Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1961, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, March 15, 1961 - GOOD EVENING By JACK CEARIN #5 BACKERS TRAIN HERE Oshawn and district is getting quite # horse training os In addition to the Stud Farm IA4., there's & booming little establishment inside the city limits for harness race horses More then 86 pacers and trotters -- most of them from out of town--have been training sll winter st the latter spot, the half-mile Worth Oshews Downs Track, in the northeast prea on Taunton rosd, east of Five Points, They also board there, a [ea i BRINE 88 # nt re National The track and barns sre six years old, They pre owned and operated by two Oshawa men, Garnet Wetherup and Ernest Brown, There are some preity valuable gee-gees from the harness racing world up in the snow, including a trot there running sround ter named "Darn Tottin" owned by Gordon Kingston of Port Elgin and valued at $15,000 -- this horse has won races from Montresl California and mile in two minutes and 1960, Kingston boards 16 hor- to Fen # three seconds in Oshawe Downs, Allen Pacey of . y belleville 12 and Jack GARNET WETHERUP Hayes of Columbus 10, Wetherup won a real classic at Buffalo Raceway in 1960 with his nine-year-old, "Becky Jane Bolo", After working all da North Truck Plant line st GM, he goes back to his farm and horses, headquarters for the Oshawa Hurness Club, many of the Oshawa meme» bers compete in Buffalo, Tor Montreal, as well ps smaller Ontario centre Wetherup and Bro Harness Club (with # S65 A North y on the ito members of the Oshawa of 68) which Wh RIE membership has I machinery . pi SMOULDERING RUIN AT DAWN was this torn wall, Three people pre he- lieved to have died in the All that 75-year-old Summerside Farm Machine Prices Studied OTTAWA (CP) Commons approval was given Tuesday night to renewed study of farm prices, and a gov ernment spokesman sald he hopes definite recommendations remained of the Clifton Hotel, PEL, at dawn dered whether delay In getting the committee to work this yesr indicated a Progressive Conser next election Mr. Argue agreed---=more win smouldering fire: | fire Twenty-nine "7'Sales Tax Rebate _ For Municipalities fled or jumped from windows (CF Photo) 'Resources 'Talks With U.S.A. WASHINGTON (CP)~Canads yative preoccupation with the and the United States will hold § at Ottawa in an effort to co-ordinate policies exploratory talk TOROWYO (CF) ~ Provincial Treasurer Allen proceded Ade bate on the 19554) Ontario bud. get Tueshay by ROROWNORE WH the legislative that MUCH ties will get a partial rebate on the Planned thiee-per-cept pro ving sales Lax Mr. Alan said (wold spply to i ge 0 capil works pr 5 COF and Liberal finencial eri ties enticized the soles ax ws imurious (n the provinces sing CLORGIBY Ross Whicker (1, ~ Bruce) seid he conldn't see why the municipalities should pay any part of (he Lax; the province was "taking money away from the | municipalities so thet i ean get {the credit of giving i hack' Eenneth Bryden (CCF ~For onto-Woeodhine) said # Mr, Al Ian's propimal was to have any real effect i would mean he won't he getting the $150 909 08 he seid the province needs WN Bew (RK revenue The two critics agreed the {Sales (ox will hurt the province's {lagging economy, but while Mr Whicher thought it would he in the rebwpicd wand flationary, Wr. Bryden signed ib Ross Act i the psphyriation wowid he Aeflationary of three Windsor persons Son Mr. Bryden suggavied # three Ady point. hoost in the LRP Rtion 9 » question from wan (LWindeor- ex which he said would yield Bernard HN. 150 900 595 19 $56 998 999 & yesr, Walkeryilie), he seid the pst new tax levies of 059 9 probibiis tempering with gas 550 990 596 on natural resources, Resters nd TERNS ERS KOM ineranses 6 lguor taxes, snd & paises 15 Blscontinue series 15 WRI AIBRnCE 12% OR WINCHES 19 Known auity installations sid between BISA #08 Agriculture Minister Goodie 26 556 9% SIREnAmEnts 1h phuaers 19 set » Om sive" boost In spending mn ph 4 JT I a he housing Education Winister Roberts Mr. Whicker said the man introduced 8 Wi 6 Ca, 3 , # to renson the. Liberals have ory basis 6 gilt of the Massey posed tax increnses in that fi government "claimed repest-ihe University of Toronts edly thet they slways had # RE -- ta surplus." Helps ou Overcome He seid the government #p- Y peared 19 have forgotien f meaning of the word " economy" FALSE TEETH nd pied a» policy of "the Looseness and Worry sky is the mit; the government iowa be ans Ted or Woe friagpedied will pay." nse bein 15 INVESTIGATING ne Lied Woe item A gptpand Energy Resources Minister J pains be them kimes 2 Macaulay id the House his op) fre prwnl) AY b 4 department is investigating pos Vii aad te " Led sible violations of the Fuel 3 , o ses ron \W/ 1/1] THAN { Blt sgney Ganersl Bokers | nomial the HAficx of the (piasm 8 Prnciaon 16 19 Wea ne Perms AIR - SHIP - BUS HOTELS - - SIDE TRIPS 300 DUMNDAS £, WHITHY WHITEY + DIHAWA - PROSKLIN Phone MO 83304 [to follow will prevent further dow dressing (hen action might on long-range practices of food two Dig eve eo k It's fourth annual banquet here April 7 A harness race et at Alexandra Park next May 27 n portable pari-mutusl machines will be hetting There will be night racing this year at Toronto, Peterborough and London, but no such events gan be held in Oshawa u 58 somebody comes up with a portable lighting for half-mile tracks, of the type used in the UBS it wouldn't pay to erect such lights for a single meet Harness race have & new incentive this year the Provineisl government will give them back five percent of all money won by standard-bred horses § Uj n NBTNEess nie gysiem breeders int result, But the question of im plement prices was a major one for Canada's 600,000 farm fam ilies, helping speed the flow of rural population to the eities He atiacked the implement increases and possibly reduce existing levels in the cost of farm implements CCV Veader Argue said the objectives anticipated hy War ner Jorgenson, parliamentary secretary to Agriculture Minis ter Alvin Hamilton, are laudable but perhaps too lofty to be achieved He and Jean » Paul Racine Liberal spokesman from Que: hec's Beauce riding, complained of government delay in resum ing the study=-entrusted to the standing committee on agricul ture, and limited last session to same planned obsolescence found in the car industry, plus a wasteful use of power In ma chinery, hacked hy forceful ad vertising to increase volume and hurry - along sales, Ther were too many models, too much trim, and inadequate re pair stocks for farmers The CCF leader said the gov | production, land use and explol [retary industry for what he called the| i tation of natural resources Agriculture Minister Alvin Ha iton announced Tuesday night he has invited Agriculture Bes Opville Freeman, Interior Secretary Stewart Udall and Di rector George McGovern of the 1.8. Food-for-Peace program to # conference to he held within two or three weeks, Canada's resources minister, Walter Din sdale, will participate in the talks I've invited these officials further discussions to look FRESH MEATY for PORK HOCKS 31.51 SWIFT'S PEAMEALED LEAN MILD CURED FOR GOOD EATING SPROULE"S Try us once and you'll know for sure -- for QUAL. SERVICE , , , end LOW PRICES -- no food stare offers more than SPROULE'S | Check these BEST BUYS now , , , then come check our marketful food volues -- high quality products of Va = 44 pre of truly big low, low prices, Start eatin == start shopping ot SPROULE'S todey ! better and saving more w. 49: 3.1.00 wane BC 3.1.00 and, in some cases, this will mean as much as $1200 and $1600 to some breeders, and will encourage them in this work COTTAGE ROLL GROUND FROM RED BRAND BEEF DEVON RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON SWIFT'S PREMIUM--EVERYONE'S FAVORITE BOLOGNA + } . 4 stion of the prineipl A Y t's attitude to private inte the que three sittings emment's # 2 {4 . Mr, Ji . son said it is hoped| enterprise poses the question ofthe two countries should follow I, JOVRENS A ea p » Rh F. 2 OFEENS0 the De. | Just how farm implement prices| in relationship to agriculture, that witnesses from the imple:| land use and natural re {eould he lowered hy the govern | A h of 11 ment industry and f no at|/ ment, Perhaps public ownership| sources, Hamilton said at a a ! 8 W stify & aring ar rv Should be studied press. conference, It followed a hearings on foe machinery) Lawrence 1, Kindt (PC = two-day joint ministerial, meet, ange yi Ry (Macleod) said Mr, Argue erred|ing In Washington on trade an A lin charging delay hy the goy-|economie affalrs NOTES COSTS RISE ernment. He said the death ofl He said the meeting will Bg Mr. Racine noted that farm! eommittee ¢ h airman Haydon into the philosophies behind income holds steady while costs Stanton last December meant aleach country's agricultural pro continue to rise, He sald he won-'start from serateh gram and consider how to put Heavy Penalty Faces soon Careless Shooters way that would make sense in| farmers and to the world's hun gry people mh 'os heard Riad. B U.8, tax court ruled Tuesday a 18 commitiee neg ais | n > of . representatives of | PA ifist cannot refuse to pay in game conservation! come tax hecause some portion fine and fall term, Lands and groups of his money might go into the | Forests Minister Spooner said viv, Button of Ridgetown, sees nation's military hudget, The Tuesday 1 (| 1ELREY MANA GOT of the ONrIo| goinion, the first of its kind hy ™ Cash at % Pp (14 (+ ] uU L gE He made the announcement inl Federation of Anglers and Hunt te court. telectof contentions . (the legislature's game and fishiars, urged that all residents and U | ™ WIE ) y ; hy Abraham J, Muste of New committee during discussion of nonresidents fishing In provin: LY Ab NO DEALERS SUPPLIED PILLSBURY REGULAR 396 LAYER STYLE a government hill to amend the |oial parks he required to buy a|York City that imposition of the| Game and Fisheries Act ipecial park fishing licence} [tax on him would violate the NO DEALERS SUPPLIED soFT ABSORBENT REGULAR 2 ROLLS 25s RED & WHITE After several committee mem:|that the possession limit for Pirst Amendment to the consti ask for aid hers complained that the legis: pickerel he six, blue or yellow, (ution guaranteeing free exe NO DEALERS SUPPLIED REGULAR 2 FOR 63¢ 400's PKGS, They uch cases crop up occasionally, [lation is not wide enough, Mr. instead of 85 blue and six vel |gize of religious belief ) KLEENEX TISSUES | PROS, but not too often, and they are hopeful that there are not | Spooner sald it will be reviewed low, and that carp he allowed to NO DEALERS SUPPLIED RrecuLAR 25¢ many of them {hy experts in his department he caught hy means of 8 how As it now stands, the new sec-land arrow Major M, Rankin of the Salvation Army says such NO DEALERS SUPPLIED tion provides a fine up to 8600 or cases usually erop up from a tip from a neighbor GILLETTE SUPER six months in jail, or bath, for, WANTS MINNOW RAN "We ean only that there are not many of them conviction on a charge of dis Mines Minister Maloney, oall:| and we would certainly welcome a call from any person charging or causing to discharge Ing. himself an amateur fisher who knows of legitimate claimants, people who are withs a firearm or air gun without! man, urged the department to Iveasonable eon sideration of draft regulations that would pro. aut food because they to come forward themselve he said with the purshase of 1 jar Viek's Vaporrub at regular price of The Ontario Racing Commission has assumed res sponsibility for all forms of standard-bred racing in order to produce uniformity and to better racing eondite fon standards, CITY WELFARE AGENCIES ALERT Millions of television viewers were told the other day that there are bread lines in Toronto for hungry children Whether not this statement is based on fact or fiction, it is a grim reminder that the economy is tighter, that things could happen alert wateh 1s maintained The best gues is that there are no hungry children in Oshawa at least they are not hungry for long if their plight become known wellare or such here unless an CANNOT REFUSE WASHINGTON (AP) == The TORONTO (CP) = Persons iwho discharge firearms care: number lessly will soon face a heavy|fish and Oshawa's Agencies are a well=organized, tightly=knit group that keeps an eagle eye on the situa tion (in all age groups) and acts without delay where need is established They do admit them in the wa cases that is those parents who are and ho of what vever 100 they that one problem confronts percent coverage of needy term "the hidden cases," unaccustomed to unemployment Is accompanying miseries and proud to LARGE PKGS, are too 28.02, 1 TIN admit that hope are too proud other persons. A . magistrate| hibit the use of minnows for hait Herbert G, Che ebrough, eity welfare director, and alsn could suspend a hunter's unless they eome from the same {licence for any length of time! lake heing fished Harold MeNeill, director of Simeoe Hall expressed similar views he deemed necessary Russ Wells, president of the Mr, Chesebrough did say that there was greater Mr, Spooner said last year Ompah, Ont, Conservation As: there were 152 hunting aceis sociation, said the use of min: dents, 85 of which were fatal, nows is Feshonsitie for the in al s PH 'n afasal : : | traduction of coarse fish In a SUBger Row of "hidden Shieh than In he past heeuiue of [PROTECT FARMERS number of goad lakes ase mp E y | , dee ' el ployment; as an example, 1 sald that ot harles lanes (PC Lambton Charles Hunt, representing there were 877 persons on welfare in February of this |East) and Willlam Stewart (P( year, 618 of whom were employable, as compared with 40 in February of 1060, of whom 283 were employable, Mr, MeNeill said it was easier in a smaller city THIS * WEEK'S SPECIAL AT OSHAWA STORE ONLY KING ST, WEST REG, 78¢ TIN 49. LARGE TIN REG, 69¢ 49- PKG, OF 10 NO DEALERS SUPPLIED JOHNSON'S BABY POWDER FREE 3." wen TOMATO SOUP with the purchase of 1olb, Walker's Saltines at the regular price of | » Ib, 10: CORNER KING AT RITSON Open Thurs, Fri, and Seb Nights till 10 o'clock CORNER SIMCOE AT MIN * Open Thurs, and Fri, Nights till 10 o'clock 2D KiddNS O1r "ry J BONUS BUY BATHROOM SCALES TRIM BRAND BATHROOM SCALES In attractive pastel colar, hi apes 64° sity, never before 3.96 " $5.00 offared at h SELECTED QUALITY 14:01] FOR FOODS THAT QUALIFY AT PRICES THAT SA 1 PKG, REGULAR 200s JUST E, OF BREWERS' RETAIL 3801S 31VIDOSSY J the Bancroft Distriet Fish and wMiddionex North}, minister cane Protective Association, Without part olin, sald some Proc recommended the five sas Gay Vision should he made $ OPO 1imit for lake trout he restored! tet farmers against hunters) io"Agonquin Park. He said the such as Oshawa to discover such cases than it would be [With high-powered rifles | resent Af ie in Tarento, where thousands of families were herded {effect of encouraging Rshevmen together in a confusing pattern, N li [to fish in waters nearer the pop. | Mr, Chesebrough pointed out that Oshawa was eg igence ation coRives where the limit much better off in regards to relief than some Ontario . [18 the same, lL cities =~ such ds Peterborough and Cornwall = where I Sh t hy y 1AR the jobless totals are much higher n 00 Ing | Mon AREAS CNR "We really have been lucky here," he added, VIENNA, Ont, (CP)==A coro-| Tuesday announced the forma Major Rankin and Mr, McNeill stressed that there hers jury vulefl "Tuesday night! tion of Hee new Adminatiotive was a great need for one itend, insofar as children were |that the death of Harry Hopper, areas \ey are the Montrea conce ho - th t is for ohildr 0 elothi pecially | % Was caused by negligence| area, made up of the Montreal rnec at 1s f¢ en's clothing, especially |i; the unauthorized and illegal/terminals and branch lines 10} shoes use of a rifle larger than the Hawkesbury, Lake Remi and "Many families can scrape by on the food and heat [standard 22 calibre Rawson and a main line to item, but they lack money for children's clothes," sald Barrie Gordan Stewart, 19, of Grand Morel, the th he f he Mr, McNeill, "We can always do with plenty mare of [RR 1, den, told the jury he|2'ed. SeTVIRE fhe $4 A 0 A ) ) . Bind St. Lawrence River from Levis them." fired a 303 ealibre rifle at an ; m abject in a ravine near Mr. Hop-|t0 Massena, N.V.i and the Ri The Red Cross and Branch 43, The Canadian Legion per's home (dean avea, extending from Dar also assist in this work Crown Attarney Petr J. Glain! Val to Oshawa and north te Ot sald after the hearing he was 'awa. J. A, Pollock will man undecided whether charges ae the Rideau avea would be laid The jury was told Mr, Hop POOR AREAS per, father of four childven,| More than hall the world's was cutting wood in the ravine|2.900,000.000 people live in the) near his Hayham Township/economically u nd e r developed | farm when he was shot in the areas of Africa, Asia and Latin] stomach {America LITTLE NOTES FROM HERE AND THERE Herman Kassinger, president of the Oshawa Build. ers' Association, went down to Ste, Marguerite, Que, with his wife last week for a skiing holiday, but it didn't turn out that way, He spent most of his time instead in the company of the famous Montreal Cans adiens hockey team. The Hahs were hilleted at Hers man's lodge for a four-day rest period, during which they played no hockey most of them spent the time loafing and at such body sports as Darts Curling and Cribbage (with a strictly enforced bedtime curfew of 10 pm.) +, + + Folks out Orono way are getting * N Bonded Brake-Lining Installed AWHNERS the 28-mile fog all steamed up 250.000 Mos aul 184 Stirling Moss, the racing driver, will compete in this event against 29 other top drivers, The winners will share $0400 in prise money, a ave opening he new track, scheduled June contact world's most famous For Mast Gan TISFY

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