Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Mar 1961, p. 2

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We TRANSPORT SMASHES plier # on IY il Ang ith nen # Hors Vile hed | Highwas i Fhe phate 7 near St STORE whik ¥ LLL I £5 WEE LREER WY Hes in bly Ed B RAMEE horrow a ARIE (EF Wirephats . Liberals Back CCFers In Sale TORONTO members of Phursday selves mann ng a (CI wre Bh pad said 1th The motion fen (CCF declared that nherently regi Nn Us gpplication With that much FEFE In agreement 10j] 1 J berals sided with the five Embers ; (Sa | A) ted hres mh cent ' Bopha h Liberal ns 1a the Las per io hie hi sed al of the financial ales } mi # when atta mn placed hi huraens It fect 2. I On 10% Ineame 1 nine ) la and unian heavy EFOup al wn el Creating an artificial incen Boog 4! would he tempied tn ake artificial price markups Fhe tax would he inflationary in that higher living costs would pressure for n ses; B, IL would lessen eon mised hy the [sumption in the case of goods posed | with elastic demands, worsening The proposed alternative Were|ihe recession NEFeases In Hhe Mr. Bopha said in view of the Wd taxes on use (objections to the tax the Liber OUFCER, £reatinn WRB a1 would approve it only if it] Watance fa and ald: wore designed to remove a URHERLS In HAUOF taxes leven move inequitable situation Elmer (l that pertaining to education wrlier in the casts varned that He said government's Eparation proposed per capita grants BEOUFCES while a step in the right dives ut of the Hon, initially would hardly My, Bopha introduced his own make up for the amount of Mh amendment tax schaol hoards will ave deleted ! in pay ternative But Bpeaker! Moreover. they would not kel Villiam Murdoch ! i upported Mr io Yithe pant of the problem Wyden's contention that such a the need to provide a grants fotion aut af order Wntlisystem that will give separate he amendment had chools a fale share of indus waned trial assessment The Liberals challenged the Mr, Bopha sald that while he Jenker § ruling, hut viled was a public sehonl supporter own hy a CC} Conservative he had come to realize that sep Hianee. When the volte arate schools were heing dis CF amendment discriminated against nd defeated h He sald My. Wintermeyer, in| lanservalivi recently proposing a sales tax) f 4 Was rarely univer MH Merchanl ve 10 buy lax-empl the Liberal But the ma I thal wenl gn he gllernalive It the CC} Liberals on a praposs parting all lon hut he Hime i 16 Wine ported hy ; |ereat EFEE corporation tax of natural re of a | an uek Bopha Budbury)| EVENING had higher and use axes an of natural ndusty the would drive pravines bh vhich would sales relerence to have Last Wil f heen Were an the Wil thi majarity taken Progressive the found dying on the ground near the snake's case Thurs day. The python NY heen ve leased Bul was eeaptured later, Shell's deputies ther Altved Henley, owner of & wall roadside 100 in Florida, s shown wilh his wife and 8 dont long futher he hous Sle years Ree, Henley was s Tax Batt] [strate that the ald ling e for edu ENVISRERS pio in al primary CLR ry and univer Farber, CCF Leader aia saa Ihe Dasicany Relr apposition 1a Hh In view of their about the kgrmarked on of free ef is weakion evi ear ng REONAATY chan het i] Liberals had rr wa I} past ean BOVEIRIMENL'S ner INE debt, coupled with der for mare government Mr, Machonald eral gOvernme an is BEV fee ni hing GINS S harm primarily If the sales lax S0n was he management of i J government f151¢ Ontario Hydro | Cape Breton OTTAWA (CP) =f Ontarie would pay B80 month more on his nid cents ma he assured steady jobs and hb able ta buy more Ontario aut mahiles and other praduets This Is the thesis of two Cap Breton delegates ta the sive Conservative annual ing who her demar palitieg a clalm on th Came in parties still have lahar vate, despite af the CCPF:-New ers he delegates are Dick of New Waterfard, NB miner, and Dan Rdwards ney steelwarker, Party organize N | feed that the snake RORY which is DRONE, wsed 1s power fl body 10 crush Henley the activities i ' nad he had done a hitthe | and' tn better health (7 n Bay on the lak i E | | nm But another rea Hilk il poliey Payments Help n ] hydra hill, | [2800 Cape Breton miners would It ) Pragres meet Holm Ryd inisters Speak 8 At Conservative Rally . OFEAWA (EF) A ower Walker sak fosairiaia Defers AREHER LAINREL (arin WIE feck Mamialar Sevigny Fraaisssion ( ARekiryibon Rarty " lakay 15 Reten wf COMEITES WITH (Hunime & TARE y a Fhk GRIT RRE TI BRIE (5 WH wate VRFTIRERE § RA op po the poll sabes frm [Ho TWH ThE CARINE, WIR lawl PIE BE I BEER RF fhe Saw Faaty swine s#h the ' ar: y ; 19 (EIR BERG CRIAREL RIE ETE (TRE=--000 JF of (Re Imei rs ~the HE Ge of the Govern: IR) RoE Ie ae (6 mie i 5 WER =h [¢ RETIRE OR The (RATHE FIRE (PRE RABSR READY, 105 RARE A AOR AHERZITH PAVHIGaTE #h% Ra REAR Hon IEW ERE hh Aningmies With Prime Winister Bieter TREE) WR 1 (9 Rerr how fhe baker dest poeTseas. the PITY 18 [ORE OR Iw (rows GRILY TRY Eh Hf 19 R Bow RIBORE WORER. yome FCs stant Tir shay RERisE GIA WR ThE CARS ERAIES Bt panty milicials took to the ™ TRE RERSE FOE Hein of the prime mimi ier MINS ET (ER RIt, REGIONE MW A the Irak enthasiasm MH 86. TREIE Hf The BRITT RESHEIRIIOR Francs Bay 10 #A4 snap 16-1 the pre-riection theme with 7 Ae 16 What 16 FRI RE Wo #6 7 THER 10F 7 BRGIR, FAR BONAR ARIEL RIRTRE LE The IFERITREIR NOW #t TRE YET i . oy p ¥ 168 he fevel=--An the #800 notte of the WE (RAETRI RORSINERCIES Plersr believe me!" he said the midtime tvoe oH pois FFARR IRE IH Rk ERE In Pe nod rnoweh next time" Fhe party abiective for 16% Re RECIRIER, 16 1h ssf WP The RERSETHAS WERRINIR el 1 4 VA For the reonomic semines RIL WER INIETE ROWER 18 Bik samt Finance Mimeter Fleming Freda Minister Bers, Franson Minister Bwlcer, Delence Winks ter Harkness , Labor Wimsier Barr, Defence Froduction Yin ister Hurley, Works Mimster Dief. To Speak On South Africa OFFAWA (CF )--tpek « bench ing nroduciton bicause the gov VIEWE OR Some [Rrm Issues cient has riled 18 honor ERPIES RB AWiEt Commons aay Va PEOIRISE 18 19WEr he 19 Thursday WReen Lak Todey, Frime Minister Die. The Libergls tried in vain to fenhaker wis 10 open business INERduce # Bon-confidence mo WIR RB Slaiement on the Lon- Hon on Ihe IReme (Rx mers Aon prime ministers' conlerence sures bill of Finance Minister where Bowth Africa decided to Fleming's budget, the Gui the Commonwerith Amie-depreciation man of the PE. Hugh Bormer (PCJ as-| BOVEFmMEN per-Edson), an Alberta country! This now is regilated by the general practitioner, asked foricatbinet in providing special in i Research Councillcentives (or busing tn estab tay of the cholesterol role inlish in suffering from EREARARFY thrombasis--if any enrome unemmlayment Willer blamed, with thes ammal fais, for pushing up thel WOVIR SUPPORT | eholesteral coment in Lhe Blood The mation said in effect that Easing heart iis, he said. But! the Fiherals would support the RPUHAREL MEASHIEE MN WMIVEFSILY he agreed thase Beientisls | VIEWINE hitler a fine food won fees and non FESIACH tment hut Man's like the des researeh of ff ' f {i Ws own among farmers--and|? He camne instean n ar having the last word said margarine is no sive path! Ament m the depreciation scheme Mr. Fleming refused the Guest of Paul Martin (1K ssex Cammons: East) ta BppIy Lax relief for uni with the an | versity students to the fall term Progressive Conservativelof 1960 Mr. Martin seid he ha Meeting in town evident had a number of FERTESEN A Wn the thinned ranks of govern:| tions about he matter and that ment memhers students can gel the tax reliefs now only from Jan. 1 The minister said there had In he a starting date and Jan. | Was the natural one after the Dee, 80 hudget The House completed clause hy-elause study of the amnibux tax hill, My. Fleming introduced an additional amendment under [whieh interest on governmen! | treasury bonds will he liahle tn neame tax if honds hought hy la Canadian resident are sold tn | non-resident. He said this would caver a loaphaele In the |pravision for 1axing Interest paid to non-residents EFERiest H hany salina) Area 8 with » i 7 PI 4 I RANKS THINNED Wis A 1ow-key whole irl party dames Forgie (1 Benfrew North) said (he tohacen grower In his viding is kept from hoost IRA ATTACK | ON BOB BURNS? | | FREDERICTON (CF) Phis is an outrage," said po Chief Bryee Neely I abhar this sort of things in Mayor William 7 n chimed Walker his is a terrible need echoed. Frank 7 | Creighton, chairman of he Fredericton Board of Trade's | tourist miles thing 1a wd tno ton | [INTERPRETING THE NEWS So" Iw Canade fay in We repovt (6 he Meshing. Wi (rinanfl poomiens io pep wi GRIY IAPR eles on AF Ae wats of wgamration. There i Fan WE TROVE [EETORE VianE Toy canal wis ers, MFs ET EASTER E NRE TRAE, Re sid WANT IEICATER WEN He cales for "aotive, work: IR, RERCTRR Wl CRATER PR hie so Wo EVERY whet EHLETAIR ARTIRETE Wh (ARRA% in promising Sirens oath Hattie BRrty swpport fmm Fn Aants, Rovert Ameren of Mont rem (ali ed flatly shot "the ection next yesr" Amos FERY He fe nationet president of Progressive Conservative # Wiens is fre Student Federation, whieh pre nach the hotest Aehate of FhiisBay' s sessing J Kon Brekatchewsn Aciegates fbn Champrd and Norval Horner--4ried to sell an sll-owt free enterprise. Plank for the AIT at orm Theatr 1esaiwtion REFR Misra tment with ie fan AREY Bf BRYRTRIMERS (OW RIA 86 cialism and wellare stiatedsm. ER. sport for free enter WISE, nmvidusl Initistive and CTSNET FREFANSHAINY But their iden was knocked f # UAeI2 vale ot the x 4 Wy MERLE If the pomiaee wants more snr iam we shold be prepared 19 them." said Jotwm Hethrington of the Unversity of Western Ontaria at London YPCA WAS BUSY A fhe students WEEE RETIRE ONL BOCIRIEM VERFSHS 4 the voung Progres Conservative Association winpped through » new consti tation Easy Line On Treason In Spain MADRID (AP)--8even Bian i intellectural leaders weirs aeguitied Thursday of charges of conspiring to averthraw Gen Francisco Franen, An eighth de fendant was sentenced (0 & year In prison and fined 25,000 pese Las (8400), which means he goes ra wase's west woes | Foy $30,000 | Their four « day trial ended Monday. The sentence was an By M. McINTYRE HOOD Bpecigl to The Oshawa Times nounced hy the presiding Judge IVES, Cornwall Bown] Phere was no mention of & dict in the cass W 1 16 case of twa other here in the heart of Cornwall if heard the fantastic story of the Building being ERNRIRES, IRININE fhe WRTEIRER Ww Building 15 being i form down | some of | Chicrgn FRikn wl 7 th © TORONTO (CP)--Falal acs an Ontang Meghway ehined 18 per cent last AUBOUER mar vemele registra nereased 4.4 per cent Minister Rowntree FHS a number of accident mereased from BA B7,In6 last hie A report af On A#eel nr VE Hon | Fransport annoineed Talal all ty in® 1604 ia $6 Paintings Auctioned I" ia in tanhng YER} # vel defendants who fled the country and were tried in absentia four paintings hy the famous The surprising verdicts were ( anadian avtist, Cornelius attributed to a worldwide cam | Kreighoff which now hang in the palen in behalf of political pri I, averhraok Art Gallery at soners in Bpain and the large Fredericton, New Brunswick number of foreign reporters at | A little over two years sen, fo tending the trial, Furthermore, | man named Walter ¥ ddy hough! the prosecuting attorney, Eleute an old mansion and farm he rin Gonealez Zapatero, is known tween Camborne and Bt, Ives tn he friendly to the defendants | jf had heen the hame of Richard and their cause [Travithick, an engineer who in| 1604 operated the fivst steam | locomotive in Cornwall, long he | [fare Blephenson's Rocket' was | "Bhacking," eried eit enry Cause their anger was the head the green paint | Jah which persons unknown applied ta the city's statue of Bealtish peel Robhie Burns same HUme Wednesday night Chief Neely has launched an Investigation inte the "viola Han," apparently intended as # prank ta coincide with te day's BI, Patrick's Day cel ehrations Mutineers of 0 Has Hendrik Verwoerd's #hrupt decision in Landon really ended Routh Africa's member ihip in the Commonwealth? | | Rome tMinking in senior gov (ernment elreles in Ottawa is! {that Hauth Afviea's departure is) hy no means a sure thing, and| [that Prime Minister Verwoerd | [may find same strong apposition! Sentenced | | It when he returns hame ELISABETHVILLE (AP) This view of the possibilities 18 hased not only an the dollars Thirty-two men whe took part and gents consideration of what| in an army muting in Bisa: the Cammanwealth tie means to hethville Tast July were sen: (B0uth Afviea, though this 1s a tended Thursday to terms rang: [ME factor in a eountry whieh ng fram three ta 15 years LAAN d0 IHC on spar Hiew hard Tahar m : | During the uprising. i There 1s alin the question nf ek hice ul HN hth what the emotional impact will] | BLAIR. =. She In Bouth Afriea--& white Hopped # \ a { : ! \ ¥ Ing dominated eauntry isolated at (tes, netuding Hatian consul ie Vin" a needaminantiy blaek Pita Kpaglia, and machine eantinent (Bunned them down Helgan farmed sources in Ofawa raops later captured the mulin think the temper of the prime [00ers and after soreening held : ministers' canference in London WE About 100 were veleased was (hat Nawlh Africa might {and departed fram Katanga have stayed in the Common {Pravinee ar given light senten: wealth fold if there had heen | oes some promise hy Prime Min Cadi Condones Forced Drunk Test TORONTO (CP)=Rven if farceMackey" af Tavanta if they used [WAS used ta obtain breath tests faree ta ablain & test fo Sieshol the results would bel The director of Praseeutions ' wo Ne ba oor Magistente iy the atlarney-general's depart anh 4 ) ARSERN Addisan told 3 palice iment, W. ©, Bawman, expressed Whee here hursday 3 surprise at the statement attrib f advised the afficers nat ta wied 10 the magistrate brawbeat ar manhandle motor {ists suspected of heing impaired Wo, Lui wp Bi ba or drank drivers hut urged them fram Hg > av . 0 make every effort even " W Ris viedge Are Futile 0 Eel 4 metas flis Katy oe ote Criminal Whe a test. Motorists need no N N N MIS Reed Adtidade amended to that effect be warned that the results could be used in court He sald 'that wader present "Iam mare interested in the AW the court must have elint results And not in how you got Al evidence ta desoribe & per them." he told the officers YON'S Appearance and actions to studying the breath test system SUbstantiate the tests at the atlorney-general's labra:| Policemen fram Toarvante tary Rranttord, Kitchener, Waterloa, Hadded later that policemen Sudbury and provincial police COME face a suit ar "get called detachments atlended the meet | | [ | =(AF Wiephoto) (0h the carpal by Police Chieliing, South Africa Still In Group ? invented | When the contents af the house were heing sold hefope| Mr, Hddy took possession, he haught for about $6 four old paintings and some ching ar pieces, He was nol marticularly | interested in them, so stored [them away In an alti | [READ OF BALE slight] About & year later, he vead in| rnment's striet!a newspaper of & painting by i apartheid Krelgha!f being sald al Rothe he possibility is seen that hy's in London for about $7000 there might he a substantial The name sounded familiar, and hody of patitical apinion in South ne recalled that this wis th Alviea willing slight eaneession continued Commaor hership Al any rate, officials haven't Rossbility of A0uth Afplea==pearhaps decisive! ister Verwoerd of even a [easing In his gave racial policy of IF 1 means he had stoved away, He brought [In an art expert, whe nouneed them genuine Me. Eddy pramptly sent them some Canadian written off the hy auction, The four were sold WRECKERS TRAPPED IN COLL Fewer Killed On Highways BL AUOH 1a B40.066 621 Tas! Wealth mem: them out of storage and called eentre J proc [shortage of elassrooms, equip: ailities in Canada for training ment, teachers and counsellors, {hese teachers PEROTOUSSIONS Inf a Bathohy's tn London to ha sold (mated that §100,000,000 worth Universities ---- APSE CORARY Riiessed wenden sup: ports weren't swtlicient for floors overinld with concrete (AF Wirephols) Queens Park At-A-Glance By THE CANAAN PRESS Fhursday make wey for ® grocery Weeckage spills over side sidewitks nnd reaches parked cars. Foreman of wiecking | vehicle gecident Histies in the legislature The Bales Tax Act was ape Fersons fatally injured were proved after Liberals were 1,166 compared to 1187 in 100, foreed 10 vole for & CCF amends aut of 087 and 1006 fatal meci- ment rather (han Approve the aenls respectively ant Properly damages 56d #2 per cent--from § AT hil approved aver Liberals VERY CCF objections on referendum the Increase of BO we quirements for Metropolitan CIaents reported in 1060 was re: Forontn lea ef ine V 8 Pectetin nine out of 18 mont Travel and publicity eammit eident month, with 10,481 "6 voted 1a ask the government dents reported I Sluay permitting room serv: lee of liguor in holels DRIVERS REPORTED Transport Minister Rownires Brivers reported ability announced Lo-per-cent drop iapaired" ar "had heen drinkin Ontario's highway fatalities mg' (otalled 11.474 in 1660 T i er fhe flags ! i Second reading was given twa } EA YeiER MAE Wh RR BB: pills nermitting Ontario to enter mated 10.4 per cent of the driv an in € LAK Afreeme res licensed in 1060, hut mad 2h inesm . ¥ ment with ip 27.7 per cent of the drivers In all aceidents {Opposition Mr, Rowntree said some 400," 'Put teeth 000 eanvietions were vegistered Ast were for ollences volving # meter vehicle Inst year, AS ® result UE601 drivers were suspended fram driving an increase of Friday 2.8 per cent Budget debate More Technical Schools Needed OTTAWA (CP)=Canada des: of new huildings and equipment perately needs more facilities will he needed in the next 10 to train technicians in the skills years to cope with anticipated demanded hy modern industry, | demand : Be ' nwer eammit:| ARE "e he Ne aan ael FACILITIES NEEDED " Ut has heen estimated that A brief from the VOGALanal gore is un need for facilities for training branch of the fedevall So agioional 15,000 persons in labor department reported that time day classes at the institutes for technical training aeountional and Pot: ahave the high school level oan school technieal levels," not cape with the eurvent de Fard said mand for sueh training Hy 1070 Canada will have to CO, R, Ford, director of he(find between 1000 and 1500 branch, sald a survey of the additional te a o her § for teehs Lara motor TP i mment's fluoridation Boe As I] Ee amendments fo into the Munieipal defeated hy govern: {ment members of the municipal law eammilies 10 make sueh & name onthe four old paintings Provinces showed long walling nioal and vocational elasses, sts at every teehnieal training A serious problem was the There was an AUER almost complete absence of fas Mast had to Pravineial autharities had es: seek training in United States Shes helween now and May 81 When that eauntry is ta hee p When thitt yi became! of $0,000 Far Canada, it ANNeArs likely that South Avie re fram the Wauld moan an end 10 the Cam monwealth tariff preference In trade between the twa eonntries Kxtarnal Affales: Minister Groen ld the Canadian Commons Phursday that Canada Hyves wp 10 her treaties As far South Afviea abwagat: ! Ig the treaty, the feeling in Ot wa is that South Afviea needs OVery market it ean find ! Although at the London ean. | ference Canada took a stand With the nonwhite members of the Commonwealth in evitieism of apartheid, it is not thought likely In Ottawa that this eonld oad 10 trade retaliation hy South Africa far a sum in the netghbarhood un \ a's dopa Commonwealth Children Love THIS Cough Syrup Fast Caugh Rolief with PINEX ® OREN AOTENess ® reduces tickle ® contrals cough Far canghs due 0 ealds, PINEX Concentrate for ecanamy ar Prepared fos canvenienee, CONCENTRATE OR PREPARED NORMAN BEAL Ltd. MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Closing Sale Ends Tomorrow! Tremendous Savings On Our Last, Day Of Business HANDYMAN? cALL RA 8-4688 now To have our representative call to discuss LUMBER, PLYWOOD All Your Building Needs PROMPT, FREE | DELIVERY 3 Ways Teo Buy! * CASH * 30.DAY CHARGE ¢ BUDGET TERMS McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LTD 1270 SIMCOE ST, N,

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