an snd bony styles in tightly fitted. snd woodllens tend 1s airy} with back Wlegsing Necklines mgshy textures and ligt U7 he Hiei AG CNET Wags Draped or scart Reckiines Ribbed (abies, such as ol boi Roethe TECH CONRIE. cum its Wonk OF EViSD COLON, CON i time important, and knits are # serial favorne, liked by design ers for their adaplatility to wp iimie tie 26 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 15, 1961 Fashion Has Good News For Bll Ages This Year # +' Coat Stylings Provide Room illo 'For New Suits m The Hiey TRAIT fay "he Ing, wi sermiingly Fost iw ah w Re vat off The elder may fo wil M \rigey is Bik twetbod in ERSIET [mi Ri ERiney Gy self fabric » wow Wana ie WIE flegity in or withow id Rr gan Miers = haf feline Wig, dds 4 by shied in Erwin wn sland-np J sashes is ne wi ew aha ' Prien il f al LaF of # iyle Vor oa ihe Bice clon 18 FRmpant, fac tive deta! has heen kept 16 # minimum Yoke seaming nd exctingly shaped large Waltons f gerents fon ed a flatlery The big mecent is with vivid strgwherry cading the way. Designers these Bnght #5 £8 y effective onder ght or hat VA cll na Ae EHNA Annie { amen. [Geman has geod Fir Vie ad Vay for Poth he within l, OF fails pm fe Wing War weve Lada hat gre egoing The rradily ERGY Hie igi i, WIRE {rd LEP ANE ABFA fo # Fier grade ara dad da Wh Iapartant si hemi les CHEE BAYH Wat ri 5 wv ardeote > ¥ ¥ p sia Aare RIE [RETRONG fro HOHNER a aAark FABRICS ARE AIRY eased shirt Boldly patterned (weeds GLEWERY SiS Part of 516 5 ArRssh rRSs 3 lets assiot in the trend 16 move (hecks and aids RppPeRt HAE CIORNE 1RCRES the Beauty of embroidery on A it fukin As for fanmies, they have heer wih R to making p 2 FT sheey f REwE 16 Highs 2 5 2 + IACKETS VARY comfortable for wesr © For feminine der. conte oF Sh Waring! Feb wilowed colors ! ® Jackel ships ones eddving with STINE EYERINE asmion Sug aNgIng wether, There are many siiks . gests this mellow heige of " gingham checks : fon turban, draped high and knatied in 4 front for mere Interest HELE mina i AAGTRIES him 4 ite # Witie ©) and Key milery sti adit fasion FIs, CORI Fo flatter i ar, Wil jhe i . jules are BOTIEE ONES BIE RTS ¢ Flyer fer LAVELLE BATS, TOO Elegant Wile hats take place on the generally Wighhat spring fashion scene. They're sually worn at a new, forward. tilted angie. Shapes mre pill! hezes or hats with tiny brims They come wm styles for both Ay ANA BYERIBE WERT rit! aos Fest 1 fren STRESS EWRROIDERY ee ai FRYER ih hg gilhue fey Fel waistline " Core fie fiew Sv 27a Ta A Ci Ag wit ana how are # Ares its ad " as f P fo Hew Wa WIE pew sy Tall silhouette, # spring hat favorite, is shown here in # igh, high hat of straw with organdy trim jana Hegiend skirts Ri rd iNew i ROA COSHH of he wna kn / is. tars / n { i oiiar jah Ae tu PIT HEY type HLA flattery on offer BR thokee ther #1 ing ot Ll ow (weeds. heck feos rEigRed cardigan flowin en Bem LEO ORE SWEEP FASHION 4 Frerting colors and Wiliam whites sweep through the whale of fashion. and the girls frill Among the nh alies Rik Grange, he family, bright pink #nd Lrawherry Peaches FEBE me------ fies, eyelet nafore. Jun 4 Ly and ple of Krak anil a Whether Hog firte rRngr grt ow # on shirts wets hans os 7 ( there share ewlaties for ' / fRErpie Iteniae mint Dramatic Style For The Bride Current hidal an enticing STINE Binds Traditional fRined, mlong new fashion i ley chiffon, tulle, peat de ks of all kinds and siyh daramii 1 we hey 160% f vie, sametimes h flavor gh fa Fier from wanned 16 Sear ale cambination ley the write gray Yitash oie €nia collects fn collections are WRATH SCN WERT with vellow or Ia pair selection nr ' run three ahwin ing ey a iy gir f dressed wp with wang ana vow Headlined (or sp is the (raw Bet, in wine [arms Feminine And Flattering Look To Spring Curve ng fai ie » f ender prints are 0 W A Wigck velvet and frm I the vetty and fem) dant. Contrast i : t clathes elegance Is re with he Fabrics are RANA Wie rr V M ' # delicate bent far ' . Color Rppeals y This ane 15 & white hie nation # ® AND AFTER lovely Self-Confidence " a Fashion Benefit Millinery ng Coats Weather Spring Rains werner Si hers icl Le and colors mn fa Ion) A valu Sheaths and gowns with hout fant or bell-shaped skirts ake weeping trains, some of which Are remo In fact the Erne of Weddin nas man function ind one of the most warm mpan ih IAnce ) i ower (0 pro bis High Fashion, one of a kind Hats Pr Con fabrics, tell clotches and Ihe and A eens and flowers, the "I know | feeling give H-comfidencs Far LA shal ary esperiall he haost to Wing for a grand hal weaimg train, for instance to hecome Many suilanie well B wpward of feminine @r rl ary make @ / shout min mone the TOUCHED WITH WHITS the Yin ! bogie ann and headed surcessiy Hat sien st mn ala shope of Spring Hots You'll find WERT ATIC honahle vari APERT IN a a sred to wen ® " pretty brim Hn Adem frac A lace are many and lovely | YOUrS removahle headed holero comes headed hodice ihe ae her ral ana Boeape. A Ap off to fitied trench # ha nore WH i problems of here the wish (6 he nd et nat too different from ney new are ire growing her the high the 1] [1] (al is { / 14 Fe } ' Wi wm wp and an nine oof lf fabrics as organd dua ailored' a See our new Spring SUITS, DRESSES, BAGS AND GLOVES tupic, Back intere gOWN 15 fashionable 0 detachable for another through pam neckline he oher, greanza cabbage rose ellen A separate lace EY a floor-length gown, while still another thal the cur ganza gown has vertical t news hut place most em ing to form cap sleeves p ren ! feu 4 ; ¥ cluths phasis on her particular needs. | § Ana apron ¢ iterned Designers answer the que hed. of | flatter with dre d costumes that have arine filing wna (Ou! tend fuline On fefri flowered i / istent for ong # i iry ideas are furthered ue calor, fabric and draping Ee BR von are one n other AEE EIOUD Hav ne om hing approat ) eloped camsideration fon She often aver iil fy mans i I Ld owl (hut nich is hath F] Ins highlighted { Oung teen ted in than either al ishim CE hei preferring ere one yh Feaxtured J yeni older mr bountiful younger sister in ger H Feaingme fabri lean Pla est i 161k Organza ih peal fabrics and Overs for ney this fashion for with a oud-ligh ; 1" her reflect ned [ring I PET nh ana close hats here! #head Crown ly extending the the head fell nr # "light-headed flower and leave of fabric and delicate of straw in I 1 i) ra ad (exture hodice in felt, Fitted smart nithoxes ind stra oth to develo 4 dimensional 160k Iria fon eh Kir nfen ametime Hine i lof natural o fabric 1 Br strav rete Feather ¢ LBC Paint Inthe hiny and vil fashion i mner Knits gent al of And knitted, as we elie fend 1a VIBRANT COLORS he I # ol Hr Family of pinks take lead - {in the spring fashion excitement RA 5 1052 over color. Many i shades the 5 KING ST. EAST Film ed 10 " the 0 BE cummerhund 0 with hack hoth of figure kirted dresses enhance other news ely Jon nphisticated : f fo lim wlal is hat re Hk Jerse " ; share I need the fa ake care and the full cover rite classi and contribute on fluid Hine ruchin the ah contrinute must Calare seh FRAME THE VACK Brims are deftly Aevelop face Adframing These include everything Darrow, sidedined hrims cloches and curling rollers honnet shapes, Scallops, pleats Yows, scarves, layered effects snd veiling soften brim outline High lines and offside effects wlistinguish hat shaping of all Jypes handled flatiey from om in and caps the that moves Color captivates head, in A range drom smart hlack and white 'contrasts to lively hues of rasp sherry pink, mellow heige, tendes green, sunshine yellow and Bandhoxy, evisp touches as white Puritan collar the tweener in achie turned-out SHINE PUTPOSE well-halanced assist a well For the navy and other neutrals have a slight edge, in this fashion-age group, over ihe riotous colors (Checks, glen plaids and pleat notahle while colm gel most attention and jumper tweener gives hei new developments in fashion, she it whole heartedly, and knee tickler skirts, culottes and three-piece coordinates. are expecled to continued gains Knee new conventional Ing APPEATANCE suit prints S08 the tn Are and in dre When approval gives seore length 1s in Gold and cabochon combine in ne and bracelet on hracelel | CARRY 1} Underarm h gated elon in le en tured straws, Pink and green Are fahrie stones CHITINES effect news wklnee Pendant pring INVELOPES andhags in elon f hape APPear and hright turquoise the col Orange AMONg 'watercolor hlue fet hiack lacquered eire ribhon or patent ars frequently seen SIraw leathe) pants ensemble Is the hride, Lace itached ta the fatlle taffeta A AWeepIing Cape new Cape hiek gown Iran nelude to high idea for Gloves Glitter dow an In New Styles form forming | Arm ler diamond jewelry ribbon ipring fashion light the 'chance (0 star ' Bath the shart glove hat reaches Shoes Of Boys : ne Following Dad ofl "gatewood. with a "touch. of colon H ! | ROPE vn . Shoes Gatewood English flanne! tailors | flattering, of Quality For The Entire Family ! A pray pm headdre tendencies of gloves a lengihs and the mid-arm hearing JIVE in all norte in importance feminine look | hy al in leather Prett vided 0 lave apen-work eatton, nylon In Jno hoy hae fol fallow Ang Dad ford lightly leathers let embroider heel tLace inser nye ind pert ref fagotin oration fashion m ted into the won ta th WO Shirping, stitehin id od thie 1 pear! foatsteps mn moc front 0 ind notes Hn most and hluchers in smooth SUITS man awn. At in your wardrobe tailored by Milman callop Nometime 'asvmmetri s+ Tin sparkle Hie with useful rained and hrushed For older hays, there are slip can leas! one belong Quality Shifter 87.50 97.50 tones aps, and the tapered to 5 while dak that § pligues a and hutton We slim on dre love adarn g 0n Floral love how ho 10ns of highlighted with the flal for Ww titehed look Another approach is the elastic I'wa vey lipson uit other Cover Iyling One | cent are and pear! Ready to Wear Made ta Your Measure fl nnn pon high rising (le the leisure san hand tongue, featuring eam Latin hand om fashion lovely hlack cattan combination this 1s a and ln Fwaenlol thal ol New apnroach and white finds white shorties piped with black pat vont leather, and two-tone linen cuffs on gloves nother fe re i, ol phasis season , hue any fo feed slip-on with hidden goring placket Taplin closure and hoxey are Humished brown with gold undertone and marked for color in Mack Voungstel may af color Choos hlack in mate wi hts smoath leather and tan In grained or hrushed leather ADIES... Keep Your New Fashions Looking Fresh and Enchanting Regular dry cleaning by qualified personnel keeps all your Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter fashions looking like new we supply this services, and ay an axtra feature we provide AN EXTRA PROTECTION . , . FREE! We protest all your garments with aur FREE MOTH-MILDEW ODOR proating servies. You'll have ne mors wary of meth demage, mildew or perpiration ader when your clothes are cleaned the waht way at , | Lilaves iden i reen WANS) leet to A they can navy eOpy A hrawn slay terest can of ane 81} colar, oy whit costume 10 KING ST, WEST OSHAWA neutral, mn ar heige. There variety, in hvely tempting pastels Choatees offered wn Arrange, pink. rose, green and hlue, sunny yellows ponty hii NEW! MODERN! CONVENIENT! Once again our stork leads. Wa now bring te you the ultimate in shoe retailing, =~ SELF SELECTION «= Shoes displayed in an orderly way for your own choosing. -- Our experienced shoe fitters will make sure that you are correctly and quickly fitted with the styles of your choice, m ude vialel Presenting The Finest Selection Of Better Shoes In Oshawa Locke, Valley, White Cross Florsheim, Ritchie, Pedwin, Sisman, Gold Cross, Dr Dack's Buster Brown and Savage For Women For Men For Children For your Easter Shoes we invite you te come and see us in Downtown Oshawe, You will find a smart store, stocked with smart styles, where it will be a pleasure te shop, Danceys & 18 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH RA 5.1833 A ALDSWORTH CLEANERS ~~ ~~ N to ith mation \ Passport fashion handbag ol Wavel but sisal and harness leather, with gt Lim, FOR RCK.UP AND DELIVERY na um PHONE RA 5.1812 A 36 ATHOL EAST