Mrnsinry, FEI E, whe Imes, IE pores [TR nyrime FREER, WH ices, wt BOER serene, VBE vy Pe bransiny. Sm» id aatagm FF. Soares TEE J GHA. We Hag Biiae Taw RL WEE ans, mes WL sume, OF pA 99. FAR IRy AH. PIR EE bead Ry Tae l.onelion Brows Wage Low p.m. I% go ye gs how pm. CF gp Ee $ 3 fi ; "5 rt sy Ward Roads ghia Waid 5 oe Ph » s wi, GA alamo a Ware pure a BE Eo6 g 0% le We Wp " Jk fancier Bains, RE CAE BARE G8, FH Eas inend, BA vy BA 2 "wh % 4 : CHEE FW WTR ig Cy Ene 4 ow Ba y wry " : lly 4 +4 Fe Bi 4 fon Hay dmer WigR Low p.m. LW go § Hick i o_o & CHANDY Wen 5 fie er of power ond Ww Flinae, m5 hh? se oR WIE for Bawys Bow, TOW, ved, I %¥ ks wk 1s mall pie RAS phi n anne (or 300g WOO isle th reper wus TInt FIRES wots wre. ¢ Aénns va Ray ow 85 1G PRE RIS IF ak 8 cumin ® Er, We GR BS seats Wh fue liens Tiwes iH rR fons OE Cyse Baws, Kong Siess Wes Be aad a -- Fhgars Pup sod WERE. 6 8 Scots ry i Pas ry AF get pis aan deal a MBE IHS. WEE, Ren s eT ¢ pho sae gs SC hg pissiigt- Pri? Fi init pi dla MEE, Ie nk van # [id Tearisos, Gh EHH i iA oo Ed w ivy Estarinn. A thu SEF wer ery, ow frasiey, Goh Rr 6 wes, nya mas, #6 press Fromet meevieel tis 7 By Sie . 8 py id uh WE A CRATES Boys T44 7 } 4 win td = aug sani de 3 Jas TR ¥ 3 a AP 54 iy low pam C0 gr rt #7, a id » = sprtcn apna rrapetalusiymiplonnneg. plaiie Wing ws et . PE lh shar GEIS ala IR RTEE WR ins Fina s Reiko ave sig wits raae. tise § Cmwnn. RA IW rah A a er OPVICE Aesis, 05 wg 5 Hie akdesy, typeniiery Hew cai cat d "Ee grass 1% Fuhiy's fr ia Mh Siamane 4 REST RE, 0s mdh a8 GA TREARRR TR CTE I wider Bee wa me. B "ne Fle Hidvenade sesarrrprlsboaomnlylone Wael lad aad rms epimaies. (ey. (ae IESE. 2 ihe 180s ytd sr wisswy A HOR HN eum ary, i? 2 gs us oe ay "4 ' goes one Cleve Fox, Wi Emene Bors 4 Bb G g y ' oT » _ kn . 4 beni Frome -- Haver Romart Frans ® sew, Sins Wem Fed Fad TREBERIR RTI AL din 3 3 y RABAT E. prim ite eons i JET NC EEE 1 REET EE nh a -- Hamp Rs mai y fos gro Apso aad Pa Lawn femetary wifes, BA 9 Fariiaon ropa tol sas thor JEREE PA EER wes MaTaEwE Kaha = + sysarenelule BI Wamashe Ih Be PE fF ampmitisy Furnitarn Bm , Bianet SELIG tenitiove © Wek bey 16 Re niguraians, TV 8, Wears, Geet, Ll Letoves, wa. Fox aon oiler one 4 wast 18 Priaes BA Phone BE R110. $16 TH B08 pith of fence gifts wih Ne Psisss . 5 OW a . 2--Aagsl soar BIS8. DOW) mies This laud ya - » - nae # ger sae' Reson Bowe Fw aainas, Mik Soman Grid TERED wit, Tonk § SRPRATE wah Ma ww ¥ a WRB DRI DDN EE ESET EERO SRE 24 . OX FIER Ryn 4 . 3 Sa ® = 'S x 3 CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA SALE OF LAND BY TENDER Ci pn iH Gerons heresy vr the pwengse | or any of the IONS enders with be receives « Wy * #8 1 & fy 4 Wh ie 18 i 4 5 5 Pick a p y . yp y r 9 7 4 0 ; " #4 A 4 6 4 Fite AARTH His > »* > wugione Bi § $2--tegel TOWN OF AJAX TENDER | #7: 288 & Poin Bie fee BREE ip Hoe Bn nin Ba 0d eS TRE > CET N oo ae x SET BBE RT soa SBN Faces Fios Ms Pures 4 Usia Rate Riv Algom Bo * - the eget 20 feet Oshans A e south 112 fest of £1, Plan 167 ans . 2) the south 117 fee LOCKE'S RIS ofr 182, Plgn 167 The advance was & continug tion of a drive begun in Novem ber, Since hen the INAex Ras gained more than 70 points Brokers and investors now are looking for, the index 16 break the M8 mark when they jumped 1.38 ta 100.58. ment fell V4 to 28% The final yniume was 1499 in mining Yale 0 shares compared with 2,228, shipped % to 41%. Both amas 0 traded Wednesday and Venture dipped '% to 45% The market was high- and 37%. Internstionsl Ni lighted by a handful of Wig win- registered the only mejor gain, ners and 8 score of fractional % to #4 The index is & compilation of gains. Moore Corporation was In golds, trading wes quiet redit on revaluation of invest Atl the industrial index 20 leading industrial issues and up 2% to 55, followed by Loblaw and generally down, with ments); 1998, $142.048 66 advance al $55.66, was begun in 1984, It is con-lA, up two points at 36. Roysl changes confined to fractions, Mining sidered a section of Can- Bank gained 14 at 78%, and Losses outnumbered gains by 8 Co, 14d. ve ended ord of 555 85 registered J ada's industrial complex Bank of Montreal rose 1% pt slight edge. Central Porsupne 1960, $18.35] $3751058. AL 2 it had In other index changes, golds #2% fell Y to 11 while Dome lost ¥, share; 1950, $9.904,613, $3.50. | another decimal point and at the fell 53 to #508, basese metals, Industrial | were only to 22. Giant Yellowknife A Rolland Paper Co. Lid. vesr close had jumped 3.36 to 556.38, gained 27 to 181.46 and Western fractions), A rg u s Corporation at 10% snd Mcintyre Poreu- ended Dec. 51° 1960, $645.076, its third new high of the day.|Oils set & new high for the yearilost '% to 3, and Canada Cel pine gained % to 20% 50---Articles For Sele $95 per class A NET EARNINGS 77 cos: # share $28, $5.05 pnd 835 TORONTO (CP)~The indus tngl index moved to is highest ended Sept. 0: 1068, $42. point Thursday since is incep 0 (including $40.000 special tion 27 yegrrs ago ok $74 CRED OTHER TORS Funes ments on A parcel of lor GVINg ont 4 ' frontage of AS feet AVENUE, ¥ ad g deoth of 2 fant By THE ESTATE OF ¥ FOP yESE CANADIAN PRESS leet Manufacturing 144 p.m SHOwWen # and 91 higher than the previous CTO6S Hudson Bay ne ing JSHAW A 4 on Hor. Nev sGoingt 10 of : 4 : AAP heb Dex 31 COMPANY be ror b 4x 2 wmed dececsed, jot A iy dot yd ddd a p.m 167 NG 87, E A po of lo or RA B-BBT6 a frontage of 50 the non Avenie ii poe of ond 4 GERROW FUNERAL 41 CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of sll RA B-6226 390. KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM | MUNNE In lovin; dear father, Cuthbert od away March 17, 1960 Looking back with memories Ui the path you tod, ® bisss the years we had with you And leave the rest with God | You leit us quietly, your thoughts wn | known But you left ws wilh 3 memory we| are proud to own memory of # Inns, who pass 2 feet comprised of the northerly 112 feet of Lots 66 end 107, Plan 167 A perce! of lend heaving o frontage of 45 fest or Baollgrd Street, north side and ¢ depth of 130 feet, comprised of the sost 45 feet of Lots 23, 24 and 25, Plan 247 Sale of this parcel is sub ject to 0 10 foot ease ment for drainage . pur poses over the rear part of the lend A parcel of lend having o frontage of 46 fest on Bollard Street, north side, and a depth of 130 fest comprised of sted Ist do y their Cuddy, Street 1961 ANNIE DRAPAK elicitor Administrotyix Of 304 D by her Solicitor \ / West, Whith ZT, SALMERS g dos ! 4 SOMEONE with rask Vanis your 3 £ g 3 Simeo oa HMeok longer-used furnishings. Find him Jawa day with an Inexpensive Classified avid B.A North, Ontario fresh the west 46 fest of the sost 91 feet of Lots 23, 24 and 25, Plan 247 Sale of this parcel is sub- CARD OF THANKS | dias porposes ove for drainage purposes over the rear part of the land GOLDSMITH = 1 wish ta thank all through my liness, made he 110 Park Rogd Merth, known thelr concers with cards, ne land -- calls, Hower nd y Soe diene 1d and buildings the galls, flowers and Visits Bpecial thanke former Parks Board Head to Poctors Baldwin, rant, Diacke ant quarters, Part of Lot 283, tal s. indeed grateful to Rey Plan 13C1, having a Digkson snd Rey. Mitchell for thels frontage on Park Rood ray and visit Prayers as sits North of 128 feet and a depth of 325 fest. The preperty is zoned R3 and may be used for apart ment buildings wlovingly remembered by wile Harel piet, and deughlers Priscilla, Florense, Amy joanard Goldsmith GREER We wish 0 SXPress wwe heartiell thanks and appreciation to ous yelatives, friends and neighbors, foy the kindness and sympathy shows In the 1088 of our beloved mother, Mrs, Hanns May © A eels) wank He y ' fay pogo 25 inclusive Hig v his consoling words, Pp 755 the donors of many beautiful floral lan 39, on Rossland offering d the Robinson Funeral Road East, Gorevale Cres Home for kind efficient manage: cent, Hillsdale Avenue ment of | GIvices B The Greer Family ind Oshawa Boulevard THis is known as the Hills and Dales Subdivision CLASSIFIED These are serviced lots ADVERTISING | Rove mimo: fioor trea and zoned RIA (Continued from Page 185) of 1200 square feet and shall be of solid brick or brick 50-Articles For Sale eneer construction OHINA cabinet of drawers; single space heater, natural or Have; 31" venetian blinds Street BLUE bab © NORM ADVERTISING, fas GOING UP . YOUR LOVELY NEW HOME! You can have a modern new home sooner than you think with the help of BROWN'S LUMBER & SUP. PLIES veel their Stop in and look through eur Plan Books this and talk over your ideas with aur helpful ad visors, We'll suggest the right materials and handle with glass doors; chest hed complete; gas) propane; as) 70 Celina | Offers for the purchase of all or any of the above lands may be made en forms pro vided for that purpose by the Just lke City Clerk, 3rd floor, City Ww: Apply 144% East, Hall, Oshawa, The clesing pt: dole for tenders is 5 p.m woon's platiorm dump box, Mounted | ES Menday, Mareh 27th no condition hens a ha nN ui 96) , and all offers shall be BOAT, 15%, moulded hull, 64" sent ta the City Clerk, City @pth, néw, best offer, Can be Hall, Oshawa, In a sealed A B38 Hruee Sires after 5 pom envelope clearly marked FILTER Queen Sales and Service, Free! Tender for Land' and shall demonstration, Telephone RA 8.4011 be accompanied' by a cert VIBIY our clearance counters, huge! fied deposit cheque payable vine while the hargaing last, Clreus ta The Ce poration of the more p18 ii Steen; Wout, Fen City of Oshawa for an iw I RONAWE i Victor, Admiral.l oo aint equal to 10% of the | The finest 1a TV, HIFY and service BNaLnt od The bd Highest trade-in allowances at Parkway Televisie #4 Simcoe Street North. | poration of the City of Osh awa reserves the right to re Calor TV "an display | VAER parts and rehalre for MN mak) fuse any or all offers whether of wringer type washers, 's hp meteors p4 A uarantond recanditioned wash:| Such offer is the highest or nd stoves, Paddy's Market, Hamp no! , C0 38841 BICYOLES, $39.05 tenis, boats, motors and trallers, new and used, Dominion Tire Slare, 40 Rend Street West, RA Sal FIRESTONE STORE 190 KING ST, EAST, OSHAWA GOING OUT FOR BUSINESS REDUCED SALE USED MERCHANDISE Tag Neo, 5683 Tag Ne, 5795 $125.00 Tag No, 5776 ..... $149.00 Yog No, 5798 «+ § 2000 Croydon Console T.V., Teg No. 5698 $ 49.00 | onsole T.V.. Nag Ne. 57467 $ 49.00 Naiarela Console T.V., Tag No. 5797 $125.00 Admiral Console T.V,, Tag Ne, 5708 $149.00 Hallicrafter T.V $129.00 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH HURSDAY NIGHT'S TIMES FOR TREMENDOUS SAINS ON gj ITEMS OF MERCHANDISE DIAL RA 5.4704 OSHAWA, ONT, "BUDGET TERMS if y rp all the construction details including the arran gement of easy financing terms LOOK TO YOUR HOMETOWN LUMBER DEALER FOR PERSONALIZED SERVICE! carriage for sale Bond Street heam, #8 seen You room to add a home for "living space." A room addition can cost as low as $19.00 for materials can easily ...and Ciltone Satin's Colorlok Action keeps your rooms color-fresh washing after washin a without dulling Ciltone Satin's freshness. ¥ Ciltone Satin flows on smoothly--dries evenly in 20 minutes with your | | | a month id d . % > Springtime comes in hundreds of Ciltone Satin colors anchantingly fresh colors that keep their fresh: Ciltone no painty odor--and you wash your roller or brush clean For a FREE estimate, stop in any time at our friend. ly show room. We'll also give you $ saving advice remodeling pro R. BARRAND, ness because of amazing Colorlok Action, ; in water, # Why not give your walls the long-wearing beauty of Ciltone Satin, Choose the color that's right for you at your C-I-L. Paint Dealer, soon, Satin's Colorlok Action locks thousands of rich color particles together in a tough latex film that protects their on ject ny freshness against washing, wearing and fading. This means you can wipe soil marks away quickly and easily QD PAINTS GREEN DOOR GIFT & PAINT SHOP Painting and Decorating I FREE ESTIMATES BROOKLIN OL 5.4531 SEE US ABOUT AN INTERPROVINCIAL SUMMER COTTAGE FOR YOUR FAMILY . , . NOW! BROWN'S LUMBER | & SUPPLIES LTD. Used C.G.E. Refrigerator $ 49.00 Phileo Refrigerator Firestone Refrigerator Beatty Wringer Washe Used Used Used DODD & SOUTER PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE 107 BYRON ST. 5, WHITBY MO 8.5231 SMITHS HARDWARE 368 WILSON RD, §,, OSHAWA WILSON RD. Plaza RA 8.2451 PATTE'S I PAINT & WALLPAPER 85 SIMCOE ST. N, OSHAWA I RA 5.3529