Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 14 Mar 1961, p. 3

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Highway 401 A sucky mess cwEESes br snow, raw and wad. Bed NI FERRE REA Fras ME Bm gras FE Erg 2h this mmevRiEd The weather patos by owes siss (lows Whithy -- Suow plonghe wee or. iw he Towachie of Wiithy sud Wathy Townes f Nd & o ou Ress ERIS Heh) Rh TRIANIEE BER whvienh 1 Nek BIRTRESUR THGAG host town. The Anderson Street and Henry Stieet Schon HICKS RIT FEA AR TIRE THEE RUPP. Wg, here wee BY RoticeRiie whsencs of pladents from #- they sohost. Classes fn Whithy PREa Shnis BY. BART WEY BF Ww TRE WOTEE,. WITH Re sswal Regree of Fheestreicm Omtarie Provisciel Polics re ports that Highway Wl is res somally «cnr, and that Highwe)y 2 is slushy snd SRpUery, fie ' few Ls six ott the Fels There were quote g few Yr RESIRERLE the Reight of the SITE Last 4 ROADS FASSABILE CLE RAT fo { pected in Queer. Ontars sien are expres tn ciegr 16 wait. and temperativres will be shghtly conier (OF Wirephois) Two Break-Ins Are Reported Two breskins were reported the Oshawn Police Depart nent tis morning Cash toigliing $18 wes taken from Bramley Motor Sales 114 on Simese street north, i wes becoming northwest 15 during repo by the manager, Ar 0 the pfternoos thur Shanwelt, st $45 am. 18 y Kirkiond Lake region, Sud Entry had been gained by Bo bury, North Bay; Cloudy and bresking a window in the erst Towns ay with a few inches end of the building communities lest wight mang erstwaid tow Que bee. Some $x 19 19 inches of snow, (olowed by rein is ex TORONTO -- The weather office says ® slorm which brought wp 19 five inches of CROW 1 Sik BRET (nt aris WEATHER FORECAST Rain To Wash Snow Away TORONTO (CP) ~ Forecasts issued by the weather office at bam EST Synopsis; Five inches of wet " Cominty seid ft inns wy 164 » 4 wan yilie p roads sre be 4 aRy . wh gah #1 Wghwars wn rem ef open, nr slushy. Bue Snes TRIVIA AEORYE FRAT Ee Wet panty oF HEGRE. A GIy dupdders, ak she grees. %e HAE ROCIABRNS werk reserief by the Bowmanrilie Paice De VRITIRERS AT ThE Rawmawyiis Retainer af tae Ontarin Vrs oy AE WRITE sek ERG High Schemes were ciseed tide morning, Erewinetions Bre shetiied for this week, bat ABI wet reiong Wat z ses were washie 19 Pk wpb students Wong #IRRS Max --~ Most made in Aiex re cane. The Sinz Depetinent of Works has bes ot snce 5 Rin. clearing he siyesis. A the Reig of the storm, Avifts oH thes feet Plugged Baryond goenae soik, Wi trails kept WORE. Fear fest snow Anits BIR CRTIHOR IB The sol end of town, Bt ne ohetmetion is re lat Pickering Tnwnehig -- North raahs iin kak mit of iy sre clesr, bt cirphion of Highway WA wes side 1osds blocked. Work mee Lh MER Rk CINGIR Fe the a : whi oe 4 #rk HE gE Hew, The AiRk ' wildy p Poli KO RELIAL isk BE snow (ell glong the northwest ern shore of Lake Ontario Mon day night and it was still snow of morming. Fair Change was taken from the with little change 18 cash box on the cigareiie ma LE sure tonight and Wed- chine in the Jubilee Pavilion, at DISTRICT ing in Eastern Ontario thi morning. Another storm is may ing peross Northern Optario Lake Erie. 1 ake Huron. Nia gara, western Lake Ontario re- Do 0 Gs gions, Windsor, London, Tor F ah onto, Hamilton: Mostly cloudy" and mild today, & few this morning. A few tervals this afternoon, then clearing and a litle cooler to night. Partly cloudy with little change in temperature Wednes day. Gusty westerly winds near 25 this morning, becoming northwest 15 by mid-day Eastern Lake Ontario region Snow changing to rain this morning and likely ending by mid-day. Clearing and a little cooler tonight, Fair weather with little change In tempera ture Wednesday, Easterly winds 2 to 30, becoming westerly 20 this morning and northwest 15 this afternoon Georgian Bay, Haliburton re- gions: Snow tapering off to a few flurries by mid-day today, Sudbury ,,, the axe but turning cooler h hore, AuNng pg : ' with flurries of Hght snow' Police Con it dis 59 AND COSTS Wednesday afternoon. Easterly covered the pavilion hed Angel winds 79 to 40 today, Southerly proken into #4 6.19 a.m A 4 a 2 nl Au : eeom ng A J wood, Panel Bad bee ny ried off an e glass broken ns-Kapuskasing region: |, bh window on the Partiy and mild today, the building Turning with snowflur OBITUARY ries Wednesday, Southerly FUNERAL OF winds near 20, becoming north erly tonight and Wednesday MRS, SAMUEL B. TRICK . The funcral service for Mrs anpeared on B charge of Samuel B. Trick, who died at} . . the Marnweod Nursing Home sale of liquor, Tomkins had re é 8 po Rit 4d hdd *Criquested the remand Bowmanville, on Friday, March 10, was. bela at the Mcintosh! FINE IMPAIRED DRIVER Anderson Funeral Home at 2! Walter Sebastionowicz, #9 p.m, Monday, March 13 482 Cubert street, was fined $100 Rev, H. A. Mellow, minister|0r 10 days in jail, by Magis lof Northminster United Church, |trate ¥. 8. Ebbs, Monday, for conducted the services. Inter|impaired driving, Feb, 26, The | ment in Oshawa Unio nlcharge was reduced from drunk Cemetery driving, Bebastjonowiez was in j volved in g collision on Ritson Mostly clear and cooler tonight, North Bay ,,.. Fhe pallbearers were Gordon| pad south on the might i pi " sty © ler tonight, | Ne a3 Vinson, Allan Vinson, Ew a rt] Pol ( p Fair weather with little change Kapuskasing ,, | Nichol ion olice Constable LL 0 W heen ps today i § or & p ¢ strate F Ji east heng March offencs SOUL of showers @ sunny in GTisEE 3 clowdy de eolde g 12. It was older GIVEN REMAND Tomkins, #7 Vaughan Ritson road south, was ed to March 27, hy M F. 5. Ebbs, Monday Forecast Temperatures 16 Low tonight, high Wednesday Windsor 25 45 St, Thomas seeeees 28 Kitchener ,:,, 25 London ,,, 75 Wingham 25 Toronto 8 Peterborough 7" Frenton 25 St. Catharines , 2% Hamilton Muskoka spsrerrree Killalog sre9ss Eariton , tri he PY when EER) of was as in temperature Wednesday, | White River , (Val © David Jamieson, por Temison, who investigated the Easterly winds above 25 today, Moosonee ,, Al Crossman and Harvey Fas accident, said he thought the wisi ---- -- coe | aecused was drunk. Sergeant | ; --Mack VanAllen, who wes on {in 16050 to $188,000 in 1960, In|desk duty when the aceused was benefit to members he stated|brought to the police station O- [that about $50,000 had been dis-| said he also thought the man [tributed to members since its) Was drunk, inception of Which $20,000 has STOLE CIGARETS [ve A Leo Montebello, 27, of 712 Messrs, Don Metealf, Howard 850 and costs, or & month in {Quantrill and Donald Staples [Jail hy Magistrate ¥, 8. Ehbs, ORONO = The 18th annual and led by V. Douglas of the Those elected to office for a Monday, when he pleaded guilt meeting of the Durham Farm: Wingham Radio Station who|three year term were Hilton (to the theft of a $3.20 carton of ers' County Co-operative was|took eight Canadians farmers, Tink, Howard Quantrill end cigarets from Loblaws, at Athol held Tuesday in the Orono After landing in Moscow they| Don Blaples and Celina streets, March 8 Oddfellow's Community Centre were flown south to Bolissa anc hp . with an attendance of (™ The worked their way north on an HOLD MEET PLEADS INNOCENCE activities of the day were com-|11-day guided tour, They visited] The Directors monthly meet-| MN f menced by a turkey banquet, |collective farms which were ing of the Durham County Fed. 78 Simi ne Street south, was re The president, Donald Staples forty or fifty thousand acres in| eration Li Agricullire way iy man ol to Mareh 2 hy Magis acted as c ha ir man and wel: size and employed seven or eight fF 1 dome uy F. BN did Hig 48 0 onday afte y J : ] 4 er thousand people, These people H, Staples, Orono, Minutes he pleaded innocent to an at Somed fellow Cooperators nd) ed in small villages and elect-|®f the previous meeting were tempted car theft charge, Prose stated thal they had had A104 their own hoard of directors read and adopted by motion of cution evidence was heard, hut other successful year of opera land leaders. They also toured | Povglas Kemp and Bruce Tay-\defence . counsel John Greer Hon A. sid a at Wis Heat smaller State farms of four or[1" . ; anied for 8 Dustbonement to pity to speak thelr views and|fve thousand acres which were Minutes of the Insurance y J cast their vote in determining | Wned by the State who hired fommitiee Meeting held Fehru FOUR CALLS the policies and character of (A! the labor and trained lead BY were, Foal : pie ta ihe The Oshawa firefighters an their Co-op Lu ¥ alle (00k the Aud " n swered a call to a chimney fire Mrs, Montgomery of Oshawa The tour ended in Moscow Douglas Kemp: gave & very yf Brock street west Mon provided the entertainment hy Where the group was shown the| i ih fave R very day, Damage was minor, There an anthusiastic A y Kremlin and other places of |®" singing several humorous songs, |e ple | spent in Niagara Falls, atten The guest speaker, Howard| i: Malcolm of Yelverton, showed| Winners jing ne leadership raining CAPSULE NEWS course BC / pr, Ke interesting slides of his trip to| Were A Allin, a mixer, Ken ""ypo0 uv pon Staples and Russia. His tour was arranged Henderson, an electric kettle of the lucky draws RICK'S Tea, and Harvey Malenlm, be a { {the meeting 8. PAY Albert Steet Forty - three members were at 3.30, Admission 33 cents Blgin Wersy, Co-op fertilizer; | FY ell Karle that Bruce Taylor / HB ( 4 fthr Thompson, Gi, len leommittee to revise the resol COMING EVENTS lawn fertilizer dik '|ton re hunters and present It to Mation by Bruce Taylor arn Unies 'Charen, Thursday, March 1 present for the business boron gM? 0 by Trice Tava Jnd| Challenger Group of the WA WHER of the meeting, This portion of of the abave resolution be sent] RUMMAGE sale in the basement a 'N€ meeting comprised of aig the warden, Bruce Ashton, tol Knex Preshyierian Church Wednesday, |(inancial review of the Co-oper- he directed to the Agriculture) March 15, 1.30 p.m alive for the past year whic h committee of the County Coun FERNHILL Bingo tonight af the Ava- Was presented by the auditor,|eil, A copy of the resolution will ILES (AP) » a! 4 bm 30 yames 1 aM $0 Herb, Watson, Total sales dur alse bY sented at the Bibs wil ANGI Li ) Richard ackpols, door : | : - ¥ ing 1960 amounted to §280,882, hers' meeting of the Ontario/N Mond d a leading NIGHT of cards, Buches, BAGS incredied aver 1989 by an Fede % 'Asma [vixen Monday Joined a leading ames sie. Conant Schopl, Thursday, ['HE1Ed vel Y 2h ederation 0 Agriculture Injyos Angeles law firm--Adams, fareh 18, H poi. Prices, refreshments, amount of a surplus of $13,121 | Toronto on March 10 {Duque and Hazeltine, Admission 30 cen Elvin Blewett, secretary of HOLD TRAINING soe "a : a Georges HON the Hoard of Directors, pre" =" AN in | FIREMAN INJURED SOIREE 6 Alert Ad Jenke 'sented the recommendations! Sonia) Ata a Guides Ay MILTON (CP) A fireman the board in ling AHO eld ranger THil: yqy overcome by smoke Mon va Te BUR-| day night as fire raced through March 15 ai 8 pin ! . - ' Genre, | rom connection bi Tel TE 2 Park . With the diatribution of the net) ov School in Orono, an March AT. FATHION'S tea, Albert 81, United SAVINGS, The recommendations'y ™iq0 by the basement of the Milton De Church, Admission 35 cents. Auspices were approved by the meeting. |' partment Store causing damage Challenger Group of he W. A mhase recommendations inelud.| MTS. Dora Farthing, Provin: estimated at more than $i0,000 T---- | clal Ranger Adviser, explained |The Milton Volunteer Fire Bris ~ led that a § per eent divide 1 in he Rang : KINSMEN BINGO [the form of a patronage loan be the Ranges Joram nd how fade N as assisted by firemen ; hs we-enroliment fram Acton and Georgetown, TUESDAY, MAR. 14th issued for 1960 member business, | ¥ than ! It was alse recommended that tralning AL the Guiders an KILLED PRISONERS? FREE ADMISSION the 1936 patronage certificates tr ALY 10 Ask Many ques gov ibe EXTRA BUSES Hons ANSBACH - (Reuters)--A war Jackpot Nes, 53 and 5) Miss Doreen Stool, provineial time concentration camp doctor TEAMS 3 be paid in cash usie instructor, led the girls killed 100 prisoners by lethal in JUBILEE PAVILION Donald Staples then reported, for the Board of Directors onjin several songs, pointing out /jections in honor of Hitler's §ird ST. STEPHEN'S NORTH OSHAWA the year's work and accom: ways in which to make them birthday in 1842, a West Ger plishments Jung the year enjoyable vather than routine. /man court was told Monday new one on truck was pur Viktor Opressnig of Ling, Aus chased, a burglar alarm install. PERSONALS tria, was giving evidence in the AM Sat, April 22nd, 4PM, ed in the mill and warehouse Visitor with \l Ken trial the farmer camp com TICKETS $1.50 the warehouse roof resurfaced |Gamshy for the weekend were: mandant at Gusen, Karl Chimie a new truck shed constructed | Mrs Harald Snell, Danny andilewski, whe is accused of 2367 lon the west side of the mill Robby Paronta; Mr, and Mrs. murders He also reported that the I, Boyd, Brian and Terry A ported the - In STORM KILLED SHOW surance eaverage had heen ve. Orillia; Doug Gamshy, U of 1 [viewed Miss Barbara Bathgate, Bow TORONTO (CP) Failure of id yo manville and Mr. and Mos. lighting equipment at the Ernie Spry, manager of the fim Gamsby and Be 3) Keefe Contre Tor the Perform mill operation, reported tha t/\elanie Javne Oshawa. Theing Arts and a severe snow pine new members had joined occasion being the celebrating storm forced cancellation of a the Co-op during the past year of Jim Gamshy's birthday and revue opening Monday night as He reported that members' Barbara Bathgate's 21st binh- (500 persons were turned away equity had grown from $34 000! day (Cancellation of the apening Ross) & sinoe WEE ere no other five glarm Monday morving. 1) TRE RRL ETE £ CRIS % ' th tim SIREETS e fohowin CLOSED - peed for ch 1 bin mad south fron f wy to the CPR closed gt SLres on Bievenson south the { Ni fhe Pont RYENUS hamplain # closed from Thornt 1 19 the Cromwell 8 and Eherwond at Chevrolet from to Bed ford LANE on 5 oN overiesf eq enue « YENME £IH street OSHAWA MAN HONORED In recognition of his 2 in the transportation bDUsiness Wilbert Charlton, of Oshawa has been named to the Pioneer Club by the Quehee Transport Board VISITORS AT ROTARY Visitors at the Monday meet ing of the Rotary Club of Osh were Morley Finley Milne, Oshawa Toronte and Bowmanville " awa William Morton Clare Garton Terry from BIRTHDAYS REMEMBERED considered, 1 members of the Rotary Oshawa Roy Bar J. Willson, Regin ald G, Geen and James Mi Cansh were honored hy club at its luncheon this week They celebrate their birthdays this week EASTER SEAL APPEAL Rotarian Stanley Lovell, chair Four Club of rand, Norval man of the club's Easter Seal | with 2101 [Committee told members of the $10,600 Ernest Joseph Arseneau, 22, of| Rotary Club of Oshawa on Mon: | With 507 pupils {day that $1600 had heen re ceived from contributors during the past week | | AID BENEFIT FUND £, elosed YRS and Rotarign| Feber will hie ANASTA fA FIL (LEFT) * IN THE LEGISLATURE b HELE! CHURCH DOSATIONS UP TORONTO (CF) ~~ The mis By 1. 0, "TOMMY" THOMAS MPP, Oshava Riding 08itio f the 3 ns ROESURCRE Wy the 8 Deen the sun n the corr Legislature fo to the offic 5 15 most un Ways age i n Great Brital In fac leakage n, Bh; prior to the bud Chancellor of would glway gation and the of penalties The Hon, Hugh Dalton 18 BN exam When he easugl ly mentioned there would be an Here in taxation just min ites hi the introduction of his and the fact nme d glely . etl sueech of the Exchequer aemanag i the imposition case of the he are eech hecame known, he tendered his resignation was accepted by the ment of the day budget BOVERI denied that Ey hut It gannot be BONE n to nen re Sales LAX 1s Very muen receives hud ras VETILE per cent aout ratepayer all from the Hoot vo the i the any benefit a gel. 11 is another Peter to pay local Paul The Oshawa Board of Educs tion with 11.850 pupils (public and secondary) at the rate of {85 per pupil will receive $58,165 {separate schools with 2700 will receive $18,650 pupils will receive and separate schools $2685, Whith with 2788 pupils, $13,945; sepa rate schools pupils 507, 3 ron the| pupils -="" Doubts Value Of 3 PC Tax which local tHustration of [tists have Ajax i | Y who died Jan, 81 5 eran of the Communist party, | Pickering with 4147 pupils $20, separate s These chools, 208 pupils, the figures (Eh $1025 are | | | Members of the Rotary Club|obtained from the Department | of Oshawa, at their Imeeting on Monday |tickets for the henefit game for luncheon | of purchased | 50 Edueation as of September 1060, The total grant for the Provinge of Ontario is 'esti {Tom Chasezewski who was In: mated to he an additional $7 {fured while with the Whithy Hillerests of the who were guests of the elub in Fehruary playing Richard Nixon Gets Law Job For: night of Showease '01, the thea.| there are the costs of adminis | tre's first local production, was announced at ¥ pm. Monday and came too late for many out-of-town patrons TAKE OVER FERRY TORONTO (CP) = Metropoli tan Toronto is te be given au: Tom was one secondary school pupils/ crease In premiums for those The order treasurer stated, to avold an In {million.) that In [participating in the Hospital "an, an additional $32 million will be paid to the Hospital Com {mission to take care of increas {ing hospital costs, This with | other special grants will amount to a tolal of $40,663,000 yet ac leording to the forecast {enue for 1061 « 62 the govern {ment will receive from the per cent sales tax the sum of 860 million BIG SURPLUS While $60 million is only an {estimate it still leaves an {amount of roughly $103 million [to be accounted for, Obviously [tration, for it is reported that [about §00 persons will be em | ployed to supervise and admin {1ster the collections, but it will | 8till leave a sizeable amount as surplus, | As I mentioned before, the {benefits from such a tax are of rey:| thority to take aver the ferry questionable for we are with: | service between downtown Tor onto and Toronto Island at pre sent operated by the Toronto {Transit Commission for the acquisition is contained in an amendment to the Metro ipalitan Toronta in the legislature WILL DEFEND WASHINGTON (Reuters) Willy. Brandt, the mayor of West Rerlin ald Monday President Kennedy had assured him the United States and its allies are determined to defend their position in West Berlin and to preserve the freedom of that eity, Hrandt issued his state ment after a 45-minute eonfer ence with the president POLICE SMASH DOOR TORONTO (CP) Morality squad officers smashed in a heavily-ohained apartment door Manday Arrest. a man they claimed was operating a $1,000 a<day betting racket. Samuel Cowan, 48, was charged with Keeping & betung house Monday a pockets of public $60 mil drawing from the the consuming lion 700,000 men and women employed (and with the number ly does not appear to be the time for the imposition of a sales tax, This seems to he the opinion of the business and in dustrial executives, and ehvious-| {1y will have a detrimental effect on the ecanamy It is my contention, that dur ing periods of unemployment, it 1s not for the government to withdraw from ecireulation sums of money in the farm of increased taxation, 'when the obvious way to balster the econ omy would be to increase social security payments to aged pen siepers and others on sooial seourity benefits wise GREAT CONCERN While the mounting det of the provinee is a matter of great concern, (at the snd of the His f Add to this the reduced Provision | purchasing power of the 6 or) Uh | \ot introduced still increasing) and it certain. I siongry and maintenance de periment of the United Church of Canada more than $7,700 506 in 1966, Bev, Sieriing J. Kitchen of Toronin oid the churck's hosed of finance an nunl meeting Monday, Mr. Kit chen, pssociate secrelgry for the y #id the money rep PET Cent IBCTERSE fron the previous year raised Aeit of the lncrense by & further the wy Hen 4] is # 3 working for the City & He said his problem in getting owt of the Ukrnine was answering aif fhe anestions. The question acked most ofien was, "Why de yom H They have ton children, Helen 6, and thor, 12, whe both sttend school in Oshaws ARASI ASIA 16 IIRERSETY R@poy with her new swreoundings. Her son has » comioriaie and » tractive home. She Wes ta ot and waloh television On the collective farm, she had chores 16 do. She said there wes always B thortage of feof and clothing. Mr. Fil said, "In the Ukraine, the Wig shot hes everything, bt nobody else has very much," The only television network in Italy, founded In 1997 reaches more than 1 per cent of that country's 46.00 people feel the 3 per Hnposed now, 1s of the pres ELINOTRY ds of taxation Hee 196 ony, | Giles Lau because {f of ana mn thal we grepter assist federal govern the time hes #r shauld Aer expenditure s 0 nleniion shoud rece Ire he i whet anes ment rived Vé ik rl cons SY Our HIT POSE ry for defence Arge country such ss Can ad th # small population of 18 million people is very greatly ed in its industrial de opment when we are spending approximately one third of our totel tax revenue on defence, We are spending over $14 billion on armaments which become obsolete even be fore they are in operation When speaking in Toronto last January, Egan Chambers, par Hamentary secretary to De fence Minister Pearkes, said scientists had heen given the tack of finding an anti-missile for use against the 15,000 mile an hour inter » continental mis sile which could cover 7H00 miles in one-half hour, and end ed with the following quotation You will agree that our scien heen sel g formidable if not an impossible one." nandicap SHOULDER BREAKFAST FRESH MADE Lash HEAD COMMIES NEW YORK (AP) The American Communist party an nounced Monday the election of lizabeth Gurley Flynn as its national chairman, Miss Flynn, 70, succeeds Kugene Dennis, | She is a vet: Tender EAT'N TRUE-TRIMBEEF 12 KING E.--RA 3-3633 Meat Specials! Wed. Only! (OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY) PORK CHOPS (21bs.) SLICED SIDE PORK (2 Ibs.) BACON (2 Ibs.) SPARERIBS (2 Ibs.) COUNTRY SAUSAGE (4 Ibs.) ANY OF THE ABOVE ONLY «= fa TRULL'S ROAD == & reams, 00 down, Terms S00 full pries, (LB OR 47. § RUSSETY 4 reams lus 1e6, ream 11,800 FULL PRICE, Terms. Down payment arranged io arranged HIGHLAND 5 reams. $11, 400 FULL PRICE, $3,000 . DOWN ELL] Peinsipal terest taxes In and {PARK ROAD TRIPLEX {w= § SUITES PARD RD $26,000 FULL PRICE. $5,000 DOWN, Terms arranged, arranged SHARBOT STREET ~ § $75 manthly A00 Tull prise, $942 down, pel and Interest AVE, - T reams, $12,800 FULL § PRICE, $2,000 DOWN, Terms | FR Askin $19, 500 '] OWN, $5,000. Terms DOUGLAS L, GOWER REALTOR RA 8.4651 RUSSETY AVE «= 10 SUITES, ALL H:BEDROOM - Fully squipped. $M, Bown payment to be an ranged GIRRONS STREEY N $5,000 140 down. Terme ame

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