Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1961, p. 18

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18 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 15, 196) TORGNTH BH AW. By The Canadian Vwnmks Bank Badkanan--MWairh vi Ra Frese (iA GORE 1B (BR NESE RRanr § FAME Hh, 28 Eadydand, xs ras, AWA WATTS) % Rem manila dale a Sedans y dey, March 13, 1085, Arther Beloved fvshind of he Mand Fry snd dese father of oe (Mes. Kenneth Walt) snd grandisther TH yest, Winer: manila Cemetary. RUSSELL, Grsan -- In Oghaws Gen writ Howgital om Wednesday, Moreh 15, 1968, Gagan Craig, Wo her Biet year Relovnd wike of the late George Rus oll (I Ritson Rowd ) nd Aer mother of John of London, Themes md George of Oshawa; weter of Mew, Wowaed biaen, Victoria, BEL. The Ista Mes Anderson Faneeil Home, (shawn. ber: vice in the Chapel on Fridey, March WV, 2 pm, Interment Mownt Lawn Comntery EYERNAL bronas memorials, Belaction invited for spring. Hand finished. Guar antaed guahity for instalation. Dhieplay #4 Mount Lawn Cemetery oifice, BA 10831. Faclusive representatives for 10 yeas oid company, domes Matthews, wi ars LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral errangements end floral requirements for ol HLGHNSG OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE RA B-6555 CHAPEL Kindness yef beyond price within reach of all RA B-6226 390 KING STREET WEST OSHAWA MONUMENT COMPANY | SPECIALIZING IN Monuments, Markers, Memorials, Cornerstones, Statutory of ell types, RR 4 KING 57. E Ph, RA B-3111 or RA B-8676 | IN MEMORIAM HUGHES -- In memory of our father, | Mr. Archie Hughes, who passed away wo years ago today Days of sadness still gome over me, Tears In silence often w, For memory keeps you ever Resr me Though you died two years ago. Always remembered hy dalighter Fhyllis and Verna, son inlaw Edwa snd grandehildren Karen and Wayne Sullivan HUGHES » In loving memory of dear father, Archie Hughes, who pas away March 15, 1960 We do not need a special doy To bring you te our minds For the days we do not think of you Are very hard to find, I all this world were ours to give, We'd give It, yes, snd more, To see your face again, dear dad Come smiling through the deer. =fadly missed and always remember od by sons Ken and Frank JANES «= In loving memory of my dear father, Frederick Baldwin Janes, who passed sway March 13, 1048. lovingly remembered by daughter, aude KINSMAN = In loving memory of Fergus Douglas Kinsman, who passed sway March 18, 1087 ~Sadly missed by wife, Audrey, STEVENS -- In loving memory my dear hushand, Bill, whe passe away March 15, 1860. 1 little knew when | woke that mer The sorrow the day would bring For the call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one | loved so dear, Sometimes Its hard to understand Why some things have to be, But In His wisdom God has planned Beyond our power to see God gave me strength to fight # And courage to hear the blow, But what it cost to lose you, dear, No one will ever know Ever remembered by his wife, Lil, and family, Brenda, Bruce and Trudy, STEVENS « In memory of a veal pal, William (Bill) Stevens, who pass: ed away March 15, 1060, Bram MARKET PRICES TORONTO (CP) == Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices at 10:45 a.m, today: Apples, Meln- tosh $44.25 a bushel, Delicious 160-6, . B.C, Delicious 6.50.7, spies 4.50-6, russett 4.60; beans, green 6 a hamper, yellow 6.50 7; beets 1.1.25 a bushel; hroe Ruseell fo resting ot Melntosh] i i TITRE THEE Can Perm € Bank € » Brew biredge Friks A Frivks B Gas Iw Husky Husky w Hyden Crown 760 Crush Int at "4 Crass pv ad #5 » #5 ed i $5 # Ld % ad 1% z fr " in - Us W y #2 Wa "ihe ad on » 1A # x Le wine mim low bm. CF 8 ses jw oe Th Th TT ow» vi data Bow AV € Bayal Rav iad Eaiadad kaiaka wa Ecven Aity Brawn aides bishiam Basi Lam Bla hg A ter Tr & Prop wis a 4 pea ad #8 Hd] ie Ady 1k " - Eran deinen ene EA wt 4h " Indio Wha id koh Ine woh Maclaren B I 5 F 2% FIRE DESTROYS MANSION Fire destroys the farm man: slon of financier Allean Case on the outskirts of Toronto by snow-covered road and lack of water, stand by help: lessly as strong winds fan the | Tuesday, Firemen, hampered | blaze to furious heights, No | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Porcupine Mine Changed Hands By FORBES RHUDE panies, including §7.1 per cent coll 8.504 a case; cabbage old| Canadian Press Business Editor|of Falconbridge Nickel Mines 75:1, new 2.50275 red 1.25 bushel, washed 1.60.2; eauli: flower 8.25-3.50 a carton; celery, Californa 44.50 a case; cran herrise 4.4.25 a carton; queen size cucumbers 8.754 per 24s; leeks 2.25 per ll.quart basket; lettuce 30s 2.2.25, 24s 2,50-2.%5, Chinese 150 a bushel; mush: rooms 2.25-2.45 per i-pound bag; McIntyre Porcupine Mines producer which is celebrating its 50th anniversary, has been|holder in various industrial changing from American to Ca: companies, outside the mining|ended Dee nadian ownership over the years Its annual report comments: | "Pwenty-five years ago only 32 per cent of shareholders holding 25 per cent of McIntyre Ac 1.50; carrots, unwashed 1-125 a Ltd, big northern Ontario gold HAS OTHER INTERF Melntyre also is a share field It carries exploration fices at acher, Ont; extensive program from of Toronto and Schu Newcastle, N.B,, on an land Vancouver one was In the house at the time, Damage is expected to exceed $200,000, --(CP Wirephoto) Hach Daten Frad © Congo mt W cin 66 Weds w Weame Wasa Com aias € recov Essen s 18h Harr Aosher € hed Pop Coprand Craigmt Crm hoy Denison Wicknsn Dome East Mal East Bull Eldrich Frobisher Geen Mines i Genex He 45 +10 Giant YK 'Martin C TORONTO (CP) ~Paul Mar-| tin, Liberal member of Parlia-| | ment for Essex East, said Tues-| {day a difference of opinion be {tween the government and the {governor of the Bank of Can- | ada should result in the resigna- {tion of one or the other, | Mr. Martin told the Liberal | Business Men's Club Governor \James Coyne's responsibility | was restricted to monetary pol: jey and he had transgressed this in recent speeches Mr, Martinquoted Finance] Minister Fleming as saying inl the Commons he (Fleming) had no responsibility for monetary policy, 'One Should Quit' Today's Stock Market Listings on Toronto Exchang i teins 13 thahbt | - ee reads: bbb | fase ? ¥ 3p 16 WE LR "w $8 sTigY Fe.38 N FONE +1) FE i 3a lon 3 SWE TRY § NN Rr ed J SE Ventures Wa Wr Yi ' Gasper Cop LAC laims Mr. Martin said it is danger: ous for the government to have the slightest influence over mon- etary policy, but at the same time it is important to know if the government agrees with Mr, Coyne's policy of tight money, If it does not, he said, then it should go to Parliament for help or demand Mr, Coyne's resignation "Mr. Coyne's pronouncement during the last year have heen outside his jurisdiction, He has transgressed on an area which belongs to the government as #8 whole, He has treated matters of vital concern such as effect our investment position, impor: tant of foreign capital, Canadian OTTAWA (CP) --Every labor market area in Canada--except one~had a surplus of man: power in January, the labor de- partment reported Tuesday, The sole exception was Kiti- mat, B.C., where the number of workers was in approximate balance with available jobs, The manpower Feport, con: tained in the Labor Gazette is sued Tuesday, is the basis for the government's program of double depreciation for new in dustries in areas of chronic un- employment, It showed that 82 labor mar: ket areas--ineluding 11 of the 12 metropolitan areas with labor forces of more than 75,000 work: ers == had a substantial labor NET EARNINGS surplus during January, In Jan. uary, 1060, there were B2 areas with a substantial labor surplus, Seventen areas had a mod: By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bay Railway, year ended Dee, a1: 1060, $040,170; 1060, $1,380, 00h Co, Tad, year ended Dee, 81: operation). Northern Quebec Power Co (Ld. vear ended Dee, 81: $787,805, $2.57 a share; $674,160, §2.22 Praivie Gas an 1050 fi mos $48 415; Lid, 1060, 1060, $35,383 Waterous | year ended Dee (112; 1950, $125,347 TORONTO (CP)~The Equipment Ltd Algoma Central and Hudson Northern Ontario Natural Gas 1060, $887,720, (first full year of 1060, a1; 1060, $50, stock erate labor surplus, compared with 27 in 1060, The manpower situation in labor market areas across Can- ada is classified monthly in the Labor Gazette, an official pub- lication of the labor depart ment, It places each area in one of four groups, ranging from!area, Plenty Jobs At Kitimat substantial labor surplus to » lahor shortage, QUALIFY FOR RATES The government recently an: nounced a formula based on the manpower reports for pinpoint: ing areas with long-run unem- ployment, which would then Qualify on request for double depreciation rates for new in: dustries, Aim of the program is to pro: vide a tax incentive for new in: dustries to set up shop in areas where chronic unemployment has heen a problem for the last eight years, Tuesday's Gazette showed that 26 labor market areas moved from a moderate labor surplus to a substantial surplus between December and Janu: ary. Metropolitan areas with sub: stantial labor surplus in Janu: ary were Calgary, Edmonton, Halifax, H a m i 1 ton, Montreal, Quebee-Levis, 8t, John's, Nfld, Toronto, Vancouver-New West: minster, Windsor = Leamington and Winnipeg, The Ottawa = Hull area was classified as a moderate surplus JACK TURNER CITIZENS PIREGTOR OF CUSTOMER an Boies Fgh bow p.m CW gn Bales 'Uranium Seen Steel Alloy OFTAWA (CF) ~~ Dr. Johm of wiemiom (6 see will improve Convey, Mrector of the federal Ms strength, We resistance (9 ! ie "8A a BIAHLY 19 with the expects that within twe srisend Wh 1empertnes theese yesis wamam. will Ligtier quality was of value Wn weed as an alloy In Canadian the construction of jet mreraft steri production a : Research om RoRMUCIERE uses Pr. Convey made the sate coecial 197 waminm has heen speeded as {ment in FEPOFIIRg 19 the special 9 6 of the lows Of Canada' Eo eh, oe oe ut partment in (nding ROR-PRCIERT the mites lises for Canadian WIRmem, Soups, hl He said the stee) Industry now| rarer WIA is cooperating With Wis depart Tracts © ment in reserrch on methods 9 in an effort o keep » lorge ' id 3 oe WHA 08 90 part of the CARRGIAn Wamu "his work looks hopeful," he id igi are said, "Within the next We OF cooirbed until the end of , Ithree years we expect the Te "4s posed by thet time | swits of our work 19 he proved," He wm wv wow we Te Te " 3 LE : 3 seygetaranel ha haa ia) sepeepesliveginge erbede. ite itis itera ie leit is tennis he nsi § sspoeyenylanclege wi ia tg wh 134 Lod wa van ia "a 2 WY Kh " id Lid " T% 5 9h w Ww ow 145 15 1% 12% 1204 12% fl # ih A /L 124 5 8 Ls] wa wn # TH ad ie Am Hers Bear wh ww om SIA, BRITISH TRAWLER "h BOURNEM 0 UT H, England € wramiuem will he req Dr. Convey rise Wis Be ome as a partment is experimenting inl | as an alloy alloy least irom "The results of this work is being watched carefully and for The mines department and In Elliot the steel industry, he said, pow, SUDBURY (CP)~'The assets have reached the point where the Elliot Lake Standard, Dr. Convey was asked whe and the weekly will resume pub- ther he could forecast thetication March 16 amount of uranivm thet might! The paper had heen i» t arch succeeds an associate of Joseph Hirsh |e il 4 4 horn, whe developed the uran- | Dr. Convey said the addition a pn camp, | ' 'uesday The Standard will be (CP)~"Thieves stale 2.400 yards published Thursdays in Elliot resources and such fiscal and of sausage skins from a factory| fake and will have its own iden Announcing at last I } the use of WIanIm B§ AR {fuel for atomic powe i. lin five nonderious metals--ecop- : the most part the research is encouraging." they are considering the use of W hich suspended publication uranium as an alloy in one of Dee. 15, have heen aequired hy e HSE f s an alloy in lished hy the Bault-Ao-Sy Oe nid t was tos early o| Press Limited, owned by Sieve i, Meakes, publisher of the Sudbury Star whe will slse he financial matters as debt man- in this Hampshire seaside wid Ly and editorial policies, Editor agement," The hooty was worth £240, 'wili be Adrian ennedy Him! per, aluminum, lead, nine and 'Newspaper USE AS AN ALLOY two experimental applications, | Thomson Newspapers Iimited make such a forecast but added] Kay of Toronto and Elliot Lake, blisher of the Standard, said hii i) TORY OFFER BUY ONE QUART FOR 17¢...GET ONE FREE Now in aluminum foil package. Crystallized milk with 8% BUTTERFAT MIL-KO 8 now brings you exactly what you have been looking for----the cons venience of packaged milk with Fresh drinking flaver, It has taken years of research to develop a process that would leave 8% butterfat for a rich milk flavor, yet keep in a small spaces seving package in your refrigerator, MIL-KO 8 is not a powered skim milk, It is @ scientifically dehydrated erys- tailline form of milk containing 8% butterfat.and all the nutrients of the whale milk fram which is was predues ed, You simply mix it with warm water to assure the re-emulsification of the butterfat, then chill and serve--you can't tell the difference ! MIL-KO 8 saves refrigerator space toe! Apart from ene-quart container of mixed, ready-to-use MIL-KO8, you can actually keep a dozen envelopes of MIL-KO 8 in the space normally eceupied by a single quart of milk! HERE'S WHAT YOU SAVE BY USING VIII IKO) &3 Fram the Melntyre mine it.[ market closed ane point short of an all-time 'high for industrials on the exchange index during moderate trade Tuesday, No danger of éver run» ning short 'when you use economical Mile 6000 ol ' ¢ NEW MIKO 8 | Buy One Get One Free MR, GROCER, THIS COUPON 18 REDEEMABLE FOR 17¢ PLUS HANDLING CHARGE ACCORDING TO THE TERMS OF THE SALE, This coupon is good until April 1st, 1961, men, or from Box @95, Hamilton stock, were Canadian residents, | and 65 per cent were vesidents self, peak production value was in the United States, uall {$9,452,401 in he year ending "This situation has gradually|March 31, 1041, compared with ! Vi a and for some years(§7.427,070 in the year ending wn Jodustrials stood a now about 54 per cent of share:| Dee, 31, 1060 | a, we a, A ralds gained holders have been Canadian, The Melntyre mine was or 1 ho i? 8 a se Metals holding about 64 per cent of the iginally staked in 1900 by Alex Tore 3 LR Lf B a ne wv igh stock, the remainder being held ander (Sandy) Melntyre, a pros. for x pi A Henle m oils ad- 15 per cent by British and Eur-|pector, | vane oy ; Jl Ww em opean and 21 per cent by US| The company was formed on, The ina ve ile Was 3.401 000 shareholders," March 16, 1811, by Albert Free. shares compare with 2,108, At year - end, shaveholdersiman, New York financier, and| traded Manday Yanada. We numbered 4,606, an increase ofl associates | hie ( QIpANY of { atada bic 18 per cent since a three-for-one| Shares held at a year-end by, 9 f he) 2 . Friee ro hers e stock split in December, 1059. |Molntyre in other companies| at 3 Pawer Corpora ion In its G0 years, the report says|{than Ventures as listed in the and St, Lawrenoe Jarporation the McIntyre mine has created] peport include: each lost 4 ATRus Carparation $268,000,000 in new wealth and Abitibi Power and Paper Co. |Was oft § to 36% ; ad starting in 1917, has paid fts{pid, 6,000; Algoma Steel Cor) Ash e8ios Corporalion shareholders $75,177,000 in divi: poration Ltd, 354,300; Asbestos vanced 9 at 27%, as dig : itibi ends, Corporation Lid, 5,000; Bank oft 10% Weston A rose ane point Molntyre now holds large in: Montreal 12,825; Rell Telephone u ya, and Algoma jumped 3§ sestments in other companies. Company of Canada 131,304; [At 464 i : i The value of its investments in company Bank of Commerce| In gold trading, jasues Were listed shares of these companies|3 600; Consolidated Mining and quiet with no major ( Anges is shown on its balance shegt al|Smelling Company of Canada, taking place, Glant-Yellow Hy $48,411,770, but with a quoted iid, 9000; Consolidated Paper had the hest gain, up % to o market value in 1960 of $78,719: Corporation Lid, 12,500; Dome followed hy Kerr Addison, up 1 a2 Mines Lid. 24.500; Dominion/t® 1% ON WALLPAPER These include 700.000 shares, Textile Co. Lid, 2,000; Interna Lacking other paper, Fleury or more than a quarter owner tional Nickel Company of Can: Macmillan, Rloedel and Pawel Mesplet printed Canada's first/ship, of Ventures 1d, which, | ada, Lid, 200,000; Mattagami|River Lid., 18.000; Price Broth book in Montreal in 1776 oniin turn, has large and wide Lake Mines Lid, LOR: ors and Co, Lid, 6,000; wallpaper, interests In other mining com-{Moore Corporation Lid, 18, : | Company of Canada Ltd, 33,332, onions, cooking per 50. pound bag, Spanish 44.25; pears American 5.50; parsnips, une washed 1-1.25 a bushel, washed 1.50-1.78; spinach, washed 185 per 10:pound basket; rhubarb, No, 1, 190:3, No, 2, .90:1,00; tomatoes, cello 1.75:1.90; turnips unwaxed 1, waxed 1.251385 pineapples, Cuban 24s 2.75-2.85, cantaloupes 12.50-13.50, TORONTO (CP) == Churning cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today, The egg market was quiet with offerings light for a light demand Country dealers are quoted by the federal department of agri: eulture on Canada grade eggs, delivered Taranto, in fibre eases: A large 35; A medium 34; A small 3%; B and C grades) no market Butter prices: Canada, first grade: Ontario tenderable @4, non-tenderable 63%, in light trading: western 63 (nominal), RELATIONS SAYS: NEE FE Eee BETES 3 \ "This season we suggest quick cASH from CITIZENS" *Thinking of gifts to buy, holiday expenses , , , and wondering how you will meet the costs? As a Citizens budget counsellor travelling throughout Ontario, I meet many who are worried about holiday bills, I'm pleased to recommend the friendly, convenient Citizens loan service, Call today, see how quickly Citizens arranges 16ans of $50 to $2500, at terms to suit you best," v Whitby Plaza, Whithy, MO 8-5821 hey Ii 10 5 PM Mon thru Thurs 9 AM to 8 PM Fri Loans made in Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering and all nearby towns 4 Grocers can redeem coupons from sales. |] Rt Ti & HRaNce Loan Offices in all Principal Cities Steel (f 's-- RRA A A

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