Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Mar 1961, p. 5

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J A ] § n n a il th vi th di Mi the Ur ('a 1 MO Rit Air Cer iw WHITBY And DISTRICT | \ Snow 5. County Council Vetoes Representation A FREI aRiation 16 (tars restrictions comlained fn Set County that it twin own reso tion 15, Subsection 7 of the Wa Won cing for representa maps Act, BS. 16687, tim boy tion was cerned wii ' " if Oak perias wisy the flan Cm: during omen PH RrRings om Wiles Wes TESNESINE ROR yA 4 endorsement of the TREN On We TEOMMERGtion, siti] HB UeCrone, of Beayerion (ed By the SIRABRE COMPBHILE seid "certan meme peitie: on Finance, CORCETRER B FESO would he in contest tion forwarded by the Cowes : asl of the Town of Wiithy Not satisfied with the as : Ser, 4. Sherman Sass, reevE The Fesorition Ferd of the Townsp of Pickersg, "WHEREAS Premier Leshe puef YM. Frost has on several oces- : Shins sions sated thet government "How can we he naan fe represent ition showid be on the 5 # fundamental de basis of popiation aia principe' "AND WHEREAS this cows Deputy » reve of the of Port Perry, V s Nis Auestioned tions" referred to in the 1650 Yittage Thomas Har a the pestria RETRES that EOVETRIREM. TR ny f rRERI ELL pit atiom fair and "AND if repre WOR septation by popwiation is fair County Clerk, Wiliam 6 #t one level of government; i is Manning oid cows mehr s fair at wll levels of rment. thet rress with 11608 elector "BOW THERBEFO f 5 gre entitled 19 a recve with one CORRCIE respeetfully suggests 16 yoie, 16912008 & Aeputy TeeyE the Ontane Legislature thet with one vole, 2001008 the when i is revising the Munici Reeve receives two voles, Over pal Act, representation by pov W01 the Deputy VE FRLLIVES wiation be made law without the twa voles, High # ot Henry St. Wrestlers Bow To Ajax Teams By ROSS GIBSON With the score 25724 and with th Henry Street High one minute left in the game 8 unior and Baptem bh in snk the dindhing H 4 {@ } / 3 fi 0H make the Hin ( place, they went fH Aefs H corer for x Ww on Thursday of this week. The £4 17 points. Of games, played in Cent § gym- who uted 19 the Ajax wir nasium, proclaimed Xx the wer Woods and Ran victor ciey Fhe score in the | Tat Henry ih SEOVEYS WENE gt the half was 18-12 fo x.1In and Tavener with nine Whithy tried to ral but was! voints each Holley and unsuccessful. Final score was! Orton also scored 34-20 for Ajax On Maret eight teams High scorer for the winners) four Senior and four Junior, will was Told with 19 peint whilelplay in the COSSA finals af Claringhold, Smyth and Robert Henry Street H School. On son also scored (oy Abher-{ Henry's Senior team s made mann, with eight point 9 the finals. These mes should Henry's high scorer. Other scor:| prove to he exciting and inter ers for Whithy were Gonde,! ests for al especially as La ue and Henderson Henry's team takes to the floor In the Junior game, the seor Everyone is invited to attend and cheer their team on WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY was 12-11 for Ajax at the half 109 Visits By Whitby VON There were 108 home visits FBRYPA MEETING made by Miss Anna Jean Me! On Tucsday evening, the Lead, Whithy's VON nurse, dui- Faith Baptist young people met ing the month of February, Miss|for their regular weekly meet: McLeod states in her monthlyling, This week the young peo report to the VON executive, Ofiple enioved an evening of howl these, 91 were. for nursing earveling at the Oshawa Shopping and the remaining 18 were for Centre Bowling Lanes health instruction After the recreational part of During February, the nurse the meeting the young people spent 814 hours at the plant of went to tie home of Mr, and Bathurst Containers Mrs. Dale for the devotions, The Pre-natal classes will hegin on title of the message was the March 22 at 2 p.m. and will be Chureh and. the two speakers held weekly thereafter at the who presented it were David auditorium of Fairview Lodge Cross and Raymond Cross, Any wishing further information may contact Miss MeLend al MO B-58H8 Miss Margaret Bruton, a reg istered nurse from 8t. Michael's Haspital, Taronto, is visiting the| Whithy hranch during the month| of March. 8he is enrolled this year in a post-graduate course in public health nursing at the University of Western Ontario Following is a list of the offi cers of the hoard of manage ment of the Whithy branch o the VON: president, Mrs, Everett first vice-president, | Mr. Colin Campbell; treasurer Mrs. V. Evans; recording see retary, Mrs. D. Wilson: corre sponding secretary, Mps, T meeting will be in the form of a St. Patrick's Day party and those who are interested in at tending please meet at chureh at 7.45 Ruth Group Plans Dorcas Bale Tea | BL, John's Anglican Church Ruth WA held its regular meet | ing in the Bunday School hall The president, Mrs, Stan Al kinson, opened the meeting with a praver. Various reports were read and approved During the business meeting the members voled a sum of money 10 to the Diocesan Board of Toronto. Plans were| made for the Doreas Bale Te | Home League Leads Service js fui At Fairview {joint effort with the WA, the [Tuniors of the Girl's Auxiliary! will serve tea Salvation Armv Woamen's Tentative plans were made re Home League held its weekly garding a "Games Night" to be meeting on Thursday, The held in early May to celebrate members and the Halvation/the Tith year of the WA, The Army Band held a service for meeting elosed with paver. | the residents of Fairview Lodge. Mrs, 8. Atkinson and Mrs, Wil Robert Wilsan addressed the!liam Bonk were tea hostesses group briefly, Mrs. Willett gave! Eleven children were present the Bible reading. Mrs. Captain!/and supervised hy Mrs. George Roberts led in prayer. After Nicholson wards the regular meeting was held at the Citadel with Mrs Donnitharne and group in charge of the short meeting | Mrs, Donmithorne thanked alll those who helped. Lunch was served by the committee Ho QUEREC'S FIRST The Quebec Gazette, estab lished in 1764 and now part of the Quebee Chronicle-Telegraph, Was the first newspaper in Que-| we BROCK EVENING SHOWS AT 7 and 8:20 WHITBY SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 | Roweo Bisset | 2nd Feature Attraction "YOUNG JESSE JAMES" Starring--Willard PARKER--Merny ANDERS PLUS (meeting, Fhe guest speaker will {be Mrs, George Rapsey, of To |Bunday, her school companions Move wlartons hoes nol mess & Ming wm terme of voles, he said, "Representation By popia fion is one way 16 strengihen connty form of government," commented Pririck Sheehan Pepwiyrecve of the Town of Aix Bese of Pickering Village Cort BE. Morley (ek the reso tion was # "good Mea be case where the popwation is pes the bills" He prrapbrasel Ws remarks by pointing out thet there was RBENYT BEIWEER KICIHS " » Rags ; ' fi and RO ation in the yesmition {lighway 41 dyeing 5 were taken off, He RAVE 56 I9 tered oy the new cits broke the 8 Chics Diesiom shad 5 we wwe # TULIPS DEFY WINTER BLAST ios', me veal cer imi". Ft ve wre] * "aa Wnty iia 3 ---- i ar | OE (hr aa Ws we 208 on 2 gi Aig thowsand #len to exceed the hownds of Vnder Ww. pupces of WA i think i showid be eles Probahy covered by snow , However, the weatherman had "#7 4 # g WRETRIG OF of 1.5 parts per thows arian feshings and ey" tors" he added BOW Rie these shoots | other iGeas and on Wednesday WO OCCRHORS, hen pass WK OF fof % He cited the folowing Weck Warren Mowat, Deputy reeve wt the home rs, Lloyd | might sent down = wintry |e right mide, Wiegally, # het Both he and PC. Obaries Dan some Jost year: of the Town of Wiithy "E Wicks, 807 Brock St. north, | Mast, complete with snow and [He ils swe hat Wh TREE ODOR 1a the Jakarta sbw® of fail to see why this council Can. but last Wednesday atternoom, | sleet, Mrs. Wicks said that the | He 52d that he stopped Fas Faster was wnt onicted sie THN, 2 man butchered Is vole against democracy, Each when the . p shoots first aopesred in mid: ter and aller questioning Win 4 Ernest Comeon 4 fhe oom chiA and drank its Weed 14 PATRICKS BRCIDRitY aust rerize that they ¥ on | February ok TIRE HEIR, REReR OVF, sek ha oft bof # Aske) 2. At Jogiskarta, mn central ' -- in Canale we voile by Popa { pr 2Y shana Times Viole to get in the police erwser, io ligt uy oy dds Java, # member of a new sect oy £ r AES A A nlf #5 BR % i / y To ip of Whithy's Deprty REFUSED FTES REE But, he said, he had heen drink og ed the corpse of & Woman D ANCE ee vom, wooo set Oamadian Opera COMPANY ri ris wu i,m vee = wim mmm, in vet sos he he Jas " niles a P y said that he called for help and fr 19d the court that 4 a Round & Squere Jats Wh 79 when he returned (9 the Easter he had had onby five boitles of RANGERS SIGN PLAYER FRIDAY d £ Faster had walked over 19 heer that afiernoon, He said NEW YORK (AP) -- New To BE ar t the' fence 9 feet away nd Was that he had tried 19 pull 10 the York Rangers of the Nationel] €3 Mareh 17 WHITBY ) « ne & fencepost With Ws (eft of the car ahead of Wim on Hockey League Friday signed A 9PM. hands the passing lane to see why he Phil Latreifle, 22, # senior from PERSONALS The Canadian Opera Com inder he Fa F Brecon 0 cparies Daniels. of hie didnt zo # Witte faster, Finally, Middlebury, Vi, College o pany, (4 PEON OF DF, SEOFEE PEONER ODCTR OV. puoioring Police Department, in desperation, he said, he pass Latreille, a resident of Mont: THLEEN . . i opera rs fa ohne h best Picken, Ad y Wig a wit- ed the car on the Nght side, or real and g right winger, scored KA ROWE $t, John The Evangelist CWI in pithy 19 ness, and could not persuade Griving lane 246 gosls and collected 95 as SCHOOL Fravelling Bridge and Vachre" in the He * Easter io let 20 of the post and He said thet he 4d not con- sists for 1 points during bis o RISRESHWINTS o PRITES o hostesses for the month of i with 6 16 the cruiser sider Wimself in "no condition college career Admissi 78¢ pre as follows, Brig of O us in ft Wo Finally, said PC Pegg, Vas to drive' and therefore refused He will play in Rangers' four oY porien 7. Mulligan, Mrs, J ' by Jacques Offen the ters wile and one of Ws older to be taken into custody, remaining games, , Mi Peter Olen 9h children asked Kaster to get in. Wis Honor ruled thet the ae: = ww - - Wilk i Gertinde Lynde the cused was wnpaired and sustain Mrs, BR. W. Hastings, Mrs, Greg The ©) hy 8 PE pany g director A towAruck operator and gs ed the conviction Carter. Euchre: Mrs, Edward Hire nian ations and man Geiger Torel, and eon-direc : 17 § ® Keenan, Mis. W, Har Mi ORES ANG CRSEMMICS 0) Mo Moors [A LE < J. Smyth, Mrs, J, Ottenbrite Jy VAs OB the JELERG of Orpheys Rg 14 is clever parody of ana Eoryi Sudo omen we 1 OCJE@therness Mr. and Mis. 1. J. McMinn of The. « real SHecE dice ritten over Euchd street, are celebrating with its previous nations! tour 166 ars BE as modern their 25th wedding BIMIVEFSEEY has made a relurn engagement and enteriai any present FOR A on Sunday Their friends wish 15 Ontario & "must day musioal sh eme i them all happiness The performer is being The opna is the latest addi TUNE-UP Mrs, Eva Murray, of Oshawa, sponsored mn Whithy hy the tion to the Company's 1eperory, my. March meeting of the Af gether", Mrs, Carscallen quoted LEN mother of Mr, Edward Thomas, Whithy Concert Association and is being performed for the ternoon Auxiliary of the Wom. from Basil Matthews "The vine of Dundas 81, I, is celebrating ¥ ts fing) presentation of this first time by the Company Gur oon gh id Jia of cooperation hears lovely SAVE MONEY a DO IT-NOW her birthdsy on Monday, SEASON ing this tou en's Missionary Bociely was fruit held in the Assembly hell of '"Fosetherness means co-op ie extending their best Murray Friends wishes to Mrs Mis. W. Winter, of Whithy Pickering Townline, is opening her home rn Monday evening to the Whithy United Church Fire side Evening Group for their Films Of ronts, Alaska, shown 10 the Nathalie, aaughter of Mr, and Whithy Garden Club by Mr, and Mrs, George Vancurenki, is cel-\Mrs, Charles Broughton, at the ebrating her 10th birthday on March meciing, These excellent Monday. Her school companions Pictures of superh scenery were and friends wish her many Breatly enjoyed, taking the au happy retuing of the day dienee into Dawson Creek in the Peace River Miss Pearls Luke flew to Day: ern British Columbia, and on (ona Beach, Viorida, to join her int the North, showing many brother amd sister-in-law, Mr scenes of interest, Dawson and Mrs, A, E, Luke, who are Creek is in # good agricultural spending the winter months in'section Vierida, were PrOSperous Pictures of the itself Peace River On Bunday, Mr, and Mrs, John heautiful Ferguson, of Centre Bt, 8, are wern very i After the message the meeting| celeprating their 30th wedding Weve those of many lakes and each graye, these houses being was dismissed. Next week the anniversary. Their many friends Waterfalls, OF particular interest well painted, with windows, and was one ot Otter Valls, which i wish them many happy returns he falls shown on the hack of Mr, and Mrs, Al Bluart, ofthe five dollar bill, In the seenes| the Montreal, und their family visit: of mountwins, in many cases|few ed at the home of My, and Mrs. (one could see the varying RE (Boh Wilson, of 837 Dundas Bt, I, [colors of minerals showing onthe At Garden Club Pictures taken on their trip 10 its Distriet of North! Struggle A Provincial Pela Constable fe werk (04 Judges Sevan Wilmore that the arrest of Pers. Cradle mam, charged with Wore et AN9WE. Red Be fudiarons ws he (ok of & 18-0 WE HERE , With # Sept weak period. VC Cittord Vegz 1604 fhe cows fiat Henry Kater 5. # generEi amt acior, had singed for MW minutes with foe men fectore he was Snail; slivers sid Placed iw the om gey Easter had appedied 2 Wa BRIE ES CORIO We Ra @ of $00 and one year's Waewes sugiencion, His Honor fsmics eh the appesi wd woheid the CoMViction Dt reduced the per lod of swepession from one egy 17 thee montis PC Pegg 1914 the coprt that fe hed followed FEaslers cer om the United Church at % pm. on (Tuesday, The president, Mrs H. Hare, opened the meeting with a poem, "All the Notions Shall Call Him Blessed" Mrs, D, J, Kean reported for correspondence, Mrs, Hare read a letter from the Ontario Tuber culosis Association and ong with reference to the new Women's | Organization North mementos of the gold rush days; here too was seen an old Anghiean Church built of logs rs. C. Roper reported for now replaced by a beautiful supply and stressed the great new white structure, quite mo- need for clothing and hlankets dern in wprehitecture as relief, Mrs. Hare wort service in mem for overse led in a 8 River hoats, once used so ex tensively on these novithernlory of Mrs, W. J, H, Richard waterways, are now hauled uplson, Mrs, H, C, Phillips and on the hanks of the ¥ uk on|Mrs, Colin Campbell, member; wiver, and left to decay, One/who had passed away recently of these, however, will he re:| Mrs, C. R The p NT Pred interyi : habilitated in the nesr future,|the devotional, The hymn Re V, a oneyselt of the Fred| no waiti 8 80d wondering, We look lier elf (1 and farming here is and will become a museum, Al Forward Through the Ages" Victor Mission, Toronto, will he Ansncing meesngements for you in one dpuh picture of some Indian graves| Was Sung This hymn fits inithe guest speaker st the Fas: | transaction on the spot, It's Canada's most [lot awn) Wis most interesting, as jwith the WME theme for the ter "Thankolfering meeting convenient way to buy on time, A ad Ld ' A . i" | X howed a nttle house built over| YAY, Into all the world to-lApril 4 ie | WHITBY | BOWLING NEWS | MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE | Tuesday night's action at even in some cases with eurtains lat the windows Viewers were scarce hut a) peaple had managed tol grow them, and in such CABes| were very lovely | | Pietures taken in Dawson City | . the surface, Roads here are Busan, daughter of Mr, andiguavel wide, and lined on either showed Robert Beryice's cahin,|County Bowl produced a series Mis, Joseph Wainright, ts cele: [yin ons uioht rows of five and some of the old-time amuse. of shut-outs as Wilson's "ond | hrating hes 14th birthday on wood These roads are good hut|ment halis of gold rush days (Market led hy Capt, Dick of Colborne school and friends wish her many happy returns of the day, FA Mr, and Mrs, Ronald Jackson, |88nds of of Bolton, and their sons Kopalg Were seen on the roadsides and Wayne, were guests at the! In Whitehorse, the traveller home of Mr and Mrs, Donald saw Bam MceGee's cabin, with mn CLUB CALENDAR The following members of the! Unity Club visited in Oshawa al the invitation of the Migpah Club; Mrs. Tena Roberts, Miss Vina Whitelaw, Mrs, Lena Pel MONDAY, March 1) United Church YPU Whithy Baptist Church Explor low, Mrs. lsobel Meier, Mrs, | pn. IE : ' Alma Dewey, Mrs, Kdith Hoar, aime potom Wa 3 Moe. Mrs, Winnie Wilkinson, Mrs, Mother's Aux, y dane Anderson and Mrs, Kath: Atmond's H and 8 Assoc. leen Brough Brock 8, 8 H and 8 0 --_ Vimy Ridge LOBA UAL] N United Chureh Fireside ing Aux, WMH St, Andrew's Preshyterian Chureh Young Women's WA House of Windsor: Chap, J0DE TUESDAY, Mareh Whithy Red Cross work reem Whithy Baptist Chureh CGIT Faith Baptist YPA Whithy Baptist Chureh LA ith Seouts-Cubs Group Com All Saints' Anglican Chureh Afternoon Guild Even Fund Total $661 For Chasczewski The Tom Chasczewski Trust Fund has now climbed to $061.65, says Ivan Davie, one of the hioard of trustees and may well top the $1000 mark in the next few days, The fund is being raised to assist in medi cal and hospital expenses and rehabilitation of Tom Chasezew-| {United Church Afternoon WA ski, 19, a defenceman with thel oll £1 s (3 Hillovest dr, B hockey United Chusch, Live. Gtaup WA elub in ) Ap ; St. Andrew's Presbyterian Whithy, who lost an eve during ire h. Helen Marshall a game here two weeks ago Society ction Sontributions were ren. A Hutchison H:8 Assoo Mrs. Lila Singer, Oshawa g1| Whitby Chapter Order of the William Davidson 5 Hastern Star No, MM y MS § D |] N ag > Miki rs. Radwell 310 wrnNESDAY, March 13 Rddie Hepburn § 8.1 John's Anglican Chureh WA business meeting St. Andrew's Preshyieens Dr. Robert Thornton H-8 Assoc Knights of Columbus Henevolent Rebekah Lodge No, 122 King Street H and § Assoe, Boston Bruin Hockey Club Kiwanis Club of Whithy Picton Jr, Hockey Club $i Hobby Hassard, Stouffville $i On March 21, the fund is ex pected to receive a real shot in § $24 the arm as proceeds from a benefit hockey game ) COR mp 1 ney EAE are Oh ppURSDAY, March 16 tributed. The game is between Salvation Army W ' Ho the Whithy Dunlops, of Sp " i Ce my Women's Home fame and the Hillevest Jun tl J ame and the Hillorest Juniors, |i Satiist Anglican Church St ; : : Margaret's Guild MORE PEOPLE Women's Institute Retween 1880 and 1981 the papulation of Rome increased 10 FRIDAY, March 17 1! 2,048, 847 from 184,000, 'Sentor Citizens, Group extremely dusty, and should be Gold mining operations were! Adams tonk three points from ships, such as the 1967 Inter: | travelled at a moderate rate of [seen and 1m one picture were (Bud Cooke's Vaso and, in doing| mediate i speed, otherwise tives gre ripped [shown piles of gravel which had|s0, took (he lead in this final mediate B; 1060 Intermediate A heeds on the stones, Thou:-|been gone over three times in|section from Courtice Pharmacy dnd Senior B, of Ontario; andj these cast-off tipes!the search for gold, once hy|/who were whitewashed hy Mer Again in 1060 the nermedinte) panning, and twice afterwards cantile Dept Store, Hambly Tire] hy more modern methods, also shut-cut Hillerest Dairy and| Phis trip, which took two Burtinsky Florists took the odd months, wus highly enjoyable, [point from Bassell's Jewellery, hoth In reality for the partici Top shooter this week was| pants, ana for the audience who Dick Adams who, for the second] saw these excellent pictures, [week In a row, was over the §00| In the Clu how, the follow:/mark, Dick 8 games were 352, ing were the winners Ha0, 246 for a nice 027; Class 1: Table centre suitable Jim Cassells also had two! for 8t, Patrick's Day, USING | games over 300 for an B54 triple flowers andor horticultural ma terial, (1) Mrs, 8. Burns | Class ¥: Table centre suitable! [for Ht, Patrick's Day, using mas terial other than above, (1) Mrs 8. Burns, (3) Mws,- R, Van Horne, (1) Miss Marien Craw: forth Class 8, Mantel or huffet arrangement for St, Patrick's Day, using norticultural mater ial only, (1) Mrs, E. 18, Bond, (3) Mrs, 8 Burns, (1) Mrs, J N, Wilkinson 'Mrs. C. Hoag | Speaker At | n Auxiliary The Ladies' Auxiliary of the (Roval Canadian Legion met an Doug Rowden 770 (274); Chuck Gill 741 (208); Martyn Jordan (TOR (278); Myrle Reeson 780 [(301); Larne Pollard 720 (260); Jack Wilson 730 (368); Berl Mewett 720 (208); Doug, Fox 717 (206); Doc Dafoe 715 (278); Earl Jovdan 714 (283); Sel Himes 700 (257), | | Good singles were rolled by [Clare Hutcheon 208, Al MeHalfie| {204, John Bruechle 200, Wes Keenan 266, Bob Murphy 268, dl [Brishois 263, Rill Jordan 263, | (WIlf Hubbard 262, Jack Moore 208, gion Grants To Two Funds | Branch 112 of the Royal Cana| dian Legion, Whithy, has made [@& grant of §50 to the Tom Chas czewski Fund and a further grant of §10 to the Easter Seal Wednesday evening, Due to Fund of the "Whithy Rotary weather evnditions, the tur {Club, The grants were made! out was small, Mys, Hoag repre: during an executive meeting of | senting the TR survey, gave/the branch this week, a meet a very lateresting talk on the|ing attended by the executive reasons why one should havelof {lie Ladies Auxiliary of the Xorays or the patch test when! branch Hie by mass survey comes to Whit Main item for discussion hy the two groups was plans for Members are reminded of the/a pienie of both.groups at Pine social evening when they arc! Ridse Park, near Brooklin, 10 bring a guest; on Maveh 22 June 34 has been set as the at 8 pm, The Auxiliary Rally|tentative date for the event i5 10 he held in Bowmanville] On Saturday, Branch 112 will this year on April 10. A bus/be host to about 100 eribhage {Will leave the Legion Hall ati players of Zone F of the Le For Watch Hunt | _ SEOPYED FOR WATCH 4 An ing, Wiel cparied 3 fie Carsenllen led inl ereeing and coaching fame, has THIRD CONCESSION, WEST, {heen obtained as coach with OF HIGHWAY 12 Jerry Gray assisted : Jin p30 AM. Puckrin as managers, With this Ch h utch Service power at the top, the new team| urc 0:30 A Stops Chock Crowd Of Odd Cults REIT OAS. Wis Bah 5000 poy We gusne were enlistat oy, ot 2 ge WH REI few Egos te ely acs Randalls OF as guieq in Indonesia I or " hvities of this pegbll | RYBREnt FRgaehs Renevslentiy, of 90008 pessie. predomi. Wore Hen #9 ger cent of the PC Pegg said that » Swmin- nantly Wesen mt with iofis People ax Worlems, Wt the wa stengrie followed Telos ential Boman Catiulias, Protes- Peptic is not an Islamic state, Faster was po wn hankoufs fant and inde minorities, ave md Roman Cotholies, Protes fring the sienggie. Be sal. worried abot 2 sudden woswegs ats and Findus Kastar's watch came off Woof wnwsal sents jal rrgersantation wrist and the stewggie falta Imoesti gations carried st Toy ent, tampon ly while #5 searched the gov sunk fy low Be watah. 16 was fond and 150 and 299 new colts kad oot. ack on Waser' wm wn somng wy in recent vears, wos} Buttons & Bows the Sewage Commies of them ww Java. This was at . Lites, ateay Waster was Ww Whe (oitutad to the stierngs whieh TEA Friday, Mor. 17th 290 70 5 Pm, nr WHITBY goer, We wile and thee ol 2 fares sextion of the comms UNITED CHURCH dean, one p Day We BERS, Were nity had had 19 endure for , wines, pRght. have woset social PC Pegg said that he aces "yolones" snd created & desire Faster he word Behave K€ or o " 1908 fie andois were removes other than material things. Gen will Waster aprech anh Ihe CIS cra however, practicss 19% PLENTIFUL LABOR SPEEDY SEASONAL SERVICE Your MODERNIZATION, REPAIR, end REPLACEMENT WEADQUART FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING AND HEATING REQUIREMENTS FREE ESTIMATES--NO OBLIGATION eration and we should he much concerned with togetherness in our study and in planning for the new Women's Organiza tion," she said, Mrs. M, G, McCarty gave the study, An interesting program on work eamps and work proj. ects which is being carried out hy students and young profes sional men and women of sey: eral races in different parts of | the world all working together! In a Christian service project, | Meeting closed with & hymn and prayer by the president, | The executive will meet in the church parlor on Monday, Mar 13 at 245 pm, Mrs, 8, L, Os horne and group were tea host: esses DON'T DISTURB YOUR SAVINGS! Buy on the LLA.C. Merit Plan , 5 You can start using your purchase immedistely, poy for 1] out of earnings st low rates snd on convenient you hinance pio ah IAC MERIT PAN HER W 10s the easiest way , , , no special Pay the 1.A.C, MERIT PLAN Way... 0d onjoy of the sxiva bones! Brooklin Moves To Sr. Lacrosse After 30 years in Intermediate | Lacrosse, Brooklin has decided to enter the Senior ranks, em-| hlematie of top lacrosse in all of Canada, During their 30 years, | they have won many champion:| Modern Indoor Comfort , , Saves Health , , , Saves Wealth Albert Randall + Sona 1:1 ) 102 BYRON ST 5 WHITBY ONT 700 MO 8 2991 ( C, the 1068 Inter. A title, [J] Because of the lack of com: petition in the Intermediate] fleld, it was decided to step up| - : into the higher bracket, This is] the first time in the history i EMMANUEL REFORMED REV, GERRIT REZELMAN lnerosse a community as small as Brooklin has entered a sen: lor team in this sport, | Louis Vipond, of the OLA ref: Let's All Go To 10; : Sunday School, English English Service Whith PRT Thi should really make itself known, The executive of the new elub| This is as follows: past JI dont, (len Reazin; president Gene } M, ; Dopp; vice-president, William / Wenhip ot Bowmanville Vipond; secretary » treasurer, f° un ay Bowmanville Sunda School Levi Arksey; honorary director, EVERYONE HEARTILY Welcome Jim Bishop; directors, Gordon Cook, George Richardson, Erie Branton, Art, Bradley, Hugh Ormiston and Ken Greer, Wauip: ment manager is Luther Vipond, ST, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FAITH BAPTIST 419 Brock St, N,, Whitby Pastor; Rev, E, C, Corbett, §.Th, WIFU STAR DIES f REGINA (CP) == Vernon Vaughn, 25, two - way end for, Saskatchewan Roughriders in the Western foothall conference, | died Thursday at Aquaseo, Ma. ryland, of Leukemia, elub offi clals reported Friday, He had) been il only three weeks, He) joined Roughriders in 1058 and) was Roughriders' leading pass) receiver in 1959, 9:15 AM, Radio Broadeast CKLB 9:45 AM, Bible School Hour 11:00 AM, & 7:00 P.M, Our Pastor Speaking Special Music Everyone Welcome WHITBY UNITED CHURCH Rev, John M. Smith, BA, B.D, Minister Rev, A. M, Butler, BA, Assistant Minister Mrs, J, Beaton, AR.T.C.. Organist 11 AM, MORNING WORSHIP BEGINNERS' CLASSES JUNIOR CONGREGATION 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL Congregational meeting im» mediately after this service, Whitby Baptist Church Rev, Thomas Webb, Minister Mrs, W, E, Summers, A TCM, 10:00 AM, SUNDAY SCHOOL Family Monuments Created To Individual 3 Reauirements STAFFORD BROS, MORNING WORSHIP 11 AM, "THOUGHTS ABOUT REDEMPTION' SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:48 AM Girls and Boys ? yearns Monumental Works 11:00 AM, & 7:00 P.M, and over, . 318 DUNDAS EAST 11:00 AM =Suis and boys under MO 8.3552 REV, THOMAS WEBB 11:00 Mi inten Care, Junior (94 pm (gion al & cribbage tournament,'

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