Ontario Community Newspapers

The Oshawa Times, 11 Mar 1961, p. 1

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THOUGHT FOR TODAY 5 o-- Oh FIBERAI RITIVIRE 167 A hihi isl i | I welcomed | Pearson Starts Tour |i: For Liberal Popularity; 10 party nt, (CF)~1 from 1 theral auth headed in yn supparnes eslern Ontarnn for nearby BL. Thama hear Opposition Leader Pearson | deliver the keynote A campaign a fortunes in the are The Liberals now hold ane of the 11 seals in the ridin aday peech party m raise Fl nly Lam Winlermeyer federal Liberal part SOR RB AE Vaae | left, 4. A. Beechie Liberal Dune hy, from Landon president Gila ion an ue if I Hi heduled 1a drive hamas #l ind In th with her noon tn spend eh Foronta evening nis mother #4ith hirthda Also on hand Mi ontaria Sunday walin Mar Leader squad of headguar Were Liheral and a m ! dhe Oshawa Times Frive Pref Grey 6 Coniy Fr Copy 'Neutral City Plan For Congo TANANARIVE Congmiese |eRders Meeting om this Maisgasy Bepwlic island ROPER 16 BE DIAMINE R 16086 federation of Congolese lates with |eopoidvitie becoming # mneitral ny" to serve RBs Ms Lapital (Relat sy A BPOKESIHAR RIRGWRCER FT day mht rgreement had heen reached on # Reig) for feopoidvilie, He said rn detailed explanation of the proposal will he given Iater in the conference The loose federation of nde pendent Congolese pales wa wreed hy President Joseph Ka avi. Leopaiavitie woud re main the capital ut woulda hold ne loyalties any of The go's reg athe / fo Con Provinces of i Sources said Ihe comlerence has even gm around to Misc Congo Mission Chief Returns LEOPOLDVILLE (AF) shwar Doval, head of United Nation eft for con £1 fident the Congnle will 4 hata) restore the major port of Malad to UN eontrol his would rm fhe Raj f he Comgn mission Friday f frre ew York Sm mean the Congo would loose is the port through the hulk of the UN fran om upplies Congaluse foreign ministry spokesman sald terms [or the N's return 1a the port will he {Aecided hy Congolese President Joseph Kasavubu, A UN slate ment reported talks will he re on the basis of Kasay decision umed yihu's In 14a ent ernment gna 1058. Ihe did not ¢ re en adm and said Hit were {1} ther that piecial required, If the government re fuses to admit it, it is not likely WAS #8 Tee nn Wie OSHAWA, OMTARIO, New Party Hears SATURDAY, MARCH 15, 196) f wf ATH VIL En rs Mates Maise Thome seff sled) president of Katanga--~the first] province (on secede after The COongn gmnen independence last fine 3H reporied 16 have conceded that such i federation shania have & central resemhly in Leapolavilie, hepdquarers of ASAVIIN'S TREIME Fshombe, whe orig yRneed the des of fa end sinfe hetween g's pottiest factions #lsa 16 have rgreed that should he a a " of the new Congn str Ta WAS American To Be Shot By Cubans Zinally Ad federation Fhe Con Whe said 4 K lad 7H firnad hire Pre i place wn ANA (AFP) BW sadiioi A William Morgan condemned ao death 15000 FEYOILIONRTY Fé hn wp mw hip to help bring to yi he for (On hE ul wh to | power Hinamy there n tofbay hy the Hine Wi ( the federation Kivi rien a them now up wl the ental ana ARtaning for wh {AVE the man has failed conterence he Crechosloviakian news Cetekg FridRY Girengn Com rols eitie 4 A MEM (he 4) condemning from ald firing tribunal ordered oldier of fortune Oa, shot fA or treason agains / Wid fe a mila EAT v Eney ff Fhe palitical IY Fre telegram he 1 qliated by B the Conference AEENCY of Lamumbia Antonin two Aday Wil oi nenga heir ! ha Kpremie ihre defence lawyer filed Dut. miliary appeal y OVETFUIE sentences hy olutionary ent Crech ident Largan veiny a an appeal UL handed tribunal Fhe hear Fans I'he carried fh megan COonterence Far enemies of navn Fe free Kasi repre the conference hy hi Joseph Heo. (her main gates are Tshomhe, Jean Bol kiango of quater province and Alhert Kalon)i, self-styled pres nt of South Kasal's penile sented @l premier dele ih 10 lawyer Court mgreed of appeal the arguments Carre loday death mil sentence must he within 24 hours if rejected. That forgan and an Aide doomed with him, Ma), Jesus Carreras, tormer army chief of staff in the Castro army, might be exceed early Bunday, During ws two-day trigl Mor gan was accused of supplying warms to an'-Castro rebels in the scambray Mountains the ame rugeea peaks where he joined Castro's guerrillas in 1087 majo fe gapped fils The mining conference announced the sent a cable to Beerelary General Dag Hammarskiold of the United Nations expressing "surprise and indignation' at the decision to send 4700 Indian troops to The Congo SpPaKEsman len delegates nave [ He Bn Friday, uo military sent an gocused terrorist to the execution wall, Anastasio Rojas tribunal) YOUNG BOOKWORM Roman Wischniwsky Jr, ean reade nt newspaper, practically every word including some of longer wnishment for the five and a walf year old London boy is the #1 wh American f Pe F WEATHER REPORT Relief from the esld spell is not coming as quidkdy as was predicted, There is a chance of move snow ------------ SIXTEEN PAGES Close add Aavorizes a Second _Gepsriment, _Wows Frer died S. AFRICA MAY STAY IN CLUB No Move Seen To Oust Republic LONDON (CP)~Bouth Africa an overnight will almost certainly retain its Macmillan, Mrs. Sinimave Ban membership in the Common. daranatke, prime minister of wealth=biut not without first Ceylon, alse went to Chequers hearing condemnation of Ws Friday. Other leaders were (0 racial policies by other Com. arrive today monwesith countries Before Diefenbaker left Lon This was the view expressed don, he was sought out by vigor Friday night by authoritative ous opponents of South Africa's sources ho say the 12-country Tacial segregation policies conference of Commonwealth One of these wis Bishop Ame prime ministers will likely give brose Reeves of Johanneshurg, [its approval Monday to Fouth 4 outspoken eritic of apartheid {Africa's Commonwealth mem. Four representatives of the hership South United African Fropt--s The sources said several lead. ETOUP of Bouth African exiles ers are expected to criticize #150 met with Diefenhaker in an South Africa's policy of apar attempt to enlist hig support theid either when Prime Minis. Against South Africa's continued {ter Hendrik Verwoerd makes his membership nthe Common: vid ith i (membership application Mon. ¥5H" akar Wa § [day or at 8 Inter session Premier Sir Abubakar Tafaws Balewa of Nigeria, Verwoerd Bouth Africa is to become 8 and Prime Minister Robert (republic in May ~~ the reason Mengies of Australia will spend why iis status in the Common: the night at Chequers following BR (wealth must be clarified by the Maemilian's luncheon for Diefs |eonference enhaker and Mrs, Bandara The whole South African ques ake, Diefenhaker is to return tion was a subject for informal to London today discussions today at Chequers, The fourday-old conference, Prime Minister Maemillan's which has already discussed country residence East-West relations and disar. Prime Minister Diefenhaker mament, is scheduled to take drove to Chequers Friday foriup the Congo situation Tuesday, Leftists Win stay and talks with L ones, The wor it | wis Shot in La Cabana military | fortiess, Lymging to M7 the un official otal of executions since Fidel Castro became premier, | " UN DANCE FLOOR Still No Action On Big Issues UNITED NATIONS (CF) delegates have performed a ta do anything ahout | last autumn, the admitted Wire and that is the ters workers | to be sent to hed without any Liberal | reading material, Here Roman checks through his newspaper, (CP Wirephoto mons Faul Martin's Essex Kasi Mr. Pear day and key siyle More Exports To Cuba Cut WASHINGTON (AP) Kennedy administration Frida chopped aff an important re mainin CEM of United tes exports to Cuba The action came a Kennedy hi {BK vh nto Castro ve In Frida istration | afficial | in eul atl tie, bah hatehin ti hip Now HO na first Laos Battle VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) Leftist Pathet Lao forces, How ing # new strength that threat : ; ! : ? tens peace plans, sent govern: VEAR RED TAKEOVER ment troops fleeing in two diree:| The strong rebel offensive tions today from & showdown! Came after leaders from two battle for the Sala Phou Koun! Hval Laotian factions met in road junction Cambodia and put forward a The rebel assaults drove goy.| Program for stabilizing Laos, ernment defenders eight miles| Observers sald the (wo--former north to the high ground of neutralist premier Prince Rous neighboring Sala Pou Keng |Vanna Phouma and the overn: Other royal troops abandoned|ment strongman, Gen, Phoumi the strategie road completely| Nosavan-=were drawn into their near Muong Kassy, 22 miles|talks by mutual fear that the south | Communists would take over The junction controls the the country north-south highway in central] Souvanna, recognized by. the Laos, It lies less than 100 miles| Communist bloc as the legal north of Vientiane and only 40|premier, was reported shocked miles south of the royal seat of by the magnitude of the arms Luang Prabang buildup he saw during a quick The Pathet Lao guerrilla ac: visit to the rebel:held areas tion apparently stalls the gov:{from his exile in Cambodia ernment's intended invasion At Phnom Penh, Souvanna drive into the Plain of Jars, the|said today he wants to replace rebel stronghold lying eastward Malaya with India on a pro. along Queen Astrid Highway,|posed three-nation commission Rut systematic destruction hy|to end both the fighting and for. government troops made theleign intervention in Laos, Organisers reporied they eanfident number of the 11 spread hetween Woodstock in Oxford riding In Windsor vith its three seals i ADDRESSED ATUDENTH Mr. Pearson's only public en ements here Friday were press eonference and a hastl ireanged impromplu addr 00 public sehool student recorded a television inter for hroadeast later and visited the London City Press Club He walked around Landon at a brisk pace engagements hut man trernoon shopper his haoyish Argue Blast Dief BOWMANVILLE (Bilal) ister Commonwealth hatlans Hazen Argue, national leader of were questions asked of the CCF and a member of the | gathering by Mr, Argus national committee of the New| overwnerd has slapped i In Party, charged Friday night (he face while reaping the hene that once again the name of fits of Commonwealth preferen has heen "eheapened" | (ja) tariffs, Membership in the the world Commonwealth has not ad pumped! Bpeaking at a district rally of vanced the voleless Negroes of purchasing power into the econ: the. New Party, at a meeting al<| South Africa one iota, Member and ed the ion! tended hy 50 persons in the Bow: ship in the Commonwealth has hecamin | ion! manville Town Hall, Mr. Argue| indeed, had the opposite effeel that of the 1940 sald that Prime Minister Diefen-| for it and has allowed the Ver haker "is talking big and aot:|woerd clique to exploit and en jing small" lave the Negro with greater Mr, Argue remarked that Mr. impunity." tDiefenbaker talks of a Common: yy jg wealth Bill of Rights and at the cut out same time he is searching for compromise that would keep (Al) Nouth Afriea in the Common ident wealth, on hecoming a republic Landon! later this year I'he Verwoerd government of South Africa | disgrace to free society the vieleus policy told (OF apartheid vesulted in the un punished murder a year ago of of constituen ernment Wf on were Winning here ¥ni In a iow mn Hine pent the day of political ¢ a reo route useless rebels oi ep to the advancing Ampaign Without le} ation Wen a famil How ent heral ances and unemployn HEL) promoted hy | \ the nef Hoy on all anada before ernment # hi It wa pa vould pret rim iid only the social wel in Hi ew Tare mem that am Ie from depire Hike downtown hetween rida fatled tn red grin ni Pri reparted ident UN, did ask help from Awsla and 0:| elsewhere, | time My. Digfenbaker| ouliar diplomatic dance TH Nkrumah did not join in the the hombast- and 1 calli with countless off + the « floor! nealonged Soviet attack on UN on him to state at the Common: | courtships=during the opening) feere tary-=General Dag Ham wealth Conference, Canada's de days of the 18th General As! mag ikjold and the UN structure liberate and complete opposi- sembly's resumed session an attack that 18 seen hy tion to Houth Africa's reentry pha 00 +» member i spor i delegates as the most se in mave to end from Cuba heen putting dollars the Fidel alsn wa gonsidering a Cyprus Leader purchase eh have the packets of nEnize and jaunty how fis Mr. Pearson conference he faping Canada 1 country expan and ta keep it there nsf aul current re Goes To London | y ICON] { Arehhishon Mal of | in '] told Na, 1 the pi Ti us {he nin Hi gnada 1 prahl pr min yhieh ned main! [110 8 i pat ina ha navi 0, 00 #oetion, tw ued ai | gel LON tn in re fl in hh an order | into the Commonwealth on be wont into the weekend appar: rious threat facing the world coming a republic until Wo aptly still unwilling to come tol today tens fivst taken! that hel gpipg with issues after four un Meanwhile, Hammarskjold's wouth African government take pon! dave in which the United personal representative in The ileps to destroy the whale OVI Btates and the Hoviet Union! Congo, India's Rajeshwar M0 Negroes at Rharpeville, [iim of apartheid; and untitioxeouted a chilly, finger-tp| Dayal, is on his way to New Apartheid is a degrading device ich time as all Routh African) walig York for consultations, enfarced to keep the 13,000,000 Hoople: Neatows, Hinks Solar After Negroes of Houth Afelea pes wh a 4 i / Ina ping in the assembly before petually enslaved 0,000,000! 0 FEHE Th AAIMIERION 10 Whe On isimas, delegates were striy white ommonwealth ing in private meetings 10 agree 3 MAKE MOCKERY on eliminating some dynamite Lube 4 HY id of advice He then said that for Canada filled told wat lems from the clin." faid the sPeakes ta adopt any other policy 15 to oom UH Ndi LLLELL "el convinee South Africa insult the great majority of the| 'The Ruaslana seemed to 0 [eviminal folly of its w oitizens and in so doing make abiding their time while waiting ! \ B WALA mockery of the Canadian Bill of for moves by the new URN, ad Rights ministration of President John "The Commonwealth can na Kennedy, particularly on dis longer tolerate the presence of armament, Geneva negotiations the practice of slavery. Let Mr on a cessaiiun of nuelear tests Disfonbaker quit stalling, lof are scheduled to resume Mareh| him be true to his longstated |i delayed al the Fequeat of support of equality of the pea Kennedy who Is reviewing the nles by opposing apartheid in U.S, position South Afviea" One of the only elearout In reference events of the week was the voiced hy the assembly = opening speech hy Michael Starr. Mi President Kwame Nkrumaly of "Has the day now come when Ghana, Who hleaged Jor A one Labor Minister can smear] PrUmarily African' soi on MW the life of anvone he feels in so 'Me CONEO problem, although he Sank, Be RL Jew-Killers LATE NEWS FLASHES Sentenced To Death TALLIN, Estonia (AP) A Soviet at setenced: three wartime police officials to death today for the mass murders of thousands of Jews, Gypsies and Soviet eitizons during the See and World Way he peated.' declared Roe agam goin ie | In veallh oly Lammon ain ay 1 nr i the rate nrime ministers confer I Vd | \ ¥ are amin i arned him he wa he would be his departure fonterenes oda ion, hut of expan up rowth reporter ur i uneey nent hi hishiog thot | month, or rox imately third the total 85. 900.060 L1H, ¢ parts to Cuba in December, the lutest heh stall th mombey Legislature Charges commercials 'Phony' ih Lune eging=Fravincial Treasures andl Lloyd's hadget, calling for a (61:62 dofion of more than i 52 060.000, was approved hy ramen ARIONY after eigh days of debate, The OCH TA maarily aver th sition Lihoraly 1h must 11) wertake the the country CITEN REAPONNIRITATY \ gavernment ha pana bility for laying down policy and needed natural i lahaor an in Lida runniy in rave would accent follow fares nee wo. the olf the whirl of high-step manth for nes aru pplication for hip ie avaliable or ert will of the Apart held must be destroyed quickly else there is danger. that the Negra will take up arms in legit [imate self defence and a long fund tevrible struggle for liberty will hogin making the massacre at Nharpeville pale into insignifi cane; the dead and the maim od will be numbered hy the thousands and many innocent will die with the guilty Surely the six-year-old Al goria war of national liberation Heitish Cos 18 enough warning to the world; he increase lor 1s it folly to hope any longer 10 1 cents a gallon fram 10, willjthat the Verwaeerd dictatorship RA Cbeeame effe 0 tive when pros will modify its policies because rhb y w= Ri py vig elaimed hy the of the gentle pressure of eriti Oppase an amendment hy Hh fhbr, pa Ola from the Bauth Africa's Progressive Conservative 0 Qiehee ernment COF resolution 180 which asks the federal govern. CTRIMERt sp ment 1a wmerease ald Ae Pon IR prineipl The bill sions 10 $78 a month from $33, & amber of statutory Elizabeth Taylor "end Suffers Relapse pending LONDON (AP)==Agiig beth Tay witered eihack today In hey "he the hel Aherta Loa INSIAIOUS fd in apments ine Friday and subved and false ammereial CHU wa \ Ve ha on on the u | vod Thal pen a saa Of nes \ dendimen [IT hasi ol hevond { | (FLT OT Carrying ve propaganda hill hy Victoria aline | increasing three cents thivd and to Lahoy statements Minister Argue said hony | 0 2a (1 Witham Pamyy { tan: Norwood), refer Ani hilo | A pallon Ven Hi Fdmon ng a th the I Hat reat mbia | | i hat " Hy Fue night producing en pulsive Palatine PR Anpe nl day sald ih teria Was that Hing nl Is Ww Heutenanbgoy later this month hill the COREL over ga and nay sil 1 hay \ win log fithy I did cold The \ Pe enthusia desk ather cating member 0 many mae nang wa And i del-half Wal ans a na ata ad swilehes expendi have ta be Are, Inte aceon in nou ¥ \ ted hy Whe TUres 4 an hy ardinany h do nam hy Gas Price Drops In Toronto TORONTO (CP) The price gasoline has dropped 10 35.9 cents a gallon in some east-end service sta tons. About 30 stations have dropped the price to 37.9 from the regular 3.9 price, About 30 other stations are selling it al WH cents, Premium gasoline has not heen affected hy the price war and is still selling 14.9 cents a gallon vale he wh ment uppariey Of Peguiar Valens and pasion Frodericion CRLOS Blasted the record 000. 000 py hudeet breach of hd AM arter, Li fanyn quated { ral memb lament saving th farm fa hratnwa Wit ¢ hi { S a Newfound! i atl \ wom called J Thirteen Killed In Coal Mine OTRAS LJURLJANA, Yugoslavia miners were Killed early today in a ga al nearby Zagorie where about 200 night elec working. All the other miners were yes » Man Held In Trust Co. Holdup OTTAWA charged Joan wm nt Avery Poe. Win wire \ el { } ni POV A : 3 \ it the dof p wha an PREVWIMONLA a her ha wimmoned 1 ritieism (Routes sentence fudge ater may not be ap Robert Simson reading the sen With hay CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS STER Nive | R374 Was We death before she WE 10 treatment wy Halifax COMMS HORS 1d WON expt ahi WOR men On friend wm \ may LIT MY OAT-alg a AMA he not ous enough Miss Tavior back on the st, Vhat her doctors of Wore \ Nova om ACalia raval camphlication pravineial cued PRUE Voling RS Wal able Wm Was Wit danges taking (CE VIN condemned men a, and Jan Vik oRent at the inal Ain Erwin Meye, 37 v England and ontia hy the Soviet WHOR has rated DSORIA SIRCe the war wa of the Rall Gerpel » a Sw" gd MISS OUTDOORS CHOSEN \dek ' Arpprior, | doors at the Canadian National | the ey 38 . Mise picked as Miss Out | Sportsmen's Show, Pinning { Grace 15 Jue oh Howe CP Wirephote) Ave Vlg ad Ww (UM Palice Pant Sabourin the Guarant Trust AMPAnY Tuesday. He will a Wm « WAR robbed' the trust company Sabourin was arvested Friday hat LL LLOAY Navy Was I'he third now lives wd \ormam sa ay 1 hie with the armed hold-up POLICE RA FIRE DEPT. ROSPITAL RA $2211 AN) wi ne Ww { nada Wan Ao one 2 1) WN on Hes A PRORY Mn a of began i bolls © Wo Un Wa whmared students : REM

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