Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 16 Mar 1961, p. 14

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Homemaker | Service Is _| Very Busy Reporting on the activities of the (hams Hed Cross Home maker Service, The SCTvisor Mrs formar Hinds, advised this winter has heer (he Psiest \siner Hs organization with IH | Homemakers seadity employ: af and ERETNS SPIRE Rook ngs on file Chama will 1 dhe Oshavon Times SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 196) PAGE THIRTEEN -- end (wo Home| makers to he annual CWS Weing conducted in Machiongid Hall, Guelph, May 29 16 Jone 2| [where lectures and instrne- tions in practical Homemaking will he given Brrr isoT of the vRrows Homemaker Services in Ontane| fiw Fm hering W--ocomvened) in Dhvisional Headagualiers, To-| Lronto, Feb, 20 and 24 and from the yanous reports and Mises sims Homemaker Services are # of commimities aTKIng # ao nw close £H welfare agen yikal part COLLEGIATE CROWN ana Carme Aan FHEnt ond Lorraine | Blown Wilson, Carel | Riordan. Absent wh Sal Betty Mer | was when Bonnie dices for The Facheran, Inge Crabowsk Haine Fer wid | mended Oshawa me fielen Codire and Jennifer | Harme ress being made heve and the hom a Kneeling Jeff Fires hota efficient manner in which (he ervice is operated The meeting Canadian Red Cross held in the Koyal York Hotel Toronta, April 6 and 7. The guest speaker on April § will he Ii. Gen, Burns, The delegates SEEN HERE WITH officials Will he taken on Ir of of the Industrial . Accident (Keefe Centre. The chalrman : they operation wih an "i Pring |Oshawa | Dvreetor of CANDIDATES FOR MISS CENTRAL f her recent visit fo Miss Nancy Mellon, Homemaker Berry: Province, com for the fi Fat Hetiwre fancy | Clana Her ve fifery LLL Fie Tia AHI f / ¢ ahi Y rw and ral Calle titwte | contestants lef h il H 4 f 0 "fi indy SRE TERE TOW. RIE fee Bedding, He Candidats hing 6 J ha ETE Ree vaney Favor falasiaa riaay to awa Wal Bans Citier YaH See Parking Authority As Traffic Solution f perso He # $31. .000 fed warked 125 of he will he anna) the public-speaking contest sponsored by the IAPA at Ho tel Genosha Wednesday night From left Pauline Hod getls, 16 Fort whe | ' placed the finals; Carol Valliere, 18, of Bt, Catharines, who placed third and A. ¥. Reach, chair. man of the Oshawa-Ajax see tian of the TAPA Lshawa Times Photo, Port Arthur Student Is Best IAPA Speaker Keeble 12 Arthur Collegiate second; Don Ireland, of Toronta, manager of APA public relations; Corey Kee bie, 17, Port Arthur, who won the contest and qualified for | a Mrs, John Burns, and super. Prevention Associations are visor, Mrs, Norman. Hinds, will represent Oshawa service Miss Lorna Wighton was comed to the commitiee Bs & representative of the Orhawe Thieves Take KATES | Fraud Charge "heel Discs PT th nat Dismissed ment reported four wheel dise separate thefls in ark hours Are of the three contestants whe fook part in the semi-final round of Hope plained the # wel { 16 Keep WOrKeEd hanty # of we ways for all-day competition hy the fack of city parks we lo } ' f (195 1 ' flee ETRY mit Foroma yen are inal Sib (5 Foy ZW f IRI Ing FRED I» WIEN sition js # Robert 6. FB of the Toromo, yy We aay ke 10 memher # proviem must he wm he Vari ¥ noarty IFEINE OTe thie 1nd ai ma than general Parking Authority Mr. Bund of the commeraial mittee of the of Commerce Thomas, ity ficial nthe manager Wi wllected »# f f HE) Ie » hi oy {Profi Mr. B ale Ane CR WED IR THERE hens $400 hithy (8) iha Hid 705) # i he fhe AY ini taken in two the Al a nignt id Karl Karl vard mney fine Oshawa Ch Ch 4 of the sbonst §11.560 hh URL Fhe THA HREN ration Lake i EEL 1g the of Toronto #lire"), Kilehener) qn, $530 O00 in axe soil"), Hamilton, Ontario cities!' ia with parking authoritie He described Bt, Catharine Cruelph and Fort William as ' motorist of the Maym E any street area Wednes commetilon and SLL f Corey 17 Yarou nenem Fleetwood Boom of Hole i yepr-oid aspects of each Whithy delivery dA Co Hope past Bection chairman; Pullock, Nicholson File Port Hope, chairman, Port Cobourg Bection; A fourigarnes, McKinnon Industries, Lossing, past chair: $i Catharines representing Toronto York division; Niagara Peninsula Division; 8, Prevention Associations at HotellH, Phillips, chairman, Toronto: Newton, John A Lang and Sons Athol street Genosha Wednesday night. The(York division; H, Lilley past Cobourg, vies chairman Central wheel dises contest was the highlight of the chairman, Toronto-York division|Ontarie Division; D Newman, 8 who three if tomer Fhe ci half hour al # meetin (TTAWA (CF) A fi gainst 27-year-old Robillard was dismissed discs Wednesday he crown failed to prove asn't the Blarr charged hone wheel when incorporated Nagy, #0 Oshawa Grade student from Port speech, personality LJ charge Roger count Cause the that the accused of Lahor Minister Hobillard w taurant owner William claimed that he had lent auth, reported two tolen from his car parked at the Hungarian § and public speaking contest alued ed hy the Industrial Accident | man nn dik ( j lifeblood of : min hie FPA insti In din won the Cen: enuncigtion and subject mater tral Ontario Division round of a'ial edd frennshe rom He named like a house ("very succes and Ollawa Pudbury | aimed in coiirt it wa Were PLETE Hall on'li city 1960 DINNER SPEAKER Tobhn Howard White ber of the Ontario 14 pan which| Store owners buy $10 books 0H cor 1 andon South pasted on cu tomer) the eaker ticket when #l ( f tuted free fomer ometime hetween PONSOr: Judge I Fhe unmetered 4 merchant on io In aise Wi ar 2 park re through add (axe the city |) tamp plan. | Ightea hil 1 to Zislature will he dinner Pro aller Bailey him 4 hort i {hold mn Hin wo Anton Ko reparted who hu Oshawa ii our development! stamps Lo Fe Mr. Bundy i Program a parkin uh he dinner meeting of the Oshawa and H the throes of development." NEED ANALYSED Mr. Bundy analysed for authoritie There is a parking problem which must he solved, A cipality cannot afford to lose il husiness district using cannot exist without transport the need muni lax 3 Transport cannot exist without| M7 nel 1 struction costs as $4.50 to 85.50 depends Terminal movement. Movement upon terminals mean parking areas The general manager of the Toronto authority described It as! u separate entity hody and free (on vidual moves However, he determines policy A corporate make indi eity and the au thority is directly responsible to! Bround garages and leasing air| years the council, he said Other checks which holds on the Authority: the right tn appoint and-or dismiss Au thority Commissioners, of which there are three DERT CONTROLLED Because the authority |i minicipal in origin, its deben ture debt limit is controlled Toronto has a $14,000,000 yearly debenture debt limit and the authority must scramble for it share council council Bundy authori! propertie B How the nance new enue from meter retire debt); hy debenture hy profi all are in the city ne i] fin { 7 to Ingle and Int How EArage name much BATHE sl cost? LO generalize Sul he quoted con Impossible 54 Y undy per square fool for an above ground garage and double these estimates for an underground Kiarage How many lols Too many lots asphalt Jungle" sad Mr slerile areas may he avoided hy building anove and where produce an rights for, say, offices or aparl ments STUDIES AID PLANNERS Studies of aulo registration car trips and destinations and) he other traffic data help planners what type to decide how many and where No parking hould filled sald Mr, Bundy discourage all day parking pecially downtown. | around your lots today found same doing too well! he We [3 Roof Of Arena Reported Arena Manager Bill Smith reported today that the snow has heen cleared from the roof of the Children's Arena and the roof has heen given the stamp of approval as being completely safe by the Oshawa City Fngl neer's Department The arena was closed Tuesda alternpon as sifoty caution, until the build up of snow on the west side of th arena roof had heen cleared The arena manager reported that up to 40 inches of snow had drifted to the west side of the roof and, with the rain on 'wosday morning, it meant that there was considerable weight on that side of the arena roof 1] pre SNOW REMOVED Fallowing the removal of the snow Wednesday by the Oshawa Hoard of Works crew, the en gineer allowed the arena pro gram to continue on Wednes day evening. Groups not allow od to use the facilities while the arena was closed wore the| Separate School Hockey League, | Oshawa Minor Hockey Associa tion, and the Oshawa Public! Nehools Manager Bill Smith stated At no time was there any danger of the roof coming down and endangering any persons in the arena, However it was felt that the snow should he re moved hefare the program was continued, ta make campletely sure there was no repetition of what happened to the Listowel Arena a few years ago he arena real has been in spected all winter long hy the Oshawa City Engineer's De partment and, at no time, was the arena considered to be in any danger of the roof coming dawn. We feel that a child's life 1 was 15 more important than a hook ov game or a skating session and until that snow was moved the arena commi would make campletedy re sion Safe that any element of danger removed Here blessed |Bineey | some wi in Oshawa we with a competent department and In towns and cities, the arena is not inspected from one year to the other, In Oshawa aur arena bi oinspected at least Iwi year, and should ther he any now it is inspected mare often MANY NOT INSPECTED oa recent survey, hy th Ontario Heeroation Association reported that many rink nal inspected for snow load on the roof, However, this Is not the case in Oshawa $ar many ather centres, where the arena commission and arena manager see that their building in wife fram danger to the sons using the facilitie After all, we are the ple whe have to work in the building sometimes nine to 10 hours a day, week in and week oul, We are going to make cer tain the building is safe, not mly for the patrons using the arena but for aur own safety,' reported Manager Smith RUMORS FAL The manager stated that there were rumors going around that the arena was not safe However, this is completely false and there is no danger at anytime 'a any person entering the arena IF wo were not sure parts of our arena were not completely safe, the Oshawa Children's Arena Com mission and the Oshawa City Engineer's Department would never allow the doors to he open, A life of a child or an adult is more ta us than any money we could take in hy hav ing the arena in operation," My Smith said Phe good are on wert nen that all aperation Irena na TOOPening the members Was new ol surelthe Oshawa Skating Club whe'will continue as scheduled, (isn used purchase made hy the cu tamer On-slree ra howdy off-street, | On-street er he for) and when no more nigh a una he twice @ ugeested Mr parking should ne more than one hour in the vicinity of a lof than a half hour meets 0 mght ization dent Bupply Co tributor ond {1 "lation ( Act of fr World "WH nner Hotel fr, White Canada ative Genasha man ASSO to Organ is presi Industrial an equipment dis 1d \ War ser during ed the ef in Ihe of 1 duced looked and OPERATE, TO 8 PM He predicted parking in Toronto would soon he | ating right up to 8 pm From predicitons to # boast 'Not a city in the world ha the off-street parking, in ratio to population that Toronto has,' He said the TPA has allocated $2,000,000 over the next three to develop parking facil street sub meter CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and hest wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and district who are celehrating birth days Loda Lesley Howard Tarvis fit Joanne Mills, RR 1 Oshawa; Wayne King Ritson road north oper: ties along the Bloor WHY Toute On present spending could have the parking problem| in Toronto licked in 15-20 years," | Robert Ireland, 115 Figin estimated street west; Derek Gandy Gordan Miles, chairman of the, 247 Graburn Ave Svivia Chamber Commercial AHAIrS) Hentosz. 400 Wilson road committee, presided at thel orth: Paul Henry, 710 Vast meeting, The speaker was Intro hore Ave Tame Mi | hy H, IE, Robinson, Im Nally. Bit 2. Oshawa: Lynn mediate past president of the! Vonnor 538 Pine Ave. Don Chamber of Commerce | ald Richard, 378 Olive Ave New of C president Maurice Austin Hick 1 Osh Hart thanked Mr. Bundy awa: Jahn Mensink: 44 Tons 16 Delegates | tii i hittin To Jamboree Ouoid, 762 Lakeview Ave. Bob Sanders, 220 Wilson hixteen hoys have heen chosen to represent the Oshawa road south: Mrs, J. Konar owski, 1310 Kimeor traet oth, Mrs, Leslie Haneoel HI 2, Oshawa: My Mithel Morrison Hl | Orann district at the third Canadian M; Mari aret Chapman, wil National Boy Scout Jamboree A on " and Jfoanne Mi The jamborees will he held at Phee Ih Kt. Filo Ave Connaught Ranges, near Otta Ihe first five pey wa, July 6 to 15 inform The Oshawa Time The hoys chosen to represent of their hirthdays each day Oshawa and the troops from Will receive double lickets which they come are to The Regent Theatre, good Gregory Baker, rd; Richard for a four-week period The Williams, 7th; Rehert Hutehin current attraction | he son, 7th; Donald Anderson fith| Marriage Go-Round Starboard, 88; James Walker Nth; Michael Sears, 9th: Wil liam Burton, 11"R dward Winacott, 11"RH lohn Hall 12th Ralph Laxton 12th 10 wi a Mrs ans 1o | west Reports on birthdays will fumes ddie Lith John received only between hours of & a.m, and 10 Phone HA 1-3474 Pawell, Pith; Stephen Mandryk, 17th; Warren Magill, 17th; Mun roe Smith, 10th and Hrendan Calder, 8th Jaycees Will Service Autos William Kdwards, president of the Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce, announeed taday| that 20 Jaycees in threo shifts] will pump gasoline, and wash| automobiles on Saturday to fi nance their community hetter ment projects he third annual Jaycee Gas: arama will be held at the Rob] [inson Isso Service station, sim: | [coe at Hruce streets, during al [19-hour period from 7 a.m tal; 7 pom, Saturday, Mar, 18 \lan Loeckard and his five man fund raising committee have organized the Gasorama for Saturday, and are pushing the advance sale of gas coupons and car wash coupons L . -- are holding their annual carnis {val this coming Saturday night {The Oshawa Minor Hockey As {sociation Juvenile League will iplay its playoff game, that was missed last Tuesday, on Mon day Apr 1 at thw rena Otherwise all other programs Despite the fact that Department of Tran warned months age that Mar, 15 'was the absolute deadline | fox the use of 1060 motor the (of the accident LAST sport $32 alter Robillard was intro duced to him Kddie Bilary on of the minister of labor Douglas Vennes, an employes the restaurant, testified that he had introduced Robillard to alley as lddie Starr, He also gid that one night Robillard was in the restaurant with a girl whom Robillard identified as the daughter of Trade Mini ler Hees Defence Counsel Dan McGuire said Crown Prosecutor John Cassels had not proved in evi dence that Hobillayd was nol Mr. Blary son and that the girl wasn't Mr. Hees' daughter That never occurred to me aid Judge John KB, Latchford You and I know he isn't, bul not as a mattér of evidence I'he crown had not proved, | Judge Latehford said, under| what pretence Robillard had oh tained the money, He said there| was no evidence of any direct misrepresentation by Robillard Li Balle Stolen Autos Are Recovered I'he Oshawa Police Depart (ment reported two car thefts| award button hy ¥ | Wednesday. Both vehicles have| general manager Arrests hoth in and in heen recovered have heen made tances Audrey Marie treet west Lang, 48 King reported her cal tolen Wednesday from behind her home. Three men were later apprehended and two of them are heing held in custody in To ronto John Pritchard and Donald Shortt, both of Oshawa, are| heing held by Metro Toronto] alice on the car theft charge Carl M. Burrill, 21, of J04 Lakeshore road, reported his 1056 grey and white auto stolen from opposite #4 King street at 4.20 p.m, after it was involved in a minor accident, A juvenile was arvested on al charge of car theft at the time ES vehicle licence plates, many residents of the Oshawa area delayed their purchase until the last minute and en countered crowds of motorists MINUTE RUSH FOR LICENCE PLATES taken from his car while it was McKean, Public Bervice|Cametoid, Ajax, chairman, Cen the Hungarian Hall / Ajax section of the IAPA which! Department, IAPA, Toronto tral Ontario Division:' A, F Mr. Kova aid hi was Attracted nearly 500 member In an interesting analogy he. Roach, General Motors, Osh: parked near the hall between There were three contestamts, (ween man's use of armor for|awa, chairman, Oshawa Ajax [10.50 and 11,15 p.m Corey, the Lakehead Division protection in war, in medieval Section; D. Ireland, manager, | representative, delivered a short|times, to today's many uses of Public Bervice Department, parked at 0 Car speech entitled, "The Use of {various types of protective cloth: IAPA, Toronto; A. Brennan, R, Protective Clothing to Prevent ing available to industry, Corey|D, Werner Co, (Canada), IAd., Industrial Accidents He willlopined that if workers were|Oshawa, vice « chairman, Osh go on to the district finals tomade more aware of this modi- awa-Ajax Section he held at the TAPA annual con: (fied "armor", and management| Canadian Kodak, Toronto, chair ference to he held al the Royal helped workers to work safely,iman, Toronto + York Division; York Hotel, Toronto, April 10 accidents could be prevented, J. George, Pedlar People, Osh: a B. So6ibk nd 1 CHEQUES PRESENTED |awa, secretary, Oshawh - AleX OTHER WINNERS Both the winner and the ection; H. Lilly, Safety Supply H, Phillips, for w ad 1 rivers Al= Ca, Toronto, past chairman, fecond prize went to Pauline WACHIVE YOUNg runner-up were Toronto-York Division: A, 8, drivers with accident = free ree Hope High School student, whilg! Pon Ireland, manager, Public Whithy; H, McKean, Public Sers ords varying up to 20 years win!' third place was another 16. Bervice Department, IAPA, To: yige Department, IAPA, Toron« he guests af @ banquet on Bat-| Yea! old girl, Carol Vallierre, onto to; L. Lossing, Aluminum Goods urda evening, Mar, 18, in/from the Denis Morris High Head table guests were; K.|Lid, Toronto, past chairman, sented with buttons indicating . the length of their safe driving 1 C Are 4 INQUESTS Guest of honor the dinner anvassers re heing given hy the J | Oshawa Safely League on hel rie e or . Wall of the Ontario Nafely| raiic eat 8 League project, will he Hon. H, 1, minister of transport . for the province of han Bathe Park Neighborhood As A taken driver will be chose sociation building fund canvass re { Cl en a men ariver ie chosen Don Cutler, held i "la special meeting, Sunday, Mar of the Onell vassers, and promoted ideas Four verdicts of "accidental|alive at that J taro Safely League, Her Wop.|CAnVAssers, and promote ideas 5 i f nial|alive at that time and he had 10: Keiety gut: Th Mol!) try for a successful drive death" were handed down Wed: said he was lost abd WAR Guest speaker Ald, Albert V, nesday by juries. at four cor' The jury found that the res of the. city. A briof inspiration] Valker gave a brief hut effees[oner's inquests, in the Bowman: sult of the death was caused al address by Hon, H, L, Rown:|] | tree will he the only speaking ihr aaching onl fusing Two of the inquests concern: | of his car f eling ie hullding fund drive VOLE ad pedestrians struck hy motor y TWNTRE x part of the meeting of thanks was given 10 Ald. Wal [vehloles The third was a death OVER CENTRE LINE (ker at the conclusion of hislwhioh resulted from a car col | icholas Hartman, of 218 will Touma oul ne evening ; Bd Claremount street, Ottawa, excellent group of performers Honey Andrew Glecoff also GES Mi oR AR aeourred after a collision be 4 " 4 has hoen engaged hy H. Monty| gave some interesting ideas 10: fean a transport Sol sion in (by Taggart Services, whieh ranfield wards the canvassing program wpioh the driver of the car S8Me inte collision with a ear died driven by Allan J, Kitehen, 30, Gunera) Motors, the Rell Pele |A vote of thanks was given to of 2 Heathview drive, Willow: phone Company, municipal or|Myr, Glecoff for the ad he had! | resented the evidence an, ; ganizations and half a dozen| placed in the local paper on be: v oH a 0 1\idence. Li Mr, Kitchen, on Highway 115, other business and industrial half of the association at his hresided. aver the i Y eets and | 20! IH, 1060, testified that Mr, ne 4. A MoGartie Jucs Rlack Kitchen had heen driving over Huestis It was decided that each van : x ' y the centre line from the time Rleve infvasser will be issued with a charge of the dinner arvange: (Bathe Park Neighborhood Asso: NO BLAME PLACED tieed him until the time of the ments elation card of authority, No blame was placed on Ship: collision ley Clement, 072 Falington ave:| The transport driver told the nue, Toronto, who was the coroner he tried to avoid an struck and Killed Norbert Press to the vight as far as possible, colt, 63, of RR 2 Pontypool, Constable Murray Joynt, OPP, dan, 1 on Highway 85, just Dawmanville, said the collision north of Pontyponl neeurred about four feet inside passenger, Sheila Bell, 506 Re: transport. At the time of impact bheeea street, Toronto, testified | the wheels of the transport were that Prescott, for no apparent! partially on the shoulder of the reason, had run across the road and was not seen by the dviver winiam Kitchen, also of Wils until it was toa late to avoid the jawdale, and a passenger at the callision : time of the fatality, could offer Constable 8. 1. Rospond, ofing testimony as he had heen [nant Ww ho investigated ; the! "No hlame was attached to the atality, noted that the deceased (ruck driver by the jury, which _ [was wearing dark clothing found death was caused hy a The, jury found that Prescott matar accident by running in front of the STRUCK RY AUTO Clement ear \ Helen Robinson, 52, of Panty No witnesses wore called but pool, died Sept, 2, 1060, as a but reports were given hv the at-{ result of being struek hy a ear Oshawa and the investigating ef Pontypool, on Highway 115 at officer, Constable J. Macdonald, [the entrance to the village Bowmanville OPP detachment,| Mrs. Robinson was veturning in the inquest into the death of {(hame with a lawn mower al Whithy, who died as the vesult{cording to testimony given hy of a collision with'a tree, Nov, her husband. She was hard of 18, 1860, at the intersection of hearing, he added, the fourth concession, Darling:| Mr, Courtice said he did not sideroad claimed, was dressed in dark However, Ryerson Gihhson, of elothing, until he was within 20 RR 1, Tyrone, who pulled the feet of her, at which time it deceased fram the car shortly was tea late to avoid the colli Two hundred commercial Hodgetts, a 1year-old Fort later presented with cheques by Whyley, Ralston Purina Id, Hotel Genosha dnd will he pre. Behool, Bt. Catharines Cowan, Dunlop - of Canada, Toronto-York Division, which is sponsors of the safety| Fund Cam ai n Rowntree P g | chairman, Mrs the presentation of # harman 1112, for the purpose of briefing BOWMANVILLE (8 taf) = oner, that Churchyar4 had heen will convey greetings on hehalf tive talk on ways and means of {ville Town Hall {from Churchyard losing control A program of entertainment Ani; Address liding with a tree J | A (ree and the fourth K : h WN river of the transport, owned Drivers and executives from and urged an immediate start, J rent, QC 6 p I, Bre WC, oF Cobourg, | qaie "resulting in the death of concerns will he among the gwn expense stock, conducted the fourt : Marian. has heen h eted the fourth he, Mr, Hartman, had first ne driver of the vehicle whieh accident hy pulling his track Miss Clement, as well as her the lane heing used hy the highway in a crouched position. A hpother of the deceased, {the Bowmanville OPP detach: sleeping in the car Add had come to his death caused tending physician, Dr, King, of|driven by Herbert Courtice, alsp Arian Churchyard, 33, of RR 1,[the time of the fatality, ae ton Township and the Courtice see the deceased who, he after the collision, fold the cor-/sion Palice warn that anyone using their motor vehicles today with 1960 plates will be pick od up . in a similar predicament, Seen here is the lineup at the Des partment of Transport office in the Oshawa Shopping Contre, Wednesday afternoon, , Oshawa Times Photo »

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