Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 14 Mar 1961, p. 11

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Scugog's And Kinloch's Will Meet For Title he Wh & 5 Posey Series "B pe cer lola raris gave evidence of DEORE # wt wr in thee goels Ws % mark of the Levine w they Jmmeiat oy Songng (Iaaneis fil A ts 2 io» FIR) RAE SV, fn wk 6%. Fn on pied he El rr 2 Acsperta oF al kowever the move Wacnfines, @s Tega te UK Viens 6 mes with rE 5 19 wey CH Twili Wik LB Lik LYRE METRE) da period, he vain close 19 seconds Laake BR he io WIE series, 0H soucon BEVRHR (poy s Worsley, Viociox iE suddenness By BOC E Young, K. Malhes. 6 fess hen thes ash. Davis. 5. Ma ies, thepelhy Lving them # Mother, | ENE cs on # he mew y pena The game, in the ey Wo of he opening Ady diet CLEANERS { WaRE Ihe of his NESE Cried with od Wa Fix Gai es Yaak Fos Lid Db. Lw Ak Lal Le g Yurwe fought back nd #» 4 wing, Pivher hey enioved a Aefinis 4 REYRIAGEE SPEREH oe the period a Sh ve INE IRE MBrPn 19 & #4 the period fi IRIEL TR foes Parker ih Ihe Deland Haye wi6 FInsy PERIOD gon. Yomg EAE 4 4 brn ps Were Ly hh Cloned paw Be Phee, £)He gefepse In wig th Dhan H Ww a WEIE WREINE 14 gA ni FINAL PERIOD Away me » Den y {rated oliensive under 7 wey » we face of Sewgng lorecheking Just pe the wm gre $a $7 A Whi ED Danni g { MARK CRESSMAN AIMS FOR A GRAVTING BCION HARVEST WITH RIFLES Shoot Off Tree Twigs; Produce Better Forests PORT ARTHUR, Qut (C} Marksmen from { lands and i 4 are shooting twigs out o to " and tn help breed hetler fore { ' ner The men equipped with travel through the pick off the SCIONS from lected tree The seions are | Inter grafled io at the Thunder Rosslyn. west Ihe IWIES Are lected for defects, They frees The from logging are visited each year h sharpshooter Ihe prove the quali lings to whieh they On one twig « hunting sortie # team of Mark Cressman, Bob Burger and Brian Cardwell travelled hy air from Port A were f fore the | i A ded 1 agrmed with youd he elescnp the crown shot off and Jide branches, "Fhe removed and placed aryested of i as eer Bay {i ni trees from explained that seeds. 8 fet harvested are not used from the plus trees aEt SIZE ha . i i '] £ hu nave Are i ed hy inferior types, EB nee the scion is part of the '¥ ed ootual tree, it and the seedling he grafted fi characleristics na neen olling Irees Are gxcl plus ind thei iaie on the parent specie J eed a Fyveniually however M1 hoped that complete areas of trees will he developed to upp! pure of which will inherit ali the nperation will ol yhien ik will the ons im the grafted of Are plu seeds feature strains ne Fo WA mans fishing of the | d ' tic. ha " ers SPORT FROM BRITAIN ae ook advantage of » 5 f £ sVhes) 74% Soulanges Mare and offs y the federally owned ca (CP people distanc th ' MONTREAL han 2000 driving $LOCK them a8y £ QUE ne 1977 federa ngiers amo in moa It was then that the areas jyrned nto a government announced that the cia 4 mile f anel WW miles we { Montreal would he made on olete by the Lawrence The announcement was hardly hatchery would he when a8 group of Quebet enthusiasts thought of ining the man - made water ay into B publie fi round They Canal and An educs wildlife mani he cenire on gemer and conservation set up GETS GOOD SUPPORT ha 7 { canal yel hing canal he We en't ) fie tocked with a of fish iving city folk a chance to re ax without driving into the interlands looking for a good hing hole The Quebher ish and Game nd Montreal Anglers and Hunt Int took up the scheme the ariely suggested the hut we're Wi gid I. D (lendening, former hoth organizations project Glendening sa de park SUT (Ted) sident of the S001 Pre hacking the Federation of Associations elopment a and lange vincial public ground has received enth of the parenl thur to Sawyer Bay, 15 mil 1,000 southwest on Lake Buperior Donning snowshor the trudged two miles in 12 - helow gern weather Lo an area trees had heen lected and marked CYO PeeWees In Semi-Finals Now | p CYO man on a pass from Mike ed! White £ Andy Biyant of BI John's cored the onl goal. for AL ¢ Iohn's on a screen shot, Bill den-death games Hambly of St. Gertrude's end: p ed the scoring with an unassist-'h TIGERS - HOLY CRONS Ni, Gregory lige ite | slow start defeated Holy Cro to the tune of i) Keenan rooeived (wo, while John Balowski LIF hr Xm break through the tight defence | q of Holy Cr HN thre other Bligdon, McAvoy Dig k goals, Allan Kavanaugh assist Bein ind Japhey gob minors foi ed on two uf the goals by halow | a ski's, Paul MeAllister and Larey MeAvoy, Paul Hay and Larry Judge scored the re. Pal Brown were the three stars maining goals for the Tiger of the game Mike Drisen!l assisted on both SEMLFINAL TODAY e ie March 14, Stl» Tom Chapman cored and St. Ger ft only goal for the Holy battle it out to see who!" squad, Ken Logan wa win chance (0 meet Si with the assist Mary the final series fo Holy Cross received ane pen: the championship and the honor alty while the Tigers Laronto, The game gets assessed two, Balowski wa LON o'clock ' sent to the hox twice, and HB w ant of Haly Cross also gol d gate, AT, MARY'S « LIONS St. Mary's downed St. Gore ary's Lions 10:0, in the game Jerry for St and two assists fired twa goals past goalie. Tam Dart ville, John Sagan, Ted and Dat scared single clons have heen ed from the Thunder district, Other hipped fram elsewhere grafting dons homie | ay have 10 eniled forests where heen iously se: the nursery where all vorthern Ontario Is jive ny of the vere pla The first games Pee Wee playoff Sunday evening, Si Tigers, Bt, Mary trude's survived Giregor and Bi, Gel ithe first sud gon! ah minor team wa given fou For bt, John's ® 1] pena managed core Fueaday Gregory Tiger tn thi LOSER rude erodited the in h were 10 play underway ut which Leal deter in in Hu the he@ns al and mine the alher game 100 a eloek the hadien n who meets Bruins Atom finals OLD COUNTRY SOCCER SCORES J LONDON (Reuters) WER or Mand night ( ay Dionne J ne HEN a Hane | (RIL |! Ie English League ASAISlY were given (ER Third Division ort N ug i y Noonan, Robert Monaghan, Hey Newport 3 Barnsley 3 M nard O'Brien and John Sagan a Philip Puliz and Doug O'Donnel Fourth Division of the Lions were ven the rhoraugh 8 Chester 0 only penalties in the game kport 2 York 0 : . : Seottish League i 8ST, GERTRUDE HONAN Division 1 N St, Gertrude's came out vi 1 rmline 2 Pariek 1 { torious aver Ni the play the Dionne was the bh i Mary's with three goal Martin Valk the Lion Toff Results soccer UW tn n Pel Nt 1ohn's hy (ppd fram March 11) scare of 31 bh The game was plaved in trie) PAVORED TO REPEAT 1 Stanley Cup style. Both olubsl 1 GONDGN (AP) Merryiman © played their hearts oul remained a tiem favorite! Gertrude 's were able ta put that Ato win the Grand fittle extra drive eded to de io March 23 feat St Joan's ar the straight Rieky signem aponed the la soaring for St. Gertrude with! man's add # long dvive from the paint. No 1 al a ca further scoring was recorded in tania the first period St Gprtrade's went al th " ond periad ta ¢ : \ Robert Kennedy was the marks for the thies Russian entries but Sty Monday nl Lb \ al Seoplechaste yOAl Merry wivhanged at 10 te at London's Vic Radanioch, which % lengths behind Mey: cond i Ww (LLETIVS hotkie oi vey Club hed 1a nin \ Wl Mape last' yy APORIAE mina ade second choice NO odds were quoted § Rlanchilower schedule Peles and right winger Rod Gil Draper of Toronta St selections in AS i948 CHAMPS ELIMINATED Aelending i Were asia ah farther action, »s Kin s addy anes (y the finals Wy # Aesisive ET ark Hampers mneiess hall of the ws. Binion's, whe wp geist. hah heen frequent in the sae, willed io viay hockey with the bat they gravhed 2 7 lead wo goals by Whiteley Plant be margin 19 14 on Philips Mat helope Blamy on Winieiey's ess han # ort the Lonel lead wim es of Play Komlochi's vin ml ome as they gris period with # a C@r LE ad riod fuk val tho thier Ruck fhe a MONERGUL, LaVE LONG Cues who for the most Bn completie com anal Is Part Park Program support from residents of Soulanges County Jocated mgm words of Carpenter Montreal Gaz h and game column name of Izaak Vaudreuil # ine canal on of angler med he H. (Chief) up n yriles the pect of successfully rainbow and brown to say nothing of muskies m uth bass, walleyes, pike and perch within a few feet of plenic under a shade a case of cold with a fireplace nearby is stir the soul of th a drop of angling his veins." for fable ( heltering hes ometning 1 anyone W blond in Quebec Fisheries and Game Minister Gerard Levesque had delegated biology director Dr Gustave Prevost (0 negotiate th the federal department of transport on the matter Soccer Considered LONDON (CP) When time, I's like being in 8 war. Vor omes for Danny Blanchflower player the rest of thehy y hang up his soccer hoots, the lives alter they quit playing will lose an outstanding foothall hecomes a kind of anti and gain 8 writer climax AL Bh, the frail, 154 I don't know whether 1'll he aptain of Tottenham the Perhaps you can one of the great legm guard against this feeling of let entury probably ha down if you know iU's coming left In bigtime Or perhaps 'll be all the worse When he quits hecause 1 know ahout it," write a hook In comparison with the of such and tn his old the huggy Ocal most aie layer pound Hotspur of the only a com he ahout same Yeurs elition ope "greal status TUggel Blanch played fash tempo of Ape n drama' soccer port as orekel don't appeal much flower, theugh he hath, Cricket was ioned, geared the horse and I'he question of Lund INE was otten Involved in hoth ports, It ravely if ever cropped up in which some peo ple looked down on as the game of the ordinary man "In soccer, the conflict is clear and very exciting, very entertaining, There are only 17 laws in soccer and one of them on offsides, doesn't mean very much neeer He |) hout enthusiastic the which he eves is truly Britain ational gume than cricket, and nlike most soccer players he nows how Lo handle words | think somebody could write wonderful novel with a er background, I'd like to try il wysell He sees It as an hon st, straightforward, passionate port, Everything happens he we the eyes of the spectators hereas in rugger, for instanes all sorts of mysterious things appen in the serummages Robert Dennis (Danny) Belfast horn! Resides aptain of Northern Ireland as the smooth « functioning Totten ell as Tottenham, has thought ham team, which has domin oeply ahoul ated the Fnglish League First OHA Junior'A Intensely port he ore in yO socuer heing the leader of TIT All-Star Teams FORONTO (UP)==Uoaches of The selection of Gilbert and we Ontario Hockey Association Lebrun Guelph, which fin unior A League have selected ished first in the regular sched we players for the civenlt's f-'ule, two positions on the first al allstar team who made the lean, St. Catharines, Niagara rade when a team was pioked Falls, Peterborough, St Mi t the hallway mark of the ohael's anil Toronto Marlhoros won ane berth. each Guelph took three positions on the poond team Michael's two and 5. Catharines one I'he didn't members own The ve he four are goalie Roger ragler of Nt Catharines Tee ves, defencemen Kd Westfall of lagara Falls Flyers and Bay lay Plager of Peterborough for Vole eam coaches of thelr ert of Guelph Rayals. Plager selection of with Guelph's Al Lebrun for: First team ne defence spot nn the second: Catharine defences all balloting Niagara Fall and The big Peterborough, and 1, ¢ Guelph (Lie) centre Michael right win hort, Guelph, left Marihoros Second team St Michael's Crozier, NM Westfall Plager hrun Drape Goal witeh gave Bruee Michael's pot Draper mitial gost gost the of over ne bul} ean Ratelle of Guelph on only ane vole in tw January 2 Gilbert, the league's top point arer with 103 paints and most player wing: Jareetl Cheevers defence: MeMa hone and O'Malley, Nt Michael R Guelph, | Goal Guelph aluable retained Ve right PANY wing wition vied ar th the Ast team TRIEM year second Catharines ham, Guelph oy Gil {Robinson Top British Sport the first game Blanchflower 1s as a television man of inde Division from this season hlossoming oul personality and pendent mind Recently he became the first person Lo refuse 10 appear on a BBC program This is Your Life even though friends and mem hers of his family had gathered al the studio to take part, This wis a Lypieally nonconformist act by a man who is wary of the obvious in sport and in life Merchants And Tony's In Final Oshawa Merchants and Tony's Refreshments will be meeting in the UAW Hockey League cham plonship finals, Both teams qualified for the title chance hy winning their best-of-five semi: finals, Merchants, front-runners during the entire campaign, took their series against the Baker Vending club in three-straight, | Tony's took four games, hefore ousting a surprisingly strong Credit Union This year's play-off will he the "rubber mateh' hetween the teams, The first game of the hest-of five finals is slated to start Sunday morning, in the Bowmanville Arena, at 11:00 wm. League management is now teving to secure some ice time for the afternoon and pos sihly the third, and fourth game If necessary, will he played as a matinee feature Rig snipers with the pennant winners are forwards Jackie Sneddon, who copped the ine dividual searing title, George Samolenko, Paul Tran, captain lack Armstrong, Syd Arnold ind George Westfall Fony's veterans seem thei strong point 5 Smith heads the with Keith West Myles, Gerry Robinson Robby Harmon GOALIES' AVERAGES GA 80 to he Ageless groun Al and imho Hong AVE Hawe,. Merchants "nm Melnick, Tony's tra, Union Vanstone, Vend TOP TEN SCORERS G AMS Hall, Mants 15 1 16 Merchants 11 Union Ss EN M'ants nn 5:00 10:00 i. We Arnold E, Tran Armstrong ? West, Tony's | \\ Union 1 Aly ony molenkn, Manta Tony's 'WHL Point Races Here THE CORAWA TIES, Tassley, Mascs 16, 1960 §1 Verma Trophy (In goalkeeyes Cid Sanring wih fewest pws sowed By THE CANAAN PRESS FEAR) races is (he gators fier Sat whey wd Sunday wgts Frague Tile games of the Wational Backey Wontrest Lezgne title, goalsoorng and Tonwmis WANA, Rides to hey Ihal with o WG lary samies FIRyy wyRson i. Kimioet s no pisiey (Worgey, Bryon) Kimiorts's. Mabiny Sting. Sryine) PL. Peis os 4 Wimiriey {Wimsatt Kiwis s Masm) IVP Bimlacis 5. Whiteley (Prmgie) prerrrre Kiminen's: Windats Final PEED Kiniouts's: Busion eviee, Malloy) Kinlochn's. Sutton (hryiney ; Samy Fb (Ieee ) Kipp si 3 E0800 § 12. Kiploeh's Br Skim N.. Cawker Hellan brvine Whiteley) 27.0% C March and MW mild, cool, even-burning Vogue is your best buy Io converient pocket pack or boll powd fin budhaid i WEEK! KARN'S ANNUAL AMERA ® MOVIE CAMERAS ® 35MM CAMERAS © POLAROID CAMERAS SALE © MOVIE PROJECTORS © SLIDE PROJECTORS ® SCREENS ® LIGHTBARS © GADGET BAGS © TRIPODS ® LIGHTMETERS KIWANIS RADIO

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