Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY at ad Veware A hs may a ne next pe gE Lin WERE ha f. fr Lal er Eo £4 . T CHAE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 196) pment ov Sams Clow tow THIRTY PAGE UNITED NATIONS RAPS SOUTH AFRICAN ACTION Big PC Pow-Wow | Tried To Grab Starts In Ottawa di | Mandate Land UNITED NATIONS (CF) Sowth Afric fie swprema VTAWA (EF) "roe Bay~ pis srry through 1 The United Batons General As ¢ HO d her treatment sive Conserval ) from / mdon Common j y sembly 10day censured the wi: of INGIaR BRUGKEIS 0 RET 0 l fauneahied Hs fo Wr ¢ " 4 4 ; f its oA Sew bs Afris for SIA he bisied FREE We " general meeting Say Ww ¢ ' £ / SPT 4 4 a] Southwest Africa IE BRS SIR legates wonaered istration listed # : i Partiar ¥ y on ¢ 1 ; The action came less than 24 Prim j Hendrik Yer 3 ilks a an add to th ¢ EE Fo A ? hours after the BSowth Afncsn wWoerd FY 3 SINAring The profs ) whers Vrday me 4 vil 4 2 4 ; go mer BONN ES 1B Was Ove ' the Com RE --_--_ of the Progressiy . be Lari Ina i ' i § withdrawing from the Common: mony es HER Fy ot ye Assia ion ahi 4 ) wealth because of Miaeks wales § ih 5 1 RAYA tonight, The ' day Scattered 4d the conver p ; Bouth Alrica's racial p » he | dedicated 10 the anus o 0 ! hateau 1aurier . The voile on 10day's resolu Nil § ) f Wa ' ings of the new Assia tape-recording ma was TAA with mine abstentions. ported widespread in South Af tion, the ¥ oun al 25 sounding off NEE 1 The Bouih African delegation did rica Heel Canada and ve' devices (or p con speeches nas, vals WALKED OUT IN 195 The South delegation As Conservative ser dera- on § hat 1 cetings mean i Canada vored for the resolu tion ' i tion, slong with | United Prime Min Ihefenhaker Wh @ n step with 1 States and all members of the WRKES OF o 4 frenerel whose picture fres adorns | al trend toward Commonwealth except Britain} sembly in 1955, protesting that convention trappings and ' eping the grass roots in touch 4 and Australia W SSE bly was meddling n ; dure, will he welcon ack with the policy makers will he Abstaining we re Australia, 'D€ C08 d a affairs Ln, | ili A we auizang of cabinet minis Belgium, Dominican Republic, The deiegghion kep only Fl token al four public seminars Finland. France 1uxembourg "aff at US headquarters for the STORK BROUGHT FOURSOME (SCOTLAND ON Fram ™ ™ Finland, France, Lusemhour, oi 30 UK headavari The Canadian economy, for . The resolution on Southwest { County Hospital in sul to three and a half pounds 2 n affairs, national develop ACTION HAEGAL Africa hefore the assembly calls 4 } y y spital in ) in th i i Hp ) f | A . 3 Witham war. 1H, 0 WRlt lon ) ' 8 AFRICA SIDE $ ment and al justice are the . The approved resolution said gn member nations closest 19 Punl J ases | urban Upper Darhy, Pa Hospital authorities reported ' } ' he AR rave sesmylion said a 4 le of dist om 7 SL SOUL rican government YVerwoerd's government to place h gE ¥ A ' A e Boeol 4 Was g illeg y trying : : the ) J LONDON (AP)=T} Ch) Was ar ting illegally In trying 10 pressure on it to change its pol on Wirephotn Guards' hagpipe hand 1en : Bi incorporate the former League! icies toward Southwest Africa anadruplel girls # 3 A j i 3 porarily broke wp the Con P i will - of Nations mandate territory and abide by previous UN reso monwealth prime ministers' 0 ice 1 VERWOERD AVTER HISTORIC SPEECH Jnto South Africa. This consti ol i lutions concerning the territory, a Even I ren 4 after | Wednesda Fhe infa horn Mi Culalp wrth 18 : 1 conference Wednesda tuted "a challenge to the author 4 AFD . . | Drivers Paying Marching directly heneath Sta Off Ice ty of the United Nations." uae te yi eared, the W- reig a =] {For Old Plates {the windows of the meeting Y Bl The resolution appealed to alli Monday by 8 vote of #8 to # room in Lancaster House en FORONTO (CP)=FPolice ac Lays ame members of the United Nations with 12 abstentions . » TORONTO (CP) Toronto, route to Buckingham Palace not repeat their Saturday miei] {Which have close ties with South Barlier UN resolutions have win lice stopped 227 drivers this). the pipers piped their mareh ooiion in leaping to the ice in | Afric a to use their influence 10, urged the South African govern: morning afler they warned that] so loudly the prime minis an attempt 10 break up a Na gel compliance with | deci: nant tn Pics Sonthwest Alri Wednesda deadline for motor: ters could pot hear them tional Hockey League hraw! } | ou rica sions calling on South Aris a 10 under UN trusteeship and stop OFPAWA (CP)=A new fight weight, based on wheat, i ists (0 obtain 1961 licence plates! selves think deputy chief Robert Kerr said Place the territory under UN apoiving its racial is hrewing before the federalling the railways' hid for a Hewould not be extended They sal with folded hand toda ' rusteeship Nr ris 3 until the skirling of the . JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) counts ¥ cabinet aver a proposed 2-per- cent vale All will receive UMmonses ' he added officers were ul es passed oul of earshol p A the Bitlerness appeared among gation poli i g 5 y g with outdated plate pipes | ustified in doing this in the 4 A cent increase In freight rates The traffic fluctuale widely, for dnving jis allan p d South African whites 1oday al he main spokesman for the ; 4 'K | game here helween hulk grain hauled hy railldepending largely on foreign The fing 18 su weekend 4 file Re ! oho 6 : from TIAN Bay el valurs olde ay for | anadian wheal n Foronto Maple Leafs and Chi the oh J a ht 3 ns rho dL J i A gi tion the Union government defying all UN attempts to put E¥POrt paris on the east coast. but some 40,000,000 bushels! cafn Black Hawk the Commer onl a LO aoned African National. Con. Lt withdraw trom the United the territory under trustegship The grain rate issue Is being were involved last year, Ahout Deputy chief Keer said the "Bu ' nmaony ed igh to blaming Logis a digi rr tonal, CON: Nations and pave the way for eventual 4 sealing ost | $4 ve officers did not wrong in climb.) Bul When it Carl MAINE K Yas Julian | Two more complaints against' self-government, taken (0 the cabinet by the west| 82,000,000 in additional revenus somebody, the country reflected) : . 4 . ing over the hourds to try to 4 ' CONGRESS HEAD HAPPY ] al and the Maritimes in a hid tolfor the railways is involved En " . { it 'd Shack Hits century-old split between the 3 . : : ; block the rate jump hefore It} The Maritimes Transportation . Wop a i Ih wh ch F 3 Shack] A AM rikannk speak in Taioriy I am more than overjoyed fat | gl inte effect April 1 on thelCommission expressed concern i the English-speal mine al the final stand taken hy the # CPR i CA t that "the higher p ile levels eep ome 188 punches on Stan Mikita of the a ie ENgHSH-EPeaking MInor- oon monwealth prime minis ur 1 e "un y # ] p dle B v ' ] { i Hawks I ters 2 Si ¢ strates The Praivie-Maritime appeal would divert the grain traffic hdd police Alice s RAW The Afrikaners hlamed (he ers," h id. "It demonstrate ad / ast 0 th The English that the Commonwealth stands confronts the cabinet with Isfrom. the Canadian east Cob LONDON (CP) South Af-| South Africa's Prime Minister Shack assaulting the other| Commonwealth 4 EE unequivocally for the emancipa J first major freight rate dispute ports to American railroads and' yioa's walkout from the British Hendrik Verwoerd, outwardly player and were justified injblamed Premier Hendrik ion. of all oppressed. peoples Arrives In Con ince the 195% uproar over a 17- United Btates ports Commonwealth was seen today nonchalant but reported pri-igoing onto the ice said the Woer( everywhere! pep-oent general vale increase 4 as # hig hoost to the Common: vately saddened by the decision|deputy chief, who had ordered Only & handful of the 3.000.000" "1an Steviler. leader of tie a storm that led to the creation weslth's influence in Africa and to pull out, remained in London, |an investigation of the incident! whites put the blame on the small Progressive party which TOPOLDVILE (AP) IN | . Ry ) UN officers said the Indians of the six man MacPherson on i eave | Asa to take part in the closing ses advocates a qualified common i Inited States alr force would he stationed temporarily royal commission on transports Britons general) aciepted sons of the Commonwealth electoral roll for all races, de. Glolemasie went inte Leo: in Leopoldville, Congolese tion the break as Inevitable while! ministers' conference, South Af ALGERIAN PROBLEM clared: "Now our worst fears "s tightly guarded air- sources in Klisabethville said I'he latest vale wrangle in terling roup South Africa adhered rigidly to|Pea's membership does not and our gravest warnings have day, bringing the van. Wednesday they are expected to valves Grain carried by the rail vhite supremacy. But they held officially end until the nation] heen Justified of a A700-strong Gurkha he assigned eventually to North LONDON (Reuters) South hape dor a change in policy Pecomes a republic May 31 Both Afrikaans: and English gde ordered to United Na: Katanga, where President {01 iAn a a the pont African Prime Minister Hendrik that would lead the African na GLOOMY PARTY (language newspapers splash n yh The Congo Moishe Tshombe's troops have Hallia Wont Saint John andiyeewoerd today said his country [ton back to the multi-racial Aides sald Verwoerd would the news in headlines fe nited Nations troops vinged heen trying to crush tribesmen Rant John, NB, for shipment win seman within the sterling|family of nations that replaced #150 attend Queen Elizabeth's {inches deep. But wherey6 the the airport and five armored supporting the rebel Stanley segregation policies in the territory There was no immediate rea South Africa has continued to tion from the South African gov. rule Southwest Africa under an ernment, hut there was specila-iold League of Nations mandate vavs from storage elevators on 0 averseps market irea despite its decision to pulllihe empire arewell reception for the visit pro-government Die /Trans: cars stood hy the landing SIrip ville regime Phe ratlwiys won permission gue of the British Common Meanwhile. the orime minis i ministers, But gloom over Vaale Carried fa smiliph photo fo Have af any Oongolose a Mai. Gobind . Sharma, the fram the hoard of transport wealth May 31 a) Swale The prime Mi Verwoerd's action pervaded a | ranh of : erway » Rand i n y y Avivals, By fe Gurkha commander. said his commissioners Feh, 3 10 host geigain js the banker of the agreed to admit Kierra Leone party the Quoen gave Wednes on By 4 Bog Tape hitter iho gh ding UN men were ready for action al the export rales after salistying iq 1 a. 10 Ww f 3 Jy day night for 1} Ising. de A 3 als { 4 k Na moment's notice \ \eviing area, to Which ail Com a Commonwealth member Ab OF he vIsiing del PARIS (AFP) I'he French: The French communique, 1s Afrikaners were hitter al what reinforcement hy the Indians, mon wealth countries except gations, and "the party was ) vl | meeting ; On the political front, Pre | { gove y winced Wednes: sued after a cabinet ng 3 ; ale re 4 | i money on the present vate level Canada belong It was announced that the anything bul a success government announced they considered the calculated there was no (rouble ) hoside , ) h 2) : t is ready to start{with President de Gaulle, said i y S@ v early 200 5 ws mier Joseph Hen of the Leopold : bi penis per 100 pound ry pl biggest single West Afriaan British colonial! South African reported day night it Is f 8 : humiliation of their chosen B of wrly morning, 200 soldier | | political talks with the Algerianiin hit | leader and their national pride. and 28 tons of jeeps, weanons yille government disclosed that hel g ) went-n-exile on Ihe cabinet confirmed 1s We were expected to sacrl- ammunition and equipment had amt. switehing oh ' v pendent next month, will join , rehelgoyve rnin 3 h MH B I" k i } 1 b in i hin ha f ; rau ( or mn all i hor Ph Jal AR UR once continued with a discus: | corr determination for the war: desire to see initiated, through gion the apartheid policy in pay: been flown in I hel-held 0 tal i fd v x i } ) Ny ] A | Vi 5 g | } } lente I'he hoard yin £ : \ hs : ire Burma Hy fopun ooh ne in pimple iy py ion of the situation in The vavaged North Afvican tervitory. [an official delegation, talks con: meant for continued member shin Many of the Gurkhas ave vel wing rehel-hele rienta pray rele of 83 cents a hundred: land, Teeland, Jordan and Libya 8 al Congo in the wake of the biggest Phe cabinet communique said) Cerning the conditions for selt-! of the Commonwealth," said one erans of the war against the inee into the proposed Congolese sensation in the history of the nothing ahout a cease-fire, ap determination of the Algerian| Arpikans political leader Japanese in Burma confederation family of nations Jig as well as related : parently an official retreat from A Verwoerd dropped the bomb: fq previous French insistence problems ' TE " y one ou cad hell in a quietly-worded five: (hai 'political negotiations could Louis Joxe, minister of state ad john | ipeech Wednesday inlpe held only after the fighting for Algerian affairs, presumably , protest against criticism of his briefed the cabinet on the talks the hoard that th vere losin vhich includes some elevation! pading unit, it has five non: tervitary, which hecomes inde I'he Commonwealth confer negotiations are under way to ended Ph 4 country's apartheid (racial seg Tunisian President Habib Bour regation) policies Phe Algerian rebel cabinet, ging undertook two weeks ago aces an y I 0} ems He withdrew his application| NOW meeting in Tums, welcomed | 4s middleman when he mel with for readmittance to the Com the French statement as a "new |de Gaulle near Paris monwealth after South Afvica element' and particularly the. The cabinet's reference to ne becomes a republic and pre ahsonce of the cease-fire condi: gariations on "related prob dicted the pullout would mean ton lems". along with selfleiermi the heginning of the disintegra The rebel regime has always nation for Algeria veferved to cinment today faced a futup he questions rican police WIL Intensity jon of the Commonwealth olearly advocated" stavting a ceasefire. In effect this loaded with lane ling and Will the white South Africans charges that he is kowlowing te peace talks on the political issue agreed to the rebel demand that packed with the peril of deep of Heitish descent Join Ver: Negro nationalism But Verwoerd said his countEY | athe than the military issue, political and military issues he ening black-white enmity woerd's Boers in rallying unre I'he battle of apartheid fought iE hopes to co-operate in allla spokesman sald treated simultaneously Prime Minister Hendrik Ver: pentant behind him? oul here since Monday ended in possible ways "with those mem Observers in the Tunisian cap woend's decision to quit the. Will the Commonwealth na a double triumph for Prime ers of the Commonwealth Who jial believed rebel premier Fer . Beitish Commonwealth carvied|/tions keep the doar open in an/Ministers Diefenbaker of Cap. #1 WHINE to volain their for har Abbas and his ministers rican tremendous implications bo th implied invitation to the South|ada and Nehru of India, who Mer 800d velations™ with South would accept the French bid for . for his own apartheid state and African peaple to set up a new ehallenged Macmillan's bid for Mica formal talks | for Britain alliance of nae government with moderate race conciliation S Noms Dolioies? toc TOD Ta the tragic land at the Will Britain try to ease the CHALLENGER VERWOERD authermmost tip of Africa it rapture of South Afvica's Com. Diefenbaker, against | signalled an explosive new monwealth ties hy offering spe ins Mlivice paved the diplo na HON ail Gold shares phase 1h the white man's steug: cial new trading, political and [MAUC ace thal pat the onus on HIM AO HEan INAUSIEIRIS | Bie 10 Drescrve mastery over oven military arcangements: Verwoerd to quit the Common. Car Hits Bank, Driver Killed Mumped_ sharply today in the) stock kel, § the dark majority The hangs: By HOCH 13. Sonare. 9 TORONTO (UF) fohn Miltenyi, 40, of suburban Sear reaction to South Africa' : wit hi borough, was Killed early today when his car hit a snow drawal from the Common of controversy in South Diefenbakers projected bill of hank, bouncesl across the road and rolled over wealth shift in the power balance 107 Afvica Vights rejected hy Verwoerd I With shaves already weak al the mother country to Hedgling because 1 affirmed the ideal of | states of Africa and Asia whose SEEKS NEW TIES racial equality=--=already has he Negroes Mustn't Handle S A, Flag ohannesburg, jobbers here shed gold mining sharg Prices LONDON (Al) With hardly vica's future. Bat several defin Heitain's vight « wing Tarles a friend in the wereld. South ite developments ean he fave: alveady in vevall against Prime \vica vite Supremacy gov. seen Minister Macmillan's liberal Af cartamues Po Britain's world-wide asso Verwoerd's break will fan tw cltoan 1 marked a stunning flame peaple autnumber white Cam Ihe Afrikaner leader wilh oome part of the Cammonwealih| JOHANNESBURG, Reuters NOR vill nol he al moanwealth cittsens 3 1a} earch for new political andiegend. And Diofenbaker today | awed 10 ratse and lower the South Afvican flag on publi anomie alignment with he darling of hs Asian and! butldings In future of a white man 1» avaliable to do 1, the RAINES QUESTIONS Francs \fy Neveral questions aw | which hw Goduld and Western | Holdings, the twa richest mines and West Germany Can § VEE justioe ministry disclosed Wednesday This followed & ves Lin the Orange Free State. were 5 visiting next week Neha. ol tatesinan of the quest fram the office of Prime Minister Hearth Verwoerd Tmarked down about 10 shillings! colonialist Portugal conference. defied Macmillan's] Circulated vecently wm the mandated tervitary of Southwest | ($1.40) 10 £3 3s (314.70) and & pattern emerges for South Afland Sir Ray Welensky's white [judgment that keeping South Af Africa that whites should handle the flag sinee natives 125 6d (SI1N45) respectively MPremacy government in the'piea in the family would help! tid nat show enough respect CITY EMERGENCY restiesy { entral African Fedora: preserve the Commonwealth TOHANNESRURG (Reuters) tion, of the Rhodesias and Nya siraeture. Instead. Nehru ar Spy Evidence 'Valuable To Enemy' Prices today plunged as much PHONE NUMBERS "an myiekling Wensityl LONDON (CF) -- British wan A a spy wit (ED.39 Der tent an the Junancs BOATS BURN IN YARD south Af gy \ \ vat atheid menaced the al ary today hat document Wm seized 1 ' Awe of the ie aly HOA Chiahge 1 The ahile load 0 1] South African aon be answered before a cleddiand with of \ Ws Ww POLICE RA S000 wthuit of the bans ive Ww A Wil ; x 1 RUSH ramen eoinion 10 pull out of \ W Wo | bee My, were heavily dam: | men, wera in the final stages { WHIRL testimény was given hy Oy X Pe d Writs mm Wh OWN . 4 FIRE DEPT, RA 3.6374 National Congres a URE Members 16 quit. Neh i : Nvtiawl aritish Commonwealth { thom shown here under ased by an early morning five | of construction when the : DEPT, 5 offic wtlan \ pour or al under { eapans estab xchange president John Fer construgtion at Davie Breath lishinent, and Capt. George Symonds, special adviser to gusen urged investor pot 10) ers Shipyards in Levis, across today These wa vessels $000 fire struck ARS Was lampied under fool' the admiralty on undersea warfare, | panic the St. Lawrence from Que- | being built for Gaspe fisher | CP Wirephole | . Will he encouraged 1a HEM on Ms view revalied Maemil:| HOSPITAL RA tor a new political deal

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