Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Mar 1961, p. 7

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cated he oll. The trapsurer's ke d cicate GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES f= 5 7=Rirs To Rid Work Servies w hell #6 & Jw \ [ Kay SRYTERIAN Packer offered i pti Mes. James Bell an i IRARTing With the sliarnoon win Of Cerebral Palsy ; Fa hdd wy uid of Giang ramvaner. hb fis sh | nd and Sys Wary, and Wes. William Prad Prashorenan Chueh WA was on Was Reid on pew ways fi Stardust" and " hiong WET 5 crows wilt have charge of AL the TRGHIGY MERTIng 0 ThE oid, id Hak ORES ATE They were ae Te Bevotionat. Pans wers made Pi PI Chapter of Beta Sigma op, dies' IORmER " " The pest meeting wits § wpe at the Wane by Wiss IF # rimmags sale (6 he Reid Fit, Mr. David Gray, president dent gv byt ' ore 6 the rst Tiesdey in Aoi att Wares Rundle afrnshments he first werk of May of the (hawz wd [ste id hig > Gad ated) J Ref rnshments were weir served by Wes. CA Wiss Macl ran thanked (he Ceratont Valery Parent Comat." pe . Re i with ervey Wis. Babert Weal Powell's grove members for they fad and Mrs. Delbert Aridess. past ens" of 4 Sarina ond Wis. William ( arr The president, Mics Wary Aonations of yeses for i president, were presented witht CUE EO TREY § arene acl ean premded. Mrs. 5. K Manor and loys and hooks (or # cherie for SEM from hel ne ror ond orver by Wis IIH PARENTS CONMIVIVE (fatficld read the winstes and the hospi hapher which was the presets 8 gs Poul "3 didi 4 4 The egler meeting of the - from Hs sonal Biae and Silver he scxeatery ond aswrnr Wh Derents committer of the hall Reid recently gave th resort Urshers (Hrd Gide Assnciation was held Wiss Maggaret Bless, presi werk prwsinded whos oolantery #6 the home of Wis. Alyn Filion dent, presided st the PEEHIBE. Loic ot Hitisduic Mam Whiting avenue, with Mis. Jack held at the home of Miss Mary i was decided th carpet the Lee presiding. The secretary Warhrton chancel when ens are com Wes, Gordon Metlvaid, read the Plans were @scwoned for the oheted 4 minwies and Mrs, Adnan Will ear wach on May 7, the pro "pe ng w he gave the (IRRSWIRY'S FRDOVE reds 1 he Bvided hetween (he he id wm Ap i 870 wm. The committer Bas accepted Fetprded children and ceretwal Jap Jk eck sme an IRVILRLION 18 & SOE CYRRIRE palsy Associations x wt Guide Howse mm April 19 at i was decided thet the cb 25TH SCOUT WOTRERS AUX. 5 om by the First Oshawa showld give g party in April for Mrs, Gordon Vernem, presi Comittee retarded chilAren ot TREE SERO0| gent Sort Auxiliaries' Exeaw HE was decided thet the a A FINK R Bl EN ) piso plans were discussed fF #000" Booed oresided at the nual mother and Aanghier Han I RS VIL 5 VP Mothers Day ten on Jwne Bh Coosics of the Toth Scot Moth- aust with be held on April 2 y ) yO ' ( ) 4 4 aid Founder Day ag po fot 7 Aunsliary The Beverend snd will be catered hy The YO 3) BE, | ROL I) SER ¥ "wh ' , . ila the Hotsl Coloma m _-- a Wrnneth Mathews offered pry Retarted Children's Associa Miss Judith Glove resident : / Y of iid Miss JUDITH GLOVER, | Beta Sigma Ph, is seen 0 haw and Wistriet Cereal Chapter and ot Extreme Fight 1 {ud Habel, Lib v rs Yurnum itinduced Wis he Abril mecink will be comvener of the Blue and | presenting a cheque for $150, | Palsy Parent Cownci fie Wy Pethert Arka Past | dent Miss Lan Scherman rank Gravelle an ' wilip Fr Py rent mat Silver ball held recently by | proceeds of the ball, to Mr. | extreme left is Miss Margaret | president, Cerebral Palsy par reasurer: Miss doen Williams |LRWTence of Scout Awriharies A he hire OF ThE Ducat the Phi aii Chapter of the ' David Gray, president of the § Blea president Fi | ent council Fimes Phot® | reonrding secretary; Miss Mar {iecutive Board Jd ais on MEE Mrs tach Kat Te vere Russell CORTRSPONINEL xitiaria 5 and the election and, duced Mrs, Norman Gower -- . ¢ " se RARITY eal the He {mse Museum B&APWC Members Novelist To Speak "The nes meeting wint ve a inslslment of sficers. She then|iiam fhe Kone Bosse Mean i ate # * is 4 4 ; rushing. party for Jaw mem Preside. Mrs WT. Black. co mehlights of the musenm = 5 A Wik ' huh ¥ ia Attending Seminar At Lyceum Club Jers ot Wooten, Vork ab oii vici prevent, Wr, Rot teresting pictures of many of howse on March ert Mctiah. Mrs. William Drew: the T00ms were passed around 4 of nets 4 treasurer, Mrs, William Carroll, #nd #& discussion period . fol dla iil ' FANS : In Toronto cragon, vit ben oboe Hillside Weighhbors |, 4s Vernm the um th lves Mrs. Gordon Copa { " Monday io add 55 the I y Mes in £ OVE i . Mis Yo " gh A WORKIAS Glady i Miss Jen in CENT ih ane i nen ! ' Blackhall whe hanke Mrs Mrs, Bert Howlett opened the gb a. : g & Fri 4 Err fr Leighton | Form Fellowship Varnum for her jalh Mrs, Wiki March meeting of the Loval| Wiss \ the ! gle and Mave hay of awn for J / fil navel Aum Drew read miner Workers of King Street United) Oshawn and Miss Manion Bell - Hig 1 f Sueey Wheels A BI of neighbors met re Ne LFERSUTRT'S TRpOrl Was FeRd! Ch hh WMS with ay Jo Adwinekle Womens Edior Dizl BA 53-3474 ' 7" HEE addads EFoup of REignne net | hureh WMS with prayer | man. Miss Mildred Price and d 4 fdsaiad Ld 4 and ""Fumm East, Turn West". cently at the home of Mrs, Fred- by Mrs, William Carroll, A 018-1 Phe secretary's report was Miss Lily Saunders of Whith . : She has written a history of erick Lesage, Beugog avenue, cussion was held regarding read and roll called. Mrs, ¥4d will join with #00 other Ontario THE OSHAWA TIMES, Setwrdey, Merch V1, 1961 FT opens" uo th 1800, "Canada: 16 discuss the desirability of changing meeting from Aer: ward Sills gave the treasurer's business and professional wom e Sire for Empire' and forming a fellowship group noon th evening report and Mrs, Farl Luke re en in the Boof Garden of the As & result, the Hillside 1a Mrs. William WKurelo offered ported on community friendship . } Roval Yor. Hotel for the sec ovel and a 14 dies' Fellowship was inaugurat- to fill positions of social conven calls md United Nations Seminar 11 Family Gathers To Honor wl 4 na ! ed with Mrs : Austin Hooper, rr "i Seoul telephone conven os Howlett announced the be held i dy aria unde J the . ' on | svelled) Elected ih first president. Oth- er i Emerson V ne offered Faster Thankoffering of the} sponsorship of the Ontario Bu # ? ers elected were: vice-president, to Gill the position of Cub tele MS will be held April 4 andl " ss and Profs onal Women's Mother on 80th Birthday nt and pf ; Fit by i { ik ir Mr Allen B. Johnston; reas: phone Convener Mrs, Henry hr he an hod ik Fy Chub be "The hinportance of Being er, Mrs. Karl Pakosta; se George Wilson and her commit-| For many years the Ontari Hrroundea by her family and 8 Canad or 'lan t our. TE1ary, Mrs. George Smith (ste : =i tee will have charge of the regu-| Clubs sponsored an annual friends, Mr Florence Maude a gi A ' Vor: NE Bl ON ceeding Miss Anne Saunders Pupils Entertain lar April meeting of the group,| y | wigh Foreign Kye who resianed due to other com Mrs, Howlett comineneid on the seminar al the UN Headquar- Penfound celebrated her Sith % * af Howing the meeting an ai { f { D ters in New York City while the | ha t Frid March 8 p ¥ ;, : . mitments) soeial convenes A I C F Cannon new organization to come in i] ay Is fingy Jr ' 7 Hi ' mw 4 | ' ' y J Status of Women Commission] 7% . y / He of fine white Eleimys. Alex Roxborough; assist 1962, United Church Women| wh H HH FR YENINE > wrdnt } hn M MN a i ot ' p Hp J was sitting, but lately this Com: WHER an aflernoon and evening hid : e held, Fachied by Mrs, Walter Ciona and n&S Meeting using the pamphlet, "The Com i ¢ memnher i 1 doked Lola n po hission has heen meeting party was held at the home of § . irs, Frederick Lesage, pres mission on the work of women Why Pay More?--8hop and Save al outside New York and it was Mr. and Mi Sidney P. Hard hl k il 5 reporter, Mrs. George. Smith A in the church e '- : vill. he M lively musical ogram™ decided to bring speakers toling, La Salle. avenue y : 4 H he My HW. Jury, card convener, Mrs, William highlighted his AAA ram The devotional theme Was Toronto and hold a Seminar Wearing her birthday cor i fe. 8 3 4 A H baw) the regular meeting of the Dr "Lenten' and the program was there age. the guest of honor re Jancey ana MN May. Dillon The club will meet on theo" 2 ome and. Behool presented by the executive, Mrs af p mn i IY # inn e § F Will 3 wie A The morning i be giveniceived congratulations from econd and fourth Monday ofl ooo n0 as held on Tues. 28 and Mrs Howlett read por tions of seripture and gave # : . al ant nem pry A over to talks hy Mrs. Margaret many callers including the for ; and enjo elevision pic EACH Month In members: homes go" evening "March 7, Mr, Wal ' | How nw SOME Jag Ashdown, leader of the firstimer mayor, Mr. Lyman Gifford larly programs by Fd hulhvan or iowa gi oPiagii ter Ham introduced each Hem yp om ie Just words four seminars held in New Yorkiand Mrs, Gifford, and members # and Arthur Godfre } EIERDOTS Inka . th "Mis, Roy Godfrey played an)? 765us before His crucifixion / §| munity His last commandment was "To City; Mrs, J. C. Houck, Bramp-|of Rebekah Lodge No. 3 and 3 Bhe has seven daughters ane accordion selection with her " olf anada's woman delegate|the LAPM one son fi Cecil Lioyd| A eharter meeting was held at) go love one another". "Not just } daughter, Linda, st the piane,| to United Nations in 1055; Mrs She also received greelings (Gladys), Toronto frs. Charl | he hori Ms ig tions A tap dancing number was your OWN SOND all nations, i74 Ritson Rd, 5 ' Open Dally fo 0 pom aig of Belleville who, in A ekg es Crossley (Dorothy), Toronte; | M8 ustin 0OpeY PYESIAER given" hy Lind 30iv von| [ACES ANG CTeeqs Mrs ec) Iohn Haig from her brother, Mr, Leland ; and led a songfest of old hymns, £0» Linda Boivin, Bharon mo qe, gave a reading "One 1950, won the UN Fellowship|g dee i her daught i Mrs, Vincent Craddock (Mar: Besse played a piano solo, Billy i 4 : ---- d dger, and he AUghier, In jorie), Oshawa; Mrs, ran k| The devotional period was con eo e © gave his rendition ofl Single Fvent Mrs, Ernest Specials | Mon ~Tues,~Wed, awarded annually by the Cana- Florida and among the visitors d , tg ' dian Federation for tenure tio cre her sister i Mrs. Eber : Bobil (Goldie), Florida; Mys|Meted hy Mrs, Frederick Leis d of a nove and eal: Brown read "To a Little Boy" FIRST GRADE ¢ e [IN Hes arters and M b . nar? 1 Loi Willis Richards (Flovence).|58ge and Mrs, Hooper read the 4 g Mrs, Theodore Wilkins played a the UN Headquarters ane F:iCragn and her sister-in-law, illiam ichards lorence), | SHES HE M Tack Mel aughs | "8 Heart" with his mother| Jt olo "Rock of Ages" Ls, Willson Woodside of the UN As| ye" arthur Edger, hoth of Oshawa; Mrs, Sidney Harding] S¢rptun FS. Jack MCLAUBN:|..oomnanving. A pine solo) PIANO 8010 "ROCK of Ages", sociation Bowmanville, (Madge), Oshawa; Mrs, Clare], Mrs. Alfred Bickel, Mrs, | oo "0loen "hy Dey Brownlee ALICE JACKSON EVE, AUX, GRADE "A" SMALL [ ' INFO \ i | Reginald Cook, Mrs, J. 8, Har bid] Following luncheon in the, "mye anniversary cake was cut| MIS: ¥: M. PENFOUND a {Rain Bowmanviliel and Mrs, Robert Pritchard, (And 1dnda Godtrey returned) fhe King = Street United EGGS 33° 5 1 49 hall room, the afternoon Ses ih due ceremony and they taught § a Vn Ry Lib OChrane, og "hy their president, Mrs with an accordion selection | Church CGIT led the Alice Jack:| poz, or poz, . wer daughter he is a keen Enniskillen. -Bixteen grandehil Dey Brownlee sang three Songs, son evening auxiliary in wor sion will he given over 10 ao ou" ai sd he f AP i / 4) guests all signed the souvenir ..q. Osha ita J id | Neta Hoagland, gave a mes | HilrY B discussion of the progress wom guest hook, Mrs, Penfound re reader of The Oshawa Times dren and two great-granchildren Around the World When ship. at the Auxiliary's March " 2 8 . and The Canadig Blatesmi ie p i sage In testimonies A . rasa ' en are making on the educa ooived many gifls, flowers and|® Phe Canadian Blatesman; complete the family circle Miss Dorothy Green and Miss in he Tinh Wells Me to w "ogo| Meeting. receding the worship BREAD Sav Yin 1 6° i LOAF tonal and aoeial lavel n Rakl fruit Ann Grieves showed colo ae Hila ol the DIaNo |i J the girls resented, [1 stan, hang & ; J Mrs, Penfound has heen a / wn slides and answered questions Si ; # plaviel using their mission world, Miss Akhtari Sharif of ' f : fharon Tesse, The programipraiect theme, "We Belong To Pakistan, who is presently HOTEN mm two side Osh e 1904 | ahout living in the Yukon, where J inl resident of Oshawa sine ( ¥ thou 18 1h the ¥ Uk: was brought to a close with &l gether", Teenage girls from PRESSWOOD'S . or 2 [ia and she marvels at the rapid 2 @ [they had spent some time as); J Canada Btudying under a {an growth and changes she has 7 = nurses in the Government Hog:|SPIaY Nf baton pring hy Nepal Angola, Canada, Thal ice Ld ada Council non-resident fellow 5 4 | The pictures and com Linda Boivin, Mi am thank: \jand "t,8.A., and Brazil were Le, 4 J Pi i CAIs, 4 tal +h a ship, Miss Estelle Amaron, an|5een in the past b years 4 PI ] iia ed the performers for such anipepresented in the playlet, ! 4 y the p 9 mentar re tly e id. | : official of the YWCA who has She was born in Meaford rs Reginald Conk tlased|"Hjovable evening | A reaffiliation ceremony fol-§ RINDLESS = SLICED cently returned from Ghanaland spent her childhood in é 4 Mrs, George Peters presided a. " Har El fecenily Khalid Bahan, acting! Bowmanville, After her mar: : i Z [ihe feeling with prayer and at a short husiness meeting lowed With Mee Herold Rawle BREAKFAST BACON 59 director of the Arab Informa-|riage in 1008 she came to make 4 7 8 ily Ales ' el Tetras || which preceded the musical pro-l oGIT groups receiving the fi-| Ls, tion Centre at Ottawa will re:[her home in Oshawa, Her home ' ments Led Ihe BOCK gram, The minutes and treas:|ganoial offering and welcoming! view the position of women inland her family have been Mrs, / ; vi iy Be dnling Il he held|TEV'S reports were read. MVS: (he girls into the WMS family, [l§ FLORIDA CHOICE these countries Penfound's chief interests, Un: at he nox Meeting, wi yi Peters reported on a Very suct| afer a short service of dedics.| ¢ Guest speaker at the evening|able 10 keep house for herself i i 12 home 0 MMs | cessful skating night which wWas|tion * Mrs, C, A, Powell intro. ELERY BUNCHES d Mrs en: p : Hooper, Evangeline drive : ad Hike Dah ainE dinner will be Mr, Herhert| Without difficulty, Mrs, Pen Allen Yonneton Wil act as chain. held in February, The principal \guced Mrs, H, Brown, guest or ) or time hetween| 4 kplaine ; Mowat. who is & member of|found spends her tim : BW |man and Mr, Robert Pritchard, | Mr. Arthur Jarry, explained speaker, who took the group to CELLO ¢ the national executive of the ? : president of the Oshawa Coinl'" system i an imaginary house-party and PKGS 7 promotion marks pointed out what was expected J Inited Nations A nation In| ' ' ' ) : awa Janet a Tricks With Mirrors, Club, will he the speaker The attendance hanner Wasi a" Ohristian teenager, Mhe won hy Mr, William Gauley's|gaid that the type of Companions | Free Parking -- OPEN DAILY TO 10 P.M, CLUB CALENDAR Beautify The Home gy SOCIAL NOTICE [[iathor"si Br" Cannin Schoo a, teentéir chose, was more bv The old idea thal mirrors ave ii showed (wo ims Homework 1e old ides fl p " 3 1 Own"! ( AT HOME Studying on Your Own" an : ust for looking into is way out| i le Ue ant." MONDAY of date Today, mirrors repres| Mr, and Mrs, Hales Harker Principles of Pevaiobment hel Ritson 1H - 8 Asin [sent one of the least expensive 21% Arthur street, will he at] A SEHE ike. The ne x | Air Cadets' Auxiliary ways of achieving striking of: B i ; home to their friends on Wed Ye Ai meeting of the Agsock: Cedardale H - 8 Assn fects in interior decorating, 1 ! nesday, March 15, from 3 to § ath will he on April 11 Lyceum Club and have the advantage of in| FS J and 7 to 0 p.m, on the aecasion Pleasant Mon, Aft, Club Idefinite life if properly used a ; of their Ath wedding anniver | RAR AAS Harmony H - § Assn And for large areas especially k SATY . South Simeoe H - § Assn, they are perfect to use instead ; ENC IMEN' FOR BEAUTIELN, RIGHARD HUBNUT INGAGEMENT PORTRAITS offers a permanent that Vincent Massey 1 - § of pictures which would he ex i h ! ! { Rundle Park Aux {remely expensive Mr. and Mrs, Tom Sanderson y gives you just the right amount Sunset Heights H - 8 The entrance hi f ; ba of Ajax announce the engage 4 [ hy Wandview Park Aux hale. Sirance hai ul a any = | (ment of their daughter, Phylis SP of oul for those ble 2rd Scout Mathers' Aux, [mirror, giving depth to these i : Joan, to Mr, William Lueas, ( | ghort fashiona ide : sometimes poky places in mod ll { [son of Mrs, K, Lucas of Sarnia, ae hair styles, TUESDAY ern homes By reflecting SEE Ontario and the late Mr, Lu: NI] ft, Matthew's Guild part of the living room in the ? : CIR The marrage L, tn take King Street H - § A t hi rg i Sd (place in Kt 'aul's ~ United ¢ St Peter's WA big hall mis Hmulation of 4 ! liad Church, Ajax, on Saturday, 49 King ERA 5.0181 Wooderest H = § Assn ed, Wh " ip y pm LA priL BR, 1961, at 3 o'clock 3A Home League If the hall mirror reflects THIS IS FUN TOR oh ih Five. WA light at night inte the darkened Christ Shureh "a clothes closet. visitors will be All smiles for the photos | Court and My. and Mes. W. ( King Street N AUR able ta hang up coats and hats| Brapher is Robert Jay, son [ Kilburn and great-grandson of ganatinn, Leion Aux. more easily, then straighten! of Mr. and Mrs, Jack Kil Cour Oatawa 100. A living room year-ald Jay is the grandson ue wry) | promised neutralizer has its own ary. Baplis ! i 8 i \ . 3 i Np 1 AM H-8 Mirrors used floor length of Mr. and Mrs, W. T. Ms Photo by Ireland A | uilt-in shampoo, No after perm Reta Sigma Phi flanking your front entrance | : J ; 4 odour either! St. Stephen's WA will give added width to a nar I i } ' i Pythian Sisters row area NEW! AMAZING, AIR RESTORER! ke Ty ar 26s fashionable alrighi and quick Kate McLaurin Aux People are forever finding St. George's WA new uses for mirrors. One of Makes You Feel Better, Sloop Better, Breathe Better! : : : Nellie Dearborn Group the latest comes fram the Uni Fashion Quick 1] also available ina ; versity of British Columbia i v strength created for children WEDNESDAY where doctors have heen ex ® : | ; h p few 80 safe, so sure--$1,75 Queen Mary Lodge perimenting with mirrors to s ' 1st Scout Mathers' Aux keep babies quiet, And here, tap, | 7th Seout Mothers' Aux the magic of mirrors pays off. | King Street WMS Put a orib where a small baby | 16th Group Committee {ean see himself in the mirror Cedardale WA land he'll be quiet for hours. 1's] Pr. Robert Thornton H - § far mare effective than giving Patriarch Militant Aux him a toy he'll get tired of. charme and sophistication of Pearl Group i . id this creation by jutta. you will he delighted ta hear that jutia Centre Street WA he dol THURSDAY Court Charlene, COP i y , i 3 ) " Court Cha Electrolysis bs dustin an ll porn Codnelce Deparlment St. George's Eve. WA Removes warts, moles and ng march Happy Doubles' Club wperfluous ait permanently " = CITY WIDE FREE DELIVERY Calvary Baptist WMS and painlessly rat Chureh Rve Guild Over 15 Yeany' Experience i NEW Air:Restarer reple b xygen 1 ur A 430 8 LE ST E 530 SIMCOE ST. S St. Andrew's WA RESULTS GUARANTEED by ¢ \@ the fresh air from your wings " \ ue bedi Su PHONE RA 3-2245 NY EY PHONE RA5-3546 Mr, and Mrs. Percy Kilburn has 1 ff : So easy to use too! Fashion Quick's their hair before entering the! burn, Eastmount street. Ones | all of Oshawa again it's diana mallen, mad: eling her styleful hairdo, this front view shows you the freer breathing and better eT OES MARIE MURDUFF : ave one, you will b glad $4 id ad Ap [op Challenger Group PAA FPS a alu A rigid. Api : [ROSSLYN PLAZA - RAB 4668 Hin Sct Mathers Aux PHONE RA 3.464) D. GUILTINAN, Manager > : ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA layeeties for appointment an these dates 45 DIVISION ST. OSHAWA RA 5.2743 : BEAUTY SALON s 13th Scout Mothers' Aux,

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