Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 14 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY easier for # & PA £ Ny £7 wha Barve sf rai) Viale VOL. 90---NO * FIRST LADY IN SUGAR ike of South Arcs pln lw 'edrn chocolate Kaster egg with # nmng int WE | fim A Fremh Jase Franchiolo pu touches to hi Quebec Takes sugar portrait of Mrs, Jacque Work To Free Education ely heen aperated privatel QUEREL (CF) nee 1s getiin historic and free primary Youth Lajoie's Quehe i hy through the "la religious orders olleges Although Quebec ha important strides since vard making secondary tiseln VALI: cation accessible to more of Lhe day that measures are Lo be siudent popuinkion Mr, Gerin taken soon to make education {aime's proposal goes far hi free in Quebec to 11h grade yond of the recent effort Jumior matriculation ia correct a situation which ha raise the compulsory school age had Quehee educationists tn 16 or 1h spells a hig cerned for years for the provines With more than 1.000.000 chil: FEW IN HIGHER GRADES dien of schunl age his situation is the small percentage of French - speaking le classrooms the crease In students 1s school children post-elementary Bt 40.000, Elementary has been under public K to 11 inclus but secondary education in large public Exile Government Castro Threat HAVANA (AP)e=Fidel | threatened today that Cuba will Ytarm many revolutions grnments-dn-exile HT with Puerto Hico--if the Blates sanctions a | arnment-in-exile The prime minisie sharp counter dent Kennedy of a broad and soelal gram for Kennedy's el to Luks compulsn eal al Hie weap ino education J mad 1955 edi piblie feanaial Paul Hie and Minister Germ 17] any gna in con chang now in pub annual In timated Homan Catholic who complets (rades--=tirades el either education control has 1y an Cuba had increased nee Kennedy took over the dency, He derided Kennedy captive of monopolie and talled the president upposed piance far progres i histor Jake whieh intends to he continental Joke He called the id program for Latin sald the countries {o lat | riehes astro atiack HOV: ITE INNING United ') al " had Prosi announcement Hyoul development Latin America expression of that the people Cuba A00n rejoin the nf men, uniting with us in our com mon effort." Castro quickly interpreted the AHACK 10 $500,000,000 1 § eennami America and only these thelr ecanomi then LATIN AMERICAN way hetter Ie pro: alm ind for hops will In 0 Ce ol ; nelety natura The Oshawa Tone Prive ft Gr Cos Pwr Copy "OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 196) ac Gives Plan For . Africa lad frist y CREEL WL sepaiate ip for wolored races Conference sonics said he mieome of the detaie was stil Ain. ana ineeh wid depend on the summing wp by British Prime Minister Macmillan, met f the conference eRairman Yacmitian trying to wf @ compromise that would Yllow South Africas fo remain # Aw EER memner when M republic, but would tne record (he 75 against apartheid Commonweaith LONDON (CF j~Viime Minis fer Macmillan 168ay presemied 7 plan mimed pt keeping Both Africr within the Common wegith The Commonwerith leaders in the fifth dav of thelr confer ence, Behated the plan for threes Fumir s ths MOrmng ana recessen for lunch before another wfier: | noon Achat Al slake whether pratisks FERERIION ) ' io remain wine he Common weghth after it becomes lL public in May Macmillan (9i4 the conference Monday there was a general feeling that if South Afric; 7 mains nthe Commony thy EAHA TH withowt any SLEORE KpPosition policy, this might im monwealth approval of gE #8 Was Comn ay Hh Sowth Afnies hen # apartheid (rae fini IME 7 WH f LLL and New Zealand they attacked appar supporting the Brit that South Africas @liowed to retain Com th memhersmy Kidnapped Prospectors = Found Safe ( 0 g FEN herd, were y jew § VW Fi indicat f ey He therefore fed statement | 7) Around he The sessions were dramatic, |eader Malaya, India and ed in Wiunt term Afric ed 7 wig maormn WEI 7 to miemma ina Chang Lense 0 = 4 Dre Fhe Beth } " DRID (Reuters) Fleven ro kidnapped hy an identified hand in the Spanish safe In south Mor Moroccan Embassy sid here today men are Canadians Americans wkesman said the men returned at once to Spain by Morocean authorities (A report from Las Palmas in anish-controlled Canary aid Diefenhaker | said a Moroccan army The Daily patrol had arrested the oilmen | Canadian when they accidentally crossed prime minister as saying the the Moroccan frontier, I said tultion 1s question of South Africa's mem: the had heen taken to #8 ple of hership should he deferred until military camp in Moroees,) to thie country formally becomes a Ovigingl- reports of the incl republic May 31 dent aid the 11 men were Public education sl Prime Minister eized Baturday night or Bun ondary level has existed since woerd spoke calmly, He ex. day near the Marocean frontier 1954 when the bishop of Chicou-| plained at great length South where they had been prospect limi, going aver the heads of Africa's system which he suid ing the department of education of? == ' I M en Tr ailed Spy Suspects Lake BL, Jubhn ares lventually similar tablished citle LONDON (Reuters) British left the cafe Houghton told Lons secret agents (old today of dale I don't want paying yet,' ihadowing two men accused of Houghton is & former naval giving Royal Navy secrets to officer who later worked as a Russia and seeing them civil servant at the admiralty's change a package in a telephone [underwater weapons centre al Portland on the south coast agents were ddntified) Also charged is Houghton's only by initials as they testified| fiancee, Kthel Gee, 46, also a at London's Old Bailey criminal! givil servant at Portland court on the second day of the, Lonsdale, a London business trial of five persons accused un: man, carried a Canadian pass der Britain's Official Becrets( port when he was arrested bu Act the prosecution claims he Is One agent=="Mp, (! sald he Russian, The other two on trial j watched a meeting last August are Poter Kroger, 60-year old between two of the accused eller, and his wife Helen, Houghton and G ov don whose suburban London heme The twa men entered was alleged to have heen the hub of the spy ring I'he Crown has alleged Houghton and Miss Gee weet or countries of the Commonwealth from Canada Prime Minister emphasized his of racial id he regards i a in the principles for which he Commonwealth must stand, He proposed a8 Commonwealth declaration of rights Al the same 16h neEwWsPAapers playing for time xpress quoted the g ne J shar are Diefenbaker anno and eoholn 0een a Steps county eEregation man Two of Ihe ind hi winild perks renee contra three are ne time, some Brit: hi land Wis chonl where ih men ri Ih available or in the p Wal colle Hees an the moneyed ola thie fi Hendrik Ver Armed with an old 22 rifle, | Neil Harnish, about 70, con tinues to resist all attempts of the army, BCMP and county sheriff to move him from his farm In the army's training camp at Camp Gagetown N.B, About 800 families were COlrses (OUT BE vere e eral ol Quehed This pubiie ela sysleme=stripped of the usual classical diseipline resulted in a sharp inerease in enrolment to the science faculties of Quebed universitic nse 1args legl education ATILEL HELD CONTROJ, But the road to the prof of law and medicine and the re search Neids remained under control of classical colleges and the universities with which they vere affiliated Now Mi in throw flan the classical ox Ion (AP)=Ma heat white LEOPOLDVILLE layan UN patrols today ithe hush to reach 800 {| missionaries, husinessmen and nuns in rebel-held Kiva proy ince as the first rescued told of | atrocities hy Congolese soldiers | UN headquarters received a [tearful typewritten plea from [Belgian nun: "Can no one help us from outside?" that The Congolese sold! running wild in a siege of terror that began more than two {weeks ago in the Maniema re [gion, Kivu officials, who re fused to let the whites leave the chaotie provinee hecause [their skills are needed, ap parently were unable to keep their own forces in hand Only fragmentary reports came from the Malayan UN [troops sent into the area domi intend educa af the Gorin apen to publi frist four COuUrse Hone Cars woul completing Htudent have the post-elemental le sehool eal studi mn aption Quehed of Huei hook Henry Lonsdale taking tondin iunior| # telephone booth where Hough ton handed Lonsdale a package matriculation, Mr. GerinLajole] weannad in newspaper proposes (n estahlish a system| = Another agent, "My, D aid naval secrets to Lonsdale, who of seholavships under Which vir we followed Houghton and Long: passed them onto the Krogers tually every Quebec student| dale into a cafe on another occa: for transmission to Russia over, would ha i 10 education sion and overheard them dis: a long-range radio hidden under up to the ity level with puss a package Houghton had|the kitehen floor of the Kroger Late given Lonsdale, Just before they home COUNTRIES mn up In pub 0 Class soldiers: were ACCES univey Asniatianes Kennedy program, outlined to Latin American diplomats at a White House reception " call for a revolt against his ve gime and struck hack with thi Warning YH they promote vevalution against us, we will promote rey olution against the government which pramate revolution Agana us CHARGES AGGRENSION Casten linked his attack the Kennedy administration with a fresh charge of aggres ston hy the United States, He sald the U.N, had supplied coun ter « revalutionaries with an armed ship that shot the nationalized Texaco oll refinery al Santiago before dawn Mon day ; The government = cantvalied press and radia said the shy probably sped 10 a refuge al th U.S naval hase al Guantanamo Ray after fiving shots that Killed a Cuban satlor, wounded a mili HAMAR, and set fire 10 at the refinery, and punciures three tanks Officials at ta miles of the vessel had taken ref the hase Lastin CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA S110 FIRE DEPT, RA HOSPITAL RA 32211 WASHINGTON (Al) Prosi dent Kennedy will ask Congress today for funds te start a 10 VOR! eosoperative aid program of towering dimension for Latin America under "this han ney Progress yes, tyranny nn he program calls for Latin American countries ta join with the United States in a4 massive drive to improve living condi tons and "eliminate tyranny fram a hemisphere in which i has no rightful place." Two Families Flee Store Fire FORONTO fled BANING Pawnshin | th nn uh \ lawer (cm apartments above in North Yark when fire swept Six per ' ORS Hay al Bass ! stare day through building Wally Mitohell, the raed wm the alarm after ai awskened hy thick Sake h acoampanied | his wife and wetherinlaw 1a the Land then ran back for his Ih Wher family Iw adiuning A east AANLIARSH, domed] SALLI RS Chaveed AWROT Ww ov HOCURY a artment i i dostiaved uo Ore WL ealimated £920.00 | tw LE LR damage Big Aid P nated by Lumumbists No word had heen heard from a patrol sent to rescue an American missionary girl who rogram Ahead Kennedy Monday night in a) @ress to appropriate $500,000,000 a modest way, He placed no U.S. Seeks this 1] called which an fal tradi PrOETOSS long-time 1b) Kennedy endship fa And th ne, the any lal he people Daminican Repub tol American at ception wheve he Cuba twa Latin COURTS At Wy ented White Howse re spoke pre He said he hopes that the east those countries United Slates Ainiamatic poaple of whieh tw Was n Ah qd will soon NOVY Roevliney AIR With WF was a broker who s rates Was on a Measure | | many ot I sald Wesmana sent women speech at the White House set =alveady authorized ta help over-all price tag on the general | won warm praise from South to relieve widespread hardship) day night that he is thinking in American diplomats and "make the henefits of in: terms of big spending aver the! Ambassador Guillermo Sevilla] CTOpsIng ahundance available tol years=if the Latin Amvrican . prosident's speech was so "cam: Kennedy's message to Con: (the greatest extent possible Of ! ariffs prehensive and extraardinary in fons la intended 10 gel Me ad The president sounded 5 MINSIFALION Program rotting iniappea " a . is profound summary of Latin WASHINGTON (CP) The United States is pressing Cana- of attack them that it will he . . nited States is pi Fa me known the Kennedy Doct Rin ana 1an Ql e vide a cleaver picture of Cans ada's tariff intentions as MEXICAN LAUDS [ Sixth joint ministerial Flares of Mexico il fairs goes into its second and excellent addy final day lows Mexico's \ to Bast Berlin to buy industrial NOwlan, commenting on the pri: meaningless without fy om N , 3 BRATS STEER Berlin court has sentenced a Ca: goods for him with East Gers Yate SOssions Monday, said asm Mh 2% . 3 sounding the freedom padian businessman to a vear man marks he had obtaind in there was a long discussion on them expressed speslin prison for allegedly buving hy W\ [elangoe rate of one west mark olass ar Kind" tant definitions worth of goods illegally, it was 1.50 east marks and that "area of misunder announced today The official Bast German ex. Standing ave being cleaved up A court official named the Bast Berlin law nobody is -al OWssion on this issue likely will Mann. Justios sources sald We- lowed to buy anything without be continued today mann, 23, came fram Poy riproving he is entitled ta hold mericans are reparted to be ann, 23 f Part A ' titled to hold Amen tod to b thur, Onl was German-born \ them ane 10 ane proposals may lead ta higher hui 10 Canada nine years age In not disclosed herve tants on a large number of +4 relations : The East Revlin newspaper whe trial was held nor American industrial and chem ¥ WIRY § oitung said Wom \ Wegmann was arrested. ported in Canada at low foilung sald he often because they are not considered was an em: ta be of a4 class or Kind manu forth a 10:point aid plan that | finance an intersAmerioan effort plan, but he left no doubt Mon | B tt Vi Sacasa of Nicaragua sald the # countries piteh in and help to American problems and means dian cabinet ministers to pro Ambassador Antonio Carville I E t C ence on trade and economic af Revenue Minister George al of i Hon that econ REREIN (Reuters)=--An Hast the West at the unofficial ex. Canadian proposals to revise of 3.000 marks (about $16,000) change rate is one to one. Under However, he expected that dis a Canadian as Herman-lose Weg marks ar has exchanged concerned that the Canadian WIth and emigrated with his father under what oireum. ical products, These now are im real estate (factured in Canada Na Gey erliner Wid the wamen he bassy secretary An dent aot ih oh TORE SLR he § WW Eesiling L) Congo UN Patrols Rush To Rescue 7 More miserable weather predic. ted, with rein, siweh, doud and high winds, ' bo" Ges fomsnrrmert Sacer lage MoH Khbad SIXTEEN PAGES THREE FEARED DEAD IN BLAZE " Many Injured As Hotel Burns SUMMERSIDE, PEL (CP)~ Police Chief P) BR. White with- Police suid threes persons are held the names of these feared missing and feared dead in a dead. He said five of them are fire today ai the Clifton Hotel, men, the other 8 woman Police Cinef P. B. White said About 9 persons are believed HW was feared earlier that si% to have been in the hotel, Most persons nad perished hut a re: of those injured were hurt when check showed three of the six they jumped from upper-storey had reached salety All the missing are men, Chief White declined to release names windows Chief White said: "They just jumped out on the street, There pending & further check of S95 was no real panic but they had vivors Fifteen p-rsons were Laken (o hospital but nine were released after treatment maining 514 are reported in seri- FeEular ous condition Two of the re One was said to to jump The Th-year-old wooden build ing burned rapidly, "It was » inferne," said Chief White, "In half an hour i sll have broken his back and both eemed to he ablaze and it went "HOLD IT, RIGHT. THERE' displaced when the army look over its enclosure and the last claims were settled in 1066 -- except for Neil Harnish who says the offer for his farm is too low, Negotiations continue CP Wirephoto Congolese she would leave the raped hy four and fold allowed alive WHA soldiers never he province LETTERS RETURN The terror in Kivu came to light as the Congo's anti-Com munist political leaders arrived in Elisabethville, eapital o Katanga province, after their talks on the island of Madagas [8h A crowd of about 10,000 cheered President Moise Tshombe of Katanga, President Joseph Kasavubu of (he Leos paldville regime, and their com: panions with shouts of "wel: come to our saviours , , | welcome to our peacemakers," At Tananarive, Madagascar, the political leaders agreed to a plan calling for a Congo con: | Glen Newman Fire swept through the three storey wooden hotel hefore dawn started about It 15 believed to on the 4:90 a.m severely have second floor Most injured were Milford Station, N.S, with buck Injuries and pos sible leg injuries, and Albert Kerney, Charlottetown, with se vere head and face burns and chest injuries, All the injured were from the Maritimes, Chief White described it as one of the worst fires in this western Prince Edward Island town in hig 30 years on the po lice force Fifteen others were taken to hospital, two of them in serious condition The fire slarted shout in a.m. on the second floor of the Clifton Hotel, The cause has not heen determined, legs Jumping from an upper, Wp lke & match box." window USED MATTRESSES Some of those who jumped rew out matiresses to break their fall Most of the town was without telephone communication for several hours after the firk burned through cables to a tele: (phone exchange across the street Mrs. J, KE. Dalton, proprietor of the hotel, said the register was saved and turned over to Summerside police, Firemen and equipment from neighboring Kensington and a nearby RCAF station helped town firemen fight the blaze, Mrs. Dalton said many of the hotel guests were telephone and power linemen from central Prince ¥dward Island and Nova Scotia, They were in Bummer: side to repair lines hrought down in a sleet storm two weeks ago, - British Star Dies In Speed SAN BERNARDINO, Calif, (AP)=A skidding, somersault- ing automobile flung British ac tress Belinda Lee 63 feet to her death Monday and injured three Italian movie-makers including her fiance The heautiful, 26-year-old siar| married at 19 and divorced on charges of adultery with an Ital: ian prince--=was returning to Hollywood from a scene-scout: ing trip to Las Vegas, Nev, The Italians have been making a documentary film, not involving Miss Lee, about women's lives in various parts of the world, The station wagon, estimated hy a witness to be going more than 100 miles an hour, blew its left rear tive, skidded 1,100 feet, leaped a ditch and crashed up: side down, the highway patrol sald, Miss Lee, unconscious, lived 15 or 20 minutes, Her fiance, movie director Gaultiero Jacopetti, 41, suffered a broken leg, He was reported in fair condition at hospital, The driver, Nino Falenga, 43, had a shoulder-blade fracture federation of semi-indey states divided along tribal and economic lines, Antoine Gizenga, head of the| Lumumbist regime in Stanley: | ville, snubbed the meeting, r the | confers | but was reported in good condi tion, ANKLE SPRAINED Paolo Cavara, 3, also an Hal: ian movie director, who sul- 4 ing Car fered a sprained ankle, said by telephone from hospital; "We had taken scenes of women drivers of racing cars in Los Angeles and had heen in Las Vegas to see about making films there "Miss Lee was with Jacopelli, She was engaged (0 he married to him==pretty soon," The crash occurred in desert country about 160 miles north: {east of Hollywood, "TIRE BROKE' | Cavara said "a tire hroke and |we went off the road." He esti: {mated the car was going about 70 miles an hour, Miss Lee, born in Devon, Eng: land, was discovered hy British photographer Cornelius Lucas, who married her when she was 10, He flooded magazines with pictures that brought her film parts, Her screen debut in 1954 was in Runaway Bus, The young beauty was voted one of the top British money: making stars in the 1057 pioll conducted by The Movie Maga+ tine, Lucas divorced Miss Lee in April, 1060, charging she had committed adultery with Italian Prince Filippo Orsini,

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