Ke COMPLETELY sold out" in the eveming and 5 "Full house" in the afternoon indi cated a highly successful St Patnek's Day Brides O0shawa General Women's Auxiliary nesday. Proceeds will the $25.0 pledge the iary has made to the Hoss Building Fund, One of spring's moremast fashionable events, the eye-catching che St. Patrick's Bridge Successful Over four hundred enchanting Easter honnets brought a pre view of spring to Oshawa at the annual Bt. Patrick's bridge spon sored hy the Women's Auxiligry Hospital on Wed- i of the Oshawa General Hospital| My last Wednesday In the afternoon the was declared open hy Mrs D. Conant wearing navy with white accessories charming hat topped by 6 blue and while flowers. The following players Mrs J won priies lace, Mrs Margaret Harry Wal Wadsworth Doner, Mrs Macdonald, Mrs, Grant Mein tosh, Mrs, Alex Ross, Mrs, F A, Btone, Mrs. John Reid, Mrs H. B, James, Mrs. William Min elt The president, Mrs. R. W Bassett opened the evening ses sion in a beautiful tailored dress of taupe silk complemented by gold jewellery and a becoming ¥ for the | bridge althe peanx are always an Rdded pitraction and this yedr preity pastels hig sored ke | the flowers of anticipated Hayden Mae Hugh Gil Mrs, Jobn G. Dancey, Donald, Mrs donsid and Mrs chs May the convener, Gi chatting with Mrs loy, Mrs. Willian § SERN {i Ma igh Maer Oshawa Times Photy Women ro Jo Aldwinekle, Women's Fdidox Wis) RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIES, Friday, March V1, 1960 PERSONALS Mrs Sophie Arnoid and Urs Wood have heen mtiending the Ontario Balrdressers conven tion #t the Royal York Hots this week A surprise birthday pany was held recently in honor of Mrs Flossie Mclnight who was cele brating her 79h birthday, March 12. On srmvel wt Bt, Mary hall, Ritson and Bloor streets the honored guest was greeted by relatives and friends and presented with # corsage of pink and white carnations by a grand danghier, Miss Barbers Me Knight A hot turkey suppe was served 19 one GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES JESSIE PANTON AUX The March meeting of the east group of the Jessie Panton Mis uxiliary was held on March 14, in the St. Andrew 5 Grace An derson, group leader, pres ded The secreigry's and Lreasur er's reports were read by Miss Nellie Scorgie and Mrs. William Bear, respectively It was decided to hold a rum mage sale in the lower hall of the church on Tuesday, March 2 A from who grate layelts Simeone Hall thanks from letter was received Harold MeNeill fully acknowledged {contribution Also, a lelier Mrs, J. I. Pegg read to members who had served at the preshylerial execu five meeting Members of the group requested to attend the H to of wa {ea WETE J sie Hayden) papton Auxiliary Easter Thank offering meeting on March 28 Refreshments were sefved hy [the hostesses, Mrs Harold Sweet and Mrs. John Shearer The next meeting will be held {at the home of Mrs. Harold Tripp on Tuesday, April 11 FRIENDSHIP GROUP The Friendship Group of Cour Morley Wyr bh report, Mrs the corvespo Invitatio Jessie Panton A offering on Yuesd ana Upited Church meeting 4 at B o'clock, Mrs, Ne Kibbon of Picton will guest spesker st the June mes school curriculum ty, Unitanians (1 popuyl i per cept of the pop and certain newspaper 5 Are SiNKIng Bt the is of our Onlans educa tem which is 19 incul by precept and example for religion and the principles of Christian maerality (47 facts representing Christian education in schools heen aecurglely pre { of the gt 8 o'clock ¢ Mi the respect cals he ng Fri Mrs, George Telford, citi hip ligion should he ANH BCHOOIS "Our tran not it Christianity to take trong stand in this mailer taro are based on t irs. Lloyd Pegg spoke tion of Church and f sh eshylerial meeting aid owl ville. The study chapter Thus the Slate mu of speaking cerned that is was led hy a knowledge of God and of thei Snowden assisted hy moral re Therefore My Brant, Mrs. Nor the schools must he seen and Mrs. John Hip lar, A minority should not im secretary, spoke on why re taught in Oy ame of the tions in On £ EG-0Dera sented ana profes reasons tizens he taus evel Mrs ponsihii H man Decke) mn droid not ation) end is the duty of sll whe " about at al straw hat in shades of taupe and| tice United Church WA held its beige, Prizes were won hy Mrs [March meeting at the home of Stanley Turner, Mrs, June Casens, Mrs, 1, M. Huston, Mrs A. H, Murdoch, Mrs, T, Dris coll, Mrs, M, Rutherford, Mrs N, H., Dunford, Mrs, I, © Perry, Mrs, Cyril Bouch, Mrs J. R, Wraith, Mrs. Keith Mae Donald, Mrs, John Elder, Mrs D, 8, Jamieson, Ms, C. R, Lunn, Mrs, William Bone, Mrs J. W, Piatti, Miss Hazel Yel land, Mrs, W, A, Bampson, Mrs Peter Francis, Mrs. Earl Matthews, Mrs, William Ep- worth and Mrs, John Cameron GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES NELLIE DEARBORN GROUP The Nellie Dearborn group of St, teers United Church held a howling party on Tues day evening, A short husiness meeting was held later at the home of Mrs, James Randall with Mrs, Lloyd Jewell presid ing. The secretary's and treasur er's reports were read, Mrs Arthur Ferguson's group will have charge of the next meet ing Mrs. Lloyd Akin will he the guest speaker at a missionary meeting to be held in the church parlor an April 25 The final arrangements were made for the catering for the dinner at the Union Hall on March 18 Refreshments were served hy Mrs. James Randall's group A prescription is completely useless in your pocket or purse. Just as a plug needs a socket before it can deliver power--50, 100, does a pre: scription have to be filled be: fore it can help you Don't retard recovery by fail ng 10 have your prescription filled immediately. The sooner You obtain your medicine, the faster it can benefit you "COMPOUNDING YOUR PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTION IS OUR PROFESSION" & NAWA--BOWMANVILLE--WHITBY "We Send Medicines To Europe" (Mrs, John Beers, The president, Mrs, Frank | Chumbley, opened the meeting and welcomed the 20 members present, Mrs. Gordon Boomer had charge of the devotional as sisted hy Mrs, Arthur Nichols and Mrs, Angus Sumrall, Reports were given by thel various committees, A number| of local people have offered their time and talent for variety night on March 24 at the church quartette from the Bweet| Adelines will he present as well| as others from outside the dis: triet This season instead of holding! {a bake sale, it was decided that| {each of the WA groups would] |ask for cash donations from| [their members | Projects for the spring tea| were discussed and the group is| going to make fancy and useful aluminum articles as part of its contribution The April 6 meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Sydney Burgess, RT. ANDREW'S WMS The March meeting of the af ternoon WMS of St, Andrew's United Church was held in the Chapel with the president, Mrs Lloyd Pegg, presiding, and opened with a reading and prayer, Mrs, John Hipkins led in the {worship service and chose the 2ird Psalm as her theme Mys, William Gamble read the secretary's report and Mrs | { Pog LIKE A PLUG Pictured on her first birth day today is Michelle Ann, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Alde Chiasson, Stevenson road north, Michelle is the grand daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Bull, Oshawa, and Mr, Fy I ST.PATRICK'S DAY BABY and Mrs, Plerre Chiasson, Al: lardville, New Brunswick, and great-granddaughter of Mr Albert Bull, Oshawa, and Mr Joseph Chenard, Caraquet, New Brunswick =FPhoto by Ireland guests by Mrs, Fred McKnight Mrs, Clifford McKnight, Mrs Richard McKnight, Mrs, Cex McKnight, Mrs, Baymond Ms Knight, Mrs. Leon Erowt Michael Kalynko, Mrs Pawlenchuk snd Mrs, Bleve Remego A birthday cake made and decorsied by Mrs Fred McKnight, centred the table, Congratulations and best wishes were extended by Mp Michael Kalynko who reted as master of ceremonies Mr Wesley McKnight, Mr McKnight, Messrs Perey Barriage, Mrs, William Elliott, Mrs. William Selleck Mr, Michael Bashucky and the Reverend Peter Zaparyniuk whe Mrs also expressed best wishes for a Fred McKnight presented the honored long and healthy life. Mr guest witk 8 monetary gift or Ihehalf of all the guests. Mr Flossie McKnight expressed her thanks and appreciation for # lovely birthday party. The even ing was spent playing cards Guests from out of town includes Mr, Wesley McKnight, Welling ton; Mr, snd Mrs. Alex Clement Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Coulter, Linda and Kathy Hampton, Ontario Recent guests at the home of Mrs, Lionel V, Brennan, Osh awa Boulevard north, were hey son, Sgt, Pred 1, Brennan RC AV, Goose Bay, Labrador Mrs, J, R. Gallagher and My Mortimer Brennan, both of To hundred Richard | Harvey and and tRetiie Dr. and Mis, Calvin A. Detior and Mr, and Mrs, Murray Detior of Whithy were guests at the Wel ann brewster wedding hed recently wn Toronts Mr, and Mrs, Jack Forrester mene street north, have mst © returned from g three-month vi cation in Calilornia and Florida While in California they atiended the Tournement of Roses » Pasadena Mrs. W. HB. James, Adelaide avenue east, enterizined the reading growp of the Lycesm Cll 2nd Women's Art Assocs tion on Tuesday evening, March J Harry Willes presided Walter Johnson reviewed & titled Georging b Aajor Paget Heit, | tory of the Sibbald fam wha came from England in 1558 snd eitled dna Township mr Mrs, Busan Sib $ built a house kK & is RNB un Gen Lake Simons higld ang ner f Eildon Hall named plier their home in England. They glso built a church with: win painted and donpted by overnor Simeoe's daughters agler a stone church was built on the old foundations snd Fil don Hall Is now #& museum Many old settlers sre buried ' there including members of the Sibbald, Veacock and Bouchier miles, Mrs. Harry Willes read some excellent poems, Refresh were served by the host isted hy Mrs. Urigh and Mrs. Walter Johnson aOws ment f a Jone Teas, birthdays, parties, wed anniversaries, coming and wings of guests and your own holiday plans are glways of in terest in this column. Writs telephone or visit the social de partment with your items of for which there is no Telephone RA 35-3474 ding new charge SOCIAL NOTICE ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Donnelda (Del) Iris, daugh ter of Mrs, Clifford Stark of Oshawa and the late Mr. Stark Mrs, Frank Ward and Mrs, (o My, Mark Toming of Oshawa John Jackson welcomed theleon of Mr, and Mrs, Edo guests at the Irish' tea held on Tominag of Yugoslavia, The mar Wednesday at Westmount United | riage will take place on Satur Church under the auspices of thelday, April 22, 1961, at 3.50 p.m WA, Following a program Mrs. [at SI George's Memorial rontn [Alfred Fursey and Mrs, Harry| Church A. In a Hurry ? CALL MERCURY TAXI RA 5-41T1 Oshawa's Largest and Finest Taxi Service 45 KING E,, OSHAWA Sey Ladies! GIRTH CONTROL YOUR PROBLEM? ® Poor Circulation ® Always Tired ® High Blood Pressure Then we wigs you to try o¢| one-month course and ses for yourself, as others have, how mush, mush younger you will look and feel, FREE TRIAL VISIT TWO MODERN STORES IN OSHAWA RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS OSHAWA'S HEALTH STUDIO 204 King 8, E, RA 5.2363 | Fifty -Fifty Club Celebrates At St. Patrick's Dinner Dance The WW Cab of Simcoe Stpunt 1 mited Church cabanas 5. Patrick's Day with 2 gale Sane Aanee Wi Re Remon hall, Under the (eadersng of Me, amd Mrs. Dowgias Ogle BHR TREE GIG, TRE RABAT WRE Evy RE WFRE Wil LieeH wins Wile shamioks, Wats wok brisk pipes anh Shainisck menus and candy Sishes lent mos phere tn the Ganer tables Busse Ying and Ws orches tra ewiertained with muse fo Annette Budson, Mrs Gray presided at the tea table, SNERE BIG CRINGE The CYERRE Grace gatly decorated in the Irish "CVEIR COUNeEs Werk Winners of spot. Bances, These couples Ww Oden Mr. wed Mis. be Travelh, Yr, and Mrs, Jack Ap derson, Mr. and Mrs, Emmest Hilts 2nd Mr, and Mrs. Busse Hayward Huck 19 the delight of #4 is pllendance the EYE BE Was ven added svice by sever skis Of SRREEE-CRIEIRE Wher the rection of Mr. James Morp- son of Oshawa whe proved 1» be # very capable caller Some of those seen Aancing were. Mr. ond Mrs, Douglas Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sione, Peterborough, Mr. pnd Mrs. Philip Perry, Mr, aed Mrs Howard luke, Mr. and Mrs Boland Daniel, Whithy, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moody, Mr, and Mrs William Trottier, Mr § Jelle Bakker Mr. and My nd M % and Mrs. Hern and Mrs. Boy Ferra Mrs, Bohert Holden Pincomb d, Mr Sr i Mr SAFETY POSYER LONDON. Ont. (CF) ~ B sataty posiey Mean by » B yeseid London ol has wen the aaciaion of the 1 8, Bations Byron Werden, My Safety Commas. Frances Coke Witham Sr Brew the pastes Wy Fears sgh ) . Ra Mo wad tre Wilkens Cocker 9% # Competiion wing eb and Wes. Glens We Bn of Genel Motors Diese , Mr. md Mes. | employess Majoras, Mr. snd Mrs. Gordon EE a. A : i wd rs Yr. and Mes. Ernest A and Mrs. Fred Brtien, Mr, and Was. Colin Daniel, Mr. and Mrs Edward Warkwrion, Yr. and Mrs. B G Mr. and Mrs, Bey Piper, My and Mrs. John Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Stamley Taylor, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Evens, Mr. Mrs. Bruce Annand, Mr Mrs, Ire Travel, Mr, and Mrs C, Hong a anh Mr. and Mrs. George Pepree Mr. and Mrs. Mort Petre, Miss Lola Knowles, Mr, Joba Rich ard, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Fore man, Miss Dianne Cornish, Mr Bill Neal, Miss Carol Edwards Mr. Jom Keyes, Miss Grace Youre, Mr. Donald Thompson and Mrs. Witham Doe, Mr and Mrs. Earl Campbell FRESH-BREWED FLAVOUR mere, Cups to the 0%, KRESGE'S FOR SUPER VALUES Aditi ivgy Good and colors, Tops in Fashion... Budget Priced! LADIES' TEXTURIZED CARDIGANS assortment of sizes REG, 3.98 SPECIAL 2.17 [) 2 STORES TO SERVE YOU BETTER POWNTOWN OSHAWA WANA OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE LOLI SOCKET... JLovells. | BABY BONUS SPECIAL! ~ BABY STROLLER 67 rm 7 REGULAR 7.99 ' Flat steel frame with plaid cotton body equipped with plaid shopping bag and canopy. 4" dise wheels, Foot rest, Zeller's Special Low Price, "ONARGE IT"! NO DOWN PAYMENT CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUES ZELLER'S BEFORE 1 P.M, THURSDAY, MARCH 23+d AND BF ELIGIBLE FOR A FREF $10.00 MERCHANDISE DRAW AT EACN STORF DOWNTOWN 21 SIMCOE ST. §, Phone RA 3.2294 ZELLER'S LIMITED SHOPPING CENTRE STEVENSON'S RD, §, Phone RA 3.2209 FINE FURNITURE Quality . .. Style . . . Economy. . . I's RICHARD'S OPEN TILL 9:00 P.M. 295 SIMCOE ST. S$. Dick Bradley's Location STORE FRONT PARKING