Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1961, p. 6

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Fhe Oshawa Tomes Pibbiched oy Conadion Mewspapers Limes, £6 King 5. E., Gshows, Ont Fese 6 Wi esonsiny, Mark iE Defence Minister Could Broaden Investigation The smy comp ot Petawawa is once mere the sulbiest of jokes, wd there se enon h wigs to keep we lenghing él the way to the poowhowse. The pt titude seers to be thet were going Ww get Tooke anyway, 86 we might as well get some fun out of # It would be interesting to know, however, just how much public money the digin wt Canadds mii wnents., Every so often the public gets a hint -- $ESH00 for # house for an air foree officer, $6000 snd the use of & lot of expensive machinery goes down tefy ka tan bills for transporting furniture in humie dity-controlied CORLEIREIS RETOSS The & gM course wt Petawaws, huge COMIEY This sort of spending weakens rather rengthens Canada's ability to de tself. It gle of the men in services an » does not improve the we Sout if the building of an expensive house for a senior officer will inspire the rank le to greater deeds of self-sacrifice or thet enforced purchase of & couple Immigration Because we suggested thet it would be unwise for Canada to invite large: scale immigration without regard for the § or education of the Immigrants, we have heen eriticized on the ground that we oppose immigration in principle Nothing could he farther from the truth, It deed would be a shortsighted person in who would argue that this country does not need more people 8 great deal more There has been a people substantial and encouraging natural in. crease, but this is still not nearly enough, The in favor of immigration are overwhelming. We need economic Arguments a much bigger domestic market for our products; the Canadian Textile Con. ference heard the other day, for example, that to FPevitalize manufacturing we need a population of 30-38 million, We need the assets that many immigrants bring to Canada ~~ skills, culture and cash, We need the broader tax base that they provide, Normally, too, there is a stimulus to employment in immigration, Dr, Eugene of saifbonts witl win the wndying deve tion of the soldiers wt Fetawews. Defence Minister Harkness, in & fine old temper, ordered a thorough Wes: tigation wt Petawaws We siggest thet he examine ways of conducting & much ming heniidh and CHensive wyestigh- tion of whet is going on Et military estaltishments lerge and smell, How much eaipment bought out of public funds is being put to private uses? How many Men on ERY Even dey me not undergoing training pt gil but sre seting waiters, chauffeurs, garbege collectors and so on? Canada's srmed forces grew wp na 8 tine oF war BITE waste wes, perhaps, excusable, But i many officers of field rank & mentality of waste and a Viking for ry of rank. That mentality mey ist in the peacetime forces ~- and the recurrent revelations of question: able expenditures indicate thet it does Mr, Harkness should look inte it. BE SET BIAS WHER # Cerign om bred in the luxu well per Principle Forsey, economist . of the Canadian Labor Congress, concludes thet & high level of immigration does not necessarily mean & high level of unemployment, but "when immigration was low in relation to the labor force, unemploys When immigration was high, unemployment was low." Reviews ing the years 1946 to 1959, he found that the net addition to the labor force was only 800,000; more then & million immigrants entered the work force but 437000 Canadians left for jobs in the United States and Europe, Immigration, he concluded, could not have played a major part in our present difficulties, High employment, however, attracts immigration = and a busy country can absorb immigrants, Our point Was ~w= and Dr, Forsey agrees with us = that to of unskilled ims migrants in 8 market already flooded with unskilled workers would be simply to add substantially to the nume of unemployed, We need im. migrants, but for the present at least rather ment was high unload thousands labor hers we must be selective, Soviet Increases Aid In fiscal 1959 Communist bloe aid to foreign countries totaled B14 million dollars, 8 4% increase over the year before, But last year new grants and credits amounted te 1,367 million del 75% aver 1050 The major ohjeet of Communist aid lars, a inerease in fiseal 1960 ontinued to be the middle and southeast Asia, Three coun the United Arah Republic, India gat 68% of the total Ghana got Communist aid for the first African nations, Guinea and Ethiopia, received did in Latin Argentina, Brazil and Chile east fries and Indonesia » time, Bo did Cuba, Two ether help, as three athers America A significant thing about Soviet aid Only now goes for military pur is that the great bulk is economic 20% poses, whereas 47% of the money that the United States spent for foreign aid in 1960 was for military assistance. about The Communists are fast approaching the amount that the U8, spends for non. nilitary aid, and in some countries, pare Tye Osha Times TL WILEON, Publisher and General Manager € GWYN KINSEY dite he Oshawa Limes combining The Oshawa Times established 1871) and the fhithy Gazette and Chrenicly (established 1863). 1 published daily Sundays and statutery holidays excepted) Members of Canadian hing Newspaper Publishan Assoc vw The Canadien Press, Audit Bureau of Cirsulation and the Ontaria Pravingial Daisy Awe ation The Canadian Press I exchaively antitied 1a tha use tor republication of all wws despatched A the @ ( ed 10 1 or ta ihe Anociated Fram ot A and alsa the local news published hearin. A ahts ot special served despatches are alse Offices: Thomsen Building, 43% University Avenue Taranta Ontariae 640 Calheart Street, Montreal, PQ. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Palivared by ear ckering. Bowman Alber Maple Grove wnitan a in Oshawa Whithy. Ajax Bropklin lon Perry Prings Hampton, Frenchman's Bay Tyrone Dunbarton Eanissilien, Brougham Buikstan Claremont wood Kinsale Raglan Blackstock, ontypoel and Newcastle nal aver 43%¢ week. By mail lin proving of Onmlaral outvde aries delivery arean 13.000 ehewhers 1300 pw Circulation for the issue of Feb, 28, 1961 17,223 ticularly in the middle east and Asia, they outde the UB, and even come closé to the total aid given by the West, Twenty-one countries now receive aid, The Communists alse have thousands of technicians in 23 nations, helping to develop build dams and provide expert assistance in other ways, agriculture, "The United States must not get inte @ race with the Communists ta see whe can give away or loan the most money; pothing eould more foolish," The Milwaukee Journal comments, "But we must recognize that we are being serious. ly challenged in this area and should remain alert to the dangers that the Russian economic offensive poses, he Bible Thought to him that asketh thee, and would borraw of thee Matthew §:42, In giving to others we not enly. help others but we bring happiness and con. tentment to our awn lives, Give fram him that turn not away, Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth--Praverbs 24:17, Vengeful men promote quarrels and create hostility, Forgiving men lay the groundwork for a peaceful society, Other Editor's Views YOUNG MARKSMAN (Cape Breton. Post) A girl of nine years was killed in her Detroit home Tuesday night when a shotgun her 13 year-old brother was holding discharged, How did it happen the boy was holding a shotgun? Why, bless his little heart, it was an early Christmas gift to him from his father wha, you said it, should have his head examined. The slogan there seems to be: They cant wait to leave town and shoot a farmer's cow in ley of a deer, slaughter begins at home L LOOKS LIKE A QUEEN'S PARK Public Has Right To Learn Details By DON HEARN TORONTO~Why? The stand amendment They didn't Ener ne MmeeLings Interest The government the bill moved to municipal la committee, and it appeared it would he willing to some amendments there But hoth Opposition and gov ernment were still very much RUn-sny on ihe eclased-meeling question WAGE TALKS? There was general Alphonse: INSIDE YOU god Act fps dawn of eonrnet back question that of on ased of or finally igree Gaston that there Were many occasions on which council meetings should be closed fine example given question of wage negotiations But why? Civie employees are employee paid hy the and doesn't the public have the right know why they are being paid what they are, and whether it is enough or loo mich? There Is, for Instance, & cers tain city enginger in 8 middie. sized town who reputedly is paid $16,000 8 year--ahout twice the average in similar centres ARTREMEN was fie public fnlie to Strive For Ideal Weight In Diets By BURTON H, FERN, MD Would you like to thin down and stay shim? Mast crash diets land briefly before you take off for new helghts, How can you keep your weight down? The average dieter celebrates success like the end of prohihi tion, He tanks up with every gooey, fattening treat he can find, Calorie-cutting can't alter eating habits any more than wohibition ean stop the craving or aleohol That night time sandwich is the leehox lent of a few short snorts, Usual ly that 46 wasitline and 18 col lar date hack to childhood, where good hehaviour meant extra desserts, And going to bed without. supper seemed worse than walking to the elee tric chaly No wonder so many adults grow up eraving rich, fattening foods! ON A BINGE When you diet, you usually alm for your ideal weight, Each pound brings you closer fo the time when you can "start eal ing" again! You can't wall go on a high-calorie hinge Haw much simpler to eat a nermal diet figured for your Dagwand efuiva ta Extra pounds unless you supply them with extra calories, And 50 you'll thin down slowly while you grow accustomed to a full, but not over-full, menu WHERE TO START A week or twa of training' on a 600 or 1200 cal ories-a-day diet can start you off. Then, as your initial enthu slasm slackens, you ean start eating normally To count calories, merely multiply your ideal weight hy 16, (Rixteen calories per pound each day are all you need if you're moderately active.) You ean stuff yourself one day If you eat like a hird for the next few = to average oul your calories REAY, CURK Your new eating habit will help you stay slim, But the real eure comes when you learn why you crave so much food! Here your family doctor may help, Ask him about any diet plang before you hegin If you start to weaken, may find new strength in "Cals aries ! ideal welght! melt away "hasle you Anonymous A Eroup of heavy eaters who don't eat heavily! BY-GONE DAYS 25 YEARS AGO The Oshawa Rotary Club plays ed host to 200 members of eight distriet elubs at its annual inter eity meeting. Robinson McLean, Canadian war correspondent, whoa had just returned from Ethiopia, was the guest speaker "Chevies won the 'A" OHA finals hy "Kents to first OHA Oshawa Intermediate defeating Waterlon give Oshawa Is championship All streams in the Oshawa dis triet, including the Oshawa Creek, went an a flood rampage, Inundating streets and highways The flooding of No. # Highway at Pickering was particularly serious 4. 8 Kyle merchant, 'died suddenly Oshawa General Hospital Oshawa in the promi \| foe Rapson, farmer Oshawa girl, prominent in Little Theatre productions here, attained sues cess in English music elrcles, being chosen as principal saloist for two celebrity productions W. E. N. Sinclair. KC. was alected president af the Oshawa Branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses, Members of the Pentalpha Chapter had as thelr guest speaker at thelr manthly meet ing the ehief engineer af the filtration plant, ¥. HB, Walker, who gave an address an the water system "Pr. G, L. Bird retired as president of the Oshawa Chame, her of Commerce and T K Creighton succeeded him as the new president M. Melntyre Hood tendered his resignation as seerelavy of the Chamber of Commerce and accepted an appointment as edis tar of The Quebeo Chronicles Telegraph, R. B. Faith took aver the secretary's duties Rae Halliday, superintendent of the local emplayment office stated that the registrations at the local office totalled 162 trades and aecupations and that there were very few jobs that the local affice could net fill Westmount Home and School Association observed its 12th ane niversary in the form of a ban quet and program attended hy trustees, school staff and wu Mrs. W. Mersint wy fod for the program and Mes. R 8 McLaughlin was the guest La) hors ONE-SIDED MATCH oY aAon't they? His hometown peapie know this shouldn't LAND PURCHASES? tance Mf 20st $i need $n dis £5 ANd e¥ Athen for closing meet ing land purch wiation in fn ize in {7 aha province. where the eapie aon't know What Is coming up in their had hetter this earth He belongs up ahove with the saint WHETE § and simple and wariny The unhappy fact is I8Vger centres there 1s lke he only one or firms the know Better open i everyhody have a public business EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE? Then another example, and the most prized one, was that a depart infinitely trust two let the and at up whack Eun il eouldn't discipline ems Ployees in public Wh Presumably it would only he very senlor employees that a council would he called on to EVES field erything is good that in iv to "in READERS' VIEWS Intelligent Way To Control Dogs Frew & fine "Pog WR RENE. BRE WiAsY (he i #2 Ay of Toe win i Saal rites y fr f& poe 7 very few AOETE. Hh fener gah or vert of OL ie Aog Wee freedom RC #9 times, Wt AGRE Bek TTRSpRes wher pei as i] ft is go Kindness (4 TER & AGE me gatting in wii sorts of fro e RRA gies. | have kept Aogs fo many years in the oity and hey ® "Ever Been on he Wrest on these vw hWhen Tew 26 mit fem, otherwise (Hey have the mn of The Whee fenced mn yard | am Aefinitely § trating MOEk rire ienit. ThE (rm En REDETIA £85 AIMEE Fah not ¥ f WE 3 Ra met 1H 1 He AR hax favay of eo MR VERT jk what wy Fk te tREm BD 8 Retr WRETE BIE TER they Shama towns fm ana wel (2 SEEN VEX DOG OWN enawe SMART POLICE Men ' the hat the pon rs, | A bser ean miner reas CTHIGETD i washed I think some of the smartest | BEEN. BO I Clean ri Cg shold be eglarly the haws Police pre nave them hatter 0 give nm re 16 EEL An BVEN the mihlie? KATHLEEN BURKE fshawa | example to KR 2 ANTEFLUORIDE Dear Bir Bei 12 Ah finaridation, | the Journal pponent of mi in the ardent would ask insert following from Ottawa if it would he any. Poor were one discipline thing else it shake of a council And undmibiedly i regretiahle if a man was falsely accused of something and his reputation suffered--though pres sumably he would he able to defend himself But surely the principles of our system are worth mere than possible damage to the reputas tion of a man would he O-Cedar complements fashions in wool _ ~~ \ " OQ: Cedar "ZOOM: ALON", plus culottes insoft feminine wool, create light hearted housekeeping that looks a5 sany a6 itis! Great news the wrist Next time vou shop fo all the fine particles left ZOOM-A-LON is the modern mop can't mat or tat no matter how often you use or wash i a mop with magno-static action that actually attracts the dust, then shakes it free with a flick of ZOOM-A-LON, it's the miracle fibre that picks up For Light-hearted Housekeeping in dust mops! a mop that vr an O-Cedar mop ask for behind by ordinary mops LH.A. SWAN'S HARDWARE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE CALL RA 5.7513 lati ge Was waaRger I'm FE LACRRer PRESEN. Wites NE BRIE RONEN Age I water meow withowt i& foaoridat | anriainly Aow's agree sry E hey' ve made Fluoride comidwt posits he Weill. | tine [0 against the WINE of BERCTREY TREE FET faim emir said fry 19 eR t down wildy' e throes. Bat of gies fo 5 ove, Fm swe fhe wemie of Kiama will twin down. I vow loos ite the mat fer, more than M8 per cent of the mimiatgalities that pot fn flee Aull waeady Riccar eh i | personally iad i VIR The aad d he Riree wn CITVIEN Lien TRAVERS Pear Sy £8 JO Kv FRA. FRIGRARS THE wae Baow sept gon Arne he pat. for werks, Felwaary wae sot aoide Br BC. Fohw Ami loner ge @ fine I wel (9 ao CEREIRIE ERE The WoPK of 8. Johw in the attention of the pemie of OWanG We fesi thet thie hes hesn wens eliily aermnifiihed and WE AIR GETTY WER AWRTE het WH WEE Rasiolaner SEW RE TROVE, Horm se (ieely and sa prawety, het Weloed. IF [GTR MEISE, 5 Png Tee wht Brigadier flaw Comberiond whine Reade the campmian. joine wih we WB hang TW mes FRcETEly for the grRerone Rep nA see rt yon have given 8, Ibm faring hese past weeks Aileen Adams foe Abi gner Proviieity, Torowmis ish PROWL EW LEST (CF) faitiel and Ine government oificials sre Miscuesing ways of TRANG emigration trmn the of lreland to Briain | READY WALLPAPER OQ C A ROLL JUST IMAGINE! , . . PASTED DECORATE AN FOR ony 4.72 IN BEAUTIFUL ® Washable @ Precision Trimmed ® Sunwerthy TEXTURE TONES ALL YOU NEED IS . , , AVERAGE ROOM WATER TRAY ,., SCISSORS , , , SPONGE 19 BOND WEST Call Us Today For Full Information PRESTON'S PECORATING SUPPLIES RA 3.4922 fam \" - \ 95¢c to 24.95 Wwheme at y 50 TRLINTON SO Scubore MINI MAM look at what the best-dressed lamps are wearing... ur lamps FOAMS new look. You'll he amazed at what glamorous, new, shades and vour to a dramatic, distinetivg & wonderful difference these chis new lamp shades make in a decorative and at what a low, selection of all the favored new shapes and fabrics low east! Our just-arrived will go beawtitully in pour home Lighting Unlimited CANADAS LEADING CHAN OF HOME UGHTING SPECIALISTS a) ONORTHTOWN SHOPPING CENTRE Willowdale BA. 55981 SOLONERDALE MALL (Dorness Ne 527 Ban) BE 360M) RN 4 LL RR

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