SPORT FROM BRITAIN Star Makes Loot 'Status Lowered' | By PAL, WESTREAMK Canadian Press Sali Wier LOBDON (EP) wae # sawcy desl that Leigh righ cli plied off when i got Bey Risman 10 Sgn # contract For Leigh ways in the Bughy League, # professing oop the north of England. and here is was "sealing BR piaver from the Rughy Union, which strictly aml evr Not only that, bt the Rughy Union looks down at the Bughy League from a vastly superar height. From the Upon stand Point, Ma Ing TeEhy [or money smply 15 someting RB Bente man Aoesw't An Now mlong come signs one of the players Kisman, # hyearoid genalogy student at 1 oughhorowgh of lege. inined the paid ranks aller losing Wis place wn the England team that played Baeptiand th month Twn 172-pound claimed # ever fly-half Australia ang with # British His move 19 nat only IREans cndes will bigger i% feigh and Emons top FLRERY Was as Ereale fourens Zealand YEAIS REN Ihe studen! ERglang s when he sew Hl Rughy # play. same a fepgn change of before He Erawns ang say Istep down in siatus LEAGUE PLAY FASTER The league cm al fessional, held 13 instead » 15 men and have slightly aif ferent rules, mostly designed 19 speed up play. Their game 1s generally accepied as DEINE faster, tougher and more tractive than the amateur Rughy Union style, Ihe ditional sport pe f al {ra of British publi friendly game and is mainly watched hy the upper-criust sporing fan The League game is chiefly fo figioth cap and muffler brigade Hoop Benefit | To Be Staged Friday, March 24, 1061 at 7.50 pm. in the Central Collegiate Gymn, the first Collegiate All Star Game ever played in Osh awa will take place with all pro ceeds going to the Tom Chas czewskl Trust Fund The apponenels for the Col ate All Stars will he another All Star team, the Y's Men's # | Majors fram the ¥'s Men's Ma M AHOVI, ICH bantam wha plays In the Tea side Hockey League and hroke his arm at the heginning of the season last year. He's hack! now, intent on following in his hig hrother's footsteps The other member of (he family 15 Frank's older sister Mrs. Annie Adams, living Sudbury with her hushand and three children Geoffrion Amazed At Receiving Wires Sleep ar na sleep, Geoffrion was on hand for Friday's prac tee, one of those "aptiopal' varkouts when coach Toe Blake doesn't worry of some of hs hard-working players stay al home and rest Creaffrion was happy fadions Managing Frank Sethe will mak By W. R, WHEATLEY MONTREAL (CF) Bernie (Boom Boam) Geoffrion, still riding rose-colored cloud in eostasy aver his 80th goal, was amazed Friday at the congratn latory telegrams applauding his SHECESS By mid afternoon mare WW had reached him vam of the 0th goal fag frignds, acquaintances and pea: po he was surprised tos learn ple he has never even heavd of that Selke wanted the goal-pra "And what da you know." ducing stick for the Hagkey Hall hoamed the Boamer. "Fourteen of Fame of them are fram Taranto!" Then Geoffvion de It was against Toronto Maple big = goal that heal Leafs Thursday night that Geof: rookie goalie Cesare Manage frion scared his 50th goal of the '1 was about eight feet oul National Hockey League season The puck came directly to me in Montreal Canadiens' 52 win. (fram Gilles Tremblay. 1 saw The goal equalled the recard set|Maniaga coming out ta hlack hy farmer teammate Maurice the shat. 1 saw an opening on (Rocket) Richard 16 seasons his short side and let go. 1 ago One telegram came. from a mavie man in Las Angeles wham Gealffrion had wet More personal and heart warming was the telephone call from Rocket Richard "The Racket tald me he was glad." related the Boomer. "He said: '1 told you before that if somebody had to equal my ree ard 1 would want it ta he ane of my ald teammates.' "1 remember naw 1 didn't pay much attention to him at that time. Fifty goals looked a lot 1 never thought I'd make it| especially after 1 was injired " The excitement of Thursday] night was toa much for the ef fervescent Boomer, He couldn't sleep. "Here it comes § a.m. and I'm stil awake. Then. pretty soon the Kids get up. so 1 got up too. But I'm going ta bed early paight and you bet I'l sleep." that Ca 1 Director i a trophy puck erihed the Taranto Indians In Finals With Windsor Sun, STRATFORD (CP) avertime goals hy Mickey sont Stratford Indians inte the Senior Western OHA final series against Windsor Bulldogs as) they came roaring fram a three goal deficit ta defeat Strathroy Rockets 86 Friday night and} win the best-of-seven semi-final 3 The Sunday Both got three goals. Wray two and Bob Hartleib, Jack Me Hwain and Don Peart singles for Stratford. Clark Horner, Paul Oliver, Jack Lane. Willie Haas, George Coulter and Harry Bentley ared far the Rackets who had taken a 30 lead wn the {first 10 minutes, Two final opens in Windsor ] 5 : d Rath wasn't a hard shot, just a wrist shat, about three feet high.' Did he think Frank Mahovlich Indus trial League and winning nis and water of the Leafs, naw with 47 goals, can eatoh up? "He has a good chance and he plays against the weaker teams in the last twa games ive that fellow eredit. He's and | The [legiate {aut together League The Collegiate All Blars were {chosen from the Oshawa High | 8¢ hools' three Senior teams by {coaches John Elliot of Danevan | Amn Schell of OCVI, and Don IMellveen. of OCC] All Stars have on their roster three players from each High School Fram OCVI there are Roger Reeson, Paul Goldstein and (Gary Kulziner Represen'ing Central lan Senecn, Jerry Tymoshik and Mush' Nichol [ishen ave playing and from the (O8SA finalists, Donevan Col Alan Elchells, Jerry Higgins and Garney Gunn have heen chosen The All Stars will he working in arder to famil iarize themselves to each oth er's style hefare they meet the formidable Y's Men's Majors The Y's Men's Majors spon saved by the Y's Men's Club and using the facilities of Simeone Hall are composed mainly of players fram the ¥'s Men's Ma jor League, The team was farm: ed early in the year far the pur pose of competing in the Black jor hall Tournament in Orillia The Majors have heen im: pressive in exhibition games| playing 13 contests against se liar high sehaal and intermediate the Blackhall Majors wen games and They last the of them. In RRL, the twa preliminary made the finals 1 final ta a powerful Taranto team | Intermed players composed of farmer ale and Senior OBA Wi | Behmidt VERIE AEH he | eagne FRAT TREY IR TRE FRERIE 1 RICY ION 5 100 Chih ZRmeEs ERR Y ike Wh wh ERNE Wg Bowth Frit fipwings mW Rave mignses (eprst AIRIARE FIR gre how i8.006. In some (Rs. (he ERIE 5 More popiar than seceer. MW foas @ League Chammoneng ne BK ackow ERE COMPELEOR Last year BO 00 fans wales] the ep nsl which sangeiy enongh, 15 wn the South, af! 1 amieni Wembiey Samim Fhe game has wo league A CNP EHMPELEIONS which probainy Reems Ior low cih gries. How crowds of WIN are unbamilipr al Twickenham where England plays We er one WH PIERS, gales mim ihe eer He fat Minor League To Playoff At Later Date Oshawa Minor Hockey Juvenile IER ENE originally scheduled (9 Tuesday, March 14, were wstponed. The reason for post ponement was the closing of the Arena, Aue 10 RECESS SHAW AR the roof. The scheduled for thal Aale played on Bil EYERIRE in Be Bh nounced later PLAYOFF FTANDINGS TF A Pls, his 6 6 21 hin 4 Fony's 1 2 012 8 2 Hayden - Macs 0 8 0 616 0 FUTURE GAMES ' Tuesday, March 21 8.50 p.m Hayden-MacDaongld vs (ishawa Dairy and 8.50 p.m Beaton's Davy ve Tony's Re freshments Fhe Te PIT Hayofl last EAMES will he April I (Oshawa Dalry " A Be alon's | All-Stars Are 'Selected For 'Eastern Pros, TOA TW, Sotwioy, Moh 10, 'Teepees Bury 'Mikes' Royals Win Third ire ead in their best-of-seven, TRE FIERCE, CRpIRE # they shid Om ane hoch RESON Fi (TRIRERAGNG JERE Ri he gis get benien om the great somes ior A Ler dini (4 gM Hil. RUET LR 15 WIWRET TRaRGaET Ray, bit tn take WK 0 caimby. As 6 compensals foe CORER Hap Emms's sagreny a oY RARER 16 the humiliation of Yihechmng WRimony movng Ws Flyers trom Barrie " #i Hmyals Wingern (Bs Jr HE SeRE. LOUER The Driyims Yoh RB HEI gh Was SWIRE I £1: HALER kh WHA first period fo pion of 3518 set 0 fhe B00: anger ws Torgmn S55. Mihael 5.5 record 4 004 fans wt the Vet Memorial Areng Earlier in Catiege Maiors lost bl tn S41CHY. Bo less then 184 mines the yess Catharines Teepees in Toroms in penpities were assessed wo Bob Plager p Friday man, cwiing the Ma that frame, most in 8 wie Diswl| score sheet wile that broke owt shortly ater the! A A k F N five-mipwie mark the teams Wels DATmg ies A ] Lode, When peace Was TRANIER, the second nening Wt Iosr gots Guelph goahender Denms 195 in the ig WiRpped i wo for Aan was the only man mn the) : ICE 1H RSCRDE B PERRY Twelve majors and three m were handed mu OFFAWA (CP) wis expressed Friday Wy Postmas ter-Gieneral Witham Hamilion that twa hockey feats can be MATked with COmmemarative Hamps BOVAILE RUN AWAY The pennam. - winmng Royals then proceeded 19 race RVWRY with the game, winning 5-4 and) taking # 31 lead Wn their best: o-mne semi-fingl H.W. Herndge (CCF Kook enay West) made another slah in the Commons at yng 19 get the honor for Trail Smoke Eaters [or winning the word hockey championship REMEMBER WHEN? , , By THE CANADIAN PRESS Waiter (Furk) Broda of Tor ote Maple 1epls won the Ver He 518 CONMEIES SIN na trophy as leading goalie in than Canada have put » the Nationa: Hockey League 9 cial stamps or lesser # ears pen tomeht after one of and asked whether the words the most excibing races in the world hockey chammons story of the award, Boston 19617 could he imposed oh Brune decided the contest he the recent 1ssue MANE (ween Broda and Johny Mow northern development. My Hamilton said the issue has heen 50 POpuigr here Brent enough lef ers of Detroit by fining four He added, tongue in cheek shots past the Detroit goglie in the season's final game. Broda thet the issue honoring fire prevention might he a siitahle won the Vezina # second Lime SEVEN YERFS later one for the Smoke Eaters Later, Lionel Cheyrier (1, Montreal Laurier) asked ahout the possibility of & spe cial stamp to honor Berpie (Boom Boom) Geoffrion's Sith goal Thursday might for Mont real Canadiens against Tor ante. It tied the record held hy Maurice (Rocket) Richard Mr. Hamilton, from Mont: rea) himsell, indicated where his feelings lie in hockey hy replying that there just won't he room this year to pay trib ule in stamp issues to all the records the Canadiens have | " made or are going to hreak SUDBURY (CF) Nine pay RFF WEIR SRIRIILER 18H (RE Easier Frotessionst Hockey |Lesgie s first pii-siar team, WH Wes AR Rewsnees Friday Selection Yara Fhidé 8 oid agri 1% the brah? Ctl Venminglon, (ezaneiess Bah enoigh that ng scomer from WillAniawe La RAMERE, WRE WRRIBIRWE ERLE for ceptre Bling GREW ETIAIRGE BiH I6E Bik Suahmiry's Gerry MeSamars currently on the Torte Maple andi Lerls inlury list wn the Bationzl Lergne, wand Sauk Bie. Manes Dens Dedorsy, now with Bul § Halo Bisons of the Amencan Lergue. Each Rad (ows voles Huliiniawa hed # Monsmmy on the Aefence positions with Al Mualveil poling Gg ymes ang Jean Gamtiner seven The left winger Freddie Hilkz, the goal-scorer with 45 Bobby Boussean and Ferry Gray of Hullihizws #nd Ed Bachur of Sault Thunderigs gach receives [our voles [or the FIEPE Wing Sit The second (eam 15 composed of Hull gasitender E4 Johnston defencemen Pal Stapleton ang Jack Bownass of Bichener-W at erion Beavers, ceptres Boh Al tersiey of Kingston Fromienacs and Skip Burchell of Moniresl Hovals, left winger Ory Tessie of Fromenacs and nght wingei Wayne of Royal Was wake Wy Guetph mm the the scrnp winie They pis scored by Barry Aakeman, Al Lebiwn, Jean Ba: tefle and Beg Hartig RUTLEDGE WAS OFF NIGHT FR n Was & Mando, partic warty dung the first tvs per 104s, Flyers gontie Wayne Bute ledge had a trymg might, hows ever, Aller Lebrun scored wh seemingly standing nt crense, Rutledge fanned on | long Anives of Balelle and He fig The Irish staried in fine when defenceman Terry Cla seared #t 4.07. Ray Cullen that one hack and pairs by Brenneman and Dog Koh nd # single Keith Wa put the game out of reach It was g relatively lacking affair wntil the third peripd when the Majors pulled out of their lethargy. Over the rou they outshet ihe Teeps #41 hl Roger Croner sparked in the & Catharines net PORT HOPE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Announces 1061 NON-RESIDENTS FEES ! FULL CLUB MEMBERSHIP (Includes: Men, Women, Family.) ,... 50.00 OUT-OF TOWN MEMBERSHIP 18 LIMITER INVITE EARLY APPLICATIONS Apply Secretary, 98 Bramley Street, Port Hope Ont, is Baus league's top Her Connessy COACH CARRIES THINKING CAP LEEKINGTON, Ky. (AP) Charlie Sutherland, the Har ison County haskethall coach, is known as 8 quick thinker He flany wy f 7 on the decision vel OM that ane charged oul in prijest a Listen," hoomed the IES for each step lake gelling hack in bench, Fl give you technical." Where up an Sutherland whistled for twa of his sub stitutes and had them carry him off the finor WHALE SHARK The whale-shark, first discov ered off Cape Town, South Af vica, In 1828, has in some in tances reached a length of 45 feel The Y's Men's Majors are coached hy Jim Brady who also doubles as # guard on the team, | Nelson, | Dave Kelly and Tim hoth potent outside shooters and gond playmakers complete the guards. Forwards on the elub are Marcel Boivin, Boh Win ters, Boh Goddard and Ray Clarke Tunnichiffe and GIL Graham, Garney Gunn, who was a jt Sam with the Majors Is playing far the Collegiate All Biars, Tam Olinyk has heen added to the squad This game promises tn he the highlight of Oshawa's exeit:| ing Baskethall Season, and with | all the proceeds going in the | Tom Chaseczewski Trust Fund, | deserves the support of sil in| terested sports fans Schmidt, Pike Have Summer Camp Jobs TORONTO (CP) Hockey League coaches Milt of Boston Bruins and | All Pike of New York Rangers have heen appointed resident instructors of a hoys' camp Frank Stukus, proprietor of the Byrpell Manor Boays' Camp on Cameron Lake, about 25] miles northwest of Peterbor- Lough, said Friday the eamp will {feature a supervised sports pro: gram for hays of all ages with [emphasis on hockey Courses in golf, football, ten sparts will alse he affered Hockey training will he eon ducted at the Peterborough Arena The hays' eamp, previously al summer resart, will apen for a! nine-week period June § OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS 8 m Standing TOUN'S LEAGUE Ie Orbits 14, Salomies 13, Kobasas 1) Altas 5, Lullas 4 and Luokles 1 Well the Kobasas falierkd a little last week bul we held a shart meeting and Wwe are sure everyihing is going ta go alright as far as Whe 1st section is can cerned Ralph Bedding came through with & nice last Bame tH give us one paint and he says he has found the spot ta (nish the year with Big games 1 have 10 see the knitting olub back nest week and they can bring their knit Jing with them and | will never mention iL again, As far as mentioning Geral Pil Keep quiet there alse 1 would e Wo remind the Sunday bowlers thal the bawling night is Tues day: We don't mind the odd Sunday ta haw! aff, hut when il is dane continuous Iy we'll have 10 put our foal down Tough luck Marge Cooper was nearly in tears when she lost the glass last [weekend with her 2688 scare. The only WAY We could slop her from erving was 10 promise her A glass al the edd af {the season if she didn't win ang She left the bawling I bet Heth will hear about her score far the esl ol Whe week Glass Winners AM. Sholdra 391 and Kupnicki M2 Gavlic League L. Thassuk 77, N Ralph Bedding #4 ALBERT STREET CHURCH LEAGUE The Chums are 'leading with 31 and peal are the Lucky-Six with 19, Hustlers 18, Canaries 14, Tavictas 13, Echoes and Suckers 13 Stars, Pals aad Reavers ¥ MiWiers r We Ma [ lacklin a3 Eveba P Giearge Brenden Dobroshinshy 3 and oa h crateh Amen and ¢ Ja Ret u Grands Hawiay 34 ATS Pirates 10. Hot Rosls §, 2 Pearl of 1 00 with handicap high single game was nest with : 24: Grace Locke 304 (81 Pearl Ladies aver Caaper had the 30. Mari. Taviar Gladys Shemilt 334 220; Winnie Seatt 311 Marlow 216, 7 Naney Mood © 315; Marg. Mossey 210; Flo Bayle 204 Ethel Westlake 208 and Rea Holland 201 Mae Barnett was high for the serateh bowlers with a single game of 30 (640); Brie Jackin 365, 205 (633); Art Allman 364, 30 (6361 Sian Gray 207 (682): Glen Maunder 348, 348 (66 Jim Seal 385, WE Bee Tavier Bil Pike 213 and Ross Clark 31 Andy game of with 384 (aha highest single with handicap Hawley Mariow had the ihe evening fl: Bd $371; Gard Shamil 3 Norm Marnien 345; G1 621): Bruce Hurst 236 (605 Dawn 334: Kea Massey 314 212; Perce Heat 311: Alan Venema 31 Leon Parks 308: Lawson Parks 307 ay Frank Cooper 201 Six lemons to hand aut this we they faylor with 8% | p A%, Flarence Hil 1, Mildred Pawn #4 and Luva 4 andy a Mark 5 and OSHAWA TEN fackson and Raise ple's Clathin ho \ ng 4 oh ATH 1 Nathan Sunoco Lad. 43 (26.936) 0 (3813: Union Clty 2300: Eastway Lanes 3) and Country Wholesale lackson's Sand and Gravel 3 Hiv s (22.603): PIN LEAGUE A (30.113) Pen Reaneit Tapers 45 -(2 Was Kincloch's art and Aug Tiel 0 "Ma WAL (3 Voung's Spe BW a ow Millwork Chatlion The high Wiples are " Teaching el RRA PARRY Oshawa Wilbur | Hill 0 Rea as the following will attest: M. Di Cosara 644 (346, 3110: 6G. Topping 618 (8361 W. Richards 388 (33414 Yers ia (304, 3841 fyep 33 (216) RB Nelson 861 (31000 Fals Tayler 30, W Winfield 558 3) Wo Beall asd (318), W. Kaloes 334 (313, 300) Tuesday section Through Maveh 14, 19861 Feat Standings Nu-Way Phata Ny (26.672): Sid's Restaurant 43 (36.183 iat 44 (36.724); General th gregates 48 (366210: Barvawdale Heal g 4% (36.0061: Lander LIAL Oshawa Red Caps 3 3.3643 Wood Fraducts 34 (36,1814 hampson Plumbing 3 (36.00 Seusos Cleaners + 30 (36,130); Oshawa Cleaning Contractors 234 (35.850), Jordan | Florists 23 (26.106) High Triples i G. Murphy 346, J I. Houldiag 313, ® Venning 357 (308), Naldiaaherkes ald Allen 313, L. While W. Bartewdale 311, B. Williams VV. Tarell 310 EB Mothersill 308 indicales section Winners Ald OSHAWA DAIRY LEAGUE Raliway mats in the last fast approaching with the whalls a single pail ahead of and they Will he howling wh I aexl Papsi The [IE TY vivaly \ week les shoukl make i 8 good ie hey Rad little trouble taking thiee paints (tom the Haltpints Durna again led the pavade ple column with a 8 35), allowed By Dan Moss and Boh Feeney #18 (01 batt 200) CATES ol Dura Neal Mand Cl 30 plus were velled hy 340 Bd Henderson 308 34, WE, Helen Henderson il Staples 38 Kean Dek #1 Leu and { ding Hairping 18 SCTeW NY Ww w Hallows § and Pop Helm § The centres ave Brian! Nai summer { we F)) EVERYTHING GUARANTEED FRESH--MOUTH WATERING | | Breakfast Sausage 3-°1 REFRESHING SPARKLING AMERICA DRY GINGER ALE 9 1.0 WASHED READY TO COOK SPINACH 2:2¥% Prices effective at your Dominion Store at Oshawa and Whithy until 6 p.m, Wednesday, March 22, 30-02, BLS, DOMINION STORES LTD,