Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 15 Mar 1961, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 18, 198) Coll The Direct ied Mumbes RA 3.3492 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [A4A--APHY, §& Hon L444 IED AD RATES iN poss wr lew Com Forge EW Ae UNLISTED NUMBERS MEAT MARKET TERIA r err Designs i oh eg otis 4 por wi FE Yen ids 6 Cohistt CER TAY, 8/8 413 i ret pod win 7 days Bw Craige ote wil seit 7 FRGIR BRIE AR ash BAS brignt # wh { Wishes WA REY prise EQUNTRY spartemept. Ions 1mss, se pile enlpaing VE, seid CHE FREE ReS ol add Trew one 1isies IH) Ph Lew, IaReTh 16 IRATE nak adds £ 5 Vdias SV #E, Revih Bering rane BA SAHT4 Aosty 9 At agri ery aa B de 16 crngr Gis TERE C DRY GOODS pp 31-7827 ANN'S FABRIC SHOP BYRON WE 272 PLEBERT FREEZER OR FECIALTY HIER, B-I47) BERMIE'S APPLIANCE SERVICE SIME tory oA for P //&stinghon RA 5-1179 F YOU ARE OPENING A NEW BUSINESS YOUR SHARE THE PROFITS YOu) ir i id fas Te lal od SL ld figap cowie 68 # Bon chips 1he aaationg! Cigantied AG RIVER RIAN IE $ 5d 5 vor wer 4 ' when we ey Hy Firat i oF EHR Ba bibs woe ATER, FEE SEPIA He THR RAF VERE WiRGE Twill 4 SERA R WORTH (Res) is ized be Hoffg rR ' E£152 Gig [34 £ 4h io Tho rom Thirg 1k sleet ' Ev ipsiairs Fpl, #4 iroind fom A ad sion. BA ERR PRIORI Apgitimept EES of Serng print, Ga eit CE 'A Room & Boord dL ana hi FIRE TH wales pied, Wh #4 Balawis Ld pig is od a rn Vh # i # es rd Hw AVEBIE pe as ead a FI = fr ladies iE PIRE BA #6 FEE new G¢ Besoiding 18 ed £4 A ir wey advertise "i f ROOM #1 £1 RE BA SI GET £ , " Honw BERE NAWHTOWY SHES £A BREET I 2nd be EES Genes a Ir f iy # #0 ' PHO! THE v1! 1] GM NEW BUSIN Unlisted Numbers BOOM gr nk iF BOOM ard hopid Io Ihab di FOR BENT wo Eenliemen, fin fram Sligpl BATH ¥ FEENCH 198 iREhkg werk. Parking iA BARS £ Bins sched packed Ie pcaled we wiki i Apity Telephone RA MARBIEN man Aesly ily ezperienced. A Winery, 108 Airy ork as helper ny Brookiin " ¥ wi NEW 57066 nepr Hos sielw V7--~Wemen's Column SPENCER foundstion Esrments vidug designed. Alsi Bpise Islerec corsetier Mis Hen U4 Aamirsl Road BFPECIALE cpl +44 anents MW % ie AVehis Ind! w eE Linders er ohal MAN BRYLBILE Eire PRIVATE party WEEE = BRATION AWE irks flshaw A2--Btore Spoce ond Gorages off o / work idered desires Fuck whe BA BE "one Fi $80, heat Hairdressing Waves Page BAS 1] WER sal Avail hie Apr brick upg ins Will pay 7 side hep Telephone oF Wi #5 5 19--Personsl WF YOU dnick you want ts nop Write FOO Box 54 EL ECTROLYSIS AVAILABLE wl I 1siness that's your bu that Is our White one MII B38 IMORERN two Heino on pu private olfice #5 hed is BHR HA STORE for ren ¢ Blas UNFURNISHED Ble hres Bnd entrance hie Wh, 34488, OFFICE OR STORE SPACE FOR RENT 13! art hath Park paid, hes Ll ple aval 1d L103 WikK J] ieaner waned . ¥ BA 8 ov 36--Female y Help Wanted RELIABLE elderly lad for old gentleman Telephone RA 8.075 FULL or PART TIME Several territe women are having a goed steas I income Experience unnecessa Ay sells itself. Call LE 6-06%7 £ immedigiely (TT --ale Help Wanted |ESTABLISHED Watkins' route | ¥ile Tull oF part time. Students ac od, future unlimited, earn #2 per [oF more. Telephone RA 8.238% JOIN » progressive fem that will pro: | vide a real security, Wonderful oppor For Sale {tunity for salesmen Big cash profits cH dally, Sell household necessities, cos #10 FN Ws DOWN. Tat er collage | metics, No experience needed . Write enmplete with lof. Lowest terms 18 Can: | for free catalogue and details Faimlies ada. Pilts' hundreds of satisfied pur: | Products, Dept. #, 1600 Delors chasers and years of s¥petience are | Montreal, P.Q URFARL 0 1 satisfaction Voir Ehatee of nundreds of lots macy [WERE 18 vous opportunity. Good Raw with lovely beaches, prieed from gion [16140 Husiness now avadlable in fahawa and Durham Coun rite Rawleigh UR: low as 810 dawn and $10 menthly lept, C-310-8828, 4005 Riehelien, Mont Fat complete with 8 brand new family dd CLEANING SERVICE MAN ih # 850 down payment and hal 30 monthly plus interest © We | (PART-TIME 4 HOURS DAILY) ® YOu heat Because we ale the arl ar of this law payment plan | and own outright hundreds of vaca tion properties on Ontario's best lakes Department of National Defence, Army, Oshawa Armoury and Airport Oshawa, Ontario VETS es of Taranto I $1,425 I5--Pets « ond Livestock FOR sale re halred ter ries, ih AA "oud Mo ar 1H] BEAUTIFUL baby hudgles ready training, talking siren. Apply Broad, 114 Elgin Street East CANADIAN herd, two 23 CELINA MODERN OFFICE SPACE $90 TELEPHONE B-B3iRé OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT elevator service Centrally lo wntewn Area Leases now for housekesp fax ea Wie DUPLEX $105 ng, | Champlon German Shep eis Old, Owns trophies and fast prize in Bportewien's Show Best offer, RA 34034 26---Farmer's Column EARGE quantity of Kay ond giraw Telephone HA 54008 phen farm stock picked up promptly § end up a. 4 | i spa ing § Dede MO amily LU Tiled Jphoards, tehen th [ ng pr ale garde Ie Felrigerater TY Ist Mi fe Is of ¢ hone collect, Hampton, COWNs 3.370) argwill Fur Farm, Typong, T.1e, 118 WATER walter far cigterng ells, delivered any where, $5 for 1,000 gals Special rates en request for larger amounts 8:4771 Summer Properties wh niere washer parking Call sove on antenneg pe Lahae, 549 RA B-O867 dryer April Mrs Brive ONE MONTH FREE RENT d tw bed apartments, $85 ar Best locatic Phane RA B-B&76 Modern 2-Bedroom _ APARTMENT and ailable Passenger 18h New building cated de Me rent lget Lansdowne Purified d f rate lable THE TIMES BUILDING WON | Phone RA 3, 3474 rn Far Rent $56 MONTHLY four |hath, near Shopping sel eleptiie stove, aerial with va ler, venetian blinds, floor eaverings, spape healer and two oll dreams, Tele: | RA B-0828 | | | | gn ane 4 | three plece | bus and moms Centre ls vast dry Phin Five Blige nanthl RA 3.4461 Six ridge Al 248 Bloor A furnace, S80 I. Telephone pam bungalow ast, garage, ¢ Possession i Sturgeon AL Monkbee Note retire and Kec Dalrymple Jahn Fenelon and many others & are aultanle for and served by bus rasds accessible LER} lots on Goavermment Ap sieved Plans. We alse build id cottages far indi erplal awners anywhey 0 and supply finane: | Ing. See us at the Spartsmen's Shaw in| Tavanta, Mareh 10 ta 18 8 for | | house ta reliable ten basement aeeupied, | asl or telephone RA | PHONE RA B-6286 3D HYMAN | REAL ESTATE 19 Pris Strest TWO BEDROOM APARTMENTS cation. New build without legsse LLOYD REALTY RA 8-5123 PARKWOOD MODERN SELF-CONTAINED APARTMENT ERY {TRAIL $68 PER MONTH TELEPHONE 5433 or RA em y 74 man Aj 87 Bic RI FOR RENT house, In Oshaw childien welear Apply th BIN - roam bw Sireet all heated available April ment train round. all proved Reg de luxe viduals food am brik | sehoals, POSES Fash, | immediate Bun das Street we sing 146 ce starey house an Gikhg all conveniences Phong HA 35638 Immaculate belek nung: | large lot, $85 amonth, | hungalow new | 1 I moderate | felephane Mrs. Welnher | 1.9844." Weinberger Real Bb | Pitts Homes and Collages PO Hox 333, Cobourg, Onl phane Tapento AM 7-3474, day oF nigh \ alary oF 1 ul rem at pplicatic Hsp! me qualifi re ane waned | hick Telephone or and br nai sters nal P re ee P Nati Must RA Empl tf Oitice MARCH " used 1854 alter WANTED AF IRON, POULTRY FEATHER TICKS I. TURNER 31-2043 RA 3-3374 lect muskrat f pm ANTERD 300 Telephone HA § raps bet 4d aom Hu all canyeniences, | $100 monthly, Tele: | between 8 am. tal ear aid bedroamns April | ERLE seven [ thyee [available phone RA [ [44A--Apts, & Flan For Rent se contained and p Commis Aven Ontarie Ea , : a ANI antag 7 38--Male or Female Help Wanted oar female, experience d fr daly wiring Write Box 841, Oshawa Ties immediate RA 5.30% Taam remodelien privale sntranee dle aged APARTMENTS AVENUE 57 RA MONERN wa hath, nee £38108 eam heavy | ground | Tele: | TONE Riess rivata ent MALE k workers MALE mission anly Times pve! s ar female, to sell furs an com. |Phene Write to Boy 08, Oshawa | ywa SHAW : AUTO WRECKING CO Wan for metals Satird RA § 1 1CASH FOR SCRAP!) AF BUY BATTE Apartmen P healed, bath, semi. | PATRIng. Mid Telephone | new: | RA § 5.2267 des a dou anent the A have ean ie Basis helieve strongly and willing 'a then Phone y A strong an AB Parts and Open Niecking : ' cokple 195 ght Phone 2311 89 BLOOR ¢ on One and Two Bedroom APARTMENTS LA SALLE COURT PHONE RA 5.3815 or RA 8.64415 in SOK aur aol ow RIE} eC i § far he MO TRAMPOLINE fu Man Rox Centres reg § MER Ar Wawel Salary and pammission Times _ ON a SAGUENAY PARK & STRICT part ty ers 41 ONE Oshawa RI Ki --Room & Board omen noat central STES ME Af Al E pen A GREENBERG ¢ a WTR 108 Bicor wial street ments autiet, NO BRI AN SONS a TWO BE APARTMEN tignal Ro RA 3 ROOM and board 1a South Gen: | eral Molars. Home cooked meals, pleaty a walter. Parking. Telephone KA 3--Auction Sales PRT AUCTION SALE PETER FYFE'S IMPORTED ANTIQ ES | Pe ¥ hed M laundry and LR RA Ves, frapes Rent elas F333 od Ff € \ Wilson Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5.6588 FOR SALE OR RENT $150.00 PER MONT tive hat wring Phe these | ARMOURIES ORONO, ONT. 5 MILES NORTH OF NEWCASTLE SALE SATURDAY, MARCH ALT A AY MAJ AA 3-1 pm FR I Fi ' LA LAR sell Ww ea acent t¢ Brookside Ac posses res ® 5 Bldg nN Catalogues A or Further Informant ra BRUCK INIDER, Avstionas--Tu, 'Ocane 'e . ad 85. Imvmed age on, § (private line | ba? 8 rid Spectment Hoes » ab 7 Sving Bre amenel, Hvis fh WRTRIRERERE, BEFRI RIE ERRTIRER, 14k + apt iis d Ae WEsy ER TZ Wen 8, Hur mipwies Coiner HA EOURLADLS & Flors AAA APY as ARG ad net, 4 le asad by Wh 4m [hedid aR pith yr Basins ya. _ (7 . yy Lek pats 5% "an daca WL ible Bahonmis BR iiy & GRRE. BYE Ee VE YW hah AVAIL ARIE Sik £4 f IER ELARE, Bi Zi Rian Bs FEE #4 Bi 49% £ wad, ¥ BA BI0I%. roaming FRILL ER Ha 5 ith wr Wlicres Fi [a Elgar alan Haye bis. Ayailamie Api ad #54 FkE Fri, Eb iaa2 TT BREE by welenive, TY Bh 3 privaie side Ave {ik ad ir Wes FAMFNET ARLE ie Ppp / Baki Pri Re ERE s Wh ni A MOREE NH Hk EAI BERE NE, IRIFgerd BL Fark Bap 7% ad HORERY Thies ond AY ER FURNISHED BER fro Yad FH Pere ah vie Ege £8 1H dadaan d Vy 1a AAP, & Flots or Rent IE yr TARE LAM ounce, eth, BY pet oo RA BT Wants; Ri, WHET a od ad FWA speriiments tn Wine Pak ioe pray iw, BE BW vi w Te mine Lith shih RiphPr Jaw, 0. Evibbe we y od ian ELE ETRE BW He # Win wr NEWLY Aeswinish, iee ps ith ARE, PRUNE ERITREA RE. avEiaiie why Bim (7 add WF posh y rd MBIA es bith tf £05 LLL E ye IRELE FEIME # GH fiz FEW TREEE ern SERS KITE bE EAE WE laches. BA ERbi FHEYF pe hiiik Bhi 8% pick BURL alah SEH BER Brciiplah, sichek, # Api Bo biok Bink ew Ly WISE TREER Fismny i. BA bbe wh FH HABE LR i Hii RA As FONTAINER ry ie fi Vi Fiddle hi We # : a on pRIEINE 77 od floors Avplighie May Lipase ineni Li. pERitIneis. WBE mani y pr mE 6 hi $x a oc & homies Wn wae oF Fes THON BRA imiik Bh RTE ee lorie WriaiRe Yo) FEE PETE ERAT BEAR REFHTRIRR, Wo Eesiient, oi a a ha leo Is * OFFICE MOURS BAM oS PM, MOWOAY 19 SATURBAY 76 1% AAR --HRsoms For Bam S5--Asal Saints lor Sole a Boa Third pres aE rib hin Khistpok fnf. WEEE, BRTEAISHE THEIR. (4 seit dad Rr Bi 4s woe Bee 0 had oo i Rent FRR ll LTR AR BR, ory dito doe 4 Wiwidg é hikari vol hk ww £ ow yo ys bdataad isn Fort rimie # eke iad I ARGH yh al #454. £14k Bs ARETY imepmn fb pena. Apply Wh § FH BYERS FIVE Hes maha k spin au Bani pn tpm Chatatancs SEE de ol td I ad ata as res. cad gad . ¢ tJ phen wiinel, W us TO RENT APPROX MATELY ACRES OF ar LAND obi ih ¥. AW #ETE al iy he EE £ Ly Se FORE - sips sidilimamt fon Kosi, Mave ET i, Ba Ari Teche Be L074 / FRER ARRITINERE, BRIRER, FR J Reso pien, prose. IB lovey woh f wimias 1h Rane. Tre URAL fiw BiiThar Ww FSF URE IE RE Hid Fine ada (134 A tu gat % / pms sew ho 4h Bh FERRIER ERITGIS . E Day ET pres: Sant aud »" RET : poy 73 Kas #5 hs £4 4a Ch caputendt ¥x dal froth » vir oe ant grad nd A il # £ hank Api kay JERR THREE J Rh Th 4 FRO RRELGRRE #4 LLEIAR § Lh Lithabaf BEES Ik hh Fein ons yas 5 # id ' pra 4 ai | LTS i we sak, wae a RL METS ERY Very sonia and * i ay Lapie Blige Nas iar ERE By ME, RTERE pid SAA yao " > Bigri Aven : Ly agg * Pe aad a ' " rad ghd $9776 or BA 27 wiite BOK 637 pray r TimELE DO YOU PLAN TO BUILD A HOME ? wi of Gi the worries, Crp IBIVES i iiGer NE Of Your own lot KAN Cehers r€ RET IG # for your the MHA nome of yor the builder of ee the JUDAR Legar Yolley coll onys A. JUDAF SENECA £7 ie hi da IWEEF k4 Ewirk Bs Byala REAR brash kEW wes DOE [i misiiad im ad yada oa ® sertiemes ERIAERS hk as. Irises Bh MINGLE ok ol Liihack ser Bed of Fapt. EA * Gidpiid Bayiak i947 pig WEY Aecnipiad we ia Biss i i ra v8 Hop £45 or ; wn A OVE BLLEE o aid ld ANE with # MER ER [ia FELLER De we KA BOG pr Ei a parking and ped Sbing room| FER 20 cad RL FIEL # 148 --Rooms F bor Rent 5H ATTRALCTIVEL SHED ROOMS ' 204 4 ge £7 me LG HRY hice Letter i HONE HES hie 68 Real Estate For Sale CORNER 4 u LARGE " BL he Blech furnished $s sot 37460 or 183 E8404 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants HE NEWAR wilson shaw. Ropaid fr. Edmond Bure BOB FLANEY'S Reryice. Lon #4 HA HOPKIN ie Bn TBO { 8 i (] Lhe Oates YALE, and I dios ensed ju sire Bankrupt Bireet East, Oshawe: R Frigdiandes, B. Comm, CF ManTEITH MONTEITH, BRIEF LY phd hartered Accouplants, BA 14097 Korth A £ 3-08 |Articles for Rent TELEVISION SETS HUMIDIFIER DEHUMIDIFIER RECORD PLAYE RADIOS & SU MEAGHER® § KING STREET RA 3-3425 ILAMPS WEST SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOR SALE | | Ph | rey Vor Fr NT 8 Weslern |lamallve paris | King Stree! West | "Five peivice [108K 4, und Na Tire and { 14; Barrisiey 1] King NHA amd CAMERON Huh private Barristers Slmene Streel Residence HA 5.3068; Ter PA, BCL, RA §:5843 BA, and THOMAS ® Rairisters and Sail [arEEn Kell tars, ele HA fsreer {eng V. Kelly RALPH JONES GREER, Associate eltars, 130 Wing Stree! East Martgage luans available THOMAS M. RUNBLE, harrisier, gitar and antary public f Ki Street East, Phone RA 81760 AMES A MachNALR, BA, LLB Rarelster and Saligitor and Notary Pub He. The Commercial Building, 36 King | West, Oshawa, Ontarle. Client parking available RUSSELL § Harpister and Kash, Oshawa EIGHTON and | anuth he 34878 8 ® wall nel MURPHY, BA, LLB Saligltar, § King Sires! Ontaria, KA #3071 ( FRASER, NRYNAN and MURDOCH, Rairisters, Solleitars tary Publle, Bank of Commerce Ridg 3 Simons Street North, RA 33446; 1. K Creighton, BC N. © Fraser, QC 6G, K neynan, 6G. 1. Murdoch. NEHA mont HARES Arranged DONALD BLAKE {and 8 alleltor Barrister | Hast esl nanns Ring Steet RA 4.3300 MANNING F.ASWARTE Rarvsier Salieiar, Notary. Money ta loan. Asse Ree V oMagkey, BA, Heavy Bh WW King Sirest Fast HA Residences. Dial KA 5.4088 ie LN) in Mane {King Street Eas MANGAN. O06. Rarvlster i [Reside nee, KA A340 nas Office 14) {ROWMAN, DAVID § a Oshawa RA Asse Salle! imens Saulh Resi {dence RA Basi | MeemnaN and PASTE INO Barristers Rolle tars. Clients' funds avaliable for S90 Simeps Sireet Nath Cha Moti wl Barrister ¥ 3s 8 Aah RTT RA 30408 Edgar § WEMPHEEYS, Ho Harvisters Salle ¢ } Hasie i and HW i" ny # ' He ivi HA \AY 0 Tin BA, WA Street Bast. | Hea, HA phreys, S¢ |Hilman. GLK {Phares Oil i " § FRIEDEANRER WUNTER 3pa ats A ot Salle! | Street | Sallgl phones hig {women NRE SSMARING Building Trades x ed Free FEOF ¥ £8 Dusiness ORF low cast heating 0 ana 801 sippiie Star rT 1] #1, Harold heating Bliget BOO¥ING Ain g ee £slhi CERAM rales ERpIre $i Eads, ne [ ¥ i tile pid eRBInah Busrabised tL Fires PIECES of hardwe ¢ #403 LL Work I" PLASTERING free eplimples, Telephone RA ALL types bullding reupiie eavestiough, shimneys, Hrepiaces, \Waiks, #loops, BA B-D364, Gideon May HOME wners Roofing, ee ERLEONEhIng inglation, 4 Whithy, MO Harpe: WATER proofing, plastering, painting, "paper oid. repairs. RA TED VEENHOF WELL DIGGING outs and deepens OMPRESSOR WORK RA B-3864 IMPROVEMENT SERVICE reme and § B33 gan 0 HOME delled far nome IWEMEnts dang Beaver From the estimating 19 jel, vou deal Beaver. Budget Call Beaver 56818 our npr +] and the Ng finished With arranged MO 8 | an terms Lum IN THE COUNTRY? BOATHOUSE? GARDEN WALL? REMODELLING OR SMALL CALL AJAX THAT ALL RA 8-5103 KING STREET OSHAWA AJAX REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION LTD Cartage FOHUN'S Moving and Harte, Osha ki Whithy Reasonable rale Ful euuipned and insured. ro HA 83661 ROOTIAN for fast depend able #3014, No Job ton LSE 4 A NICE RERAIF | OR AGE RA B-6346. | 116 EASY Cartage, servis. RA ar a small Dressmaking ALTERATIONS of all Kinds far men, and ehildren. Farmal dpesses Reversible skits a specially. RA §-3406. NRESSMARING and aliorations on] ehildren's and ladies' wear, reasanahle | pipe. HA 8.8068 MINOR alterating on children's and Indies' wear. 483 Albert Street (iarmey ly of Bimgrave and Fark Road.) ALTERATIONS of all Kinds far wamen and ehildren Farmal ay Heversinle skivis--a pecially. § fadias' of me I and all i ven's wear, aliaraiions winds Te rhine RA ALLL U) FURRIER DRESSMAKER na Altgrat 4, Ne LOW PRICES 22 ROWE ST RA 8.6704 deling S400 or Whithy ney ia MO S37610 RA 5500 nan TAMERS BA. Barrister, salle) Simeone Stiesl Nath Residence RA S088 Oitlen LL) 3 Yu [Bookkeeping L. SCHAPELHOUMAN COMPLETE BOOK EEPING CE. INCOME TAX RETURY 686 OSLER STREET RA 5-9953 [Building Trades ALY TYPES W nates RiP RA 38 pobob ROOMS (led of aliarations BA BTM Ahinets hull, al Ne Bh Wo snail Food Freeser Services stop ANY he finest food All Ww ks ang and in dil na 8s light prices. Mind quarters et wiapped, 33¢ Ib, fronts Ih We have specially des HOMARKET home from 294 00 No fetime warranty. A 1s 4 42 vianed trecten fepasit, | OMARKE bine West Whitt 8.4630 Richard Mavesk RA 3.7468 ) EIVicEs Bik FIE » Pipraniess rewind A Fuel ond Wood informs #lugeo Susranieed eer Furniture Repair a6 FURNITURF siding REINER (SOMEONE 4550 roaling, Banging snd house bein Maortg Mortgages Hy of FIRS) vy ied. % Food Freexer Services FER Rug--Upholstery Service mortgages prrang UFHOLBTERY at My Ait (PY Binke:, specialize Ir MA re-modelisd, § second mort Lady leis Friveis LILLE E Thur duly finest I WEEK BOSUIRE nd pei BLE BI ond te best for loss W, BEBE Igsg, 1e-coveiel, Fine sptimaion, 5 [7 fesbinpel B [pales BA 5-304 SEGERS RUG AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS Clear Prices 3-7 4ABR CHROME CHAIRS RECOVERED FROM 3.75 UP Expert Workmanship OSHAWA AUTO TRIM 63 BOND ST. WEST RA 5.8047 RUGS 4 CHESTERFIEL Ds CLEANED Professional Cleaning Home or Plant Members of the Nations! Instituet of Rug Cleaning NU-WAY RA B-468) |Surveyon 7 6. ¥. HORTON and Associates, On tevin Land Surveyors, Professions! Em Elneering, 306 Dundas Street West Whithy, MO 55081 Ales 78 DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMAN, Op teria Land Burveyer, commercial bi Vd printing, 18 Bloor Sirest Eps | $6638 Hy FILIM AND TROLLAPE, and Burveyars, Ri6 Adelaide East. Phone BA 5-6881 TV - Radio Reppin TY, RADIO makes Tham [Hott Avenue nk mw sopping three » iim Bags 197 mapthly AVAILABLE f food Bur : (1) 7) i MORTGAGES thal hE flr § FOUL RE Eon VIMAR No 0h Professions! Lower RA w Wiad ng of RA 5 6544 BOI AHOOD Kegliar Morigage ocianiaor MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET ALLIED INVESTMENTS COMPANY Bl KING 87 RA 3:39%3 Member Ontarie Mertgags Brokers Association hetier piles BLT Weslinghou B pind weak n we A Brokers | ney BEES, losd fur Inige hardwood ends, suitable for slaves, lireplaces, ele. $0 ered Fh ie HA § ) de } 0 2 eneh chip Tepe polishing Toren one| h 7 | Hpiahing | RA 4358 | | with cash Wants ypur na langer-yned TUrnishings Find bim ta day with sn IRex pensive Classified Ad Gerdening and Supplies DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Sand Nursing Servie INDIVIDUALIZED Shoughitul eae oy each person in Bunnybrde of Oshaws ¥ upervised. Inquiries invited. KA Fill al al ------ |Optametrists \¥ BICHARD BLACK Nectar Optometry the examination of eyes, RA 5.5279 contact lenses, 136 Simos Nast SHAWA ! : oF o> | LQINGTH 5 ni [HOME LANDSCAPING iA sali = ree Br Aepoibtw Fruning ef fruit tress IMURKAR, NEIL ¢ mamentals, tree surges Bulle 4, The Dundas Bldg emo Experi | West, Whithy, MO 8.3671 tear H. TUECK, KN RA 8-6366 wim i Buk EXPERT PRUNING SERVICE Thinning and RO, aptometrist, 06 Dundas Closed Wed. Ontarie Avenue and al wark guar [} optometrist, Flepse downtown Dominion reel Inyalids o¥ Rial RA S:4087 [Painting and Decorating IPHOFESSIONAL painter and Rapes NANEer, Buaraniesd work apd ale ree estimates, Al Caney | [1 amined » chr Fie repair RAH Flectronicy A 46703 (Fred) ho SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT I PAY OR NIGHT! IV. and RADIO CALL RA B8-5286 All Wark Guarantesd OSHAWA ELECTRONICS PO IT NOW Install heavy Spalding Tower in 3:11. by 4:ft, gen crete base, with Crown rater and Tage antenna, plus channel ¥ trap ON TIME IF YOU PREFER EXPERT TELEVISION SERVICE, Len and Lou's City T.V, FREE SURVEY RA 5.7844 [RT DODD & SOUTER I TINK DECORATING CONTRACTORS Faperhanging wall Murals, £ ' 1] Fruit $ apir ¥ and Ornamental Tree Van Belle MA 3.5757 Be ' a0 dens NMANVILE n Ne 2 BAI i niles ting rull Painting BYRON ST, §., WHITBY DAYS MO 8-523) NIGHTS RA & 426 tk Personal Service PETER PAN Day R30 ta 4.90 B40 | | pet | Instruetion PRIVATE 16 years Act Baw GQyple Spra | student eounselier hy Interview anly teacher expRiience RA 5.1044 LILLIAN MAE MAKSH, dance tar, dancing school, ballet, tap derahatic, pre-sohoal, eharacter Ii Balupda Masonie Temple | silica Blo | 3 HARVEY DRANUE AUANEMY Halon | Tan, Royal Academy, Ralletl, Highiang LL ALLL now, £34 King West, RA 5.6182 EARN tg dance | Balla dances phone HA 84380 Insurance ALISTATE Aula Insurance. Save to 30 per cent, six months ta pay PATRON service al hams tA LEAL 'Millinery LADIES! Have mateh your aut {oleaned and hincked Phone RA 5 Y Wi i Maney to Loan WAVE <oliepis' monies avaliable {#0 loans an flesh and second mortgages and alse purchase of mortgages and |aEveemants af sale. Louis 8 Hyman, | | 8 3 King Steel Bash, Oshawa, RA all or halt. | Nursery RA | 81 Simeone North expert instruction Fair appointment I tele TRY OUR BAR-B-QUED CHICKEN chigken fish and hat dogs Chicken plate, half with frenegh fries chips, hamburgs milk shakes MODERN VE DELIVEF SHIRT LAUNDERERS ZIPPERS REPLACED Warten or 2 garments pockets renewed mplete stock af hyttens GILLARDS CLEANIT SERVICE RA 5.3558 Wh | Far | your ell (SLAIN RA 5 388 GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW Use a CHANNELMASTER ANTENNA attached 10 a STARLIGHT TOWER and you'll have the best GET THAT CLEAR PICTURE NOW! Use a new aluminized picture tube installed by expert technicians, and you'll ha the finest, Madest prices call us for service T.R1.O. TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST RA 8.6478) SAMSON T.V. TOWERS RA 8.8180 OSHAWA T.V, 361 GIBBONS ST, NOW | | DAY AND NIGHT TV SERVICE PLUS SUNDAYS amplete Tube Test LEN & LOU'S TV RA 3.7844 or RA 8.5804 n hats logs aur Rats made far Fasier Modeiatle p Cults and LTB AW i 10 five thousand [warthwhile purpose. lowest {servige. Seaboard Finanes oo Street Souih. KA S683 MONEY TO LOAN Monies to gages; fo a Plumbing Heating TASH PLUMBING and heating plpen. . fi MW ings, Dxtures, new and weed, Shang ing fram sells ARK 0 sewer. & ae ial nstatiations al Teasanabhie vales Information and estimales free ype of plumbing I Foley dollars Tales UIE Aly TI BEATTY APPLIANCES equipment, pumps. | hot water and twinaces, bathream parts and service PARTNER AND HEATING 42 Day or Night | ug--Upholstery Service FURNITURE Fehaled Tad wi oh sieved. See our materials fe ve [Re Wy Moy R. Dalian, © veg Seal. FWESTENIEERE Fah, ke new. Why pay more? are reasonable Satisfaction Aa 3905 rebuilt. Oshawa { Bond Steel. West bummer tarced ai 2s al Li} types of mg ana sec fypes 5 st one PAE shy by WW } \ East 1-449 190gaes sate a8 WIC hased 2033 Ki Awan: 2 Oshawa, Telephe ad w RA recavered, Our rates \Rraniond hatsiery Nal RA CLIENTS il CHESTERFIELD ang oid chairs ve 'ag a SaveTed ke Ea Gel the host for Rt Yeh ad Sal. Hew al Modems HI it] aieh and Hedalek pry 8 wag Sanih, Call RA $50 WF a Bee hyo [west Bash BA FT wale, and MoM AFTORIMARIS PUTS

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