after town months heck fn the ing Ws fest allegiance 16 Fis hecamse hey font corressond (6 the Revit snd he des bine sen; ""mervens hresidown." That fe GAY OW, CAN HOUSERAD WivY Sik grind, yom ave fet as fri VERE Cromias power peel pre Aeeame of TRE gow are ally IRSA 16 5C geur condition #t present, And A small off caw, painted fs Te remove trackedin [ones we, frantic anh sbywied as you. From (ie brekgronnd. we ses £04 ite HIE i male the only cre, ws | said enelier harmonize with yowr fatahen diet, dust and int quickly and were (ast fal when you landed (het the only awe for what ails BETWEEN DEVE, AND SEA | ' 4 i% fo pt yovr Rand (9 the plow color scheme, makes # CO easily, wee Ihe flooy Peel af. p free EWE AEAW in the Rosia FE 1 IR EESW WW. HiNGEC i BRIBE FIRIORGE. AMIGHeRs 3 : facet a gr : yo ; i vk CEYIRE Spee, Tou fre, in WRER AR immatere personal. Pad grow we. MH venient and decoraive Coma hs oss , i cq WY. ARB RETEST HIRAM § ' And your Wiehnd » gol 0 tena Iw Aealing wih Your effect, TROWAINE The reel st ity gets impaled on (his kind of Mary Haworth coweels er for cooking off. The filled desner or # dry mop or sof} AHTA. Bl ARTERRIE RE OVEY, ec tanins. Yaive wh (6 #ion Rl Baw ionly 1einsng Miemma., (eeling weave (6 ad- howl her colomm, fet by mall. container may Hand in # con room. Never wee an oiled or #5 IRATE Yor Resins [oF 16%. gon hating he (aliens ewes 16 TEE Towmsel 16 if. IF RINE OF FREER, (RE TRIRGEWGr OF BErsonel interview. Wie venient spol, ready (9 Erease chemically rested m # CISEnESE I IMAITIREE PRE By- of TONE AIT TOUGRE FRDYY SRR, JON ATE CRINGE Between (erm for We (or fer) pRght ie ler in epee of this newspaper, muffin oF cake tins waned floor, It softens the was. 8 THE CSMAWA TIMES, Fridey, Merch V7, 196 MARY HAWORTH'S MAIL Woman In Deep Depression Advised To Seek Reality " Pear Wary Woworth: Last ont. we've gone bowling, which September | was hospialred he exipye. a6 dways vith one for = month for poyaiatric or we of We hoy friends. Once treptament. Sx yaaey marge, wm & wine § wold ie jwet he theer cividecn and am isolates tom of we 16 Em 16 Baner or the rm ne--as Wy hehend s oh movies keeps Wim awpy ate 5 Wt--~ [| thought for swe he wowid kad got me down take me (5 Gwner om my ith £ would go win # deep depres Ray recently. When | lezened we sion, lasting for Rays, crying all were gmng wing ream with the time and fussing ot George two of ls (neds. | ew we and the childern hot trifies. He seve Fm just jeriows gad : f was emo don't want Wm to have ay TAILORED UNDERWEAR FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY He told my friends bishand we mast gr a moe often nd mest pew people, a we hadn't been Aong for lack of money and baby sitiers and because he Mites 19 g9 view we After the hospital stay | felt fine, well rested and swe of my Now. fowr months later, | am shoving back te Aepression nd crying spells, | don't want io return 19 the hospital and leave the children =gan, #s my ahsence from home affected When | try to talk things ser #6 twe adits showid, it ends in # fight nd he Wames me. | SEE 18 Base noting 18 look forward to and EE peed your Rely Acsperaiely VE SIGNS OF IHMATURIYY Pear V.B.. In your long letter here condensed. Yow s#Y ; guess | fmatly rebelled. that is what led me 19 the hos Further slong After the kos them very much. The eldest is M756 a 9 BAYS WIFE JEALOUS My bushand claims | am sl hy WRYS RRgEng Wm, never satis fied. The few times we've gone CHILD GUIDANCE ar of fan " ERI battle with you aI ments, never resolved. But now Matching Children's Gifts Can Create Selfishness By 6G. CLEVELAND MYERS Often I'm amazed #t how many parents try 0 match gts to two or more children of the same family. They find i temporarily an easy Way, sup posing jealousies will thus he avoided But when two or three chil dren have the same plaything they have no occasion tn ex change toys and to co-operate Besides, they grow more oh: serant and anxious when one sees another child gaining some advantage or approval he does not get Actually, there's no better way to make children selfish and eontentious, When one child has a birth day, some parents huy things to match for the hrother or sister the gifts the other has re-| ceived, The value to the first! child is lessened and the second! that just because one gets some thing, the other one doesn't have to?" My reply in part it's unfortunate that you have been buying those boys every thing alike and getting one child something when the other go something. You can't go hack and bring them up again to th age, hut yon should hegin now io explain to them that wher one gels something, as for a birthday, the othe needs to wait for his birthday PRACTISE WAITING Explaining won't he enough They will need practice in sen sible ways. They will not like 7 (€) WATSON'S "655" Criss-Cross Front, Patent ed self-closing front, Rein: forced elastic leg opening (D) WATSON'S Tallored Underwear Briefs and Jerseys -- specially sized for Boys, Whatever their ages . . . whatever their needs . . . wise mothers know they get longer wear and actually save money when they insist on WATSON'S quality Tailored Underwear (E) (F) (G) (W) WATSON Yollored Infents' Un~ derwear ~ choice of fowr styles, Exclusive diaper tabs, Canadian combed cotton supersoft --super-absorbent dries quickly. (E) Tie Side; (F) Button-Front; (6) My- Shauider; (W) Band Style (HN (HWATSOMN'S Vallored Panties and Briefs for Wemen os illustrated -- nn quelity viscose, cotton or mixtures in plain or perevs Writs (K) (L) (M) WATSON'S Yollored '"Hi-Steppers" 100% stretchy nylon, (K) Brief with gerter tabs; (4) Straight-leg Pantie with ger: ter tabs; (M) Brief (without garter fobs) (MN) WATSON'S Tallered Underwear for Girls, / Panties and Briefs thet com- bine wearing comfort with style and economy, £ i ( # the change at first and might be very unhappy and ugly when you put the hetier way into practice. Yet they gradually can learn to wail Agree, you and Dad, on a few has not learned normally to|situations at first, and more wait. Neither child has to face later, and don't argue or wob reality ble, Perhaps they might be Now suppose this has heen helped by seeing your new ways your practice and, on seeing the| practised in homes of their play folly of it, you wish to improve mates your ways | (My bulletins, The Very Self-| MOTHER OF TWO |ish Child, and Jealousy, may bel (A) WATSON'S "372" Athletic §'Port Shorts shorts and support all in ene Sized for perfect comfort Soft combed cotton, (B) WATSON'S "396" French-Style Shorts with Pouble Front Fly, Leng wearing, Lounders well, 4 had by sending a self-addressed y From the sate of Washington ij g stamped envelope to me in| "I have two boys, sags eight care of this newspaper.) and 10, and my problem is that PARENTS' QUESTIONS since they were very small we Q. Please name a good hook have always bougt them toys on understanding and guiding and everything alike, Now since|the teen-age child they are older, there are things| that one needs and the other " one doesn't, but he feels if one gets something he should, too "Is this a8 normal reaetion he: tween brothers? "What would be the hest way to make each one understand 4637 Frank, The Viking Press, $3.95 A. Your Adolescent At Home| ® nd in School, by Frank and EASY-SEW-DUSTER Ry ANNE ADAMS Pretty way to start the day = whip up this easy-sew dus. ter in a bright print, crisp checks, or sweet pastel, Make it now for your vacation away or at-home ease. Short ar ¥ sleeves ; Printed Pattern 4637: Misses' Sizes 12, |, oN] 20. Size 18 takes 34 yards ¥iinch fabric Send. FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in coins (stamps cannot he accepled) for this pattern, Please print lainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS, ¢-0 The Oshawa Times, Pattern Dept, Oshawa, Ontario. ANNOUNCING the biggest fashion show of Spring-Summer, 1961-pages; pages, pages of pat terns in our new Color Catalog = just out! Hurry, send 3 cents ™ \ for the whole family . , . O'Keefe Ale, that is! Here's a heady brew that's really worth its salt, ,, smooth-drinking, full bodied O'Keefe Ale! You can bet a pirate's rans som there's nothing finer in any port of call, So heave to, you landiubbers, and say OK for an icy bottle of O'Keefe ale, Modern In mood, perfectly brewed , , , it's more than an ale it's an experience! Proton taken at Ike's Tatton Parlor, Queen St, Toronta