Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 17 Mar 1961, p. 14

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14 THE SSNAWA TIES, Fridey, Merde 17, 1969 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS ~ /E BCE WET ELIE? ERT Op, iF any Gag we # PE (ERE BY NY (6 AGE (SF BILAN RY, BR ll a dar BC LE $7 h fina er a R aad RS $ ok spy warn Bow AGTH y ied a be ow By & trrg ARR amy sme. Farge #8 Tonnes wmen ie Eh thnk] fous. HIE MW § Sr RARITIES Eakin dd SPECIALS lala 18a Mortgages MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE " ' FAY IM 0 2 § £4 ) INVESTMENTS COMPANY EA ir ! 1993 EXPERIENCED | TI--Personel on, down Otrax Towis sands Af men. wom on past M8 #9c, ot Bl ArvERists FREE ent. for wide wie, 1a oi Ree Oshawa "hi Times / Box ELECTROLYSIS Femove of Murd Cshaws, April At oFPhone GCenoshg these doles gir Maris be and 5t Hotel n on for appointment AD Mo, 108 CHILD FOR ADOPTION ! y ery sflort has been made find MARYLOU a perme ent home the ares where the but 10 no avell, We are using this ad ertisement in the hope thot you might be the couple whe would love to be the parents of this bright youngster, She's 0 bubbling, active 4 year old shows her Indian origin her dancing brown eyes 1 pixie Marylou is in excellent health, sturdy and developing well in every ay. She needs all the love and security you can give her he will respond the way all happy children do. |f you are Roman Caothelic end would ne interested nm aking this girl adoption, write THE MINISTER OF PUBLIC WELFARF PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO 25-~Pets and Livestock BEAUTIFUL hahy budgies ready training, talking strain. Apply Broad, 114 Elgin Street East in s living now whe i" nine face own through your for Mis 26~Farmer's Column " FOR BALE--200 hates excellent clover hay, Also small house for vent, middie aFe couple anl Pelephone RA 5 1057 TWO grade Halstein eows, second oalf due (0 freshen right away, Phone Hampton, COUax 34357 DEAD farm stock pleked up prom Phane collect. Hampton, COA Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone FARMERS NEEDS whet Injectables wringe mally Ah 114 yl other frigerated ivaliable al SHORT'S PHARMACY BROOKLIN FAMILY PRUG OL 5-330! Mon Wed Friday ening for your convenience fe ) 10w YOUF TORE Open ™ 29--Summer Properties For Sale HA TH 0 DOWN. Lat or collage camplele with lat. Lowest terms in Can ania. Pills' hundreds of satisfied pur chasers and years of experience are your guarantee of veal satisfaction Your choles of hundreds of lots, ww, with lovely beaches, priced from S500 up, low as Slo down and $10 monthly Lot pomplete with a brand new family sles ihre bodroom galiage fram S140] with a $30 down payment and LJ $30 monthly. plug interest wer vou host hegause we are the originators of this law payment plan and own oulvight hundreds of vaca tion properties on Ontario's hest lakes and rivers within 100 miles of Taranto Rive Pigeon Chemang Nluidean Canal, Dalrymple, 51 John (Mlanabes, Trent, Fenelon and many athers. Note Many lpoatinns are suitable for vetire ment homes and served hy bus and am. Good roads acoessible year round, all ais an Government Ap proved Registered Plans. We alsa build de lie or standard collages far indi viduals and commercial gamp awners anywhere in Ontavia and supply finane S06 Us at ihe Spartamen's Show in Taranto, March 18 1a 18. Wille for free Vierature. Pitts Homes and Collages Lid, PO Bax 203 Cobourg, Ot, or phone Taranto AM T3474, day or aight 32-Articles Wanted BOAT molar and trailer Ho ood NN ng wanted. Must Telsphone RA WI SETH CEES GSO SFR | or H go | 5868 | laminate lant Aig PATIRGOS Way Arye uw. Sggy WG Wemveve Aoemwe, Age UNLISTED NUMBERS BERMIE'S APPLIANCE SERVICE 6B SCE WORTH (Fess - GAVE RENEW moders (wies ARE, Rey ERLE, PrIAE Be, fie fromm Aswaimns. Taseonmne RE 14600 allan ution (4 (RIBRAEY FO ANNS FABRIC SHOP ai yd. Hews y Fl vi | NEW BUSINESS fd aan Ausra, vo we mas wr (GARE CTW ERT War, pe fdiiia m4 AAA Agts, & Flats For Rent FW 10 ianseinnging Jove, ANE (IF WORN RTT, FRAT Liiiay 6 9m. #0 50 Chavis Wome FEW Aesovates ERE, ROR anh. rae RERVY ALY WERE, #ORIETIE aay Rime > TY sersal, gevinng. Toiegwone BA Gah TOWR- | Oemione RAE RAG errmiags FOR BW BGeiaent, Bronwen ELEM singin rawr Ww ROVeeSesping JRRany, WORGGE AIRES. SERIE, REL FOO Baers Rowe, WARE Me water, Gang free. BA O00 sr KA (anew tn pth Gener Wotors, Wwe # addi Aven Telephone RA 5 (TR FRR tid ndaddd foitert by fortavie. mo 2HE Rome, tee Berk (| A4B--Raoms For Rent FRRIIOWEN (wy Towne, 6%, Ween. FRO, IIVINE CIIERRE, GRVWRE fhe ign; Haw Swine LG Reeser sng FOE ER WA, VEY AEE AGWy We (AREVE ren yn Ay 4 fhves - fomw Bert. entvanne, TWO farmoned hedeosme BER RE BIE, F508 INIRE Fenm Rown FIR REGEIRERL aT ER - Arn, ow and #5 ROW - room pens Bele, govage. TY st waler. Rosiewie RA ad He new, makers HER Erecri 7 sun (aetory SAVarEans cer ¥ ot PACS sinw degen for Prvies, Mafiar, A FH astirghcacs, ie RAS1179 WANTED id ip Foul FHiER 3.3374 5g re GEO HE ARTIRERE, (ie. PRTRRRE fiw goo FRONT AREA WU BREN args i, WS BORER faded aw, i Resien, alk RA ~NE cd TEE ES EE WHEE, RAO HAAG, [WEE RETR ARR Phone fies 5 pm. TG 5798 FRCANE fume, mae rooms, fon rent WS Blane Bienes. Aoaiamie ROW, See Feliae's, wh Vaiegnone RA Aiowi ee gERy AE porn Tew Rowers pr wENy Wenn Bedvovme, A AORIEMEREES, fbn po miatie Apri iN mani Ime ARRNGREY PUIG Berwann § BW. B iormation dL ddan A HTS FEW modern 'won WORE WW REW GERTTRERL BARE, Iowan fo gueion, wove, peoed Pov BERIT Gives (8 wRont oF Hopping mownt. Aosme, BA L6H PONTOON, (aren tal CRRER BERITIRERE, REWY ARAHY HEA anne it 4 RA ot aad sowensnon, WA B100E after i Arnon RT. THY (KS 7 Wan » ed SHAN WRECKING WER #5 monty Foy oll A ionr §.3004 tuethe i aidadd etme ERIFRRGE, AE py # we, Mane Aer WE Fivew Sipnme wiagmone fA A dads 7 Prive £5 frigaymiay oeon FAFRIonest | gy ouner, Arges, (awn RA S408 Rosmie, Agar ad wo w # " en REFER Eran FOER » dead # PPPRRAIHIA Wa AREH anh we ihe 35-- Employment "Wented Wid wriiigped i oe rine very wile ad + hdr pay ' wn Highway 2 one Be) R004 WEEE WOPERY tes b n, $9 fers i" ' a Fela wo RAT HOR ART ment oe ynbiii main reinphone WovTmLY va Stone 4A APS, & Flofs For Rent #e RA mare Aeta 36--Femele Help Womed FROAFRE ABER 28 Bey FRRER ii4 n ApErimen on oH nto wie Be ad a WONWERE three in y AA ERLERRER App ee ETIATIES bath ment, oo Fy Arthu oy REY EXPERIENCED ~ gp per in spre cine 28 Green wi (#iephone (RigFY Ew Wat ne F # « FURNISHED epied, hed oh mes » 9 rt # ase pr Ww with id Adie fas oy # vin hp detail ct a sped hans REPET [OF BIRR . ih Telephone HA a 37 Male Help Wanted AGGRESSIVE Adusnal ana sutomative pits tphone RA #4 Be, HOVE ESTABLISHED Watkind rovie avail: LAunsremst |abie , t5ii or part time nit pecapt: reel, Apt, 6. RA 4 I wre unlimited, spin $2 per hor tment more. Telephone BA #2080 hiv aH ment, ment, hus ston OFPORTUNITY for young aggressive Koad $9772 bbls did man (oe learn car business. Small 0b ys uR EE CLE Bond reputation. Remuneration oR 8 coosonient Foome for rent Commission and profit shanng Rams. | alone for Fhone REF Box 428, Oshaws Th -- SELF «+ CONTAINED, ae had 41 Room & Board mMAdern (hese - room apartment n hitchen cuphosids, heavy duly wiring din BOOM and board or room only, entiance, heat, Lights included East {decoraied, good heme conking, central rept. 567 Grierson Street {seven milnules' walk to four corners oF apartment, furnished, re 1 REE om hospital, Apply 240 Division ROGER Fitehen ond range, Very eeniral BUSINESS Kirtsy {ROOM and board, Apply 143 Huron Street, [oor iities {single hed, share apartment, healed, new ! parking. South GM THREY room Private hath ' ROOM and board, young men, Inendly | orivaie snirance Ample Parking. vale entrance fecorated hen, is home, separate beds, Rood cooking, TV | dle-aged couple preferved, Telephone "UUDORIGS, Bviiipbie APRIL T, PREHEE (lounge. KA 67687 ar apply 51 Colborne. RA 58352 centrally located, reasonable K SMART, modern, new, four 00 nd ey ay als Apartment and ath, unfurnished, cen with young couple, all able now, Apply B17 Drew Street tral location, ground floor, 580, he handy to bus. RA 82815 hat included, BA B6404 \FWO or thres unfurnished rooms, sink pariment In. WREalow ROOM and hoard, close (a South Gens land cupboards in kitchen, Child wei APAHM h uy '} N oh {eral Motors, Home cooked meals, PIenty | come, Apply 11 Warren Avenue ahi ian TLL of grat water, Forking, Telephone BA | oo unisiEn three + room apart ners, Business couple or 18dy, 209 Bond ment, with private entrance, avaliable! East, side door {ROOM and howd for one business BIL | immediately, Apply 94 Fairbanks Street, | pup pp {in privale home, North seclion, close ed hus, Telephone RA 56405 bright, three mom apart. apariment V conditioned, south end of ern throughout (GENTLEMAN, nice clean German iciiy, RA 82870 or RA bab in schools and hus ' g Park Ap (Nome, Hest clas food Parking id TWO + bedroom apartment on Bimeos FIVE |Stret North, fully equipped. Tele. private {MIGHT housekeeping 100m (phone RA 66343 between § a.m. and rubber tile Land hoard in new home Ano Pn roam In hasement Lunches packed Apply Olive tA BRAIN Jedi Pf YWO - bedroom apartments in modern | © il apartment building, available MO 8-506 THREK ROOM and {after & p.m, 101 Craydon Hoad, Apt, §, [three piece gle ream Whithy heavy wiring ROOM and hoard for gentlemen, near AVAILABLE now Hmits, $60 monthly South General Motors, TV privileges i. ment, ground floor Wo 147 Mill Street, RA 577564 veniences, suit couple apartment 1212 Ritson Road: South FOUR rooms, heated, viginity and Wilson, Days BA 86270, evenings | FOUR - room apartment for pent, stove HA 5-406 and refrigerator. parking. Available IAVAILABLE in offices sulle modern WERT END roam April 1. Telephone HA 3.2704 fAnwntawn building far suitable tenant | sou iment, newly built, three « piece [FOUR - room apartment, garage, ful A private Nitin and Maguaie apace Iniplen Thosvy duly siove, private en:|ly decorated, private, In lovely noun, ¥ 1h b 081 Bren for slenographer, | one "garage available, Telephone RA [try house, 15 minuies to Oshawa, Tele 4 oi 5 B47 phone Orne 34-K-13 for further infor AE nianbs na THREE - room apartment with privaje | MAHON phone HA 13-4425 hath, sink and cupboards in Kitchen, | THREF . refrigerator and stove, three minutes to Iv equipped bus, Available April 1. HA 3.2642 ules to four OFFICE OR STORE a A {FOUR apartment, centrally | Lo1ephone | SPACE FOR RENT IAHR bi TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS | Adelaide Avenue West 137 or [COMFORTABLE hasement Excellent location, New build ing, with without lease LLOYD REALTY RA 8.5123 PARKWOOD ment, In apartment hullding, refrigers One and Two Bedroom tar, stove, paved parking, #2 Park Road South or telephone HA 5.8412 APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT PHONE RA 5-3815 RA 8-645 BRIGHT MODERN AND TWO.BEDROOM APARTMENTS and unfurmished, haleanies, laundry room facili ties, excellent location, from $85.00 MONE KN Ware parties $05 monthly le oR olf 5 ddd PY Inge Teiephone BA 42486 ¥ # VRRIRES salesman RA #267 farm shed rida ni ses firm ae FRIVATE # n Avoiy " " oe Gurls Free parking ry Warne We 4 R Vik in room unfurnished a dor Apply apart mom aerial RA private on rv "a Park Santh 269 Thomas to town and mi 851 school, thee 1arge furnished es north of Cour Apply 26 information apariment Jiadstone em cential OTe HA room speriment bath. sink and heavy duty wiring Apply 101 Colborne Blraet newly decorated phvale en Wwiltin private Reason newly while TWO room frigerator clase 1a hus fiat, privale entrance newly decorsied, swt cone, Ample park RA BA666 day y roam, with five werk Two roam sentesl. BA 59455. liv remodelled upstairs apartment $10 weekly, | "on NIERCES ROOM and board for girl wiler wo Fm ground floor less sink, three + room Apartment in hullding, Completely Avallahle April | Call KA 57036 ground floor new mod room apartment, hath, entrance ery clea hardwood floors, alse In Available Way moms ww Bus at #7 « room unfurnished spariment bath, separate entrance BArage Just east elty RA 5.2540 modern trically equipped centre Apt, 1 hoard for Good lecalit gentleman. Sin RA 56164 three room apart Earage, all con Phone BA 8.5455 42-Store Space end Garages spacious three it. hy South oy nn fale electrieal in min manthly, yonm apartment laundry faellities corners, #6 4-787 room apartment Tele Approximately 12' | larger if preferred APPLY 23 CELINA ¢ OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Passenger elevator service New building, Centrally lo. catea downtown Maderate rent, Leases available THE TIMES BUILDING Contact T, L, WILSON Phone RA 3-3474 43-~Wanted To Rent WANTED hy or Modern 2-Bedroom APARTMENT fridge, wash and dr Availahle tove ing fac April | PHONE S. D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE 19 Pring n area ilities now RA B.6286 Two ONE e Slreet ONE MONTH FREE RENT Modern one oe Furnished April 13 tour orf five eOm house oF apaciment helween {Whithy and Tarente. Reasenahle rent Telephone MO 8.8503 AF rr For Rent SMALL wales, slave pouple only phone MO 8.8386 PARKWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS » Or AY and twe $85 m apartments Best RA 8-8676 DUPLEX $105 uf an four ronm house Kilohen cupboards and lawn and garden HA 51087 ATTRACTIVE nning elect | middie aged five roam bungalow Southmead area, half block off Simone tastefully decorated and landscaped home 0 be proud of with stave relvigerator, $5 per month to tenants. RA Sat S14 MONTHLY bath, wear Shopping shoals, wiectie stave, aerial with ro for, venetian blinds, fear eaverings, spave heater and twa ail drums, Tele phone RA. 4040 Five Sireet wanthly RA 48) SIX © team hd ia reliable ten ant, 31% wmanih asement Fatty 4 Rise Bast ar \olsphons | \ | } four reams, three piece AGUEN AVENUI Contre, bus aml (PARK A TRI I KING 1 \ { esidential atreet, Apa. LAY parking, ete $90 roam Bast Pos bungalow, al M8 Arage, oll furmace Bloor | ud sinh April | Telephone m ments, rigs outlet, x m monthit Lat 49 RA B.08487 PHONE Drive, RA S582 fs (WR REBERE HGH FASE GETIIT, WATE WAR WIRE faehitine sigan, Fath geviing. Tee inn aiid da wmehiae wa Ann Ries | aEntrmily inewiak, immedi aie form shed BE ad paar HA an Wis (tH King close 1a South CUpIORIns Child pris sink, RA 58855 Close hasement | rlose Apply 208 Crom, WHALES RTE FREEBIE, HOR, Fal ne geal sgBime pasnesnion. Re L908 FE [SEARS agRitinent Rowpptal, smmieally leatad PRVIRE,. Antes for cowie oF TH ale. 3 Eigin Eas. BA Saw AP BRTWEINTS sre fone tom Fen one flonAomwm on. grand fieer, |eandey 1# ANGEY, BC sonvemenens. BA LA06 § #5 Vermin Rowd Fs aad nw sane, Worth Wavy Stvaws, BA GHG RGAE room. farieRed, Bowed a9 (mH, (OF RERTSRIGWN, [1 RES Ba frown Avwntown fimiws. Rome ool ES, PRVERE pReR frames, Ww APT tat THREY id aA ong GE, WE SERN Rome, ARIRTAERERE GRE [Wie 1 hop Wen omty . ST Fe TREY FOI RETIREE AWE Ae WHR Town heer Bath. Resoy Ay winng, AINRIRG AAA HA witavnn ABW HE Fwenin Hpses ad tad a pind Aan ain mA 599] fem werk, f.apten or Asie CORNER. (nt mw Wintly, ewrvined. W ASGRE Pr Feiagrinne WA w Wer geniinmen or or #, single Twa andadt aad AER REREAAN Weamt wm Agno RA wih not winek kil iA he I Ravine. Aowiame Agri Vidi # am. lo § pw 448 Rooms For Rent PARTLY foemiaiinh had y nm pnd teh FR FI aaE mio and Mav on, eat, ahs Pe as ww. 45--Reat Estate for Sele FIVE scyrs ot 99 + # Fin awaon Row rial Pongs Aggie Wl fine LA Re £7788 ESTATE SMITH ed ¥ FOR DON REAL € J "0 wie IY FERNIawEW ad ARLY a DO TC 7 YOU PLAN BUILD A HOME ? dial iid fies. Tuieyhone RA ee hare) dada haw £9 fi ATTRALTIVE wry ATTRACTIVELY JEM ROOMS HED #5--Rest Estate For Sole A5--Real Estate For Sele A5--Resl Estate For Sole FRIGATE swie -- Wokern fivasmom OFFICE. pues wk Speriment, Prick PPLE somiment Thy Sele Or Wels A RA lof ag BA = Xs i as or sxahenan (or # Rowee 196 #_Oewe. Prone WO BS Mntny , Repiet, sie. Bb TE VW posasisisid LX... J wn GEM. Owen for WETS. cH, wy Re Resi Fa ger, lsd x a6, smgie feat ramng, J ae nan I Wetmhnr grr few GAR. prvi. REG EA). tote. Henry Somes OPEN HOUSE "Saturday March 18th; 196 1:30 TO 6.00 ANEW MODELS 5 & 6 ROOM SPLIT LEVELS AND BUNGALOWS 2 WITH CARPORTS FOR SOMETHING JUST A LITTLE BETTER SHE THESE HOMES. PRICES 13,500 TO $14,900 WITH $1323 TO $1700 ie pit I N.H.A. MORTGAGE DIRECTION TURN NORTH ON WILSON ROAD TO LANDSDOWNE DRIVE, TURN EAST ON LANDSDOWNE TO MODEL HOMES M F T C A | - REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 KING ST, EAST RA B-4678 AFTER Joe Mago ! i FROM $ DIAl 30 CALL RA 59191 E " Marion Drew RA 5.7610 Dick Ba arrioge RA 5-6243 RA 9290 RA B.2392 g ! emp BUSINESS 5 ERVICE DIRECTORY Building Trades nis BATHROOMS Accountants E Glen Oars cabinets built, »li too smell Ll » NEWARK Cod filed Lio ho BA 82221, Tels ALL TYPES of home repairs snd Nadel ing REERRLION FOIE Workman gubranieed. Fires mites, BA 30414 roel, (awe Chartered Ac Blreet South, Wilson, CA, BA 82571 Acequnt onkkeeping West. BA WiLAON re CONRLENLS 4 Oshawn. Ronald Edmond Burrows CLANCY'S Complete Bond Street 370% hip ool) G CA BOB Ont ond ered 32351 KE CERAMIC (ile (hb ack cr n fla isd HA HOPKINS apd Publie Accountant East, Oshawa, hath om plete $100 on I BOT Kes MH G6 Heal YOUR chimney cleaner, Chim neys bulit and repaired, gas stalled, furnaces vaeuimed mates, BA 5.2607 F Corll Ineal fied Street b A YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER and ALL Co., Aecountants snd Auditers. Li Phone censed Trustee In Bankruptcy [THF King Blreel East, Oshavei BK. ). Yale, CA: F Friedlander, B. Comm, CPA ROOFING repairs MONTEITH, MONTEITH, KB IEHL, mooling applied and Co, Chartered Accountants, BA Free estima {53007 136 Simeone Blrest North CERAMM i tile iad [Mex WH 30800 rates, work guaranieed = mates. RA BAB PLABTERING free estimales, Telephone HA WATER proofing PRINLING, PAPE hold repaiks/ RA IF your business depends on truck cheek "Trucks for § ¥ Ca mpan ¥ I hE nia rin "RA Frees spi supplies Ear engineer and healing Harold RK heating and Street South kinds, new gunraniesd plumbing RA 53521 plumbing men ng ' of all wrk BA 3.6818 reasonable Free ool) wal Articles for Rent Fepairs an slueen all work gusraptesd 58353 plastering, yoofing hanging and house 39168 TELEVISION SETS HUMIDIFIERS DEHUMIDIFIERS RECORD PLAYERS RADIOS & SUNLAMPS MEAGHERS 85 KING STREET WEST RA 3-3425 Jeliahie in the Classified Bection right sway TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING Clean and deepening COMPRESSOR WORK, RA 8-3864 IMPROVEMENT SERVICE remodelled vements done for Reaver, From the and estimating to finished job, vou deal with Beaver, Budget terms ananged Call Beaver Lumber, MO 5818 SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALI | Hes chairs, invalid wheel hedsides, vital beds, walkers, commades crutches and canes, also roll-away beds Phone Aid Rentals RA 5.1644 HOME Have home and ou [Barristers our JOHN A, CAMERON, Barrister, Soligl-| | tar and Notary Public, 18% King Nireet | Fast, RA 5.0860. NHA and private {mosgages arranged GREER and Kelly, Barristers, (tars, ete, ¥ Simeone Street {Dial RA Hesidenee M, Greer HA H08661 Ter nea V. Kelly, PA, BCL, RA RG832 |RALEH JONES, BA, and THOMAS WH GREER, Associate Barristers and Soll A BOATHOUSE? |eiiors, 190 King Street Kast, RA 86246 NICE GARDEN WALL? Mortgage loans available i : he... REPAIRS OR REMODELLING [itor and MN SUNDLE. b in K Fs LARGE OR SMALL CALL AJAX | Btveet Fast, Phone RA A176 (JAMES A. MaeDONALD, BA, LL KH, THAT'S Al | RA 8:5103 | Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub He, The Commercial Building, 206 King KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA [Waust, Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking available AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD RUSSELL Harrister and East, Oshawa CREIGHTON, MURDOCH, Cartage JOHN'S Moving and Storage, Oshawa Whithy Reasonable rates Fully equipped and insured, Phone RA § 061, |SOOTIAN Caitage, for fast depend tary Publie, | Simeoe Btreet North, ahle service. HA 3014, No job too Dig or too small Creighton, QC N Dressmaking Deynan, G. | CUSTOM pormanents, distinctive haly BARON Arranged DONALD BLAKE DODDS, cutting and styling, RA 58012. Huyek's Hairstyling Studia, 11 Bond West and Boligitar, 26's King Hireei Telephone; Hubiness RA 34300 ALTERATIONS of all kinds for men women and children, Farmal dresses, | dence, RA & Reversible skivts a specialty, RA 5.30486 impre I planning the Kollel only Routh phones 8 A HOUSE IN THE COUNTRY? A 110 I. MURPHY, BA, LIB Nalloitar, 6 King Stree! Ontario, KA 8.8071 FRASER, DRYNAN and Rarvisters, Solicitors, No Hank of Commerce Bldg HA 0446; 7. ¥ raner, QC; G Murdoch, NHA mort i Barrister East Hesi Holiel Heal Barrister, HA 50582. BA Simeon Residence harrister, Street HA saliel North aad Bookkeeping I {oiate, Hues V. Mackey, BA, Henry tar, 3% Simeoe South price. RA B-Be66 Harristors, Solicitors; RD. Hum idven's wear. alterations of all kinds Office Tal | fies RA 53741 finest of fonds aropurable, hy Sehneid TAX pall ECONOMART. MO §4 No Down RETURN MANNING F, SWART rE "Barrister | Noligilar, Notary. Money (0 loan, Asso { Block, B6ls King Street Hast, RA 14607. Residence, Dial HA 3.4088 {Ton PH OF, MANGAN, QC, Barrister |Salieitor, Maney to loan, Office 14s King Street East, Oshawa. RA A8232 Residence, RA 5.3408 R DRESSMAKING and allevations on! BOWMAN, DAVID §., children's and ladies' wear, reasonable | (dence, RA 8.0264 MINOT i i a | ™ - OR altegating on children's and MeGIRRON and BASTEDO, Barvisters, jidios' wear. 488 Albert Street (former | Saligitars, Clients' funds available fay of Elmgrove and Park Road.) |Hivst mortgages 20 Simeoe Street North | y {RA 53566 Charles MoGibhon, ALTERATIONS of all kinds for men Edgar F. Rastede. QO women and children. Formal dresses HUMPHREYS, Bavohyn and HITAR, | ooersibie skivts--a specially, RA 53484 IDRESSMAKING ladies' and ehil phrevs, QC: 6G. 8 Bavehyn, BA, W A Hillman, LLB: 3614 King Street East, [Telephone RA 5 8356 Phones: Office, RA 51177; Hes NF S460 ar Whithy, MO 8.3761; RA 53303 i {Maney to loan ood Freexer Services 2 1. SALMERS SEBS PER week assures a family of RAT 134 four good ving. This includes a heavy duty Westinghouse Freeser and the ors. Think of it, fair weather ar foul Your shopping centre in your Kitchen Your three months supply of foed guar antees betler planned meals at far less SCHAPELHOUMAN than YOU AT NOW Paying, The cost of living being such: as WH is, 0 COMPLETE BOOKEEPIY fair In vourself and famfly, that. yeu WERVI A IN CE. INCOME Payment Na Obligation. Our food con sultants will gladly explain aur way io 4 X x better living ARG Bur many satisfied & OSLER ystomers verity statement. There " Are many subsiitules BUT you ean be RA SURE of it's Weshinghouse. Bonus for {this manih, 123 steak mack STRE LT 5.9953 Lal roofing white) inings in| [16 years' is only | Mortg CIIENTE money a loan on Hest mart Mortgage and agreement of sale specialize NEHA mortgage arranged. re del. Fraser, Dynan and Bur lessy terms, BA D-9604 FURNITURE repaired snd |stered. See our materials for ve: ing. Bruce R, Dalton, 78 Charles i HA RAL (Rug--Upholstery Service UPHOLSTERY at its best for loss. V4 in Shasierfiokds, ro-£overed, roe Fuel and Wood PRY hardwood ends, sillable "tor fur neces, stoves, fireplaces, sic. 85 (Riga Rage load delivered. Phone RA # Wid purchased a---- Creighton Gardening and Supplies deh OSHAWA HOME LANDSCAPING Pruning of fruit trees and ornamentals, tree surgery and Expert work Nursing Services INDIVIDUALIZED thoughtful care for ct -------------------- each person in Bunnyhrss of Oshaw supervised, Inquiries invited Wh RUGS 1 $25 CLEANED Professional Cleaning, Home or Plant Members of the Nations Instituet of Rug Cleaning gi | NUWAY--RA 8-468) 8 Dun Closed Wed: | SUTVEYOIS optometrist. Please |G, 7, HORTON and Assoel downtown Dominion iarin Land Surveyors, Profess) treet. invalids &% gineering, 306° Dui Dial BA 54587 |Whithy. MO 8-508] Ajax 728, DONEVAN AND PLEISONMAN, tarin Land Surveyor, commercial bi printing, 12 Bloor Sirest FR LI HW. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Onlarie 216 A lo Avenue Land Surveyors, East, Phone BA 65-6881 TV - Radio Repairs TV, RADIO car radio vepaire. | makes Thompson Fisctronies, w lott Avenue, RA 3.9708 (Fred), y Tv TOWERS A0-ft, self-supporting tower, Het dip galvanized, Ne paint, Complete with new Marina 61 all - channel antenna Total price, installed and guaranteed for year $57.50, Also prompt set service TV Enterprises 253 Drew St, RA 3.3583 & CHESTERFIELD removal guar- Optometrists anteed RA 8-6366 DRIVEWAY (GRAVEL RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of the esamination of eyes enses, 106 Simeon North at Evenings by appointment oplamet Colborne BA 5-418) MUKKAK \ NEW, ©, RO, 3, The Dundas Bldg., Whith, MO 8-367) TUCK, RO pay Becounis at Bank or 74 Burk amined home Painting end Decorating DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals, Spray Painting 107 BYRON 57 WHITBY DAYS MO B-5231 NIGHTS RA 5.7426 ar ar Dial 5-5279 EXPERT PRUNING SERVICE Shaping, Thinning of Fruit and Ormamental Trees Van Belle Gardens MA 3.5757 BOWMANVILLE (3 miles East on No. gy All El [Instruction PRIVAY E teacher experience RA 51054 LILLIAN MAE MARSH, dance educa tor, dancing school, ballet, tap, |aowobatic, pre-school, character {day Saturday, Masonic Temple | 3-725 HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY ~RBalon, |'Tap, Royal Academy, Ballet, Highland Register now, 424 King West, RA 56-6123 LEARN tn dance, expert instruction in| [ballroom dances. For appointment, tele phone HA 8-608 Personal Service PETER PAN Day Nursery, all or half, day. 8.30 to 5.00. 681 Bimeoe North, BR #2604 student eounseller, by interview only Act now TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN Chicken plate, half with french fries chips, hamburgs milk shake MODERN GRILI WE DELIVER RA 5.3887 SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Shorten or lengthen garments Cuffs and pockets renewed Complete stock of buttons ARDS SERVICE LTD 5.358585 RA| chicken fish and hot dogs, SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT = DAY OR NIGHT! T.V. and RADIO CALL RA 8-5286 Al Work Guaranteed, SHAWA f LECTRONICS DO IT NOW Install heavy AX Spalding Tower in 3-ft. by 4:ft, con crete base, with Crown rater and Taco antenna, plus channel 9? trap ON TIME 'IF YOU PREFER, XPERT TELEVISION SERVICE, Len and Lou's. City T.V. FREE SURVEY RA 3 7844 GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use a CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached to a STARLIGHT TOWER + and you'll have the best GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW! Use a new aluminized picture tube installed by expert TV technicians, and 'you'll have the finest. Modest prices call us for service T.R.1.O TELEV!SION 171 BOND STREET EAST RA 8.6781 Insurance ALINTATE Aute tn 20 per cent personal service RA A:7413 Millinery LADIES! Have your hats made to mateh your outfit for Haster, hats cleaned and blocked. Moderate prices Phone RA 57008 Insurance Save months 10 pay al your home up For call CLEANIT RA Plumbing Heating PLUMBING and heating tings, fixtures, new and wsed, chang [Money to Loan WE HAVE clients' monies available far loans on first and second mOrtEAKes | ing fram septic tank to sewer a spe and also purchase of mortgages and! oigiy Installations: at reasonable agveements of sale. Louis 8 Hyman, yates. Information and estimates free QC, 47 King Street East, Oshawa, BAlon any type of plumbing, Dial RA 1-404) 4241, J. Foley FIFTY to five thousand Any BEATTY APPLIANCES worthwhile purpose, lowest fast service, Neaboard Finance Bim Barn, equipment, pumps, pipes, fit dollars rates ETI one Nireet South, RA A-6288 MONEY TO LOAN Monies far all types of mort gages; for tirst and second mortgages on all types of real estate including vacant land short term mortgage for builders; first and second mortgages and agreements for sale purchased Aply M. Swartz; 2615 King Street Last, Oshawa. Telephone RA 1.4697 all water, and bathroom service burners, het farced air furnaces, fixtures, parts and PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night Rug----Upholstery Service CHEATERFIELDS vebuilt, recovered like new, Why pay mare? Our vates are reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed rian, rebuilt, Oshawa Upholstery Ca, 10 Band Street West. Dial RA 80411 CHESTERFIELDS ana old chairs ve | covered like new. Gel the best for less at Modern Upholstering, 142 Simeoe south, Call RA #6451 for fren esti male CHROME CHAIRS RECOVERED FROM 3.75 Up Expert Workmanshig OSHAWA AUTO TRIM 62 BOND ST. WEST RA 5.8042 aL SEGERS SAMSON RUG AND UPHOLSTERY | T.V. TQWERS ANERS RA 8.8180 OSHAWA T.V, 361 GIBBONS ST, a Mortgages FIRST and second ed. W. Sehatzmann Whithy Professional #335 FIRST and mortgages Arrang Mortgage Sroker Building MO sal Hen King second mortgage agreements purchased and sold nlok and Henniek, Barvisters, 31 Street East, RA 3.7002 MORTGAGES Arranged, Bought Company and BOI Me AHOOD wited nher Ontarin Ra rh Brokers Association jogs

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